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The often poor quality of ocean bottom seismic data, particularly that observed on horizontal seismometers, is shown to be the result of instruments responding to motions in ways not intended. Instruments designed to obtain the particle motion of the ocean bottom are found to also respond to motions of the water. The shear discontinuity across the ocean floor boundary results in torques that cause package rotation, rather than rectilinear motion, in response to horizontal ground or water motion. The problems are exacerbated by bottom currents and soft sediments. The theory and data presented in this paper suggest that the only reliable way of obtaining high fidelity particle motion data from the ocean floor is to bury the sensors below the bottom in a package with density close to that of the sediment. Long period signals couple well to ocean bottom seismometers, but torques generated by bottom currents can cause noise at both long and short periods. The predicted effects are illustrated using parameters appropriate for the operational OBS developed for the U. S. Office of Naval Research. Examples of data from ocean bottom and buried sensors are also presented.  相似文献   

Herber  R.  Grevemeyer  I.  Exner  O.  Villinger  H.  Weigel  W. 《Marine Geophysical Researches》1998,20(3):239-247
Bottom shots have been used for a number of years in seismic studies on the ocean floor. Most experiments utilized explosives as the energy source, though researchers have recognized the usefulness of collapsing water voids to produce seismoacoustic signals. Implosive sources, however, suffered generally from a lack of control of source depth. We present a new experimental tool, called SEEBOSEIS, to carry out seismic experiments on the seafloor utilizing hollow glass spheres as controlled implosive sources. The source is a 10-inch BENTHOS float with penetrator. Inside the sphere we place a small explosive charge (two detonators) to destabilize the glass wall. The time of detonation is controlled by an external shooting device. Test measurements on the Ninetyeast Ridge, Indian Ocean, show that the implosive sources can be used in seismic refraction experiments to image the subbottom P-wave velocity structure in detail beyond that possible with traditional marine seismic techniques. Additionally, the implosions permit the efficient generation of dispersed Scholte waves, revealing upper crustal S-wave velocities. The frequency band of seismic energy ranges from less than 1 Hz for Scholte modes up to 1000 Hz for diving P-waves. Therefore, broadband recording units with sampling rates >2000 Hz are recommended to sample the entire wave field radiated by implosive sources.  相似文献   

SEDIS IV型短周期自浮式海底地震仪数据校正方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用15台SEDISIV型短周期自浮式海底地震仪在南海中、北部地壳深部结构调查中所获得的资料,探讨了海底地震仪数据校正的方法和校正后的效果,结果表明:使用该地震仪所获得的原始资料经过放炮时间、炮点坐标数据局部化、海底地震仪位置误差以及记录时间漂移4方面的校正后,数据更趋合理,误差显著降低。放炮时间的校正消除了时钟漂移和时间延迟的误差;炮点坐标数据局部化处理消除了炮点位置整体趋势性偏移的现象;试错法进行位置误差和记录时间的精细校正时,时间漂移的校正量值约为几个到十几个毫秒,位置校正的量值仅在几米到数百米之间,实测数据所绘曲线的形态和位置都与理论曲线十分吻合,可见校正后误差显著降低。  相似文献   

Tests of a new Ocean Bottom Hydrophone (obh) instrument have recently been completed at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. This instrument is designed to float 3 m above the seafloor at depths of up to 6100 m for periods of up to 10 days and continuously records the output of a single hydrophone on a four-channel 0.064 cm/s (1/40 in./s) analog magnetic tape recorder. This instrument has an acoustic transponder and release system and is designed primarily for multiple deployments as a fixed ocean bottom receiver for seismic refraction work.Contribution No. 4174 of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.  相似文献   

射线追踪法是以建立的地下地质模型为基础,研究不同的激发点发出的射线经地下地质界面反射后可以被接收到的信息,从而了解不同的观测系统对于特定地质条件地震资料采集的效果,对于海上地震采集相关参数的确定十分关键.在天然气水合物地震勘探中,丰富的多波勘探信息对于查清水合物内部速度结构、提高地层的分辨率具有重要意义.本文在分析国外天然气水合物海底地震仪(OBS,ocean bottom seismometer)勘探的应用成果基础上,采用射线追踪法理论计算和海上实验,实现了针对天然气水合物的海底地震观测系统设计,试验获得了转换横波记录,取得了良好的应用效果.  相似文献   

海底地震仪的性能对比及在渤海试验中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2010年3月,国家海洋局第一海洋研究所在渤海海域开展了深部地震探测试验,试验过程中使用了3种海底地震仪(OBS),包括德国的SEDISⅥ型OBS、法国的Micr OBS和中国的I-7C型OBS共计51台。文章详细描述并比较了以上3种OBS的性能指标,通过对比发现:I-7C型OBS的耦合技术比其他两种OBS更加完善,功耗和数据存储容量方面优势明显;I-7C型OBS和Micr OBS在设置参数和充电时,操作方便,提升了海上工作效率;Micr OBS的水听器性能略有优势,获取的数据清晰度高,连续性好;SEDIS VI型OBS的垂直分量数据在三者之间最优。本文提出了OBS的发展趋势:(1)小型化、便携式;(2)低功耗、大容量;(3)长周期、宽频带;(4)低成本,易回收。最后简要介绍了本次海上试验过程、数据处理方法以及探测试验取得的成果。本次试验成功取得了渤海海域深部地球物理数据,对开展该区域内的深部地质研究具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Our GIS based project aims at producing a classification scheme to develop a typology of the bottom of the Bay of Gdansk in the southern Baltic. The typology was based on the abiotic factors which are used to define water body types by the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). Significance analysis of particular factors has shown that within the discussed area wave exposure seems to play the most important role. All other factors are to a greater or lesser degree correlated with these two. Taking into consideration the shallows and the varied coastline of the investigated area it was decided to make use of the SWAN numerical wave model to determine the influence of wave impact upon the bottom. The model was used to produce raster maps of orbital velocity near the bottom for each wind scenario. With the help of the GIS analysis the maps were turned into layers: the mean velocity and the maximum velocity at the bottom. To produce the layer of yearly amount of solar radiation a GIS model was built which main parameters were the layer of depth and three layers of turbidity for three seasons. The layers of the maximum orbital velocity and of the solar radiation at the bottom were then used in a classificatory procedure consisted in an iterative sequence of the three following steps: cluster formation, dendrogram analysis and classification using the maximum likelihood method. Ecological importance of the classification has been obtained by means of the aggregation of a part of classes based upon the statistics calculated for them within the GIS system with the help of the zonal function out of the following parameters: salinity, depth, mean and maximum orbital velocity at the bottom, temperature differences between warm and cold seasons, solar radiation, and type of sediments. The method proposed here makes it possible to produce high resolution thematic maps of the bottom even with incomplete data cover of the investigated area.  相似文献   

A new seismic source for carrying out high resolution measurements of deep ocean crustal structure has been constructed and successfully used in a number of ocean bottom refraction experiments on the Mid Atlantic Ridge near 23° N. The source is towed within 100 m of the ocean floor on a conventional 0.68 coaxial cable and is capable of firing, upon command from the research vessel, up to 48 individual 2.3 kg explosive charges. The explosive used was commercially available Penta-Erythritol-Tetra Nitrate (PETN) that was activated by 14.9 gm m–1 Primacord and DuPont E-97 electrical detonators. For safety reasons each detonator was fitted with a pressure switch that maintained a short until the source was at depth in excess of approximately 300 m. In addition, a mechanical protector isolated the detonator from the main charge and was only removed by the physical release of the explosive from the source package. These and other safety precautions resulted in several misfires but three experiments were successfully completed during the summer of 1985 at source depths of 3000–4000 m.  相似文献   

几种腐蚀性因子对海底土腐蚀性影响的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在室内可模拟海底土腐蚀环境的电解池中研究了温度和电阻率对钢材在海土中腐蚀电极过程的影响以及温度、电阻率和硫酸盐还原菌对钢材在海土中腐蚀的影响.结果表明,温度升高、电阻率降低都能使钢在海土中的阴、阳极过程变得易于进行;而温度升高、电阻率降低、硫酸盐还原菌含量增加,将不同程度地加快钢材在海土中的腐蚀.  相似文献   

The South China Sea is the largest marginal basin of SE Asia, yet its mechanism of formation is still debated. A 1000-km long wide-angle refraction seismic profile was recently acquired along the conjugate margins of the SW sub-basin of the South China Sea, over the longest extended continental crust. A joint reflection and refraction seismic travel time inversion is performed to derive a 2-D velocity model of the crustal structure and upper mantle. Based on this new tomographic model, northern and southern margins are genetically linked since they share common structural characteristics. Most of the continental crust deforms in a brittle manner. Two scales of deformation are imaged and correlate well with seismic reflection observations. Small-scale normal faults (grabens, horsts and rotated faults blocks) are often associated with a tilt of the velocity isocontours affecting the upper crust. The mid-crust shows high lateral velocity variation defining low velocity bodies bounded by large-scale normal faults recognized in seismic reflection profiles. Major sedimentary basins are located above low velocity bodies interpreted as hanging-wall blocks. Along the northern margin, spacing between these velocity bodies decreases from 90 to 45 km as the total crust thins toward the Continent–Ocean Transition. The Continent–Ocean Transitions are narrow and slightly asymmetric – 60 km on the northern side and no more than 30 km on the southern side – indicating little space for significant hyper-stretched crust. Although we have no direct indication for mantle exhumation, shallow high velocities are observed at the Continent–Ocean Transition. The Moho interface remains rather flat over the extended domain, and remains undisturbed by the large-scale normal faults. The main décollement is thus within the ductile lower crust.  相似文献   

A seismic refraction study on old (110 Myr) lithosphere in the northwest Pacific Basin has placed constraints on crustal and uppermantle seismic structure of old oceanic lithosphere, and lithospheric aging processes. No significant lateral variation in structure other than azimuthally anisotropic mantle velocities was found, allowing the application of powerful amplitude modeling techniques. The anisotropy observed is in an opposite sense to that expected, suggesting the tectonic setting of the area may be more complex than originally thought. Upper crustal velocities are generally larger than for younger crust, supporting current theories of decreased porosity with crustal aging. However, there is no evidence for significant thickening of the oceanic crust with age, nor is there any evidence of a lower crustal layer of high or low velocity relative to the velocity of the rest of Layer 3. The compressional and shear wave velocities rule out a large component of serpentinization of mantle materials. The only evidence for a basal crustal layer of olivine gabbro cumulates is a 1.5 km thick Moho transition zone. In the slow direction of anisotropy, upper mantle velocities increase from 8.0 km s-1 to 8.35 km s-1 in the upper 15 km below the Moho. This increase is inconsistent with an homogeneous upper mantle and suggests that compositinal or phase changes occur near the Moho.  相似文献   

The methane concentration of water samples at five stations collected by the CTD rosette water sampler in the areas of southwest Dongsha Islands and the Xisha Trough was analyzed by the gas-stripping method on aboard ship. It shows abnormal high methane concentrations in near bottom water samples at three stations. In the southwest Dongsha Islands area, the methane conc.entration of 4. 25 and 10. 64 nmol/dm3 occurs in near bottom water samples at Stas E105A and El06, respectively. In the Xisha Trough area, the high methane concentrations of 5. 17, 8.48 and 8.70 nmol/dm3 in water depths of 1 750, 1 900 and 2 050 m, respectively, have been observed at Sta. F413. It is believed that the abnormal high methane concentrations are generated from the leakage of methane from sediments. Combining with previous geophysical and geochemical data from these two areas, this was probably related to the submarine gas hydrates decomposition and cold seep system. In May 2007, gas hydrate samples were successfully obtained by the drilling in the Shenhu Sea area located in the southwest Dongsha Islands area. It is called for further drilling surveys to confirm the existence of gas hydrate and cold seep system in the Xisha Trough as early as possible.  相似文献   

用吹扫-捕集法对东沙群岛西南和西沙海槽附近海域5个站位水柱中的甲烷浓度进行了测定,在其中的3个站位发现了甲烷高浓度异常。在东沙群岛西南海域的E105A和E106两站位近底层海水中甲烷浓度均出现异常增加,其值分别为4.25和10.64 nmol/dm3。在西沙海槽附近的E413站位甲烷异常出现在1 750,1 900和2 050 m深的近底层水中,浓度分别达5.17,8.48和8.70 nmol/dm3。在近底层海水中出现的甲烷高浓度异常是由于沉积物下部甲烷渗漏活动造成的,结合前人在这两个海域沉积物的地球物理和化学调查资料,认为可能是与冷泉渗漏或天然气水合物分解有关。2007年5月在探测到甲烷高浓度明显异常的东沙群岛西南神弧海域,获得了天然气水合物的实物样品,但是西沙海槽附近海域近底层水的甲烷高浓度异常是来源于天然气水合物还是来源于冷泉需要进一步加以确认。  相似文献   

This study investigates how the refraction of water waves is affected by the higher-order bottom effect terms proportional to the square of bottom slope and to the bottom curvature in the extended mild-slope equations. Numerical analyses are performed on two cases of waves propagating over a circular shoal and over a circular hollow. Numerical results are analyzed using the eikonal equation derived from the wave equations and the wave ray tracing technique. It is found that the higher-order bottom effect terms change the wavelength and, in turn, change the refraction of waves over a variable depth. In the case of waves over a circular shoal, the higher-order bottom effects increase the wavelength along the rim of shoal more than near the center of shoal, and intensify the degree of wave refraction. However, the discontinuity of higher-order bottom effects along the rim of shoal disperses the foci of wave rays. As a result, the amplification of wave energy behind the shoal is reduced. Conversely, in the case of waves over a circular hollow, the higher-order bottom effects decrease the wavelength near the center of the hollow in comparison with the case of neglecting higher-order bottom effects. Consequently, the degree of wave refraction is decreased, and the spreading of wave energy behind the hollow is reduced.  相似文献   

Recently, several countries have conducted projects to explore and develop natural gas hydrate, which is one of the new alternative energy resources for the future. In Korea, a five-year national research project was initiated in 2000. As part of this project, a seismic survey was performed in the East Sea of Korea to quantify the potential magnitude and distribution of natural gas hydrates. Multi-channel seismic data and core samples have been acquired and recovered in the survey area. Analysis of seismic data show clear bottom simulating reflectors (BSRs), seismic blank zones (or wipe-out zones) with velocity pull-up structure, and pock-marks. In this study, we present the results of seismic surveys which indicate the existence of natural gas hydrates in Korean offshore areas. These results will be applied to select areas for coring (or drilling) and detailed exploration such as 2D seismic survey with long offset or 3D seismic in the future.  相似文献   

海冰表面和底层形态的特征相关性分析对海冰分类、气候研究以及海冰厚度估计等方面具有重要作用.目前,海冰底层形态的研究较少,且缺乏海冰表面和底层形态的相关性研究.针对这一问题,本文利用加拿大渔业和海洋局提供的积雪表面粗糙度高度(定义为海冰或积雪表面相对于周围平整表面的高度)、海冰底层轮廓、积雪深度以及海冰厚度数据,采用均方...  相似文献   

海底声散射特性研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海底是水下声场的重要边界,其声散射特性对水下声场空间结构及分布规律具有至关重要的影响。对目前国际上海底声散射特性研究方面的进展进行了系统的分析和总结,从海底声散射测量技术、海底声散射特性及机理、海底声散射预测模型3个方面进行了论述,并提出了未来研究的方向、研究重点与难点。该工作对于充分了解和认识海底声散射研究的目前现状和未来发展趋势具有很好的借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study are carried out a series of controlled large wave flume experiments using fine-grained sediment from the Huanghe River Delta, exploring the complete sequence of sediment behavior in the bottom boundary layer(BBL) during wave-induced liquefaction. The results show that:(1) The BBL in silty seabed is exposed to a progressive wave, goes through a number of different stages including compaction before liquefaction, sediment liquefaction, and compaction after liquefaction, which determines the range and thickness of BBL.(2) With the introduction of waves, first, the sediment surface has settled by an amount S(S=1–2 cm) in the course of wave loadings with an insufficient accumulation of pore water pressure. And a thin high concentration layer formed the near-bed bottom.(3) Once the liquefaction sets in, the liquefied sediment with an ‘orbital motion' and the sub-liquefied sediment form a two-layer-sediment region. The range of BBL extends downwards and stopped at a certain depth, subsequently, develops upwards with the compaction process. Meanwhile, resuspended sediments diffuse to the upper water column.(4) During the dynamics process of the BBL beneath progressive waves, the re-suspended sediment increment ranked as sediment liquefaction erosion before liquefaction compaction after liquefaction.  相似文献   

渤海油田浅水软刚臂系泊FPSO触底分析   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
在线性三维势流理论的基础上,采用时域计算方法对BZ25—1油田16万吨级FPSO不同吃水条件下的碰底情况作了分析研究。数值计算结果与模型试验进行了比较,两者吻合较好,说明应用时域计算方法可以从理论上预报FPSO在浅水中的触底情况。这对我国渤海等浅水海域油田应用FPSO系统进行开发具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

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