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A non-coaxial deformation involving pre-folding initiation of cleavage perpendicular to bedding is proposed to explain non-axial planar cleavage associated with mesoscopic folds in part of the Appalachian foreland thrust-belt of southwest Virginia. Folds are gently plunging, asymmetric, upright to slightly inclined, sinusoidal forms with non-axial fanning cleavage. They show extreme local variations in type and degree of transection and the consistency of transection direction. These relations are further complicated by hinge migration.Cleavage-fan angles, bedding-cleavage angles and δ transection values appear influenced by fold tightness, and in part by fold flattening strain. Fold flattening increments are considered simultaneous with folding. Axial surface traces, and not cleavage traces, coincide with the principal extension direction in fold profiles. Geometric modelling of cleavage fanning and bedding-cleavage angle variations for various theoretical folding modes suggest that folding in limestone and sandstone layers was by tangential longitudinal strain. Significant shape modification and change in bedding-cleavage relations occurred after limb dips of 40 and 50° were attained in limestone and sandstone respectively. Mud-rock class 1C folds with convergent cleavage fans show features transitional between buckling and flexural flow. Initiation of ‘cleavage’ fabrics during layer-parallel shortening prior to significant folding may be important for cleavage evolution in some deformed rocks.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1988,3(2):225-230
The detection of several unmined submarine exhalative sulfide deposits, most of which are concealed with no surface expression, was investigated using the distribution grain counts of tourmaline in stream sediment concentrates. The number of sulfide zones located using this method is comparable to that achieved using trace metal nalyses of fine-grained stream sediment andMnz.sbnd;Fe oxide coatings on stream pebbles. Because both dravite, associated with a sulfide zone, and schorl, from a pegmatite, are known to occur in the field area, it is likely that both will occur in stream sediment and will be included in tourmaline-grain-counts of sediment concentrates. Attempts to differentiate dravite and schorl in the sediment concentrates, based on microscopically observable physical properties, were unsuccessful, but semi-quantitative chemical analyses should readily accomplish this because of large differences in Mg and Fe concentrations.  相似文献   

Statistical analysis of the radon-222 potential of rocks in Virginia,U.S.A.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
More than 3,200 indoor radon-222 (222Rn) measurements were made seasonally in an area of about 1,000 square kilometers of the Coastal Plain and Piedmont physiographic provinces in Virginia, U.S.A. Results of these measurements indicate that some geological units are associated, on the average, with twice as much indoor222Rn as other geological units, and that indoor222Rn varies seasonally. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to test whether indoor222Rn concentrations for data gathered over the winter and summer seasons differ significantly by rock unit. The tests concluded that indoor222Rn concentrations for different rock units were not equal at the 5-percent significance level. The rocks associated with the highest median indoor222Rn concentration are specific rocks in the Mesozoic Culpeper basin, including shale and siltstone units with Jurassic diabase intrusives, and mica schists in the Piedmont physiographic province. The pre-Triassic Peters Creek Schist has the highest ranking in terms of indoor222Rn concentration. The rocks associated with the lowest indoor222Rn concentrations include coastal plain sediments, the Occoquan Granite, Falls Church Tonalite, Piney Branch Mafic and Ultramafic complex, and unnamed mafic and ultramafic inclusions, respectively. The rocks have been ranked according to observed222Rn concentration by transforming the average rank of indoor222Rn concentrations to z scores.  相似文献   

A study of the structural petrology of a peridotite exposed on Cypress Island in Skagit Co., Washington, U.S.A. has been carried out. The Cypress peridotite is, by virtue of its composition, structure and associations, typical of ultramafics of the alpine type. It contains relict layering and accumulative textures which show it to have originated by crystal settling from a magma of unknown initial composition. Parallelism of lineations and b-axes of folds in the layering with well-developed [100]-maxima in the fabrics of olivine crystals is considered to have arisen through a penetrative deformation of the mass accompanied by plastic flow or recrystallization of the olivine. An indication of the minimum temperature of the deformation is provided by cross-cutting veins of pyroxenite which have not participated in the folding. The most satisfactory interpretation of the overall fabric of the peridotite is that it was deformed, possibly during intrusion, as a crystal mush, and that filter pressing due to compaction of the solid particles by plastic flow or recrystallization removed all but a small percentage of the magmatic fraction which then crystallized following cessation of the movements.  相似文献   

The Ratcliff Site in southwestern Virginia lies in a small second-order stream valley filled with approximately 3.5 m of organic-rich deposits that contain bones of mammoth, mastodon, deer (or antelope), logs, and plant macrofossils. Radiocarbon analyses indicate the age of the organic-rich sediment ranges from > 44,000 to 29,100 14C yr BP, a time period with no fossil remains reported in this region of the Appalachians. Analyses of field observations, textural data, organic carbon content, and plant macrofossils indicate that the organic-rich sediments contain interbedded standing-water and debris-flow deposits. Up to 6 m of oxidized debris-flow sediments bury the organic-rich sediments. The presence of Rubus parviflorus (Thimble Berry) throughout the deposit indicates the site had a boreal environment from > 44,000 to 29,100 14C yr BP. Plant macrofossil evidence indicates the uplands had stands of spruce/jack-pine forests while the valley contained ponds and associated wetlands. Three debris flows occurred at the site between approximately 38,000 and 29,000 14C yr BP, suggesting a recurrence interval for major storms of approximately 3000 yr, even though the apparent stability of the boreal environment implies a climate not conducive to catastrophic rainstorms. This conflicting combination of features suggests that during the middle Wisconsinan this area experienced generally cool climates, dominated by polar air masses, but was punctuated by relatively brief warm periods marked by incursions of tropical air masses.  相似文献   

Chemical variation diagrams formed from ratios with a common denominator exhibit induced correlations which can obscure the effects of true compositional variations. Nevertheless, important conclusions have been obtained using Pearce element ratio (and isochron) diagrams, even though these diagrams are formed from axes ratios with a common denominator. In this paper, we consider two approaches to mitigate the effects of induced correlation, and in doing so, demonstrate the validity of geochemical analysis using diagrams formed from ratios with a common denominator. First, we propagate analytical error onto Pearce element ratio diagrams to distinguish chemical variations associated with analytical error from chemical variations related to geological processes. Second, we consider an alternative diagram formed from ratios with different denominators which does not exhibit any induced correlation. We demonstrate both theoretically and by example that results produced using this diagram are identical to those using diagrams with a common denominator. These two lines of evidence confirm that Pearce element ratio (and isochron) diagrams are useful and valid tools in the analysis of geochemical variations.  相似文献   

Loading trends and sources of CI in the South Fork of the Shenandoah River, Virginia were analyzed for the period 1929–1982. CI has increased from approximately 2 mg/L (2,776 tons/yr) to over 10 mg/L (14,256 tons/yr). Natural CI is estimated to be 1.01 mg/L (1,388 tons/yr) with precipitation providing 0.99 mg/L and rocks 0.02 mg/L. From 1929 to 1949 CI concentrations were relatively constant and independent of discharge, conforming to the Type II curve of Davis and Zobrist (1978), indicative of natural or relatively uncontaminated streams. Since 1952 CI concentrations increased exponentially as river discharge decreases conforming to the Type I curve of Davis and Zobrist for polluted streams. Since 1965 anthropogenic CI loading at 12,868 tons/yr has remained relatively constant. Four major sources contribute 92.2 percent (11,871 tons/yr) of the anthropogenic CI: (1) deicing salts—4,149 tons/yr, (2) domestic sewage—3,015 tons/yr, (3) livestock and poultry wastes—2,458 tons/yr, and (4) commercial fertilizers—2,249 tons/yr.  相似文献   

Summary Ferroan-gahnite, (Zn,Fe)Al2O4, is a common accessory mineral found in association with the metamorphosed volcanogenic massive sulfide ore bodies of the Mineral District, Virginia. Gahnite is present throughout the mineralized zones that contain pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and sulfosalts. Although constituting only 1–2 modal percent of most samples and displaying not well-defined distribution pattern, gahnite is especially abundant at the margins of the mineralized zones and locally constitutes as much as 35 modal percent. The compositions vary slightly from one deposit to another but all lie within the range of 68 to 88 mol.% gahnite (ZnAl2O4), 8 to 25 mol.% hercynite (FeAl2O4), and 1–17 mol.% spinel (MgAl2O4). Gahnite occurs within a wide variety of mineral assemblages, with or without coexisting sphalerite.The reflectance and unit cell dimension are sensitive to composition and decrease with increasing gahnite component. The approximate 8% reflectance at 540 nm is intermediate between most silicates and ore minerals such as sphalerite and magnetite and thus provides a ready method for recognition in reflected light. The gahnite is believed to have formed during amphibolite grade regional metamorphism as a result of either sphalerite desulfidation or the reaction of original zinc oxide phases.
Gahnit in metamorphen schichtgebundenen Sulfid-Lagerstätten des Mineral-Distriktes, Virginia, U.S.A.
Zusammenfassung Eisenhaltiger Gahnite (Zn,Fe)Al2O4 ist in den metamorphen vulkanogenen massiven Sulfiderzkörpern Virginias als akzessorisches Mineral weit verbreitet. Er kommt durchwegs in den Pyrit, Zinkblende, Kupferkies und Sulfosalze enthaltenden mineralisierten Zonen vor. Obwohl die meisten Proben nur 1–2 Modal % Gahnit enthalten, und keine klar definierte Verteilung zu erkennen ist, tritt er besonders häufig an den Rändern der mineralisierten Zonen auf und erreicht lokal 35 Modal %. Die Zusammensetzung schwankt leicht von Vorkommen zu Vorkommen, liegt aber stets zwischen 68 und 88 Mol.% Gahnit (ZnAl2O4) 8 und 25 Mol.% Hercynit (FeAl2O4) und 1 und 17 Mol.% Spinell (MgAl2O4) Gahnit ist Bestandteil sehr verschiedener Mineralparagenesen mit und ohne Zinkblende.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   

Cactus Hill is located in the Virginia Coastal Plain on a terrace above the Nottoway River. The site has a record of occupation that spans the Holocene and also offers evidence of humans late in the Pleistocene before Clovis time. Soil investigations identified several deposit types, and demonstrated that multisequal eolian sands forming the site's primary core are arrayed in spatially and temporally discrete horizons. Resting atop an ancient paleosol, the earliest sand stratum (19,540 ± 70 14C yr B.P.) is marked by a conspicuous but culturally sterile buried surface horizon. Eolian sand above this surface supports another sequum in which Clovis and underlying “Blade” artifacts are associated with a fainter surface horizon and pronounced subsoil lamellae. Early Archaic and successively younger artifacts occur above the Clovis level in a more weakly developed uppermost sequum. This soil and cultural stratigraphy, together with considerations of regional topography, demonstrate that the landscape has evolved incrementally since about the last glacial maximum. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Chemical partitioning data are of fundamental interest to exploration geochemists. This paper is one of the few studies which has investigated the relative proportions of the rare elements in various soil extracts. The dispersion of trace elements from weathering pegmatites in Powhatan Country, Virginia, was found to be restricted to the immediate vicinity of the pegmatites. A sequential extraction procedure was used to measure the distribution of Be, La, Nb, Sn, U, Li, and Ni,among the following fractions of the B soil horizons: exchangeable, Fe and Mn oxyhydroxide, residual, and aqua regia digestion. The elements Sn, Be, Li, and U were found to be associated with soils over the complex Herbb No. 2 pegmatite, whereas La and Ni were generally associated with the background soils.A geochemical exploration model was developed using stepwise discriminant function analysis to determine the combination of elements and soil extracts that best differentiates between complex pegmatitic, simple pegmatitic, and background soils. Log-transformed aqua regia extract concentrations of Sn, La, U, and Li were the most effective variables when used to separate complex pegmatitic from simple pegmatitic soils.  相似文献   

Analyses of platinum-group elements (PGE) in rocks collected from the Voikar-Syninsky ophiolite in the Polar Urals suggest that the distribution and geochemistry of PGE in this Paleozoic ophiolite are similar to those in Mesozoic ophiolites from elsewhere. Chondrite-normalized PGE patterns for chromitite, the tectonite unit, and ultramafic and mafic cumulate unit have negative slopes. These results are similar to those found for chromitites from other ophiolites; stratiform chromities show positive slopes. If the magmas that form both types of chromitite originate from similar mantle source material with respect to PGE content, the processes involved must be quite different. However, the distinct chondrite-normalized PGE patterns may reflect differing source materials.  相似文献   

The Pacific Border Ranges of the southern Alaskan Cordillera are composed of a number of allochthonous tectonostratigraphic terranes. Within these terranes are widespread volcanogenic, massive sulfide deposits in and adjacent to portions of accreted ophiolite complexes, bands and disseminations of chromite in accreted island-arc ultramafic rocks, and epigenetic, gold-bearing quartz veins in metamorphosed turbidite sequences. A geochemical pilot study was undertaken to determine the most efficient exploration strategy for locating these types of mineral deposits within the Pacific Border Ranges and other typical convergent continental margin environments.High-density sediment sampling was carried out in first- and second-order stream channels surrounding typical gold, chromite and massive sulfide occurrences. At each site, a stream-sediment and a panned-concentrate sample were collected. In the laboratory, the stream sediments were sieved into coarse-sand, fine- to medium-sand, and silt- to clay-size fractions prior to analysis. One split of the panned concentrates was retained for analysis; a second split was further concentrated by gravity separation in heavy liquids and then divided into magnetic, weakly magnetic and nonmagnetic fractions for analysis. A number of different techniques including atomic absorption spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry and semi-quantitative emission spectrography were used to analyze the various sample media.Comparison of the various types of sample media shows that in this tectonic environment it is most efficient to include a silt- to clay-size sediment fraction and a panned-concentrate sample. Even with the relatively low detection limits for many elements by plasma spectrometry and atomic absorption spectrometry, anomalies reflecting the presence of gold veins could not be identified in any of the stream-sediment fractions. Unseparated panned-concentrate samples should be analyzed by emission spectroscopy and atomic absorption spectrometry for Ag and Au. If, however, magnetic and nonmagnetic concentrate fractions are used in a reconnaissance program, semiquantitative emission spectrography is adequate for all analytical work.  相似文献   

Soil and stream sediment sampling have been the primary geochemical exploration tools in the Appalachian piedmont to date. However, the great thicknesses of soil and saprolite found in the region coupled with the dense vegetation frequently encountered favor biogeochemistry as an alternative or supplemental method since deep-rooted plants sample closer to bedrock. To evaluate this method, an orientation survey was performed in which soils and vegetation at 17 sites north of Mineral, Virginia, were sampled and analyzed for Ag, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn. The traverse included stations over the host rocks of massive sulfide mineralization, as well as over apparent “barren” country rock. Samples were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry using standard digestion and analytical techniques.Both A- and B-horizon soil metals generally appear to be reliable indicators of mineralization, with soils developed over sulfides showing up to three-fold enrichment in metal content relative to the average soils developed on the country rock. Correlation of metal concentrations in vegetation to soil metal concentrations reveal plant concentrations expressed on a dry-weight basis correlate stronger and more frequently to soil metals than do ash-weight concentrations. Copper shows some promise in selected organs and species, Ag appears fair but data are limited to one organ of one species, and plant Pb seems totally unresponsive to soil metal concentrations perhaps because foliar absorption is an important plant uptake mechanism here. However, Zn and Cd in organs of the oak group, especially mature leaves and twigs of the current year's growth show the greatest promise as prospecting tools. They correlate well with soil metals and when compared directly to the geology they reliably reflect mineralization. Although results using White oak were slightly less profound than those obtained from the Black-Red oak group, White oak may be preferred as it is a single, more widespread, easily-identifiable species. Copper and especially Zn although essential elements to plants, do not appear to be “difficult” elements for biogeochemical prospecting in the Appalachian piedmont.  相似文献   

Southeastern Papua New Guinea has hosted magmatism throughout the Cenozoic, with the latest phase being concurrent with active extension in the Woodlark Rift. There, the Suckling-Dayman metamorphic core complex (SDMCC) has exhumed middle-crustal rocks in the past few million years along a still-active low-angle normal fault, the Mai'iu Fault. Uplift of the SDMCC has exposed metasedimentary and metaigneous rocks of Late Cretaceous-Pleistocene age that record an evolution from oceanic spreading to subduction, to collision, and finally to subduction-inversion and extensional exhumation. We present new petrographic, whole-rock geochemical and geochronologic (zircon U–Pb LA-ICP-MS) data from the SDMCC to reconstruct its long-term evolution. The dominant footwall-lithology of the SDMCC, the Goropu Metabasalt, has a MORB composition. Detrital zircons from metasedimentary beds intercalated with these basalts yield U–Pb-based maximum estimates for deposition of ~103 and ~72 Ma, suggesting a Late Cretaceous spreading age of the oceanic protolith. Bulk compositions of low-grade tholeiitic meta-gabbroic and -tonalitic rocks (Yau Igneous Complex) that intrude the Goropu Metabasalt reveal both enriched and depleted light rare earth element patterns. Zircon U–Pb ages from the Yau Igneous Complex range between ~60 and ~57 Ma, providing a minimum age for the formation of the Goropu Metabasalt. Much younger syn-extensional granitoids in the mafic footwall of the SDMCC have calc-alkaline to high-K compositions and U–Pb ages on zircon between ~3.7 and ~2.0 Ma. Our data indicate that the Mai'iu Fault had re-activated a Paleogene thrust as an extensional detachment fault by 3.7 ± 0.2 Ma. U–Pb ages of detrital zircons in modern streams draining the footwall of the SDMCC essentially reflect the ages revealed by the Paleocene and Plio-Pleistocene intrusions. Xenocrystic zircons in the Plio-Pleistocene granitoids imply that the crust underlying the metabasaltic carapace of the SDMCC consists chiefly of Australian-continent derived sedimentary rocks.  相似文献   

The regulatory requirements for characterization of the Martinsville Alternative Site (MAS) were fulfilled by applying an iterative approach to the groundwater flow modeling of the site and surrounding area. The approach consisted of field data collection and development of an initial conceptual model. The numerical model was then constructed to be consistent with the data and conceptual model. Next, the calibration results were evaluated statistically, and visually by a groundwater modeling review committee, to determine if the model accurately represented groundwater flow at the site. Initial results failed acceptance criteria because the values of numerical model input parameters had to be varied beyond observed data ranges to calibrate the results, and therefore the model was inconsistent with the initial conceptual model. This led to additional field data collection in areas where the numerical model deviated most from field-determined data. The new data provided sufficient information to revise the conceptual model and calibrate the numerical model successfully. Model calibration was followed by validation. Validation of the numerical model provided additional assurance that the model correctly simulated the observed system. No additional data were found to be necessary during validation of the MAS numerical model. The iterative approach proved to be successful for calibrating and validating this groundwater flow model and should be implemented from the onset of characterization planning in other applications.  相似文献   

The pegmatite complex of epi‐Permian age at Bismuth near Torrington, N.S.W., consists of an elongated intrusion of a granitoid quartz‐topaz rock (silexite) together with a series of pegmatites of varying composition. The principal pegmatite consists of orthoclase, biotite, quartz and beryl with concentric zoning passing outwards into fine‐grained biotite‐beryl rock containing a number of ore minerals: arsenides of Co, Fe and Ni, wolframite, bismuth, bismuthinite, molybdenite, joseite, cassiterite, rutile, uraninite and monazite. Small pegmatite veins issuing from this main body contain, in addition to the silicate minerals, high temperature tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite. A second group is characterised by quartz, orthoclase and beryl with occasional patches of tourmaline.

Emplacement at no great depth is indicated by breccia veins and stock‐works filled with pegmatite.

The origin of a silica hydromagma is considered in terms of existing experimental work and in terms of field occurrence. Structural evidence suggests that the quartzose intrusion preceded the injection of the pegmatite fluids, both being derived from the parent Mole biotite granite.  相似文献   

The Precambrian metamorphic complex in the southern portion of Wind River Canyon is interpreted as being a fragment of an Archaean greenstone belt. The sequence is composed of meta-sediments inferred to have been various types of pelites and psammites, including graywackes and shales, and a silicate facies banded-iron formation. Meta-volcanics are represented by massive amphibolites.The area has undergone three periods of roughly coaxial folding that represent a single tectonic pattern. A period of intrusion of leucogranite with associated pegmatites separates the first two periods of deformation. These rocks appear to have been derived anatectically from sialic material at greater depth, suggesting the possibility of a sialic basement on which the greenstone belt rocks accumulated. Boudinage of the country rocks can be correlated with either or both of the first two folding episodes, and boudinage of the intrusive rocks occurred with different styles in the axial surfaces of the second and third generation folds.One period of amphibolite-facies metamorphism corresponds to the first and second deformational phases. Minor retrograde effects, fracture fillings, and small-scale metasomatism occurred either in the waning stages of the metamorphism or during a minor subsequent thermal event.Numerous Archaean ages from the Wyoming Precambrian province place Wind River Canyon in a region where examples of such greenstone belts might be expected. As no young intrusive or tectonic events have been reported from the area, the youngest deformational features discussed are considered to be not much younger than reported radiometric dates and therefore not of regional significance.  相似文献   

The clay mineralogy of the Newark Supergroup (Upper Triassic/Lower Jurassic) in the Connecticut Valley was studied by X-ray diffraction analysis. Clay minerals identified in 126 samples are illite, chlorite, smectite, kaolinite, vermiculite, expandable chlorite, mixed-layer illite/smectite, mixed-layer chlorite/smectite, and mixed-layer chlorite/vermiculite. In general, the rocks are illitic with subordinate amounts of chlorite. However, the various lithofacies in the Newark Supergroup are characterized by distinct clay-mineral assemblages. Red beds of floodplain origin contain clays mainly of detrital nature with 2M illite most abundant. Subordinate amounts of chlorite, smectite, vermiculite, kaolinite and mixed-layer illite/smectite are also present. An interstratified chlorite/vermiculite occurs in red mudstone underlying basalt flows. Lacustrine gray beds are generally characterized by the clay-mineral assemblage 1Md illite + chlorite with minor amounts of smectite ane expandable chlorite. An interstratified chlorite/smectite predominates in gray mudstone associated with perennial lake cycles in the East Berlin Formation. Black shales of deeper lacustrine origin contain the assemblage 1Md ifillite + trioctahedral smectite and traces of chlorite. Illite and smectite also occur as mixed-layer phases.In many respects, the distribution of clay minerals in the Connecticut Valley can be likened to the general scheme proposed for the Permo-Triassic basins of Europe and Africa. These display both vertical and horizontal variations in clay-mineral assemblages that reflect the chemical and spatiotemporal evolution of intrabasin depositional and diagenetic environments. Chemical data indicate that magnesium, especially, was concentrated in the black muds of large perennial lakes that intermittently occupied the Connecticut rift valley. Pore waters derived from these sediments played an important role in the development of Mg-rich 2 : 1 and interstratified clay minerals during early diagenesis.  相似文献   

The Lueders Formation (mid-Permian) in Baylor County, Texas, is an intercalated suite of fluvial siliciclastic, shallow marine siliciclastic, and shallow marine carbonate strata. There are at least two generations of carbonate cements (probably originally composed of calcite) in the fluvial sandstones where fractured grains are observed. These cements represent the initial stages of caliche formation. Cementation is envisioned as a two step process. In the first step, calcite cements form from supersaturated fluids in a freshwater, vadose environment as a meniscus cement at grain contacts. Areas of cement formation are restricted to these sites because fluid distribution is restricted to these sites. Stresses generated by the growth of cements at grain contacts are transmitted through and concentrated at quartz/quartz grain point-contacts until the stress is sufficient to fracture quartz grains, even though the ultimate strength of calcite is less than that of quartz, per unit area. This process occurs too rapidly to be accommodated by pressure solution. In the second phase of cementation, cement nucleation is no longer restricted by vadose conditions. In this phase, calcite growth can no longer result in quartz grain breakage; rather, the quartz grains are dispersed in poikilotopic calcite cement.  相似文献   

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