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Prospector II: Towards a knowledge base for mineral deposits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
What began in the mid-seventies as a research effort in designing an expert system to aid geologists in exploring for hidden mineral deposits has in the late eighties become a full-sized knowledge-based system to aid geologists in conducting regional mineral resource assessments. Prospector II, the successor to Prospector, is interactive-graphics oriented, flexible in its representation of mineral deposit models, and suited to regional mineral resource assessment. In Prospector II, the geologist enters the findings for an area, selects the deposit models or examples of mineral deposits for consideration, and the program compares the findings with the models or the examples selected, noting the similarities, differences, and missing information. The models or the examples selected are ranked according to scores that are based on the comparisons with the findings. Findings can be reassessed and the process repeated if necessary. The results provide the geologist with a rationale for identifying those mineral deposit types that the geology of an area permits. In future, Prospector II can assist in the creation of new models used in regional mineral resource assessment and in striving toward an ultimate classification of mineral deposits.  相似文献   

A new multi-objective optimization methodology is developed, whereby a multi-objective fast harmony search (MOFHS) is coupled with a groundwater flow and transport model to search for optimal design of groundwater remediation systems under general hydrogeological conditions. The MOFHS incorporates the niche technique into the previously improved fast harmony search and is enhanced by adding the Pareto solution set filter and an elite individual preservation strategy to guarantee uniformity and integrity of the Pareto front of multi-objective optimization problems. Also, the operation library of individual fitness is introduced to improve calculation speed. Moreover, the MOFHS is coupled with the commonly used flow and transport codes MODFLOW and MT3DMS, to search for optimal design of pump-and-treat systems, aiming at minimization of the remediation cost and minimization of the mass remaining in aquifers. Compared with three existing multi-objective optimization methods, including the improved niched Pareto genetic algorithm (INPGA), the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGAII), and the multi-objective harmony search (MOHS), the proposed methodology then demonstrated its applicability and efficiency through a two-dimensional hypothetical test problem and a three-dimensional field problem in Indiana (USA).  相似文献   

Discusses the tragedy of the commons with regard to fish resources in the North Atlantic, and points to the fact that the Atlantic cod has now been so heavily exploited that a strong regulation of fisheries is needed to preserve an exploitable stock. The author argues for exclusive economic zones dividing up the remaining loopholes among coastal nations and individually transferable quotas.  相似文献   

Feeding multisource Earth observation (EO) data into Earth science models (ESM) remains a daunting challenge. This paper presents a service-oriented approach as an alternative solution. It uses geospatial web services to process the EO data and geoprocessing workflow for automation. Different from existing approaches, it takes advantage of virtual data products (VDP) to release modelers from intensive data processing. It can directly connect ESMs to public EO sources via Cyberinfrastructure. A prototype called CyberConnector is implemented. CyberConnector supports intuitive building of VDP, automatic execution of workflows and effortless retrieval of model-ready input files. We used it to stream multiple datasets to several ESMs including finite-volume coastal ocean model (FVCOM) and cloud-resolving model (CRM). The results show that CyberConnector can truly benefit modelers on time saving and effort minimizing.  相似文献   

 The objective in designing lining systems for the containment of the leachate generated within a landfill is the prevention of contamination of groundwater and surface waters. The technology involving the design of these systems has progressed to a point that the integrity of the containment can be relied on over the long term. Double-lined systems provide the additional benefit of being able to quantify the performance of the lining system through the detection of leakage through the upper liner. The difficulty, however, lies with the qualitative evaluation of the system. This paper addresses this issue and offers a practical approach for the design and evaluation of double-lined systems and the leakage that is detected. Received: 16 February 1996 · Accepted: 29 May 1996  相似文献   

This paper presents a first approach to using a sediment budget methodology for paired terrace staircase sediments in SW England. Although a budget approach has become firmly established in Holocene fluvial studies, it has not been used in Pleistocene sequences due to the problems of temporal resolution, catchment changes and downstream loss from the system. However, this paper uses a budget approach in a paired non-glaciated basin, primarily as a method of interrogating the terrace record concerning the degree of reworking and new sediment input required to produce the reconstructed terrace sequences. In order to apply a budget approach a number of assumptions have to be made and these are justified in the paper. The results suggest that the Exe system can most parsimoniously be explained principally by the reworking of a Middle Pleistocene floodplain system with relatively little input of new resistant clasts required and a cascade-type model in geomorphological terms. Whilst this maybe partially a result of the specific geology of the catchment, it is likely to be representative of many Pleistocene terrace systems in NW Europe due to their litho-tectonic similarities. This cascade-type model of terrace formation has archaeological implications and sets the context for the Palaeolithic terrace record in the UK. Future work will involve the testing of this and similar budget models using a combination of landscape modelling and chronometric dating.  相似文献   

A channel account approach is proposed to estimate longitudinal changes in runoff along large river systems. This new method provides a quantitative basis for describing the fluvial transport of suspended particulate material and dissolved substances. This method includes an evaluation of basic elements of water balance in separate sections of the river network and subsequent correction of channel accounting equations for the entire system using a maximum likelihood principle. To calculate water discharges of tributaries that have no hydrological information, structural analysis of river network is performed. This approach provides less error in comparison with traditional methods of estimating lateral inflow. The method is used to trace water discharge with increasing distance along the Lena river basin and to evaluate the contribution of geologically and lithologically uneven sub-basins in water discharge formation during a summer low water period.  相似文献   

A method based on the linearization of the limit state functions (LSFs) is applied to evaluate the reliability of series geotechnical systems. The approach only needs information provided by first order reliability method (FORM) results: the vector of reliability indices, β, of the LSFs composing the system; and their correlation matrix, R. Two common geotechnical problems—the stability of a slope in layered soil and a circular tunnel in rock—are employed to demonstrate the simplicity, accuracy and efficiency of the suggested procedure, and advantages of the linearization approach with respect to alternative computational tools are discussed. It is also found that, if necessary, the second order reliability method (SORM)—that approximates the true LSF better than FORM—can be employed to compute better estimations of the system’s reliability.  相似文献   

Designing environmentally safe and economically feasible landfills can be a challenging task due to complex interactions that need to be taken into account between landfill size, waste and site characteristics. The main focus of this study is, by interfacing the geographic information systems (GIS) with system simulation models (SSM), to develop a methodology and a landfill design component selection matrix that can enable the determination of landfill design components providing the desired performance with minimal design details. In this paper, the conceptual framework and applications of the developed methodology demonstrating the selection of landfill design components that are suitable for the existing site conditions are presented. The conceptual model defines design variables, performance criteria and design components of a landfill. GIS and SSM are used to handle the site-specific data and to evaluate the landfill performance, respectively. Results indicate that the landfills having the same design characteristics show different performance under different site conditions; therefore, a landfill design that is technically and economically feasible should be selected on the basis of performance.  相似文献   

In the last decades, landslide hazard assessment has attracted many researchers' attention. A number of parameters are suggested to be responsible to quantitatively explain the mechanism of landslides; many of these parameters are very important and factual. However, some data types and models are site-specific and could not be applied to different locations. Furthermore, the data stored in continuous parameter maps are divided into a number of classes arbitrarily, depending on the vision of the expert. Basically, this division controls the result of bivariate analysis. Besides, the responsible portion of the parameter map controlling the mechanism is also weighted arbitrarily. Based on these two facts, the class boundaries put a prejudice on the produced susceptibility/hazard maps, which result in dependence on the knowledge of the user rather than being dependent on the data and the fact itself. The aim of this study is to refine the previously defined methods in a more data-dependent trend. To achieve this goal, two new concepts: seed cells and percentile maps are introduced. Seed cells are the zones that are considered to represent the best undisturbed morphological decision rules (conditions before landslide occurs) and would be achieved by adding a buffer zone to the crown and flank areas of the landslide. To quantitatively classify the input parameter maps, the data distributions of seed cells in the parameter maps are divided into a number of classes on the basis of their distribution's percentile break-points upon which the parameter maps are directly dependent on the seed cell distributions, hence to the data itself.  相似文献   

The study is a deterministic-based approach on landslide susceptibility. The purpose of the paper is to create quantitative susceptibility maps by joining the one-dimension infinite slope stability model with a raster-based GIS (ILWIS) and taking into account the spatial distribution of input parameters. A landslide-prone area, with relative homogeneous geology and geomorphology, located in the Subcarpathian sector of the Prahova River, Romania, was selected for the study. There are frequent problems caused by active landslides in the studied area, especially in years with heavy precipitation, often causing destruction of houses and roads situated on the slopes (1992, 1997, and 2005). Detailed surveys covering a 7-year period provided the necessary input data on slope parameters, hydrological components, and the geotechnical background. Two simulations were used: one on dry soil conditions and one on fully saturated soil conditions. A third test was based on the level of the groundwater table mapped in summer 2008. Detailed analyses were particularly focused on landslides to compare predicted results with actual results using field measurements. The model is very suitable for use in raster GIS because it can calculate slope instability on a pixel basis, each raster cell being considered individually. The drawback of the model is the highly detailed data of input parameters. Despite this disadvantage, in conclusion, the usefulness of slope stability models on a large-scale basis was emphasized under infinitely high failure plain conditions and lithological homogeneity.  相似文献   

Earth dam site selection is one of the most important problems in water resources management. It depends on a set of qualitative and quantitative criteria, and they may even be in conflict with each other. This study aims to develop a multicriteria decision-making approach to locate the dam site and construct a multipurpose earth dam in Harsin City at the western part of Iran. For this purpose, firstly, the influential criteria for locating the earth dam site were determined using a comprehensive literature review and the experts’ opinions. Then, some watersheds in the surrounding areas of Iran’s Harsin City were studied and four feasible sites proposed. In the final stage, these sites, in order to construct a multipurpose earth dam, were prioritized using the analytic hierarchy process approach and the most optimal site was selected.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - In this study, a relief system for a large metropolitan city exposed to serious earthquakes is designed and a top-down approach is applied. Afflicted people’s states and...  相似文献   

Clastic, depositional strandplain systems have the potential to record changes in the primary drivers of coastal evolution: climate, sea‐level, and the frequency of major meteorological and oceanographic events. This study seeks to use one such record from a southern Brazilian strandplain to highlight the potentially‐complex nature of coastal sedimentological response to small changes in these drivers. Following a 2 to 4 m highstand at ca 5·8 ka in southern Brazil, falling sea‐level reworked shelf sediment onshore, forcing coastal progradation, smoothing the irregular coastline and forming the 5 km wide Pinheira Strandplain, composed of ca 500 successive beach and dune ridges. Sediment cores, grab samples and >11 km of ground‐penetrating radar profiles reveal that the strandplain sequence is composed of well‐sorted, fine to very‐fine quartz sand. Since the mid‐Holocene highstand, the shoreline prograded at a rate of ca 1 to 2 m yr?1 through the deposition of a 4 to 6 m thick shoreface unit; a 1 to 3 m thick foreshore unit containing ubiquitous ridge and runnel facies; and an uppermost beach and foredune unit. However, the discovery of a linear, 100 m wide barrier ridge with associated washover units, a 3 to 4 m deep lagoon and 250 m wide tidal inlet within the strandplain sequence reveals a period of shoreline transgression at 3·3 to 2·8 ka during the otherwise regressive developmental history of the plain. The protected nature of Pinheira largely buffered it from changes in precipitation patterns, wave energy and fluvial sediment supply during the time of its formation. However, multiple lines of evidence indicate that a change in the rate of relative sea‐level fall, probably due to either steric or ice‐volume effects, may have affected this coastline. Thus, whereas these other potential drivers cannot be fully discounted, this study provides insights into the complexity of decadal‐scale to millennial‐scale coastal response to likely variability in sea‐level change rates.  相似文献   

We provide new geological and isotope geochemical constraints on the evolution from continental rifting to sea-floor spreading along a segment of the Jurassic Tethyan margin exposed in the Platta and Err nappes (eastern Central Alps). Field observations show that the ocean–continent transition zone is characterized by oceanward-dipping detachment faults leading to the exhumation of subcontinental mantle rocks subsequently intruded by gabbro bodies and dolerite dikes, and covered by pillow basalts and radiolarites. Zircons extracted from gabbros and albitite yield concordant U–Pb ages of 161 ± 1 Ma; their initial ɛHf (+ 14.4 to + 14.9) as well as bulk rock ɛNd values of from gabbros and basalts (+ 7.3 to + 9.5) point to a MORB-type depleted mantle source. These data suggest that the onset of magmatic activity coincides with the latest phase of mantle exhumation along low-angle detachment faults and may be controlled by upwelling asthenosphere beneath a zone of exhumed continental mantle.  相似文献   

Mt Vesuvius is regarded as one of the most deadly volcanoes on earth. With over 1 million people living on its flanks and in its periphery, there is little doubt that an eruption of sub-Plinian magnitude would be catastrophic to the livelihood and well being of contemporary Neopolitans. Such a large scale eruption would have wide ranging and differential effects on the surrounding population. Whereas previous studies of social vulnerability have focused on individual demographic factors (such as age, income or ethnicity), this research proposes the application of a general neighbourhood classification system to assess natural hazard vulnerability. In this study, Experian’s Mosaic Italy is used to classify and delineate the most vulnerable neighbourhood types around the province of Naples. Among the neighbourhoods considered most at risk, those areas with high proportions of elderly and low income families are deemed particularly vulnerable. With current evacuation plans deemed outdated and poorly communicated to the locals Rolandi (2010), Barberi et al. (2008), this methodology could prove to be a useful input to both town planners and civil protection agencies. A range of statistical measures and geophysical risk boundaries are employed here to assess the different areas of human resilience.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - The main objective of this article is to study the robustness of road networks to extreme flooding events that can negatively affect entire regional systems in a relatively...  相似文献   

Thermal feedback and thermal recycling in open-loop groundwater heat pump (GWHP) systems occurs when a fraction of the injected water in a well doublet returns to the production well. They reflect two different mathematical representations of the same physical process. Thermal feedback assumes a constant injection temperature, while thermal recycling couples the injection and production temperatures by a constant temperature difference. It is shown that thermal feedback, commonly used in GWHP design, and recycling reflect two thermal end-members. This work addresses the coupled problem of thermal recycling, which is, so far, the missing link for complete GWHP assessment. An analytical solution is presented to determine the return-flow fraction in a well doublet and is combined with a heat-balance calculation to determine the steady-state well temperatures in response to thermal feedback and recycling. This is then extended to advective-dispersive systems using transfer functions, revealing that the well temperatures in response to thermal feedback and recycling are functions of the capture probability. Conjunctive interpretation of thermal feedback and recycling yields a novel design approach with which major difficulties in the assessment of the sustainability of GWHP systems can be addressed.  相似文献   

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