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Remote sensing data and Geographical Information System (GIS) has been integrated with the weighted index overlay (WIO) method and E 30 model for the identification and delineation of soil erosion susceptibility zones and the assessment of rate of soil erosion in the mountainous sub-watershed of River Manimala in Kerala (India). Soil erosion is identified as the one of the most serious environmental problems in the human altered mountainous environment. The reliability of estimated soil erosion susceptibility and soil loss is based on how accurately the different factors were estimated or prepared. In the present analysis, factors that are considered to be influence the soil erosion are: land use/land cover, NDVI, landform, drainage density, drainage frequency, lineament frequency, slope, and relative relief. By the WIO analysis, the area is divided into zones representing low (33.30%), moderate (33.70%), and high (33%) erosion proneness. The annual soil erosion rate of the area under investigation was calculated by carefully determining its various parameters and erosion for each of the pixels were estimated individually. The spatial pattern thus created for the area indicates that the average annual rate of soil erosion in the area was ranging from 0.04 mm yr−1 to 61.80 mm yr−1. The high soil erosion probability and maximum erosion rate was observed in areas with high terrain alteration, high relief and slopes with the intensity and duration of heavy precipitation during the monsoons.  相似文献   

The native riparian herbs such as Leonotis nepetaefolia (L.) R. Br., Cassia tora L., Ageratum conyzoides L., Parthenium hysterophorus L. and Sida acuta burm f., dominant on the bank of River Damodar in Eastern Jharia Area, Dhanbad (India), were selected to assess experimentally their quantitative role in conserving the soil and reducing water runoff and nutrient (N and P) losses. A total of 42.5 mm simulated rainfall were applied at 30 cm h−1 rain intensity on both vegetated and bare plots. The collected runoff water and eroded soil from each plot were determined in terms of soil, water and nutrient conservation value (CV). Among the vegetated plots, soil CV ranged from 30 to 85% and water CV from 20 to 48%. Nutrient (N and P) CV varied from 22 to 65% for total-N, 48 to 80% for ammonia-N and 50 to 86% for nitrate-N. CV for total-P varied from 40 to 62%, inorganic-P from 42 to 60% and organic-P from 20 to 58%. In a stepwise multiple regression equation comprising four independent variables (canopy cover, litter mass, soil moisture and plant biomass), canopy cover explained 70–88% (P < 0.01) of variability in conserving soil, water and nutrient. The losses through runoff water and eroded soil from vegetated plots were found to be minimized to a great extent as compared to bare plots. The role of these species in maintaining the texture and fertility status of riparian soil is discussed.  相似文献   

The change in the tropical forests could be clearly linked to the expansion of the human population and economies. An understanding of the anthropogenic forcing plays an important role in analyzing the impacts of climate change and the fate of tropical forests in the present and future scenario. In the present study, we analyze the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors in forest dynamics in Katerniaghat wildlife sanctuary situated along the Indo-Nepal border in Uttar Pradesh state, India. The study site is under tremendous pressure due to anthropogenic factors from surrounding areas since last three decades. The vegetation cover of the sanctuary primarily comprised of Shorea robusta forests, Tectona grandis plantation, and mixed deciduous forest; while the land cover comprised of agriculture, barren land, and water bodies. The classification accuracy was 83.5%, 91.5%, and 95.2% with MSS, IKONOS, and Quickbird datasets, respectively. Shorea robusta forests showed an increase of 16 km2; while Tectona grandis increased by 63.01 km2 during 1975–2010. The spatial heterogeneity in these tropical vegetation classes surrounded by the human dominated agricultural lands could not be addressed using Landsat MSS data due to coarse spatial resolution; whereas the IKONOS and Quickbird satellite datasets proved to advantageous, thus being able to precisely address the variations within the vegetation classes as well as in the land cover classes and along the edge areas. Massive deforestation during 1970s along the adjoining international boundary with Nepal has led to destruction of the wildlife corridor and has exposed the wildlife sanctuary to human interference like grazing and poaching. Higher rates of forest dynamics during the 25-year period indicate the vulnerability of the ecosystem to the natural and anthropogenic disturbances in the proximity of the sanctuary.  相似文献   

中国城市地面沉降研究的有关问题   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
根据作者近年来参与地面沉降研究及管理的实践,对国内地面沉降研究中出现的有关问题作了分析探讨,并对目前国内使用的地面沉降计算模型作了评述,指出了地面沉降研究应进一步深化的几个方向。  相似文献   

Since unprecedented large-scale silent slip was detected by GPS in 2001 in the Tokai region, evaluating whether such movement is uniquely connected to the expected Tokai earthquake or repeatedly occurs in this area becomes vitally important. Because of short history of GPS observations and the limited areal coverage surrounding the Suruga trough, we take advantage of continuously recorded seismicity that is presumed to be sensitive to the deformation at seismogenic depth. Together with the well-maintained NIED earthquake data, we employ the seismicity-to-stress inversion approach of rate/state friction to infer the spatio-temporal stress changes in and around the presumed hypocentral zone of the future Tokai earthquake. Mapping stress changes inverted from microseismicity year by year, we find that the stress under Lake Hamana, the western expected future Tokai source, has been decreasing since 1999, during which the GPS data showed a normal trend of plate coupling. In contrast, stresses in the surrounding regions are calculated to have increased by transfer from Lake Hamana region. We interpret that this continuous process is associated with the 2000–2004 Tokai slow slip event. The characteristic patterns related to aseismic stress-release are also identified in the early 1980s and during 1987–1989, when slow events are inferred to have occurred on the basis of conventional geodetic measurements. Revisiting the seismotectonics and taking into account the mechanical implications of the inversion results, we argue that the transition zone situated between a deep stable creeping zone and a locked zone undergoes episodic creep and plays an important role in the transfer of stress to the locked zone. Consequently, even though we speculate that the current (2000 to present-day) silent slip event might be one of the repeating events, the inferred enlargement of the stress releasing area is significant and possibly raises the likelihood of the next Tokai earthquake.  相似文献   

BOREAS Griffey, N. J. & Worsley, P. 1978 03 01: The pattern of Neoglacial glacier variations in the Okstindan region of northern Norway during the last three millennia (Okstindan Research Project Report 26). Boreas, Vol. 7, pp. 1–17. Oslo. ISSN 0300–9483.
Historical, lichenometrical and stratigraphical evidence is combined to establish a provisional history of Neoglacial glacier variation in a mountainous environment approx. 66oN. Attention is focussed on end moraine chronology. At five sites, derived organic materials have been located within end moraines and at two others in situ palaeosols occur buried beneath distal slopes. Organic rich samples from all the sites have been radiocarbon dated and the results permit the recognition of three major glacier expansion episodes, each of which contributes to the diachronous nature of the Okstindan outer Neoglacial limit. A widespread 'Little Ice Age' event with a maximum extent of probable eighteenth century age is confirmed. Limited areas of older moraine ridges peripheral to the 'Little Ice Age' maximal limit appear to date from about 3000-2500 14C years B.P. and a younger period tentatively dated as about 1250-1000 14C years B. P. which agrees with recent data from Engabreen in northwest Svartisen. No evidence for any extensive glacial activity after the inlandice wastage approx. 9000 14C years B. P. and prior to 3000 14C years B.P. was forthcoming.  相似文献   

The subaerial delta of the Yellow River has undergone a notable reshaping process with drastic changes in erosion and accretion patterns both temporally and spatially. These morphological changes not only have significant impact on the long-term evolution of delta but also pose severe threat to the existing infrastructures adjacent to the eroding delta lobe. This paper presents a data-based study of waves, currents, sediments and subaqueous bedforms including the application of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to the measured coastal profiles in order to understand qualitative and quantitative processes that are responsible for the observed changes. The results demonstrated that the Yellow River Delta has recently been dominated by recession process due to the reduced sediment supply from the Yellow River in the recent decades. A critical threshold of river sediment discharge was formulated and used to explain the observed morphodynamic processes. It was found that the coast of the Yellow River Delta could be broadly divided into three geomorphic zones: the area near abandoned delta, the estuarine area, and Laizhou Bay. At the nearshore zone of the abandoned delta, waves are the main agent for bed erosion and sediments suspension. The tidal current is effective in transporting suspended sediments and exerts the main control on the depths of the erosion–accretion balance zone on the coastal profiles. The area near the present estuary has seen rapid deposition with the progradation rate being governed by the relative intensity of fluvial and marine processes while the coasts in Laizhou Bay are stable and the particular characteristics of the tidal current field prevent the sediments supplied by the Yellow River from reaching this area.  相似文献   

Multiple deformation in all the Precambrian metamorphic-migmatitic rocks has been reported from Rajasthan during the last three decades. But, whereas the Aravalli Group and the Banded Gneissic Complex show similarity in the style and sequence of structures in all their details, the rocks of the Delhi Group trace a partly independent trend. Isoclinal folds of the first generation (AF1) in the rocks of the Aravalli Group had gentle westerly plunge prior to later deformations. These folds show reclined, inclined, and upright attitude as a result of coaxial upright folding (AFla). Superposition of upright folds (AF2) of varying tightness, with axial plane striking N to NNE, has resulted in interference patterns of diverse types in the scale of maps, and deformation of earlier planar and linear structures in the scale of hand specimens. The structures of the third generation (AF3) are either open recumbent folds or reclined conjugate folds with axial planes dipping gently towards NE or SW. Structures of the last phase are upright conjugate folds (AF4) with axial planes striking NNE-SSW and E-W. The Banded Gneissic Complex (BGC) underlies the Aravalli Group with a conglomerate horizon at the contact, especially in southern Rajasthan. But, for a major part of central and southern Rajasthan, migmatites representing BGC show a structural style and sequence identical with those in the Aravalli Group. Migmatization, broadly synkinematic with the AF1 folding, suggests extensive remobilization of the basement. Very rare relict fabric athwart to and overprinted by structures of AF, generation provide tangible evidence for a basement. Although the structures of later phases in the rocks of the Delhi Group (DF3 and DF4) match with the late-phase structures in the Aravalli Group (AF3 and AF4), there is a contrast in the structural history of the early stages in the rocks of the two groups. The folds of the first generation in the Delhi Group (DF1) were recumbent to reclined with gentle plunge towards N to NNE or S to SSW. These were followed by coaxial upright folds of varying tightness (DF2). Absence of westerly trending AF1 folds in the Delhi Group, and extreme variation in plunge of the AF2 folds in contrast with the fairly constant plunge of the DF2 folds, provide evidence for an angular unconformity between the Aravalli and the Delhi Groups. Depending on the importance of flattening attendant with and following buckling during AF2 deformation, the lineations of AF1 generation show different patterns. Where the AF1 lineations are distributed in circular cones around AF2 axes because of flexural-slip folding in layered rocks with high viscosity contrast, loci of early lineations indicate that the initial orientation of the AF1 axes were subhorizontal, trending towards N280°. The orientation of the axial planes of the earlier folds has controlled the development of the later folds. In sectors where the AF, axial planes had N-S strike and gentle dips, or E-W strike with gentle to steep dips, nearly E-W horizontal compression during AF2 deformation resulted in well-developed AF2 folds. By contrast, where the AF, axial planes were striking nearly N-S with steep dips, E-W horizontal compression resulted in tightening (flattening) of the already isoclinal AF1 folds, and probably boudinage structures in some instances, without the development of any AF2 folds. A similar situation obtains when DF4 deformation is superposed on earlier structures. Where the dominant S-planes were subhorizontal, N-S compression during DF4 deformation resulted in either chevron folds with E-W striking axial plane or conjugate folds with axial plane striking NE and NW. In zones with S-planes striking E-W and dipping steeply, the N-S compression resulted in flattening of the earlier folds without development of DF4 folds.  相似文献   

A long terrestrial record, Colônia CO-3, from the Atlantic rainforest region in Brazil (23°52′S, 46°42′20 W, 900 m a.s.l.) registrates variations in the forest expansion during the last 100,000 yr. The 780-cm depth core was analyzed at 2-cm intervals and arboreal pollen frequencies were compared to nearby speleothem stable isotope records and neighboring marine records from the tropical Atlantic. To evaluate regional versus global climate forcing, our record was compared with Greenland and Antarctic ice-core records. These comparisons suggest that changes in temperature seen in polar latitudes relate to moisture changes: e.g., to changes in the length of the dry season, in tropical and subtropical latitudes during glacial as well as interglacial times. These climatic changes result from changes in the frequency of polar air incursions to these latitudes inducing a permanent cloud cover and precipitation. This is an important result that should help define paleoclimatic features in the Southern Hemisphere for the last glaciation.  相似文献   

The Weichselian deposits of the flat Dutch-Belgian coversand area are characterized by highly varying facies types. The geomorphological location and the role of water during the deposition and the transportation of the original eolian sediments may fully explain the texture and sedimentary structures of the lithostratigraphic units. Directly deposited eolian loams and sands on the dry interfluves contrast with the same, but reworked, sediments in wet valleys and depressions. The formation of periglacial phenomena is also dependent on the geomorphologic, lithologic, and hydrologic conditions. The occurrence of peaty beds is restricted to wet environments without precise climatic significance. The Pleniglacial sequence is subdivided into early and late Pleniglacial stades, both characterized by (partial) permafrost conditions, interrupted by a middle Pleniglacial interstadial complex with clearly milder conditions.  相似文献   

Surface soil water content (SWC) is one of the key factors controlling wind erosion in Sistan plain, southeast of Iran. Knowledge of the spatial variability of surface SWC is then important to identify high-risk areas over the region. Sequential Gaussian simulation (SGSIM) is used to produce a series of equiprobable models of SWC spatial distribution across the study area. The simulated realizations are used to model the uncertainty attached to the surface SWC estimates through producing a probability map of not exceeding a specified critical threshold when soil becomes vulnerable to wind erosion. The results show that SGSIM is a suitable approach for modelling SWC uncertainty, generating realistic representations of the spatial distribution of SWC that honour the sample data and reproduce the sample semivariogram model. The uncertainty model obtained using SGSIM is compared with the model achieved through sequential indicator simulation (SISIM). According to accuracy plots, goodness statistics and probability interval width plots, SGSIM performs better for modelling local uncertainty than SISIM. Sequential simulation provided a probabilistic approach to assess the risk that SWC does not exceed a critical threshold that might cause soil vulnerability to wind erosion. The resulted risk map can be used in decision-making to delineate “vulnerable” areas where a treatment is needed.  相似文献   

多元层状边坡土体风蚀速率与微结构参数关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吐鲁番交河故城台地多元层状土质边坡由于风蚀而形成空腔的现象表明,不同类型的土具有不同的抗风蚀能力,抗风蚀能力的强弱是多因素影响的共同结果,微观结构是其中一个重要内因。风蚀速率是表征土抗风蚀能力强弱的重要物理量,研究运用风洞试验、微结构分析等手段揭示了风蚀速率与颗粒面积比、颗粒圆度、孔隙等效直径、孔隙充填比等微结构特征参数之间的良好对应关系;进而采用相关分析法分析并证实风蚀速率与各特征参数间的良好相关关系,应用回归分析方法建立3个试验风速下风蚀速率与单个参数和多个参数之间的回归方程,验证了微结构特征对土抗风蚀能力有显著影响,进而为土抗风蚀能力的评价提供了微观依据。  相似文献   

Stable carbon and oxygen isotopes of the polar planktic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral from sediment cores of the Norwegian Sea reveal several anomalous 13C and δ18O depletions in the surface water during the last glacial to interglacial transition and during the later Holocene. The depletions that are observed between the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the end of the main deglacial phase were caused by massive releases of freshwater from thawing icebergs, which consequently resulted in a stratification of the uppermost surface water layer and a non-equilibrium between the water below and the atmosphere. At ~8.5 ka (14C BP) this strong iceberg melting activity ceased as defined by the cessation of the deposition of ice-rafted detritus. After this time, the dominant polar and subpolar planktic foraminiferal species rapidly increased in numbers. However, this post-deglacial evolution towards a modern-type oceanographic environment was interupted by a hitherto undescribed isotopic event (~7–8 ka) which, on a regional scale, is only identified in eastern Norwegian Sea surface water. This event may be associated with the final pulse of glacier meltwater release from Fennoscandia, which affected the onset of intensified coastal surface water circulation off Norway during a time of regional sea-level rise. All these data indicate that surface water changes are an integral part of deglacial processes in general. Yet, the youngest observed change noted around 3 ka gives evidence that such events with similar effects occur even during the later Holocene when from a climatic point of view relativelystable conditions prevailed.  相似文献   

Gully erosion is a very serious problem in the black soil region of northeast China. Gully filling is often adopted for controlling gully erosion by local farmers and thus causes more serious soil erosion. In this study an ephemeral gully (EG, 74 m) and a classical gully (CG, 52 m) connected at the gully’s headcut were selected as the study site. Two comparisons were made to explore the effects of gully erosion and the subsequent gully filling on soil depth and soybean yield: (1) soil depth between 81 sample points in the study site and 11 reference points along the same slope with the gully; (2) soybean yield between 81 sample points in the study site and 30 baseline locations near the study site. The results indicated that gully erosion caused the reduction of soil depth and soybean yield. Although filling gullies with soil from adjacent areas seemed to be an expedient way to remediate the gullies, it resulted in substantial soybean yield reduction. Gully erosion reduced the soil depth and soybean yield in 74.4 and 83.9 % of the study site, respectively. The soybean yield reduction ratio was 34.5 % for the whole study site and 2.6 % for the black soil region. Soil depth was the most important soil property indicator to reduce yield. Every 1 cm decrease in soil depth in the areas adjacent to gullies due to infilling activities resulted in a 2 % decrease in yield. More significant was the deposition of sediment from gully erosion, which completely eliminated soybean yield. Currently, effective soil and water conservation measures are not known and adopted by local farmers extensively. In the future, once some measures for preventing soil erosion, in particular gully erosion, were proved effective, these technologies should be disseminated among local farmers.  相似文献   

Pollen, spores and dinoflagellate cysts have been analysed on three sediment cores (1.8–1.4 m-long) taken from the south and middle basins of the Caspian Sea. A chronology available for one of the cores is based on calibrated radiocarbon dates (ca 5.5–0.8 cal. ka BP). The pollen and spores assemblages indicate fluctuations between steppe and desert. In addition there are some outstanding zones with a bias introduced by strong river inflow. The dinocyst assemblages change between slightly brackish (abundance of Pyxidinopsis psilata and Spiniferites cruciformis) and more brackish (dominance of Impagidinium caspienense) conditions. During the second part of the Holocene, important flow modifications of the Uzboy River and the Volga River as well as salinity changes of the Caspian Sea, causing sea-level fluctuations, have been reconstructed. A major change is suggested at ca 4 cal. ka BP with the end of a high level phase in the south basin. Amongst other hypotheses, this could be caused by the end of a late and abundant flow of the Uzboy River (now defunct), carrying to the Caspian Sea either meltwater from higher latitudes or water from the Amu-Daria. A similar, later clear phase of water inflow has also been observed from 2.1 to 1.7 cal. ka BP in the south basin and probably also in the north of the middle basin.  相似文献   

Vorren, K.‐D., Jensen, C. E. & Nilssen, E. 2012 (January): Climate changes during the last c. 7500 years as recorded by the degree of peat humification in the Lofoten region, Norway. Boreas, Vol. 41, pp. 13–30. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2011.00220.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Two peat cores from two neighbouring bogs in Lofoten, northern Norway were densely AMS dated and analysed for humification. The two cores have been influenced by human agricultural impact, especially c. 1600 cal. a BP, which may have affected the local hydrology of the bogs. From 7400 cal. a BP onwards, 19 distinct wet‐shifts are recorded in the two cores. Eight or nine of these correspond chronologically to periods of low solar activity. This correlation is most convincing during the last 2000 years. Some wet‐shifts are connected with a solar low‐activity period during the Subboreal/Subatlantic transition, which in central Europe is dated at 2750–2565 cal. a BP. For Lofoten, the corresponding Subboreal/Subatlantic transition – or the wet‐shift marking this transition – is dated at c. 2600 cal. a BP. Some wet‐shifts occur just before or just after solar low‐activity periods, but only four of the nineteen wet‐shifts are clearly not temporally connected with periods of low solar activity. Compared with the wet‐shifts in NW European (mainly British Isles) bogs, there are more frequent wet‐shifts in northern Norway. Compared with other peat cores in northern Norway, especially for the interval 6500–5000 cal. a BP, Lofoten deviates by its lack of wet‐shifts. As in England, Scotland and Ireland, there is regional variability in the temporal formation of wet‐shifts in northern Norway.  相似文献   

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