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青岛市位于黄海之滨、胶州湾畔,是我国东部沿海重要的经济中心城市和港口城市,是中国历史文化名城和滨海旅游胜地。全市海岸线长862.64km,沿岸分布着49处海湾和69个岛屿,拥有滩涂375km2,20m等深线以内浅水域水面3255km2,全市管辖海域1.38万km2,比陆地面积大了约1/3,海洋资源十分丰富。进入21世纪,人类步入了全面认识海洋、综合开发海洋和科学保护海洋的新时期,沿海各地都纷纷调整了发展战略,把加快海洋开发作为沿海城市调整产业结构,促进结构优化升级,增强城市国际竞争力的重要举措。面对新的形势,青岛市将立足于海洋资源、海洋区位、海洋科…  相似文献   

青岛是我国东部重要的经济中心城市,近年来,我市大力实施依法管海、科技兴海和可持续发展战略,加大宏观调控和政策扶持力度,推动海洋经济持续快速健康发展,促进了青岛由海洋资源大市向海洋经济强市的转变,加快了由海洋科技城向海洋产业城迈进的步伐。  相似文献   

一、发挥资源比较优势,加快都市渔业发展步伐青岛市崂山区濒临黄海,位于青岛市东部,海岸线全长103.7km,辖大、小海岛15个,领海基线内海域面积3700km2,拥有国家一级和二级渔港各1处,群众渔港14处,优良海湾6处,可用于养殖的海域面积2万hm2余。海域广阔,水质肥沃,有水生动植物优良繁育的自然环境。海域栖息的海洋生物繁多,潮间带藻类有100余种,底栖动物300余种,鱼类119种,主要经济鱼类49种,为发展海洋生物增养殖提供了丰富的资源条件。全区渔业村27个,渔业劳动力2.2万人,占全区劳动力总数的23.1%,机动渔船2422艘,总吨位10113t。近年来,崂山区海…  相似文献   

发挥青岛独特优势加快海洋经济发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了青岛发展海洋经济方面的优势,查找了海洋经济发展面临的主要问题,并针对这些问题提出了加快海洋经济发展的对策与建议。  相似文献   

海洋经济与海洋经济科学   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
徐质斌 《海洋科学》1995,19(2):21-23
随着我国现代海洋开发活动的发展,“海洋经济”、“海洋经济科学”这两个名词已不再是陌生的了。但是,它所代表的概念,一直缺乏明确的界空,因而对其理解存在着若明若暗、见仁见智的情况。这不但影响着学科理论建设的进展,而且在海洋经济工作实际中,制定不出适于该领域的统计指标[1],给经济分析和评估带来困惑。因此,弄清这两个概念的内涵和外延,是非常必要的。1海洋经济1.1海洋经济的概念和分类所谓海洋经济,是产品的投入与产出、需求和供给,与海洋资源、海洋空间、海洋环境条件直接或间接相关的经济活动的总称。从多种角…  相似文献   

张世政 《海岸工程》2002,21(4):52-59
21世纪是海洋的世纪,青岛位于亚欧大陆和太平洋的海、陆交汇地带,又是中国重要的港口城市和山东省及沿黄流域主要出海口岸,先后被国家列为经济中心城市,沿海开放城市、计划单列城市和15个副省级城市之一。特别是迈入新世纪,青岛又成为北京承办2008年奥运会的唯一伙伴城市。这是一次难得的历史机遇,必需紧紧抓住机遇,以筹办水上奥运为契机,再塑青岛国际海洋旅游名城。  相似文献   

青岛位于亚欧大陆和太平洋的海陆交汇地带,是我国的重要港口和山东省主要出海口岸之一。全市辖6个沿海市(区),海岸线长730.64公里,沿海分布49处港湾和69个岛屿。管辖水域面积1.38万平方公里,大大超过陆上面积。海洋科技密集程度居全国之首。近年来,青岛市委、市政府把海洋产业列为全市国民经济新的增长点和优先扶持发展的两大重点产业之一,认真实施“科技兴海”和“可持续发展”两大战略,充分发挥自身的区位、资源和海  相似文献   

开发海洋资源.发展海洋经济,建设“海上苏东”.是江苏省一项重大的战略举措。到2005年,江苏省海洋经济发展目标是力争把全省沿海地区建成水平较高的海水养殖基地、重要的海洋制品加工基地、新兴的海洋科技创新基地。  相似文献   

合理开发利用海洋资源,是解决当今世界面临的人口、资源、环境等重大问题的主要途径。宁波市作为一个滨海城市,依托海洋发展经济具有悠久的历史。特别是改革开放以来,宁波的港口、海洋运输、海洋渔业等海洋传统产业得到了长足的发展,一批新兴的海洋产业——海洋生物、海洋化工、滨海旅游及海洋服务业正在崛起。海洋赋予宁波得天独厚的海洋区位优势  相似文献   

正Aims and Scope Being an international journal,China Ocean Engineering takes as its prime function the integration of new research concepts,equipment,technology,materials and structures and other scientific advances within the field of estuarial,coastal.offshore,and deepwater  相似文献   

正Aims and Scope Being an international journal,China Ocean Engineering takes as its prime function the integration of new research concepts,equipment,technology,materials and structures and other scientific advances within the field of estuarial,coastal,offshore,and deepwater engineering with particular reference to developments.The Journal is concerned with all engineering  相似文献   

正Aims and Scope Being an international journal,China Ocean Engineering takes as its prime function the integration of new research concepts,equipment,technology,materials and structures and other scientific advances within the field of estuarial,coastal,offshore,and deepwater engineering with particular reference to developments.The Journal is concerned with all engineering aspects involved in the exploration and utilization of ocean resources.Topics regularly covered include research,design and  相似文献   

Aims and Scope
Being an international journal, China Ocean Engineering takes as its prime function the integration of new research concepts, equipment, technology, materials and structures and other scientific advances within the field of estuarial, coastal, offshore, and deepwater engineering with particular reference to developments. The Journal is concerned with all engineering aspects involved in the exploration and utilization of ocean resources. Topics regularly covered include research, design and construction of structures (including wharfs, dikes, breakwaters, platforms, mooring systems, etc.), instrumentation/testing (physical model and numerical model), wave dynamics, sedimentation, structural/stress analysis, soil mechanics, and material research.  相似文献   

海洋环境监测与现代传感器技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文论述了海洋环境监测对传感器的需求,分析了现代传感器技术的特点和关键技术,概述了海洋环境监测化学和生物传感器的近期进展,最后对发展海洋环境监测现代传感器技术提出了建议。  相似文献   

海洋酸化及国际研究动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
全球海洋酸化是对海洋生态系统的最大威胁之一,其对海洋健康的影响已逐渐显示出来,引起世界主要沿海国家和国际组织的高度重视,美国、英国、德国、日本、澳大利亚、韩国等国家纷纷制定海洋酸化问题研究计划,研究应对海洋酸化和保护海洋生态环境的对策.有关国际组织召开海洋酸化问题国际研讨会,协调沿海国家的行动,提高行动的功效,全力以赴...  相似文献   

东印度洋现生浮游有孔虫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A brief morphometric study of the recent planktonic foraminifera in the eastern Indian Ocean was provided with the taxonomic key to species,synonyms,SEM microphotographs of shells and chamber arrays.By recent classification,currently 20 species representing 13 genera and 6 families(Canderinidae,Heterohelicoidae,Hedbergellidae,Higerigerinoidae,Globigerinoidae,and Globorotaloidae)identified from the planktonic material of the eastern Indian Ocean up to a depth of 200 m.Their distribution in water(0–200 m)also reports on the new range of expansion in the eastern Indian Ocean,with Dentigloborotalia anfracta,Hastigerina pelagica,Streptochilus globigerus,Globigerinella calida,Globigerinella adamsi,Orcadia reidelii,Tenuitella parkerae,Tenuitella compressa,reported for the first time in this study area.In general,only around 50 planktonic species are valid worldwide,more specifically the species,e.g.,H.pelagica,G.calida,G.adamsi,S.globigerus,O.riedeli,T.parkerae,T.compressa,which occur in the eastern Indian Ocean to fill the the paucity of the recent regional taxonomic literature and the problematic identification from the eastern Indian Ocean.This work aims to bridge this gap and help scientists,managers,educators and students to identify plankton foraminifers by using species notes and images.  相似文献   

对瓦尔帕莱索、彭塔阿雷纳斯、坎帕纳、新加坡和青岛的港口等空气微生物作了监测。这五个城市空气中的海洋性微生物及陆源性微生物数量(CFU/m~3)按大小次序排列均为:坎帕纳>青岛>瓦尔帕莱索>彭塔阿雷纳斯>新加坡。对空气微生物数量与气温、风速和相对湿度的关系作了初步比较分析后,认为适宜的气温及较大幅度的相对湿度有利于空气中微生物的增加:大风速、低相对湿度或高气温不利于空气中海洋性微生物的增加,本结果反映有关城市间空气污染的差异,坎帕纳的空气状况较差,对所得菌株作了初步分类,其中以不动杆菌较多,次为欧文氏菌等。  相似文献   

The established “island rule” and the recently introduced “separation formula” are combined to yield an analytical expression for the total upwelling into the thermocline in the Pacific. The combination of the two is achieved with the use of a hybrid model containing a stratified upper layer, a thick (slowly moving) homogenous intermediate layer and an inert lower layer. Both the upper and the intermediate layers are subject to diabatic cooling and heating (which need not be specified) and there is an exchange of mass between the two active layers. An attempt is made to examine the above analytical (hybrid) model numerically. Ideally, this should be done with a complete two-and-a-half layer model (with upwelling and downwelling), but such a model is much too complex for process-oriented studies (due to the required parameterization of vertical mixing). Consequently, we focus our attention on verifying that the separation formula and the island rule are consistent with each other in a much simpler, layer-and-a-half model (without upwelling). We first verified that the new “separation formula” provides a reasonable estimate of the wind-induced transport in an island-free basin. We then compare the wind-induced transport predicted by the separation formula and the island rule in an idealized basin containing an island. We show that in these idealized situations the two methods give results that are consistent with each other and the numerics. We then turned to an application of the (hybrid) two-and-a-half layer model to the Pacific where, in contrast to the idealized layer-and-a-half models (where the two methods address the same water mass), the two methods address two different water masses. While the separation formula addresses only thermocline water (σθ<26.20), the island rule addresses all the water down to 27.5σθ (i.e., both the upper and intermediate layer). This is why the application of the two methods to the Pacific gives two different results — an application of the formula gives zero warm water transport whereas an application of the island rule gives 16 Sv. Namely, the difference between the amount predicted by the island rule (16 Sv) and the amount predicted by the separation formula (zero) enters the Pacific as intermediate water and is then somehow upwelled into the thermocline. The upwelling should take place north of the southern western boundary currents separation (40°S).  相似文献   

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