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The problem of modeling and operating spatiotemporal data has received a great deal of interest, due to its various applications in the real world such as GIS and sensor database. A wide range of work covering spatial data, temporal data and spatiotemporal data assumes that the data is known, accurate and complete. But in reality, information is often imprecise and imperfect. In addition, traditional data models which are investigating in the context of traditional database suffer from some inadequacy of necessary semantics such as inability to handle imprecise and uncertain information. Consequently, the advent of XML, which has the advantages of simplicity, readability and extensibility, seems to provide an opportunity for modeling and operating uncertain spatiotemporal data. Hence, the new problem that emerges is how to model and operate uncertain spatiotemporal data in XML. Therefore, in this paper, we establish an uncertain spatiotemporal data model based on XML. Then, on the basis of the model we provide a set of algebraic operations for capturing and handling uncertain spatiotemporal data. By employing algebraic operations, we demonstrate how to translate queries expressed in XQuery to our algebra. A translation example shows that our algebraic operations are full of expressive power and illustrates that our algebra can be applied to general data. Apart from this, we also propose a set of equivalence rules to optimize the process of query and give an example to show how the optimization approach works.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a novel web-based database, SHRIMPDB, to support the efficient reutilization of U-Th-Pb geochronological data from sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) measurements. In order to provide complete data content that can be reutilized by Earth scientists, a new data model containing analytical data and relevant sample metadata is proposed according to analyses of measurement procedures and the data characteristics of SHRIMP. Vivid data visualization, real-time data query interfaces (including a novel and intuitive polygonal region search), and a pragmatic data management module are designed and implemented using web-based and cloud GIS-based technologies, which provide a platform for Earth scientists to efficiently curate and share SHRIMP data on the internet. An incentive that encourages geochronologists to contribute data is suggested through cooperation between SHRIMPDB and the Beijing SHRIMP center. The database is currently under evaluation at the Beijing SHRIMP center. SHRIMPDB is globally available online at  相似文献   

面向对象的GIS水文水资源数据模型设计与实现   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
分析和总结了地理信息系统(GIS)在水文水资源应用中存在的问题与挑战。在ArcHydro数据模型框架的基础上,对面向对象的GIS水文水资源数据模型的结构与实现进行了深入研究与探讨。面向对象的GIS水文水资源数据模型能够很好地表达水文对象的空间位置、特征属性、时间属性以及对象间的拓扑关系,能完整地描述水文现象在地理空间的运动过程,并在江西省中部清丰山流域地理信息系统建设中应用。应用结果表明,面向对象的GIS水文水资源数据模型为设计水文空间数据库提供了一个通用的结构框架,有助于推动GIS在水文学研究与水资源管理的深入应用。  相似文献   

Nowadays, environmental problems related to soil pollution with heavy metals are numerous, therefore, it is important to understand metal behavior in aquatic sediments and soils and to appreciate their transfer. The fate of the metals in the environment is closely related to their interactions with the major reactive compartments (organic matter, iron and manganese oxides, clays). The objective of this work is to develop an approach based on the combination of several models to study metal ion speciation in different environmental systems. Models used to describe the interactions of metals with the main reactive phases in the soil are CD-MUSIC (amorphous and crystallized iron oxides), NICA-Donnan (organic matter and manganese oxides), and cationic ion exchange model (clays). Firstly, this work implies the definition of generic parameters to describe the interactions of the studied metals with iron and manganese oxides, a part of this information is missing in the literature. Then, after the validation of the approach by comparison with analytical results, this multi-surface model is applied to test sites corresponding to a soil and to two riverine environments. These new models give good predictions of the behavior of major and trace metal ions even in heterogeneous system characteristics of the natural environment. The measured free metal concentrations in the solution are in agreement with those obtained from model calculations.  相似文献   

Nowadays, environmental problems related to soil pollution with heavy metals are numerous, therefore, it is important to understand metals behaviour in aquatic sediments and soils and to estimate their transfer. The fate of metals in the environment is closely related to their interactions with the major reactive compartments (organic matter, iron and manganese oxides, clays). The objective of this work is to develop an approach based on the combination of several models to study metal ion speciation in different environmental systems. Models used to describe the interactions of metals with the main reactive phases in the soil are CD-MUSIC (amorphous and crystallized iron oxides), NICA-Donnan (organic matter and manganese oxides) and cationic ion exchange model (clays). First, this work implies the definition of generic parameters to describe the interactions of the studied metals with iron and manganese oxides and part of this information is missing in the literature. Then, after a validation of the approach by comparison with analytical results, this multi-surface model is applied to test sites corresponding to one soil and two riverine environments.These new models give good predictions of the behaviour of major and trace metal ions even in heterogeneous systems characteristic of natural environment. The measured free metal concentrations in the solution are in agreement with those obtained from model calculations. In the case of the soil test site, the soil solution composition and speciation are predicted using the soil major constituents characteristics.  相似文献   

由于科学技术的进步,各种项目成果资料获取的周期缩短,数量成逐年上升趋势.所有地震勘探项目的开始和结束都是地质资料的开始获取和完成获取的过程,因而地震勘探项目的成果资料编辑、检查、存档管理工作一直处于最重要的位置.自从归档资料统一格式之后,各种归档的维护工作就相对变得容易,但在归档之前的文档检查校正工作却显得繁琐和不易.这里试图从常见的Word电子文档入手,利用其公开的Word XML格式解析原理,通过编程实现了常见排版和错误的批量检查工作,并能够极大提高在资料归档之前的检查工作效率和减少人工翻阅检查的难度.经实际工作验证,效果很好.  相似文献   

简要介绍XML数据存取技术、数据存取机制和XML在数据库中的应用模式,并介绍了应用实例,提出了XML数据存取技术在防震减灾工作中的应用方向。  相似文献   

The raster and vector spatial data models are the most commonly used in geographic information systems (GIS) practice but are insufficient for the representation of dynamic spatiotemporal phenomena that operates in multiple dimensions. Although numerous improvements to the spatial data models have been proposed and various prototype implementations have been developed in order to address this limitation, the problem has persisted. One of the proposals for spatial data representation is the geoatom data model which is a theoretical concept used for conceptualizing geographic information as it pertains to the four-dimensional (4D) space-time continuum. The objective of this study is to develop and apply the spatiotemporal queries in order to analyze and explore the evolution of the 4D geospatial process. The geo-atom data model and voxel automata have been used for the simulation of a dynamic 4D process of snow cover retreat in order to test the developed theoretical concepts. The developed queries for spatio-temporal analysis are volume, surface area, rate of change and temporal ordering. The data used have spatial, temporal and attribute components and represent the voxels units generated from the simulation of the process. Obtained results are the outcomes of various spatio-temporal queries that permit the analysis of the snow retreat process in 4D. This study contributes to conceptual and applied advancements in the field of 4D GIS and multidimensional analysis, and is relevant to geography, earth and environmental sciences, the disciplines where the phenomena need to be studied in 4D.  相似文献   

工程地质钻孔信息模型及数据库研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了建立结构规范统一的工程地质勘察信息数据库,提出了“用户”与“系统”两级数据库相互映射的技术,把用户对数据的操作和计算机处理数据的过程分离开来。其中用户数据库面向用户的需要,系统数据库则满足信息管理的要求。在系统数据库中采用“块-层”结构的地层数据模型,对钻探区域进行了“地层层序”优化。“块-层”模型把钻探区域的“优化地层层序”作为一个基本块,针对性强,层次清晰地表达了复杂多变的地层信息,将有不同地层层序的各个钻探点统一成相同的结构,解决了在地层模型中难以表达地层翻转、缺失信息的问题,极大地方便了后续的信息处理和钻孔数据插值的进行。  相似文献   

1961-2017年青海高原降雪时空变化分析研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于1961-2018年青海高原47个台站观测资料,分析了青海高原降雪量、降雪日数的时空演变特征,结果表明:青海高原地区降雪量呈明显的减少趋势,每10年减少3.7 mm,其中1981-1989年、1990-1999年为降雪量偏多期,2000年以来为降雪量偏少期;近57年来青海高原降雪平均日数为11~43 d,青海高原降雪日数及各量级降雪日数总体均无明显趋势性变化,但存在阶段性变化;青海高原降雪量及降雪日数除常年干旱区柴达木盆地均为低值区外,其余地区高海拔地区多于低海拔地区,南部多于北部;青海高原月平均降雪量呈“U”型分布,而月平均降雪日数呈单峰型分布,降雪日数在冬季中末期偏多,春季偏少,其中小雪以上量级降雪日数易发生在秋末冬初,冬末向春季转换的时段内;近57年来青海高原降雪量在2002年前后存在明显的突变现象,其中青南牧区、青海湖地区及东部农业区年降雪量分别在2001年,1996年以及1996年前后存在明显突变现象,柴达木盆地降雪量无明显突变现象;而青海高原降雪日数在2000年前后存在明显突变现象,其中青南牧区1980年、2001年前后存在明显的突变现象,其余3个地区降雪日数无明显突变现象。  相似文献   

Discrete fracture network simulations are computationally intensive and usually time-consuming to construct and configure. This paper presents a case study with techniques for building a 3D finite element model of an inhomogeneous fracture network for modelling flow and tracer transport, combining deterministic and stochastic information on fracture aperture distributions. The complex intersected fractures represent a challenge for geometrical model design, mesh quality requirements and property allocations. For the integrated and holistic modelling approach, including the application of numerical and analytical simulation techniques, new object-oriented concepts in software engineering are implemented to ensure a resourceful and practicable software environment.  相似文献   

Global Mapper支持多种格式的光栅、高程、矢量数据的读取与输出,并内置多种坐标投影方式。尝试挖掘其支持多种数据格式、多种投影模式的功能,快速实现测绘图形数据的转换。通过设置当前工作空间的坐标投影模式,然后打开任何其支持的、含有坐标投影信息的数据,所有数据均自动转换成当前的投影模式,最后将文件输出(另存为)为所需的格式,即可快速完成数据转换。转换的内容主要包括不同格式的DTM(Digital Terrain Model,数字地面模型)数据转换、相同格式但不同坐标投影之间的相互转换,以及卫星影像配准等  相似文献   

The machine readable encoding language XML is used in water informatics to describe resources and observational data, such as the Water Data Transfer Format (WDTF). WDTF is part of an Australian initiative, established by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology in collaboration with CSIRO, to collate water resources data from multiple data providers into a national water information system. A common way of validating XML data is by defining a schema using XML Schema Definition language (XSD) and performing validation using standard XSD tools. However, XSD validation lacks the ability to perform content validation to assert context, domain and organizational rules such as soft-typing, co-constraints, and code-list or vocabulary checking, which is required in the validation of WDTF data. In this paper, we describe a validation service for validating water resources data encoded in WDTF, which combines structural and content validation. We also describe the use of a vocabulary service with the WDTF validation service to perform code-list and vocabulary checking.  相似文献   

2003-2012年四川省积雪时空动态变化与气候响应研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
李玉婷  柳锦宝  王增武  巴桑  肖垚 《冰川冻土》2016,38(6):1491-1500
积雪是地球表层覆盖的重要组成部分,以高反射率、低导热率对地球能量和辐射平衡产生重要影响。利用遥感和GIS等方法能够获得大范围的雪盖信息,了解其时空分布特征及变化规律,可以对有关部门提供防灾减灾的信息。采用2003-2012年MOD10A2数据和四川省48个气象观测站的温度、降水量、湿度、气压和日照时数等数据,分析了10a四川省积雪覆盖的时空变化特征及其与气候之间的关系。结果表明:四川省积雪覆盖的空间分布呈现出西部高原多积雪,成都平原覆盖少,东部盆地几乎无积雪覆盖的阶梯式结构;2003-2012年近10a来,积雪覆盖面积年际变化呈现出小幅度波动,峰值出现于2008年,从总体趋势来看,积雪覆盖面积呈现出微弱的下降趋势;通过分析10a来积雪覆盖率与气温、降水、湿度、气压、日照时数的相关性可知,积雪覆盖率的变化特征与气温和降水的关系最为密切,与湿度的相关性一般,与气压和日照时数的关系较弱。研究表明,四川省积雪变化受气温的影响大于降水的影响,气温越高,降水量越多,积雪面积越少,反之,积雪面积越大。  相似文献   

介绍了数据字典技术在基于网络B/S结构的“全国煤炭资源网络信息系统”——煤炭数据发布平台中的应用情况。系统通过数据字典技术进行用户访问控制、数据语义规格化和显示页面动态定制等工作。数据字典技术在该系统中的应用, 不仅使系统管理人员能够统一、高效、灵活地进行访问控制, 而且能根据需求定制显示内容, 保证了系统的安全性和功能的完善性。  相似文献   

Seismic and electrical resistivity tomography allow subsurface characterization from acoustic P-waves (Vp), shear S-waves (Vs) velocities, and electrical resistivity (ρ). Both geophysical methods were used to monitor water flow during a controlled rainfall experiment on a clay-shale hillslope located in the Laval catchment at Draix (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France). The objectives of the rainfall experiment were to analyse the water infiltration processes and identify possible water pathways by combining multi-method observations. The seismic data provide information on fissure density and the electrical resistivity data provide information on soil water content within the hillslope. Changes of the Vp and electrical resistivity fields with time show some similar pattern. To go further in the analysis of the water flow a geophysical data fusion strategy based on fuzzy set theory is applied. The computed fuzzy cross-sections based on expert hypotheses show the possibility for the material to be saturated during the rainfall experiment. The data fusion process is repeated in time for each acquisition set. The relative difference between the obtained fuzzy cross-sections is calculated and reveals possible locations where water may be transferred within the hillslope.  相似文献   

Izhak Schnell 《GeoJournal》2001,53(3):221-234
The transition to globalization, socio-cultural fragmentation and an era of peace all constrain Zionism to a restructuring in its territorial perspectives. In the nation-building era, Zionism made the territory the focus of Zionist activity, which necessitated seizing territory, controlling it, and creating an affinity and attachment and a bond of identity between the nation and the territory. Pure colonization as a central strategy for realizing these national goals originated mainly from the unique historical circumstances of Zionism and from the adoption of an ethno-national ideology. This also led to the Palestinian-Jewish conflict that concentrated on the control of territory. The national economy regime that influenced Israel in different ways also served the territorial ideology to a great degree. Peace borders will require Israel to cooperate closely with Jordan, Palestine, Syria and Lebanon in managing resources, external influences and additional common interests. The peace economy will integrate with the multi-national economy. Furthermore, in the reality of peace, Israel will have to abandon the internal colonization of areas populated by Israeli Arab citizens and give greater legitimation to their more prominent inclusion the Israeli identity. It will also become difficult for any elite group to dictate the national agenda to other marginal groups, such as Israeli Arabs, and Sephardic or Orthodox Jews, each group creates for itself considerable degree of autonomy in its own territory. In the main, the national periphery divides into an Israeli Arab periphery beside the periphery of the traditionally religious Sephardic Jews. The ultra-Orthodox Jews take control of increasingly larger Israeli space and expanding the horizons of their public involvement beyond their traditional ghettos. Each group creates for itself a different symbolic space with differing views concerning the limits of Israeli sovereignty.  相似文献   

Experimental data are used to model the transformation rate of polycrystalline aragonite (grain diameter 80 m) to calcite. Optimized values for nucleation and growth rates were obtained by numerically fitting the overall transformation rates from 280° to 380°C and 0.10 MPa to an expression for a grain-boundary-nucleated and interface-controlled transformation. The nucleation rate is 4–5 orders of magnitude faster than for calcite nucleated within aragonite grains, and the growing in rate is slower below 300°C than for calcite growing in aragonite single crystals. The activation enthalpy for growth in polycrystalline aggregate is 247kJ/mol compared to 163 kJ/mol for growth in single crystals. Permanent deformation of the phases limits the elastic strain energy due to the 7% volume change and reduces the coherency of the calcite/aragonite interace. Theoretical expressions are used to extrapolate the data for nucleation and growth to other temperatures, and data from 0.10 to 400 MPa are used to evaluate the effect of pressure on the grain-boundary nucleation rate. Because of permanent deformation of the phases, the effective strain energy for nucleation is 0.55 kJ/mol, which is less than a quarter of the value for purely elastic deformation. These data are used to predict the percent transformation for various P-T-t paths; without heating during uplift partial preservation of aragonite in dry blueschist facies rocks can occur if the calcite stability field is entered at 235° C, and the kinetic data are also consistent with published P-T-t paths which include heating during uplift. The predicted percent transformation is relatively insensitive to variations in the initial grain size of the aragonite, but strongly dependent on the effective strain energy.  相似文献   

Hundreds of natural catastrophes occur worldwide every year—there were 780 loss events per year on average over the last 10 years. Since 1980, these disasters have claimed over two million lives and caused losses worth US$ 3,000 billion. The deadliest disasters were caused by earthquakes: the tsunami following the Sumatra quake (2004) and the Haiti earthquake (2010) claimed more than 220,000 lives each. The Great East Japan Earthquake of 11 March 2011 was the costliest natural disaster of all times, with total losses of US$ 210 billion. Hurricane Katrina, in 2005, was the second costliest disaster, with total losses of US$ 140 billion (in 2010 values). To ensure that high-quality natural disaster analyses can be performed, the data have to be collected, checked and managed with a high degree of expertise and professionality. Scientists, governmental and non-governmental organisations and the finance industry make use of global databases that contain losses attributable to natural catastrophes. At present, there are three global and multi-peril loss databases: NatCatSERVICE (Munich Re), Sigma (Swiss Re) and EM-Dat (Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters). They are supplemented by numerous databases focusing on national or regional issues, certain hazards and specific sectors. This paper outlines the criteria and definitions relating to how global and multi-peril databases are operated, and the efforts being made to ensure consistent and internationally recognised standards of data management. In addition, it presents the concept and methodology underlying the NatCatSERVICE database, and points out the many challenges associated with data acquisition and data management.  相似文献   

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