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This study presents the decay of a small palsa complex between 1996 and 2000 in Sweden's southernmost major palsa bog. The outline of the palsa was mapped during three summers in 1996, 1999 and 2000 and an automatic weather station measured air temperature, precipitation, snow depth, wind speed and wind direction between 1997 and 2000. The decay of the palsa was enormous in the dome–shaped part of the palsa complex: the height decreased during the observation period from 2.3 m to 0.5 m. In 2000, the palsa dome had almost totally disappeared: only some peat blocks in a palsa pond were left. The decay of the palsa was complex with a number of degradational processes, of which the main processes were block erosion, thermokarst and wind erosion. Thermal melting has occurred along the edges of the palsa and possibly below the frozen core of the palsa since 1998/99. Wind erosion was observed during summer and the maximum estimated deflation was 80 cm. The decay of the palsa dome was especially large between 1999 and 2000, probably due to a high mean annual temperature, high summer precipitation and the warming influence of the large pond surrounding the palsa. The present climate in the palsa bog with a mean annual temperature of −0.8°C is not favourable for palsa development and maintenance, despite a strong wind regime which can provide suitable conditions for snowdrift.  相似文献   

We studied multiple variables in a sediment core from Lake Kipojärvi, northern Finland, to investigate Holocene ecosystem changes in relation to catchment characteristics and known climate variations. We focused on a forested catchment because previous paleolimnological studies conducted in Fennoscandia focused mainly on subarctic lakes within a range of shifting treeline(s). Data on aquatic macrophytes, diatoms, Cladocera, C:N ratio, organic matter (LOI) and regional vegetation (pollen), revealed a three-phase limnological development. The early Holocene, species-rich, mesotrophic lake was transformed into an oligotrophic, species-poor aquatic ecosystem by the early middle Holocene, ca. 7,500 cal years BP, earlier than has generally been reported. The transition involved considerable changes in aquatic macrophytes. Changes in the Cladocera and diatom communities appear to have been linked to aquatic macrophyte development, which in turn, was probably regulated by catchment development and hydrology, and a consequent decrease in nutrient input from the catchment. During the more humid late Holocene, surface flow from the catchment probably increased, but the lake??s nutrient status remained oligotrophic. Possible reasons for low nutrient concentration in the late Holocene include: 1) slower biogeochemical cycling due to cooler climate, 2) a new hydrologic outlet and associated shorter water-retention times, and 3) accelerated peatland development in the catchment that affected water flow patterns and nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

We studied carbon dynamics on various surface parts of a highly patterned fen, typical in northern Finland, to examine the importance of different microsites to the areal carbon fluxes. The studies were carried out in June-September 1995 on a mesotrophic flark fen (an aapa mire) in Kaamanen (69°08'N, 27° 17'E). Wet flarks, moist lawns and dry strings accounted for 60%, 10% and 30% of the surface area, respectively. A static chamber technique was applied to measure the CH4 exchange, the instantaneous net ecosystem exchange (NEE, transparent chamber) and the ecosystem respiration (Rtot' opaque chamber) in several microsites. The static chamber results were compared with those obtained by the eddy covariance technique. The mean daytime areal net ecosystem CO2 exchange rate measurement in conditions where photosynthesis was light saturated (PAR>400 μmol m-2 s-1) varied during the measurement period from −59 mg CO2-C m−2h−1 (release) to 250 (uptake). The mean CH4 emission during the measuring period was 78 mg CH4-Cm−2 d−1 on the flarks, 68 mg on the lawn and 6.0 mg on the strings. The strings without shrubs (mainly Betula nana ) were in general net sources of CO2, even during the middle of the growing season, whereas the lawns, flarks and also strings growing B. nana showed a daytime net uptake of CO2. Areally integrated chamber results showed lower CO2 and higher CH4 fluxes than predicted from the eddy covariance measurements.  相似文献   

A temperature inversion in "Chinese Arctic Research Expedition 1999   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘宇  周立波  邹捍 《极地研究》2002,13(1):83-88
Using the boundary layer observation data collected by "Arctic Upper Air Observation 1999" in Chinese Arctic Research Expedition 1999, a strong temperature inversion in summer is studied. It shows that the intensity (6.3℃/(100 m)) is much stronger than the climatology average value in summer and winter. The temperature inversion took on a remarkable diurnal variation. The intensity of inversion gradually weakened from night to daytime.  相似文献   

Biologists have considered both winter coldness and temperature seasonality as major determinants of the northern limits of plants and animals in the Northern Hemisphere,which in turn drive the well-known latitudinal diversity gradient.However,few studies have tested which of the two climate variables is the primary determinant.In this study,we assess whether winter coldness or temperature seasonality is more strongly associated with the northern latitudinal limits of tree species and with tree species richness in North Amedca.Tree species were recorded in each of 1198 quadrats of 110 km × 110 km in North America.We used correlation and regression analyses to assess the relationship of the latitude of the northern boundary of each species,and of species richness per quadrat,with winter coldness and temperature seasonality.Species richness was analyzed within 38 longitudinal,i.e.,north-south,bands (each being >1100 km long and 110 km wide).The latitudes of the north-ern range limits of tree species were three times better correlated with minimum temperatures at those latitudes than with temperature seasonality.On average,minimum temperature and temperature seasonality together explained 81.5% of the variation in the northern range limits of the tree species examined,and minimum temperature uniquely explained six-fold (33.7%versus 5.8%) more of this variation than did temperature seasonality.Correlations of tree species richness with minimum temperatures were stronger than correlations with tempera-ture seasonality for most of the longitudinal bands analyzed.Compared to temperature sea-sonality,winter coldness is more strongly associated with species distributions at high lati-tudes,and is likely a more important driver of the latitudinal diversity gradient.  相似文献   

大气环流因子对北半球气温变化影响的研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
首先分析了北大西洋涛动(NAO)、北太平洋涛动(NPO)和南方涛动(SO)对北半球气温影响的空间分布特征。冬季大气涛动对温度方差贡献主要是在低纬和中高纬大陆地区及北太平洋部分区域,40°N以北大部分陆地总的贡献率达30%以上,热带3/4地区也在30%以上。近百年气温和大气涛动关系表明,三个涛动对北半球冬季、夏季和年平均气温的变化贡献分别达31.8%、2.6%和12.8%,也是以冬季影响最大。用大气涛动可以解释近20多年来气温上升的很大一部分方差,这说明可能在原有气温上升的趋势上,由于叠加了近期大气环流引起的气温变化,所以才形成了70年代末以来的加速变暖现象。  相似文献   

Plant growth at northern latitudes is highly responsive to the climatic changes that have occurred over recent decades. However, the sensitivity of the phasing of the seasonal cycle of terrestrial ecosystems to a changing environment remains less widely understood. We present an investigation and comparative study of large-scale changes in seasonal cy-cling of both land surface temperature and plant growth. Our results have shown trends in-dicating a marked increased towards overall plant productivity by ~3% from 1982 to 2005, reduced trends in seasonal variation at low-mid latitudes by ~2%, increased trends in sea-sonal variations at mid-high latitudes by ~7%, and an earlier phase in northern terrestrial ecosystems (~1.1 days) in parallel with changes in the phasing of surface temperatures at northern latitudes over the 24 years in this study. These shifts in annual cycles of terrestrial vegetation appear to have a distinct geographical zonality and are dependent upon latitudinal changes in climatic variables. More conspicuous changes in overall vegetation productivity and the seasonal phase of ecosystems have been observed in Eurasia compared to North America, largely because of a more rapid rise in temperature. Our results state that changing climate boosts plant growth at northern latitudes, but also alters the phase and seasonal variations of the annual cycle of terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

隆冬异常升温北疆积雪提前融化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年1月下旬中期开始,新疆北部地区出现了一次异常的升温天气过程,1月27日~2月4日的9d中,北疆各地的43个气象站中,有14站的日最高气温突破同期历史极值,其中伊犁河谷的新源的日最高气温上升到13.3℃,突破同期历史极值3.0℃;有19站的9天平均气温突破同期历史极值,占总站数的44.2%。1月下旬本是新疆北部的积雪稳定积累期,但是2007年元月下旬异常升温天气的出现和持续,使北疆地区积雪提前融化,到2月初,北疆的博尔塔拉蒙古自治州、伊犁地区、乌鲁木齐市等地的积雪面积明显减少,乌鲁木齐地区的积雪覆盖度仅为25.84%,比15年同期平均值偏少5成。冬季是新疆增温幅度最大的季节,在气候变暖背景下,冬季极端天气气候事件的出现也越来越频繁,隆冬季节的异常升温造成气温偏高,使北疆地区的积雪提前融化。这些变化将对新疆水资源的时空分布产生重大影响,对当地生态环境将带来难以估测的影响。在全球气候变化背景下,更加需要加强对新疆等干旱地区极端天气气候事件的监测分析及其对生态环境、经济社会发展的影响等诸多领域的研究,使社会各界以积极的态度来科学客观地认识气候变化带来的后果,及早提出应对区域气候变化的对策,采取切实可行的措施减缓气候变化带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the periodic fluctuation of precipitation at three meteorological stations (Atar, Chenguitti, and Akjoujt) in the Adrar and Inchiri provinces in northern Mauritania and its links with sea surface temperature (SST). Trends for these three meteorological stations were evaluated using the Mann–Kendall (MK) nonparametric test, regression analysis, and autocorrelation for persistence analysis. The MK test showed a significant decreasing trend for Akjoujt and an insignificant trend for the other rainfall time series. However, the decreasing linear regression trends were highly significant for the different time series. On the other hand, persistence analysis indicated the presence of a linear Markov type. The cycles found by power spectrum analysis ranged from 0.5 years to about 11 years. The possibility of a connection between precipitation in this region and sunspot numbers was suggested. SST of the Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, and Mediterranean Sea have significant cross-correlations with precipitation in the study area. The El Niño-Southern Oscillation effect was found to be marginal.  相似文献   


The northern Tibetan Plateau has been subject to recent warming far above the global average. With few instrumental climate records available for this region before the 1950s, paleoclimatic reconstructions must be used to understand annual-to-centennial-scale climate variations and local climate response to large-scale forcing mechanisms. We developed a maximum latewood density chronology of Qinghai spruce (Picea crassifolia) from the southern slope of the Qilian Mountains, northern Tibetan Plateau. Based on the chronology, we reconstructed August–September temperature for 1780–2008. The temperature reconstruction model accounts for 39.7% of instrumental temperature variance from 1957 to 2008, successfully capturing the most recent warming. Superposed epoch analysis indicated a volcanic forcing for temperature, resulting in pulses of cooler conditions that can persist for 2–4 years. Tree-ring data indicated that warm-dry and cold-wet climate combinations mainly occurred in northern Tibetan Plateau before CE 1900, and revealed a clear wetting and warming trend since the 1980s. Our study provides long-term perspective on recent climate change in northern Tibetan Plateau to guide expectations of future climate variability and aid sustainable development, and provides scenarios for climate change adaptation and inputs for climate models representing a broader range of conditions than those of historical climate records.  相似文献   

利用新疆策勒流沙前缘及绿洲内部的野外气象观测数据,运用同步对比与统计分析方法,分析塔克拉玛干沙漠流沙前缘及绿洲内部近地表0.5 m和2m高度之间逆温逆湿特征,揭示不同时期、典型天气状况下的逆温逆湿特征,为沙漠与绿洲内部的热量和水汽运移交换提供理论依据。结果表明:流沙前缘月平均相对湿度最大值出现在10月,最小值出现在4月,气温最高出现在8月,最低出现在1月。2011年7月逆温逆湿强度最大,逆湿日数占总逆湿日数的38.71%,逆温日数占总逆温日数的3.76%。逆温时间集中在傍晚19:00至上午10:00之间,逆湿出现在上午10:00至晚上21:00之间。绿洲内部月最低气温出现在2011年1月,最高气温出现在2011年7月,相对湿度最小值出现在2011年4月,最大值(74.91%)出现在2010年9月。最强逆温逆湿现象出现在2010年的11月,平均日温差3.48℃,垂直高度湿差达2.27%。总体上,在流沙前缘与绿洲内部,冬季的相对湿度整体上大于夏季的相对湿度,而气温整体上表现为夏季高冬季低,同一高度的温度与湿度呈现较好的负相关性。在4种典型天气情况下,流沙前缘与绿洲内部出现的温湿度变化和逆温逆湿特征变化趋势基本一样,但出现的时间上基本存在绿洲内部提前流沙前缘滞后的现象,但在晴天和扬沙天气下,逆湿在流沙地出现的时间提前而流沙前缘滞后。绿洲内部出现的逆温逆湿持续时间一般比流沙地持续的时间较长。  相似文献   

The ice shelves in the northern Antarctic Peninsula are highly sensitive to variations of temperature and have therefore served as indicators of global warming. In this study, we estimate the velocities of the ice shelves in the northern Antarctic Peninsula using co-registration of optically sensed images and correlation module (COSI-Corr) in the Environment for Visualizing Images (ENVI) based on Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images during 2000-2012, from which we conclude that the ice ?ow directions generally match the peninsulas pattern and the crevasse, ice flows mainly eastward into the Weddell Sea. The spatial pattern of velocity field exhibits an increasing trend from the western grounding line to the maximum at the middle part of the ice shelf front on Larsen C with a velocity of approximately 700 ma-1, and the velocity field shows relatively higher values in its southerly neighboring ice shelf (e.g. Smith Inlet). Additionally, ice ?ows are relatively quicker in the outer part of the ice shelf than in the inner parts. Temporal changes in surface velocities show a continuous increase from 2000 to 2012. It is worth noting that, the acceleration rate during 2000-2009 is relatively higher than that during 2009-2012, while the ice movement on the southern Larsen C and Smith Inlet shows a deceleration from 2009 to 2012.  相似文献   

Permafrost temperatures from the surface down to about 9 m from 3 boreholes distributed around Kangiqsualujjuaq village on the coast of Hudson Strait were recorded and analyzed for the period 1989 1998. The results indicate that the permafrost is getting warm along the southern shore of Hudson Strait from 1993 to 1998 though it became cooling for the past 40 a or more. The observed trend in the order of 0.098℃/a at the 9 m depth is consistent with the long term regional warming observed in air temperatures. It also coincides with that all the global circulation models predict an enhanced warming in polar regions associated with the increase in concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Ground temperature plays a significant role in the interaction between the land surface and atmosphere on the Tibetan Plateau(TP). Under the background of temperature warming, the TP has witnessed an accelerated warming trend in frozen ground temperature, an increasing active layer thickness, and the melting of underground ice. Based on high-resolution ground temperature data observed from 1997 to 2012 on the northern TP, the trend of ground temperature at each observation site and its response to climate change were analyzed. The results showed that while the ground temperature at different soil depths showed a strong warming trend over the observation period, the warming in winter is more significant than that in summer. The warming rate of daily minimum ground temperature was greater than that of daily maximum ground temperature at the TTH and MS3608 sites. During the study period, thawing occurred earlier, whereas freezing happened later, resulting in shortened freezing season and a thinner frozen layer at the BJ site. And a zero-curtain effect develops when the soil begins to thaw or freeze in spring and autumn. From 1997 to 2012, the average summer air temperature and precipitation in summer and winter from six meteorological stations along the Qinghai-Tibet highway also demonstrated an increasing trend, with a more significant temperature increase in winter than in summer. The ground temperature showed an obvious response to air temperature warming, but the trend varied significantly with soil depths due to soil heterogeneity.  相似文献   

1970-2015年秦岭南北气温时空变化及其气候分界意义   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
基于秦岭南北70个气象站点观测资料,辅以极点对称模态分解方法(ESMD),对秦岭南北近期气温时空变化特征进行分析,进而以日平均温≥ 10 ℃积温天数为主要指标,以1月0 ℃等温线变化为辅助指标,探讨秦岭山脉的气候分界意义。结果表明:① 1970-2015年秦岭南北气温变化具有同步性,呈现出“非平稳、非线性、阶梯状”的增暖过程,变化阶段可分为:1970-1993年为低位波动期、1994-2002年为快速上升期、2003-2015年为增温停滞期;② ESMD信息分解结果表明,秦岭南北气温变化以年际波动为主导,并未呈现出明显的线性增暖趋势;③ 在空间上,秦岭南北气温趋势呈现“同步增温,南北分异”的响应特征,即秦岭以北地区空间增温具有一致性,秦岭以南地区则呈现“西乡—安康盆地交界”、“商丹盆地”两个低值中心;④ 在气候变暖背景下,秦岭作为气候分界线的作用依然明显,但是南北响应方式存在差异。其中,秦岭以南,北亚热带北界沿山地“垂直上升”,汉江谷地热量资源逐年增加;秦岭以北,尽管以城市带为中心的增温区不断延展,但是冷月气温偏低的格局并未改变。  相似文献   

As sediment accumulation indicates basin subsidence, erosion often is understood as tectonic uplift, but the amplitude and timing may be difficult to determine because the sedimentary record is missing. Quantification of erosion therefore requires indirect evidence, for example thermal indicators such as temperature, vitrinite reflectance and fission tracks in apatite. However, as always, the types and quality of data and the choice of models are important to the results. For example, considering only the thermal evolution of the sedimentary section discards the thermal time constant of the lithosphere and essentially ignores the temporal continuity of the thermal structure. Furthermore, the types and density of thermal indicators determine the solution space of deposition and erosion, the quantification of which calls for the use of inverse methods, which can only be successful when all models are mutually consistent. Here, we use integrated basin modelling and Markov Chain Monte Carlo inversion of four deep boreholes to show that the erosional pattern along the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone (STZ) in the eastern North Sea is consistent with a tectonic model of tectonic inversion based on compression and relaxation of an elastic plate. Three wells in close proximity SW of the STZ have different data and exhibit characteristic differences in erosion estimates but are consistent with the formation of a thick chalk sequence, followed by minor Cenozoic erosion during relaxation inversion. The well on the inversion ridge requires ca. 1.7 km Jurassic-Early Cretaceous sedimentation followed by Late Cretaceous–Palaeocene erosion during inversion. No well demands thick Cenozoic sedimentation followed by equivalent significant Neogene exhumation. When data are of high quality and models are consistent, the thermal indicator method yields significant results with important tectonic and geodynamic implications.  相似文献   

基于北方地区404个气象站1960—2017年逐日最高气温、最低气温资料,应用线性倾向估计法、Mann-Kendall法、滑动t检验法、累积距平法和相关分析法,分析了极端气温的时空变化特征,并探讨了气温指数的影响因素。研究表明:极端气温暖指数和极值指数呈上升趋势,冷指数和气温日较差呈下降趋势;变化幅度中冷指数大于暖指数,夜指数大于昼指数,西北地区极端气温指数变化幅度最大,东北地区最小。突变时间上,极端气温指数突变主要发生在20世纪80年代和90年代,暖指数和极高值指数晚于冷指数和极低值指数,东北地区极端气温指数突变时间最早,西北地区最晚,突变后极端暖事件和气温极值事件进入多发阶段,极端冷事件进入少发阶段。1988—2012年极端气温指数的变化响应了全球变暖停滞现象。多数极端气温指数与经纬度、海拔高度显著相关。北极涛动(AO)指数对极端气温的影响最强,对冷指数影响最明显。气溶胶光学厚度与多数冷指数呈负相关,而与多数暖指数呈正相关。  相似文献   

北方土石山区坡耕地水土保持措施的空间有效配置   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
和继军  蔡强国  王学强 《地理研究》2010,29(6):1017-1026
坡耕地是北方土石山区水土流失的重要策源地,为了有效防治坡耕地水土流失,提高坡耕地持续利用,分析了不同水土保持措施在坡耕地上的适用范围,研究结果显示,耕作措施的水土保持效益随着坡度的增加而降低,在0°~6°的坡度范围内水土保持效果最佳;坡改梯工程的适用范围广泛,水土保持效益稳定,但在陡坡上实施坡改梯工程的难度和成本将显著增加,维护费用高,且土地的损失量大,不宜在土地资源紧张的贫困山区大面积推广;植物篱措施的水土保持效益受坡度的限制性小,在25°以下的坡地上都能收到良好的水土保持效果,且投资少,适合在在广大贫困山区使用。因此,根据北方土石山区的坡耕地的特点及不同水土保持措施最佳适用范围,坡耕地被划分为4个坡度范围分别进行水土保持措施的优化配置,即0°~5°平地及浅丘地采取以耕作措施为主进行治理,5°~15°缓中坡耕地采用以梯田措施为主、植物篱措施为辅进行治理,15°~25°的坡耕地采用植物篱措施为主进行治理,25°以上坡耕地必须退耕还林还草。  相似文献   

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