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The solar soft X-ray (XUV) radiation is important for upper atmosphere studies as it is one of the primary energy inputs and is highly variable. The XUV Photometer System (XPS) aboard the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) has been measuring the solar XUV irradiance since March 2003 with a time cadence of 10 s and with about 70% duty cycle. The XPS measurements are between 0.1 and 34 nm and additionally the bright hydrogen emission at 121.6 nm. The XUV radiation varies by a factor of ∼2 with a period of ∼27 days that is due to the modulation of the active regions on the rotating Sun. The SORCE mission has observed over 20 solar rotations during the declining phase of solar cycle 23. The solar XUV irradiance also varies by more than a factor of 10 during the large X-class flares observed during the May–June 2003, October–November 2003, and July 2004 solar storm periods. There were 7 large X-class flares during the May–June 2003 storm period, 11 X-class flares during the October–November 2003 storm period, and 6 X-class flares during the July 2004 storm period. The X28 flare on 4 November 2003 is the largest flare since GOES began its solar X-ray measurements in 1976. The XUV variations during the X-class flares are as large as the expected solar cycle variations.  相似文献   

Solar soft X-ray (XUV) radiation is highly variable on all time scales and strongly affects Earth’s ionosphere and upper atmosphere; consequently, the solar XUV irradiance is important for atmospheric studies and for space weather applications. Although there have been several recent measurements of the solar XUV irradiance, detailed understanding of the solar XUV irradiance, especially its variability during flares, has been hampered by the broad bands measured in the XUV range. In particular, the simple conversion of the XUV photometer signal into irradiance, in which a static solar spectrum is assumed, overestimates the flare variations by more than a factor of two as compared to the atmospheric response to the flares. To address this deficiency in the simple conversion, an improved algorithm using CHIANTI spectral models has been developed to process the XUV Photometer System (XPS) measurements with its broadband photometers. Model spectra representative of quiet Sun, active region, and flares are combined to match the signals from the XPS and produce spectra from 0.1 to 40 nm in 0.1-nm intervals for the XPS Level 4 data product. The two XPS instruments are aboard NASA’s Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) and Thermosphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere, Energetics, and Dynamics (TIMED) satellites. In addition, the XPS responsivities have been updated for the latest XPS data processing version. The new XPS results are consistent with daily variations from the previous simple conversion technique used for XPS and are also consistent with spectral measurements made at wavelengths longer than 27 nm. Most importantly, the XPS flare variations are reduced by factors of 2 – 4 at wavelengths shorter than 14 nm and are more consistent, for the first time, with atmospheric response to solar flares. Along with the details of the new XPS algorithm, several comparisons to dayglow and photoelectron measurements and model results are also presented to help verify the accuracy of the new XUV irradiance spectra.  相似文献   

Sakao  T.  Tsuneta  S.  Hara  H.  Shimizu  T.  Kano  R.  Kumagai  K.  Yoshida  T.  Nagata  S.  Kobayashi  K. 《Solar physics》1999,187(2):303-333

The Solar–Stellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment {II (SOLSTICE {II), aboard the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) spacecraft, consists of a pair of identical scanning grating monochromators, which have the capability to observe both solar spectral irradiance and stellar spectral irradiance using a single optical system. The SOLSTICE science objectives are to measure solar spectral irradiance from 115 to 320 nm with a spectral resolution of 1 nm, a cadence of 6 h, and an accuracy of 5%, to determine its variability with a long-term relative accuracy of 0.5% per year during a 5-year nominal mission, and to determine the ratio of solar irradiance to that of an ensemble of bright B and A stars to an accuracy of 2%. Those objectives are met by calibrating instrument radiometric sensitivity before launch using the Synchrotron Ultraviolet Radiation Facility at the National Institute for Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, Maryland. During orbital operations irradiance measurements from an ensemble of bright, stable, main-sequence B and A stars are used to track instrument sensitivity. SORCE was launched on 25 January 2003. After spacecraft and instrument check out, SOLSTICE {II first observed a series of three stars to establish an on-orbit performance baseline. Since 6 March 2003, both instruments have been making daily measurements of both the Sun and stars. This paper describes the pre-flight and in-flight calibration and characterization measurements that are required to achieve the SOLSTICE science objectives and compares early SOLSTICE{II measurements of both solar and stellar irradiance with those obtained by SOLSTICE {I on the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite.  相似文献   

Abstract— Tektites are natural glasses formed from terrestrial material that was melted and displaced by the impact of an extraterrestrial body. The surface and near-surface compositions of tektite glass results from fractionation during impact and ejection, and/or postsolidification weathering. The first goal of this study was to characterise the surface and near-surface (in the order of tens of angstroms) chemical composition of two tektites by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and to estimate the importance of weathering vs. fractionation during flying. In order to separate the chemical modification due to weathering from that due to fractionation during ballistic flight, we studied two samples from the Australasian tektite strewn field. One of them was collected in a hot desert area (Nullarbor Plain, Australia) and the other, in a humid climate (Thailand). Our study reveals the presence of well-developed leached layers in both tektites. In the Australian tektite, Si is depleted in the topmost layers (a few tens of angstroms). A more complex chemical zoning is defined in the tektite from Thailand. These leached layers are comparable to those observed in weathered glasses, and therefore we conclude that weathering is responsible for the chemical composition of the surface and near-surface compositions. The second goal was to investigate the chemical environment of O, N and C in the glass. The O peak was resolved into two bridging O components (Si-O-Si and Al-O-Si) that are comparable to O environments in artificial glasses. The binding energy of the C1s electron is typical for C-C and C-H bonds in hydrocarbons; minor organic acid components are also present. Nitrogen is only observed on the surface of the Thailand tektite. The binding energy of N1s is comparable to that of ammonia, and the surface enrichment in N is interpreted as due to sorption related to interactions between glass and fluid buffered by the organic material in the soil.  相似文献   

The Hinode satellite (formerly Solar-B) of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS/JAXA) was successfully launched in September 2006. As the successor to the Yohkoh mission, it aims to understand how magnetic energy gets transferred from the photosphere to the upper atmosphere and results in explosive energy releases. Hinode is an observatory style mission, with all the instruments being designed and built to work together to address the science aims. There are three instruments onboard: the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT), the EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS), and the X-Ray Telescope (XRT). This paper provides an overview of the mission, detailing the satellite, the scientific payload, and operations. It will conclude with discussions on how the international science community can participate in the analysis of the mission data. T. Kosugi deceased 26 November 2006.  相似文献   

The South Galactic Cap u-band Sky Survey(SCUSS) was established in 2009 in order to provide a photometric input catalog for target selection of the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope(LAMOST) project. SCUSS is an international cooperative project between National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Steward Observatory at the University of Arizona, using the 90 inch(2.3 m) Bok telescope on Kitt Peak. The telescope is equipped with a prime focus camera that is composed of a mosaic of four 4096 × 4096 CCDs and has a field of view of about 1 deg2. From 2009 to 2013, SCUSS performed a sky survey of an approximately 5000 deg2 field of the South Galactic Cap in u band, including the Galactic anticenter area and the SDSS-IV extended imaging area. The limiting magnitude of SCUSS is deeper than 23 mag(at a signal-to-noise ratio of 5). In this paper, we briefly describe the goals of this project, method of observations and data reduction, and we also introduce current and potential scientific activities related to the SCUSS project.  相似文献   

The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) began near-continuous full-disk solar measurements on 1 May 2010 from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). An automated processing pipeline keeps pace with observations to produce observable quantities, including the photospheric vector magnetic field, from sequences of filtergrams. The basic vector-field frame list cadence is 135 seconds, but to reduce noise the filtergrams are combined to derive data products every 720 seconds. The primary 720 s observables were released in mid-2010, including Stokes polarization parameters measured at six wavelengths, as well as intensity, Doppler velocity, and the line-of-sight magnetic field. More advanced products, including the full vector magnetic field, are now available. Automatically identified HMI Active Region Patches (HARPs) track the location and shape of magnetic regions throughout their lifetime. The vector field is computed using the Very Fast Inversion of the Stokes Vector (VFISV) code optimized for the HMI pipeline; the remaining 180° azimuth ambiguity is resolved with the Minimum Energy (ME0) code. The Milne–Eddington inversion is performed on all full-disk HMI observations. The disambiguation, until recently run only on HARP regions, is now implemented for the full disk. Vector and scalar quantities in the patches are used to derive active region indices potentially useful for forecasting; the data maps and indices are collected in the SHARP data series, hmi.sharp_720s. Definitive SHARP processing is completed only after the region rotates off the visible disk; quick-look products are produced in near real time. Patches are provided in both CCD and heliographic coordinates. HMI provides continuous coverage of the vector field, but has modest spatial, spectral, and temporal resolution. Coupled with limitations of the analysis and interpretation techniques, effects of the orbital velocity, and instrument performance, the resulting measurements have a certain dynamic range and sensitivity and are subject to systematic errors and uncertainties that are characterized in this report.  相似文献   

We present the aim and first results of the RApid Temporal Survey (RATS) made using the Wide Field Camera on the Isaac Newton Telescope. Our initial survey covers 3 square degrees, reaches a depth of   V ∼ 22.5  and is sensitive to variations on time-scales as short as 2 min: this is a new parameter space. Each field was observed for over 2 h in white light, with 12 fields being observed in total. Our initial analysis finds 45 targets which show significant variations. Around half of these systems show quasi-sinusoidal variations: we believe they are contact or short period binaries. We find four systems which show variations on a time-scale less than 1 h. The shortest period system has a period of 374 s. We find two systems which show a total eclipse. Further photometric and spectroscopic observations are required to fully identify the nature of these systems. We outline our future plans and objectives.  相似文献   

Within the European Space Agency’s (ESA) General Support and Technology Programme (GSTP), the Project for On-Board Autonomy (PROBA) missions provide a platform for in-orbit technology demonstration. Besides the technology demonstration goal, the satellites allow to provide services to, e.g., scientific communities. PROBA1 has been providing multi-spectral imaging data to the Earth observation community for a decade, and PROBA2 provides imaging and irradiance data from our Sun to the solar community. This article gives an overview of the PROBA2 mission history and provides an introduction to the flight segment, the ground segment, and the payload operated onboard. Important aspects of the satellite’s design, including onboard software autonomy and the functionality of the navigation and guidance, are discussed. PROBA2 successfully proved again within the GSTP concept that it is possible to provide a fast and cost-efficient satellite design and to combine advanced technology objectives from industry with focussed objectives from the science community.  相似文献   

Radio signals from pulsars are significantly affected by scattering in the interstellar medium. A review of this phenomenon of pulsar scintillation forms the main objective of this paper. The basic concepts are described and some new results related to the following aspects are presented: (i) understanding of refractive scintillation effects and (ii) constraining the spectrum of electron density fluctuations in the interstellar medium. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We consider the effects of the absorption of solar XUV radiation by the Earth's atmosphere that were observed in the solar images obtained with the TEREK-K telescope onboard the Coronas-I satellite in May–June 1994 at low solar activity and with the SPIRIT instrumentation onboard the Coronas-F satellite in October–November 2001 at maximum solar activity. The solar images were recorded during the satellite occultation: in the 175- and 304-A spectral ranges onboard Coronas-I with the TEREK-K telescope and in the 175-, 304-, and 8.42-A ranges onboard Coronas-F with the SPIRIT instrumentation. Based on the XUV solar images obtained during atmospheric sounding, apart from the total absorption, we can determine the direction of the atmospheric density gradient and study the local absorption variations with altitude on spatial scales of less than 1 km. The described method can significantly supplement the data obtained in studies of the upper atmosphere by the methods of mass spectrometry, incoherent radar scattering, and the drag of orbital spacecraft.  相似文献   

Armagh Observatory installed a sky monitoring system consisting of two wide angle (90° × 52°) and one medium angle (52° × 35°) cameras in July 2005. The medium angle camera is part of a double station setup with a similar camera in Bangor, ∼73 km ENE of Armagh. All cameras use UFOCapture to record meteors automatically; software for off-line photometry, astrometry and double station calculations is currently being developed. The specifications of the cameras and cluster configuration are described in detail. 2425 single station meteors (1167, 861 and 806 by the medium-angle and the wide-angle cameras respectively) and 547 double station meteors were recorded during the months July 2005 to Dec 2006. About 212 double station meteors were recorded by more than one camera in the cluster. The effects of weather conditions on camera productivity are discussed. The distribution of single and double station meteor counts observed for the years 2005 and 2006 and calibrated for weather conditions are presented.  相似文献   

The Chinese Area Positioning System (CAPS) is a positioning system based on satellite communication that is fundamentally different from the 3"G" (GPS, GLONASS and GALILEO) systems. The latter use special-purpose navigation satellites to broadcast navi-gation information generated on-board to users, while the CAPS transfers ground-generated navigation information to users via the communication satellite. In order to achieve accurate Positioning, Velocity and Time (PVT), the CAPS employs the following strategies to over-come the three main obstacles caused by using the communication satellite: (a) by real-time following-up frequency stabilization to achieve stable frequency; (b) by using a single carrier in the transponder with 36 MHz band-width to gain sufficient power; (c) by incorporating Decommissioned Geostationary Orbit communication satellite (DGEO), barometric pressure and Inclined Geostationary Orbit communication satellite (IGSO) to achieve the 3-D posi-tioning. Furthermore, the abundant transponders available on DGEO can be used to realize the large capacity of communication as well as the integrated navigation and communication. With the communication functions incorporated, five new functions appear in the CAPS: (1) combination of navigation and communication; (2) combination of navigation and high accu-racy orbit measurement; (3) combination of navigation message and wide/local area differen-tial processing; (4) combination of the switching of satellites, frequencies and codes; and (5) combination of the navigation message and the barometric altimetry. The CAPS is thereby labelled a PVT5C system of high accuracy. In order to validate the working principle and the performance of the CAPS, a trial system was established in the course of two years at a cost of about 20 million dollars. The trial constellation consists of two GEO satellites located at E87.5°and E110.5°, two DGEOs located at E130° and E142°, as well as barometric altimetry as a virtual satellite. Static and dynamic performance tests were completed for the Eastern, the Western, the Northern, the Southern and the Middle regions of China. The evaluation results are as follows: (1) land static test, plane accuracy range: C/A code, 15~25 m; P code, 5~10 meters; altitude accuracy range, 1~3 m; (2) land dynamic test, plane accuracy range, C/A code, 15~25 m; P code, 8~10m; (3) velocity accuracy, C/A code, 0.13~0.3 ms-1, P code, 0.15~0.17m s-1; (4) timing accuracy, C/A code, 160ns, P code, 13 ns; (5) timing compared accuracy of Two Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer (TWSTFT), average accuracy, 0.068 ns; (6) random error of the satellite ranging, 10.7 mm; (7) orbit determination accuracy, better than 2 m. The above stated random error is 1σ error. At present, this system is used as a preliminary operational system and a complete system with 3 GEO, 3 DGEO and 3 IGSO is being established.  相似文献   

The NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) is an advanced study of Earth's long-term global changes of solid Earth, its atmosphere, and oceans and includes a coordinated collection of satellites, data systems, and modeling. The EOS program was conceived in the 1980s as part of NASA's Earth System Enterprise (ESE). The Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) is one of about 20 missions planned for the EOS program, and the SORCE measurement objectives include the total solar irradiance (TSI) and solar spectral irradiance (SSI) that are two of the 24 key measurement parameters defined for the EOS program. The SORCE satellite was launched in January 2003, and its observations are improving the understanding and generating new inquiry regarding how and why solar variability occurs and how it affects Earth's energy balance, atmosphere, and long-term climate changes.  相似文献   

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