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Design of tunnels in swelling rock   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary Design and construction of tunnels in swelling rock may be considered to be a matter of choosing the right tunnel cross-sectional form and the appropriate excavation methods and sequences. Experience, i. e. empirical knowledge, no doubt plays a fundamental role in tunnelling and even more so in tunnelling in swelling rock formations. However, the design engineer needs some tools to analyze the forces which are transmitted from the swelling rock to the tunnel lining in a given case. These tools may provide approximations of the real behavior. However, approximate quantitative indications are very valuable in order to supplement the mentioned empirical knowledge. The analysis method given in the paper is meant to provide such a tool for circular tunnels in swelling rock of the reversible type (swelling of clay minerals). The main approximation of the method is the consequent use of the theory of elasticity as framework for the specific swelling calculations. Since the widely used oedometer swelling test until now is also interpreted using the theory of elasticity, the analysis method is compatible with the kind of assessment of the swelling parameters.The main advantage of the method, however, is its relative simplicity because it may be used quite similarly to the method of characteristic lines. In principle, the method could be transformed into an elasto-plastic approach. As long as the greatest uncertainty of the design methods, however, lies in the right choice of the swelling parameters, a too complicated analysis method is hardly beneficial. For complex cases, where the geometrical boundary conditions may not allow the use of a circular tunnel model, it is advisable to use finite element solutions which are available for swelling calculations in the elasto-plastic formulation straight away.  相似文献   

杨小礼  眭志荣 《岩土力学》2007,28(Z1):501-504
在偏压情况下对不同埋深的4车道和2车道偏压公路隧道建立其力学模型,研究其松动围岩力学特征。在考虑应力剪胀对隧道围岩的影响后,计算出洞周围岩位移、收敛比。研究结果表明:对于相同的条件,4车道偏压公路隧道的围岩剪切破坏带比2车道更容易与地面贯通;随着剪胀角的递增,围岩位移矢量和隧道拱顶下沉量逐渐减小,拱脚水平位移逐渐增大;大跨度隧道围岩位移受剪胀角的影响比小断面隧道显著。  相似文献   

Time-dependent response of deep tunnels is studied considering the progressive degradation of the mechanical properties of the rock mass. The constitutive model is based on a rock-aging law for the uniaxial strength of the rock and for the Young’s modulus. A semi-analytical solution is developed for the stresses and displacements around a deep circular tunnel taking into account the face advance. The evolution of the plastic and damage zones over time is determined. Numerical examples are presented for the case of Saint-Martin-La-Porte access adit in France of the Lyon–Turin Base Tunnel. The computed results which are compared with the field data in terms of the convergence of tunnel wall and of the displacements inside the rock mass monitored by multi-point extensometers show the efficiency of the approach to simulate the time-dependent deformation of a tunnel excavated in squeezing ground. Simple relationships are proposed to evaluate the parameters of the constitutive model directly from those of the empirical convergence law presented in previous work.  相似文献   

深隧道围岩分区破裂的数学模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
戚承志  钱七虎  王明洋  陈剑杰 《岩土力学》2012,33(11):3439-3446
该研究为先前深隧道围岩分区破裂现象内变量梯度塑性模型的进一步发展。利用应变梯度模型研究了深隧道围岩的分区破裂现象。作为额外的状态变量,在此引入应变梯度这一新变量。利用虚功原理得到了深隧道围岩的平衡方程、边界条件和流动准则,利用Clausius-Duhem不等式获得了岩体的本构方程。对于圆形深隧道,由上述模型的一般方程得到了弹性变形情况下、具有下降段的弹塑性变形情况下和不考虑弹性变形的塑性变形情况下圆形深隧道围岩的支配方程,得到了解析解,并讨论了解析解的性质。这一模型不仅扩展了隧道围岩的经典弹塑性模型,也为下一步数值研究深隧道围岩的分区破裂现象奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

岩溶塌陷的产生会严重影响隧道的安全施工及运营,而隧道的开挖又加剧了岩溶塌陷发生的可能性,并使其发生机制变的更加复杂。本文选择隧道埋深、隧道涌水量及距离隧道的远近3个因素来衡量隧道开挖对岩溶塌陷的影响。并以长基岭隧道为例,运用模糊数学理论结合层次分析法,选择了包括隧道埋深、涌水量等在内的14个因素,建立研究区岩溶塌陷模糊综合评判模型,并通过程序与GIS集成实现了研究区岩溶塌陷危险性分区。评价结果对岩溶地区隧道的施工及运营提供依据。  相似文献   

公路隧道局部塌方洞段的围岩稳定性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马亢  徐进  吴赛钢  张爱辉 《岩土力学》2009,30(10):2955-2960
结合某公路隧道工程,以现场地质调查和监测资料为基础,在结构面发育且可能发生大规模塌方的围岩洞段,根据现场实际统计的优势结构面产状,采用关键块体理论、非连续变形方法(DDA)首先确定围岩主要的失稳破坏模式,然后运用连续介质分析程序FLAC,在DDA方法确定的围岩实际变形破坏塌方形态的基础上进行计算分析,评价围岩的整体稳定性及加固措施的有效性。分析表明,围岩破坏的主要模式为受结构面控制的局部块体的失稳,工程开挖后围岩不会发生大变形,这与实际情况基本一致,为安全施工提供了保证。采用非连续变形方法和连续介质计算相结合的分析方法对隧道工程塌方稳定性进行研究,取得了较好的效果,研究方法和经验可为类似工程参考并借鉴。  相似文献   

Summary As a part of a research program on the rock engineering aspects of hard rock subsea tunnelling, analyses of potential cave-in from fault zones have been carried out at the Norwegian Institute of Technology. This is a topic of great importance for the planning of future subsea tunnels, and particularly for the selection of the minimum rock cover of such projects. The paper is divided into three main parts: a) review of cases of instability in Norwegian subsea tunnels, b) evaluation of theoretical maximum sliding, and c) discussion of cases of cave-in in tunnels under land. In theory, a cave-in during subsea tunnelling may propagate far higher than the normal minimum rock cover. Taking into consideration the comprehensive geo-investigations that are always carried out for subsea tunnel projects today, it would, however, be unrealistic to base the dimensioning of rock cover for future projects on worst-case scenarios. Consequently, the main result of this study is to emphasize the importance of comprehensive geo-investigations, detailed tunnel mapping, a high degree of readiness during tunnelling and a thorough quality control.  相似文献   

损伤条件下深部岩体巷道光面爆破参数研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
付玉华  李夕兵  董陇军 《岩土力学》2010,31(5):1420-1426
岩体条件复杂多变,为了提高光面爆破的适应性、改善光面爆破效果,对损伤条件下深部岩体巷道光面爆破参数进行研究。通过对深部岩体巷道光爆层原岩应力场、光面爆破机制和振动损伤特征进行分析,基于爆炸应力波和爆生气体综合作用理论,考虑高原岩应力和岩石损伤影响,提出了损伤条件下深部岩体巷道光面爆破参数确定的计算方法。研究表明, (1)高原岩应力相当于提高了岩石的抗拉强度,不利于炮孔初始裂纹的形成及贯通,宜减小周边眼间距;(2)岩石损伤后,其他条件不变,光面爆破的炮孔间距和抵抗线值可适当加大;(3)高原岩应力和损伤条件下,光面爆破的炮孔间距较小时,容易造成爆后围岩损伤,降低围岩的稳定性能,因此,提高爆破效果的同时应及时加强支护,以确保施工安全和围岩稳定;(4)本文提出的光面爆破参数计算公式,经现场爆破验证效果良好,适用于复杂多变的岩体环境。  相似文献   

龚建伍  雷学文 《岩土力学》2010,31(Z2):412-417
结合小净距隧道工程特点,分别建立不同跨度小净距隧道有限元计算模型,对隧道施工过程力学特征及围岩稳定性进行对比分析,以研究三车道大断面小净距隧道区别于两车道小净距隧道的基本力学特征。分析结果表明,对应不同隧道跨度、隧道净距和围岩级别对隧道施工过程中围岩稳定性的影响有显著差别,相同隧道净距条件下,三车道小净距隧道围岩应力状态比两车道隧道差,净距越小,差别越大,而围岩质量越低,差别也越显著;另外,在质量较差的围岩中,大断面小净距隧道围岩受力最薄弱部位主要集中在岩柱雁形部,而两车道小净距隧道则为岩柱中部。研究结果可为大断面小净距隧道的设计、施工提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

山岭隧道堵水限排围岩力学特性分析   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
为了尽可能减少隧道长期大量排水带来的严重环境问题,高水位地区的深埋山岭隧道应采取“以堵为主,限量排放”即“堵水限排”的防排水设计准则。但在堵水限排情况下围岩的力学特性如何?是当前隧道衬砌结构设计急需解决的关键问题之一。首次建立了山岭隧道堵水限排情况下围岩力学特性分析的解析模型并进行了理论推导,分析了不同排水工况下围岩力学特性的变化并绘制了相应的围岩特征曲线,为堵水限排衬砌结构设计提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

耿晓杰  吴顺川  高永涛  刘芳标 《岩土力学》2014,35(11):3240-3246
围岩质量及施工方法是影响隧道超欠挖的本质原因,研究围岩质量与超欠挖的关系,对评价和预测超欠挖、判断隧道结构的稳定性具有重要意义。基于工程实测资料及数值试验,研究了跨度对隧道围岩质量的影响,进而建立了基于多因素评价的围岩质量修正指标。根据隧道开挖断面轮廓具有分形特征的特点,计算了鸳鸯会隧道20个典型断面轮廓分形维数,研究了围岩质量与超欠挖的关系,得出围岩质量多因素修正指标与超挖比及断面轮廓分形维数呈线性关系,随着围岩质量多因素修正指标的提高,超挖比和断面轮廓分形维数将降低,并根据复相关原理,建立了三者间的复相关关系,可为隧道围岩质量的正确评价及超欠挖分析提供有益参考。对比不同围岩分级方法与超欠挖的关系表明,基于多因素评价的BQ法在隧道工程中的适用性更好。  相似文献   

孙金山  卢文波 《岩土力学》2007,28(Z1):327-332
考虑岩石材料的应变软化及扩容效应,采用岩石材料的弹性-塑性软化-塑性残余三线性应力-应变软化模型和莫尔-库仑屈服准则,推导了非轴对称荷载下圆形隧洞围岩弹性区、塑性软化区和塑性残余区的应力场、应变场、位移场和塑性区半径的近似解析解,适用于围岩塑性区较大且侧压力系数1≤λ<3的情况。该近似解析方法与有限元法的计算结果较为接近,可代替有限元方法进行简单的圆形隧洞围岩弹塑性分析。  相似文献   

隧道围岩破坏模式的进化神经网络识别   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
高玮  杨明成  郑颖人 《岩土力学》2002,23(6):691-694
隧道围岩破坏受很多因素的影响,其破坏模式的识别是一个复杂的非线性系统辨识问题,采用一般方法很难得到好的解答。基于作者提出的免疫进化规划,并把它同神经网络(NN)相结合,提出了一种全新的结构及权值同时进化的进化神经网络(ENN)模型,用于围岩破坏模式的识别研究,用一个试验算例证明了进化神经网络具有解决此问题的良好性能。  相似文献   

深埋圆形隧洞围岩的应力应变状态是深地下工程设计的重要参考依据。针对岩体内部的缺陷引起的应力集中和松弛,建立了局部附加应力与缺陷尺度和卸载时间之间的联系,得到圆形隧洞在卸载时围岩破坏前遵循的一系列方程,进而推导出围岩变形的解析积分表达式。将围岩应力应变的时间效应分为卸载阶段和应力松弛阶段,通过逐步逼近法分别求解了围岩的应力和变形的近似解析表达式。该近似解析式考虑了岩体内部缺陷处应力集中的影响和卸载的时间效应,可用来考察不同半径处缺陷应力集中和卸载快慢对应力变形状态的影响。计算表明,围岩内部在卸载过程中和卸载完成后均存在局部附加拉应力集中,围岩变形在卸载完成后仍会进一步增加。  相似文献   

节理岩体中隧道开挖与支护的数值模拟   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
刘君  孔宪京 《岩土力学》2007,28(2):321-326
由于节理、断层等不连续面的存在造成岩体变形的不连续性,并且这些不连续面对岩体变形、应力等力学行为造成重要影响。对已有的非连续变形分析程序进行了两点改进,应用改进的程序模拟了节理岩体中隧洞开挖与支护的过程,研究了不同节理倾角岩体的应力分布特性、开挖后隧洞围岩的变形和应力分布规律以及支护后衬砌的变形与应力特点。研究结果表明,节理倾角对节理岩体系统的应力和变形有着直接的影响,并且影响着隧洞开挖后的内空收敛效应;隧洞开挖顺序对围岩的变形和稳定也有重要影响。改进后的非连续变形分析方法和程序可以用来分析复杂节理岩体系统中隧洞的开挖与支护。  相似文献   


Rocks are natural geo-materials, whose properties are affected by many spatially-varying factors, such as the properties of their parent materials, weathering processes, and discontinuity conditions. Engineering properties of rocks therefore vary spatially and exhibit significant variability. To evaluate rock property variability, an extensive literature review is performed in this study to collect data reported in literature for igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks during the last several decades. The typical ranges of rock property data, mean values and coefficient of variations of rock properties are evaluated and summarized. These typical ranges of rock properties can be used as guidelines for approximation when rock property data are not available at a project site. Furthermore, they can be used as prior knowledge when developing Bayesian framework for quantifying the variability of rock properties at a specific project site.  相似文献   

There are two kinds of excavation methods in underground engineering: the tunnel boring machine (TBM) and the drill-blasting method. A large number of studies have shown that the deformation and failure, the degree of disturbance, the stability and the reinforcement measures of surrounding rock using the TBM and drill-blasting method vary from each other. To accurately master these macroscopic damages, it is necessary to focus on the investigation of the micro-mechanical responses of the surrounding rock. Scanning electron microscopy tests, acoustic emission tests and tunnel acoustic detection tests were carried out to analyze the mechanical response of surrounding rock of tunnels, which were excavated in marble by, respectively, the TBM and the drill-blasting method. The tests results showed that most of the rock fractures cut by TBM is wipe along the crystal, and the failure mechanism is mainly cutting, while most of the rock fractures induced by the TBM coincide with crystal planes, its mechanism is mainly tensile. The stress–strain curves of rocks cut by the TBM method are rather flat around the peak strength, which means a strong resistance to deformation around the peak load. The response of AE for the rock cut by the TBM method appears after larger strains than the response of the rock constructed by the drill-blasting method. This suggests that the resistance to damage is higher under TBM excavation conditions. The relaxation depths of the tunnel excavated by the drill-blasting method are larger than the tunnel excavated by the TBM method. The research can provide more insight into tunnel failure mechanisms and provide a framework for reinforcement measures.  相似文献   

目前实施的《公路隧道设计规范》(JTG D70-2004)对土质围岩分级、围岩亚级分级方法都没有进行研究,因此,不能满足隧道设计和施工的要求。通过对岩质围岩和土质围岩自稳性的大量室内试验、数值计算和理论分析,建立了公路隧道岩质围岩和土质围岩统一的亚级分级标准。研究结果显示:围岩自稳跨度是围岩自稳性的综合反映,围岩自稳跨度可分为长期稳定跨度、基本稳定跨度、暂时稳定跨度和不稳定跨度。研究表明,规范中岩质围岩的Ⅲ级、Ⅳ级和Ⅴ级分别依据自稳跨度可分为2个、3个和2个亚级;土质围岩尽管分为黏质土围岩、砂质土围岩及碎石土围岩,但按照各自的自稳跨度可以分别进行亚级划分。可见,以自稳跨度可以建立岩质围岩和土质围岩统一的亚级分级标准。  相似文献   

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