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We investigated the Stokes drift-driven ocean currents and Stokes drift-induced wind energy input into the upper ocean using a two-way coupled wave-current modeling system that consists of the Princeton Ocean Model generalized coordinate system (POMgcs), Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN) wave model, and the Model Coupling Toolkit (MCT). The Coriolis-Stokes forcing (CSF) computed using the wave parameters from SWAN was incorporated with the momentum equation of POMgcs as the core coupling process. Experimental results in an idealized setting show that under the steady state, the scale of the speed of CSF-driven current was 0.001 m/s and the maximum reached 0.02 m/s. The Stokes drift-induced energy rate input into the model ocean was estimated to be 28.5 GW, taking 14% of the direct wind energy rate input. Considering the Stokes drift effects, the total mechanical energy rate input was increased by approximately 14%, which highlights the importance of CSF in modulating the upper ocean circulation. The actual run conducted in Taiwan Adjacent Sea (TAS) shows that: 1) CSF-based wave-current coupling has an impact on ocean surface currents, which is related to the activities of monsoon winds; 2) wave-current coupling plays a significant role in a place where strong eddies present and tends to intensify the eddy’s vorticity; 3) wave-current coupling affects the volume transport of the Taiwan Strait (TS) throughflow in a nontrivial degree, 3.75% on average.  相似文献   

This study investigates the heat and mass transfer mechanism of a marine engine exhaust-powered adsorption refrigerating system by using irreversible thermodynamics. The equations of entropy-production rate and the linear phe-nomenological equations of thermodynamic flux and force are established. The conventional experimental facilities of unit tube are developed and the phenomenological coefficients are obtained by fitting the experimental data. It is concluded that the thermodynamic process in the adsorbent bed is determined by the coupling effect of the heat and mass transfer; furthermore, the mass transfer is determined by the heat transfer. Taking some measures to increase heat transfer can improve the performance of the adsorption refrigerating system. The conclusions presented in this paper may be of value to the engineering applications of the system.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONPenaeusjaponicusisaneuroxybioticpenaeidprawn ,whosepropersalinityrangeforgrowthis2 0 -30andoptimalsalinityrangeis 2 5-30 (WangandLiu ,1 991 ;WangandYu ,1 999) .Ithasgreatosmoregulatiorycapacity (MantelandFamer,1 983) .Butitsbestenvironmentforreproductionanddevel…  相似文献   

Incubation experiments are carried out to study the exchange rates of dissolved inorganic nutrients including silicate, phosphate, ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate (vSiO3-Si, vPO4-P, vNH4-N, vNO2-N and vNO3-N) at the sediment-water interface in the Jiaozhou Bay. Major factors influencing the exchange rates are discussed in detail, which include the dissolved inorganic nutrient concentrations in porewater (Cpw), water and clay contents, and grain size of the sediments (CH2O, Cclay and GSsed). The results may provide insight into the dynamics of nutrient transport and the environmental capacity of nutrients in Jiaozhou Bay, and should be beneficial to solving the problems caused by excessive nutrient input this area.  相似文献   

Incubation experiments are carried out to study the exchange rates of dissolved inorganic nutrients including silicate, phosphate, ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate (^vSiO3-Si,^vPO4-P, ^vNH4-N, ^vNO2-N and ^vNO3-N) at the sediment-water interface in the Jiaozhou Bay. Major factors influencing the exchange rates are discussed in detail, which include the dissolved inorganic nutrient concentrations in porewater (Cpw), water and clay contents, and grain size of the sediments (CH2O, Cclay and GSsed). The results may provide insight into the dynamics of nutrient transport and the environmental capacity of nutrients in Jiaozhou Bay, and should be beneficial to solving the problems caused by excessive nutrient input this area.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in abundance and species composition of a planktonic diatom assemblage distributed in the water column and also settled on the bottom was investigated for the shallow coastal water in Matsushima Bay on the Pacific coast of northeastern Japan during the period from October 1999 to September 2000. A spring bloom of diatoms began in April when nutrient concentrations started to increase, indicating the importance of nutrients. Viable cells of Skeletonema costatum and Thalassiosira spp., which were the dominant species in the water column throughout the year, were also always abundant in the bottom sediment. Both populations in the water column and on the bottom fluctuated essentially in parallel. For the planktonic diatoms in shallow coastal waters to maintain their vegetative populations in the water column, it would be advantageous for them to have a seeding population of viable cells on the bottom that are easily resuspended into the upper photic layer.  相似文献   

收集整理海南岛2016~2020年10期流动重力复测资料,采用重力仪共用单位标定的一次项格值系数对各期复测资料进行拟稳平差处理。结果显示,2016-09~2017-05、2017-05~10、2018-05~10期间海南重力场变化异常明显。以2016年第1期仪器的一次项格值系数为基准,采用重力差值法对一次项格值系数进行改正,然后重新进行拟稳平差处理。结果显示,2016年以来海南差分重力场变化较平稳,重力场变化基本在30 μGal以内,此前出现的显著重力场异常已不存在。因此,采用重力差值法改正一次项格值系数可有效降低因一次项格值系数误差产生的重力场变化误差。  相似文献   

使用兰新铁路线周边区域2012~2017年的全球大气模型和区域气象站气压数据,根据大气负荷理论,采用移去-恢复法计算该区域在6 a间大气负荷对地壳形变和重力变化的影响.结果 显示,大气负荷对兰新线区域的垂直形变影响为1 cm左右,对水平形变影响小于2 mm,对垂线偏差影响约为6 ms,对地面重力影响大致为6 μGal;...  相似文献   

This paper reports the approprite ranges of Mg^2 ,Ca^2 and their ratio Mg^2 /Ca^2 in mixed seawater for rearing of Penaeus japonicus larvae,The ranges for the above three indices are 1150-1450mg/L,360-440mg/L and 2.8-3.4,respectively,the proper salinity range of mixed seawater is 22.1-33.9 obtained by mixing estuarine water and concentrated seawater.  相似文献   

S 《山地科学学报》2008,5(1):63-72
Livestock behaviour in the Pyrenees includes free grazing and a long resting period that provokes the accumulation of dung and urine in some places,so-called camping areas. The aims of this study were (i) to analyze any change in floral composition,and in nutritional and chemical contents of plants in a livestock camping area; and (ii) to relate the floral composition with soil chemical properties. In a linear transect,five sampling zones were established,from the centre of the camping area to the surrounding Nardus stricta-dominant pasture. The above ground plant biomass and the topsoil were sampled in each zone with 6 replicates per zone. Plant species were classified and weighed to calculate above ground biomass,nutritional and chemical contents,and Shannon diversity and evenness indices. Additionally,soils were sampled in two periods,at the beginning and at the end of grazing period. Soil available nutrients (nitrate,ammonium,phosphorus,potassium,calcium and magnesium),total nitrogen,organic carbon and pH were measured.
Plant chemical contents (protein,lignin and others) were significantly related to the proportions of grasses,legumes and other plants; so,the protein content is positively correlated with legumes plant biomass while lignin content is negatively correlated with grasses. Both plant and soil nutrients increased linearly towards the centre of the camping area. However,the relationship among plant species richness,diversity and evenness relative to its position along the studied transect was bell-shaped. From the outskirts to the centre of the camping area,plants with low nutrient demand were progressively replaced by those with medium and high nutrients demand and by pioneers.
Nardus stricta-dominant pasture has low plant diversity and plant nutrient content as well as a poor soil nutrient availability. The presence of the camping area introduced patches with more soil nutrients and new species in the large spatial scale. However at a small spatial scale,the strong soil nutrien  相似文献   

近20年来,随着经济的增长及人口压力的加剧,城市建筑越来越高,基坑开挖越来越深,大量的桩基施工不可避免地对地下水的补给、径流、排泄条件产生影响,而水文地质条件的改变又反过来影响制约人类的活动,甚至引发地质灾害。该文以济南某小区为例,通过水文地质调查、野外钻探、综合分析等手段,研究分析近年来该小区周边地下水位上升的原因及水文地质条件的变化特征。结果表明,由于人类活动的影响,该小区周边水文地质条件发生了较大变化,小区周围由原来的径流排泄区慢慢转变为一小型的"蓄水区",由此造成小区周边地下水位大幅上升,并对构筑物产生了不利影响。研究结果对该小区结构的后期处理、周边地块开发及类似工程水文地质问题具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Constructed wetlands(CWs) were integrated into an indoor recirculating aquaculture system of obscure puffer(Takifugu obscurus) for effluent treatment. The effect of hydraulic loading rate(HLR) on the efficiency of effluent treatment by CWs was examined for over a month. The CWs were operated under brackish conditions(salinity 7.4–7.6) at 3 different HLRs(0.762, 0.633, and 0.458 m d–1) 3 times, 10 days each. Overall, the CWs exhibited high efficiency in removal of total ammonium nitrogen(by 81.03–92.81%) and nitrite nitrogen(by 99.40%–99.68%). The efficiency of CWs in removal of total ammonium nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, total phosphorous, and total suspended solids(TSS) increased with the decrease of HLR. The CWs operated at the 3 HLRs in a decreasing trend proves to be effective, providing a useful method for effluent treatment in commercial puffer aquaculture systems.  相似文献   

River discharge can deliver nutrients to the coastal zone and change the hydrologic properties of the water column. Soon after a flash flood from the Yalu River (Northeast China) in August 2010, we investigated the salinity and nutrient concentrations, as well as other environmental conditions in the Changshan Archipelago area, located approximately 100 km west of the river mouth in the northern Yellow Sea. Diluted water was mainly observed in the upper layers shallower than 15 m, with surface salinity between 18.13 and 30.44 in the eastern study area and between 28.16 and 29.72 in the western area. Surface salinity showed a significant negative correlation with concentrations of dissolved nutrients (P < 0.05), but not with that of Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), dissolved oxygen (DO), particulate materials or pH. The average concentrations of nitrite, nitrate, and silicic acid decreased from the surface layer to bottom layer and were significantly higher in the east area than in the west area (P < 0.05). In contrast, average ammonium and phosphate concentrations were highest in the bottom layer of both areas, with no significant spatial differences. DO varied between 6.06 and 8.25 mg L-1 in the surface layer, and was significantly higher in the eastern area than in the western area in the surface and middle layers. Chl-a concentration was constantly below 4.09 μg L-1. Our work demonstrated the strong influences of Yalu River on proportions of various nutrient components in the Changshan Archipelago area. Silicic acid and total inorganic nitrogen levels were significantly elevated comparing to phosphate in the eastern area. Such changes can potentially induce phosphate limit to phytoplankton growth.  相似文献   

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