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A conventional velocity-stack gather consists of constant-velocity CMP-stacked traces. It emphasizes the energy associated with the events that follow hyperbolic traveltime trajectories in the CMP gather. Amplitudes along a hyperbola on a CMP gather ideally map onto a point on a velocity-stack gather. Because a CMP gather only includes a cable-length portion of a hyperbolic traveltime trajectory, this mapping is not exact. The finite cable length, discrete sampling along the offset axis and the closeness of hyperbolic summation paths at near-offsets cause smearing of the stacked amplitudes along the velocity axis. Unless this smearing is removed, inverse mapping from velocity space (the plane of stacking velocity versus two-way zero-offset time) back to offset space (the plane of offset versus two-way traveltime) does not reproduce the amplitudes in the original CMP gather. The gather resulting from the inverse mapping can be considered as the model CMP gather that contains only the hyperbolic events from the actual CMP gather. A least-squares minimization of the energy contained in the difference between the actual CMP gather and the model CMP gather removes smearing of amplitudes on the velocity-stack gather and increases velocity resolution. A practical application of this procedure is in separation of multiples from primaries. A method is described to obtain proper velocity-stack gathers with reduced amplitude smearing. The method involves a t2-stretching in the offset space. This stretching maps reflection amplitudes along hyperbolic moveout curves to those along parabolic moveout curves. The CMP gather is Fourier transformed along the stretched axis. Each Fourier component is then used in the least-squares minimization to compute the corresponding Fourier component of the proper velocity-stack gather. Finally, inverse transforming and undoing the stretching yield the proper velocity-stack gather, which can then be inverse mapped back to the offset space. During this inverse mapping, multiples, primaries or all of the hyperbolic events can be modelled. An application of velocity-stack processing to multiple suppression is demonstrated with a field data example.  相似文献   

Wavefront construction (WFC) methods provide robust tools for computing ray theoretical traveltimes and amplitudes for multivalued wavefields. They simulate a wavefront propagating through a model using a mesh that is refined adaptively to ensure accuracy as rays diverge during propagation. However, an implementation for quasi-shear (qS) waves in anisotropic media can be very difficult, since the two qS slowness surfaces and wavefronts often intersect at shear-wave singularities. This complicates the task of creating the initial wavefront meshes, as a particular wavefront will be the faster qS-wave in some directions, but slower in others. Analogous problems arise during interpolation as the wavefront propagates, when an existing mesh cell that crosses a singularity on the wavefront is subdivided. Particle motion vectors provide the key information for correctly generating and interpolating wavefront meshes, as they will normally change slowly along a wavefront. Our implementation tests particle motion vectors to ensure correct initialization and propagation of the mesh for the chosen wave type and to confirm that the vectors change gradually along the wavefront. With this approach, the method provides a robust and efficient algorithm for modeling shear-wave propagation in a 3-D, anisotropic medium. We have successfully tested the qS-wave WFC in transversely isotropic models that include line singularities and kiss singularities. Results from a VTI model with a strong vertical gradient in velocity also show the accuracy of the implementation. In addition, we demonstrate that the WFC method can model a wavefront with a triplication caused by intrinsic anisotropy and that its multivalued traveltimes are mapped accurately. Finally, qS-wave synthetic seismograms are validated against an independent, full-waveform solution.  相似文献   

Wavefront charts in anisotropic gradient media are a useful tool in ray geometric constructions, particular in shear-wave exploration. They can be constructed by: (i) a family of wavefronts that contains a vertical plane as member - it is convenient to choose constant time increments; (ii) tracing one ray that makes everywhere the angle with the normal to the wavefront that is required by the anisotropy of the medium; (iii) scaling this ray to obtain a set of rays with different ray parameters; (iv) shifting these rays (with wavefront elements attached) so that they pass through a common source point; (v) interpolating the wavefronts between the elements. The construction is particularly simple in linear-gradient media, since here all members of the family of wavefronts are planes. Since the ray makes everywhere the angle prescribed by the anisotropy with the normal of the (plane) wavefronts, the ray has the shape of the slowness curve rotated by ?π/2. For isotropic media the slowness curve is a circle, and thus rays are circular arcs. The circles themselves intersect in the source point and in a second point above the surface of the earth. This provides a simple proof that wavefronts emanating from a point source in an isotropic linear-gradient medium are spheres: inversion of the set of circular rays with the source as centre maps the pencil of circular rays into a pencil of straight lines passing through a point. A pencil of concentric spheres around this point is perpendicular to the pencil of straight lines. On inverting back the pencil of spheres is mapped into another pencil of spheres that is perpendicular to the circular rays.  相似文献   

A 3D F–K dip-moveout (DMO) is developed, which is applicable to data acquired in an elementary single-fold cross-spread. The key idea is that a 3D log-stretch transform and the inherent regularity of the cross-spread geometry make it possible to transform 3D Fourier DMO. The derived theory generalizes the 2D Fourier shot-gather DMO in the log-stretch domain; 2D turns out to be a special case. Similarly to 2D, the cross-spread DMO becomes convolutional after multidimensional logarithmic stretch. The proposed method works for orthogonal and slanted acquisition geometries; the cross-spread DMO relationships are found to be independent of the intersection angle of the shot and receiver lines. In contrast to integral (Kirchhoff-style) methods, the cross-spread F–K DMO does not degrade from the inevitable irregularity in 3D sampling of offsets in a CMP gather. The newly derived F–K DMO operator can be approximated by finite-difference (FD) schemes; the low-order FD cross-spread DMO equation is shown to be the 3D extension of the Bolondi and Rocca offset continuation. It is shown that F–K and low-order FD operators are effective in a synthetic case.  相似文献   

The only restriction on the values of the elasticity parameters is the stability condition. Within this condition, we examine the Christoffel equation for nondetached qP slowness surfaces in transversely isotropic media. If the qP slowness surface is detached, each root of the solubility condition corresponds to a distinct smooth wavefront. If the qP slowness surface is nondetached, the roots are elliptical but do not correspond to distinct wavefronts; also, the qP and qSV slowness surfaces are not smooth.  相似文献   

For converted waves stacking requires a true common reflection point gather which, in this case, is also a common conversion point (CCP) gather. We consider converted waves of the PS- and SP-type in a stack of horizontal layers. The coordinates of the conversion points for waves of PS- or SP-type, respectively, in a single homogeneous layer are calculated as a function of the offset, the reflector depth and the velocity ratio vp/vs. Knowledge of the conversion points enables us to gather the seismic traces in a common conversion point (CCP) record. Numerical tests show that the CCP coordinates in a multilayered medium can be approximated by the equations given for a single layer. In practical applications, an a priori estimate of vp/vs is required to obtain the CCP for a given reflector depth. A series expansion for the traveltime of converted waves as a function of the offset is presented. Numerical examples have been calculated for several truncations. For small offsets, a hyperbolic approximation can be used. For this, the rms velocity of converted waves is defined. A Dix-type formula, relating the product of the interval velocities of compressional and shear waves to the rms velocity of the converted waves, is presented.  相似文献   

Traveltime computation by wavefront-orientated ray tracing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For multivalued traveltime computation on dense grids, we propose a wavefront‐orientated ray‐tracing (WRT) technique. At the source, we start with a few rays which are propagated stepwise through a smooth two‐dimensional (2D) velocity model. The ray field is examined at wavefronts and a new ray might be inserted between two adjacent rays if one of the following criteria is satisfied: (1) the distance between the two rays is larger than a predefined threshold; (2) the difference in wavefront curvature between the rays is larger than a predefined threshold; (3) the adjacent rays intersect. The last two criteria may lead to oversampling by rays in caustic regions. To avoid this oversampling, we do not insert a ray if the distance between adjacent rays is smaller than a predefined threshold. We insert the new ray by tracing it from the source. This approach leads to an improved accuracy compared with the insertion of a new ray by interpolation, which is the method usually applied in wavefront construction. The traveltimes computed along the rays are used for the estimation of traveltimes on a rectangular grid. This estimation is carried out within a region bounded by adjacent wavefronts and rays. As for the insertion criterion, we consider the wavefront curvature and extrapolate the traveltimes, up to the second order, from the intersection points between rays and wavefronts to a gridpoint. The extrapolated values are weighted with respect to the distances to wavefronts and rays. Because dynamic ray tracing is not applied, we approximate the wavefront curvature at a given point using the slowness vector at this point and an adjacent point on the same wavefront. The efficiency of the WRT technique is strongly dependent on the input parameters which control the wavefront and ray densities. On the basis of traveltimes computed in a smoothed Marmousi model, we analyse these dependences and suggest some rules for a correct choice of input parameters. With suitable input parameters, the WRT technique allows an accurate traveltime computation using a small number of rays and wavefronts.  相似文献   

The common-reflection-surface (CRS) stack can be viewed as a physically justified extension of the classical common-midpoint (CMP) stack, utilizing redundant information not only in a single, but in several neighboring CMP gathers. The zero-offset CRS moveout is parameterized in terms of kinematic attributes, which utilize reciprocity and raypath symmetries to describe the two-way process of the actual wave propagation in active seismic experiments by the propagation of auxiliary one-way wavefronts. For the diffraction case, only the attributes of a single one-way wavefront, originating from the diffractor are sufficient to explain the traveltime differences observed at the surface. While paraxial ray theory gives rise to a second-order approximation of the CRS traveltime, many higher-order approximations were subsequently introduced either by squaring the second-order expression or by employing principles of optics and geometry. It was recently discovered that all of these higher-order operators can be formulated either for the optical projection or in an auxiliary medium of a constant effective velocity. Utilizing this duality and the one-way nature of the CRS parameters, we present a simple data-driven stacking scheme that allows for the estimation of the a priori unknown excitation time of a passive seismic source. In addition, we demonstrate with a simple data example that the output of the suggested workflow can directly be used for subsequent focusing-based normal-incidence-point (NIP) tomography, leading to a reliable localization in depth.  相似文献   

This paper collects certain results concerning wave propagation in two-and-one-half dimensions, i.e., three-dimensional (3-D) wave propagation in a medium that has variations in two dimensions only. The results of interest are for sources and receivers in the plane determined by the two directions of parameter variation. The objective of this work is to reduce the analysis of the in-plane propagation to 2-D analysis while retaining–at least asymptotically–the proper 3-D geometrical spreading. We do this for the free space Green's function and for the Kirchhoff approximate upward scattered field from a single reflector. In both cases the derivation is carried out under the assumption of a background velocity c(x, z) with the special cases c = c0 and c = c(z).  相似文献   

We present a modified interferometry method based on local tangent‐phase analysis, which corrects the cross‐correlated data before summation. The approach makes it possible to synthesize virtual signals usually vanishing in the conventional seismic interferometry summation. For a given pair of receivers and a set of different source positions, a plurality of virtual traces is obtained at new stationary projected points located along the signal wavefronts passing through the real reference receiver. The position of the projected points is estimated by minimizing travel times using wavefront constraint and correlation‐signal tangent information. The method uses mixed processing, which is partially based on velocity‐model knowledge and on data‐based blind interferometry. The approach can be used for selected events, including reflections with different stationary conditions and projected points with respect to those of the direct arrivals, to extend the interferometry representation in seismic exploration data where conventional illumination coverage is not sufficient to obtain the stationary‐phase condition. We discuss possible applications in crosswell geometry with a velocity anomaly and a time lapse.  相似文献   

Three types of seismic data recorded near Coalinga, California were analyzed to study the behavior of scattered waves: 1) aftershocks of the May 2, 1983 earthquake, recorded on verticalcomponent seismometers deployed by the USGS; 2) regional refraction profiles using large explosive sources recorded on essentially the same arrays above; 3) three common-midpoint (CMP) reflection surveys recorded with vibrator sources over the same area. Records from each data set were bandpassed filtered into 5 Hz wide passbands (over the range of 1–25 Hz), corrected for geometric spreading, and fit with an exponential model of amplitude decay. Decay rates were expressed in terms of inverse codaQ (Q c –1 ).Q c –1 values for earthquake and refraction data are generally comparable and show a slight decrease with increasing frequency. Decay rates for different source types recorded on proximate receivers show similar results, with one notable exception. One set of aftershocks shows an increase ofQ c –1 with frequency.Where the amplitude decay rates of surface and buried sources are similar, the coda decay results are consistent with other studies suggesting the importance of upper crustal scattering in the formation of coda. Differences in the variation ofQ c –1 with frequency can be correlated with differences in geologic structure near the source region, as revealed by CMP-stacked reflection data. A more detailed assessment of effects such as the depth dependence of scattered contributions to the coda and the role of intrinsic attenuation requires precise control of source-receiver field geometry and the study of synthetic seismic data calculated for velocity models developed from CMP reflection data.  相似文献   


The normal mode instability of harmonic waves in an ideal incompressible fluid on a rotating sphere is analytically studied. By the harmonic wave is meant a Legendrepolynomial flow αPn(μ) (n ≥ 1) and steady Rossby-Haurwitz wave of set F 1 ⊕ Hn where Hn is the subspace of homogeneous spherical polynomials of the degree n(n ≥ 2), and F 1 is the one-dimensional subspace generated by the Legendre-polynomial P1(μ). A necessary condition for the normal mode instability of the harmonic wave is obtained. By this condition, Fjörtoft's (1953) average spectral number of the amplitude of each unstable mode must be equal to . It is noted that flow αPn (μ) is Liapunov (and hence, exponentially and algebraically) stable to all the disturbances whose zonal wavenumber m satisfies condition |m| ≥ n. The bounds of the growth rate of unstable normal modes are estimated as well. It is also shown that the amplitude of each unstable, decaying or non-stationary mode is orthogonal to the harmonic wave.

The new instability condition can be useful in the search of unstable perturbations to a harmonic wave and on trials of numerical stability study algorithms. For a Legendre-polynomial flow, it complements Kuo's (1949) condition in the sense that while the latter is related to the basic flow structure; the former characterizes the structure of a growing perturbation.  相似文献   

一、引言在完全弹性介貭中,弹性波的传播問題已經研究得比較深入,尤其用射綫法来解决波的传播強度問題,有了一套完善的方法。实际上,大地岩层近于粘-弹性介貭,地震波在传播过程中要受到內摩擦的作用,振幅随距离逐漸衰減。衰減規律,現在均根据經驗公式来确定。在理論上,虽然可以通过解波动方程的方法解决这問题,但所得結果,即使极簡单的問題也是十分复杂的。在完全弹性介貭中,也存在同样的情形,但如应用射线法,則变得較为方便。  相似文献   

Ray equation migration of wide-angle reflections in 2-D medium is one kind of Kirchhoff prestack depth migration method. Based on ray theory, this method can be used extensively in 2-D inhomogeneous medium, and shows its advantage in wide-angle reflection study. After calculating ray fields, we can get the wave fields of sources and receivers by interpolation, and the intensity (or amplitude) A p corresponding to the depth point P at travel-time t P =t SP +t PR can be found in seismograms. Ray equation migration is completed by transforming A P according to the specific relation, migrating it to the depth point, then calculating the ray fields of lots of sources and receivers in the same way and finally stacking the outcomes. Numerical calculation has yielded satisfactory results. Data processing of the Zhuangmu-Yuexi-Huangmei-Zhanggondu profile passing through the Dabie orogenic zone provides a structural form of M-discontinuity along the profile. The result shows that the high pressure metamorphic rock zone of South Dabie rock mass is related to the uplifting of M-discontinuity here. "Mountain root" exists under North Dabie rock mass, which conforms with gravity isostasy theory. The Xiaotian-Mozitan fault is a suture zone as a result of the collision of North China plate with Yangtze plate, and extends through M-discontinuity. The abyssal fault near Liu’an is the extended eastern section of the Luonan-Minggang fault, which is also confirmed here. Contribution No. RCEG 96012, Research Center of Exploration Geophysics, SSB, China. This project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation.  相似文献   

三维三分量(3D3C)陆地反射PS转换波共中心点(CMP)叠加成像方法,虽然抽道集简单,但是对实际资料处理结果往往不理想.尤其当反射界面为三维倾斜界面时,其成像质量较差.本文提出有三个主要因素影响其成像质量:第一,转换点离散.运用实例计算得出,转换点离散度随着纵横波速度比、偏移距和界面倾角的增大而增大.相同界面倾角,不同测线方位的转换点离散度不同,视倾角的绝对值越大离散度也越大;第二,道集内静校正量差异增大.CMP道集中,由于转换点离散使得转换点横向跨度较大,经倾斜界面反射转换的S波出射到近地表地层时的角度差异也较大,导致静校突出;第三,加大动校叠加复杂性.三维倾斜界面PS波CMP道集近炮检距时距方程可表示为双曲形式,但是曲线的顶点位置和动校速度同时随测线方位变化,使得CMP道集同相轴很难校平,动校叠加过程很复杂.  相似文献   

— It is shown that in hereditary models of media with regular convolution kernels discontinuities propagate with the wavefronts. A singularity always remains sharp and propagates with the wavefront. Oscillatory signals lag behind the wavefronts and are preceded by distortions. In media with singular memory, signals lag behind wavefronts. Singular signals are immediately smoothed and spread out.  相似文献   

A simple expression ties the midpoint of a surface spread to reflection points on a dipping plane. If we use two coordinate systems, an unprimed one with a z-axis perpendicular to the surface and a primed one with a z-axis perpendicular to the reflector, we have where θ is the dip angle, φ is the profile angle, X is the source-to-receiver separation, and D is the depth of the reflector. The reflection point is (x, yp, D) and the surface midpoint is (xc, yc, 0). Using the expression, I show that if complete azimuthal coverage is required at a CMP position, the reflection points lie on an ellipse. Similarly, a fixed reflection point generates a circle of surface midpoints. A circle of CMP positions for fixed θ and φ becomes an ellipse of reflection points and a circle of reflection points becomes an ellipse of midpoints. A user can easily find the shape and location of the reflection area generated by a surface aperture.  相似文献   

For converted waves, stacking as well as AVO analysis requires a true common reflection point gather which, in this case, is also a common conversion point (CCP) gather. The coordinates of the conversion points for PS or SP waves, in a single homogeneous layer can be calculated exactly as a function of the offset, the reflector depth and the ratio vp/vs. An approximation of the conversion point on a dipping interface as well as for a stack of parallel dipping layers is given. Numerical tests show that the approximation can be used for offsets smaller than the depth of the reflector under consideration. The traveltime of converted waves in horizontal layers can be expanded into a power series. For small offsets a two-term truncation of the series yields a good approximation. This approximation can also be used in the case of dipping reflectors if a correction is applied to the traveltimes. This correction can be calculated from the approximated conversion point coordinates.  相似文献   

When comparing solutions for the propagation of SH waves in plane parallel layered elastic and viscoelastic (anelastic) media, one of the first things that becomes apparent is that in the elastic case the location of the saddle points required to obtain a high frequency approximation are located on the real p axis. This is true of the branch points also. In a viscoelastic medium this is not typical. The saddle point corresponding to an arrival lies in the first quadrant of the complex p-plane as do the branch points. Additionally, in the elastic case the saddle point and branch points lie on a straight line drawn through the origin (the positive real axis in the complex p-plane), while in the viscoelastic case this is generally not the case and the saddle point and branch points lie in such a manner as to indicate the degree of their complex values.In this paper simple SH reflected and transmitted particle displacement arrivals due to a point torque source at the surface in a viscoelastic medium composed of a layer over a half space will be considered. The path of steepest descent defining the saddle point in the first quadrant will be parameterized in terms of a real variable and the high frequency solutions and intermediate analytic results obtained will be used to formulate more specific constraints and observations regarding saddle point location relative to branch point locations in the complex p-plane.As saddle point determination for an arrival is, in general, the solution of a non-linear equation in two unknowns (the real and imaginary parts of the complex saddle point p 0), which must be solved numerically, the use of analytical methods for investigating this problem type is somewhat limited.Numerical experimentation using well documented solution methods, such as Newton's method, was undertaken and some observations were made. Although fairly basic, they did provide for the design of algorithms for the computation of synthetic traces that displayed more efficient convergence and accuracy than those previously employed. This was the primary motivation for this work and the results from the SH problem may be used with minimal modifications to address the more complicated subject of coupled P-SV wave propagation in viscoelastic media.Another reason for revisiting a problem that has received some attention in the literature was to approach it in a fairly comprehensive manner so that a number of specific observations may be made regarding the location of the saddle point in the complex p-plane and to incorporate these into computer software. These have been found to result in more efficient algorithms for the SH wave propagation and a significant enhancement of the comparable software in the P-SV problem.  相似文献   

Magnetotelluric response is studied for an inhomogeneous medium having conductivity varying linearly with depth as σ(z) =σ1z. For a medium having conductivity increasing linearly with depth, the phase of the impedance approaches 60° at long periods and the apparent resistivity becomes log (ρa) = 2 log (1.36/α1/3) — 1/3 log (T'). The asymptote of log (ρa, T'→∞) when plotted against log (T') has a constant gradient —1/3 and has an intercept on the log (T') axis, which equals 6 log (1.36/α1/3). When a homogeneous layer with a moderate thickness overlies an inhomogeneous half-space, this layer does not affect the asymptote, but it affects the cut-off period and pushes this toward the long period direction. For a medium having conductivity decreasing linearly with depth, the impedance is equivalent to that of a Cagniard two-layer model; the intercept period related to the thickness is T'01(h2/2)2. Homogeneous multilayer approximations to an inhomogeneous layer are also investigated, and it is shown that the fit to the model variation depends on the number of layers and the layer parameters chosen.  相似文献   

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