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The three I-type plutons of Guantian(GT),Guidong(GD),Shangbao(SB)and the two S-type plutons of Xucun(XC)and Xiuning(XN) as well as their microgranitoid enclaves in southern China have been studied,Restite in the Motianling(MT) metasomatic granite in this area is described in this paper as well,Microgranitoid enclaves in the I-type granitoids may be divied into autoliths and schlierens which have marked differences both in petrography and geochemistry.In the S-type granitoids,schlierens are the major microgranitoid enclaves,but autoliths are rare.The metasomatic granite contains only restite without other enclaves.The microgranitoid enclaves and their host rocks have close ∈Nd(T)values and the same minerals within them are similar in composition.The microgranitoid enclaves,in general,don‘t represent the products of mixing of the syn-plutonic foreign mafic magma and the host acidic magma.They are the records of the evolution of intermediate-acidic magma itself.The formation of autoliths is related to the interdiffusion of different constituents in magma.Schlierens are the products of immiscible fractionation of the magma.  相似文献   

Rb-Sr and U-Pb isotopic studies of the two contrasting granite types of the Daguzhai and Luobuli massifs in South China provide new constraints on the interpretation of isotopic age data for plutonic igneous rocks. A Rb-Sr internal isochron age of 146±7Ma for the Luobuli adamellite is interpreted to represent the age of magma crystallization, whereas the whole rock Rb- Sr isochron yields an older apparent age of 161±10Ma which is regarded as resulting from contamination processes affecting the petrogenesis of this adamellite. In the Daguzhai granite the marked scatter of whole- rock Rb-Sr data in isochron diagram is ascribed to the open system behavior of Rb during postmagmatic autometasomatism. Uniformity of initial87Sr /86Sr ratio in this granite is indicated in a plot of87Sr versus86Sr. The autometasomatism has also affected zircon U-Pb system, resulting in a spread of data along the concordia curve between 165 and 125Ma. This spread is regarded as indicating the duration of the autometasomatism.  相似文献   

Cenozoic lavas from Hainan Island,South China,comprise quartz tholeiite,olivine tholeiite,alkali basalt,and basanite and form a continuous,tholeiite-dominated,compositional spectrum.Highly incompatible elements and their relationships with isotopes in these lavas are shown to be useful in evaluating mantle-source composition,whereas modeling suggests that ratios of elements with bulk partition coefficients significantly larger than those of Nb and Ta may be sensitive to partial melting.Th/Ta and La/Nb ratios of alkali basalts are lower than those of tholeiites,and they are all lower than those of the primitive mantle,These ratios correlate positively with ^207Pb/^204Pb and ^87Sr/^86Sr ratios.Such relationships can be explained by mixing of depleted and enriched source components.A depleted component is indicated by alkali basalt compositions and is similar to some depleted OIB (PREMA).The enriched component,similar to sediment compositions,is indicated by tholeiites with high LILE/HFSE,^207Pb/^204Pb,and ^87Sr/^86Sr ratios.In general,basalts from Hainan and the South China Basin(SCB)share common geochemical characters.e.g.high Rb/Sr,Th/Ta,^207Pb/^206Pb,and low Ba/Th ratios.Such a geochemical trend is comparable to that of EMII-type OIB and best explained as the result of subduction.Occurrence of these characteristics in both continental Hainan basalts and SCB seamout basalts indicates the presence of a South China geochemical domain that exists in the mantle region below the lithosphere.  相似文献   

Widespread in the Wuyi Mountain area of eastern Jiangxi are petrochemically peraluminous granites and they are characterized as being high in silica (SiO2 > 75% ) and highly alkaline (ALK=6.9% -7.5%) with K2O > Na2O and rather high ratios of FeOT/MgO (11.3-17.9). The rocks have low contents of CaO, MgO, TiO2 and P2 O5. The granites are enriched in REE (ΣREE =210.3 - 496. 8 μg/g) with remarkable negative Eu anomalies, but depleted in Eu, Ba, Sr, V, Co, and Ni, with 10000 x Ga/Al ratios, varying from 6. 1 to 9. 8. It is clear that these granites are obviously different from the I- and S-type granites, but are quite similar to those typical A-type granites such as aluminous A-type granites in the coastal areas of Fujian Province. State Geological Survey Project: supported by the Regional Geological Survey Project (No: 20001300002091 ) on the basis of the maps (scale 1: 250000) of Jingdezheng City, Nanchang City and Shangrao City.  相似文献   

The Baishitouquan amazonite and topaz-bearing granite is one of the typical high-rubidium and high-fluorine granites in the eastern part of the Mid-Tianshan belt. This intrusion is in sharp contact with Mid-Proterozoic schists, gneisses and marbles, and is composed of four zones transitional from the bottom upwards: leucogranite, amazonite granite, topaz-bearing amazonite granite and topaz quartz albitite. The Baishitouquan granite contains highly ordered K-feldspar, Li-rich mica, Mn-rich garnet, α-quartz and low temperature zircon and is chemically high in Si, K, Na, Al, Li, Rb, Cs and F, and low in Ti, Fe, Ca, Mg, P, Co, Ni, Cr, V, Sr and Ba, with Na2O<K2O. Amazonite from the amazonite granite zone contains 1867 ppm Rb. The F contents of bulk rocks are 3040 and 4597 for the amazonite granite and topaz-bearing amazonite granite zones, respectively. These two zones have δ18O values of 8.97–9.85‰ (SMOW) and show flat REE distribution patterns with strong Eu depletion. K-Ar and Rb-Sr ages of this intrusion are 226. 6 Ma and 209. 6 Ma respectively, with an initial87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.987±0.213. The Baishitouquan granite is the product of crystallization of a low temperature, and water, rubidium and fluorine-rich magma, which may have been derived from partial melting of muscovite-rich crustal rocks. Consolidation of this granite involved two contrasting and successive stages: melt crystallization and hydrothermal metasomatism and precipitation. Various geological features of this granite were formed during the transition from the magmatic to the hydrothermal stage.  相似文献   

The Damoshan deposit is a small B-F-Sn Bi exoskarn deposit and contains a distinctive mineral assemblage comprising andradite,vesuvianite,calcite,diopside,magnetite,hematite,nordenskioldine,cassiterite,varlamoffite,schenfliesite,native bismuth,eulytite,bismite and bismuthite,in which the occurrence of eulytite is the first reported in China.Textures of the mineral paragenses show that andradite,vesuvianite and diopside were the earliest phases formed during metasomatism,i.e.,the skarn forming stage.Then nordenskioldine,magnetite and native bismuth,perhaps together with eulytite,were precipitated at the stage of retrograde alteration.The minerals varlamoffite,schoenfliesite,hematite ,bismite and bismuthite were probably the product of supergene alteration.The minerals were analyzed by means of electron microprobe.The data on the ,coexisting phases and their compositons show that during the metasomatism reduced F-and Sn-rich primary mineralizing solutions reacted with highly oxidized carbonated of the Gejie Formation,producing a high Fe^2 /Fe^3 skarn(vesuvianite-fluorite skarn)near the contact of granite,and a low Fe^2 /Fe^3 skarn(vesuvianite-fluorite skarn)near the contact of granite,and a low Fe^2 /Fe^3 skarn(andradite skarn)in the outer zone of the skarn body in which andradite is extremely tin-bearing up to 5.14 wt% SnO2),In the retrograde alteration stage ,B-rich,but F-and Si-deficient mineralizing solutions replaced the tin-bearing andradite,forming an association of nordenskioldine and magnetite,No sulphides were deposited at this stage because of the oxidization ambient conditions in the andradite skarn.In the spergene oxidation zone,the nordenskioldine was dissolved into varlmoffite and calcite,the native bismuth was transformed into bismite or bismuthite ,and the magnetite was altered into hematite under the action of the CO2-rich supergene solutions.  相似文献   

The Late Archean Fuping Group of the Xiaojiao area in Pingshan Couty,Hebei Province consists mainly of three metamorphic rock types of supracrustal affinity,i.e.,Kfeldspar leucoleptite,biotite leptite-gneiss and hornblendic rocks.Their anatectic derivatives formed in the initial stage of anatexis are petrochemically of K-feldspar granitic trondhjemitic and granodioritic compositions respectively,and in general have inherted the main petrochemical featurews from their parent rock types,Probably due to the fact that they contain less REE rich accessory minerals as compared with their parent rocks,the anatectic derivatives are in general lower in EREE content,But both the derivatives and their parent rocks have similar REE patterns,which serves as an additional indication of the genetic relationship between them.  相似文献   

华南富氟花岗岩高磷和低磷亚类型对比   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
黄小龙  王汝成 《地质论评》1998,44(6):607-617
根据全岩P2O5含量的多寡可将华南富氧花岗岩分为高磷亚类和低磷亚类,它们之间具较大的地球化学差异。高磷亚类以低硅、强过铝和低的REE总量为特征,而低磷亚类则相反。在长石、云母等矿物化学成分上这两亚类花岗岩也有所差异。高磷亚类花岗岩中磷以长石中结构磷和磷铝锂石形式存在,而低磷亚类花夺中的磷则主要存在于磷灰石等磷酸盐矿物中。  相似文献   

新编华南花岗岩分布图及其说明   总被引:81,自引:4,他引:81  
孙涛 《地质通报》2006,25(3):332-335,i0001
展示了新编的《华南花岗岩分布图(1:250万)》,并作了简要说明。该图在前人相关图件的基础上,收集了近15年来华南花岗岩研究的新的主量元素和年代学资料修编而成。此外,该图反映了华南不同时代花岗岩的富铝程度。  相似文献   

华南某些含钨花岗岩的K-Ar年龄   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
测定了华南某些与钨矿床有关的花岗岩和钨矿脉样品的K—Ar年龄,共37件。这些花岗岩的表观年龄自183Ma至99.5Ma(年龄值为715Ma的岩体与钨矿无关),其中68%以上样品值域在150Ma左右。~(40)Ar/~(36)Ar—40K/~(36)Ar等时线图解给出的等时年龄为132.1Ma,说明这些花岗岩在形成时代上属中侏罗到早白垩世。我们发现在华南钨矿成矿域内,有一个从中心带向外年龄逐渐变青的趋势。用矿脉中和矿脉侧云英岩中云母类矿物所做的K—Ar定年得到的矿化作用的年龄,与各自相关的花岗岩的年龄非常接近,以至于很难用K—Ar定年法加以区别。即成矿作用和成岩作用有一种准同期性。等时线对应的~(40)Ar/~(36)Ar初始比高于现今大气Ar的比值,表明花岗岩在固结时有继承Ar存在。  相似文献   

对华南花岗岩研究的若干思考   总被引:132,自引:10,他引:132  
论述了华南地质历史上四个时期花岗岩特点、成因模式与大地构造框架,从中折射出一些值得进一步思考的问题。晋宁期花岗岩是扬子周边环形岛孤型造山带的组成部分,加里东期、印支期和燕山期花岗岩的形成,分别与早古生代板内压扭性断裂熔融、早中生代板内伸展减压熔融和晚中生代活动陆缘伸展增生造山作用有关。华南四个地质时期的花岗岩的成因各异,模式不同,主导的地球动力学机制也不同。建立能解释多数地质事实的模式,是当前认知的需要。希望在不远的将来,沿着历史长河完整地描述19亿年以来的华南花岗岩地质演变与地壳演化,将华南地质的故事以三维图像形式演示于众。  相似文献   

The Taoshan uranium ore district is one of the most important granite-hosted uranium producers in South China. The Taoshan granitic complex can be petrographically classified into several units of Caijiang, Huangpi, Daguzhai, and Luobuli, but the uranium deposits only occur within the Daguzhai granite unit. LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating indicates that both the Daguzhai granite and the Huangpi granite were emplaced at 154 ± 2 Ma. U contents (average 19.5 ppm) of the Daguzhai granite are higher than those of the Huangpi granite (average 7.3 ppm). The Daguzhai granite is composed of medium-grained two-mica granite, and the Huangpi granite is composed of medium- to coarse-grained biotite granite. These two granites show obvious differences in major element, trace element and isotopic geochemical characteristics. Compared to the Huangpi granite, the Daguzhai granite has higher A/CNK ratios, higher P2O5 contents and lower CaO contents, and is more enriched in Rb, Ba, U, and more depleted in Sr, Eu and Ti. The εNd(t) values of the Daguzhai granite vary from − 12.2 to − 11.0 with two-stage model ages of 1.84 to 1.93 Ga. The εNd(t) values of the Huangpi granite are slightly higher (− 9.7 to − 8.6) and the Nd model ages are younger (1.64 to 1.73 Ga). Comparative studies imply that the Daguzhai granite belongs to typical S-type and might be derived from the partial melting of parametamorphic rocks from metamorphic basement of the Zhoutan Group. In contrast, the Huangpi granite belongs to fractioned I-type, which might be derived from the partial melting of a mixture of ortho- and para-metamorphic rocks of the Zhoutan Group. These different magma sources might explain the different U contents of the two granites. In general, the source factor is an important controlling factor for the genesis of U-bearing granites in South China. U-bearing granites in South China show some common mineralogical and geochemical characteristics, which can be used to guide further exploration of granite-hosted U deposits.  相似文献   

吴富江  张芳荣 《中国地质》2003,30(2):166-172
华南板块北缘东段武功山地区出露大面积的片麻状花岗岩,前人在该区工作时认为属混合成因的“混合岩”,本次工作证实属同熔性花岗岩。采用岩石谱系单位法进行研究,共划分出5个单元,归并为2个超单元。其成岩年龄(U-Pb法)分别为(462.3±3.2)Ma、(409.4±5.1)Ma,属加里东期造山花岗岩。后又经印支—燕山期伸展滑覆构造的叠加、改造,形成片麻状花岗岩。  相似文献   

Ion-adsorption REE deposits associated with clay minerals are the main global HREE producer. The majority of these deposits are formed by the weathering of granites in South China, but whether there is any fundamental difference between the granites in and outside South China is still unclear. Besides, an effective evaluation system of granite mineralization potential is urgently needed for HREE exploration.To answer this question, we compiled a global granite geochemical dataset from within (n = 1932) and outside (n = 6109) South China, together with a dataset of representative REE deposits in South China (n = 128). The geochemical comparation shows that the South China granites share similar REE contents with those of many granites from places outside South China. Such similarity has also been found between REE ore-related and ore-barren granites in South China. This shows that granites from outside South China could also have ore-forming potential. Warm humid climate and quasi-equalized crustal state promote chemical weathering to continuously leach REEs and store them in the weathering crust. The enrichment ratio (Rx) can be used to quantify the climatic effect between orebodies and parent rocks. The calculated average Enrichment Ratios (Rx) of LREE- and HREE-rich deposits are 2.41 and 2.68, respectively. Sufficient REE content in granite is the prerequisite for mineralization, and we propose that the combination of the minimum REE + Y (172 and 108 ppm in LREE- and HREE-rich parent rocks, respectively) and REE oxide ratio (1.32) can reveal the granite metallogenic potential. Together with the suitable tropical and temperate climate area with ion-adsorption REE deposits, we further identified certain regions with high REE mineralization potential outside South China to assist future exploration.  相似文献   

华南泥盆系研究中的几个地层问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
俞昌民 《地层学杂志》2000,24(2):87-88,119
简要总结我国泥盆系研究进展的基础上 ,提出华南区泥盆系除滨海相沉积外 ,浅海相沉积可区分出象州型、北流型、南丹型、崇左型 4种基本的相型沉积 ,各自均有特定的岩石组合、生物群特征 ,反映各自特定的沉积环境 ,应分别建立相应的地层柱。如继续保留华南区泥盆系建阶方案 ,泥盆系底部有待重行建阶 ,Emsian阶宜三分 ,与之时限相当的阶 ,自下而上为郁江阶、二塘阶、四排阶  相似文献   

华南热液矿床形成的时代爆发性、空间分带性及其成矿元素对前寒武纪基底的继承性表明,构成华南基底和含矿建造的前寒武纪地层(主要为元古界)是华南陆内热液成矿作用的主要成矿物质来源,燕山期花岗岩类是热液成矿作用的主要成矿能量来源;华南热液成矿的区域分布趋势、矿床形成过程和成矿岩体演化等,均表现出与构造热隆起动态有关的成矿特征。多期花岗岩类侵入和迅速块断隆升造成地温梯度增高,基底含矿建造提供成矿物质,以及有利的热液通道和扩容空间是造成构造隆起带或盆地“凹中隆”成矿的重要条件。燕山期花岗岩成岩成矿与大陆地壳的多旋回熔融或再循环有密切的成因关系;地震层析图像资料显示,华南中生代软流圈上涌是造成华南陆壳热隆起的动力学因素。但其成因不同于地幔柱机制,具有被动上涌特征,可能与太平洋板块俯冲形成的大型冷幔柱下沉和地幔过渡带崩溃有关。  相似文献   

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