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After examining some of the background work relevant to double layers, the role constant current driven systems might play in the double layer formation is examined from two perspectives. First, a fluids analysis is considered via the method of characteristics. A density perturbation growth is predicted. Two model deficiencies, zero electron mass and lack of particle kinematics, suggest an improvement in the model via the Vlasov equation. This second model using the Vlasov equation still maintains a non-quasineutral posture. In addition to predicting the expected two-stream instability, the model also predicts a double layer-type electric field.  相似文献   

Recently, the sputtering of fast meteoroids by impinging atmospheric particles, and the subsequent interaction of the sputtered material with the atmosphere, has been proposed to explain the meteor luminosity observed at high altitudes. In this brief communication, we consider the possibility of a lower hybrid instability driven by the ionized component of the material sputtered from a fast large meteoroid at high altitudes.  相似文献   

We present a linear analysis of the vertical structure and growth of the magnetorotational instability in stratified, weakly ionized accretion discs, such as protostellar and quiescent dwarf novae systems. The method includes the effects of the magnetic coupling, the conductivity regime of the fluid and the strength of the magnetic field, which is initially vertical. The conductivity is treated as a tensor and is assumed to be constant with height.
We obtained solutions for the structure and growth rate of global unstable modes for different conductivity regimes, strengths of the initial magnetic field and coupling between ionized and neutral components of the fluid. The envelopes of short-wavelength perturbations are determined by the action of competing local growth rates at different heights, driven by the vertical stratification of the disc. Ambipolar diffusion perturbations peak consistently higher above the midplane than modes including Hall conductivity. For weak coupling, perturbations including the Hall effect grow faster and act over a more extended cross-section of the disc than those obtained using the ambipolar diffusion approximation.
Finally, we derived an approximate criterion for when Hall diffusion determines the growth of the magnetorotational instability. This is satisfied over a wide range of radii in protostellar discs, reducing the extent of the magnetic 'dead zone'. Even if the magnetic coupling is weak, significant accretion may occur close to the midplane, rather than in the surface regions of weakly ionized discs.  相似文献   

The evolutionary excitation dynamics of the gravitational instability in a self-gravitating viscoelastic non-thermal polytropic complex fluid is semi-analytically explored on the astro-scales of space and time. The polytropic equation of state is well validated for the hydrostatic equilibrium established by a perfect heating-cooling balancing in the uni-component complex fluid. We apply a generalized gravitating hydrodynamic model in the concurrent presence of buoyancy, thermal fluctuations, volumetric expansion, and so forth. A normal mode (local) analysis yields a quadratic linear dispersion relation with a unique set of multi-parametric coefficients. The analytical reliability is checked by comparing with the existing reports on purely ideal inviscid nebular fluids and non-ideal viscoelastic fluids in isolation. It is seen that, unlike the normal instability mechanisms, the instability here remains unaffected due to the thermo-mechanical diffusion processes. The stabilizing (destabilizing) and accelerating (decelerating) factors of the instability are illustratively explored. The instability features are judged in the light of both impure non-ideal viscoelastic fluid and pure ideal inviscid nebular fluid scenarios. The relevancy of our exploration in superdense compact viscoelastic astro-objects and their surrounding atmospheres is summarily outlined.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the development of two-stream instability in a collisionless plasma. The plasma is described by velocity moments of Vlasov equation where heat flow tensor has been neglected. A dispersion relation for arbitrary propagation is derived for a collisionless electron fluid. Special cases of propagation parallel and perpendicular to the field lines are discussed. Growth rate is computed for parameters representative of the shear layers of solar wind at one AU. It is found that the shear layers are likely to be overstable.  相似文献   

The evolution of the interstellar medium (ISM) is driven by a variety of phenomena, including turbulence, shearing flows, magnetic fields and the thermal properties of the gas. Among the most important forces at work is self-gravity, which ultimately drives protostellar collapse. As part of an ongoing study of instabilities in the ISM, Hunter, Whitaker & Lovelace have discovered another process driven by self-gravity: the instability of an interface of discontinuous density. Theory predicts that this self-gravity driven interfacial instability persists in the static limit and in the absence of a constant background acceleration. Disturbances to a density interface are found to grow on a time-scale of the order of the free-fall time, even when the perturbation wavelength is much less than the Jeans length. Here we present the first numerical simulations of this instability. The theoretical growth rate is confirmed and the non-linear morphology displayed. The self-gravity interfacial instability is shown to be fundamentally different from the Rayleigh–Taylor instability, although both exhibit similar morphologies under the condition of a high density contrast, such as is commonly found in the ISM. Such instabilities are a possible mechanism by which observed features, such as the pillars of gas seen near the boundaries of interstellar clouds, are formed.  相似文献   

The recent theories of planetary formation lead to a gravitationally unstable structure of the proto-Earth in the accretion stage, which is composed of three layers: an innermost undifferentiated solid core, an intermediate metal-melt layer, and an outermost silicate-melt layer. Taking this configuration as an initial state, we investigate the Earth's core formation due to the Rayleigh-Taylor instability by using the quantitative results on the instability in a self-gravitating fluid sphere obtained from another paper (S. Ida, Y. Nakagawa, and K. Nakagawa, submitted). We find that the instability occurs through the translational mode on a time scale of about 10 hr if the thickness of the metal-melt layer ⪆1 km. This leads to the conclusion that the Earth's core began to form through the translation of the innermost undifferentiated solid core as soon as the outer layer was melted and differentiated in the late accretion stage. In addition, we examine the rotational effects of the instability; the translation occurs most often along the rotational axis. But this preference is weak, since the rotational energy is small compared to the gravitational one.  相似文献   

In many magnetized, dilute astrophysical plasmas, thermal conduction occurs almost exclusively parallel to magnetic field lines. In this case, the usual stability criterion for convective stability, the Schwarzschild criterion, which depends on entropy gradients, is modified. In the magnetized long mean free path regime, instability occurs for small wavenumbers when (∂ P/∂z) (∂ ln T/∂ z) > 0, which we refer to as the Balbus criterion. We refer to the convective-type instability that results as the magnetothermal instability (MTI). We use the equations of MHD with anisotropic electron heat conduction to numerically simulate the linear growth and nonlinear saturation of the MTI in plane-parallel atmospheres that are unstable according to the Balbus criterion. The linear growth rates measured from the simulations are in excellent agreement with the weak field dispersion relation. The addition of isotropic conduction, e.g. radiation, or strong magnetic fields can damp the growth of the MTI and affect the nonlinear regime. The instability saturates when the atmosphere becomes isothermal as the source of free energy is exhausted. By maintaining a fixed temperature difference between the top and bottom boundaries of the simulation domain, sustained convective turbulence can be driven. MTI-stable layers introduced by isotropic conduction are used to prevent the formation of unresolved, thermal boundary layers. We find that the largest component of the time-averaged heat flux is due to advective motions as opposed to the actual thermal conduction itself. Finally, we explore the implications of this instability for a variety of astrophysical systems, such as neutron stars, the hot intracluster medium of galaxy clusters, and the structure of radiatively inefficient accretion flows. J. M. Stone: Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544  相似文献   

We study the physics of wave propagation in a weakly ionized plasma, as it applies to the formation of multifluid, magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) shock waves. We model the plasma as separate charged and neutral fluids which are coupled by ion–neutral friction. At times much less than the ion–neutral drag time, the fluids are decoupled and so evolve independently. At later times, the evolution is determined by the large inertial mismatch between the charged and neutral particles. The neutral flow continues to evolve independently; the charged flow is driven by and slaved to the neutral flow by friction. We calculate this driven flow analytically by considering the special but realistic case where the charged fluid obeys linearized equations of motion. We carry out an extensive analysis of linear, driven, MHD waves. The physics of driven MHD waves is embodied in certain Green functions which describe wave propagation on short time-scales, ambipolar diffusion on long time-scales and transitional behaviour at intermediate times. By way of illustration, we give an approximate solution for the formation of a multifluid shock during the collision of two identical interstellar clouds. The collision produces forward and reverse J shocks in the neutral fluid and a transient in the charged fluid. The latter rapidly evolves into a pair of magnetic precursors on the J shocks, wherein the ions undergo force-free motion and the magnetic field grows monotonically with time. The flow appears to be self-similar at the time when linear analysis ceases to be valid.  相似文献   

Most rapidly and differentially rotating disk galaxies, in which the sound speed (thermal velocity dispersion) is smaller than the orbital velocity, display graceful spiral patterns. Yet, over almost 240 yr after their discovery in M51 by Charles Messier, we still do not fully understand how they originate. In this first paper of a series, the dynamical behavior of a rotating galactic disk is examined numerically by a high-order Godunov hydrodynamic code. The code is implemented to simulate a two-dimensional flow driven by an internal Jeans gravitational instability in a nonresonant wave–“fluid” interaction in an infinitesimally thin disk composed of stars or gas clouds. A goal of this work is to explore the local and linear regimes of density wave formation, employed by Lin, Shu, Yuan and many others in connection with the problem of spiral pattern of rotationally supported galaxies, by means of computer-generated models and to compare those numerical results with the generalized fluid-dynamical wave theory. The focus is on a statistical analysis of time-evolution of density wave structures seen in the simulations. The leading role of collective processes in the formation of both the circular and spiral density waves (“heavy sound”) is emphasized. The main new result is that the disk evolution in the initial, quasilinear stage of the instability in our global simulations is fairly well described using the local approximation of the generalized wave theory. Certain applications of the simulation to actual gas-rich spiral galaxies are also explored.  相似文献   

The mechanics of a radiative shock which has “collapsed,” or been compressed to high density, via radiative cooling is discussed. This process is relevant to an experiment in xenon gas that produced a driven, radiatively collapsed shock, and also to a simulation of the supernova 1987A shock wave passing through the outer layers of the star and into the low-density circumstellar material.  相似文献   

We examine the problem of a shock wave propagating in a gravitational field in the presence of pressure and density gradients by attacking the non-linear equations of fluid flow. Our approach is analytical rather than numerical, and we analyze the characteristic equations of a fluid in the presence of gravity with radiative dissipation. Because the radiation field enters the fluid equations in the form of an integral, radiative dissipation may be considered an inhomogeneity which does not affect the characteristic directions. The fluid equations remain hyperbolic and thus are amenable to solution by the standard techniques of gas analysis.We give an equation of path for a shock wave and we enumerate the physical conditions which lead to stability or instability. We find that shock waves are generally unstable in most stellar atmospheres unless they are very weak. The form of the instability is that of a spicule deformation similar to that observed in the upper solar chromosphere.This work was carried out at the Smithsonian-Harvard Astrophysical Observatory and was presented in a thesis to Brandeis University, May 1963.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to analyze the dynamical role of a radiation field on the growth rate of the unstable Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) perturbations. As a first step toward this purpose, the analyze is done in a general way, irrespective of applying the model to a specific astronomical system. The transition zone between the two layers of the fluid is ignored. Then, we perform a linear analysis and by imposing suitable boundary conditions and considering a radiation field, we obtain appropriate dispersion relation. Unstable modes are studied by solving the dispersion equation numerically, and then growth rates of them are obtained. By analyzing our dispersion relation, we show that for a wide range of the input parameters, the radiation field has a destabilizing effect on KH instability. In eruptions of the galaxies or supermassive stars, the radiation field is dynamically important and because of the enhanced KH growth rates in the presence of the radiation; these eruptions can inject more momentum and energy into their environment and excite more turbulent motions.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper has been to study here specific forms of instabilities in circumstellar and circumplanetary dust ringlets in Keplerian rotation around a central gravitating mass without taking shear flow effects into consideration. Due to the presence of a central mass in the disk, an additional force term appears in the linearized equation of motion. Here we investigate the importance of such a term with respect to the onset of gravitational instabilities in both tangential and radial direction of ring-like substructures in the disk. In addition, we compare the instability tendencies of self-gravitating disks with those of fluid layers where perturbation effects are simply controlled by surface tension. In both cases, the material of the layer is treated as an incompressible inviscid fluid. This assumption, however, as shown from our study of the polytropy of dust gases, was proven to be correct for perturbation wavelengths comparable or larger than the thickness of the layer. From our general dispersion relations for symmetric and anti-symmetric perturbation modes, we can retain for the radial wave propagation the results of Lin and Shu, and Goldreich and Ward in the asymptotic case of an infinitely thin layer without shear flow. However, for the tangential waves we find a different stability criterion showing that the onset of the instability depends on the propagation direction. In the finite layer case, we derive much more general relations showing different instability ranges for bending wave modes and self-excited density wave modes pointing to local and global instability forms in ringlets.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend the study of instabilities in flows driven by the radiation pressure of an ionizing continuum to flows that are not plane parallel. It is well known that the plane-parallel instability leads eventually to the formation of continuum-driven shocks backed by a sonic transition. If these structures are thin, we find that they are unstable to a corrugation mode, and evolve to form sharp-peaked triangular profiles. Once this has occurred, the thin-shock approximation is no longer valid.
We study the further development of the shocks by numerical hydrodynamic simulations. The flow tends to break up into numerous discrete bow-shaped components. The speed of these components through the upstream material is almost constant. As a result, the maximal velocity of radiatively driven shocks through the upstream gas may be determined by instabilities rather than by other physical effects. Interactions between gas in the wings of neighbouring bowshocks can, however, form subsequent generations of bowshocks that are faster and more acute than their predecessors.
One likely location where continuum-driven shocks may occur is in the broad-line regions of active nuclei. We discuss the application of our results to such flows.  相似文献   

The effect of nonthermal electrons on ion-temperature-gradient (ITG) driven modes is investigated in the presence of variable dust charge and ion shear flow. The dust charge fluctuating expression is obtained in the presence of kappa distributed electrons. A dispersion relation is derived and analyzed numerically by choosing space plasma parameters of Jupiter/Saturn magnetospheres. It is found that the presence of nonthermal electrons population reduces the growth rate of ITG mode driven instability. The effects of ion temperature, electron density and magnetic field variation on the growth rate of ITG instability are presented numerically. It is also pointed out that the present results will be useful to understand the ITG driven modes with variable dust charge and kappa distributed electrons, present in most of the space plasma environments.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate, by linear modal analysis, the one-armed dynamical instability of a two-dimensional fluid disc that has a massive object at its centre. The model of the disc is chosen to avoid the artificial instabilities that originate from the unrealistic disc configurations that have been adopted in previous studies. We find a one-armed instability for which the central massive object is displaced from the centre, which is generally called the 'eccentric instability'. However, to excite the eccentric instability, the mass of the central object should be appreciably smaller than that of the disc, and this mass ratio is far smaller than what was originally proposed. The instability shown in this paper is likely to be excited in a stellar system with a central massive object, e.g. a galactic nucleus harbouring a massive black hole, and further studies are desirable via techniques such as numerical simulations.  相似文献   

Using Euler's equation of motion, the equation for disturbed fluid motion against a hydrostatic equilibrium has been derived, and the nonequilibrium dynamical equation of a P-PI nuclear reaction system driven by He3 has been analysed using developed nonequilibrium theory. We find that the system in the solar core is unstable in the layer extending from about 0.2R to 0.4R if the core is disturbed by fluid motion; this instability may be related to thermal diffusion.  相似文献   

Kinetic Alfven waves (KAWs) driven by the diamagnetic drift instability that is excited by the density inhomogeneity in low-β plasmas, such as plasmas in the auroral region, are investigated by adopting the particle aspect analysis and loss-cone distribution function. The results obtained in this paper indicate that the propagation and evolution of kinetic Alfven waves decrease and the kinetic Alfven wave excitation becomes not easier with increasing loss-cone index J. But the spatial scales of the perpendicular perturbation driving kinetic Alfven waves have a decreasing tendency with the larger values of J, which perhaps is in relation with the decreasing width of loss-cone. A single hump appears in the plots of the growth rate of the instability when J=2. But the hump cannot emerge when J=0 or J=1. The density inhomogeneity of ions plays an important role in driving KAWs and it cannot be ignored. KAWs can be easier driven and KAWs can propagate and evolve faster with the increasing level of density inhomogeneity. However, the range of the perpendicular wave number of the wave instability decreases, namely, the longer the scale of perpendicular disturbance the easier the excitation of KAW. As the density inhomogeneity increases, the tendency of numerical solutions of the dispersion relation is similar to that obtained by the kinetic theory and Maxwellian distribution function (Duan and Li, 2004). But the profiles of the plots of numerical solutions are different. This means that the velocity distribution function of particles is important for KAW driven in magnetoplasmas, especially in the active regions of the magnetosphere, such as auroral region, and plasma sheet boundary.  相似文献   

The negative effective magnetic-pressure instability operates on scales encompassing many turbulent eddies, which correspond to convection cells in the Sun. This instability is discussed here in connection with the formation of active regions near the surface layers of the Sun. This instability is related to the negative contribution of turbulence to the mean magnetic pressure that causes the formation of large-scale magnetic structures. For an isothermal layer, direct numerical simulations and mean-field simulations of this phenomenon are shown to agree in many details, for example the onset of the instability occurs at the same depth. This depth increases with increasing field strength, such that the growth rate of this instability is independent of the field strength, provided the magnetic structures are fully contained within the domain. A linear stability analysis is shown to support this finding. The instability also leads to a redistribution of turbulent intensity and gas pressure that could provide direct observational signatures.  相似文献   

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