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波浪作用下海底无限坡滑动稳定性计算的极限平衡法中,忽略了坡体水平向应力状态的影响,为此,针对波浪作用下海底缓倾角无限边坡的特点,提出直接基于滑动面处土体应力状态的滑动稳定性计算方法(简称应力状态法),并分析了其适用范围。对具体算例的分析表明,应力状态法计算得出的安全系数大于极限平衡法的安全系数,且随着滑动面深度的增加、土体泊松比以及边坡坡角的增大,两种计算方法得出的安全系数的差异会逐渐增大;对于波浪作用下的海底缓倾角无限边坡,在失稳时极可能沿具有一定厚度的滑动带而不是单一的滑动面而滑动,且波致最大剪应力所在的深度,常常不是斜坡体最易失稳滑移的深度。 相似文献
1 .Introduction Submarine pipelines are one of the safest and the least environmentally disruptive means for ma-rine gas or oil transport . With the development of exploitation of submarine oil or gas ,the safety ofsubmarine pipelines has becomethe major … 相似文献
利用有限元弹塑性分析方法,对含有腐蚀缺陷的海底管道进行材料非线性和几何非线性分析,探讨了确定管道极限载荷的准则。在此基础上,给出含有腐蚀缺陷的海底管道的极限载荷,研究腐蚀长度、深度和宽度对海底管道极限载荷的影响,提出了含有腐蚀缺陷的受内压的海底管道的极限载荷计算公式,并与试验结果进行了比较,证明该方法是有效的。 相似文献
计入前进速度流动与非定常流动之间的干扰,修正了切片法中计算压力的公式,从而建立了计算波浪荷载的方法,开发了相应的计算机程序。计算实例同国内外有关资料的比较表明结果吻合良好,为船舶与海洋结构物结构有限元分析程序提供了有效的前处理模块 相似文献
- The characteristics of deformation and strength of concrete under the plane strain condition are studied experimentally with the triaxial apparatus designed by the authors and are compared with those under the plane stress condition. A formula of stress transformation between plane stress and plane strain conditions is proposed for the elasto-plastic state, and it provides a theoretical basis for simplifying nonlinear analysis and fully using the strength of concrete. 相似文献
通过莆田试验站实测资料分析和物理模型试验,对单一斜坡护面板的打击力进行了研究,阐述了斜坡上最大相对波压力和波坦、堤坡坡度以及水深的关系,提出了波压力、波压力打击点位置以及波压力沿斜坡分布的计算公式,并给出了不同累积频率下的波压力换算关系。 相似文献
以某港码头岸坡设计为例,利用极限平衡法和塑性极限分析法对边坡安全系数进行理论分析和对比研究,改进了港口地区岸坡稳定性的计算方法,并通过分析证明了十字板剪切强度指标在实际应用中的合理性。 相似文献
The stabilization of slopes by placing piles is one of the most innovative and effective slope reinforcement techniques in the coastal engineering in recent years. Due to the simplicity and efficiency, limit analysis method is the most common approach for assessing the stability of slopes. However, the majority of existing limit analysis methods is limited to slope without the presence of piles. In this technical note, a novel upper-bound limit analysis method was proposed to access the stability of three-dimensional slopes reinforced with piles incorporating the admissible rotational failure mechanism where toe failure, face failure, and base failure were taken into account. The effects of key designing parameters, e.g., pile location, pile spacing, slope angle, slope width on the stability of earth slopes, and geometry of critical slip surface were presented and discussed. The results demonstrate that the proposed approach is more appropriate for assessing the stability of slopes reinforced with piles and can be also utilized in the design of piles stabilizing the unstable slopes. 相似文献
We modified the sediment incipient motion in a numerical model and evaluated the impact of this modification using a study case of the coastal area around Weihai, China. The modified and unmodified versions of the model were validated by comparing simulated and observed data of currents, waves, and suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) measured from July 25 th to July 26 th, 2006. A fitted Shields diagram was introduced into the sediment model so that the critical erosional shear stress could vary with time. Thus, the simulated SSC patterns were improved to more closely reflect the observed values, so that the relative error of the variation range decreased by up to 34.5% and the relative error of simulated temporally averaged SSC decreased by up to 36%. In the modified model, the critical shear stress values of the simulated silt with a diameter of 0.035 mm and mud with a diameter of 0.004 mm varied from 0.05 to 0.13 N/m 2, and from 0.05 to 0.14 N/m 2, respectively, instead of remaining constant in the unmodified model. Besides, a method of applying spatially varying fractions of the mixed grain size sediment improved the simulated SSC distribution to fit better to the remote sensing map and reproduced the zonal area with high SSC between Heini Bay and the erosion groove in the modified model. The Relative Mean Absolute Error was reduced by between 6% and 79%, depending on the regional attributes when we used the modified method to simulate incipient sediment motion. But the modification achieved the higher accuracy in this study at a cost of computation speed decreasing by 1.52%. 相似文献
AbstractWith the continuous expansion of energy demand, the deep-water continental slope in the northern South China Sea has become one of the significant offshore oil and gas exploration regions. The frequent occurrence of marine geological hazards in this region, especially submarine landslides, can cause serious damage to engineering facilities. However, there have been few studies on the stability of the northern continental slope of the South China Sea; these studies mainly focused on a specific submarine slope or small-range evaluation, resulting in a lack of large-scale and quantitative understanding. Hence, considering the variation in the physical and mechanical properties of marine soils with depth, formulas for calculating the safety factor of submarine slopes by an infinite sliding model are established, and the factors affecting slope stability such as soil properties, slope gradient and horizontal seismic action are systematically investigated. Using GIS techniques, the terrain slope gradients and a historical seismic database of the northern South China Sea are obtained. Combined with soil mechanical parameters, a regional stability evaluation of the northern continental slope is carried out. Furthermore, the distribution of risk zones is given. On the whole, under strong seismic action, large-scale submarine slope instability occurs and must be highly considered when assessing risk. This achievement is of great significance to engineering sites, route selection and engineering risk assessment. 相似文献
AbstractBased on a new elasto-plastic constitutive model, this paper presents a soil–water coupled numerical prediction of the bearing capacity for shallow foundation constructed on Ballina soft clay for unconsolidated undrained (UU) and consolidated undrained (CU) conditions. This elasto-plastic constitutive Shanghai model has an advantage of describing the mechanical behaviour of over-consolidated and structured soil under different loading and drainage conditions, by using one set of material parameter. In this paper, the Shanghai model used for both UU and CU conditions has the same initial parameters obtained from laboratory test results. The loading conditions and consolidation stages vary based on construction details. The predicted bearing pressure-settlement responses for UU and CU, approves the field observation. The phenomenon of gaining the bearing capacity due to consolidation is captured and explained by the use of soil–water coupled numerical analysis with a new elasto-plastic model. The stress strain behaviour, stress paths and the decay of the structure of elements at different depths presented in this study, reveal the mechanism for the difference between UU and CU conditions to understand the foundation behaviour. Effect of the initial degree of soil structure on the bearing capacity is also addressed. Overall, this approach provides the integrated solution for the shallow foundation design problems under short and long-term loadings. 相似文献
Numerical solutions have been obtained for the vertical uplift capacity of strip plate anchors embedded adjacent to sloping ground in fully cohesive soil under undrained condition. The analysis was performed using finite element lower bound limit analysis with second-order conic optimization technique. The effect of anchor edge distance from the crest of slope, angle and height of slope, normalized overburden pressure due to soil self-weight, and embedded depth of anchor on the uplift capacity has been examined. A nondimensional uplift factor defined as Fcγ owing to the combined contribution of soil cohesion ( cu), and soil unit weight (γ) is used for expressing the uplift capacity. For an anchor buried near to a sloping ground, the ultimate uplift capacity is dependent on either pullout failure of anchor or overall slope failure. The magnitude of Fcγ has been found to increase with an increase in the normalized overburden pressure up to a certain maximum value, beyond which either the behavior of anchor transfers from shallow to deep anchor or overall slope failure occurs. 相似文献
以 Iversion的海底稳定渗流理论为基础 ,运用静力极限平衡方法和库仑破坏准则 ,提出了以海底水下斜坡坡度、沉积物有效内摩擦角和内聚力为自变量 ,波浪在海底产生的孔压梯度为参变量的海底稳定性分析方法。并给出了黄河水下三角洲不同土质所需的临界孔压梯度判断曲线 ,预测了黄河水下三角洲的海底稳定性 ,其分析结果与实测资料吻合良好 相似文献
The determination of optimal values for three parameters required in the original particle swarm optimization algorithm is very difficult.It is proposed that two new parameters simulating the harmony search strategy can be adopted instead of the three parameters which are required in the original particle swarm optimization algorithm to update the positions of all the particles.The improved particle swarm optimization is used in the location of the critical slip surface of soil slope,and it is found that the improved particle swarm optimization algorithm is insensitive to the two parameters while the original particle swarm optimization algorithm can be sensitive to its three parameters. 相似文献
We examine horizontal stresses in mudrocks for the case of one-dimensional mechanical compression through laboratory measurements of the horizontal to vertical effective stress ratio, i.e. K 0. Previous empirical relationships which predict horizontal stresses as a function of depth or overburden stress are site specific and cannot easily be generalized. The K 0 values of various resedimented mudrocks from a diverse range of geologic origins have been investigated for effective stresses ranging from 0.1 to 100 MPa. The value of K 0 during normal compression (K 0NC) varies systematically as a function of both stress level and mudrock composition. K 0NC generally increases with stress level and values as high as 0.90 have been measured at effective stresses approaching 100 MPa. This finding implies that high horizontal stresses can develop at depth solely due to normal mechanical compression and that tectonic stresses, creep, or geologic unloading are not necessary. Correlations have been developed which allow K 0NC to be estimated from a mudrock's liquid limit, an easily and inexpensively measured property which reflects both the quantity and type of clay minerals present in a mudrock. High liquid limit, smectite-rich mudrocks display a more rapid increase in K 0NC with increasing stress compared to more silty, low liquid limit mudrocks. K 0 measurements made on laboratory resedimented specimens compare well with measurements made on intact core samples as well as in situ tests. Tests carried out to examine K 0 for overconsolidated materials show that K 0 during unloading can be well approximated by a power-law function originally proposed by Schmidt (1966). An original equation is proposed to describe K 0 during reloading. Our experimental results reveal sediment behavior at high stress levels that has not been previously observed and provide useful information on how horizontal stresses evolve within basins. 相似文献
Experiments on sand mounds in oscillatory flow, undertaken in controlled, large-scale laboratory conditions, have produced well-defined data sets for model comparison. Three bathymetries with different levels of submergence, including a surface-piercing case, were tested. The maximum slope was about 1:5.5. Sediment transport is due to bed load with ripple formation. The principal time-dependent bulk parameters are the vertical distance of the centre of gravity above the base and the volume of the mound. A semi-implicit finite-volume depth-averaged hydrodynamic model is used to drive morphodynamics, using van Rijn's sediment flux model generalized to take account of bed slope, and some justification is given for depth-averaged modeling in these conditions. Starting the model runs with the conditions at the end of the first cycle avoided initial atypical physical behaviour. In general good predictions were obtained with an angle of repose reduced from the standard value of about 30° for stationary beds to 15°. For these situations, morphodynamics was largely unaffected by a hydrodynamic roughness height in the range 2.5 D50 to 51 D50, with larger values accounting for ripple roughness. The reduced angle of repose may be physically expected with mobile beds but this specific value is only expected to be suited to this form of bed motion. In one case an exaggerated ripple formed near the top of the mound reducing agreement with experiment. For the submerged case with normal ripple structure excellent predictions were obtained. For the initially surface-piercing mound, the time of submergence was better predicted with a 30° angle of repose, presumably due to the prominent influence of the near stationary bed near the wet/dry interface, although long term predictions were better predicted with 15°. The occurrence of vortex shedding in the first cycle modeled was in agreement with experimental observation. 相似文献
介绍了风应力的传统测量方法 ,指出其缺点是误差较大。提出了一种在实验室测量风应力的新方法———倾斜水面法 ,并在实验中加以比较验证 ,证明了此种方法的可行性。其精度更高 ,且具有操作方便、容易观测的特点。 相似文献
Lakes can be used as model basins to investigate subaqueous slope stability under static and dynamic loading conditions. This study combines geophysical, sedimentological and in situ geotechnical methods with limit equilibrium calculations in order to discuss (i) the geological and sedimentological processes acting on submerged non-deltaic lateral slopes in perialpine, fjord-type Lake Lucerne (Central Switzerland); (ii) their control on physical and geotechnical properties that eventually affect the subaqueous stability conditions and slope failure initiation, and (iii) the quantitative assessment of subaqueous slope stability. Three detailed case studies are presented to describe and quantitatively reconstruct stability conditions of slopes that failed during a well-documented historic earthquake in 1601 A.D. and during a prehistoric Late Holocene earthquake around 2220 cal yr BP (both Mw > 6). Glacio-lacustrine sedimentation dominated by suspension settling from meltwater plumes and slight overconsolidation from ice-grounding during small readvances of a generally retreating glacier lead to a peculiar glacial-to-postglacial lithologic slope succession that eventually was buried by the Holocene sediment drape. During past earthquake shaking, the slopes that were stable under static loading conditions (factor of safety of 1.5–2) failed along planar sliding surfaces that developed at the lithological boundary between fine-grained, thinly-laminated, slightly underconsolidated cyclic plume deposits with low undrained shear strength values above and overconsolidated, glacially-deformed, glacio-lacustrine deposits with excessive formation pore pressure below. Measured in situ shear strength characteristics and sediment geometries were implemented into limit equilibrium models that allow for quantitative reconstruction of critical ground accelerations of past earthquakes in Central Switzerland. Results reveal seismic peak ground acceleration (PGA) of 0.08 g and 0.14 g for the historic 1601 A.D. Mw 6.2 earthquake and the prehistoric, 2220 cal yr B.P. earthquake, respectively. Additionally, results reveal that stability conditions change over relative short geological time scales because the postglacial sedimentation rate, which mainly controls the static weight of the slope sediment acting on the critical lithological boundary, turns out to be a key parameter in “charging” slopes susceptible to sliding. 相似文献
在深水海洋管线的安装过程中,制造工艺的偏差和外部环境的影响易导致管线上不均匀的扭矩分布,在张力的共同作用下,管线在其触地区可能出现“成环”现象,受到严重损伤,而海洋管线的触地区也是海沟集中形成的区域。为了研究海沟对海洋管线成环行为的影响,基于OrcaFlex软件和构建海沟模型的经验公式,建立了深水悬链线立管和海沟的三维数值模型。就海沟轮廓、位置和土壤属性对立管成环行为的影响展开参数分析,并研究了不同工况下成环的临界载荷。研究表明:海沟的产生和扩展、立管相对海沟的合理位置以及土壤参数中海床表面不排水抗剪强度和吸力因子的增加,可有效降低立管成环过程中的最大压缩力和最大弯矩,从而减少成环引起的损伤;临界载荷的分析则有助于对成环的临界条件进行预测,避免成环现象的发生。 相似文献
Summarized in the paper are the author's studies on incipient motion of sediment in recent 40years.In addition to the forces of gravity,drag and lift,the cohesive force and the additional static pres-sure are important for fine particles.The relations between three stages of incipient motion are defined byuse of instantaneous velocity.Formulas for initial velocity and critical shear stress are given and overallverified by the author's and others'experimental data. 相似文献