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Aseismic crustal-strain signals prior to the 2003 Mw 6.8 Chengkung, 2006 Mw 6.1 Taitung, and 2008 Mw 5.0 Antung earthquakes with epicenters located 20, 55 and 11 km, respectively, from the Antung radon-monitoring station have been calculated using the radon anomalies recorded. Specifically, radon decreased from background levels of 791 ± 46, 762 ± 57, and 735 ± 48 pCi/L to minima of 326 ± 9, 371 ± 9, and 480 ± 43 pCi/L prior to the 2003, 2006, and 2008 earthquakes, respectively. The estimated aseismic crustal-strain maxima at the Antung hot spring during the rock dilation stage were 3.6, 2.7, and 1.3 ppm, respectively. The v-shaped radon pattern recognized in all three anomalies is valuable for detecting the aseismic strain precursory to disastrous earthquakes in the Antung hot spring which is situated in a brittle fractured aquifer of limited recharge surrounded by ductile mudstone.  相似文献   

Summary The complexation of aluminium(III) and silicon(IV) was studied in a simplified seawater medium (0.6 M Na(Cl)) at 25 °C. The measurements were performed as potentiometric titrations using a hydrogen electrode with OH ions being generated coulometrically. The total concentrations of Si(IV) and Al(III) respectively [Si tot ] and [Al t ot], and −log[H +] were varied within the limits 0.3 < [Si tot ] < 2.5 mM, 0.5 < [Al tot ] < 2.6 mM, and 2 ≤ -log[H +] ≤ 4.2. Within these ranges of concentration, evidence is given for the formation of an AlSiO(OH) 3 2+ complex with a formation constant log β1,1-1 = −2.75 ± 0.1 defined by the reaction Al 3++Si (OH)4AlOSi(OH) 3 2+ +H + An extrapolation of this value to I=0 gives log β1,1-1 = −2.30. The calculated value of logK (Al 3++SiO(OH) 3 AlOSi(OH) 3 2+ ) = 6.72 (I=0.6 M) can be compared with corresponding constants for the formation of AlF 2+ and AlOH 2+ , which are equal to 6.16 and 8.20. Obviously, the stability of these Al(III) complexes decreases within the series OH >SiO(OH) 3  > F   相似文献   

The compressibility at room temperature and the thermal expansion at room pressure of two disordered crystals (space group C2/c) obtained by annealing a natural omphacite sample (space group P2/n) of composition close to Jd56Di44 and Jd55Di45, respectively, have been studied by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Using a Birch–Murnaghan equation of state truncated at the third order [BM3-EoS], we have obtained the following coefficients: V 0 = 421.04(7) Å3, K T0 = 119(2) GPa, K′ = 5.7(6). A parameterized form of the BM3 EoS was used to determine the axial moduli of a, b and c. The anisotropy scheme is β c  ≤ β a  ≤ β b , with an anisotropy ratio 1.05:1.00:1.07. A fitting of the lattice variation as a function of temperature, allowing for linear dependency of the thermal expansion coefficient on the temperature, yielded αV(1bar,303K) = 2.64(2) × 10−5 K−1 and an axial thermal expansion anisotropy of α b  ≫ α a  > α c . Comparison of our results with available data on compressibility and thermal expansion shows that while a reasonable ideal behaviour can be proposed for the compressibility of clinopyroxenes in the jadeite–diopside binary join [K T0 as a function of Jd molar %: K T0 = 106(1) GPa + 0.28(2) × Jd(mol%)], the available data have not sufficient quality to extract the behaviour of thermal expansion for the same binary join in terms of composition.  相似文献   

In the present paper, the parameters affecting the uncertainties on the estimation of M max have been investigated by exploring different methodologies being used in the analysis of seismicity catalogue and estimation of seismicity parameters. A critical issue to be addressed before any scientific analysis is to assess the quality, consistency, and homogeneity of the data. The empirical relationships between different magnitude scales have been used for conversions for homogenization of seismicity catalogues to be used for further seismic hazard assessment studies. An endeavour has been made to quantify the uncertainties due to magnitude conversions and the seismic hazard parameters are then estimated using different methods to consider the epistemic uncertainty in the process. The study area chosen is around Delhi. The b value and the magnitude of completeness for the four seismogenic sources considered around Delhi varied more than 40% using the three catalogues compiled based on different magnitude conversion relationships. The effect of the uncertainties has been then shown on the estimation of M max and the probabilities of occurrence of different magnitudes. It has been emphasized to consider the uncertainties and their quantification to carry out seismic hazard assessment and in turn the seismic microzonation.  相似文献   

To offer an insight into the toxicity of nanomaterials (NM) on the growth of bacteria, Escherichia coli (E. coli), Bacillus subtilis (B. subtilis) and Agrobacterium tumefaciens (A. tumefaciens) were exposed to nano-Au, nano-Ag, nano-Fe and fullerene (C60) in this study. As an effective bactericide, nano-Ag induced high toxicity on these three bacteria; C60 could inhibit their growth; however, B. subtilis and E. coli could recover as exposure time extended. Nano-Au and nano-Fe had hardly any effect on three bacteria. A. tumefaciens showed the lowest resistance and slowest growth rate during exposure. Images obtained by scanning electron microscope (SEM) revealed that nano-Ag could cause damage to the cell structure of three bacteria at 1 μg/mL. Slight damage on E. coli was found when exposed to C60, whereas no obvious physical damage was found after exposure to nano-Au or nano-Fe. It is assumed that surface activities of NM might be responsible for the different toxic effects on these bacteria.  相似文献   

We have obtained 26 372 CCD frames in the B, V, and I c filters for 81 RR Lyrae stars in 2008–2010, using the 76-cm telescope of the South African Astronomical Observatory and the 40-cm telescope of the Cerro Armazones Observatory, North Catholic University (Chile) using an SBIG ST-10XME CCD camera. For 12 of these RR Lyrae stars, we also obtained 337 brightness measurements in the B and V bands in 2000–2001 using the 60-cm telescope of the High Altitude Mt. Maidanak Observatory (Republic of Uzbekistan). We present tables of observations, light curves, and improved light-curve elements for all these RR Lyrae stars. The Blazhko effect was detected for SU Hor.  相似文献   

Lead and cadmium are the two widely recognized toxic metals, with known ecological risk to freshwater fish in contaminated ecosystems. However, their effect at environmentally realistic level in a mixture has been rarely investigated. In the present study, serum metabolic responses of Crucian carp exposed to Pb (30 µgL?1), Cd (100 µgL?1) and Pb+Cd (30 + 100 µgL?1) for 21 days were investigated by 1H NMR-based metabolomics. The metabolic responses were compared to control by multivariate techniques (PCA, PLS-DA and OPLS-DA), and metabolites that significantly contributed to the variation were identified. Metal dependent metabolic responses revealed a decline of alanine, lysine and tyrosine in Pb exposed fish, indicating changes in neurotransmitters, and amino acid metabolism, while fish exposed to Cd showed significant decrease in lysine, isoleucine, leucine, alanine and increase in 3-hydroxybutyrate, acetone, lactate, choline, inosine, guanosine and threonine. The coexposure of Pb and Cd had additive effect on metabolic profile with increase in pyruvate, guanosine and inosine. The overall metabolic changes due to Pb and Cd were characterized by disturbed energy metabolism, impaired osmotic regulation and a shift from aerobic to anaerobic respiration. Moreover, 1H NMR-based metabolomics was proved to be a powerful tool in elucidating the toxic effects of environmental pollutants and underlying mechanism.  相似文献   

Vegetable tannins are complex polyphenols, which occur widely in nature. Traditionally, natural tannins have been used for tanning leather. In Brazil, the main tannin-based products are obtained from Acacia mearnsii, which is a leguminous tree native to Southeastern of Australia, and the first seeds were brought to Brazil in 1928. The main cultivation of acacia was established in Rio Grande do Sul state due to the possibility of raw material for charcoal, adhesives to fuel and for tanning leather. The leather tanning processes based on plant tannins are thought to be less harmful than chromium-based tanning, and it has been used as a sustainable alternative. However, there is scarce information about the environmental impact of the leather tanning processes, with most studies reporting inhibitory effects against microorganisms at high doses and stimulatory and positive health effects at low concentrations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicity of tannin preparations extracted from A. mearnsii in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Vegetable tannin toxicity in yeast was tested using two tannin treatments in different concentrations. In general, the results showed toxicity of vegetable in yeast, BY4741 and gsh1Δ strains.  相似文献   

The role of positive and indirect interactions is often crucial in communities with intense abiotic stress such as salt marshes. The burrowing crab, Neohelice (=Chasmagnathus) granulata, is the dominant benthic macroinvertebrate of southwest Atlantic marshes (southern Brazil to Northern Argentinean Patagonia), having strong direct and indirect effects on marsh soil and, in consequence, on marsh vegetation and primary consumers. In this work, we investigate if this crab indirectly modifies habitat use by the granivorous rodents, Akodon azarae and Oligoryzomys flavescens, by increasing nutrient availability and thus enhancing seed production by the marsh plant Spartina densiflora. The study was conducted at the Mar Chiquita Coastal Lagoon, Argentina (37°32′ S). Rodent frequencies in S. densiflora were positively correlated with crab densities throughout the low and middle marsh. Additionally, the highest quality of S. densiflora and inflorescence density was recorded at the highest crab densities. Experimental manipulation of crab densities shows that N. granulata indirectly enhances the performance of S. densiflora (e.g., decreased fiber content and C/N ratios) and increases density of seeds. Moreover, N. granulata also facilitates S. densiflora seed availability to rodents by concentrating them in sediment mound at their burrows entrances. Experimental rodent exclusions showed that rodent species used S. densiflora seeds, a variable positively related to crab burrow density. Thus, our results show that N. granulata drives the granivorous rodent distribution and the intensity of seeds–rodent interaction trough facilitative and indirect interactions in marsh community.  相似文献   

The M w 7.8 2015 Gorkha earthquake and its aftershocks significantly impacted the lives and economy of Nepal. The consequences of landslides included fatalities, property losses, blockades of river flow, and damage to infrastructural systems. Co-seismic landslides triggered by this earthquake were significantly widespread and pose a major geodisaster. There were tens of thousands of landslides triggered by the earthquake, majority of which were distributed in between the epicenter of the main shock and the M w 7.3 aftershock. Although 14,670 landslides triggered by this earthquake were identified, only approximately 23% of them were of moderate to large scale with areas greater than 100 m2. Of the moderate- to large-scale landslides identified, just over 90% were triggered by the main shock and smaller aftershocks prior to the major (M w 7.3) aftershock, while nearly 10% were triggered by the ground shaking induced by the major aftershock. Moreover, the number of landslides triggered by the 2015 Gorkha earthquake, specifically by the main shock, was slightly more than the expected number of landslides for the recorded maximum peak ground acceleration (PGA) in comparison to the co-seismic landslides triggered by 26 earthquakes. Over 90% of those moderate- to large-scale landslides were concentrated within the estimated fault rupture surface. Majority of these moderate- to large-scale landslides were disrupted failures with over 96% of which were classified as earth falls. However, the majority of small-scale landslides were rock or boulder falls. The most number of moderate- to large-scale landslides were triggered in the slate, shale, siltstone, phyllite, and schist of the Lesser Himalayan formation followed by an equally significant number in both schist, gneiss, etc. of the Higher Himalayan formation and the phyllite, metasandstone, schist, etc. of the Lesser Himalayan formation. The sizes (i.e., areas) of the landslides were lognormally distributed, with a mode area of 322.0 m2. Slope inclinations of the moderate- to large-scale landslides followed a normal distribution with a mean slope inclination of 32.6° and standard deviation of 13.5°. There exists a strong correlation between the number of landslides and the peak ground acceleration within the study area, specific for different geological formations.  相似文献   

Cadmium and other heavy metals lead to environmental danger, and these heavy metals are a great threat to human and other animal’s health. Investigation of the relationship between survival of E. coli and metallothionein smtA gene expression against cadmium ion is the goal of this research. Survival of recombinant bacteria containing smtA gene was analyzed against various concentrations of cadmium chloride salt using optical density (OD). At the resistive range, recombinant bacteria were subjected to different treatments. At the logarithmic phase of bacterial growth, sampling, RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis were performed and smtA gene expression was then analyzed by real-time PCR using designed primers for smtA gene and Amp resistance (as the calibrator gene). Relative gene expression was calculated using the ??Ct method. The resistive range against cadmium chloride was 0.5–0.7 mM (minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC = 0.5 mM)). Survival and gene expression analysis showed that in induced bacteria, smtA expression was increased significantly that in turn conferred resistance to cadmium chloride prominently. There was a direct relationship between increased smtA gene expression and survival of the recombinant bacteria. Therefore, our result may help to confront to cadmium metal environmental pollution using overexpression of smtA gene expression in recombinant bacteria.  相似文献   

Frequent blooms of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella in southern Chile encouraged undertaking the present study which uses the oyster Ostrea chilensis as a model for evaluating the feeding, growth, lipid storage and mortality responses to diets containing paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) produced by A. catenella. Medium-term (30 days) physiological responses of two groups of juvenile oysters were measured every 10 days. Five replicates were exposed to diets containing A. catenella and other five replicates were fed with a diet containing the non-toxic algae Isochrysis galbana. Diets were continuously supplied at a concentration of 2 mg L?1, in which the feeding and metabolic activity was measured, and the scope for growth calculated. Lipids storage, actual growth and mortality were also measured every 10 days. The results showed that the toxic diet has dramatic negative effects on feeding and metabolism of the juvenile individuals of O. chilensis, with high reduction of the lipid storage and growth. Mortality was also increased in individuals fed with the contaminated diet. This study supports the conclusion that the toxic dinoflagellate A. catenella restricts the energy acquisition in the juvenile O. chilensis, an important fishery and aquaculture resource in southern Chile.  相似文献   

An Inconvenient Truth (AIT) has earned Al Gore an Oscar and a share of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize and has been widely acclaimed by the mass media. However, significant errors exist in the film, owing to alarmism and exaggeration. As this forum does not provide for a detailed examination of these errors, this paper will focus only on the portrayal of the hydrologic cycle by AIT—precipitation and floods, soil moisture and droughts, and storminess. AIT argues that precipitation and intense rainfalls, floods, droughts, and the total number, intensity, and duration of tropical cyclones have all increased due exclusively to anthropogenically-driven climate change; indeed, AIT paints a picture of near scientific certainty with an overwhelming bias toward catastrophe scenarios. A closer look at the science, however, reveals that the data do not support these claims and that the scientific community is divided as to what the impact of anthropogenic climate change on the hydrologic cycle will be. Thus, the film gives a false impression of both the current state of climate change and that ‘the science is settled’.
David R. LegatesEmail:

Some thermal infrared anomalies on the earth’s surface are omens of stronger earthquakes, and have a close relationship with the stress fields. Satellite-based remote sensing is an important means of monitoring and researching this phenomenon. The M S 7.3 Yutian earthquake in Xinjiang on March 20, 2008 and the M S 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan on May 12, 2008 both happened in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, China, with epicenters more than 2,000 km apart. The two events, however, were a production of an identical stress field in different developing phases. Prior to the M S 7.3 Yutian earthquake, a large-scale abnormal temperature rise not only covered the epicenter of the forthcoming Yutian earthquake, but also arrived at the epicenter of the farther Wenchuan earthquake. The revolving elliptic stress thermal field reflecting earthquake gestation moved from the west to the east of the Wenchuan epicenter at the time of the Yutian event occurrence. The rotation of the calefactive ellipses and belts prior to the two strong events agreed with the stress field, the focal mechanism, and modality and mechanism property of the ruptures in the crustal surface induced by the events. It should be a reflection of the partial mantle uprush and rotation.  相似文献   

The morphology of the small stalkless Saccocoma tenella is unique among crinoids. It is characterized by an extremely light skeleton with dish-like lateral wings on the proximal brachials and peculiar paired vertical processes flanking the food grooves of more distal brachials. The arms are heavily branched. The lateral wings obviously were involved in vertical movement. For the vertical processes a “baffle rail” function for arm curling and “snap swimming” has been postulated, with muscles between the processes. However, there is no evidence that the processes were connected by muscles. For food collection a “pulsating funnel” model in the water column is advocated, with the processes serving to collect plankton during upward movement of the arms. The resulting mouth-up position is supported by the biostratinomy. Saccocoma tenella is considered to have been pelagic, a benthic lifestyle is rejected on ecologic and taphonomic grounds. Adorally-curled arms are considered a reaction to hostile environment before death, not a taphonomic artefact.  相似文献   

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