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塔里木盆地深反射地震资料处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
反射地震资料的属性与油气勘探的最终目标——油、气有密切联系。利用地震波场的属性中隐藏着识别油气藏的密码进行油气检测,是一项新的油气检测技术。有油气存在时其地震属性会在局部产生非常规变异,寻找这种变异的差异,就可以进行油气检测,这也就为油气圈闭的地球物理评价提供了基础。通过在塔里木油田的试验表明,上述检测油气的属性差异分析方法技术是有效的。建议在油气钻探之前,首先进行油气检测和圈闭评价,以减少风险,提高油气勘探的成功率。  相似文献   

近年来,TSP(Tunnel Seismic Prediction)超前地质预报系统在我国得到了比较广泛的应用,但厂家未提供其数据文件存储格式。为此,采用UltraEdit软件对多个TSP数据文件进行分析,弄清了其原始数据的总体存储结构。同时还简单介绍了国际标准地震数据SEG-2文件的存储格式,并在Matlab语言环境下编制了读取SEG-2数据文件与TSP数据文件的程序,实现了将SEG-2文件转换成TSP数据文件的功能。因此,在今后的工作中,可直接应用TSP的数据处理软件包TSPwin来处理国产的超前地震数据。  相似文献   

叠前地震资料含有地层的纵波、横波速度和密度等信息。利用叠前反演获得隐藏在地震数据中的这些基本参数后,即可揭示大量岩性及孔隙流体性质的信息。这里推导了平面波在层状弹性介质中传播的正演算子,提出了一种基于Brent正交搜索方向组的叠前三参数反演方法.该方法不需要求解庞大而复杂的导数矩阵。通过自适应退火因子和罚函数来处理约束条件,提高了算法的稳定性。将K—L变换引入到方向置换过程,有效防止了搜索方向组的线性相关。经理论模型和油田实际数据的反演结果表明,该反演方法是一种利用叠前地震数据进行储层预测的有效手段。  相似文献   

The 1946 Nankai earthquake (Ms=8.2) at the forearc region of the western Nankai Trough showed slow slip deformation off Cape Muroto, which did not propagate until the western end of the Nankai seismogenic zone. New seismic investigations show a low-velocity layer (LVL) on the subducting oceanic crust in the coseismic area. Two prestack depth-migrated sections show reflectivity events in the clay-rich boundary layer on the oceanic crust. Narrowly spaced imbricated slices develop in the nonrupture area. The reflective boundary layer indicates probably that underplating develops in the nonrupture area rather than the coseismic area. It is suggested that the friction is larger in the nonrupture area than the coseismic area because of the lack of LVL on the oceanic crust, the well developed underplating and the narrowly spaced imbricated thrusts in the nonrupture area. The topographic high of the oceanic crust with about 50 km width and maximum 3 km height is also revealed and is related to bending and thickening of the oceanic crust, the well developed underplating and the narn spaced imbricated thrusts in the nonrupture area. These structural characters may be the reason why the slow slip deformation did not propagate until the western end of the Nankai seismogenic zone and toward the trough side.  相似文献   

Conventional wave-equation-based migration of deep seismic reflection data can produce severe artifacts, which appear as broad circular arcs or “smiles”, due to the existence of apparent truncations of reflections on the stack section arising from poor signal penetration, changes in orientation of the acquisition profile, and the existence of strong overlying lateral velocity variations. These artifacts limit the interpretation of deep seismic profiles, because they obscure weak reflections and reflection truncations that may, e.g., indicate the presence of subsurface faults. Here I present a new migration algorithm, in which each sample of the stack is migrated to a short linear segment whose position and dip are determined by its original position on the stack, an estimate of the local apparent dip at that point, and a user-specified migration velocity. No subjective interpretation of reflections on the stack section is required, and the algorithm produces no arc-like migration artifacts. The degree of lateral smearing can be easily controlled, allowing reflection truncations to be revealed. In practice, the algorithm is most effectively applied to data that have been coherency-filtered to remove low amplitude noise, which would otherwise be preserved.  相似文献   

We present a series of high-resolution seismic reflection lines across the Yizre'el valley, which is the largest active depression in Israel, off the main trend of the Dead Sea rift. The new seismic reflection data is of excellent quality and shows that the valley is dissected into numerous small blocks, separated by active faults. The Yizre'el valley is found to consist of a series of half grabens, rather than a single half graben, or a symmetrical graben. The faults are generally vertical and appear to have a dominant strike-slip component, but some dip-slip is also evident. A marked zone of compression near Megido is associated with the intersection of the two largest faults in the valley, the Carmel fault and the Gideon fault. Variable trend of the faults reflects the complexity of the local geology along the boundary between the wide NW–SE trending Farah–Carmel fault zone and the E–W trending basins and ranges in the Lower Galilee. This tectonic complexity is likely to result from a highly variable stress pattern, modified by the structures inside it. Normal faulting in the valley occurred at an early stage of its development as a tectonic depression. However, strike-slip motion on the Carmel fault, and possibly also on some of the other faults, appears to have started together with the onset of normal faulting. Earthquake hazard in the area appears to be uniform as faults are distributed throughout the Yizre'el valley.  相似文献   

由于科学技术的进步,各种项目成果资料获取的周期缩短,数量成逐年上升趋势.所有地震勘探项目的开始和结束都是地质资料的开始获取和完成获取的过程,因而地震勘探项目的成果资料编辑、检查、存档管理工作一直处于最重要的位置.自从归档资料统一格式之后,各种归档的维护工作就相对变得容易,但在归档之前的文档检查校正工作却显得繁琐和不易.这里试图从常见的Word电子文档入手,利用其公开的Word XML格式解析原理,通过编程实现了常见排版和错误的批量检查工作,并能够极大提高在资料归档之前的检查工作效率和减少人工翻阅检查的难度.经实际工作验证,效果很好.  相似文献   

The influence of deep crustal processes on basin formation and evolution and its relation to current morphology is not well understood yet. A key feature to unravel these issues is a detailed seismic image of the crust. A part of the data recorded by the hydrocarbon industry in the late 1970s and 1980s in the North German Basin were released to the public recently. The seismic reflection data were recorded down to 15 s two-way travel time. The mean Common Midpoint fold of about 20 is relatively low compared to contemporary seismic acquisitions. The processing of the 1980s focussed on the sedimentary structures to explore the hydrocarbon potential of this area. We applied the Common Reflection Surface stack technique to the data sets, which is well suited for low-fold data. The reprocessing was focussed on the imaging of the subsedimentary crustal range. The reprocessed images show enhanced reflections, especially in the mid and lower crustal part. Also, the image of the salt structures in the graben area was improved. Furthermore, the reprocessed images indicate an almost flat Moho topography in the area of the Glückstadt Graben and an additional lower crustal structure, which can be correlated with a high-density body found in recent gravity modeling studies.  相似文献   

在松Ⅰ~松Ⅵ6条深反射地震剖面上依据震相特征并结合地质演化过程分析识别石炭—二叠系,分析其层位反射特征及同相轴特征,建立松辽盆地北部地区石炭—二叠系地震震相特征识别标志。主要震相特征为中—强反射能量,局部存在高值,整体同相轴连续—较连续,由南到北、由西向东规律变化。利用已有的钻遇石炭—二叠系的探井资料和地震波传播速度,得到研究区时间-深度转换关系。由研究区石炭—二叠系相位追踪对比后的反射时间分布,计算石炭—二叠纪地层顶界面与底界面在深反射地震时间剖面上的走时之差,通过时深转换得出研究区基底石炭—二叠纪地层厚度和分布。全区地层分布不很均匀,主要在中央隆起带以东地区及西部断陷区出现2个厚度高值区;地层整体由浅到深大致可分为上、中、下3层,且地震震相特征互不相同。松辽盆地北部石炭—二叠系分布对东北地区主力油层之下的深层油气勘探提供了有价值的依据。  相似文献   

Industry seismic reflection data spanning the Rocky Mountain Cordillera front ranges of northwest Montana were reprocessed and interpreted in this study. Five seismic profiles represent 160 km of deep reflection data collected in 1983 that span the eastern Purcell anticlinorium, Rocky Mountain Trench (RMT), Rocky Mountain Basal Décollement (RMBD), and Lewis thrust. The data were reprocessed using modern techniques including refraction statics, pre-stack time migration (PSTM), and pre- and post-stack depth migration. Results indicate the RMBD is 8–13 km below the Earth's surface and dip 3–10° west. Evidence for the autochthonous Mesoproterozoic Belt and basal Cambrian rocks beneath the RMBD is present in all of the profiles and appears to extend east of the RMT. The Lewis thrust was identified in the seismic profiles and appears to sole into the RMBD east of the RMT. The RMT fault system has a dip displacement of 3–4 km and forms a half graben filled with 1 km of unconsolidated Tertiary sedimentary deposits. The RMT and adjacent Flathead fault systems are interpreted to be structurally linked and may represent a synthetic, en echelon fault system.  相似文献   

The Europrobe Seismic Reflection Profiling in the Urals Experiments (ESRU) reflection seismic data from the Middle Urals images c. 10‐km thick band of strong, subhorizontal lower crustal reflectivity and a thinning of the crust that is associated with the East Uralian Zone, a broad strike‐slip fault system containing high‐grade metamorphic rocks and syn‐orogenic to post‐orogenic granitoids. The lower crustal reflectivity consists of discontinuous to continuous, high‐amplitude reflections. Reflections are subparallel to slightly oblique and have a layered to oblate appearance. Geometrical relationships indicate that the reflectivity post‐dates fault activity, suggesting that late‐orogenic processes modified the lower crust. The surface geology indicates that the conditions for lower crustal flow were met in the East Uralian Zone. We suggest that the lower crustal reflectivity imaged by the ESRU data is related to a flow channel that developed at the base of the crust in the interior of the orogen.  相似文献   

The results of investigations in the Sea of Okhotsk by the seismic reflection method are considered with special attention paid to the acoustic anomalies. Two types of such anomalies are definable in the basin: local (“gas channel”) and areal (“turbid sequences”). It is shown that the acoustic anomalies distinguishable in the single channel seismic profiling (SCSP) records are characteristic of sediments with partial gas filling. Many local anomalies documented on the Sakhalin slope are spatially connected with zones of faulting. The simultaneous presence of acoustic anomalies and BSR in the upper part of the section serves as a reliable diagnostic feature of gas hydrates. The dispersion of the velocities in the wave packet characterizing the acoustic anomaly associated with the lower part of the sedimentary cover in the Kurile Basin points to the significant thickness of the gas-bearing sediments in the latter.  相似文献   

The problems of poor data quality and statics in seismic surveys have been attributed to lack of proper understanding of the low velocity layer characteristics of the area from which such data was acquired. Downhole seismic refraction survey was therefore conducted at twenty (20) borehole locations within parts of Niger Delta, Nigeria to determine the low velocity layer characteristics of the area using the Geometrics Stratavisor NZ11 instrument. The data was processed using Udysys software with spatial representation of the results presented. Static corrections were carried out on reflection seismic data acquired from the study area using Geoscribe II software to determine the effects of the low velocity layer on reflection seismic data in the area. Results of the study revealed that the velocity of the low velocity layer ranged between 144 and 996m/s with a regional average of 407m/s. The thickness of the low velocity layer varied between 3.0 and 9.6m with a mean value of 5.0m. Similarly, the velocity of the consolidated layer ranged between 1449 and 1812m/s with a mean value of 1738m/s. Results of the static correction carried out on the seismic reflection data revealed a substantial improvement in the resolution of the data after static correction. Based on these findings, it is therefore, recommended that shots for reflection seismic survey should be located at a minimum depth of 9.6m in the area to eliminate the effects associated with the low velocity layer.  相似文献   

MapGIS数据向ArcGIS数据格式转换方法的实践与探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张于  武健强  吴夏懿  丁亮 《江苏地质》2007,31(3):258-261
由于在地图编辑和数据分析方面各具优势,MapGIS和ArcGIS逐渐发展成为目前国内被广泛使用的地理信息系统平台,实现二者间数据安全转换将有利于对两种系统功能的充分利用,大大提高空间数据库的生产效率和使用率。在分析比较两种系统空间建模思想及专有数据格式的基础上,提出了将空间数据从MapGIS平台转换到ArcGIS平台上的基本思路,并通过工作实例进行了数据转换验证,对过程中存在的问题进行了总结,形成了一套较为成熟的技术方法。  相似文献   

High-resolution seismic-reflection/refraction data were acquired on the ground surface at six locations to compare with near-surface seismic-velocity downhole measurements. Measurement sites were in Seattle, WA, the San Francisco Bay Area, CA, and the San Fernando Valley, CA. We quantitatively compared the data in terms of the average shear-wave velocity to 30-m depth (Vs30), and by the ratio of the relative site amplification produced by the velocity profiles of each data type over a specified set of quarter-wavelength frequencies. In terms of Vs30, similar values were determined from the two methods. There is <15% difference at four of the six sites. The Vs30 values at the other two sites differ by 21% and 48%. The relative site amplification factors differ generally by less than 10% for both P- and S-wave velocities. We also found that S-wave reflections and first-arrival phase delays are essential for identifying velocity inversions. The results suggest that seismic reflection/refraction data are a fast, non-invasive, and less expensive alternative to downhole data for determining Vs30. In addition, we emphasize that some P- and S-wave reflection travel times can directly indicate the frequencies of potentially damaging earthquake site resonances. A strong correlation between the simple S-wave first-arrival travel time/apparent velocity on the ground surface at 100 m offset from the seismic source and the Vs30 value for that site is an additional unique feature of the reflection/refraction data that could greatly simplify Vs30 determinations.  相似文献   



In 1990–1991 the LITHOPROBE project completed 450 km of seismic reflection profiles across the late Archaean crust of the southwestern Superior province. The results define a broad three-fold division of crust: upper crust in the Abitibi greenstone belt is non-reflective and is a 6–8 km veneer of volcanic and plutonic supracrustal rocks, whereas, in the sediment-gneiss dominated Pontiac subprovince, upper crust comprises shallow northwest-dipping turbidite sequences; mid-crust, in both the Abitibi and the Pontiac subprovinces, is interpreted as imbricate sequences of metasedimentary and metaplutonic rocks; lower crust in both subprovinces has a horizontal layer parallel strycture which may represent interleaved mafic-intermediate gneisses. The seismic signature of the northern Abitibi greenstone belt may be represented in an exposed 25 km crustal section in the Kapuskasing stuctural zone.

Preliminary tectonic models based on the seismic data are consistent with a plate-tectonic scenario involving oblique subduction and imbrication of sedimentary, plutonic and volcanic sequences. The northern Abitibi supracrustal sequences either represent an allochthon, or overlie an allochthonous underthrust metasedimentary and plutonic sequence which may be equivalent to a metasedimentary subprovince such as the Pontiac or Quetico.

Seismic velocities have yet to be defined. However, crustal thicknesses are relatively constant at 35–40 km. The thinnest crust is adjacent to the Grenville Front where Moho is very well defined.  相似文献   

Further evidence for the existence of the terrane East Avalonia (Cadomia) in north-west Europe, its boundaries and its role in the Caledonian collisional processes comes from studies of deep seismic reflection data at sea and on land. Various sutures are found in the north-east and the north-west, and a generally poor reflectivity dominates in the major part. Further details of reflectivity patterns support the idea that a huge terrane which split from the northern rim of Gondwana moved northward and collided with the merging plates Laurentia-Baltica. Its docking features are analysed.  相似文献   

由多个地体拼接而成的青藏高原,有着世界上最厚的地壳。在高原中部,从拉萨地体到羌塘地体,穿过班公湖—怒江缝合带(BNS)的地壳厚度变化长期存在争议。本文主要论述从拉萨地体北端横跨BNS到达羌塘地体的深地震反射剖面探测的结果。探测发现了清晰的Moho反射,揭示了拉萨地体—羌塘地体Moho深度和地壳厚度的变化。探测结果表明,在BNS下方Moho深度由南至北出现了6.2 km的急剧减小,并且与BNS向北28 km处的羌塘地体南部比较,地壳厚度变浅了12.5 km。否定了前人对BNS下方Moho存在20 km显著变化的认识。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the recent tectonic evolution of the Bay of Naples with the aim of exploring the connection between local tectonics and volcanism. We reprocessed the seismic reflection dataset acquired in the area in the late 1973. The new processing was highly successful in obtaining a decisive strong reduction of random noise, removal of coherent noise and reduction of spatial aliasing. Classical interpretative schemes and complex attributes of seismic traces were used to reconstruct fault kinematics and reflector patterns. The results show that the faults affecting the Bay of Naples exhibit prevailing NE structural strikes, with the exception of the Pozzuoli Caldera where NW patterns are also common. Many faults are subvertical and show seismic evidence of volcanic activity along them. A main alignment of conjugate NE–SW faults, named here as “Magnaghi–Sebeto line”, intersects several submarine volcanic banks and separates the bay into two sectors, characterized by important geological, geophysical and petrochemical differences. The structural configuration of the bay may reflect the occurrence of either oblique extension or a transfer zone of the NW–SE fault system, along which, in the Campanian–Lucanian Apennine chain, great vertical displacements occur.  相似文献   

In multi-layered hydrostratigraphic systems, aquitard breaches caused by faulting or paleo-erosion can allow substantial quantities of water of differing quality to be exchanged between aquifers. Seismic reflection technology was used to map the extent and orientation of an aquitard breach connecting a shallow alluvial aquifer to the deeper semi-confined Memphis aquifer in southwestern Tennessee, USA. Geophysical well logs indicate the presence of the aquitard at borehole locations that define the beginning and end points on two seismic survey lines, which intersect at a borehole where the aquitard is absent. A SE–NW-oriented paleochannel, 350 m wide and approximately 35–40 m deep, is interpreted from the seismic reflection surveys. The paleochannel cuts through the aquitard and into the upper part of the Memphis aquifer, thus creating a hydraulic connection between the shallow unconfined and deeper, semi-confined aquifers. The results indicate the potential of the shear-wave seismic reflection methods to resolve shallow breaches through fine-grained aquitards given availability of sufficient well control.  相似文献   

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