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Don Pollacco reviews progress so far on SuperWASP, a wide-field astronomy project designed to detect extrasolar planets and more, built with a lot of hard work – and a little help from eBay.  相似文献   

Calculations of the radial distribution of the energy released in core formation indicate that the cores of all the terrestrial planets may be expected to receive a disproportionate share of the gravitational energy released. Since the model of the process used in these calculations favors transfer of energy to the mantle, it is likely that other reasonable models of the process will result in even more energy being deposited in the cores of the early planets. The calculations also show that it is necessary for a certain amount of core phase to separate and accumulate, before the energy released by gravitational settling is sufficient to supply the latent heat of fusion of the core phase. The amount of melting required to reach this point varies according to the total mass of the planet, and mass fraction of core, but is not particularly great (<5% for the Earth to ~ 37% for the Moon). In the case of the Moon, this amount of segregation, although large, amounts to a surface layer about 260 km thick, similar to the proposed depth of early wholesale melting. Core separation in terrestrial planets appears to be a self-sustaining process even for fairly small bodies, provided that a small amount of a dense potential core phase is present. Although it seems likely to occur rapidly (within 106–107 years) even for small (Moon-size) bodies, detailed kinetic models will be necessary to specify the time scale.  相似文献   

Analytical estimates for three important and general planetary heating processes, excluding radioactive heating, are presented: accretional heating, adiabatic compression and core formation. The relative importance of these processes appears to be as follows. Accretional heating is important for almost all planets and satellites including asteroid-size bodies. Heating due to core formation becomes important for objects which are similar to, or larger than the terrestrial planets. Compressional heating is important only for the outer cores and the envelopes of the giant planets, provided that they are heated, before compression, up to about 1000 K.  相似文献   

The major planets produce heat flux from their interiors that is comparable to the radiative flux they receive from the sun. The dynamics of convection flows carrying the heat flux are discussed, and the dominating effect of the Coriolis force is demonstrated. The characteristic high-velocity jets in the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn can be explained on the basis of Reynolds stresses generated by the fluctuating convective motions. A simple annulus model, which elucidates the more complex mathematical analysis of the spherical case given in an earlier paper (Busse, 1983), is considered in detail. Various aspects of the observational evidence are discussed in relation to the model.  相似文献   

The thermodynamics, dynamics, weather and general circulation (climate) of the atmospheres of Venus, Earth and Mars is reviewed, in the light of present knowledge. These three terrestrial planets each have a gaseous sunlit envelope, but the realizations of motions in them are quite different. This makes comparisons of their meteorology very interesting and challenging.  相似文献   

Strange goings-on in space are revealed by powerful instruments in concert, observing the same phenomena at the same time and in consequence, revealing the inner workings of the stars. Peter Bond reports.  相似文献   

A summary of experiments and analyses concerning electromagnetic induction in the Moon and other extraterrestrial bodies is presented. Magnetic step-transient measurements made on the lunar dark side show the eddy current response to be the dominant induction mode of the Moon. Analysis of the poloidal field decay of the eddy currents has yielded a range of monotonic conductivity profiles for the lunar interior: the conductivity rises from 3·10?4 mho/m at a depth of 170 km to 10?2 mho/m at 1000 km depth. The static magnetization field induction has been measured and the whole-Moon relative magnetic permeability has been calculated to be μμ0 = 1.01 ± 0.06. The remanent magnetic fields, measured at Apollo landing sites, range from 3 to 327 γ. Simultaneous magnetometer and solar wind spectrometer measurements show that the 38-γ remanent field at the Apollo 12 site is compressed to 54 γ by a solar wind pressure increase of 7·10?8 dyn/cm2. The solar wind confines the induced lunar poloidal field; the field is compressed to the surface on the lunar subsolar side and extends out into a cylindrical cavity on the lunar antisolar side. This solar wind confinement is modeled in the laboratory by a magnetic dipole enclosed in a superconducting lead cylinder; results show that the induced poloidal field geometry is modified in a manner similar to that measured on the Moon. Induction concepts developed for the Moon are extended to estimate the electromagnetic response of other bodies in the solar system.  相似文献   

Current knowledge of the atmospheres of Venus, Earth and Mars is reviewed, with emphasis on aspects where recent observational or theoretical work shows common processes at work. Selected problems of particular interest at the present time are described under the headings of composition, thermal structure, clouds, dynamics, weather and climate, and aeronomy. The overall problem remains the understanding of the origin and evolution of the planets, and the stability of their atmospheres and the surface environment or climate which they control. The latter depends on a complicated balance between radiative, dynamical and chemical processes which is only rather sketchily understood at present.  相似文献   

Summary The gravitational potential energies of Mercury, Venus and Mars have been computed on the basis of density models and compared to that of the Earth. It has been stated that the specific potential energy per unit mass is very close as regards the pair Earth and Venus, as well as the pair Mercury and Mars.Dedicated to the Memory of K. P  相似文献   

Yohkoh and Ulysses keep a watching brief on the Sun and the solar wind, comets and minor planets appear in close-up, auroral symmetry is confirmed and, elsewhere, X-ray observatories continue to uncover the workings of the high-energy universe. Peter Bond reports.  相似文献   


In this paper we study analytically the simplest fluid mechanical model which can mimic the convective behavior which is thought to occur in the solid mantles of the terrestrial planets. The convecting materials are polycrystalline rocks, whose creep behavior depends very strongly on temperature and probably also on pressure. As a simple model of this situation, we consider the flow of a Newtonian viscous fluid, whose viscosity depends strongly on temperature (only), and in fact has an infinite viscosity below a certain temperature, and a constant viscosity above this temperature. This model would also be directly relevant to the convection of a melt beneath its own solid phase (e.g. water below ice, though in that case there are other physical complications).

As a consequence of this assumption, there is a vigorous convection zone overlain by a stagnant lid, as also observed in analogous laboratory experiments (Nataf and Richter, 1982). The analysis is then very similar to that of Roberts (1979), but the extension to variable viscosity introduces important differences, most notably that the boundary between the lid and the convecting zone is unknown, and not horizontal. The resulting buoyancy induced stresses near this boundary are much larger than the stresses produced by buoyancy in the side-wall plumes, and mean that the dynamics of this region, and hence also the heat flux, are independent of the rest of the cell. We give a first order approximation for the Nusselt number-Rayleigh number relationship.  相似文献   

Recent observations and progress in the understanding of various requirements for the generation of magnetic fields permit much more definite conclusions to be drawn about the fields of the giant planets than was possible until quite recently. The Jovian magnetic field of about 4 gauss could be either of primordial origin or generated by a thermally driven dynamo. The expected Saturnian field of about 1 gauss can be similarly accounted for either by a thermally or by a precessionally driven dynamo. The presence of a field on Uranus of perhaps 0.1 gauss presents a problem because although it could be accounted for by a thermally driven dynamo operating in a highly conductive shell of hydrogen, the so far unobserved thermal flux and convection may be too low. If such a dynamo were to operate then one would expect the field to show seasonal variations. A precessional dynamo driven by Miranda seems to be marginally possible. On Neptune a conductive shell similar to that on Uranus appears to be much thinner, which perhaps explains the absence of an active dynamo driven either thermally or precessionally by Triton. It is, however, very likely that Neptune does have a magnetic field but that it is too weak to lead to observable electromagnetic radiations.  相似文献   

Asteroseismology and extrasolar planets are the main science goals of the Eddington mission, now approved by ESA for a 2007 launch. Alan Penny presents a summary of the January 2002 RAS meeting that discussed the sciences of this wide-field high-precision photometric space telescope. Since the date of this meeting, ESA has decided to implement the mission in the framework of a 2007–08 launch.  相似文献   

The UK Planetary Forum's Young Person's Planetary Meeting was a chance for young researchers to meet, speak and discuss their research with others from across the UK and to build new research contacts. The one-day symposium was organized by the UKPF with support from the RAS. Andrew Ball, Ingo Mueller-Wodarg and Tom Stallard report.  相似文献   

Janle  P.  Meissner  R. 《Surveys in Geophysics》1986,8(2):107-186
Geo-scientific planetary research of the last 25 years has revealed the global structure and evolution of the terrestrial planets Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars. The evolution of the terrestrial bodies involves a differentiation into heavy metallic cores, Fe-and Mg-rich silicate mantles and light Ca, Al-rich silicate crusts early in the history of the solar system. Magnetic measurements yield a weak dipole field for Mercury, a very weak field (and local anomalies) for the Moon and no measurable field for Venus and mars. Seismic studies of the Moon show a crust-mantle boundary at an average depth of 60 km for the front side, P- and S-wave velocities around 8 respectively 4.5 km s–1 in the mantle and a considerable S-wave attenuation below a depth of 1000 km. Satellite gravity permits the study of lateral density variations in the lithosphere. Additional contributions come from photogeology, orbital particle, x-and -ray measurements, radar and petrology.The cratered surfaces of the smaller bodies Moon and Mercury have been mainly shaped by meteorite impacts followed by a period of volcanic flows into the impact basins until about 3×109 yr before present. Mars in addition shows a more developed surface. Its northern half is dominated by subsidence and younger volcanic flows. It even shows a graben system (rift) in the equatorial region. Large channels and relics of permafrost attest the role of water for the erosional history. Venus, the most developed body except Earth, shows many indications of volcanism, grabens (rifts) and at least at northern latitudes collisional belts, i.e. mountain ranges, suggesting a limited plate tectonic process with a possible shallow subduction.List of Symbols and Abbreviations a=R e mean equatorial radius (km) - A(r, t) heat production by radioactive elements (W m–3) - A, B equatorial moments of inertia - b polar radius (km) - complex amplitude of bathymetry in the wave number (K) domain (m) - C polar moment of inertia - C Fe moment of inertia of metallic core - C Si moment of inertia of silicate mantle - C p heat capacity at constant pressure (JK–1 mole) - C nm,J nm,S nm harmonic coefficients of degreen and orderm - C/(MR e 2 ) factor of moment of inertia - d distance (km) - d nondimensional radius of disc load of elastic bending model - D diameter of crater (km) - D flexural rigidity (dyn cm) - E Young modulus (dyn cm–2) - E maximum strain energy - E energy loss during time interval t - f frequency (Hz) - f flattening - F magnetic field strength (Oe) (1 Oe=79.58A m–1) - g acceleration or gravity (cms–2) or (mGal) (1mGal=10–3cms–2) - mean acceleration - g e equatorial surface gravity - complex amplitude of gravity anomaly in the wave number (K) domain - g free air gravity anomaly (FAA) - g Bouguer gravity anomaly - g t gravity attraction of the topography - G gravitational constant,G=6.67×10–11 m3kg–1s–2 - GM planetocentric gravitational constant - h relation of centrifugal acceleration (2 R e ) to surface acceleration (g e ) at the equator - J magnetic flux density (magnetic field) (T) (1T=109 nT=109 =104G (Gauss)) - J 2 oblateness - J nm seeC nm - k (0) (zero) pressure bulk modulus (Pa) (Pascal, 1 Pa=1 Nm–2) - K wave number (km–1) - K * thermal conductivity (Jm–1s–1K–1) - L thickness of elastic lithosphere (km) - M mas of planet (kg) - M Fe mass of metallic core - M Si mass of silicate mantle - M(r) fractional mass of planet with fractional radiusr - m magnetic dipole moment (Am2) (1Am2=103Gcm3) - m b body wave magnitude - N crater frequency (km–2) - N(D) cumulative number of cumulative frequency of craters with diameters D - P pressure (Pa) (1Pa=1Nm–2=10–5 bar) - P z vertical (lithostatic) stress, see also z (Pa) - P n m (cos) Legendre polynomial - q surface load (dyn cm–2) - Q seismic quality factor, 2E/E - Q s ,Q p seismic quality factor derived from seismic S-and P-waves - R=R 0 mean radius of the planet (km) (2a+b)/3 - R e =a mean equatorial radius of the planet - r distance from the center of the planet (fractional radius) - r Fe radius of metallic core - S nm seeC nm - t time and age in a (years), d (days), h (hours), min (minutes), s (seconds) - T mean crustal thickness from Airy isostatic gravity models (km) - T temperature (°C or K) (0°C=273.15K) - T m solidus temperature - T sideral period of rotation in d (days), h (hours), min (minutes), s (seconds), =2/T - U external potential field of gravity of a planet - V volume of planet - V p ,V s compressional (P), shear (S) wave velocity, respectively (kms–1) - w deflection of lithosphere from elastic bending models (km) - z, Z depth (km) - z (K) admittance function (mGal m–1) - thermal expansion (°C–1) - viscosity (poise) (1 poise=1gcm–1s–1) - co-latitude (90°-) - longitude - Poisson ratio - density (g cm–3) - mean density - 0 zero pressure density - m , Si average density of silicate mantle (fluid interior) - average density of metallic core - t , top density of the topography - density difference between crustal and mantle material - electrical conductivity (–1 m–1) - r , radial and azimuthal surface stress of axisymmetric load (Pa) - z vertical (lithostatic) stress (seeP z ) - II second invariant of stress deviation tensor - latitude - angular velocity of a planet (=2/T) - ages in years (a), generally 0 years is present - B.P. before present - FAA Free Air Gravity Anomaly (see g - HFT High Frequency Teleseismic event - LTP Lunar Transient Phenomenon - LOS Line-Of-Sight - NRM Natural Remanent Magnetization Contribution No. 309, Institut für Geophysik der Universität, Kiel, F.R.G.  相似文献   

We present a broad-based review of the observational evidence that pertains to or otherwise implies solid-state convection to be occurring (or have occurred) in the interiors of the terrestrial planets.For the Earth, the motion of the plates is prima facie evidence of large-scale mantle convection. Provided we understand upper-mantle thermal conductivity correctly, heat flow beneath the old ocean basins may be too high to be transported conductively from the upper mantle through the base of the lithosphere and therefore convection on a second smaller scale might be operative. The horizontal scale of plate dimensions implies, due to typical cell aspect ratios observed in convection, that the motion extends to the core-mantle boundary. Improved global data coverage and viscoelastic modeling of isostatic rebound due to Pleistocene deglaciation imply a uniform mantle viscosity, and thus indicate that whole-mantle convection could exist. Additionally, there is some seismic evidence of lithospheric penetration to depths deeper than 700 km. We discuss some salient features and assumption boundedness of arguments for convection confined to the upper mantle and for convection which acts throughout the mantle since the vertical length scale has a profound effect upon the relevance of geophysical observations. The horizontal form of mantle convection may be fully three-dimensional with complex planform and, therefore, searching for correlative gravity patterns in the ocean basins may not be useful without additional geophysical constraints. Many long-wavelength gravity anomalies may arise from beneath the lithosphere and must be supported dynamically, although thermal convection is not a unique explanation. Topography is an additional geophysical constraint, but for wavelengths greater than a few hundred kilometers, a general lack of correlation exists between oceanic residual gravity and topography, except at specific locations such as Hawaii. Theoretical calculations predict a complex relationship between these two observational types. Oceanic gravity data alone shows no regular planform and there is no correlation with any small-scale convective pattern predicted by laboratory experiments.All of the observational evidence argues against Martian plate tectonics occurring now or over much of the history of this planet, but lack of plate tectonics is not an argument against interior convection. The Tharsis uplift on Mars may have resulted from convective processes in the mantle, and the present-day gravity anomaly associated with Tharsis must be supported by the finite strength of the lithosphere or by mantle convection. Stresses imparted by the present topographic load would be greater than a kilobar, in excess of long-term finite strength. Observed fracture patterns are probably a direct result of this load, and the key question concerns the level of resultant strain relief. The global topographic and geomorphic dichotomy between the northern and southern hemisphere required a solid-state flow process to create the accompanying center-of-figure to center-of-mass offset.Lunar heat flow values, in analogy with oceanic heat flow on the Earth, strongly imply a convective mechanism of heat transport in the interior which, based on seismic Q values, is limited to the lower mantle. The presence of moonquakes in this region does not preclude solid-state convective processes. Lunar conductivity profiles provide no information on convection because of the difficulty in conductivity modeling, uniqueness of models, and the uncertainty in the conductivity-temperature relationship. The excess oblateness of the lunar figure over the hydrostatic value does not require convective support; in fact, such a mechanism is unlikely.The presence of a dipole magnetic field on Mercury does not provide a constraint on mantle convection unless its existence can be inextricably linked to a molten core. The non-hydrostatic shape of the equatorial figure, required for the observed 32 resonance between Mercury's rotational and orbital periods, is most likely related to surface processes, as opposed to convection. The 3n2 resonance implies escape from a 2n resonance and, therefore, is related to the question of a molten core. Further dynamical data is needed to constrain interior models.Interpretation of limited radar imagery for the surface of Venus is enigmatic in terms of plate tectonics and therefore interior convection. Linear tensional and possibly compressional features are observed, but there are also crustal regions which appear to show large impact structures and are thus geologically old and may not have been recycled.  相似文献   

An understanding of the origin of the Solar System is proving hard to achieve and there is still no finally accepted account. A wider range of reliable data, and especially for the outer Solar System, has become available over the last decade due to the use of space vehicles, and particularly the two Voyager probes which are now passing out of the Solar System. The planetary and satellite systems can, therefore, be viewed now more nearly as a whole than previously and consequences for the theory of the origin of the System should follow. The subject is here reviewed again but emphasis is placed on the relative planetology of the whole System. The only reliable data available to us are associated with the System as it is now and this will be the starting point for our discussion.  相似文献   

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