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This paper examines the recent policy announced by the Minister of Social Development that identifies a series of ‘Limited Employment Areas’ within which access to the unemployment benefit would be restricted. Drawing on Deleuze's ideas of striation and modulation the paper explores the intersection of governance, space, and risk that seems to be combined in the policy. The paper concludes by reflecting on the deployment of risk based on ontological claims about the spatiality of unemployment. In seeking to shape the decisions of benefit seekers, there seems to be an emerging mosaic of welfare provision as a direct consequence of governmental intent, rather than as a failure of governmental ability.  相似文献   

Nielsen, Bue: Employment and economic activities in the EC. Geografisk Tidsskrift 84: 62–69. Copenhagen January 1984.

Regional disparities in unemployment and economic activities in the EC in the late 1970'es. Various concepts of unemployment are discussed. The performance of regions and countries using different concepts are illustrated.  相似文献   

This paper examines the spatial implications of social-democratic policy transformation. It does so by exploring the political consequences of residential contextual unemployment engendered by a Labour government which had once been dedicated to maintaining full employment. Faced with economic crisis, as Przeworski's model predicts [Capitalism and social democracy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1985)], New Zealand Labour, beginning in 1984, abandoned its traditional social-democratic statist policies, including the maintenance of full employment, and allowed unemployment to skyrocket under its stewardship. This meant subjecting its supporters to significant contextual cross-pressures, since many residential neighbourhoods became characterised by both high concentrations of Labour partisans, and by those recently unemployed by Labour's new market-liberal policies. Using original survey data merged with New Zealand census data, empirical findings show that residual partisan loyalties and a lack of a major party alternative constrained respondents' partisan disaffection, while channelling their disillusionment into both minor party voting and systemic, governmental criticisms - likely fuelling New Zealand's drive for electoral reform and a new system of proportional representation.  相似文献   


Cultural ecology theoretical framework was found suitable to explain unemployment in agriculture in three villages in Bangladesh. Path analysis and multiple regression statistics were used to examine the direct, indirect, and total effects of eight independent human, social, environmental, and technology variables as well as their aggregate contribution on agricultural unemployment. The multiple regression model explains 86.2% of the total variation in unemployment in agriculture; they were followed by environmental constraints and labor saving technology variables.  相似文献   

Despite a significant period of strong economic and jobs growth nationally, there is well-established evidence in Australia that the proceeds of this growth have not been shared equally, either between places or between individuals. Empirically, it is well known that particular socioeconomic groups have a higher risk of unemployment and it has become equally well established that there are particular geographic patterns of labour market disadvantage that suggest that local geographic context is also important. What is not well understood are the ways in which phenomena at the geographic level are associated with individual-level characteristics and other social contexts in ways that negatively impact on a range of social outcomes, including unemployment. The present paper specifically addresses this issue by using a multi-scalar approach and using survey data from the Housing, Income and Labour Force Dynamics Australia (HILDA) survey and aggregate level census data to model unemployment risk. The paper argues that to better understand unemployment and to add to sound policy development, approaches that incorporate a variety of contexts, including the impact of local geographies, are important.  相似文献   

Cultural ecology theoretical framework was found suitable to explain unemployment in agriculture in three villages in Bangladesh. Path analysis and multiple regression statistics were used to examine the direct, indirect, and total effects of eight independent human, social, environmental, and technology variables as well as their aggregate contribution on agricultural unemployment. The multiple regression model explains 86.2% of the total variation in unemployment in agriculture; they were followed by environmental constraints and labor saving technology variables.  相似文献   

中国就业的空间模式及区域划分   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王振波  朱传耿 《地理学报》2007,62(2):191-199
就业问题是中国乃至世界的重大社会问题, 关系到经济社会发展的各个方面。对中国就业空间分布进行区域划分有利于国家流动人口的引导、就业政策的制订以及和谐社会的建设。利用2000 年中国第五次人口普查数据, 采用主成分分析、聚类分析和统计分析方法, 对中国2343 个县(市)、市区的就业结构数据进行分析研究发现: ① 中国就业形成了连续型圈层、非连续型圈层、跳跃式圈层、混合型圈层、多核心圈层、带状等6 种就业空间模式; ② 中国就业区可划分为东部沿海、东北、京津、中部、西部等5 个就业区, 其中, 西部区可划分为陕甘宁青川渝、云贵藏和新疆等3 个就业亚区。  相似文献   

Employment and Socio-spatial Relations in Australia's Cultural Economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the significance and contribution of Australian 'creative' industry activities in light of recent debates on the emergence of the 'cultural economy of cities'. First, census employment data and business location counts are used to illustrate patterns of metropolitan primacy and concentration in the cultural industries both across states and in Sydney. Second, the specificities of the locations of cultural production, and the links between cultural industry activities and wider urban-regional change are explored in more detail. A set of observations of urban-regional change is used to demonstrate how the notion of 'cultural economy' should include complex interactions between the material activities of consumers and producers, and the discursive worlds of image makers and place marketers. Urban renewal, housing market pressures and intra-regional migration all mediate Australian experiences of the 'cultural economy'. Such interactions, in addition to key quantitative data on employment and business activity, suggest important policy considerations.  相似文献   

北京住宅郊区化与就业空间错位   总被引:35,自引:3,他引:35  
北京从20 世纪80 年代末开始出现郊区化,其住宅郊区化特点尤为突出。北京市住宅郊区化的驱动力与西方城市的郊区化相比既有相似之处又有明显差异,相似之处是:都是城市化水平不断提高与社会进步的必然结果,以及土地有偿使用制度的实施和城市规划的引导; 不同之处在于北京的住宅郊区化是一种被动的郊区化,居民本身并不想离开市区,但是旧城改造与市区内高昂的房价迫使居民不得不到郊区购房。随着住宅郊区化的大规模发展,北京也出现了居住与就业的空间错位问题,这种空间错位虽然与美国郊区化过程中空间错位有许多不同之处,但在本质上是一致的,都是出现居住与就业的空间分离,造成低收入阶层通勤的时间成本与经济成本增加,导致交通拥挤、社会隔离等社会问题。  相似文献   

北京居住与就业的空间错位研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
宏观上将北京作为一个整体,借助于空间错位指数,研究1982、1990和2000年不同地域范围的空间错位情况;微观上,利用调查问卷数据分析边缘区居民通勤的时间、距离、方式及费用.研究发现,宏观上,北京市不同地域范围的空间错位指数及其变化是不同的,北京市20世纪90年代之前空间错位不明显,1982和1990年的空间错位指数(SMI)分别是3.13和1.98,此后以年均增长1.48个点的速度达到2000年的16.81;中心城区三年的SMI非常低且随时间缓慢增长,2000年时仍小于1;城八区的SMI在20年来不断增大且加速发展;同时就业远离居民、居民追逐就业,空间错位的强度取决于两者作用的强弱.微观研究发现,居民就地或就近就业的比例较低,超过50%的通勤者通勤距离在10~40 km之间且每天通勤时间超过1 h,通勤方式以公交、地铁和私家车为主,通勤距离和时间的增长并没有带来费用的相应增长,50%的通勤者每月通勤费用在100元以下.居住与就业的空间错位,导致通勤给居民带来的经济上的压力很小,长时间通勤带来的时间消耗及由此引起的精神消耗才是最主要的.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(4):344-364
Inadequate transportation has emerged as a major barrier to employment for welfare recipients required to transition from public assistance to employment under welfare reform. Transportation is a particularly daunting barrier for single women without access to a household car. This study uses multivariate techniques to examine whether nearby transit access impacts the employment outcomes of this population in Los Angeles County. Results show that the level of transit service near a recipient's home makes a moderate, yet statistically significant, contribution to increasing the probability of employment and transit use for work-related trips. However, recipients who use public transit face multiple problems, including overcrowding and infrequent service.  相似文献   

北京城市居住和就业空间类型区分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
基于2010年北京市工商企业登记数据和第六次人口普查数据,从分行业视角对北京市城区职住空间结构及其类型区特征进行详细实证分析。研究表明:北京市就业空间结构和居住空间结构均有3个主成分因子构成,其中就业空间结构包括综合服务业、流通地产服务业与二产、高科技产业等主因子,居住空间结构则由一般服务业、流通生活服务业与二产、科技和教育产业等主因子构成,且不同城市就业与居住空间主因子的空间关联强度存在差异。采用GIS分组分析方法可将北京城市居住和就业空间划分为5种类型区,即流通生活服务业与二产居住集中区、流通生活服务业与二产职住综合区、一般服务业职住综合区、职弱住强型科教优势区和职强住弱型科教优势区。分析发现,北京城市居住和就业空间结构形成主要受到历史力、市场力、政府力和个体力等因素共同作用。  相似文献   

中国城市就业结构的特征及其演变   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
通过对 1 999年全国 6 6 7个城市就业结构的分析可以发现 ,我国就业仍然以工业为主 ,金融保险、房地产等第三产业就业比重较低。城市规模不同 ,就业结构也出现差异。规模越大 ,采掘业、建筑业、工业就业比重越小 ;金融保险、科教、行政等服务业比重越大。而商业、交通运输业比重相差较小。我国城市就业结构具有一定的地带差异 ,东部地带工业、金融保险、房地产业相对比较发达 ,从业职工比重较大 ;西部地带城市交通、文教及行政等方面所占比重较高。近 1 0年来 ,我国城市就业结构变化很大 ,总的趋势是科教文卫、商业等第三产业大幅增加 ,工业、行政等行业增长较慢。通过对全国各种行业就业的频率分布可知 ,除采掘业外 ,其它行业多呈正态分布 ,城市专业化程度较低。  相似文献   

Spatial barriers to employment limit women's job opportunities, but their effects differ among racial/ethnic minority groups. This study evaluates the degree of spatial mismatch for minority women and men by comparing the commuting times of African American, Latino, and white workers in the New York metropolitan region. Using Public Use Microdata for 1980 and 1990, we perform a partial decomposition analysis to assess the role of spatial mismatch in lengthening commuting times for minority workers. The results show that African American men and women living in the center of the region have poorer spatial access to employment than their white counterparts. In the suburbs, African American women and Latinas suffer no spatial mismatch; rather, their longer commuting times reflect greater reliance on mass transit. Comparison with 1980 findings reveals little change in spatial mismatch over time despite significant economic and social restructuring in the 1980s. Spatial barriers still limit employment prospects for the majority of minority women living at the core of the region.  相似文献   

The relationships between poverty, population growth and government policy in the creation of poor sanitary environments in low income residential areas are discussed. In recent years, the implementation of structural adjustment programmes (SAPs) in Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries has had the effect of shrinking the formal/modern sectors and expanding the informal sector. While small scale informal sector activities have dominated Cape Coast's economic base for a long time, the contraction of the formal sector resulting from structural adjustment conditionalities has engendered a disproportionate growth of the informal sector. This paper examines the environmental implications on an urban economy (Cape Coast) dominated by informal sector activities. It shows how the low pay associated with available employment reduces the ability of the municipal authority to promote urban development especially environmental health on the basis of taxes alone.  相似文献   

我国就业密度分布的空间特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于区域密度方程和空间统计方法,利用2004年和2008年两次经济普查的就业数据对我国内地就业密度的空间特征进行了研究。结果表明,从就业密度看,由北京、河南和浙江连线而形成的"京豫浙"三角区是我国的高密度就业区,我国整体上正处于以"京豫浙"为核心的在空间收缩中密集化的过程;我国不同地区的局域就业中心正在快速成长,以集聚效应为主导,但扩散效应并存;未来,我国整体上以"京豫浙"和"中三角"为核心的就业集中趋势仍将进一步加强,中心-外围结构将更加明显。  相似文献   

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