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Comparing absolute proper motions of stars obtained by different methods from observations with the Tautenburg Schmidt telescope (134/200/400), the Kiev long focus astrograph (40/550) and the Pulkovo normal astrograph (33/350) the external accuracy of the Tautenburg absolute proper motions was examined. It agrees well with the Tautenburg internal accuracy which is known from earlier investigations as 0″.7 per century. That accuracy was now achieved for all AGK3 stars in the M33 field including the bright stars from 7m to 10m.  相似文献   

We measured relative proper motions with a typical accuracy of 1.0 milliarcsec/year (mas/a) for 2000 stars in a 1°4 × 1°4 field around the low-latitude globular cluster NGC 6934. Four plates taken with the Bonn double refractor, spanning an epoch difference of 62 years, were digitized completely. Within the tidal radius of the cluster, we find 106 stars with proper motion errors less than 5 mas/a. Membership probalilities are computed taking into account the individual proper motion errors and the radial distances to the cluster centre. We derive the mean relative proper motion of NGC 6934 using stars with high membership probabilities from radial velocities (Smith and Bell 1986) or from their location in the colour-magnitude diagram (Harris and Racine 1973). The relative proper motions of four Hipparcos stars in the field will be used to obtain the absolute proper motion of NGC 6934 once the extragalactically calibrated Hipparcos Output Catalogue is available.  相似文献   

The PUL2 catalog has been photographically compiled in Pulkovo according to Deutch's plan. The catalog contains the mean coordinates of stars in the ICRS system at epoch J2000.0 and their original absolute proper motions. The photographic observations were performed with a normal astrograph. The first and second epochs of the photographic plates are 1937–1965 and 1969–1986, respectively. The PUL2 fields uniformly cover the northern sky. The mean difference between the epochs is 24 years. At least three pairs of plates are available for each field. There are one-hour and five-minute exposures on all plates. One pair of plates was taken with a diffraction grating. Only bright reference stars were measured on the pairs of plates with a grating. Based on a reduction model with six constants and using faint (\(15\mathop m\limits_. 2\)) reference stars, we determined the relative proper motions of the stars. We used ~700 galaxies for absolutization. The mean errors in the relative proper motions of the PUL2 stars are 5.5 mas yr?1 (milliarcseconds per year) in μα cos δ and 5.9 mas yr?1 in μδ. When using galaxies, the mean absolutization error is 7.9 mas yr?1 in both coordinates. By comparing the PUL2 and HIPPARCOS catalogs, we determined the components of the residual rotation vector ω for HIPPARCOS relative to the extragalactic (equatorial) coordinate system: ωx,y,z=(?0.98, ?0.03, ?1.66)±(0.47, 0.38, 0.42) mas yr?1. The mean error of one absolute proper motion of a bright PUL2 star in external convergence is 9 mas yr?1 in both coordinates.  相似文献   

Proper motions of the stars of the Astrographic Catalogue are being derived, using the Hubble Space Telecope Guide Star Catalogue as second epoch. Results on the San Fernando and Cordoba AC zones are presented. Identification with GSC stars (i.e. determination of proper motion) was successful for 97 percent of all AC stars. Comparison of the proper motions thus derived with those of Preliminary PPM South shows that the accuracy is about 0.8 to 0.9 arcsec per century. Thus we can derive proper motions for about 4 million stars, with an accuracy higher than that of the SAO Catalogue.  相似文献   

We present a new luminosity–colour relation based on trigonometric parallaxes for thin-disc main-sequence stars in Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) photometry. We matched stars from the newly reduced Hipparcos catalogue with the ones taken from Two-Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) All-Sky Catalogue of Point Sources, and applied a series of constraints, i.e. relative parallax errors  (σπ/π≤ 0.05)  , metallicity  (−0.30 ≤[M/H]≤ 0.20 dex)  , age  (0 ≤ t ≤ 10 Gyr)  and surface gravity  (log  g > 4)  , and obtained a sample of thin-disc main-sequence stars. Then, we used our previous transformation equations ( Bilir et al. 2008a ) between SDSS and 2MASS photometries and calibrated the   Mg   absolute magnitudes to the  ( g − r )0  and  ( r − i )0  colours. The transformation formulae between 2MASS and SDSS photometries along with the absolute magnitude calibration provide space densities for bright stars which saturate the SDSS magnitudes.  相似文献   

The kinematics of Galactic C-Miras are discussed on the basis of the bolometric magnitudes and radial velocities of Papers I and II of this series. Differential Galactic rotation is used to derive a zero-point for the bolometric period–luminosity relation which is in satisfactory agreement with that inferred from the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) C-Miras. We find for the Galactic Miras,   M bol=−2.54 log  P + 2.06(±0.24)  , where the slope is taken from the LMC. The mean velocity dispersion, together with the data of Nordström et al. and the Padova models, leads to a mean age for our sample of C-Miras of  1.8 ± 0.4 Gyr  and a mean initial mass of  1.8 ± 0.2 M  . Evidence for a variation of velocity dispersion with period is found, indicating a dependence of period on age and initial mass, the longer period stars being younger. We discuss the relation between the O- and C-Miras and also their relative numbers in different systems.  相似文献   

We combined data from the Two-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) and USNO-A2.0 catalogues in order to derive the absolute proper motions of about 280 million stars distributed all over the sky excluding a small region near the Galactic Centre, in the magnitude range  12 < B < 19 mag  . The proper motions were derived from the 2MASS Point Sources and USNO-A2.0 catalogue positions with a mean epoch difference of about 45 years for the Northern hemisphere and about 17 years for the Southern one. The zero-point of the absolute proper motion frame (the 'absolute calibration') was specified with the use of about 1.45 million galaxies from 2MASS. Most of the systematic zonal errors inherent in the USNO-A2.0 catalogue were eliminated before the calculation of proper motions. The mean formal error of absolute calibration is less than 1 mas yr−1. The XPM Catalogue will be available via CDS in Strasbourg during 2010. The generated catalogue contains the International Celestial Reference System positions of stars for the J2000 epoch, original absolute proper motions, as well as   B , R , J , H   and K magnitudes. A comparison of the proper motions obtained in this work with the data of other recent catalogues of quasars was fulfilled.  相似文献   

The availability of astrometric data and radial velocities of carbon stars near the Galactic plane enables us to investigate the kinematics of the Milky Way,especially the rotation curve.The recently published Third U.S.Naval Observatory CCD Astrograph Catalog (UCAC3) provides the opportunity to test this problem using three-dimensional velocity in order to obtain more reliable rotation curves.We intend to study the Galactic rotation curve up to 15 kpc using the radial velocities and proper motions of carbon stars.The motivation for using UCAC3 is to provide high precision proper motions which have hardly been used in determining the rotation velocity of tracers.Seventy-four carbon stars and carbon-rich Mira variables toward the anti-center direction (90°<(e)< 270°,|b| < 6°) are picked up from the literature then matched with UCAC3 carbon star candidates to obtain their proper motions.A rigorous geometrical method is employed to compute the rotation velocity of each object.Taking carbon stars as tracers,we find a fiat rotation curve of 210 ± 12kms-1assuming/to = 8.0 kpc for the gaiactocentric distance and V0 = 220 km s-1 for the rotation velocity of the Sun.Due to the uncertainties of distances,the rotation velocities are more dispersed if tangential velocities enter the calculation,compared to those derived from radial velocities only.However,the whole rotation curve shows coherence with previous results.Increasing observation and study of carbon stars would be desirable in order to provide more homogeneous data for the kinematical study of the Galactic disk.  相似文献   

The absolute luminosities and homogeneity of early-time infrared (IR) light curves of type Ia supernovae are examined. Eight supernovae are considered. These are selected to have accurately known epochs of maximum blue light as well as having reliable distance estimates and/or good light curve coverage. Two approaches to extinction correction are considered. Owing to the low extinction in the IR, the differences in the corrections via the two methods are small. Absolute magnitude light curves in the J , H and K bands are derived. Six of the events, including five established 'branch-normal' supernovae, show similar coeval magnitudes. Two of these, supernovae (SNe) 1989B and 1998bu, were observed near maximum infrared light. This occurs about 5 d before maximum blue light. Absolute peak magnitudes of about −19.0, −18.7 and −18.8 in J , H and K respectively were obtained. The two spectroscopically peculiar supernovae in the sample, SNe 1986G and 1991T, also show atypical IR behaviour. The light curves of the six similar supernovae can be represented fairly consistently with a single light curve in each of the three bands. In all three IR bands the dispersion in absolute magnitude is about 0.15 mag, and this can be accounted for within the uncertainties of the individual light curves. No significant variation of absolute IR magnitude with B -band light curve decline rate, Δ m 15( B ), is seen over the range 0.87<Δ m 15( B )<1.31. However, the data are insufficient to allow us to decide whether or not the decline rate relation is weaker in the IR than in the optical region. IR light curves of type Ia supernovae should eventually provide cosmological distance estimates that are of equal, or even superior, quality to those obtained in optical studies.  相似文献   

A new method of determining absolute visual magnitudes of early-type stars, based on averaging Hipparcos parallaxes ( ESA 1997 ) inside samples of the same spectrum and luminosity (Sp/L) classes, is proposed. The used sample consists of 6262 unreddened and reddened OB stars as well as 430 Be stars of luminosity classes Ia, Iab, Ib, II, III, IV and V. The colour excesses of the reddened stars have been calculated using the mean colour indices, according to the SIMBAD data base and the intrinsic ( B − V ) values calibrated for given Sp/L classes by Papaj, Wegner & Krełowski . The values of the total-to-selective extinction   RV = AV / E ( B − V )  for all reddened stars were calculated from the published near-infrared photometric measurements. The calculated visual magnitudes MV of OB and Be stars are compared to those published by Wegner in Paper I, and the earlier determinations of Schmidt-Kaler. Generally, the new values of MV agree well with those given in Paper I, except those for O stars which are systematically brighter than the earlier estimates. The mean absolute magnitudes published by Schmidt-Kaler are generally brighter (except OB stars of luminosity class V) than those determined in this paper.  相似文献   

Gliese 29 is a 7 to 8 Gyr old, southern Population I turnoff star with a large proper motion of 1″/yr. Using recent direct imaging observations with the 0.8 m Infrared Imaging System (IRIS) of the Universitätssternwarte Bochum near Cerro Armazones in Chile, we demonstrate that the faint source 2MASS J00402651–5927168 at a projected angular separation ρ = 6.″35 is a common‐proper‐motion companion to Gl 29. Provided this source is not part of a further subsystem, the IRIS J ‐ and Ks‐band photometry either implies a spectral type of about L2, based on its absolute magnitude, or an approximate mass MB ≃ 0.077 M, suggesting that it may even be a brown dwarf. Assuming a face‐on circular orbit this faint companion orbits Gl 29 in 1880 years. (© 2016 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A proper motion study from Tautenburg Schmidt plates is presented for the globular cluster M3 and its vicinity. The plates were scanned with the Automated Photographic Measuring (APM) system in Cambridge (UK). A photographic B,V photometry and star counts on the deepest plates were carried out. With a limiting magnitude of about B = 21.4 proper motions with an accuracy from 2 to 3 mas/yr have been obtained for stars with B 19. The proper motions were determined using a stepwise regression method with 3rd order polynomials in the plate-to-plate solutions with about 2000 reference galaxies. The results which were corrected for systematic errors dependent on position and magnitude of the stars were used for the determination of membership probabilities. We also looked for possible internal motions of M3.  相似文献   

The absolute visual magnitudes, MV , of A–M stars are based on calculated Hipparcos trigonometric parallaxes. The sample used consists of 30 986 unreddened and reddened A–M stars in luminosity classes Ia, Iab, Ib, II, III, IV and V. The colour excesses of the reddened stars were calculated using the mean colour indices, according to the SIMBAD data base and the intrinsic B − V values calibrated for the given spectral types and luminosity classes by Schmidt-Kaler. The values of the total-to-selective extinction,   RV = AV / E ( B − V )  , for all the reddened stars were calculated from previously published near-infrared photometric measurements. The calculated visual magnitudes, MV , of A–M stars compare with the earlier determinations of Schmidt-Kaler. The mean absolute magnitudes published by Schmidt-Kaler are generally brighter (except for the stars in luminosity classes V and IV) than those determined in this paper.  相似文献   

银河系光行差,或称为长期光行差漂移,是由于太阳系质心绕着银河系中心做轨道运动的加速度引起的视自行效应,量级大约为5μas·yr~(-1).在21世纪之前,由于观测精度尚未达到如此高的程度,人们很少讨论银河系光行差效应.随着甚长基线干涉(Very Long Baseline Interferometer,VLBI)在基本天文学中的广泛应用和欧洲空间局(European Space Agency,ESA)的第2代微角秒天体测量卫星Gaia的问世,该效应显得逐渐重要.由于河外源的分布不均匀,银河系光行差效应会使得河外源天球参考架缓慢旋转,进而需要修正地球岁差参数,其中岁差速率的改正值大约为1μas·yr~(-1).对于微角秒精度的VLBI和Gaia参考架,银河系光行差将会引起框架扭曲,在两者的连接过程中,也是必须考虑的系统效应.  相似文献   

Parallaxes for 581 bright K giants have been determined using the Hipparcos satellite. We combine the trigonometric parallaxes with ground-based photometric data to determine the K giant absolute magnitudes. For all these giants, absolute magnitude estimates can also be made using the intermediate-band photometric David Dunlop Observatory (DDO) system. We compare the DDO absolute magnitudes with the very accurate Hipparcos absolute magnitudes, finding various systematic offsets in the DDO system. These systematic effects can be corrected, and we provide a new calibration of the DDO system allowing absolute magnitude to be determined with an accuracy of 0.35 mag in the range 2 >  M v  > −1. The new calibration performs well when tested on K giants with DDO photometry in a selection of low-reddening open clusters with well-measured distance moduli.  相似文献   

Hipparcos satellite parallaxes for 22 metal-poor field horizontal branch stars with V 0<9 are used to derive their absolute magnitude. The weighted mean value is MV =+0.69±0.10 for an average metallicity of [Fe/H]=−1.41; a somewhat brighter average magnitude of MV =+0.60±0.12 for an average metallicity of [Fe/H]=−1.51 is obtained by eliminating HD 17072, which might be on the first ascent of the giant branch rather than on the horizontal branch. The present values agree with the determinations based on proper motions and application of the Baade–Wesselink method to field RR Lyraes; they are 0.1–0.2 mag fainter than those based on calibration of cluster distances obtained by using local subdwarfs and on alternative distance calibrators for the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). The possibility that there is a real difference between the luminosity of the horizontal branch for clusters and the field is briefly commented on.  相似文献   

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