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An algorithm to predict the NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) distribution over Mongolia, which is based on a stepwise multiple linear regression analysis, has been developed using global precipitation data obtained from satellites and global surface air temperature data obtained from the reanalysis data during the period 1998–2005. This algorithm can predict the NDVI value up to 1–3 months in advance for a grid with a spatial resolution of 0.25° × 0.25°.In order to validate the algorithm, the NDVI distribution was predicted for the period from May to November 2006 using 1 to 3-month prediction algorithms. The distributions of the predicted normalized anomalies agreed well with those of the observed normalized anomalies. It was found that these algorithms were effective for arid and semi-arid regions, despite its low accuracy for August and regions with high vegetation activity.  相似文献   

A model study is conducted to examine the role of Pacific water in the dramatic retreat of arctic sea ice during summer 2007.The model generally agrees with the observations in showing considerable seasonal and interannual variability of the Pacific water inflow at Bering Strait in response to changes in atmospheric circulation. During summer 2007 anomalously strong southerly winds over the Pacific sector of the Arctic Ocean strengthen the ocean circulation and bring more Pacific water into the Arctic than the recent(2000-2006) average.The simulated summer(3 months) 2007 mean Pacific water inflow at Bering Strait is 1.2 Sv,which is the highest in the past three decades of the simulation and is 20%higher than the recent average.Particularly ,the Pacific water inflow in September 2007 is about 0.5 Sv or 50%above the 2000-2006 average.The strengthened warm Pacific water inflow carries an additional 1.0×10~(20) Joules of heat into the Arctic,enough to melt an additional 0.5 m of ice over the whole Chukchi Sea.In the model the extra summer oceanic heat brought in by the Pacific water mainly stays in the Chukchi and Beaufort region,contributing to the warming of surface waters in that region.The heat is in constant contact with the ice cover in the region in July through September.Thus the Pacific water plays a role in ice melting in the Chukchi and Beaufort region all summer long in 2007,likely contributing to up to 0.5 m per month additional ice melting in some area of that region .  相似文献   

基于2008、2010、2012和2014年我国北极科学考察期间在白令海获取的水文观测数据,结合历史共享资料,通过对白令海水团、上层海洋热含量、净热通量变化、风场及海平面气压分布情况等的分析,探讨了白令海水文结构的年际变化特征及其原因。研究发现,白令海夏季的水团包括白令海上层水团(BUW)、中层水团(BIW)、深层水团(BDW)和白令海陆架水团(BSW)。白令海温盐分布差异最大、年际变化最剧烈的情况主要集中在上层水团。对比4年水团分布情况,最明显的变化是2012年7月调查区上层海水温度偏低,2014年7月上层海水温度偏高。这种异常变化在热含量方面表现为:2012年7月调查区各个测站上的热含量异常低,而2014年7月测站上的热含量都高于平均水平。着重研究了2014年7月海温偏高的原因,认为是由于陆架和海盆区分别有两种不同的形成机制造成:陆架区累积净热通量偏高,海水吸收热量升温;海盆区在异常强大而持久的海面气压(SLP)高压系统下,海面负的风应力旋度得到加强,从而引起持续的暖平流输送及强烈的Ekman抽吸作用,最终导致了上层海水偏暖。  相似文献   

张光涛  孙松 《极地研究》2001,12(1):75-81
As a structure linking the ecosystem and population, community plays an important role in the marine ecology. Abundance of different species and development stages were used in our classification to the sampling stations with clustering analysis and multi dimension scaling, through which three geographic communities were marked out, respectively as following: the Salp community characterized by presence of Salp thompni in the northern area, the Near shore community by Euphausia crystallorophias in the south and the main ocean community located between the above two communities. Indicator species method was then carried out between every two communities to find out which species or stages differ most. It tells that Rhincalanus gigas , adult cheatognath, late stages of Metridia gerlachei and calyptopis of Euphausiidae are indicators between Salp and neritic communities, between Krill and Salp communities are Salp thompni , adult and larvae of Cheatognath and R.gigas , and the most notable indicator between the Krill and the neritic communities are E.crystallorophias , then nauplii of Euphausiidae and Onceae conifera with less evidence.  相似文献   

The evolution of estuarial geomorphological and sedimentary systems in the Late Holocene is considered using the river deltas along the Arctic coast of Siberia as an example. Presented are the stadial development patterns of the main morphogenetic types of estuarial systems for the period of stabilization of postglacial transgression of the World Ocean.  相似文献   

This paper firstly derived urban information from Defense Meteorological Satellite Program/Operational Linescan System (DMSP/OLS) data in 1992, 1996 and 1998 with the support of statistical data, and then developed three basic urban models of polygon-urbanization, line-urbanization and point-urbanization in urban agglomerations from viewpoint of spatial analysis. The conclusions are as follows: (1) Urban patch numbers in the Bohai Rim increased from 1659 to 2053 with an annual average increase number of about 66. Meanwhile, the small urban patches accounted for a larger proportion in the region and the patch density increased fast. In addition, the urban barycenter of the region showed a moving trend toward northwest from 1992 to 1998. Urbanization in the Bohai Rim in the 1990s is fast and obvious. (2) Urbanization in the Bohai Rim can be reflected by three basic processes, i.e., the polygon-urbanization around the big cities, the line-urbanization around the transportation lines and the point-urbanization emerging in large areas. Of them, the polygon-urbanization has been in dominance. It is obviously within an effective range of 3-4 km surrounding the urban patches. The line-urbanization and point-urbanization in the region was relatively small, both of which showed an obvious increasing trend.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Urban agglomeration is a system of cities, supporting by the modern transportation and information network in the system, these cities, with different characteristics, types, sizes and hierarchies, interact with each other, and one or two …  相似文献   

ThedistributionandstandingcropsofAntarctickrilinthePrydzBayregionduringtheaustralsummerof1991/1992and1992/1993ChenXuezhong(陈雪...  相似文献   

The summer diet of Little Owls (Athene noctua) in Minqin Desert Experimental Research Station of northwestern China was analysed. A total of 293 individuals representing seven species of rodents, one bird, three reptiles, two families of invertebrates and unidentified invertebrates were identified in 113 pellets and 29 prey remains collected during June and July of 2005. By frequency, invertebrates constituted 77.5% of the diet, mammals 17.8%, reptiles 3.8% and birds 1.0%. In term of biomass consumption, mammals comprised 93.7% of the diet, invertebrates 3.9%, birds 1.9% and reptiles 1.1%. The results suggested that the Little Owls were active at day and night and fed mainly on rodents and beetles related to the desert habitats.  相似文献   

Based on the Chinese 19th National Antarctic Research Expedition,we carried out ship-based Antarctic sea-ice observa-tion on icebreaker Xue Long using Antarctic sea-ice process and climate (ASPeCt) criteria during austral summer.Sea-ice distribution data were obtained along nearly 6,500 km of the ship’s track.The measurement parameters included sea-ice thickness,sea-ice concentration,snow thickness,and floe size.Analysis showed the presence of the large spatial varia-tions of the observed sea-ice characteristics.Sea-ice concentration varied between 0 and 80 percent and reached its peak value in Weddell Sea because of the specific dynamical process affecting in summer sea-ice melting.There are large areas of open water along the study section.Sea ice and the upper snow thickness of the section varied between 10 cm and 210 cm and 2 cm and 80 cm,respectively,and each reaches its peak values near Amery ice shelf.The floe size varied from less than 10 cm and the maximum of more than 2,000 km along the section.  相似文献   

Abstract In the Latnjavagge drainage basin (68°21′N, 18°29′E), an arctic‐oceanic periglacial environment in northernmost Swedish Lapland, the fluvial sediment transport and the characteristics and importance of high‐magnitude/low‐frequency fluvial events generated by intense snowmelt or heavy rainfall have been investigated and compared with snowmelt‐ and rainfall‐induced discharge peaks in the Levinson‐Lessing Lake basin (Krasnaya river system) on the Taimyr Peninsula, an arctic periglacial environment in northern Siberia (74°32′N, 98°35′E). In Latnjavagge (9 km2) the intensity of fluvial sediment transport is very low. Most of the total annual sediment load is transported in a few days during snowmelt generated runoff peaks. Due to the continuous and very stable vegetation covering most areas below 1300 m a.s.l. in the Latnjavagge catchment, larger rainfall events are of limited importance for sediment transport in this environment. Compared to that, in the c. 40 times larger Krasnaya riversystem rainfall‐generated runoff peaks cause significant sediment transport. The main sediment sources in the Latnjavagge drainage basin are permanent ice patches, channel debris pavements mobilized during peak discharges and exposing fines, and material mobilized by slush‐flows. In the Krasnaya river system river bank erosion is the main sediment source. In both periglacial environments more than 90% of the annual sediment yield is transported during runoff peaks. The results from both arctic periglacial environments underline the high importance of high‐magnitude/low‐frequency fluvial events for the total fluvial sediment budgets of periglacial fluvial systems. Restricted sediment availability is in both arctic environments the major controlling factor for this behaviour.  相似文献   

25年来秦俑馆旅游生命周期与结构变化研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
孙根年  薛刚 《干旱区地理》2007,30(2):283-288
将旅游地的成长看成是有生命的自组织过程,以1980-2005年统计数据,着眼陕西秦始皇兵马俑博物馆入境旅游、国内旅游、客源结构、人均消费及旅游收入的变化过程分析,从新角度探讨了旅游地的成长与结构变化的关系,丰富了对旅游地生命周期的认识。结果发现,秦俑馆入境旅游呈“扇贝型”增长,国内旅游为“主循环-再循环型”周期波动,入境游客在总游客中所占比例逐渐提高,人均旅游消费额不断提升,致使旅游经济收入摆脱了客流量生命周期的影响而得益延长,为我国国际名牌旅游产品从外延性客流量增长走向内涵型旅游收入增长提供了某些借鉴。  相似文献   

气候变暖的适应行为与黑龙江省夏季低温冷害的变化   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
方修琦  王媛  朱晓禧 《地理研究》2005,24(5):664-672
与气候变暖相联系的极端天气、气候事件及其影响的研究正日益受到重视,极端事件与气候变化直接相关,而极端事件的影响还与人类的适应行为密切相关。本文以农业对温度变化最敏感的黑龙江省为例,分析了变暖对夏季低温冷害事件的影响。结果显示,变暖后夏季出现低温冷害临界气温的概率减小;但由于人们追求更高经济效益的适应行为,在变暖的情况下种植更适应较暖气候条件的农作物,低温冷害的发生的频率和强度并不一定随变暖而减少,但作物单产期望值还是会增加。  相似文献   

Summary. A new method is presented for the direct inversion of seismic refraction data in dipping planar structure. Three recording geometries, each consisting of two common-shot profiles, are considered: reversed, split, and roll-along profiles. Inversion is achieved via slant stacking the common-shot wavefield to obtain a delay time–slowness (tau– p ) wavefield. The tau– p curves from two shotpoints describing the critical raypath of refracted and post-critically reflected arrivals are automatically picked using coherency measurements and the two curves are jointly used to calculate velocity and dip of isovelocity lines iteratively, thereby obtaining the final two-dimensional velocity model.
This procedure has been successfully applied to synthetic seismograms calculated for a dipping structure and to field data from central California. The results indicate that direct inversion of closely-spaced refraction/wide-aperture reflection data can practically be achieved in laterally inhomogeneous structures.  相似文献   

The correlations of the δ18Omax in the shallow ice core from the Guliya ice cap on the Tibetan Plateau with the global sea surface temperatures (SST) and height at the 500 hPa over the Northern Hemisphere were analyzed. The correlated regions on oceans that have a significant influence on the δ18Omax in the Guliya ice core are all located in ocean currents, or convergent regions of currents. They are the eastern Equatorial Pacific, the Northern Pacific Current, the Hot Pool in the eastern Indian Ocean, the Mozambique Current, the Northern Atlantic Current, the Canary Current and the Atlantic Equatorial Current. The δ18Omax in the Guliya ice core has negative correlations with the SST located in the lower latitudes, and positive correlations with the SST in the middle latitudes. The correlated areas at the 500 hPa that have a great impact on the δ8Omax are located in the subtropical highs over the mid-low-latitude oceans and the long-wave trough area over Balkhash Lake, where there are marked negative correlations between the heights in those areas and the δ18Omax. The influencing mechanism is displayed by the diversity of the vapor origins transported to the Guliya region. The strengths of the European ridge and the ridge over Baikal Lake have notable positive correlations with the 8180max. The two systems indirectly influence the vapor transportation towards the Guliya region by the adjustment of long-wave trough and ridge.  相似文献   

研究城市不同要素空间集聚水平与层级差异、明确城市各职能中心分布,对城市多中心空间结构的发展引导和规划调控具有重要意义。论文分别采用兴趣点(points of interest, POI)、夜间灯光和路网3种数据,利用局部等值线树算法,识别武汉市多中心空间结构。研究表明:① 武汉不同城市要素的总体集聚水平不均衡,其中在汉阳集聚水平较低,在汉口和武昌集聚水平较高,特别是二环以内区域;② 武汉中央活动区发展比较均衡,内部各城市要素高度集聚,随着向外扩展,部分城市要素易于在局部集聚形成城市中心;③ 结合武汉圈层发展布局,城市中心沿环线的“商-住-工”职能分布模式逐步确立,其中内环以及二环区域已形成稳定的商服中心;二环附近综合组团内部出现了较具代表性的居住中心;三环外的沌口和武钢主导发展工业,是典型的工业中心。  相似文献   

基于POI数据的西宁市零售业空间格局探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
高子轶  张海峰 《干旱区地理》2019,42(5):1195-1204
零售业是城市商业结构中最有活力的组成部分,合理有序的零售空间结构对促进经济的发展、提高资源的配置、满足居民的生活需求至关重要。POI作为新的空间数据源,能够客观地、准确地对商业空间结构进行识别和探究。西宁市位于青藏高原东北部,是连接青藏高原与中国大陆的重要门户。西宁市集中大量的人口,且存在有潜力的消费市场。基于POI大数据,运用核密度、局域Getis-Ord G^*指数、Ripley’s K函数和区位熵的分析方法,以西宁市为研究案例探究零售网点的空间分布特征。零售业详细地分为以下8种类型,分别是食品、饮料及烟草制品,纺织、服装及日用品,文化、体育用品及器材,家用电器及电子产品,五金、家具室内装饰材料,医药及医疗器材,汽车、摩托车燃料及零配件,综合零售。结果表明:西宁市零售业集聚区空间分布特征显著,呈现"多集聚、多核心"商业空间形态。密度等级由中心区沿交通干线逐渐向外围递减;高密度集聚区分别分布在水井巷附近街区、商业巷附近街区、祁连路—北禅路交汇的附近街区(北山市场)和以万达广场为核心的海湖新区。行业属性不同使得零售点集聚和分布变化表现出较大的差异性,与人们日常生活密切相关的业态零售点呈现社区化、微型化和便利化的特征,且区位选择性较大,如:食品饮料及烟草制品、医药及医疗器材和综合零售行业,而家用电器及电子产品、文化体育用品和纺织服装等行业区位选择尺度小,集中在特定的区域;基于道路数据构建的街区单元冷热点区域分布特征显著,它受城市建设用地扩张,人口密度,交通可达性和城市规划等因素的影响,海湖新区将成为最有发展潜力的商业区;在街道尺度,各业态零售业专业化功能区块显著,发展成熟的街道表现出多优势行业集聚特征,西宁市多业态集聚区域较少,只有人民街街道。这项研究一方面有助于填补基于POI数据青藏高原河谷型城市商业空间结构研究的空白;另一方面,为政府战略制定,零售商选址和城市规划提供一些参考。  相似文献   

通过分析中国第28次南极考察队于2011年12月至2012年1月在南极半岛北端周边海域获得的5条断面CTD观测温盐剖面数据, 进一步认识了该海域的水团组成和水交换情况。观测区域南部的鲍威尔海盆及周边深海区, 可以观测到保持了较显著高温核心的威德尔深层水、密度大于28.27 kg·m-3的威德尔海深层水以及温度低于-0.7 ℃的威德尔海底层水。周边陆坡上的威德尔海深层水则表现出因与周围水体发生混合而核心性质减弱的特征。在菲利普海岭、埃斯佩里兹海槽等复杂地形处, 观测到的对应于威德尔海深层水深度的混合与热盐入侵过程更为显著。威德尔海深层水能够到达南设得兰群岛以北的象岛东北面海域, 但是高盐核心加深至1 500 db, 并上覆温度基本不变但盐度随深度显著增大的较暖水体, 表明威德尔海深层水经历了不同的路径和变性过程。布兰斯菲尔德海峡中没有绕极深层水大规模侵入的迹象, 但是乔治王岛周边陆架上可能存在涡旋等中尺度过程, 会影响德雷克海峡与布兰斯菲尔德海峡之间的水交换。  相似文献   

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