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We test the Bowman and King [Bowman, D.D., King, G.C.P., 2001a, Accelerating seismicity and stress accumulation before large earthquakes. Geophys. Res. Lett., 28 (21), 4039–4042, Bowman, D.D., King, G.C.P., 2001b. Stress transfer and seismicity changes before large earthquakes. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 333, 591–599] Stress Accumulation model by examining the evolution of seismicity rates prior to the 1992 Landers, California earthquake. The Stress Accumulation (SA) model was developed to explain observations of accelerating seismicity preceding large earthquakes. The model proposes that accelerating seismicity sequences result from the tectonic loading of large fault structures through aseismic slip in the elasto-plastic lower crust. This loading progressively increases the stress on smaller faults within a critical region around the main structure, thereby causing the observed acceleration of precursory activity. A secondary prediction of the SA model is that the precursory seismicity rates should increase first at the edges of the critical region, with the rates gradually rising over time at closer distances to the main fault. We test this prediction by examining year-long seismicity rates between 1960 and 2004, as a function of distance from the Landers rupture. To quantify the significance of trends in the seismicity rates, we auto-correlate the data, using a range of spatial and temporal lags. We find weak evidence for increased seismicity rates propagating towards the Landers rupture, but cannot conclusively distinguish these results from those obtained for a random earthquake catalog. However, we find a strong indication of periodicity in the rate fluctuations, as well as high correlation between activity 130–170 km from Landers and seismicity rates within 50 km of the Landers rupture temporally offset 1.5–2 years. The implications of this spatio–temporal correlation will be addressed in future studies.  相似文献   

Hurst's rescaled range analysis is a useful tool in the examination of a time series and is designed to measure memory content and determine its fractal texture. This study applies the Hurst method to a new earthquake catalogue for Greece. The study also adopts Monte Carlo simulations to provide a statistical test underpinning the Hurst analyses. Together these reveal basic temporal fractal characteristics in the earthquake occurrence time-histories' memory. Three regions are considered, approximately: all of Greece and some surrounding areas, and the sub-zones of the Hellenic Arc and the Gulf of Corinth. Three temporal textures are considered: elapsed time between earthquakes, strain energy release, and earthquake frequency. The elapsed temporal textures for the zone whole Greece indicate distinct characteristics in chronological order and possess long memory. These belong to the class non-random pattern. However, these characteristics generally disappear when the sub-zones are considered and become random patterns. The Monte Carlo simulations support this. Therefore, memoryless statistical seismic hazard estimates may not be suitable for whole Greece but could be useful for the sub-zones. The strain energy release temporal textures for whole Greece and for the sub-zones, no matter that these seem to possess long memory at first analysis, are all random patterns. In other words, the Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate that these patterns are much more likely to happen by chance. The seismic frequency textures for whole Greece and for the sub-zones suggest long memory, however, only the texture for the Hellenic Arc zone (MS ≥ 5.0) and that for whole Greece (MS ≥ 4.0) approach demonstrable non-random patterns. Except for these, other patterns happen by chance.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work is to compile and update a catalogue of the instrumentally recorded earthquakes in Egypt, with uniform and homogeneous source parameters as required for the analysis of seismicity and seismic hazard assessment. This in turn requires a detailed analysis and comparison of the properties of different available sources, including the distribution of events with time, the magnitude completeness, and the scaling relations between different kinds of magnitude reported by different agencies. The observational data cover the time interval 1900–2004 and an area between 22°–33.5° N and 25°–36° E. The linear regressions between various magnitude types have been evaluated for different magnitude ranges. Using the best linear relationship determined for each available pair of magnitudes, as well as those identified between the magnitudes and the seismic moment, we convert the different magnitude types into moment magnitudes M W, through a multi-step conversion process. Analysis of the catalogue completeness, based on the M W thus estimated, allows us to identify two different time intervals with homogeneous properties. The first one (1900–1984) appears to be complete for M W ≥ 4.5, while the second one (1985–2004) can be considered complete for magnitudes M W ≥ 3.  相似文献   

A major earthquake occurred in the Straits of Messina in Southern Italy on December 28, 1908. The shock became known in literature as the “Messina earthquake”. The present paper deals mainly with a re-interpretation of the source mechanism of this shock using modern interpretation techniques. The following parameters are discussed: Epicentre, hypocentre, origin-time, macroseismic intensity, body and surface wave magnitudes, fault-plane solution, seismic moments derived from body and surface waves, residual displacements and tsunami values.The parameters are compared with the tectonic setting of Southern Italy. As a result of the large magnitude (M = 7) and the 30 km long fault extension of this shock, the Messina earthquake reflects the large scale tectonics of Southern Italy more significantly than any other earthquake from which seismograms exist. The focal mechanism studies show a good agreement between the orientation of the shear-plane of the earthquake and the tectonic features of a fault-line which is known from geological data, the so-called Comiso-Catania-Messina-S. Eufemia fault. The rupture of the shallow earthquake was associated with normal faulting. According to the normal faulting mechanism, the earthquake resulted from tensional forces acting approximately perpendicular to the strike direction of the Straits of Messina.Geodetic measurements which were performed shortly before and after the earthquake indicate an apparent asymmetry in the volumes of uplift and subsidence. It is suggestive that there exists a strong net subsidence of material displaced with the earthquake faulting. The normal faulting mechanism of the Messina earthquake is in tectonic accordance with the uprise of olivine basalt in the volcanism observed at Etna. However, the normal faulting is contrary to the postulation of a subducting oceanic plate giving rise to the Calabrian-Sicilian arc-like feature, as this hypothesis would require mainly a compressional zone in the region of the Straits of Messina.  相似文献   

An earthquake catalogue has been prepared for the whole area of Turkey (within latitudes 35.5° N to 42.5°N and longitudes 25.5°E to 45.0°E) for the years 1913 to 1970. By computer recalculation of all source parameters and by using a consistent system for magnitude determinations, we have aimed at the highest possible homogeneity and completeness within the limits given.  相似文献   

A complete and homogeneous magnitude earthquake catalogue spanning the period 1900 to 2010 was created. The catalogue covers the area 29° to 37.5° N and 39° to 48° E. Entries in the new earthquake catalogue were cross checked and additions made from various sources of earthquake records to ensure that repetitions are not included in this analysis. Events were considered duplicates if they had a time difference of 10 s or less and space origin difference of 0.5° or less. In a given set of duplicate events, an event, which had a magnitude and International Seismological Center source, was retained as the record of the event. The unified magnitude scale, the moment magnitude (M w), was applied throughout the catalogue. The M w for 18 events was reported. The M w for other events was estimated using empirical relations between m b, M s, M L, and M w. Magnitude of completeness, M c, was estimated using the maximum curvature. It was 4.3 M w. Finally, a list of 213 events from 1900 to 2010 with M w?≥?4.3 is presented. The list is considered complete for the period from 1962 to 2010.  相似文献   

The township of Bajool, situated 30 km south of Rockhampton, Queensland, experienced two minor earthquakes, each of Richter magnitude 2.9 on 10 June 1991. The foci were located 7 km north of Bajool, at a depth of less than 10 km. The felt intensity in Bajool was generally IV‐V, with minor damage occurring to several houses. There were several foreshocks and four aftershocks. The events may represent reactivation of a thrust fault, close to its junction with an inferred transform fault, the Fitzroy River Fault. These events demonstrate that the quiescence of central Queensland is apparent only, and that the recently installed University of Central Queensland Regional Network will provide a useful contribution to the understanding of earthquakes occurring along a passive continental margin.  相似文献   

Seismicity of Eastern Algeria: a revised and extended earthquake catalogue   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new revised earthquake catalogue for Eastern Algeria [22°N-38°N–4°E-9.5°E], from 419 to 2008, has been compiled as a starting point for a catalogue dealing with the whole country. The re-evaluation is based on a critical method, and formal criteria are adopted in the parameterization of the earthquake catalogue. Two digital versions are produced: (a) a basic version, presented here, including all the compiled data, the authors of each quoted parameter and the quality rank of the macroseismic information; (b) a second version, obtained after removing doubtful events and parameters, is produced in order to carry out statistical analyses. The newly compiled earthquake catalogue provides a more reliable picture of the seismicity in Eastern Algeria than the previous ones as shown by the comparison of the recent catalogues over the common territory and time span. This catalogue can be easily updated and adapted to the needs of the user.  相似文献   

Analysis of the space-time patterns of seismicity in the Himalaya plate boundary has established the existence of three seismic gaps:
  • 1.(1) The “Kashmir gap” lying west of the 1905 Kangra earthquake;
  • 2.(2) the “Central gap”, situated between the 1905 Kangra and the 1934 Bihar earthquakes;
  • 3.(3) the “Assam gap” between the 1897 and 1950 Assam earthquakes.
This study has shown that the above great earthquakes were preceded as well as followed by long periods (⩾ 19 years) of decreased levels of seismic activity in the epicentral regions. Remarkable decrease in the seismicity following the year 1970 has been observed in the western half of the Central gap as well as in the Assam gap. Local seismic investigation in the Assam gap confirms this feature and the seismicity suggests the existence there of an asperity.The local seismic investigations in Garhwal Himalaya have shown that the small earthquakes are confined to the upper 6–8 km of the crust and may have strike-slip motions. These earthquakes occur in a region where teleseismically recorded events were few.  相似文献   

Given the lack of proper constraints in understanding earthquake mechanisms in the cratonic interiors and the general absence of good quality database, here we reassess the seismic hazard in the province of Kerala, a part of the •stable continental interior•, based on an improved historical and instrumental database. The temporal pattern of the current seismicity suggests that >60% of the microtremors in Kerala occurs with a time lag after the peak rainfall, indicating that hydroseismicity may be a plausible model to explain the low-level seismicity in this region. Further, an increment in overall seismicity rate in the region in the recent years is explained as due to increased anthropogenic activities, which includes changes in hydrological pathways as a consequence of rapid landscape changes. Our analyses of the historical database eliminate a few events that are ascribed to this region; this exercise has also led to identification of a few events, not previously noted. The improved historical database essentially suggests that the central midland region is more prone to seismic activity compared to other parts of Kerala. This region appears to have generated larger number of significant earthquakes; the most prominent being the multiple events (doublets) of 1856 and 1953, whose magnitudes are comparable to that of the 2000/2001 (central Kerala) events. Occurrences of these historical events and the recent earthquakes, and the local geology indicative of pervasive faulting as shown by widely distributed pseudotachylite veins suggest that the NNW-SSE trending faults in central midland Kerala may host discrete potentially active sources that may be capable of generating light to moderate size earthquakes. The frequency of earthquakes in central Kerala evident from the historical database requires that the seismic codes stipulated for this region are made mandatory.  相似文献   

The epicentre of the Roermond earthquake is located near the western boundary fault of the Roer valley trough, one of the deepest and the most active in the Quaternary part of the Lower Rhine graben. The Late Pleistocene and Holocene activity of the trough is manifested by offsets of the main (Mindel) and the lower (Riss and Late Pleistocene) terraces along the boundary faults.
Surface fractures have been observed in an area of more than 50 km2: 2.5–3.5 km to the north of the town of Roermond, at 0.8 km to the south of the village of Herkenbosch and in the southeastern part of the village of Montfort. Three types of ruptures were differentiated: scarps up to 50 cm high along open fractures near the Maas River; open fractures (continued by scarps in some places) and open fractures with a liquefaction of the Quaternary alluvium sands. The last type is predominant. The location of the ruptures depends on the landscape and water-table of the region. While they could be produced solely by hydraulic shock during the earthquake (increased by the wet spring season), the majority of the ruptures strike N50°W ± 10°, i.e. parallel to the main trough faults, or N55°E ± 10°, along 'neotectonic lines', parallel to the Maas valley and deduced from space imagery. Thus, the ruptures could be the secondary surficial effect of the earthquake, linked indirectly with the active tectonics of the region.  相似文献   

A damaging and widely felt moderate (Mw 5.0) earthquake occurred in the Talala region of Saurashtra, Gujarat (western India) on November 6, 2007. The highly productive sequence comprised about 1300 micro earthquakes (M > 0.5) out of which 325 of M ? 1.5 that occurred during November 6, 2007–January 10, 2008 were precisely located. The spatial aftershock distribution revealed a NE–SW striking fault in accordance with the centroid moment tensor solution, which in turn implies left-lateral motion. The orientation and sense of shear are consistent with similarly orientated geological fault identified in the area from satellite imagery and field investigation.The aftershocks temporal decay, b-value of frequency–magnitude distribution, spatial fractal dimension, D, and slip ratio (ratio of the slip occurred on the primary fault to the total slip) were examined with the purpose to identify the properties of the sequence. The high b-value (1.18 ± 0.01) may be attributed to the paucity of the larger (M ? 4.0) aftershocks and reveals crustal heterogeneity and low stress regime. The high p-value (1.10 ± 0.39), implying fast decay rate of aftershocks, evidences high surface heat flux. A value of the spatial fractal dimension (D) equal to 2.21 ± 0.02 indicates random spatial distribution and source in a two-dimensional plane that is being filled-up by fractures. A slip ratio of 0.42 reveals that more slip occurred on secondary fault systems.The static Coulomb stress changes due to the coseismic slip of the main shock, enhanced off fault aftershock occurrence. The occurrence of a moderate earthquake (Mw 4.3) on October 5, 2008 inside a region of positive Coulomb stress changes supports the postulation on aftershock triggering. When the stress changes were resolved on a cross section including the stronger (M4.8) foreshock plane that is positioned adjacent to the main fault, it became evident that the activity continued there due to stress transfer from the main rupture.  相似文献   

The fulfillment of a scaling law for earthquake recurrence–time distributions is a clear indication of the importance of correlations in the structure of seismicity. In order to characterize these correlations we measure conditional recurrence–time and magnitude distributions for worldwide seismicity as well as for Southern California during stationary periods. Disregarding the spatial structure, we conclude that the relevant correlations in seismicity are those of the recurrence time with previous recurrence times and magnitudes; in the latter case, the conditional distribution verifies a scaling relation depending on the difference between the magnitudes of the two events defining the recurrence time. In contrast, with our present resolution, magnitude seems to be independent on the history contained in the seismic catalogs (except perhaps for Southern California for very short time scales, less than about 30 min for the magnitude ranges analyzed).  相似文献   

Paper describes triggered seismicity to 200?km distance and for a decade due to the 2001 M w7.7 Bhuj earthquake. The Kachchh region is seismically one of the most active intraplate regions of the World due to the occurrence of two large earthquakes 1819 (M w7.8) and 2001 (M w7.7). Though, it has high hazard but was known to have low seismicity in view of the occurrence of fewer smaller shocks. However, the status seems to have changed after 2001. Besides the strong aftershock activity for over a decade, seismicity has spread to nearby faults in Kachchh peninsula and at several places southward for 200?km distance in Saurashtra peninsula. Beyond the rupture zone of the 2001 Bhuj earthquake, more than 40 mainshocks of M w?~?3?C5 have occurred at 20 different locations, which is unusual. The increased seismicity is inferred to be caused by stress perturbation due to the 2001 Bhuj earthquake by viscoelastic process. In Saurashtra, over and above the viscoelastic stress increase, the transient stress increase by water table rise in monsoons seems to be affecting the timing of mainshocks and associated sequences of earthquakes.  相似文献   

The slow spreading mid-Indian Ocean ridge system containing the Carlsberg, Central and Southwest Indian ridges is seismically very active. In the present study, a detailed analysis has been carried out of the data of earthquake sources along different ridge segments in order to investigate the spatial and temporal clustering patterns and to evaluate crustal processes related to the swarm occurrences along these ridges. The spatial and temporal clustering pattern of the recent earthquakes (1980–1990) pertaining to nine major spreading segments and eight fracture zones suggests that the events cluster in greater proportion along the spreading segments than along the fracture zones. We performed a systematic search of earthquake catalogue during the period 1964–1990 by examining the spatio-temporal hypocentral clusters in order to identify the swarm occurrences along these ridges. The search included eighteen prominent sequences, of which, thirteen were earthquake swarms. Except two, all other swarms were found to be occurring mainly on the spreading segments. The maximum magnitude observed in these swarms is mb = 5.4 and have many events predominantly showing normal faulting mechanisms. The spatial disposition and temporal activity of the events in swarms is much similar to the foreshock-mainshock-aftershock sequences observed along the spreading rift valley zones. These characteristics help us to support that swarms along the slow spreading mid-Indian Ocean ridges are the result of extensional tectonic activity, leading to the development of the median valley topography, a mechanism similar to that proposed by Bergman and Solomon (1990) for the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.  相似文献   

We localized crustal earthquakes in the Andean arc, between 35°S and 36°S, from December 2009 to May 2010. This research shows a seismicity increase, in a narrow longitudinal area, of more than nine times after the great Mw 8.8 Maule earthquake.The localized seismicity defines an area of ∼80 km long and ∼18 km wide and NNW to NNE trend. The Md magnitudes varied from 0.7 to 3.1 except for two earthquakes with Mw of 3.9 and 4.5, located in the northern end of the area. The focal mechanisms for these two last events were normal/strike-slip and strike-slip respectively.During 2011, a network of 13 temporary stations was installed in the trasarc region in Malargüe, Argentina. Sixty earthquakes were localized in the study region during an 8 month period.We explored how changes in Coulomb conditions associated with the mega-thrust earthquake triggered subsequent upper-plate events in the arc region. We assumed the major proposed structures as receiver faults and used previously published earthquake source parameters and slip distribution for the Maule quake. The largest contribution to static stress change, up to 5 bars, derives from unclamping resulting consistent with co-seismic dilatational deformation inferred from GPS observations in the region and subsidence in nearby volcanoes caused by magma migration.Three different Quaternary tectonic settings–extensional, strike-slip and compressional-have been proposed for the arc region at these latitudes. We found that the unclamping produced by the Maule quake could temporarily change the local regime to normal/strike-slip, or at least it would favor the activation of Quaternary NNE to N-trending dextral strike-slip faults with dextral transtensional movement.  相似文献   

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