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Calculation of stationary distributions of the most important plasma parameters (particle energy, density, field-aligned and transversal pressure) is performed for a model magnetotail plasma sheet which is formed by convecting plasma mantle particles injected into the closed geomagnetic field line tubes. Computations have been done for two convection models: (i) a model of completely adiabatic particle motion with conservation of the first two invariants and (ii) a model with a strong pitch-angle diffusion which maintains isotropy. It is found that in both cases the heating and compression of the plasma are somewhat more effective than is necessary to account for the observed gradients of magnetic field in the magnetospheric tail. A leakage of accelerated particles through the dawn and dusk edges of the plasma sheet is proposed as a possible mechanism for maintenance of stationary convection in the magnetotail. The question of the dependence of the stationary magnetotail parameters on the solar wind state is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

An interpretation of the stable trapping boundaries of energetic electrons and protons during quiet periods is given basing on a realistic magnetospheric magnetic field model. Particle losses are explained in terms of an ionospheric and drift loss cone filling due to a non-adiabatic pitch-angle scattering in the nightside magnetotail current sheet. The proposed mechanism is shown to provide a good agreement of the observed and calculated positions of the energetic particle trapping boundaries, as well as their energy dependence. The obtained results can be applied as a tool for investigating the magnetospheric magnetic field structure using the particle data of low-altitude satellites.  相似文献   

An investigation of pitch-angle scattering of energetic particles in magnetic field configurations with a current sheet similar to that observed in the geomagnetotail has been performed. The magnetic field model is specified by two parameters which are the current sheet thickness in units of particle gyroradius and the angle between the magnetic field lines and the sheet plane. Computations of a considerable number of trajectories (about 20,000 for each model case) has provided the possibility of obtaining the matrix of pitch-angle scattering and the corresponding kernel function of the integral equation for the stationary particle distribution function. Solution of this equation shows that isotropic distributions are formed only in the case of a sufficiently thick current sheet. Particle scattering in a thin field reversal region leads to the formation of an anisotropic stationary distribution. The results can be used for interpretation of the data on the spatial distribution of energetic particle fluxes in the near part of the magnetospheric tail and in the vicinity of the outer boundary of the radiation belt.  相似文献   

A time-dependent model of the effect of a parallel electric field on particle precipitation from a closed field-line has been constructed and the results are presented. A pattern of field-aligned pitch-angle distributions and energy peaks develops rapidly and then persists unchanged in shape while the intensity decreases for a time of the order of the bounce period of the energetic particles. It is shown that the structures in velocity space are created by the juxtaposition of particles from different source populations. Four sources are found to be sufficient to reproduce the principal features observed frequently by rockets and satellites. They are, a trapped plasma sheet distribution, a loss-cone partially filled by pitch-angle diffusion at the equator, cold ionospheric plasma which has flowed outward along the field line and particles backscattered from the precipitation into the atmosphere.The model develops density gradients and discontinuities far sharper than any observed, so that any parallel electric field actually occurring in an aurora must be accompanied by strong wave-particle interactions either as part of the accelerating mechanism or as a result of the density gradients produced by it.  相似文献   

Reconnection involves singular lines called X-lines on the day and night sides of the magnetosphere, and the reconnection rate is proportional to the component of the electric field along the X-line. Although there is some indirect support for this model, nevertheless direct support is totally lacking. However, there are two distinct pieces of clearly contradictory observational evidence on the dayside. First is the failure to account for the implied energy dissipation by the magnetopause current, over 1011 W, which should be easily observable as heating or enhanced flow of the plasma near the magnetopause. In marked contrast to this prediction, HEOS-2 satellite data reveal a plasma with decreased energy density and reduced flow. Second, the boundary of closed magnetic field lines is in the wrong location. In the reconnection process the plasma outflow would cut across open field lines toward higher latitudes; there should be a band of open field lines equatorward of the cleft. Observations of trapped energetic particles indicate closed field lines within the entry layer and cleft. Either one of these pieces of evidence is sufficient by itself to require drastic revision, even rejection, of the reconnection model. There is also contradictory evidence on the night side. The last closed field line capable of trapping energetic particles is poleward of auroral arcs. The implication is that the X-line is at the distant magnetopause, and not in the plasma sheet. Consequently, even if the reconnection process were operative at the nightside X-line, it would be isolated from steady state plasma sheet and auroral processes. On the other hand, substorm phenomena, in which stored magnetic energy is converted into particle kinetic energy, necessarily involve an induced electric field; that is excluded in theories of the reconnection process in which it is assumed that curl E = 0. Nevertheless, the observed easy access of energetic solar flare particles to the polar caps, and especially the preservation of interplanetary anisotropies as differences between the two polar caps, argues strongly for an open magnetosphere, with interconnection between geomagnetic and inter-planetary magnetic field lines. It is suggested that the resolution of this apparent paradox involves electric fields parallel to the magnetic field lines somewhere on the dawn and dusk sides of the magnetosphere, with an equipotential dayside magnetopause.  相似文献   

Energetic particle response in electromagnetic fields of ULF HM-waves in the magnetosphere is reviewed. Pc4–5 geomagnetic pulsations observed at the synchronous altitude are classified into three types, in respect to their major magnetic field polarization in different directions, local time dependence, and different characteristics of accompanied flux modulations of energetic particles, i.e., two nearly transverse waves with the azimuthal and the radial polarization, and the compressional stormtime pulsations. Firstly, we formulate the drift kinetic theory of particle flux modulations under the constraint of the magnetic moment conservation. A generalized energy integral of the particle motion interacting with a ULF-wave with the three-dimensional structure propagating to the azimuthal direction is obtained in the L-shell coordinate of a mirror magnetic field. Its linearized form is reduced to the same form as the previously derived energy change, including the bounce-drift resonant interaction. It is shown that the perturbed guiding center distribution function of energetic particles consists of four contributions, the adiabatic mirror effect corresponding to pitch-angle change, the kinetic effects due to energy change and the accompanying L-shell displacement, and the bounceaveraged drift phase bunching. Secondly, the basic HM-wave modes constitutingcoupling ULF oscillations in non-uniform plasmas are discussed in different models of approach for different plasma states. The diamagnetic drift Alfvén wave and the compressional drift wave with a larger azimuthal mode number in a high-beta plasma are candidates for the stormtimes pulsations. The former is intrinsically a guided localized mode, while the latter is a non-localized mode. By making use of the above preparation, we apply the developed drift kinetic theory to interpret the phase relationships between the ion flux modulation and the geomagnetic pulsation in some selected examples of observations, demonstrating a fair agreement in theoretical results with the observations.  相似文献   

Some new ideas on the interaction of the solar wind with the magnetosphere are brought forward. The mechanism of reflection of charged particles at the magnetopause is examined. It is shown that in general the reflection is not specular but that a component of momentum of the particle parallel to the magnetopause changes. A critical angle is derived such that particles whose trajectories make an angle less than it with the magnetopause enter the magnetosphere freely, so transferring their forward momentum to it. Spatially or temporally non-uniform entry of charged particles into the magnetosphere causes electric fields parallel to the magnetopause which either allow the free passage of solar wind across it or vacuum reconnection to the interplanetary magnetic field depending on the direction of the latter. These electric fields can be discharged in the ionosphere and so account qualitatively for the dayside agitation of the geomagnetic field observed on the polar caps. The solar wind wind plasma which enters the magnetosphere creates (1) a dawn-dusk electric field across the tail (2) enough force to account for the geomagnetic tail and (3) enough current during disturbed times to account for the auroral electrojets. The entry of solar wind plasma across the magnetosphere and connection of the geomagnetic to interplanetary field can be assisted by wind generated electric field in the ionosphere transferred by the good conductivity along the geomagnetic field to the magnetopause. This may account for some of the observed correlations between phenomena in the lower atmosphere and a component of magnetic disturbance.  相似文献   

The study of VLF waves at ground based stations is an important source of information on particles trapped in the magnetosphere. By various techniques it is also possible to measure plasma densities, electric fields and monitor energetic particle injection. By studying the propagation of waves beneath the ionosphere it is possible to study particle precipitation from the magnetosphere. In this paper we summarise some of the techniques and results obtained from the study of VLF waves at the South African research station in Antarctica.  相似文献   

A mechanism is presented whereby the rate of energy dissipation in the magnetosphere is controlled by the particle density in the plasma sheet in the near geomagnetic tail. The mechanism is based on a model in which the plasma sheet is sustained by injection of solar-wind particles into the dayside magnetosphere. The efficiency of the injection is controlled by solarwind parameters, in particular, the north-south component of the interplanetary magnetic field; the maximum injection rate occurs when the interplanetary field is northward. During geomagnetically quiet times, this source balances the loss of particles from the edges of the tail current sheet. If the dayside source rate is reduced (e.g. by a southward-turning interplanetary magnetic field), then the plasma sheet is depleted and the rate of magnetic merging is enhanced in the earthward portion of the tail current sheet. This period of steadily-enhanced merging is associated with the growth phase, i.e. the period of enhanced magnetospheric convection for about one hour preceding the breakup of a polar magnetic or auroral substorm. The breakup can be understood as the result of the collapse of a portion of the tail current sheet following the local depletion of the plasma sheet.  相似文献   

The Earth's magnetosphere (including the ionosphere) is our nearest cosmical plasma system and the only one accessible to mankind for extensive empirical study by in situ measurements. As virtually all matter in the universe is in the plasma state, the magnetosphere provides an invaluable sample of cosmical plasma from which we can learn to better understand the behaviour of matter in this state, which is so much more complex than that of unionized matter.It is therefore fortunate that the magnetosphere contains a wide range of different plasma populations, which vary in density over more than six powers of ten and even more in equivalent temperature. Still more important is the fact that its dual interaction with the solar wind above and the atmosphere below make the magnetosphere the site of a large number of plasma phenomena that are of fundamental interest in plasma physics as well as in astrophysics and cosmology.The interaction of the rapidly streaming solar wind plasma with the magnetosphere feeds energy and momentum, as well as matter, into the magnetosphere. Injection from the solar wind is a source of plasma populations in the outer magnetosphere, although much less dominating than previously thought. We now know that the Earth's own atmosphere is the ultimate source of much of the plasma in large regions of the magnetosphere. The input of energy and momentum drives large scale convection of magnetospheric plasma and establishes a magnetospheric electric field and large scale electric current systems that carry millions of ampère between the ionosphere and outer space. These electric fields and currents play a crucial role in generating one of the most spectacular among natural phenomena, the aurora, as well as magnetic storms that can disturb man-made systems on ground and in orbit. The remarkable capability of accelerating charged particles, which is so typical of cosmical plasmas, is well represented in the magnetosphere, where mechanisms of such acceleration can be studied in detail. In situ measurements in the magnetosphere have revealed an unexpected tendency of cosmical plasmas to form cellular structure, and shown that the magnetospheric plasma sustains previously unexpected, and still not fully explained, chemical separation mechanisms, which are likely to operate in other cosmical plasmas as well.Presented at the 2nd UN/ESA Workshop, held in Bogotá, Colombia, 9–13 November, 1992.  相似文献   

The problem of pitch angle scattering in field configurations similar to those found in the geomagnetic tail has been studied previously by Tsyganenko (1982). Tsyganenko used a scattering matrix to map pitch angle distributions through the current sheet. By using numerical solutions of the resulting integral equations he showed for weakly non-adiabatic particles the Stationary Distribution Function (SDF) was isotropic. Using his procedure the SDF was found to develop anisotropies with increasing non-adiabaticity. The work presented here shows analytically that for any degree of scattering the SDF must be isotropic for a general planar field reversal. Computations of particle trajectories have been used to verify some aspects of the analytic work.  相似文献   

The empirical model of disturbed magnetosphere of Tsyganenko and Usmanov (1982) and the semi-empirical model of the storm-time magnetospheric configuration of Tsyganenko (1981) are used to find the critical energy for non-adiabatic particle scattering in the midnight sector. Computed values of Ecrit vs L are compared with the appropriate experimental data of Imhof et al. (1977). It is found that none of the considered models is able to reproduce the observed steep decrease of Ecrit with L. The steepest slope is given by the Tsyganenko model which includes a current sheet with the finite thickness. The current sheet thickness is a crucial parameter in the non-adiabatic scattering problem. In discussion we point to natural limitations of an empirical model as far as the current sheet thickness is to be determined. Imhof et al.'s data as well as some magnetic field data sets seem to indicate that magnetosphere models incorporating a thin current sheet and allowing for the thickness dependence on the geocentric distance would probably be closer to reality than the considered models, at least during higher levels of magnetic activity.  相似文献   

The trajectories of plasma-sheet protons are computed numerically in magnetic-field models which simulate the neutral-sheet-type configuration observed in experiments. No electric field is included, in contrast with the reconnection theory. Entering the neutral sheet and then exiting from it, the particle performs an ordered displacement across the tail. A continuous interchange between the neutral and plasma sheets will give rise to an electric current which may be responsible for the observed magnetic-field configuration. An estimate of this current is made from the tension balance requirement, showing that a substantial anisotropy of the plasma-sheet pressure is necessary to maintain the steady state. It is shown that the neutral sheet itself can be a source of such an anisotropy, due to the non-adiabatic behaviour of protons. Other anisotropy origins are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

An apparent early recovery of the main phase of geomagnetic storms at the distance of the synchronous satellite is examined in terms of changing electric current distributions in the magnetosphere during magnetic storms. It is suggested that a rapid recession of the edge of the plasma sheet (after the advance toward the Earth during an early epoch of the main phase) is partly responsible for the early recovery. Relevant plasma sheet variations during geomagnetic storms are found to be in agreement with the inferred variations.  相似文献   

We investigate the transport process of electrons in the tail plasma sheet by convection electric fields, under the assumption of conservation of the first two adiabatic invariants. The variation of the electron distribution function, and hence the bulk parameters with distance from the Earth are calculated. The results show that the electron distribution has a pressure anisotropy with p/p< 1 in the plasma sheet. Finally, the effects of the pressure anisotropy are qualitatively considered in terms of the modification of the geomagnetic field structure in the tail plasma sheet and instabilities due to wave-particle interactions.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment is designed to study the interaction of the solar wind with the geomagnetic field. Time-exposure and time-resolved photographs are taken when plasma hits a model Earth, and direct measurements are made of the magnetic field change, plasma density and electric current distribution. The shape of the magnetic cavity formed on the upstream side of the model Earth is almost the same as that calculated for the geomagnetic cavity. The charged particles, which penetrate the magnetic cavity formed on the upstream side of the model Earth with east-west asymmetry from the neutral points on the cavity surface, appear to concentrate towards the equator on the rear side of the model, forming a westward electric current belt within the magnetosphere. When the dipole axis is not perpendicular to the plasma gun—magnetic dipole line, the invasion of plasma is more pronounced at the cusp of the cavity nearer to the gun. Charged particles appear to penetrate to a greater extent if a uniform external magnetic field is applied parallel to the magnetic dipole than if one is applied antiparallel.  相似文献   

A nonlinear perturbation theory is applied to the problem of pitch angle diffusion of energetic particles in random magnetic fields. To keep the analysis simple, the discussion is restricted to fluctuation fields, consisting of Alfvén waves. It is shown that the failure of quasilinear theory at small particle velocities parallel to the average field can be overcome by a statistically exact treatment of the particle orbits in the first order fields. In fact, for spherical power spectra which, in addition, do not fall off too steeply with increasing frequency, the conventional perturbation theory also leads to formally convergent expressions for the scattering mean free path. These results are shown to be quite satisfactory, even in a quantitative sense. For more general physically realistic power spectra, however, a divergence-free diffusion theory is indispensible. A simple representation for the resulting pitch-angle diffusion coefficient is suggested.  相似文献   

During its inbound journey into Jupiter's magnetosphere, Ulysses had several encounters with the Jovian plasma sheet near the magnetic equator, which were related with intensity maxima in the energetic particles. We show for the first time anisotropies in three dimensions of three ion species (protons, helium and oxygen) in the energy range 0.24 < E < 0.77 [MeV/nucleon]. The data, obtained with the Energetic Particle Composition Experiment (EPAC) onboard Ulysses have been analysed by using spherical harmonics in three dimensions. We show that the first-order anisotropies of ions in or near the plasma sheet are strongest in a plane parallel to the ecliptic plane and more or less azimuthal with respect to the rotation of Jupiter. We show that the first-order anisotropy amplitude is larger for helium and oxygen ions than for protons in nearly the same energy per nucleon range. We find flow velocities for helium ions which are not consistent with corotation, but are larger by a factor of 2 in and near the Jovian plasma sheet on the dayside magnetosphere. In contrast for protons we observe nearly corotation. Far from the plasma sheet, at high magnetic latitudes, the flow velocities are less than corotation for protons, as well as for helium and oxygen. The azimuthal particle anisotropies are explained by intensity gradients perpendicular to the centre of the plasma sheet, by E × B particle drifts, and by nonadiabatic orbits of the particles near the Jovian plasma sheet. All of the three phenomena act in the same azimuthal direction, perpendicular to the mainly radial magnetic field direction. Each of them can be estimated, but their individual effects cannot be distinguished from each other. In addition, we find a radial component of the anisotropy which apparently is stronger for protons than for heavier ions. This radial anisotropy component is interpreted as a result of the radial outward displacement of ions in an azimuthally swept back magnetic field.  相似文献   

Voyager's plasma probe observations suggest that there are at least three fundamentally different plasma regimes in Saturn: the hot outer magnetosphere, the extended plasma sheet, and the inner plasma torus. At the outer regions of the inner torus some ions have been accelerated to reach energies of the order of 43 keV. We develop a model that calculates the acceleration of charged particles in the Saturn's magnetosphere. We propose that the stochastic electric field associated to the observed magnetic field fluctuations is responsible of such acceleration. A random electric field is derived from the fluctuating magnetic field – via a Monte Carlo simulation – which then is applied to the momentum equation of charged particles seeded in the magnetosphere. Taking different initial conditions, like the source of charged particles and the distribution function of their velocities, we find that particles injected with very low energies ranging from 0.129 eV to 5.659 keV can be strongly accelerated to reach much higher energies ranging from 22.220 eV to 9.711 keV as a result of 125,000 hitting events (the latter are used in the numerical code to produce the particle acceleration over a predetermined distance).  相似文献   

The longitudinal changes in drift velocity and bounce period are obtained using two theorems on magnetic flux conservation. As a consequence radial diffusion due to pitch-angle scattering is derived. The use of the same analytical model enables the comparison of this process with radial diffusion due to compressions of the magnetosphere. The two processes are competitive for intermediate colatitudes.  相似文献   

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