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在固定的坐标系下,讨论了直立长方体水平运动与其外部的重力场变化之间的关系,建立了地壳水平运动与地球外部重力场变化的数学模型。根据此模型,并参考直立长方体大小以及地形等因素,用2003~2008年GRACE(Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment)卫星数据计算地球外部重力场变化,基于PSO算法(ParticleSwarm Optimization Algorithm)反演中国西部地区地壳水平运动速率。反演结果表明:中国西部地壳水平运动具有整体由南向北、且伴有向东运动的特征;地壳水平运动表现为不均匀,除昆明区域(地壳由北向南运动)外,在南北方向上地壳水平运动速率具有从南向北逐渐递减的趋势。青藏高原南北方向运动速率为10~35 mm/a,东西方向运动速率1~25 mm/a;塔里木盆地南北方向运动速率5~15 mm/a,东西方向运动速率4~7 mm/a。  相似文献   

In this paper, aeromagnetic and gravity anomalies obtained from the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration were subjected to upward continuation to 3?km from the ground surface to suppress shallow effects and to expose only regional, deep sources. Then, a reduction to pole (RTP) map of aeromagnetic anomalies was produced from the 3?km upward continued data. A sinuous boundary to the south of Turkey is observed in the RTP map that may indicate the suture zone between the Anatolides and African/Arabian Plates in the closure time of the Tethys Ocean. The sinuous boundary can be correlated with the recent palaeo-tectonic maps. The southern part of the sinuous boundary is quite different and less magnetic in comparison with the northern block. In addition, maxspots maps of the aeromagnetic and gravity anomalies were produced to find out and enhance the boundaries of tectonic units. Crustal thickness, recently calculated and mapped for the western Turkey, is also extended to the whole of Turkey, and the crustal thicknesses are correlated with the previous seismological findings and deep seismic sections. The average crustal thickness calculations using the gravity data are about 28?km along the coastal regions and increase up to 42?km through the Iranian border in the east of Turkey. Density and susceptibility values used as parameters for construction of two-dimensional (2D) gravity and magnetic models were compiled in a table from different localities of Turkey. 2D models indicate that all of the anomalous masses are located in the upper crust, and this could be well correlated with the earthquakes which occurred at shallow depths.  相似文献   

应用重力资源估算东海冲绳海槽地壳厚度   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用东海地区的重力资源,并参考在该地区进行的地震测深结果,应用线性公式估算了研究区的地壳厚度,分析了研究区地壳结构特征,根据与中国东部地球物理场、地壳结构的对比,指出东海大陆架地区应是中国大陆的自然延伸,对冲绳海槽的地壳性质进行了探讨,指出冲绳海槽应该为东海大陆架的自然终结。  相似文献   

应用布格重力异常研究太行山地区地壳密度结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在深地震测深(DSS)资料约束下,使用做过地形校正的重力资料对太行山山前地区的深部构造进行研究.在4条测线上通过分层剥离的方法分别得到沉积层和莫霍面的空间图像以及深部密度界面的形态分布特征.研究结果表明,在太行山山前断裂带两侧地壳结构明显不同,西面高原地区沉积层较薄,平均在4 km以下;东侧华北平原地区多数在5 km以上,且起伏剧烈,对应于华北平原地区一系列次级的凹陷与隆起构造.莫霍面和康氏面在两侧均相对平缓,康氏面从东部的大约18 km增加到西北部山区的28 km左右;莫霍面深度从东南侧平原地区的大约34 km左右向西北侧埋深陡然增加到42~43 km.太行山断裂带表现为太行山重力梯级带,并在太行山山前地壳内各界面均发生错断,莫霍面和康氏面错断距离达4~5 km,这还证明太行山山前断裂带的确是深大断裂.  相似文献   

The tectonic regime of Eastern Anatolia is determined by the Arabia-Eurasia continent-continent collision. Several dynamic models have been proposed to characterize the collision zone and its geodynamic structure. In this study, change in crustal thickness has been investigated using gravity, magnetic and topographic data of the region. In the first stage, two-dimensional low-pass filter and upward analytical continuation techniques were applied to the Bouguer gravity data of the region to investigate the behavior of the regional gravity anomalies. Next the moving window power spectrum method was used, and changes in the probable structural depths from 38 to 52 km were determined. The changes in crustal thickness where free air gravity and magnetic data have inversely correlated and the type of the anomaly resources were investigated applying the Euler deconvolution method to Bouguer gravity data. The obtained depth values are consistent with the results obtained using the power spectrum method. It was determined that the types of anomaly resources are different in the west and east of the 40° E longitude. Finally, using the obtained findings from this study and seismic velocity models proposed for this region by previous studies, a probable two-dimensional crust model was constituted.  相似文献   

应用重力资料估算东海冲绳海槽地壳厚度   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
利用东海地区的重力资料,并参考在该地区进行的地震测深结果,应用线性公式估算了研究区的地壳厚度,分析了研究区地壳结构特征,根据与中国东部地球物理场、地壳结构的对比,指出东海大陆架地区应是中国大陆的自然延伸.对冲绳海槽的地壳性质进行了探讨,指出冲绳海槽应该为东海大陆架的自然终结.  相似文献   

利用宽频带地震数据资料研究辽宁地区的地壳结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过收集辽宁省地震局数字地震台网34个地震台站记录的2008—2009年的60个震中距为30°~90°之间,震级6,信噪比较高的远震记录数据,采用频率域反褶积方法计算获得各台站的远震P波接收函数,并用H-Kappa叠加方法对获得的接收函数进行叠加处理获得各台站下方的地壳厚度以及泊松比。通过研究表明,辽宁地区的地壳泊松比在0.24~0.29之间,地壳厚度介于30~36km之间。  相似文献   

GPS资料揭示的小江断裂近期运动特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施发奇  尤伟  付云文 《地震研究》2012,35(2):207-212,295
利用中国地壳运动观测网络1999~2009年5期的GPS观测数据,选择以区域重心基准为参考的方法,从大地形变测量的角度分析和研究了小江断裂近期及其各段的地壳形变信息。结果显示:小江断裂近期具有明显的左旋走滑运动特征,并具有一定的张扭性质,这种运动性质在汶川地震前后具有很好的继承性,这也说明了汶川大地震对小江断裂的总体运动趋势并未造成太大的影响。2007~2009年的GPS资料显示小江断裂北段的平均滑动速率为4.75mm/a,平均张扭速率为0.65mm/a;中段的平均滑动速率为5.55mm/a,平均张扭速率为1.55mm/a;南段的平均滑动速率为4.72mm/a,平均张扭速率为3.2mm/a。  相似文献   

通过对青藏高原东北缘地震层析成像数据的分析与研究,结合现今地学三维建模技术和软件,详细阐述了基于ArcGIS的MultiPatch数据格式的地壳三维数据库及建立的青藏高原东北缘三维地壳结构实体(Solid)模型的主要技术思路和实现过程.重点讨论了地学三维建模理论、地震层析成像数据的存储方法和三维模型建立的技术路线,总结出由基础数据到青藏高原东北缘三维地壳结构模型的技术处理方法.  相似文献   

王栋  赵旭坤  刘望明 《华南地震》2021,41(3):122-131
北美板块边界属于地震高风险区域,为了更好地了解该区域地壳形变及应变的变化特征,本文利用北美板块边界PBO网络1997-2008年的GNSS高精度速度场信息,基于欧拉旋转矢量扣除背景场刚性运动后,顾及区域速度场的统计学原理,利用球面最小二乘配置算法拟合推估该区域地壳连续速度场,最后基于速度场与应变场的微分关系在球面上解算...  相似文献   

基于2007-2009年江苏南部GPS资料,借助多面函数法及位移-应变模型求取了研究区的速度场及应变特征参数,结合地质构造背景及地震活动性对该区地壳形变特征进行分析.研究结果表明:(1)江苏南部现今地壳整体朝南东向运动,临海地区与内陆地区速度差异较大,量值在5~10 mm/a;(2)研究区域呈现面应变正负交替出现的规律,在泰州、南通、嘉定出现面膨胀、剪切应变高值区,未来发生中强地震的可能性较大;(3)江苏南部地区地壳运动受太平洋板块、菲律宾海板块和欧亚板块的共同作用,构造机理复杂.  相似文献   

基于GPS数据分析渭河盆地现今地壳形变特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
基于2001—2015年流动及连续GPS观测资料,借助多面函数拟合法建立渭河盆地水平速度场模型,并计算球面坐标下的应变特征参数。结合陕西地区地质构造背景,分析渭河盆地水平速度场及应变场分布特征。结果表明:(1)渭河盆地西部GPS速度场受青藏块体及鄂尔多斯块体共同作用明显,西部GPS速度场大于中东部,且GPS速度场有顺时针旋转的运动特征。(2)渭河盆地西部主应力场变化复杂,中部的西安地区主应变差异变化明显,与2009年11月5日高陵M_S4.4地震对应;渭河盆地西部出现最大剪应变及面应变高值区及差异变化高梯度带,在西安附近出现最大剪应变及面应变差异变化梯度带,高陵地震震中位于零值线附近。(3)2001—2010年的主应变、最大剪应变、面应变变化比2011—2015年显著,表明高陵地震发生后,应力场进行了释放调整,近期渭河盆地地震紧迫性相对较低。  相似文献   

During the Pamir Himalayan project in the year 1975 seismic refraction and wide-angle reflection data were recorded along a 270 km long Lawrencepur-Astor (Sango Sar) profile in the northwest Himalayas. The profile starts in the Indus plains and crosses the Main Central Thrust (MCT), the Hazara Syntaxis, the Main Mantle Thrust (MMT) and ends to the east of Nanga Parbat. The seismic data, as published by Guerra et al. (1983), are reinterpreted using the travel-time ray inversion method of Zelt and Smith (1992) and the results of inversion are constrained in terms of parameter resolution and uncertainty estimation. The present model shows that the High Himalayan Crystallines (HHC, velocity 5.4 km s−1) overlie the Indian basement (velocity 5.8–6.0 km s−1). The crust consists of four layers of velocity 5.8–6.0, 6.2, 6.4 and 6.8 km s−1 followed by the upper mantle velocity of 8.2 km s−1 at a depth of about 60 km.  相似文献   

基于GPS观测网的山东地区地壳运动特征分析   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
基于山东地壳运动GPS观测网络(CMONOSD)和周边国际IGS站点提供的2007年全年的观测数据,利用GAMIT/GLOBK软件进行了分析处理,得出各基准站间的基线值和站点速度场,并对山东省内主要断裂带--沂沭断裂带两侧的地壳运动状况以及山东相对于周边地区的运动状况进行了分析.结果表明山东地区不同块体的运动状态相对平稳,且随中国大陆东部较均匀地向东南方向运动.  相似文献   

The Eastern Pontide Orogenic Belt is one of the most complex geodynamic settings within the Alpine belt. Subduction polarity, which is responsible for the formation of the Eastern Pontide Magmatic Arc, is still under debate because of limited geological, geophysical and geochemical data. This orogenic belt is mainly divided into three subzones depending on lithological characteristics and facies changes as in Northern, Southern and Axial Zones from North to South. These zones are separated from each other by near-vertical faults that display the block-faulting tectonic style of this belt. In this study, the tectonic and crustal structure of the Eastern Pontides, which as yet have not been prospected by using geophysical data, has been investigated with potential field data. The horizontal gradient map obtained from gravity data shows a number of steep and gentle lineaments. It seems that these lineaments E-W, NE and NW-trending correspond to major structural zones of continental crust. Additionally, The Moho depth and Curie point depth variation maps of the Eastern Pontide Orogenic Belt have been computed with the power spectral method of the radial wavenumber carried out by using the fast Fourier transform method. As a result of this method, we estimated that the depths of the Moho and Curie point varied between 29.0 ± 1.2–47.2 ± 1.9 km and 14.3 ± 0.7–27.9 ± 1.4 km, respectively. Our findings indicate that the Moho depth generally increases from north to south in the region. However, the Curie point depth level within the crust has an undulating surface, not a horizontal one.  相似文献   

为了获取云南地区现今地壳形变和断层活动特征,收集了云南地区1992—2016年的2期精密水准观测资料,采用基于GNSS连续站垂直形变资料约束的平差方法,对区域整体地壳垂直形变特征进行了分析,结果显示滇西北区域地壳整体表现为隆升,垂向速率为2—3mm/a,滇南区域显示地壳沉降速率为-1—-2mm/a,并在下关—永胜和思茅—景谷一带存在地壳形变高梯度带。收集了该地区30多年的跨断层场地观测资料,计算了所跨断层的三维活动量,得出了断层现今活动状态和异常特征,认为滇西北和滇中南地区的场地多数表现出异常活动的现象,其中楚雄、剑川和永胜的监测断层现今表现出与地质背景相反的走滑和拉张特征,峨山、建水和通海场地所处断层在张压性质上与地质背景相反。结合区域水准和跨断层观测分析结果,从“面”和“线”上得出滇西北和滇中南地区存在地壳形变和断层活动异常,构造应力积累较高的结果,加之缺震背景显著,认为应关注该区域中强地震的危险性。  相似文献   

从短水准观测资料探讨山西省区域地壳形变特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用山西省大同、代县、太原、临汾 4个地震台短水准观测资料,对大同盆地、忻定盆地、太原盆地、临汾盆地的地壳形变特征进行分析.结果表明,山西南部、忻定盆地呈趋势性变化,中部、北部地区形变比较大,存在中期异常背景.  相似文献   

Wang  Qiang  Zhao  Minghui  Zhang  Haoyu  Zhang  Jiazheng  He  Enyuan  Yuan  Ye  Qiu  Xuelin 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2020,63(11):1791-1806
Science China Earth Sciences - The deep crustal structure of the Northwest Sub-basin (NWSB) of the South China Sea (SCS) is of great importance for understanding the tectonic nature of the...  相似文献   

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