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Based on the shell-model Monte Carlo method and random phase approximation theory,the neutrino energy spectrum(NES) and the electron capture(EC) of56 Fe,56Co,56 Ni,56Mn,56 Cr and56V are investigated in presupernova surroundings.The results show that the EC rates are affected greatly at different densities and temperatures. The rates increase greatly and even exceed six orders of magnitude at lower temperature. On the other hand,the NES is very sensitive to stellar temperature and electron energy. The higher the temperature and the lower the electron energy,the larger the influence on NES is. For example,the maxima of NES in the ground state are 9.02,160,80,24.01,0.44,1.42 me c2for56 Fe,56Co,56 Ni,56Mn,56 Cr and56V respectively at ρ7 = 10.7,Ye = 0.45 and T9 = 15. Furthermore,the influence on NES due to EC for different nuclei has some otherness because of different Q0-values. For example,the spectrum of56 Co shows a double bump structure.  相似文献   

采用高斯修正法,研究了核素~(56)Fe、~(56)Co、~(56)Ni和~(56)Mn电子俘获过程中微子能量损失.结果表明:对核素的Gamow-Teller(G-T)共振跃迁能级分布的高斯修正使中微子能量损失率增加.在低能跃迁电子俘获过程为主导地位的反应中,高斯修正对中微子能量损失的影响很小,而对高能G-T共振跃迁为主要的电子俘获过程的中微子能量损失的影响将大大增加.如核素~(56)Fe在密度ρ_7=100(ρ_7以10~7 mol·cm~(-3)为单位),高斯函数半宽度△=14.3,18.3,22.3 Mev时,修正差异大约达2个数量级,核素~(56)Ni在△=6.3,18.3Mev差异分别达60%和40%.  相似文献   

Using Shell-Model Monte Carlo (SMMC) method and Random Phase Approximation (RPA) theory, the electron capture (EC) and the electron capture cross section (ECCS) of nuclei 55Co and 56Ni are investigated. We also discuss the rates of the change of electron fraction (RCEF) and the error factor C, which is compared our results with those of AFUD, which calculated by the method of Aufderheide. The results show that the ECCS and the EC rates for 55Co and 56Ni increased about four orders of magnitude at relative high temperature (such as T 9=5,7,9). On the other hand, the RCEF for two nuclides decreased greatly, and even exceed four orders of magnitude. The error factor shows ours is agreed reasonably well with AUFD under the higher density surroundings (e.g. ρ7=106, Y e =0.43; ρ7=506, Y e =0.42; ρ7=4010, Y e =0.41). But under the lower density surroundings (e.g. ρ7=3.36, Y e =0.48) the maximum error is ~14.5 % for 55Co but is ~14.0 % for 56Ni. The error is ~9.5 % and ~9.0 % for 55Co, 56Ni at ρ7=5.86, Y e =0.47 respectively.  相似文献   

By introducing the Dirac δ-function and Pauli exclusion principle in the presence of superstrong magnetic fields(SMFs), we investigate the influence of SMFs on beta decay and the change rates of electron fraction(CREF) of nuclides~(56)Fe,~(62)Ni,~(64)Ni and~(68)Ni in magnetars, which are powered by magnetic field energy. We find that the magnetic fields have a great influence on the beta decay rates, and the beta decay rates can decrease by more than six orders of magnitude in the presence of SMFs. The CREF also decreases by more than seven orders of magnitude in the presence of SMFs.  相似文献   

Based on the p-f shell-model, we discuss and calculate \(\beta^{-}\)-decay half-lives of neutron-rich nuclei, with a consideration of shell and pair effects, the decay energy, and the nucleon numbers. According to the linear response theory model, we study the effect of electron screening on the electron energy, beta-decay threshold energy, and the antineutrino energy loss rate by \(\beta^{-}\)-decay of some iron isotopes. We find that the electron screening antineutrino energy loss rates increase by about two orders of magnitude due to the shell effects and the pairing effect. Beta-decay rates with Q-value corrections due to strong electron screening are higher than those without the Q-value corrections by more than two orders of magnitude. Our conclusions may be helpful for the research on numerical simulations of the cooling of stars.  相似文献   

Based on the work of Wang et al. (Chin. Phys. Lett. 29:049701, 2012), we re-investigated electron capture on iron group nuclei in the outer crust of magnetars and studied magnetar evolution. Effects of ultra-strong magnetic field on electron capture rates for 57Co have been analyzed in the nuclear shell model and under the Landau-level-quantization approximation, and the electron capture rates and the neutrino energy loss rates on iron group nuclei in the outer crust of magnetar have been calculated. The results show that electron capture rates on 57Co are increase greatly in the ultra-strong magnetic field, and above 3 orders of magnitude generally; and the neutrino energy loss rates by electron capture on iron group nuclei increase above 3 orders of magnitude in the range from B=4.414×1013 G to B=4.414×1015 G. These conclusions play an important role in future studying the evolution of magnetar. Furthermore, we modify the expressions of the electron chemical potential (Fermi energy) and phase space factor by introducing Dirac δ-function, and select appropriate parameters of temperature T, magnetic field B and matter density ρ in the our crust, thus our results will be reliable than those of Wang et al.  相似文献   

The Gamow-Teller strength distribution function, B(GT), for the odd Z parent 51V, N?Z=5, up to 30 MeV of excitation energy in the daughter 51Ti is calculated in the domain of proton-neutron Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation (pn-QRPA) theory. The pn-QRPA results are compared against other theoretical calculations, (n, p) and high resolution (d, 2He) reaction experiments. For the case of (d, 2He) reaction the calibration was performed for 0≤E j ≤5.0 MeV, where the authors stressed that within this excitation energy range the ΔL=0 transition strength can be extracted with high accuracy for 51V. Within this energy range the current pn-QRPA total B(GT) strength 0.79 is in good agreement with the (d, 2He) experiment’s total strength of 0.9±0.1. The pn-QRPA calculated Gamow-Teller centroid at 4.20 MeV in daughter 51Ti is also in good agreement with high resolution (d, 2He) experiment which placed the Gamow-Teller centroid at 4.1±0.4 MeV in daughter 51Ti. The low energy detailed Gamow-Teller structure and Gamow-Teller centroid play a sumptuous role in associated weak decay rates and consequently affect the stellar dynamics. The stellar weak rates are sensitive to the location and structure of these low-lying states in daughter 51Ti. The calculated electron capture rates on 51V in stellar matter are also in good agreement with the large scale shell model rates.  相似文献   

Radiation and energy loss by monopole in cosmic plasma   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Radiation and energy loss by monopole in cosmic plasma are investigated in detail. The general formulae for monopole radiation are derived; the erenkov power and spectra radiation differing from ones of charged particles are found; and its energy loss in cosmic plasma and metal is obtained. It is pointed out that it is possible to examine monopole in virtue of the erenkov radiation in ordinary medium.  相似文献   

Abstract— Siderophile elements have been used to constrain projectile compositions in terrestrial and lunar impact melt rocks. To obtain a better knowledge of compositional differences between potential chondritic projectile types, meteorite analyses of the elements Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt, Cr, Co, Ni, and Au were gathered into a database. The presented compilation comprises 806 analyses of 278 chondrites including new ICP‐MS analyses of Allende and two ordinary chondrites. Each data set was evaluated by comparing element ratios of meteorites from the same chondrite group. Characteristic element abundances and ratios were determined for each group. Features observed in the element abundance patterns can be linked directly to the presence of certain components, such as the abundance of refractory elements Os, Ir, and Ru correlating with the occurrence of refractory inclusions in CV, CO, CK, and CM chondrites. The refined characteristic element ratios appear to be representative not only for meteorites, but also for related asteroidal bodies. Chondrite element ratios were compared to previously published values from impact melt rocks of the Popigai and Morokweng impact structures confirming that an identification of the specific type of projectile (L and LL chondrite, respectively) is possible. The assessment for Morokweng is supported by the recent discovery of an LL chondrite fragment in the impact melt rocks. Ultimately, the database provides valuable information for understanding processes in the solar nebula as they are recorded in chondrites. A new type of complementarity between element patterns of CK and EH chondrites is suggested to be the result of condensation, redox, and transportation processes in the solar nebula.  相似文献   

Some line identifications in solar disk and limb spectra are proposed on the basis of recent laboratory and theoretical results reported in the literature, including allowed lines of Mgi and Fexiv in the EUV spectrum and an expected forbidden line of Fexvii near 1190 Å.  相似文献   

The valences of Ti, V, and Cr in olivine and pyroxene, important indicators of the fO2 of the source region of their host rocks, can be readily measured nondestructively by XANES (X‐ray absorption near edge structure) spectroscopy, but little such work has been done on lunar rocks, and there is some uncertainty regarding the presence of Ti3+ in lunar silicates and the redox state of the lunar mantle. This is the first study involving direct XANES measurement of valences of multivalent cations in lunar rocks. Because high alumina activity facilitates substitution of Ti cations into octahedral rather than tetrahedral sites in pyroxene and Ti3+ only enters octahedral sites, two aluminous basalts from Apollo 14, 14053 and 14072, were studied. Most pyroxene contains little or no detectable Ti3+, but in both samples relatively early, magnesian pyroxene was found that has Ti valences that are not within error of 4; in 14053, this component has an average Ti valence of 3.81 ± 0.06 (i.e., Ti3+/[Ti3+ + Ti4+ = 0.19]). This pyroxene has relatively low atomic Ti/Al ratios (<0.4) due to crystallization before plagioclase, contrary to the long‐held belief that lunar pyroxene with Ti/Al > 0.5 contains Ti3+ and pyroxene with lower ratios does not. Later pyroxene, with lower Mg/Fe and higher Ti/Al ratios, has higher proportions of Ti (all Ti4+) in tetrahedral sites. All pyroxene analyzed contains divalent Cr, ranging from 15 to 30% of the Cr present, and all but one analysis spot contains divalent V, accounting for 0 to 40% (typically 20–30%) of the V present. Three analyses of olivine in 14053 do not show any Ti3+, but Ti valences in 14072 olivine range from 4 down to 3.70 ± 0.10. In 14053 olivine, ~50% of the Cr and 60% of the V are divalent. In 14072 olivine, the divalent percentages are ~20% for Cr and 20–60% for V. These results indicate significant proportions of divalent Cr and V and limited amounts of trivalent Ti in the parental melts, especially when crystal/liquid partitioning preferences are taken into account. These features are consistent with an fO2 closer to IW ? 2 than to IW ? 1. Apollo 15 basalt 15555, analyzed for comparison with A‐14 materials, has olivine with strongly reduced Cr (Cr2+/(Cr2+ + Cr3+) ~0.9). Basalts from different sites may record redox differences between source regions.  相似文献   

We measured specific activities of the long‐lived cosmogenic radionuclides 60Fe in 28 iron meteorites and 53Mn in 41 iron meteorites. Accelerator mass spectrometry was applied at the 14 MV Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility at ANU Canberra for all samples except for two which were measured at the Maier‐Leibnitz Laboratory, Munich. For the large iron meteorite Twannberg (IIG), we measured six samples for 53Mn. This work doubles the number of existing individual 60Fe data and quadruples the number of iron meteorites studied for 60Fe. We also significantly extended the entire 53Mn database for iron meteorites. The 53Mn data for the iron meteorite Twannberg vary by more than a factor of 30, indicating a significant shielding dependency. In addition, we performed new model calculations for the production of 60Fe and 53Mn in iron meteorites. While the new model is based on the same particle spectra as the earlier model, we no longer use experimental cross sections but instead use cross sections that were calculated using the latest version of the nuclear model code INCL. The new model predictions differ substantially from results obtained with the previous model. Predictions for the 60Fe activity concentrations are about a factor of 2 higher, for 53Mn, they are ~30% lower, compared to the earlier model, which gives now a better agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

To assess the variability of redox states among mare basalt source regions, investigation of the valence of Ti, Cr, and V and the coordination environment of Ti in pyroxene and olivine in lunar rocks via XANES (X-ray absorption near-edge structure) spectroscopy has been extended to Apollo 17 basalts: two high-Ti (70017 and 74275) hand samples, and three very low-Ti (70006,371, 70007,289B, and 70007,296) basalt fragments from the Apollo 17 deep drill core. Valences of Ti in pyroxene of both suites range from 3.6 to 4, or from 40% to 0% Ti3+, averaging 15–20% Ti3+. Assuming Ti3+ is more compatible in pyroxene than Ti4+, then even lower Ti3+ proportions are indicated for the parental melts. The VLT pyroxene exhibits a slightly wider range of V valences (2.57–2.96) than the high-Ti pyroxene (2.65–2.86) and a much wider range of Cr valences (2.32–2.80 versus 2.68–2.86); Cr is generally reduced in VLT pyroxene compared to high-Ti pyroxene. Valences of Ti and Cr in VLT pyroxene become less reduced with increasing FeO contents, possibly indicating change in oxygen fugacity during crystallization. Olivine in all samples has very low (<20%) proportions of Ti3+, with no Ti3+ and higher proportions of Ti in tetrahedral coordination in the VLTs than in the high-Ti basalts. Olivine in 74275, including that in a dunite clast, has much higher proportions of Cr2+ than the pyroxene in that sample, consistent with previous studies indicating that the olivine grains in this sample are xenocrysts and possibly indicating oxidation just prior to pyroxene crystallization. Results for this sample, the VLTs, and previously studied Apollo 14 and 15 basalts all indicate that mare magmas were in reducing environments at depth, as recorded in early crystallization products, and that later, presumably shallower environments, were relatively oxidizing; single, characteristic fO2s of formation cannot be assigned to these samples. A process likely to account for this feature seen in multiple samples is loss by degassing of a reducing, H-rich vapor (probably H2) during ascent and/or eruption, causing oxidation of the residual melt, recorded in relatively late-crystallized pyroxene.  相似文献   

To shed light on the mechanism of formation of nanophase iron particles (npFe) in space-weathered materials from airless bodies, we analyzed exsolved and unexsolved space-weathered lunar pyroxenes from Apollo 17 sample 71501. The exsolved pyroxene allowed for the observation of the effects of space weathering on similar mineral phases with variable composition. Using coordinated scanning transmission electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), we determined that two coexisting pyroxenes in the exsolved grain showed systematic variations in response to space weathering, despite equivalent exposure conditions. The npFe in the space-weathered rim of augite lamellae were smaller and fewer than the npFe in the rim of pigeonite lamellae. EELS spectrum imaging revealed the presence and heterogeneous distribution of Fe0, Fe2+, and Fe3+ in the exsolved pyroxene. Metallic iron occurred in the npFe, a mixture of Fe2+ and Fe3+ occurred in the pigeonite lamellae, and the augite lamellae contained virtually all Fe3+. Approximately 50% of the total Fe measured in the exsolved pyroxene grain was ferric. Partitioning of Fe2+ and Fe3+ among the lamellae is invoked to explain the difference in npFe development in pigeonite and augite. The results of this study, the first to identify Fe3+ in a crystalline lunar ferromagnesian silicate, have implications for our understanding of how space weathering might proceed in oxidized phases. Furthermore, the discovery of an Fe3+-rich pyroxene also supports attribution of the 0.7 μm absorption feature observed in Galileo Solid State Imager data to oxidized Fe in clinopyroxenes.  相似文献   

The transformation of a close binary system in the strong gravitational field of an active galactic nucleus (AGN) leads to mass loss by the system in many cases. The main factor causing this loss is interaction between the components in the form of dynamic tides and collisions. Calculations showed that mass loss is accompanied by energy liberation in amounts large enough for this process to be observed as brief outbursts. Many properties of such outbursts are similar to those observed in AGNs, so very close encounters between components can be considered to be one possible cause of outburst activity.  相似文献   

Fe, Al, C and Glass targets have been irradiated with 120 MeV helium ions. The cross sections for the stripping reaction (4He, 3H) on these target nuclei have been determined, with nuclear emulsions, as 85 ± 30, 65 ± 20, 38 ± 15 and 41 ± 15 mb, respectively.  相似文献   

We have sampled sulfide grains from one pristine CM2 chondrite (Yamato [Y‐] 791198), one thermally metamorphosed CM2 chondrite (Y‐793321), and two anomalous, metamorphosed CM/CI‐like chondrites (Y‐86720 and Belgica [B‐] 7904) by the focused ion beam (FIB) technique and studied them by analytical transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Our study aims at exploring the potential of sulfide assemblages and microstructures to decipher processes and conditions of chondrite petrogenesis. Complex exsolution textures of pyrrhotite (crystallographic NC‐type with ≈ 6), troilite, and pentlandite occur in grains of Y‐791198 and Y‐793321. Additionally, polycrystalline 4C‐pyrrhotite‐pentlandite‐magnetite aggregates occur in Y‐791198, pointing to diverse conditions of gas–solid interactions in the solar nebula. Coarser exsolution textures of Y‐793321 grains indicate higher long‐term average temperatures in the <100 °C range compared to Y‐791198 and other CM chondrites. Sulfide mineralogy of Y‐86720 and B‐7904 is dominated by aggregates of pure troilite and metal, indicating metamorphic equilibration at sulfur fugacities (fS2) of the iron‐troilite buffer. Absence of magnetite in equilibrium with sulfide and metal in Y‐86720 indicates higher peak temperatures compared with B‐7904, in which coexistence of troilite, metal, and magnetite constrains metamorphic temperature to less than 570 °C. NC‐pyrrhotite occurs in both meteorites as nm‐wide rims on troilite grains and, together with frequent anhydrite, indicates a retrograde metamorphic stage at higher fS2 slightly above the fayalite‐magnetite‐quartz‐pyrrhotite buffer. Fine‐grained troilite‐olivine intergrowths in both meteorites suggest the pre‐metamorphic presence of tochilinite‐serpentine interlayer phases, pointing to mineralogical CM affinity. Pseudomorphs after euhedral pyrrhotite crystals in Y‐86720 in turn suggest CI affinity as do previously published O isotopic data of both meteorites.  相似文献   

Abstract— The isotopic compositions of Sm and Gd in seven lunar samples from the Apollo 15 deep drill core were determined to discuss the effects of neutron capture near the lunar surface. Large isotopic deviations of 150Sm/149Sm, 156Gd/155Gd, and 158Gd/157Gd derived from neutron capture effects were observed in all samples. Although neutron capture products in lunar samples were investigated extensively in the 1970s, our precise isotopic measurements resulted in several new findings. The neutron fluence in the Apollo 15 drill core is a function of depth with a symmetric peak at 190 g/cm2 depth from the surface, confirming the results of earlier investigations. Neutron fluence values calculated from the isotopic shifts by comparison to artificially irradiated standard reagents were (5.16–7.49) × 1016 n/cm2. These values are 1.3 to 1.4x larger than those previously reported. Variations of εSmGd with depth are interpreted as being due to variations in the neutron energy spectrum. Here εSm and εGd are defined as in previous studies of lunar neutron stratigraphy. Our data suggest that the neutron is more thermalized at the lower layers than it is at the upper layers. In addition to large isotopic shifts for 149Sm, 150Sm, 155Gd, 156Gd, 157Gd, and 158Gd, isotopic enrichments of 152Gd and 154Gd derived from neutron capture for 151Eu and 153Eu, respectively, were also observed in all samples.  相似文献   

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