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Recent interest in landscape re-wilding and ecological restoration has resulted in a proliferation of large-scale projects in many countries that have the potential to cause significant ecohydrological change. In Scotland an increasing number of watershed “restoration” schemes are motivated by declining Atlantic salmon populations and the threat of climate change. These usually involve riparian planting to shade salmon streams and re-engineering of river channels to “enhance” salmon habitat. However, the need for, and objectives of, these schemes are often highly uncertain and there is no compelling scientific evidence to suggest that they are likely to be successful in halting salmon declines. Remarkably, these schemes - which affect can affect rivers with the highest conservation designations in protected landscapes - have been subject to limited environmental assessment. In some cases, engineering activities pose significant potential risk to juvenile salmon, and existing high quality salmon habitat may be degraded in the re-engineering of streams. This commentary highlights the urgent need for more evidence-based approaches in the management of complex ecohydrological systems.  相似文献   

Ground water discharge is often a significant factor in the quality of fish spawning and rearing habitat and for highly biologically productive streams. In the present study, water temperatures (stream and hyporheic) and seepage fluxes were used to characterize shallow ground water discharge and recharge within thestreambed of Catamaran Brook, a small Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) stream in central New Brunswick, Canada. Three study sites were instrumented using a total of 10 temperature sensors and 18 seepage meters. Highly variable mean seepage fluxes, ranging from 1.7 x 10(-4) to 2.5 cm3 m(-2) sec(-1), and mean hyporheic water temperatures, ranging from 10.5 degrees to 18.0 degrees C, at depths of 20 to 30 cm in the streambed were dependent on streambed location (left versus right stream bank and site location) and time during the summer sampling season. Temperature data were usefulfor determining if an area of the streambed was under discharge (positive flux), recharge (negative flux), or parallel flow (no flux) conditions and seepage meters were used to directly measure the quantity of water flux. Hyporheic water temperature measurements and specific conductance measurements of the seepage meter sample water, mean values ranging from 68.8 to 157.9 microS/cm, provided additional data for determining flux sources. Three stream banks were consistently under discharge conditions, while the other three stream banks showed reversal from discharge to recharge conditions over the sampling season. Results indicate that the majority of the water collected in the seepage meters was composed of surface water. The data obtained suggests that even though a positive seepage flux is often interpreted as ground water discharge, this discharging water may be of stream water origin that has recently entered the hyporheic zone.The measurement of seepage flux in conjunction with hyporheic water temperature or other indicators of water origin should be considered when attempting to quantify the magnitude of exchange and the source of hyporheic water.  相似文献   

A petrographic and geochemical study of 15 Early Jurassic and 7 Proterozoic dolerites of French Guyana, and of one Jurassic dolerite from Ivory-Coast were carried out. The Early Jurassic SSW-NNE trending dykes have doleritic aphyric or gabbroic phyric texture. Their chemical compositions, slightly under-saturated to over-saturated, show moderate to low Mg-ratios (63–36), high TiO2 contents (1.85–3.56 wt.%), weak rare earth element fractionation [1.8<(La/Yb)n <4.6], negative Sr-anomalies (0.41<Sr* <0.91) and positive TiO2-anomalies (1.2<TiO2*<2.15). They correspond to sub-alkaline high-Ti basalts (HTiB). The La/Nb ratio (1.18±0.23) is close to that of the OIB-type Deccan basalts and incompatible element ratios: Rb/Nbn (1.07±0.3), Zr/Y (4.6±0.8) are intermediate between those of HTiB in Deccan and those of HTiB in Paraná. These geochemical signatures and recent isotopic data of Bertrand et al. [Bertrand, H., Liegeois, J.P., Deckart, K., Féraud, G., 1999. High-Ti tholeiites in Guinea and Their Connection with the Central Atlantic CFB Province: Elemental and Nd-Sr-Pb Isotopic Evidence for Preferential Zone of Mantle Upwelling in Cause of Rifting. AGU spring meeting (Abst. p 317)] suggest that their magmatic source is different from that of the other basalts of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP). Such signatures are restricted to a central zone coinciding with the Panafrican Rokelides suture. We propose a model of sub-lithospheric preferential channelling of an asthenospheric ascent in this zone. Two other groups of dykes were identified in French Guyana. Compared to the Jurassic ones the Proterozoic dykes have NNW-SSE and E-W trending direction, more important LILE enrichment, low TiO2 contents (<2 wt%) and Nb–Ta negative anomalies. Their calc-alkaline signature could be the result of a previous subduction and may be related to the 1800 Ma Venturi-Tapajós event, which contaminated the mantle source.  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - Solar-climatic correlations were examined over the timescales, corresponding to solar cycles of Schwabe, Hale and Gleissberg, during the last 3–4 centuries using...  相似文献   

The distribution of Atlantic salmon redds was recorded during two spawning seasons (2005 and 2006) along a 4?km braided reach of the river Feshie in the Cairngorm mountains, Scotland. Within this complex reach, four main channels types were differentiated on the basis of geographical water sources, channel morphology and hydrochemistry: (1) the main braided channels of the river Feshie; (2) groundwater channels fed by seepage at the edge of the floodplain; (3) hillslope tributary channels and (4) mixed channels downstream of confluences of two or more of types 1?C3. The 2005 season was characterised by high and variable flows. In total, 223 redds were observed which were mainly (64%) located in groundwater channels, with relatively few (9%) in the more extensive sections of main channel. The second year had much lower and more stable flows. Here, a total of 337 redds were observed. The largest number were again located in the groundwater channels (44%), though spawning was more evenly distributed in the other channel types, including the main river (19%). It is hypothesised that the apparently more suitable characteristics of groundwater-fed channels relate to a more stable, richer environment for embryo development and juvenile growth, whilst hydraulic conditions and sediment stability in the main channel may create more adverse conditions for successful recruitment.  相似文献   

40Ar/39Ar step heating of single K-feldspar crystals ( 500 μg) in a furnace with a low argon blank and accurate temperature control provide constraints on the thermal history of the Salton Sea geothermal field, southern California. Estimates of 40Ar loss from detrital K-feldspars, coupled with kinetic information gleaned from laboratory degassing of 39Ar, allow possible thermal histories to be evaluated. Samples from core and cuttings of sandstones from the State 2–14, Landers #1, Dearborn Farms #1, Magmamax #2, Elmore #3 and Sinclair #3 wells have been analyzed for this purpose. No recent 40Ar* loss is recognized in any of the 17 crystals measured, even for samples currently at temperatures greater than 275°C. This observation suggests that the present temperature distributions in these wells have not been maintained for greater than 1000 years. However, aggregates ( 100 mg) of two K-feldspar samples do reveal recent 40Ar* loss from the State 2–14 well, suggesting a time scale of 1000 to 5000 years for near-peak thermal conditions. These estimates of heating duration are broadly consistent with earlier results from thermal modelling, but do not support interpretations that paleotemperatures were once hotter than present.Provenance ages span the Tertiary through Middle Proterozoic but cluster at ages of 25, 70 and 1250 Ma. These age peaks are very common K-feldspar K-Ar ages in detachment terranes of southeastern California and southwestern Arizona, both drained by the Colorado River. This coincidence supports earlier suggestions that the sands of the Salton Trough were derived mainly from the Colorado River.Unrealistically low apparent activation energies (< 20 kcal/mol) for argon transport are observed for several single crystals which yield absurdly low calculated closure temperatures (e.g., -100°C). We infer that this anomalous behaviour results from a combination of the laboratory heating schedule and the distribution of diffusion domain sizes.  相似文献   

The upland planation surface in the Piedmont of central New Jersey consists of summit flats, as much as 130 km2 in area, that truncate bedding and structure in diabase, basalt, sandstone, mudstone and gneiss. These flats define a low‐relief regional surface that corresponds in elevation to residual hills in the adjacent Coastal Plain capped by a fluvial gravel of late Miocene age. A Pliocene fluvial sand is inset 50 m below the upland features. These associations suggest a late Miocene or early Pliocene age for the surface. To assess exposure age and erosional history, a 4·4 m core of clayey diabase saprolite on a 3 km2 remnant of the surface was sampled at six depths for atmospherically produced cosmogenic 10Be. The measured inventory, assuming a deposition rate of 1·3 × 106 atoms cm−2 a−1, yields a minimum exposure age of 227 000 years, or, assuming continuous surface erosion, a constant erosion rate of 10 m Ma−1. Because the sample site lies about 60 m above the aggradation surface of the Pliocene fluvial deposit, and itself supports a pre‐Pliocene fluvial gravel lag, this erosion rate is too high. Rather, episodic surface erosion and runoff bypassing probably have produced an inventory deficit. Reasonable estimates of surface erosion (up to 10 m) and bypassing (up to 50 per cent of total precipitation) yield exposure ages of as much as 6·4 Ma. These results indicate that (1) the surface is probably of pre‐Pleistocene age and has been modified by Pleistocene erosion, and (2) exposure ages based on 10Be inventories are highly sensitive to surface erosion and runoff bypassing. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many west coastal and northern Norwegian rivers run through deep, confined valleys with permeable layers of glacial and alluvial deposits. Groundwater flows through these permeable layers and enter lakes and rivers as underwater seepage and springs. Groundwater inflow to inland Norwegian rivers may constitute 40–100% of total water discharge during low flow periods in late summer and winter. Juvenile salmonids may take advantage of groundwater upwellings and actively seek out such patches. In regulated rivers groundwater influx may create refuges during low flow or hydropeaking episodes. The importance of groundwater for salmon redd site selection and egg survival is also clear, although less known and documented in regulated rivers.Eggs of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) are deposited in redds in river bed gravels lacking fine sediments and with high oxygen levels. Egg development is therefore dependent on the interaction of a number of environmental factors such as groundwater influx, oxygen and temperature. Atlantic salmon in the regulated River Suldalslågen, Western Norway, spawn relatively late compared to other Norwegian rivers, with a peak in early January. Newly emerged fry are found from the end of May to the beginning of June, i.e. “swim up” one month earlier than expected using models for egg and alevin development and river water temperatures. The most plausible explanation is that groundwater has a higher and more stable temperature than surface river water. In field experiments, fertilized salmon eggs were placed in boxes close to natural spawning redds in the river bed at sites influenced and those not influenced by groundwater. A difference of up to 40 days in 50% hatching was found, and “swim up” occurred at the end of May in boxes influenced by groundwater.Preliminary studies have revealed that groundwater also plays an important role in survival of salmon eggs in the River Suldalslågen when dewatered in winter. Eggs placed in boxes in groundwater seepage areas during winter in the dewatered river bed survived even when covered by ice and snow. The survival from fertilization until 30 April, one month before hatching, was 91%, the same survival as found for eggs placed in boxes in the wetted river bed. However, mortality from fertilization to hatching was higher compared to the eggs placed in wetted river bed, 57 and 91% respectively.Groundwater creates a horizontal and vertical mosaic of temperatures in spawning redd areas leading to potentially greater variation in spawning sites, time of hatching and “swim up”. This is likely to increase egg survival during low flow periods in regulated rivers. In conclusion, the interaction between groundwater and surface river water should therefore be considered when managing fish populations in regulated rivers.  相似文献   

The study was undertaken to investigate the uptake of mercury in salmon throughout the entire farming period at the net cage. Mercury concentrations in muscle, liver, kidney, and gill and responses to the various dietary mercury concentrations were determined. The accumulation of mercury is in the order of kidney>gill=liver>muscle. The highest mercury peak concentrations were observed for both kidney and gill at the parr-smolt period, while liver and muscle mercury peaked one month later after caging at the grow-out site. High dietary sodium and calcium fed to the salmon contributed to the elevation of mercury in kidney and gill during the smolting process. The mercury burden over the grow-out period increased sharply with a linear relationship of mercury uptake. The tissue mercury burden per gram of growth was calculated using the slope of mercury burden and the slope of growth over the period of each stage. The results showed dietary mercury loadings on marketable salmon were within tolerance limits of FDA and US EPA. Rapid growth of salmon and low dietary mercury progressively reduces the uptake of mercury in salmon. The time series of mercury monitoring showed that mercury concentrations in salmon were greater at the parr stage in freshwater than at the grow-out stage in salt water.  相似文献   

Long-term data are crucial for understanding ecological responses to climate and land use change; they are also vital evidence for informing management. As a migratory fish, Atlantic salmon are sentinels of both global and local environmental change. This paper reviews the main insights from six decades of research in an upland Scottish stream (Girnock Burn) inhabited by a spring Atlantic salmon population dominated by multi-sea-winter fish. Research began in the 1960s providing a census of returning adults, juvenile emigrants and in-stream production of Atlantic salmon. Early research pioneered new monitoring techniques providing new insights into salmon ecology and population dynamics. These studies underlined the need for interdisciplinary approaches for understanding salmon interactions with physical, chemical and biological components of in-stream habitats at different life-stages. This highlighted variations in catchment-scale hydroclimate, hydrology, geomorphology and hydrochemistry as essential to understanding freshwater habitats in the wider landscape context. Evolution of research has resulted in a remarkable catalogue of novel findings underlining the value of long-term data that increases with time as modelling tools advance to leverage more insights from “big data”. Data are available on fish numbers, sizes and ages across multiple life stages, extending over many decades and covering a wide range of stock levels. Combined with an unusually detailed characterization of the environment, these data have enabled a unique process-based understanding of the controls and bottlenecks on salmon population dynamics across the entire lifecycle and the consequences of declining marine survival and ova deposition. Such powerful datasets, methodological enhancements and the resulting process understanding have informed and supported the development of fish population assessment tools which have been applied to aid management of threatened salmon stocks at large-catchment, regional and national scales. Many pioneering monitoring and modelling approaches developed have been applied internationally. This history shows the importance of integrating discovery science with monitoring for informing policy development and assessing efficacy of management options. It also demonstrates the need to continue to resource long-term sites, which act as a focus for inter-disciplinary research and innovation, and where the overall value of the research greatly exceeds the costs of individual component parts.  相似文献   

The concentrations and composition profiles of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans, polychlorinated biphenyls, polybrominated diphenyl ethers and polychlorinated naphthalenes were determined in herring individuals collected from the commercial catches of the Bothnian Sea, northern Baltic. The median age of herring was 5.0 years and in the muscle the median toxic equivalent concentration of PCDD/Fs was 5.6 WHO(PCDD/F)-TEQ pg/g fresh weight (fw) and that of PCBs 2.7 WHO(PCB)-TEQ pg/g fw. The median sum concentration of PBDEs was 1.4 ng/g fw and that of PCNs 0.1 ng/g fw. Differences in age-dependent accumulation between the organohalogen groups and individual congeners were major. In the Bothnian Sea the content of organohalogen compounds in herring is obviously elevated due to the availability and large proportion of Mysis crustaceans in their diet. More intensive fishing could reduce the concentrations of organohalogens, including the abundant, accumulative and toxic 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF congener in the Baltic herring catch.  相似文献   

We present the first transect of dissolved 10Be depth profiles across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) in the Atlantic sector. North of the Polar Front the 10Be concentrations increase continuously from very low values at the surface to values of up to 1600 atoms/g at depth. Deep water 10Be concentrations of particular water masses are consistent with earlier results obtained further north. South of the Polar Front and in the Weddell Sea the distribution of 10Be is also characterised by low surface concentrations but below 1000 m depth the concentrations are relatively constant and significantly higher (up to 2000 atoms/g) than further north, probably as a result of mixing and advection of water masses of Pacific origin. Overall the deep water 10Be distribution is obviously not significantly affected by scavenging processes or ice melt and comparison with the density distribution suggests that 10Be can be viewed as a quasi-conservative tracer. This provides a tool for an improved understanding of the behaviour of other more particle reactive trace metals in the Southern Ocean such as 230Th: in deep waters north of the ACC/Weddell Gyre boundary (AWB) 10Be/230Th has a relatively constant value (1.7±0.3×109 atoms/dpm) over a wide density range whereas south of the AWB the ratio is significantly lower (1.1±0.2×109 atoms/dpm). This normalisation to 10Be corroborates that 230Th is enriched by 50% due to accumulation south of the AWB as a consequence of minimal particulate fluxes. The quasi-conservative behaviour deduced from our results also implies that 10Be can only be used as a tracer for Southern Ocean particle fluxes in the past if ocean circulation patterns and water mass residence times did not change significantly.  相似文献   

Biological markers of produced water (PW) exposure were studied in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in both laboratory and field experiments, using authentic PW from a North Sea oil field. In the laboratory study, the PW exposure yielded significantly elevated levels of metabolites of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and alkylphenols (APs) in bile even at the lowest exposure dose (0.125% PW). Other biomarkers (hepatic CYP1A induction and DNA adduct formation) responded at 0.25% and 0.5% PW concentrations. In the field study, bile metabolite markers and hepatic CYP1A were clearly increased in fish caged close to the PW outfall. Induction of plasma vitellogenin was not found in laboratory or field exposures, suggesting that the levels of oestrogen agonists (such as APs) might not have been sufficient to elicit induction, under the present conditions. The applicability of the biomarkers for use in water column biomonitoring programs is discussed.  相似文献   

The Feldberger Haussee, a highly eutrophic stratified hard-water lake located in the eastern part of Germany's Baltic lake district, was selected for a restoration programme combining external nutrient loading reduction and long-term biomanipulation. In 1980 the external phosphorus loading (1.8 g TP m−2 a−1) decreased by 90%, but water quality did not improve significantly within the following 6 years. In 1985 biomanipulation was initiated, with manual removal of cyprinid fish coupled with piscivore introductions as the principal measures. The expected changes in the pelagic community and improvements of water quality occurred after a delay of several years. Despite intensive manual removal of cyprinids and stocking of piscivores, standing stocks of cyprinid fish remained relatively high (130-260 kg ww ha−1) after some years of decline. Compared to the pre-biomanipulation period, mean seasonal (May-September) Daphnia spp. biomass roughly doubled (0.037 g C m−3vs. 0.084 g C m−3). However, the predominance of small (<1 mm) D. cucullata throughout the whole investigation period indicated that planktivory was still substantial. Paired observations between edible phytoplankton biomass and Daphnia spp. indicated that a significant decline in algal stocks would only occur if herbivorous biomass was above a certain threshold (0.2 g C m−3). Reduced external and internal loading in concert with pelagic calcite precipitation were most likely responsible for the decline in lake phosphorus concentrations, thereby substantially improving the water quality of Feldberger Haussee. Although this is not supported by quantitative evidence, we hypothesize that resource-related water quality improvements were caused by changes in the structure of the pelagic community leading to increased calcite precipitation. In agreement with the results of other investigations, we conclude that because stabilising mechanisms such as macrophyte growth were lacking in Feldberger Haussee, biomanipulation in stratified lakes may not be as successful as has been observed in shallow lakes. However, in hard-water lakes, calcite precipitation may act as another stabilising resource-related mechanism. Phosphorus associated with sedimenting calcite particles is insensitive to redox-conditions and may therefore not be re-mobilised from lake sediments even if hypolimnetic oxygen is depleted.  相似文献   

Integrated study of rock assemblage, tectonic setting, geochemical feature, fossil contained and isotopic geochronology on the metamorphic mixed bodies, exposed in the Jinshajiang suture zone, suggests that one informal lithostratigraphic unit, the Eaqing Complex, and three tectono-stratigraphic units, the Jinshajiang ophiolitic melange, the Gajinxueshan Group and the Zhongxinrong Group, can be recognized there. It is first pointed out that the redefined Eaqing Complex might represent the Meso- to Neo-Proterozoic remnant metamorphic basement or mi-crocontinental fragment in the Jinshajiang area. The original rocks of it should be older than (1627 ±192) Ma based on the geochronological study. The zircon U-Pb age of plagiogranites within the Jinshajiang ophiolitic assemblage is dated for the first time at (294 ± 3) Ma and (340 ± 3) Ma respectively. The Jinshajiang ophiolite is approximately equivalent to the Ailaoshan ophiolite in the formation age, covering the interval from the Late Devonian to the Carboniferous. Dating of U-Pb age from basalt interbeds indicates that the redefined Gajinxueshan Group and Zhongxinrong Group may be considered Carboniferous to Permian and latest Permian to Middle Triassic in age. In geotectonic terms the Jinshajiang suture zone is thought to be a back-arc basin in the eastern margin of the Paleo-Tethys. This back-arc basin started in the Late Devonian, and formed in the Devonian-Carboniferous. The collision event around the Permian/Triassic boundary to the Middle Triassic led to the closure of the back-arc basin and formation of suture.  相似文献   

Pelagic tars and plastics were sampled on six MARMAP cruises in the southeastern continental shelf and slope waters of the United States using a Boothbay neuston net. Both tars and plastic beads were widespread throughout the study area and the incidence of these contaminants increased offshore. Distribution patterns appeared to be related to currents. Average tar and plastic concentrations obtained on recent cruises were similar to concentrations noted in previous MARMAP sampling programmes along the northwestern Atlantic and Gulf coasts.  相似文献   

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