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鄂尔多斯盆地前寒武纪末期古地貌控制着后期沉积体系的空间配置与古地理展布。通过野外剖面、岩芯分析、测井数据等建立鄂尔多斯盆地寒武系层序地层格架;选取寒武纪SS1最大海泛面(徐庄组沉积晚期地层)为标志层,通过残余厚度印模法,并结合古地质图分析,对研究区前寒武纪进行古地貌恢复,明确了前寒武纪沉积背景、构造格局及物源方向。总体上,前寒武纪鄂尔多斯盆地南、北濒临秦祁海和兴蒙海,东、西被贺兰和晋豫陕坳拉槽所夹持,古地貌东北高、西南低,受秦祁海影响最大,可将其划分为3个古构造地貌单元:高地剥蚀区、受古构造控制形成的坳陷区以及处于剥蚀与沉积过渡地带的斜坡阶地区。通过研究前寒武纪末期古地貌与寒武纪早期烃源岩分布认为,拉张活动背景下的坳陷带以及斜坡带是鄂尔多斯盆地寒武纪早期烃源岩发育的有利区块,前寒武纪古地貌格局影响了寒武纪早期烃源岩发育与分布。恢复古地貌形态对于揭示物源供给,研究沉积物搬运、平面和纵向展布特征,探究沉积、沉降中心的迁移规律,以及进一步揭示生储盖组合和分布具有重大意义。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地寒武系白云岩储层具有年代老、埋深大、成岩作用强烈的特征,原生孔隙几乎被破坏殆尽,有效裂缝的发育程度是决定储层优劣的关键因素。根据岩芯描述、薄片鉴定、FMI成像测井、扫描电镜、阴极发光、电子探针以及流体包裹体分析等研究手段,开展了塔里木盆地北部地区(简称"塔北地区")寒武系白云岩储层的裂缝充填特征及有效性分析。塔北地区整体裂缝发育,天山南地区与塔河地区裂缝在产状、线密度、形态以及充填特征上存在差异。天山南地区裂缝线密度与有效性均低于塔河地区,充填矿物主要为自形白云石与石英,其次为方解石、石膏与黄铁矿。充填白云石分为3期,对应的温度区间分别为70℃~90℃、90℃~110℃及110℃以上,均为地层内的成岩流体成因;充填石英分两期,第一期为黏土矿物转化蚀变形成,第二期可能为热液成因。塔河地区裂缝线密度高,有效性较好,溶蚀作用发育,是有利的勘探地区,其充填物以热液矿物组合形式出现,主要为方解石,其次为石膏、鞍状白云石、黏土矿物、沥青等,重晶石以交代白云石的形式出现。充填方解石分为4期,对应的温度区间分别为70℃~100℃、100℃~130℃、130℃~180℃及180℃以上,前3期充填为不同埋深时期地层内成岩流体成因,最后一期充填为自下部运移而来的高温热液流体成因。  相似文献   

北山盆地群侏罗系是我国西北地区潜在的油气勘探新领域,为深化其石油地质认识,进一步明确资源潜力,优选北山盆地群中勘探程度相对较高的中口子盆地侏罗系为研究对象,以有机质丰度、类型及成熟度等有机地球化学分析数据为基础,分析了侏罗系烃源岩基础特征,并基于生物标志化合物资料,探讨了该区侏罗系烃源岩的有机质来源及沉积环境。结果表明,中口子盆地侏罗系烃源岩有机质丰度较高,生烃潜力较好,主要为中等-好烃源岩,干酪根类型以Ⅱ2型为主,生烃母质主要是陆源高等植物,主要形成于氧气量适中的弱氧化-弱还原古环境,靠近或位于凹陷中心的烃源岩形成环境还原性稍强,较有利于有机质保存。区内黑帐房凹陷烃源岩已经成熟,而南泉凹陷烃源岩主要为低熟。因此建议黑帐房凹陷中心或者临近中心区域,寻找保存条件好的油藏是取得下步油气勘探突破的重点。这些认识可供西北地区侏罗系沉积古环境和资源潜力研究时对比参考。  相似文献   

通过对储层成岩作用、流体包裹体岩相学和孔隙沥青特征的分析,在烃包裹体期次划分的基础上,结合流体包裹体均一温度特征、烃源岩热演化史、地层埋藏史和储层成岩史,确定了鄂尔多斯盆地中部延长组下组合油气充注期次。结果表明:鄂尔多斯盆地中部延长组长8段和长9段致密储层主要发育压实、胶结、交代和溶解4种成岩作用,自生矿物主要为绿泥石、石英胶结物、长石胶结物和方解石胶结物。根据包裹体宿主矿物形成序列,识别出3期烃包裹体。第一期烃包裹体分布在石英愈合缝、石英次生加大边和充填孔隙的石英胶结物中,少数低成熟的黄色荧光烃包裹体及黑色荧光沥青包裹体代表了烃源岩进入生烃门限后排出的少量烃类充注,多数成熟度较高的蓝色、蓝白色荧光烃包裹体代表了生烃高峰期大量烃类充注;第二期烃包裹体分布在长石胶结物中,数量较少,显示蓝色和蓝白色荧光,在溶蚀孔隙周围或沿解理分布,呈短柱状,边界平直;第三期烃包裹体分布在方解石胶结物中,呈孤立或零星分布,形状近六边形;后两期烃包裹体均是在烃类充注结束后捕获孔隙中烃类形成的。研究区延长组长8段和长9段经历了晚侏罗世末期至早白垩世末期的一期烃类持续充注。  相似文献   

Methane-rich fluids were recognized to be hosted in the reservoir volcanic rocks as primary inclusions. Samples were collected from core-drillings of volcanic gas reservoirs with reversed δ^13C of alkane in the Xujiaweizi depression of the Songliao Basin. The volcanic rocks are rhyolite dominant being enriched in the more incompatible elements like Cs, Rb, Ba, Th, U and Th with relative high LREE, depleted HREE and negative anomalies of Ti and Nb, suggesting a melt involving both in mantle source and crustal assimilation. Primary fluids hosted in the volcanic rocks should have the same provenance with the magma. The authors concluded that the enclosed CH4 in the volcanics are mantle/magma-derived alkane and the reversed δ^13C of alkane in the corresponding gas reservoirs is partly resulted from mixture between biogenic and abiogenic gases.  相似文献   

The typical regions of the Taihu Lake Basin,China,were selected to analyze the variation characteristics of river-lake networks under intensive human activities.The characteristics of the fractal dimension of river networks and lakes for different periods were investigated and the influences of river system evolution on water level changes were further explored through the comparison of their fractal characters.The results are as follows:1) River network development of the study area is becoming more monotonous and more simple;the number of lakes is reducing significantly,and the water surface ratio has dropped significantly since the 1980s.2) The box dimension of the river networks in all the cities of the study area decreased slowly from the 1960s to the 1980s,while the decrease was significant from the 1980s to the 2000s.The variations of lake correlation dimension are similar to those of the river network box dimensions.This is unfavorable for the storage capacity of the river networks and lakes.3) The Hurst exponents of water levels were all between 0.5 and 1.0 from the 1960s to the 1980s,while decreased in the 2000s,indicating the decline in persistence and increase in the complexity of water level series.The paper draws a conclusion that the relationship between the fractal dimension of river-lake networks and the Hurst exponents of the water level series can reveal the impacts of river system changes on flood disasters to some extent:the disappearance of river networks and lakes will increase the possibility of flood occurrence.  相似文献   

In south of the Songliao Basin and adjacent area of NE China, there are several high conductive layers in crust and upper mantle. Those layers are interpreted as detachment and rheology, which represent some features of lithosphere, asthenosphere and Moho, and related to the crust-mantle structure of the continent in the study area. The differences of the crust-mantle structures in different places in the study area reflect the differences in the movement and evolution of asthenosphere, lithosphere and crust. The differences can be summarized as follows. (1) Along the south profile of MT, the buried depth of the surface of Moho is 31 ~34 km beneath the Liaohe Basin and 35~37 km beneath the west Liaoning area. Along the north profile of MT, the buried depth of Moho is 32~33 km beneath Changtu area and 36~37 km beneath Kailu area in southern Songliao Basin. The buried depth beneath the central of the Songliao Basin is 29 km.(2) The difference of thickness of lithosphere exists in the south area and the north area of Chifeng-Kaiyuan fault. The thickness of lithosphere is about 65~120 km in the south of the fault, thickening from east to west. The top surface of asthenosphere is highly uplifted in the Liaohe Basin and the highest point is about 65 km in buried depth. The thickness of lithosphere in the north of the fault is about 60~65 km, thinner about 25 km than that in the south of the fault (West Liaoning). Deep processes such as upwelling of mantle thermal flow, extension of lithosphere, underplating, and thinning and subsidence of crust, evidenced from the crust-mantle structures were the direct forces of the basin formation in the study area during the Mesozoic-Cenozoic.  相似文献   

1IntroductionOne of the key factors related to basin geody-namics is deep process controlling formation and evolution of sedimentary basin. Depth and tempera-ture of asthenosphere,existence of mantle plume,occurrence of mantle melting,and amounts of melts under depressurization during thinning of lithosphere are controlling factors influenced formation and characteristics of extensional basin directly (Li,1994). Rifting is probably governed by frictional forces exerted on the base of litho…  相似文献   

安徽南陵-宣城地区是一个中-新生代火山-沉积盆地,位于长江中下游构造-岩浆-成矿带东北段的东南翼。对该区发育的岩浆岩开展了较为系统的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年及岩石主量、微量和稀土元素分析,并与长江中下游构造-岩浆-成矿带其他地区岩浆岩进行对比,旨在确定岩浆岩的成岩时代、探讨岩浆岩成因及其与成矿的关系。南陵-宣城地区岩浆岩一部分侵入于盆地基底中,另一部分喷发形成盆地盖层,还有一部分产于盆地之上的推覆构造(体)中。侵入岩的岩性主要为花岗岩、花岗闪长岩、石英闪长岩、辉石闪长岩等,火山岩主要为英安质火山碎屑岩和熔岩。获得的侵入岩锆石U-Pb年龄主要为138~135 Ma,火山岩年龄均小于134 Ma,表明岩浆作用发生于晚中生代(燕山晚期)早白垩世。岩浆岩主量元素显示高Si、K的特征,为亚碱性高钾钙碱性系列岩石;微量元素组成显示岩浆岩富集Rb、Th、U、K等大离子亲石元素,亏损Nb、Ta、Ti等高场强元素,火山岩比侵入岩较为亏损Sr和P;球粒陨石标准化稀土元素配分模式均表现为富集轻稀土元素的右倾模式和较弱的Eu负异常。元素地球化学特征指示区内岩浆岩具有壳幔混源且以幔源为主的特征。南陵-宣城地区既发育与长江中下游构造-岩浆-成矿带隆起区(如铜陵地区)同位素地质年龄和地球化学特征基本一致的侵入岩,又发育与凹陷区(如庐枞、宁芜等盆地)同位素地质年龄和地球化学特征基本一致的火山-次火山岩,显示该区晚中生代岩浆作用具有长江中下游构造-岩浆-成矿带隆起区和凹陷区的双重特征。岩浆作用的双重特征暗示与其有关的成矿作用也可能具有双重性,即既可能发育与隆起区侵入岩浆作用有关的斑岩型、矽卡岩型和脉型铜金等多金属矿床,也可能发育与凹陷区火山-次火山岩有关的玢岩型铁(硫)矿床。  相似文献   

To manage water resources effectively, a multiscale assessment of the vulnerability of water resources on the basis of political boundaries and watersheds is necessary. This study addressed issues on the vulnerability of water resources and provided a multiscale comparison of spatial heterogeneity under a climate change background. Using improved quantitative evaluation methods of vulnerabil- ity, the Theil index and the Shannon-Weaver index, we evaluated the vulnerability of water resources and its spatial heterogeneity in the Haihe River Basin in four scales, namely, second-class water resource regions (Class II WRRs), third-class water resource regions (Class III WRRs), Province-Class II WRRs, and Province-Class III WRRs. Results show that vulnerability enhances from the north to south in the different scales, and shows obvious spatial heterogeneity instead of moving toward convergence in multiscale assessment results. Among the Class II WRRs, the Tuhai-Majia River is the most vulnerable area, and the vulnerability of the Luanhe River is lower than that of the north of the Haihe River Basin, which in turn is lower than that of the south of the Haihe River Basin. In the scales of Class III WRRs and Province-Class III WRRs, the vulnerability shows obvious spatial heterogeneity and diversity measured by the Theil index and the Shannon-Weaver index. Multiscale vulnerability assessment results based on political boundaries and the watersheds of the Haihe River Basin innovatively provided in this paper are important and useful to characterize the real spatial pattern of the vulnerability of water resources and improve water resource management.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地南缘和北缘地处秦祁昆成矿域西段,成矿条件优越,地质构造复杂.总结分析柴达木盆地南缘和北缘找矿模型和地球物理勘探现状,对深部找矿突破具有重大指导意义.柴达木盆地南缘和北缘矿床成因以喷流沉积型多金属矿、岩浆熔离型镍铜钴矿、沉积型铁矿、层控型铅锌矿及热液型多金属矿为主.矿床形成时代分为前寒武纪、早古生代早中期、晚古...  相似文献   

The floodplain -egetation of the Tarim River in Northwest China is strongly influenced by irrigated agriculture. The abstrac- tion of river water disturbs; the natural dynamics of the floodplain ecosystem. The human impact on the hydrological system by bank dams and the irrigation of cotton plantings have caused adverse changes of the Tarim River and its floodplains, so the current stocks of the typical Tugai vegetation show significant signs of degradation. Field studies of soils and statistical analysis of soil moisture data have shown that the vitality of the Tugai vegetation is primarily determined by its position to the riverbank and the groundwater. There exist complex interactions between soil hydrological conditions and the vitality of the vegetation. But the availability of water is not only influenced by the groundwater level and seasonal flood events. The spatial distribution of stocks at different states of vitality seems also to be decisively influenced by physical soil properties. Our results show that the water supply of plant communities is strongly in- fluenced by the soil texture. Spatial differences of soil moisture and corresponding soil water tensions may be the decisive factors for the zonafion of vegetation. Physical soil properties control the water retention and rising of capillary water from deeper soil layers and the phreatic zone and may supply the root systems of the phreatophytic vegetation with water. Keywords: soil moisture;soil texture; soil water tensions; Tarim River; water retention  相似文献   

Soil erosion in hilly areas of the Sichuan Basin is a serious concern over sustainable crop production and sound ecosystem. A 3-year experiment was conducted using the method of runoff plots to examine the effects of terracing and agroforestry in farmland systems on soil and water conservation of slope fields in the hilly areas in Jianyang County, Sichuan Province, Southwestern China. A power function (Y = aX^b) can statistically describe the relationship between water runoff (Y) and rainfall (X). The regression equation for the treatment of sloping terraces with crops (Plot 2) is remarkably different from that for the treatment of sloping terraces with grasses and trees (Plot 1) and the conventional up- and down-slope crop system (Plot 3) regarding equation coefficients, while regression equations are similar between Plot 1 and Plot 3. Water runoff amount and runoff coefficient of slope fields increased by 21.5-41.0 % and 27.5 - 69.7 % respectively, compared to those of sloping terraces, suggesting that terracing notably reduced the water runoff in the field. In the case of sloping terraces, lower amount of water runoff was observed on sloping terraces with crops than on sloping terraces with grasses and trees. Sediment yields on the slope fields in the normal year of rainfall distribution were notably higher (34.41 - 331.67 % and 37.06-403.44 % for Plot 1 and Plot 2, respectively) than those on sloping terraces, implying that terracing also plays a significant role in the reduction in soil erosion. It is suggested that terracing with crops is significantly effective for soil and water conservation in cultivated farmland, while the conventional practice of up- and down- slope cultivation creates high rates of water runoff and soil sediment transport. Terracing with grasses and fruit trees shows a less reduction in water runoff than terracing with crops, which was observed in the 3-year experiments.  相似文献   

The largest Mesozoic northward transgression in Qangtang Basin of Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau occurred during the Buqu Stage, Middle Jurassic. Mainly filled with carbonate rocks, the whole basin is composed of transgression-regression sedimentary cycle. Field outcrops and indoor analysis revealed 8 types of sedimentary facies markers in this region. 4 types of sedimentary facies have been recognized: platform facies,platform marginal facies, foreslope facies and basin facies. Influenced by the northern Lazhuglung-Jinshajiang suture zone, central uplift region and southern Bangongco-Nujiang suture zone, these facies belts extended east-west. The sedimentary model was established based on observed depositional features. From their biological features and sedimentary characteristics, it is suggested that the paleoclimate was warm and humid at that time.The Buqu Formation is a promising target for oil and gas exploration in Shuanghu-Duoyong area in future.  相似文献   

Aerobic, heterotrophic bacteria, recovered from two sites located on the west coast of Scotland, were compared to cultures obtained in a similar way from industrial, aquacultural and clean sites in the vicinity of Qingdao, Shandong, P. R. China. Gram-negative bacterial cultures were examined by BIOLOG-GN, and the data analysed by the simple matching (SSM) and Jaccard coefficients (SJ) and unweighted average linkage clustering using NTSys. The output revealed that 20% of the bacteria, namely, Acinetobacter johnsonii, Aquaspirillum dispar, Pseudomonas spp. (two groups), Sphingobacterium sp., Vibrio, sp., V. campbellii, V. mimicus and V. hollisae, were common between the two geographical locations. However, the study revealed shortcomings with the BIOLOG-GN system for the study of coastal Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

Three types of spatial function zoning is an effective measure for regional environmental protection and orderly development.For ecological and economic coordinated development, spatial function zones should be divided scientifically to clear its direction of development and protection. Therefore, based on ecological constraints, a beneficial discussion would be about the key ecological function areas adopting the concept of ecological protection restriction and supporting socioeconomic development for spatial function zoning. In this paper, the researchers, taking Tacheng Basin, Xinjiang of China as an example, choose township as basic research unit and set up an evaluation index system from three aspects, namely, ecological protection suitability, agricultural production suitability, and urban development suitability, which are analyzed by using spatial analysis functions and exclusive matrix method. The results showed that: 1) This paper formed a set of multilevel evaluation index systems for three types of spatial function zoning of the key ecological function areas based on a novel perspective by scientifically dividing Tacheng Basin into ecological space, agricultural space, and urban space,which realized the integration and scientific orientation for spatial function at the township scale. 2) Under the guidance of three types of spatial pattern, the functional orientation and suggestions of development and protection was clearly defined for ecological protection zones,ecological economic zones, agricultural production zones, and urban development zones. 3) A new idea of space governance is provided to promote the coordinated and sustainable development between ecology and economy, which can break the traditional mode of thinking about regional economic development, and offers a scientific basis and reference for macro decision-making.  相似文献   

研究旅游景点语义交互及交互作用模式,对根据游客需求优化旅游格局有重要意义。现有语义交互挖掘方法忽略了文本中包含人感知信息的上下文词汇;此外,缺少以景点交互为单位分析交互作用模式的研究。为此,本文提出了一个景点间细粒度语义交互作用挖掘和模式分析框架。首先抽取文本中景点交互的语境;然后利用TF-IDF关键词抽取和语义网络分析方法,从讨论焦点和语义结构角度挖掘景点间细粒度的语义交互作用;最后结合Spearman秩相关系数、Graph Kernel图相似度度量方法和网络分析方法,分析语义交互作用模式。以云南省2018年游记数据进行实例分析,结果表明:① 利用本文提出的框架可以挖掘和分析各个景点间细粒度的语义交互作用,辅助有关部门结合游客意见提升旅游体验;可以分析语义交互作用模式,发现优化旅游格局的关键路线片段;② 苍山-洱海应着重提升自然风光体验;而大理古城-洱海应考虑改善游客对品牌旅游资源关注不足的问题;③ 云南省单核心集聚型、单核心辐射型、多区域合作型景点语义交互模式共存,呈现出点轴渐进扩散特征。可利用中介中心性较高且跨区域的景点交互,推动其他2种模式向多区域合作型转化,推进全域旅游战略实施。本文研究可为旅游路线推荐以及平衡旅游格局提供参考。  相似文献   

Li  Kaizhi  Ke  Zhixin  Tan  Yehui 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2018,36(5):1671-1680
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - Relatively few studies have investigated the community structure of zooplankton in the atolls of the central South China Sea. Zooplankton were sampled at nine...  相似文献   

In this study, three-phase satellite images were used to define rules for the allocation of time and space in construction land resources based on a complex adaptive system and game theory. The decision behavior and rules of government agent, enterprise agent and resident agent in construction land growth were explored. A distinctive and dynamic simulation model of construction land growth was built, which integrated multi-agent, GIS technology and RS data and described the interaction among influencing agents, Taking Fuyang City in the Changjiang River Delta as an example, an assessment process for the remote sensing data in construction land and scenario planning was constructed. Repast and ArcGIS were used as simulation platforms. A simulation of the spatial pattern in land-use planning and the setting of scenario planning were conducted by using the incomplete active game, which was based on different natural, social and economic levels. Through this model, a simulation of urban planning space and decision-making for Fuyang City was created. Relevant non-structured problems arising from urban planning management could be identified, and the process and logic of urban planning spatial decision-making could thus be improved. Cell-by-cell comparison showed that the simulation accuracy was over 72%. This model has great potential for use by government and town planners in decision support and technique support in the policy-making process.  相似文献   

Multi-scale data have had a wide-ranging level of performance in the area of urban change monitoring. Herein we investigate the correlation between the impervious surface fraction(ISF) and the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program/Operational Linescan System(DMSP/OLS) nighttime stable light(NTL) data with respect to the urban expansion in the main districts of Guangzhou. Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper and Landsat 8 Operational Land Image(OLI) data from 1988 to 2015 were used to extract the ISF using the linear spectral mixture analysis model and normal difference build-up index at the sub-pixel scale. DMSP/OLS NTL data from 1992 to 2013 were calibrated to illustrate the urban nighttime light conditions at the regional scale. Urban expansion directions were identified by statistics and kernel density analysis for the ISF study area at the sub-pixel scale. In addition, the correlation between the ISF and DMSP/OLS NTL data were illustrated by linear regression analysis. Furthermore, Profile Graph in ArcGIS was employed to illustrate the urban expansion from the differences in correlation in different directions. The conclusions are as follows: 1) The impervious surface(IS)in the study area has expanded to the northeast and the east, starting with the old urban zones, and the high-density IS area has increased by321.14 km^2. 2) The linear regression analysis reveals a positive correlation between the ISF and the DMSP/OLS NTL data. The multi-scale data changes are consistent with the actual urban planning of Guangzhou. 3) The DMSP/OLS NTL data overestimate the urban extent because of its saturation and blooming effects, causing its correlation with ISF to decrease. The pattern of urban expansion influences the saturation and blooming effects of the DMSP/OLS NTL data.  相似文献   

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