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Various models, applied to the design of aeration tanks, trickling filters and rotating discs, are compared. The adequacy of the models is established from the minimal mean square deviation of the measured and calculated values of the effluent concentration of a pollutant. It is shown that at the oxidation of simple substrates of the glucose type Moser's model is an adequate model and Monod's model is a particular case of this model. If a single substrate has a large concentration, activated sludge or biofilm become “saturated” and the oxidation kinetics follows the zero order. As the processing of the results of some experiments showed, the classical Monod model and its extreme case—the first-order equation of a reaction—are not adequate to the processes of the oxidation of multicomponent municipal sewage water. Equations for reactions of higher orders are true for them. The rate constant of the first-order reaction correlates well with the effluent concentration-influent concentration ratio, i.e., it is variable and depends on the treatment conditions and, above all, it is inversely proportional to the level of treatment.  相似文献   

From January 1964 through January 1966, Dr. F.P. Ide and colleagues at the University of Toronto Great Lakes Institute (GLI) collected benthic macroinvertebrates from up to 63 stations during each of 16 cruises on Lake Ontario. This intensive survey was conducted at a time of rapidly increasing anthropogenic impact. Total invertebrate abundance decreased with increasing depth; this distribution was bimodal on the northern side of the lake, with peaks at ca. 35 and 80 m. Oligochaeta were more abundant along the southern than on the northern side of the lake, except in Humber Bay. The amphipodDiporeia was rarely collected at most stations near the mouth of the Niagara River. Chironomidae were most abundant in the Kingston Basin but were common throughout the lake at depths less than 50 m. Sphaeriidae were confined to water <100 m deep and were most abundant along the southern shore. When compared with the results of subsequent surveys of the deepwater zone, the GLI data provide evidence of two major shifts in the abundance of benthic animals. Numbers of Oligochaeta decreased by about 40% during 1965 and remained at the lower levels through 1990. The abundance ofDiporeia changed little from 1964 through 1977, but increased sharply between 1977 and 1981. These shifts do not appear to reflect implementation of controls on the discharge of phosphorus, or direct predation by fish. Changes in fish and zooplankton communities and inputs of toxic contaminants seem equally likely to be responsible for the shifts in the deepwater benthic community. We have proposed several predictions which could test the relative importance of biotic interactions or chemical stressors.  相似文献   

Volcanic prediction using slow motion tape recorders suitably situated near a volcano, produce good correlations when frequency analysis techniques are used with total energy from semi-continuous tremors, apparent explosions determined to disregard tectonic events.  相似文献   

The Hsingtai, China earthquakes of March 1966 were a series of destructive earthquakes associated with the Shu-lu graben. Five strong shocks of Ms ≥ 6 occurred within a period of less than a month, the largest of which was Ms 7.2. Body and surface waves over the period range from several to 100 s have been modeled for the four largest events using synthetic seismograms in the time domain and spectral analysis in the frequency domain. Data from ground deformation, local geology, regional seismic network, and teleseismic joint epicenter determination have also been used to constrain the source model and the rupture process.The fault mechanism of the Hsingtai sequence was mainly strike-slip with a small component of normal dip-slip. The strikes of the four largest shocks range from ~ N26° to 30°E, approximately along strike of the major faults of the Shu-lu graben and the aftershock distribution. The source mechanisms can be explained with a NNW-SSE extensional stress and a NEE-SWW compressional stress acting in the area. The major shocks all had focal depths ~ 10 km.The four largest shocks in the sequence were characterized by a relatively simple and smooth dislocation time history. The durations of the far-field source time functions ranged from 3.5 to 5 s, while the rise times were all ~ 1 s. The seismic moments of the four largest earthquakes ranged from 1.43 × 1025 to 1.51 × 1026 dyne cm?1. The fault sizes of the four events were very close. Assuming circular faults, the diameters of the four events were determined to be between 10 and 14 km. Stress drops varied from ~ 52 to 194 bars. A trend of increasing stress drop with earthquake size was observed.A survey of stress drop determinations for 15 major intraplate earthquakes shows that on the average the magnitude of stress drop of oceanic intraplate earthquakes and passive continental margin events is higher (~ 200 to several hundred bars) than that of continental intraplate earthquakes (~ 100 bars or less).  相似文献   

A total of 3086 samples, both marine (2916) and freshwater creeks/outfall samples (170) were collected and analyzed for enterococci during October 2002-April 2005, from 52 designated beaches in Oregon. A total of 3.2% (99/3086) of the samples at 21 beaches exceeded 158 most probable number (MPN)/100 milliliters (mL). The average enterococci levels of these 99 exceedances was 559 MPN/100 mL, with a maximum of 4352 MPN/100 mL (Otter Rock and Ona) and a minimum of 160 MPN/100 mL (Sunset Bay State Park, Bastendorff, and Mill). For marine water, 77/2916 (2.6%) exceeded 158 MPN/100 mL. For freshwater, 22/170 (12.9%) exceeded 158 MPN/100 mL, with a maximum of 587 MPN/100 mL at Sunset Bay. Sixty percent of the marine and 9% of freshwater exceedances occurred during the winter. Seventy-two percent (55/77) of the marine exceedances occurred after rainfall events (0.01-60.0 mm). At Harris and Mill Beaches, cumulative rainfall was highly correlated with bacterial densities, R = 0.7. Rainfall, at both beaches, explained about one-half the variation in log10 bacteria density (R2 = 0.5). Additional monitoring is warranted to further characterize bacterial contamination in Oregon waters.  相似文献   

邵志刚  李旖雯  王芃 《地震》2015,35(3):1-9
在1966年3月邢台强震群水准观测基础上, 本文首先对同震位移和数值模拟结果进行了对比, 认为邢台强震群发震断层浅层是牛家桥阳断层和永福庄断层, 深部发震断层是倾向北西的北东向断层; 然后以区域水准观测为约束, 通过反演给出了邢台强震群震前断层无震滑移、 同震断层位错和震后断层余滑空间分布。 结果表明, 震前显著无震滑移主要发生在3月8日6.8级前震的发震断层上, 而3月20日宁晋7.2级和6.7级地震发震断层深部同震位错相对弱的断层段, 震前也存在较为明显的无震滑移; 震后断层余滑主要分布在束鹿凹陷西侧的牛家桥阳断层。 从邢台强震群过程中断层运动时空演化特征可以看出, 强震破裂成核过程中震前断层无震滑移既可能发生于前震发震断层, 也可能发生于主震发震断层, 震后断层位移空间分布与同震位错具有互补性; 而震前断层无震滑移是否为有关震前前兆的真正原因, 是值得进一步深入研究的问题。  相似文献   

Summary This paper is an attempt to study the aftershock sequence of the Solomon Island as outlined by Benioff. Relaxation time and other parameters of this earthquake such as the strain, stress, length of fault break etc, have been calculated. Finally the development of the aftershock region has been discussed along with the frequency magnitude analysis of the aftershock sequence.  相似文献   

The International Data Centre (IDC) in Vienna, Austria, is determining, as part of automatic processing, sensor noise levels for all seismic, hydroacoustic, and infrasound (SHI) stations in the International Monitoring System (IMS) operated by the Provisional Technical Secretariat of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO). Sensor noise is being determined several times per day as a power spectral density (PSD) using the Welch overlapping method. Based on accumulated PSD statistics a probability density function (PDF) is also determined, from which low and high noise curves for each sensor are extracted. Global low and high noise curves as a function of frequency for each of the SHI technologies are determined as the minimum and maximum of the individual station low and high noise curves, respectively, taken over the entire network of contributing stations. An attempt is made to ensure that only correctly calibrated station data contributes to the global noise models by additionally considering various automatic detection statistics. In this paper global low and high noise curves for 2010 are presented for each of the SHI monitoring technologies. Except for a very slight deviation at the microseism peak, the seismic global low noise model returns identically the Peterson (1993) NLNM low noise curve. The global infrasonic low noise model is found to agree with that of Bowman et al. (2005, 2007) but disagrees with the revised results presented in Bowman et al. (2009) by a factor of 2 in the calculation of the PSD. The global hydroacoustic low and high noise curves are found to be in quantitative agreement with Urick’s oceanic ambient noise curves for light to heavy shipping. Whale noise is found to be a feature of the hydroacoustic high noise curves at around 15 and 25 Hz.  相似文献   

A detailed seismological interpretation of the strong motion records was attempted for the 1966 Parkfield earthquake, California. Velocity and displacement traces integrated from the corresponding recorded accelerograms were found most valuable in studying the earthquake mechanism and wave forms. A double-couple right-lateral strike — slip mechanism (along the San Andreas fault) is consistent with the recorded direct S-waves originating from the hypocentre. High energy arrivals observed on the velocity traces are interpreted as S-waves (‘stopping phases’) that originated at the termination of the rupture towards the south-east of the San Andreas fault. A double-couple left-lateral strike–slip mechanism is suggested as the cause of this rupture termination. From particle velocity diagrams of the stopping phases in the horizontal plane, the rupture length was found to be between 20 and 28 km. Corresponding rupture velocities are estimated to be 2·5 ± 0·1 and 3·1 ± 0·5 km/s. The inference from the strong motion records is that Love waves were more excited at the south-western than the north-eastern side of the fault, whereas the Rayleigh waves were more energetic at the north-eastern than the south-western side of the fault.  相似文献   

利用邢台地震台网的地震目录资料,研究了邢台地区强震前小震的“密集—平静”特点及其空间分布的立体图像,研究结果表明:(1)1966年3月邢台地区发生的几个6级以上强震前小震均有“密集—平静”现象,但明显程度随时间减小,部分4.5级地震前小震也有‘密集—平静“现象,但因出现在6级以上地震的余震活动背景上,情况比较复杂,相对平静期的长度,密集期中最大地震的震级均与相应主震震级之间有一定关系,一般来讲,主震震级越大,平静期越长,密集期中最大地震震级也越大。(2)3月22日7.2级主震前,小震的“密集—平静”过程在空间上有清晰的物理图像。3月8日6.8级地震发生后,3月20日在其余震区的两个端部中介质强度较弱的南西端首先达到破裂强度,发生一系列中小地震,对应于主震前的密集期。3月21日~22日主震前小震明显减少,是主震前的相对平静期,而且小震有由南西端向北东方向迁移的趋势。显示震区应力场在迅速地改变,应力由南西端向北东端进一步集中,并促使22日在北东端尖端部位失稳而发生6.7级及7.2级主震。3月26日6.2级强震前小震的“密集—平静”过程在空间上也有类似清晰的物理图像。此外,本文对大震前小震的“密集—平静”特点作初步的解释。  相似文献   

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