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We summarize new and continuing three-dimensional spherical shell simulations of dynamo action by convection allowed to penetrate downward into a tachocline of rotational shear. The inclusion of an imposed tachocline allows us to examine several processes believed to be essential in the operation of the global solar dynamo, including differential rotation, magnetic pumping, and the stretching and organization of fields within the tachocline. In the stably stratified core, our simulations reveal that strong axisymmetric magnetic fields (of ∼ 3000 G strength) can be built, and that those fields generally exhibit a striking antisymmetric parity, with fields in the northern hemisphere largely of opposite polarity to those in the southern hemisphere. In the convection zone above, fluctuating fields dominate over weaker mean fields. New calculations indicate that the tendency toward toroidal fields of antisymmetric parity is relatively insensitive to initial magnetic field configurations; they also reveal that on decade-long timescales, the magnetic fields can briefly enter (and subsequently emerge from) states of symmetric parity.We have not yet observed any overall reversals of the field polarity, nor systematic latitudinal propagation. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The properties of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence under the influence of a strong mean magnetic field are investigated from the Lagrangian viewpoint by tracking fluid particles in direct numerical simulations. The particle trajectories show characteristic bends near vortex sheets. A strong mean magnetic field leads to preferential diffusion parallel to the mean magnetic field. The two‐particle relative dispersion process shows a dependence on the orientation of the initial separation vector. The relative dispersion is slowed down for initial separation vectors aligned with the mean magnetic field. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The old problem of turbulent diffusion is addressed to define the influence of rotation and magnetic field - the usual ingredients of astrophysical bodies - on the effective transport coefficients. Either rotation and magnetism produce the anisotropy and quenching. The tensorial structures of the diffusivities and their dependences on the angular velocity and the field strength are explicitly defined. An example of application of the theory to the global stellar circulation model is given and the implications for cosmic dynamos are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Stability of toroidal magnetic field in a stellar radiation zone is considered for the cases of uniform and differential rotation. In the rigidly rotating radiative core shortly below the tachocline, the critical magnetic field for instability is about 600 G. The unstable disturbances for slightly supercritical fields have short radial scales ∼1 Mm. Radial mixing produced by the instability is estimated to conclude that the internal field of the sun can exceed the critical value of 600 G only marginally. Otherwise, the mixing is too strong and not compatible with the observed lithium abundance. Analysis of joint instability of differential rotation and toroidal field leads to the conclusion that axisymmetric models of the laminar solar tachocline are stable to nonaxisymmetric disturbances. The question of whether sun-like stars can posses tachoclines is addressed with positive answer for stars with rotation periods shorter than about two months. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The stability of magnetic fields in the solar tachocline is investigated. We present stability limits for higher azimuthal wave numbers and results on the dependence of the stability on the location of toroidal magnetic fields in latitude. While the dependence of the wave number with the largest growth rate on the magnetic field strength and the magnetic Prandtl number is small, the dependence on the magnetic Reynolds number Rm indicates that lowest azimuthal modes are excited for very high Rm. Upon varying the latitudinal position of the magnetic field belts, we find slightly lower stability limits for high latitudes, and very large stability limits at latitudes below 10°, with little dependence on latitude in between. An increase of the maximum possible field was achieved by adding a poloidal field. The upper limit for the toroidal field which can be stored in the radiative tachocline is then 1000 G, compared to about 100 G for a purely toroidal field as was found in an earlier work. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A serious difficulty with the standard alpha‐omega theory of the origin of galactic magnetic fields involves the question of flux expulsion. This is intimately related to flux freezing. The alpha‐omega theory is shown in the context of the giant superbubble explosions that have a large impact on the physics of the interstellar medium. It is shown that superbubbles alone can duplicate the processes of the alpha‐omega dynamo and produce exponential growth of the galactic magnetic field. The possibility of the blow‐out of pieces of the magnetic field is discussed and it is shown that they have the potential to solve the flux‐expulsion problem. However, such an explanation must lead to apparent ‘gaps’ in the field in the galactic disc. These gaps are probably unavoidable in any dynamo theory and should have important observable consequences, one of which is an explanation for the escape of cosmic rays from the disc (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Flux expulsion is an important consequence of the interaction of magnetic fields with fluid convection and has been well studied for particular cases of steady, single-cell flows. Here we examine a related phenomenon in inhomogeneous turbulence using direct numerical simulations. To understand our numerical results, we analyse average properties of our model, and obtain mean transport coefficients which can be used to describe the approach of the system to its final state. For the kinematic problem these transport coefficients give an excellent prediction of the expulsion process; however, the enhanced transport is suppressed by dynamical back-reaction of the Lorentz force. Finally, we discuss the astrophysical implications for magnetic fields in stellar convection zones. Segregation of magnetic fields from turbulent motion not only allows strong toroidal fields to accumulate in regions of convective overshoot but also permits significant poloidal fields to be maintained by dynamo action in stars like the Sun.  相似文献   

Using mean-field models with a dynamical quenching formalism, we show that in finite domains magnetic helicity fluxes associated with small-scale magnetic fields are able to alleviate catastrophic quenching. We consider fluxes that result from advection by a mean flow, the turbulent mixing down the gradient of mean small-scale magnetic helicity density or the explicit removal which may be associated with the effects of coronal mass ejections in the Sun. In the absence of shear, all the small-scale magnetic helicity fluxes are found to be equally strong for both large- and small-scale fields. In the presence of shear, there is also an additional magnetic helicity flux associated with the mean field, but this flux does not alleviate catastrophic quenching. Outside the dynamo-active region, there are neither sources nor sinks of magnetic helicity, so in a steady state this flux must be constant. It is shown that unphysical behaviour emerges if the small-scale magnetic helicity flux is forced to vanish within the computational domain.  相似文献   

Gough & McIntyre have suggested that the dynamics of the solar tachocline are dominated by the advection–diffusion balance between the differential rotation, a large-scale primordial field and baroclinicly driven meridional motions. This paper presents the first part of a study of the tachocline, in which a model of the rotation profile below the convection zone is constructed along the lines suggested by Gough & McIntyre and solved numerically. In this first part, a reduced model of the tachocline is derived in which the effects of compressibility and energy transport on the system are neglected; the meridional motions are driven instead by Ekman–Hartmann pumping. Through this simplification, the interaction of the fluid flow and the magnetic field can be isolated and is studied through non-linear numerical analysis for various field strengths and diffusivities. It is shown that there exists only a narrow range of magnetic field strengths for which the system can achieve a nearly uniform rotation. The results are discussed with respect to observations and to the limitations of this initial approach. A following paper combines the effects of realistic baroclinic driving and stratification with a model that closely follows the lines of work of Gough & McIntyre.  相似文献   

We study the effects of incorporating magnetic buoyancy in a model of the solar dynamo—which draws inspiration from the Babcock-Leighton idea of surface processes generating the poloidal field. We present our main results here.  相似文献   

We propose a solution to one of the oldest problems in the solar-dynamo theory: explaining the equatorward drift of magnetic activity in the solar cycle. The well-known suggestion that the dynamo waves propagate along the surfaces of constant angular velocity is shown to be restricted to an isotropic medium. Allowance for the rotation-induced anisotropy in turbulent diffusion leads to an equatorward deviation of the wave phase velocity from the isorotational surface. Estimates for the dynamo waves are illustrated with two-dimensional numerical models in a spherical geometry. The model with anisotropic diffusion also shows an equatorward drift of the toroidal magnetic field when the rotation is radially uniform.  相似文献   

Using simulations of isotropically forced helical turbulence the contributions to kinetic and magnetic alpha effects are computed. It is shown that for the parameter regimes considered in an earlier publication (Brandenburg & Subramanian 2005), the expressions for isotropic and anisotropic alpha effects give quantitatively similar results. Both kinetic and magnetic alpha effects are proportional to a relaxation time whose value, in units of the turnover time, is shown to be approximately unity and independent of the magnetic Reynolds number. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A model is presented for an accretion disc with turbulent viscosity and a magnetically influenced wind. The magnetic field is generated by a dynamo in the disc, involving the turbulence and radial shear. Disc-wind solutions are found for which the wind mass flux is sufficient to play a major part in driving an imposed steady inflow, but small enough for most material to be accreted on to the central object. Constraints arise for the magnetic Reynolds and Prandtl numbers in terms of the turbulent Mach number and vertical length-scale of the disc's horizontal magnetic field. It is shown that the imposition of a stellar boundary condition enhances the wind mass flux in the very inner region of the disc and may result in jet formation.  相似文献   

Estimates for the non-linear α effect in helical turbulence with an applied magnetic field are presented using two different approaches: the imposed-field method where the electromotive force owing to the applied field is used, and the test-field method where separate evolution equations are solved for a set of different test fields. Both approaches agree for stronger fields, but there are apparent discrepancies for weaker fields that can be explained by the influence of dynamo-generated magnetic fields on the scale of the domain that are referred to as meso-scale magnetic fields. Examples are discussed where these meso-scale fields can lead to both drastically overestimated and underestimated values of α compared with the kinematic case. It is demonstrated that the kinematic value can be recovered by resetting the fluctuating magnetic field to zero in regular time intervals. It is concluded that this is the preferred technique both for the imposed-field and the test-field methods.  相似文献   

The role of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence in the cosmic ray acceleration process in a volume with a reconnecting magnetic field is studied by means of Monte Carlo simulations. We performed modelling of proton acceleration, with the three-dimensional analytic model of stationary reconnection of Craig et al. providing the unperturbed background conditions. Perturbations of particle trajectories resulting from a turbulent magnetic field component were simulated using small-amplitude pitch-angle momentum scattering, enabling modelling of both small- and large-amplitude turbulence in a wide wavevector range. Within the approach, no second-order Fermi acceleration process is allowed. Comparison of the acceleration process in models involving particle trajectory perturbations with the unperturbed model reveals that the turbulence can substantially increase the acceleration efficiency, enabling much higher final particle energies and flat particle spectra.  相似文献   

We study the turbulent behaviour induced by the magnetic shear instability for a magnetized, incompressible fluid in a spherical shell. A differential rotation that is decreasing outwards but hydrodynamically stable according to the Rayleigh criterion is prescribed, and an external, uniform magnetic field is imposed parallel to the rotation axis. Our main concern in this paper is the fully global treatment of this magnetohydrodynamical system, so we focus particular attention on the influence of the boundary conditions. Non-linear, steady solutions are presented for stress-free as well as for rigid boundary conditions for one specific model with a fixed strength of the external magnetic field and a fixed differential rotation rate. We calculate the eddy viscosity νT and the viscosity alpha αSS resulting from the total stress tensor. These turbulence parameters turn out to differ drastically depending on the boundary conditions for the flow. An investigation of the radial structure of the viscosity alpha (whilst varying the differential rotation law) shows that the enhanced generation of turbulence takes place mainly in the boundary layers of the shell.  相似文献   

More and more observations are showing a relatively weak, but persistent, non-axisymmetric magnetic field co-existing with the dominant axisymmetric field on the Sun. Its existence indicates that the non-axisymmetric magnetic field plays an important role in the origin of solar activity. A linear non-axisymmetric  α2– Ω  dynamo model is derived to explore the characteristics of the axisymmetric  ( m = 0)  and the first non-axisymmetric  ( m = 1)  modes and to provide a theoretical basis with which to explain the 'active longitude', 'flip-flop' and other non-axisymmetric phenomena. The model consists of an updated solar internal differential rotation, a turbulent diffusivity varying with depth, and an α-effect working at the tachocline in a rotating spherical system. The difference between the  α2–Ω  and the  α–Ω  models and the conditions that favour the non-axisymmetric modes under solar-like parameters are also presented.  相似文献   

The effects of uniform horizontal shear on a stably stratified layer of gas is studied. The system is initially destabilized by a magnetically buoyant flux tube pointing in the cross‐stream direction. The shear amplifies the initial field to Lundquist numbers of about 200–400, but then its value drops to about 100–300, depending on the value of the sub‐adiabatic gradient. The larger values correspond to cases where the stratification is strongly stable and nearly isothermal. At the end of the runs the magnetic field is nearly axisymmetric, i.e. uniform in the streamwise direction. In view of Cowling's theorem the sustainment of the field remains a puzzle and may be due to subtle numerical effects that have not yet been identified in detail. In the final state the strength of the magnetic field decreases with height in such a way that the field is expected to be unstable. Low amplitude oscillations are seen in the vertical velocity even at late times, suggesting that they might be persistent (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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