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《China Geology》2021,4(4):585-592
This study aims to comprehensively assess the environmental risks of microplastics in the Yellow River, achieving the following results through comprehensive research. The average microplastic abundances in the river waters and sediments are 5358–654000 n/m3 and 43.57–615 items/kg, respectively, and there are fewer microplastics in water samples than in sediments. Microplastics in the study area can be divided into five types according to their occurrence morphologies, namely fragments, foams, films, fibers, and particles. The most widely distributed pollution types in sediments include debris, fibers, and particles. In contrast, fibers are the dominant type in water samples, accounting for 68.18% –98.93%. The chemical components of the microplastics include polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyethylene terephthalate, and polyvinyl chloride. The microplastics are in four colors, with white accounting for a higher proportion. The grain size of the microplastics in tributaries or lakes of the Yellow River is less than 2 mm, which makes them liable to enter organisms for enrichment. Furthermore, the sources of the microplastics are closely related to agricultural and industrial production and biological activities in habitats and exhibit seasonal and hydrological characteristics. The microplastics in the study area show the adsorption of metals and nonmetals to different degrees, which increases the pollution risks of heavy metals combined with microplastics. In addition, microplastics can accumulate in organisms in the Yellow River and cause physical, biochemical, and other damage to aquatic organisms, thus further posing carcinogenic risks to human beings. Therefore, it is necessary to study, monitor, and control the pollution and effects of microplastics in the Yellow River, in order to provide theoretical references for the control of pollution and ecological risk of microplastics in the river.©2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2022,5(3):429-438
Microplastic pollution is widely distributed from surface water to sediments to groundwater vertically and from land to the ocean horizontally. This study collected samples from surface water, groundwater, and sediments from upper to lower reaches and then to the estuary in 16 typical areas in the Jinjiang River Basin, Fujian Province, China. Afterward, it determined the components and abundance of the microplastics and analyzed the possible microplastic sources through principal component analysis (PCA). As a result, seven main components of microplastics were detected, i.e., polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyformaldehyde (POM), nylon 6 (PA6), and polystyrene (PS). Among them, PE and PP were found to have the highest proportion in the surface water and sediments and in the groundwater, respectively. The surface water, groundwater, and sediments had average microplastic abundance of 1.6 n/L, 2.7 n/L and 33.8 n/kg, respectively. The microplastics in the sediments had the largest particle size, while those in the groundwater had the smallest particle size. Compared with water bodies and sediments in other areas, those in the study area generally have medium-low-level microplastic abundance. Three pollution sources were determined according to PCA, i.e., the dominant agriculture-forestry-fishery source, domestic wastewater, and industrial production. This study can provide a scientific basis for the control of microplastics in rivers.©2022 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

The existing genetic models of the South China Sea(SCS) include an extrusion model of the Indochina Peninsula, a back-arc extension model, and a subduction and dragging model of the Proto-South China Sea(PSCS). However, none of these models has been universally accepted because they do not fully match a large number of geological phenomena and facts. By examining the regional tectonics and integrating them with measured data for the SCS, in this study, a back-arc spreading-sinistral shear model ...  相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(1):178-184
To study the current status and causes of the microplastic pollution in surface water of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, this paper compared the average microplastic abundance in sediments and surface water of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the results are as follows. First, the average microplastic abundance in surface water of the independent rivers and the whole area is 247–2686 items/m3 and 856 items/m3, respectively. The average microplastic abundance in sediments of independent rivers or lakes and the whole area is 0–933 items/m2 and 362 items/m2, respectively. Meanwhile, the degree of microplastic pollution in river sediments is higher than that in lake sediments, and the rivers suffering from microplastic pollution mainly include the Brahmaputra River, Tongtian River, and Nujiang River. Second, compared with the microplastic pollution in other areas of the world, the levelof microplastic pollution in the lakes and rivers of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau is not lower than that of well-developed areas with more intensive human activities. Finally, this study suggests that relevant government departments of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau should strengthen waste management strategies while developing tourism and that much attention should be paid to the impacts of microplastics in the water environment.©2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

基于“1:100万海洋区域地质调查”项目在东海北部实测的高分辨率浅地层剖面资料,对东海北部外陆架及邻区主要灾害地质体的内部反射结构、外部形态等地震反射特征进行了总结,识别出了高角度活动断层、海底火山、岩浆底辟、海底滑坡、埋藏古河道、埋藏古三角洲、古潮流沙脊等多种灾害地质体类型,并对这些海洋灾害地质体的分布、成因以及各种灾害地质体对海上油气勘探及海洋工程建设的影响等多个方面进行深入的探讨。这些灾害地质体的识别可以很好的为该区的海上生产活动及工程建设提供减灾防灾参考。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2022,5(3):421-428
This paper aims to investigate the present situation and transfer mechanisms of microplastics in lacustrine sediments in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The study surveyed the average abundance of microplastics in sediments. The abundance of microplastics in sediments of lakes from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is 17.22–2643.65 items/kg DW and 0–60.63 items/kg DW based on the data of the Qinghai Lake and the Siying Co Basin. The microplastic abundance in sediments from small and medium lakes is very high compared to that in other areas in the world. Like microplastics in other lakes of the world, those in the lakes in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau mainly include organic polymers PA, PET, PE, and PP and are primarily in the shape of fibers and fragments. The microplastic pollution of lacustrine sediments in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is affected by natural changes and by human activities, and the concentration of microplastics in lacustrine ecosystems gradually increases through food chains. Furthermore, the paper suggests the relevant administrative departments of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau strengthen waste management while developing tourism and pay much attention to the impacts of microplastics in water environments. This study provides a reference for preventing and controlling microplastic contamination in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.©2022 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

尽管南海已进行深入的调查与研究,提出多种成因模型,包括挤出模型、弧后扩张模型、古南海俯冲拖曳模型等,但因其所处构造位置特殊,周边构造环境经历了复杂的改造,所有成因模式均未能得到广泛的认可。本文从三大板块相互作用入手,结合南海实测数据,提出南海形成的弧后扩张—左旋剪切模型。认为南海是古南海往北俯冲的弧后盆地,菲律宾海板块往北漂移形成的大规模左旋走滑是南海扩张的触发因素。印度—欧亚碰撞产生中南半岛挤出主要影响西南海盆扩张方向,使得扩张轴从近东西向转为北东向。南海及邻区晚中生代以来的演化可以分为以下阶段:1)早白垩世开始澳大利亚板块往北漂移,新特提斯洋往北俯冲消亡,导致弧后扩张,形成古南海;2)晚白垩世末—始新世,古南海往北俯冲,导致弧后拉张形成陆缘裂谷;3)早渐新世,受菲律宾海板块西缘大型左旋走滑影响,在原有裂谷的基础上从东往西海底扩张,形成南海;4)渐新世末,受俯冲后撤的影响,扩张中心往南跃迁,同时受西缘断裂左旋活动的影响,扩张轴从近东西西逐步转为北东向;5)早中新世晚期,南沙地块—北巴拉望地块与卡加延脊碰撞,南海扩张停止。  相似文献   

Types and Distribution of Geological Hazards in the South China Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Various types of geological hazards exist in the South China Sea. In dynamics sense, they can be categorized into 5 principal genetic types related to effects of hydraulic dynamics, gaseous activity, soil mechanics, gravity and tectonism, respectively. Integrated analyses indicate that the geological hazards associated with volcanoes, earthquakes and fractures are mainly distributed in tectonically active regions, whereas those resulting from mudflows, landslides and diapirs are usually concentrated in the region of slope, that shallow gas, high pressure gas pockets and soft intercalations are major potential geological hazards in the inner shelf, and that strong hydraulic dynamics, especially storm tide, is one of the major causes of geological hazards in the littoral areas. The geological hazards that occurred in the South China Sea are also characterized by periodicity, succession and, to a certain extent, unpredictability in addition to regionalization.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2019,2(3):301-314
Based on well logging and seismic data, combined with a comparative analysis of drilling data in the Lower Yangtze region, the sequence stratigraphic framework of the Qinglong Formation was established and divided into four third-order sequences. Each sequence is mainly composed of the transgress system tract (TST) and the high-stand system tract (HST). According to the lithology, logging curve and seismic reflection structure, the sedimentary filling characteristics and evolution law for the sequence are analyzed. The results show that each sequence is dominated by a half-cycle decline of sea level, and the rise-fall of sea level controls the distribution and evolution of sedimentary systems within the sequence. During the relative sea-level rise, sedimentation rates slow down and muddy sediments are developed. The characteristics of condensing intervals on the flooding surface are very obvious, and continental shelf and open platform deposition are mainly developed. During the relative decline of sea level, the thickness of sediments increased. The main developments were restricted platform and platform shoal environment, and locally developed evaporation platform environment.  相似文献   

土壤重金属污染是中国当前最突出的环境污染问题.污染调查公报显示全国土壤重金属总超标率为16.1%,其中镉的点位超标率为7%,对粮食安全产生威胁.本文介绍了中国土壤重金属污染的现状,梳理了土壤重金属污染检测分析的传统和新兴方法技术,包括重金属全量、化学形态和生物可利用态含量等.同时阐述了土壤重金属污染检测分析技术发展趋势...  相似文献   

南海作为西太平洋最大的边缘海,油气资源丰富,油气赋存规律的南北差异性大。本文在系统梳理南海中—新生代地层、沉积相发育特征的基础上,对南海南北典型含油气盆地的石油地质条件进行了对比分析。结果认为南海打开过程对古南海沉积地层的改造,使得现有残余地层南北分离,主要分布于北部的珠江口盆地—台西南盆地和南部的礼乐盆地中,推测发育“自生自储”、“新生古储”或“古生新储”的中—新生界油气成藏模式。南海新生代油气藏在“北张、南挤”的构造应力背景下,古近纪以来的古水系控制了大型碎屑岩油气藏的分布;区域构造运动和海平面变化控制了中新世碳酸盐岩油气藏的发育;早新生代以来的古地貌控制的深水峡谷、深海扇、扇三角洲沉积体系孕育了潜在深水油气藏。总之,南海南北地层沉积各有特色,油气成藏条件各有优势,但均有良好的油气勘探前景,本文以期为未来南海油气勘探战略部署和选区提供参考。  相似文献   

对现代黄河三角洲地区YRD-1101孔上部岩心开展粒度分析,并结合AMS14C和光释光(OSL)年代学测试结果、沉积特征、微体古生物鉴定及周边钻孔对比,建立了MIS5期以来的地层框架,揭示出该地区主要经历了3个阶段的沉积环境演化过程:(1)晚更新世—早全新世河流与海相交替沉积,其中MIS5c阶段海侵水动力环境中等,MIS3期海侵水动力环境较弱,MIS2期河流沉积水动力较强;(2)全新世滨、浅海沉积环境,动力环境整体较强,相对比较稳定;(3)1855年至今形成的黄河三角洲沉积,水动力强度较弱到中等。海平面变化和构造沉降是影响研究区晚更新世以来沉积演化的主要因素,此外,黄河带来的大量泥沙对海侵强度也有显著影响。  相似文献   

To study the quantitative relationship between surface sedimentary diatoms and water depth, 67 surface samples were collected for diatom analysis on eight profiles with water depth variation from the muddy intertidal zone to the shallow sea area in North-Central Bohai Bay, China. The results showed that the distribution of diatoms changed significantly in response to the change in water depth. Furthermore, the quantitative relationship between the distribution of dominant diatom species, their a...  相似文献   

章泽军等曾就华南前震旦纪浅变质岩区填图中存在的问题与填图方法进行了初步总结,以此为基础,针对华南前震旦纪浅变质岩变质浅、变形强的特殊性,从总体调研程序与内容、踏勘设计过程中的要点以及填图过程中如何把握宏观信息与宏观控制、成图过程中的综合分析等关键性问题进行了论述,以作为对浅变质岩区填图方法的补充.  相似文献   

中国东部及南海西部陆缘CO2气藏形成机理   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以我国东部及南海西部陆缘众多CO2气葳为依据,分析了气藏中气体组分、同位素组成及分布特征,指出该地区从北至南分布着一巨型北东向岩浆幔源无机成因CO2气藏带,莺歌海盆地中具有壳幔混源特征,其形成机理与欧亚板块和太平洋板块碰撞俯冲带所形成的构造岩浆作用有关;靠近俯冲带,热源体以火山岩体、基性玄武岩为主,远离俯冲带则以泥底辟热流体为主;超壳断裂是幔源气和热源的输运通道。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2019,2(3):315-324
The sedimentary environment and ecological system in the South Yellow Sea (SYS) changed dramatically due to sea level change caused by glacial-interglacial cycles. The authors report the use of marine biomarkers (brassicasterol, dinosterol and C37 alkenones) and terrigenous biomarkers (C28+C30+C32 n-alkanols) in core DLC70-3 from the SYS to reconstruct the variation in the phytoplankton productivity and community structure and possible mechanisms during the middle Pleistocene. The results show that the primary productivity and that of single algae presented a consistent trend for the whole core during the middle Pleistocene, which was high during interglacial periods and low during glacial periods, with the highest being in marine isotope stage (MIS) 5–9 and MIS 19–21. The main reason is that the Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC) carried much of high temperature, high salinity water into the SYS, causing upwelling and vertical mixing and stirring, which increased the nutrient supply in the photosynthetic layer. The phytoplankton community structure mainly showed an increase in the relative content of haptophytes in MIS 5–9 and MIS 19–21, while the relative content of diatoms and dinoflagellates decreased; there was no evidence for a haptophyte content in other stages. The results reveal a shift from a coccolitho-phorid-dominated community during MIS 5 –9 and MIS 19 –21 to a diatom-dominated community during the other stages, mainly as a result of surface salinity variation, attributed to the invasion of the YSWC during high sea level periods.  相似文献   

正确识别南海东南部中生界及其分布,对认识南海形成演化和油气资源潜力具有重要意义。受资料条件约束和地层系统划分差异的影响,南海东南部中生界分布和构造特征一直存在争议。本文在钻井、拖网约束下,通过井震对比、地震反射特征、层速度分析、岩浆岩体与地层接触关系和构造变形特征来综合识别中生界。结果表明,中生界呈平行、连续、低频的反射特征,层速度3400~4200 m/s,随着埋深或(和)变质程度增强,层速度增大(4500~5500 m/s),反射波组模糊,多数未见明显底界反射。研究区中生代地层发育局限,地震反射波组特征明显,但较难进行区域对比和解释。其中,西北、西南巴拉望盆地、礼乐滩和安渡北盆地中生界呈现低角度掀斜或近水平层状;礼乐滩西南部九章盆地中生界层速度3500~4500 m/s,高于上覆新生界,与钻井层速度吻合,地层呈高角度掀斜或挠曲变形,可能与岩浆活动侵位相关。结合中生代火山弧和识别的岩体分布,推测前者零散分布在弧前盆地靠火山弧一侧,构造活动相对弱,后者分布于岩浆活动强烈的弧间盆地。  相似文献   

黑潮与毗邻陆架海域的碳交换   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为沟通陆架边缘海与开放大洋的北太平洋西边界流,黑潮对毗邻中国陆架海域碳循环有着不可忽视的影响。分析总结了黑潮与毗邻陆架海域海水中溶解有机碳(DOC)、颗粒有机碳(POC)、溶解无机碳(DIC)和颗粒无机碳(PIC)分布与交换的现有研究成果。分析表明,黑潮通过表层水涡旋、入侵以及次表层以下水体上涌等形式携碳进入毗邻陆架海域。在黑潮与毗邻陆架海域,DOC和POC的分布受生物活动、水团混合以及沉积物—水界面相互作用的共同影响,表层与陆架水中含量较高,DIC受海水碳酸盐体系平衡影响,表层含量低于底层,在陆架海域与上升流区有高值,PIC含量较低。在台湾东北海域,DOC,POC和DIC由东海陆架海域向黑潮有净输出,输出量分别为2 431×109,1 051×109和21 733×109mol C/a,PIC通过陆架源悬浮颗粒物向黑潮主流输送,通量为1 852×109mol C/a。DOC,POC和PIC由南海经吕宋海峡向黑潮有净输出,输出量分别为2 652×109,1 009×109和230×109mol C/a,但DIC由黑潮向南海有净输出,通量为13 005×109mol C/a。台湾海峡碳循环受黑潮输运的影响,但影响机制及过程至今并不清楚。因此,黑潮与毗邻陆架海域的碳交换过程研究还有若干重大科学问题亟待解决,尚需深入系统的研究。  相似文献   

华南陆缘中生界地层以广东省出露最广,这套地层为陆源碎屑沉积岩,局部为火山岩。上三叠统—上白垩统划分为2个巨层序、7个超层序和15个层序。沉积充填序列展示出本地区经历了海侵-海退过程,沉积环境由海相转化为陆相环境。3个级别的海平面变化控制了层序、超层序和巨层序的发育。粤中--粤东地区中生界发育的Ⅲ级层序可归纳出3种类型:浅水型、深水型和湖盆型;浅水型层序又可以分为浅水Ⅰ型和浅水Ⅱ型。  相似文献   

中国天然气水合物调查研究现状及其进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
天然气水合物大致经历了实验室研究、管道堵塞及防治、资源调查与开发利用4个发展阶段,中国目前正处于资源调查阶段的早期。自1999年开始,中国先后开展了南海、东海、陆上冻土区和国际海底区域天然气水合物的调查研究,相继发现了一系列地质、地球物理和地球化学异常标志,并在南海北部神狐地区成功采到水合物实物样品,取得了找矿工作的重大突破,显示出良好的找矿前景,但目前仍存在着调查研究程度较低、技术装备比较落后等问题。随着国家对天然气水合物重视程度的加强,中国天然气水合物的调查研究进程将会将进一步加快,并在不久的将来过渡到试生产阶段和商业性生产阶段。  相似文献   

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