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A hydraulic analysis of the interface between freshwater–saltwater behavior was done in the Merida Yucatan zone, two machines that constantly register the groundwater levels were installed, and three electric conductivity logs were taken from wells. When comparing the measured results with the ones obtained using theoretical equations developed to calculate the freshwater–saltwater interface position, it was proved that in some cases these equations can be applied, and in others not. Two effects that rule the behavior of karst aquifers in extraordinary conditions were found.  相似文献   

The impact of land-use change on the quality of groundwater in the Xiaotjiang watershed, China was assessed for the period 1982–2004. Groundwater samples were collected from 30 monitoring points across the watershed, and were representative of the various changes, determined by remote sensing and geographical information systems. The results indicate that 610 km2 (60% of the total watershed area) were subject to land-use change during the period. The most important changes were the conversion of 135 km2 of forested land to cultivated land, and 211 km2 of unused land to cultivated land. The main impact was ascribed to diffuse pollution from fertilizers applied to newly cultivated land, and from building development. Overall the groundwater pH value was significantly increased, as were the concentrations of ions , , , , and Cl in groundwater whilst the concentrations of Ca2+ and declined. More precisely, in the regions where forested land and unused land were converted into cultivated land, the pH value and the concentrations of Mg2+, , , , , Cl increased whilst the concentrations of Ca2+ and declined. However in the region where cultivated land was converted into construction land, the pH value and the concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, , , , , , Cl increased.
Résumé  L’impact des changements de l’utilisation du territoire sur la qualité de l’eau souterraine dans le bassin versant de Xiaojiang, en Chine, a été évalué de 1982 à 2004. Des échantillons d’eau souterraine ont été récoltés à partir de 30 points d’observation éparpillés sur le bassin, représentant les divers changements déterminés par télédétection et système d’information géographique. Les résultats indiquent que 610 km2 (soit 60% de la surface du bassin) ont été sujets à des modifications de l’utilisation du territoire sur cette période. Les changements les plus importants furent la conversion de 135 km2 de forêt et 211 km2 de terres inutilisées en terres cultivées. Le principal impact est attribué à la pollution diffuse des engrais utilisés en agriculture et pour les batiments. De manière générale le pH de l’eau souterraine a augmenté significativement, ainsi que les concentrations des ions , , , , et Cl, tandis que les concentration en Ca2+ et ont diminué. Plus précisément dans les régions transformées en terres cultivées, la valeur du pH et les concentrations en Mg2+, , , , , Cl ont augmenté tandis que les concentrations en Ca2+ et ont diminué. Toutefois dans les régions cultivées converties en zones de construction, le pH et les concentrations en Ca2+, Mg2+, , , , , , Cl ont augmenté.

Resumen  El impacto del cambio en uso de la tierra en la calidad del agua en la cuenca Xiaojiang, China fue evaluado para el periodo 1982–2004. Muestras de agua subterránea fueron tomadas de 30 puntos de monitoreo a través de la cuenca, y fueron representativas de los múltiples cambios, determinados por sensores remotos y sistemas de información geográfica. Los resultados indican que 610 km2 (60% del área total de la cuenca) estaban sujetos a cambios de uso de la tierra durante el periodo estudiado. Los cambios más importantes fueron la conversión de 135 km2 de bosques a tierra cultivada, y 211 km2 de tierra sin uso (ociosa) a tierra cultivada. El impacto principal fue causado por contaminación difusa de fertilizantes aplicados a la tierra recientemente cultivada, y a desarrollo de construcciones. En general el pH en agua subterránea creció significantemente, al igual que las concentraciones de los iones , , , , y Cl en agua subterránea mientras que las concentraciones de Ca2+ y decrecieron. Mas precisamente, en las regiones donde bosque y tierra ociosa fueron convertidas en tierra cultivada, el valor de pH y las concentraciones de Mg2+, , , , , Cl crecieron mientras las concentraciones de Ca2+ y decrecieron. Sin embargo en la región donde tierra cultivada fue convertida en construcciones, el valor de pH y las concentraciones de Ca2+, Mg2+, , , , , , Cl crecieron.

A modified DRASTIC model for groundwater vulnerability assessment (abbreviated as DRARCH model by combining the first letters of its six assessment indices) was proposed. It is essentially the specific application of DRASTIC model rather than a new model. Both natural hydrogeological conditions that prevent groundwater from contamination and important intrinsic hydrogeochemical properties of sediments in vadose zone that are related to the retardation of contaminants were considered as vulnerability indices. The DRARCH model consists of six indices: (1) Depth to the water table, (2) net Recharge, (3) Aquifer thickness, (4) Ratio of cumulative thickness of clay layers to total thickness of vadose zone, (5) Contaminant adsorption coefficient of sediment in vadose zone, and (6) Hydraulic conductivity of aquifer. The rating values and the weights of these vulnerability indices were obtained by contaminant transport simulation and factor analysis method respectively. Furthermore, the DRARCH model was applied to evaluate the groundwater vulnerability to arsenic contamination in Taiyuan basin, northern China, where groundwaters with high arsenic concentration occur in some localities. GIS-based mapping of groundwater vulnerability using this model indicates that the distribution of very high and high-vulnerability areas corresponds well to that of high-arsenic groundwaters. The DRARCH model is therefore reliable and useful for guiding groundwater environment management.  相似文献   

With only twenty five percent population living in urban areas, India has cities amongst the biggest in the world. Urban growth in most of Indian cities is concomitant with rise in water demand for community, as well as, for industrial purposes. The complex situation resulting from indiscriminate disposal of waste and its severe impact on groundwater quality is set for continuous worsening mainly for want of sustained effort aimed at site-specific remediation. The study, a prerequisite for actual remediation in an industrial city of Kanpur, India, envisages detailed investigation about pollutant transport, evaluation of concept of Bio-remediation and a range of other options and finally full scale implementation of the best suited. Drilling of piezometers and resistivity survey indicates that the area is constituted of alluvial sands, gravels and their various admixtures. Chemical analysis of water samples collected from piezometers and hand pumps shows the presence of hexavalent chromium rich horizons at various depths. The alarming concentration of this carcinogenic heavy metal of the order of 16.3 mg/l against the permissible concentration (of 0.05 mg/l) for drinking water and high concentration within sediments of the area poses a major threat to the entire ecosystem. The projection of migration contaminant plume of hexavalent chromium as depicted in the paper is indicative of a concentrated extent of core zone existing in shallow alluvial aquifer, which may be targeted for interception by remedial measures. The present work, elaborating on the source, potential and monitoring the migration of the pollutant plume is the first field scale study of its kind in the country. The findings of these studies are of strong relevance in addressing the ground water pollution due to indiscriminate disposal practices of hazardous waste in areas located within the alluvial zones.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(3):377-388
Delingha is located in the northeast margin of Qaidam Basin. Bayin River alluvial proluvial fan is the main aquifer of Delingha, in which groundwater generally flows from north to south. The hydrochemistry results showed that two different hydrochemical evolution paths formed along southeast and southwest directions, respectively. Cl-Na type groundwater was formed in front of Gahai Lake, and SO4·HCO3-Na·Ca type groundwater was formed in front of Keluke Lake. The results of deuterium (D) and 18O revealed that the groundwater mainly originated from the continuous accumulation of precipitation during geological history under cold and humid climate conditions. In addition, results of 14C indicated that the groundwater age was more than 1140 years, implying relatively poor renewal capability of regional groundwater. Moreover, our numerical modeling results showed that the regional groundwater level will continue to rise under the warm and humid climate conditions.© 2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of the Yellow River Delta in China, to trace land use and land cover changes during the past 20 years, with an emphasis on land quality changes. Three sets of data are used in this case study: remote sensing data derived from satellite images; crop yield data from statistics; and soil data collected by the researchers in the field. Our study reveals that at the regional scale, LUCC has taken place in a positive direction: vegetation cover has been expanding and crop yields per hectare have been on rise. However, while the overall eco-environment has improved, the improvement is uneven across the Delta region. At local levels, some areas show signs of increased salinization and declining organic content. Both natural forces and human activities are responsible for the LUCC, but human activities play a more important role. While some impacts of human activities are positive, the damages are often long-lasting and irreversible. We also conclude that it is necessary to use both macro data (such as remote sensing data) and micro data (data collected in the field) to study land quality change. The former are efficient in examining land quality changes at the regional scale, the latter can serve to verify ground patterns revealed from macro data and help to identify local variations, so as to get a comprehensive understanding of LUCC and promote sustainable land use and land management. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The irreversible water–rock mass exchanges leading to the production of the Fiume Grande valley (Calabria, Italy) stream waters and groundwaters, starting from local rainwaters, were simulated through reaction path modeling in reaction progress (stoichiometric) mode. The simulations assumed bulk dissolution of a phyllitic rock and calcite and precipitation of gibbsite, kaolinite, amorphous silica, illite, a smectite solid mixture, a hydroxide solid mixture, and a trigonal carbonate solid mixture. The analytical contents of major and trace elements in stream waters and groundwaters were satisfactorily reproduced. However, further investigations are necessary to clarify the fate of As in this natural systems.
Rosanna De RosaEmail:

地球系统中各种矿物相的物理化学反应大多是从矿物表面或界面开始的。要揭示矿物表面反应性的本质,就需要从控制其反应性的表面结构入手。由于实验条件的限制,绝大多数关于矿物表面物理化学性质的研究主要采用粉晶作为研究对象。尽管粉晶方法在研究诸如硅酸盐、碳酸盐溶解和沉淀结晶等过程中被普遍采用,但这种基于矿物粉晶的研究方法还是有一定的不足。因为形成粉晶的破碎研磨过程会导致晶体高能面的出现,高能面所具有的高活性可能会加速其反应过程,应用于地球化学反应的计算结果就可能高估了实际的地球化学反应速率。本研究以黄铁矿表面氧化反应的晶面差异性为例,从晶面结构制约反应性的角度出发,重新审视了黄铁矿氧化的相关问题,弥补了传统"粉晶研究"中对黄铁矿氧化速率和氧化机理认识的缺陷。黄铁矿宽范围的氧化速率实测值很可能是由不同晶面间较大的反应性差异导致;水在黄铁矿的氧化过程中同时扮演着传递电子的催化剂和反应物的角色,也是黄铁矿氧化反应速控步(rate-limiting step)的核心物质。这些认识首次明确了黄铁矿不同晶面反应性差异的重要性,并提示我们应将传统表面矿物学的研究推向更为精确的晶面矿物学水平。这一从晶面角度考察发生在矿物表面的地球化学反应的研究方法可为构建更为精确的地球化学模型提供理论基础。  相似文献   

利用标准溶蚀试片法测定了重庆金佛山水房泉流域林地、草地和灌丛三种土地利用类型不同深度年溶蚀速率。结果表明,不同土地利用类型、不同季节、不同土壤深度的溶蚀速率具有很大的差异。通过对各土地利用类型下不同季节不同深度土壤有机质、土壤CO2浓度和土壤pH分析发现:土壤有机质和pH相互耦合共同对溶蚀速率产生影响,有机质含量越高,则pH值越低,溶蚀速率就越大;三种土地利用方式下土壤CO2浓度与溶蚀速率具有一定的相关性,夏秋季土壤CO2浓度较冬春季高,相对应地,其土下溶蚀速率也比冬春季大。最后利用试片溶蚀数据对泉域内年碳汇量进行了估算,结果约为:25.595t/a。   相似文献   

Through this paper we propose and test a GIS framework that addresses the issue of seismic risk due to urban road network failure. The approach relies on full GIS integration, on Monte Carlo simulations for generating potentially disrupted network configurations, considering also the damage probability due to direct earthquake implications, and on traffic considerations (both in typical and post-earthquake situations). The damage probability can be obtained using fragility functions for critical structures like bridges and tunnels or by determining empirically the possibility of affected buildings to generate debris leading to road obstruction. Multiple performance indicators such as travel time and distance under various conditions are combined, in order to quantify the risks inflicted by dysfunctionalities in the emergency intervention process. The framework considers at the same time temporal and spatial dimensions, being able to cope with traffic dynamics or reconfigurable network configurations. The ArcGIS Network Analyst Module is used for model integration, and full city scale analysis is performed in order to test the capabilities. Bucharest (capital of Romania) is selected for the case study; this 2 million inhabitant city is one of the most endangered in Europe, due to earthquakes that occur in the Vrancea Area, at intermediate depth, with moment magnitudes > 7, but also due to the vulnerable building stock. Beside this, it is one of Europe’s top cities when it comes to traffic congestion. The results of the study provide initial insights on the deficiencies of the city’s road network and connectivity limitations, showing the high impact of road obstructions and traffic congestion on intervention times, for ambulances and firefighters, in case of an earthquake.  相似文献   


Through this paper we propose and test a GIS framework that addresses the issue of seismic risk due to urban road network failure. The approach relies on full GIS integration, on Monte Carlo simulations for generating potentially disrupted network configurations, considering also the damage probability due to direct earthquake implications, and on traffic considerations (both in typical and post-earthquake situations). The damage probability can be obtained using fragility functions for critical structures like bridges and tunnels or by determining empirically the possibility of affected buildings to generate debris leading to road obstruction. Multiple performance indicators such as travel time and distance under various conditions are combined, in order to quantify the risks inflicted by dysfunctionalities in the emergency intervention process. The framework considers at the same time temporal and spatial dimensions, being able to cope with traffic dynamics or reconfigurable network configurations. The ArcGIS Network Analyst Module is used for model integration, and full city scale analysis is performed in order to test the capabilities. Bucharest (capital of Romania) is selected for the case study; this 2 million inhabitant city is one of the most endangered in Europe, due to earthquakes that occur in the Vrancea Area, at intermediate depth, with moment magnitudes > 7, but also due to the vulnerable building stock. Beside this, it is one of Europe’s top cities when it comes to traffic congestion. The results of the study provide initial insights on the deficiencies of the city’s road network and connectivity limitations, showing the high impact of road obstructions and traffic congestion on intervention times, for ambulances and firefighters, in case of an earthquake.


This study aimed to investigate the parameter effects in preparing landslide susceptibility maps with a data-driven approach and to adapt this approach to analytical hierarchy process (AHP). For this purpose, at the first stage, landslide inventory of an area located in the Western Black Sea region of Turkey covering approximately 567?km2 was prepared, and a total of 101 landslides were mapped. In order to assess the landslide susceptibility, a total of 13 parameters were considered as the input parameters: slope, aspect, plan curvature, topographical elevation, vegetation cover index, land use, distance to drainage, distance to roads, distance to structural elements, distance to ridges, stream power index, sediment transport capacity index, and wetness index. AHP was selected as the major assessment methodology since the adapted approach and AHP work in data pairs. Adapted to AHP, a similarity relation?Cbased approach, namely landslide relation indicator (LRI) for parameter selection method, was also proposed. AHP and parametric effect analyses were performed by the proposed approach, and seven landslide susceptibility maps were produced. Among these maps, the best performance was gathered from the landslide susceptibility map produced by 9 parameter combinations using area under curve (AUC) approach. For this map, the AUC value was calculated as 0.797, while the others ranged between 0.686 and 0.771. According to this map, 38.3?% of the study area was classified as having very low, 8.5?% as low, 15.0?% as moderate, 20.3?% as high, and 17.9?% as very high landslide susceptibility, respectively. Based on the overall assessments, the proposed approach in this study was concluded as objective and applicable and yielded reasonable results.  相似文献   

从深圳市的现实研究需求出发,在对地表水体主要水质指标因子分析的基础上,研究了深圳市境内五个集雨面积大于100 km2的河流近10年的水质时空变化特征。然后结合5个流域的土地利用详查数据,应用统计分析和空间分析方法论证了流域内土地利用类型与河流水质关键指标之间的相关关系。研究结果表明,从1996-2004年深圳市5个主要河流的有机物污染程度有不断增加的趋势,不同时间段内5个流域的耕地、园地和建设用地的数量对相应河流水质的有机物污染有明显的正效影响作用。因此为了制定和实施合理的水环境保护对策,需要对流域内土地利用结构进行优化调整,以期构建流域尺度上水土资源协调发展的可行预案。  相似文献   

Makkah City, west of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is considered the third main highly populated metropolitan area in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It exhibits two unique features that increase the hazardous flood consequences: (1) its topography is very complex and (2) about three million Muslims are gathered annually in Makkah to perform Hajj over a 2-week period. Floods are natural returning hydrological phenomena that have been affecting human lives. The objectives of the current study are: (1) identification of land use types and road networks in Makkah, (2) hydrological modeling of flood characteristics in Makkah based on precise up-to-date databases, (3) examination of the relationship between land use, land cover changes, transportation network expansion, and the floods' prosperities and hazards, and (4) development of digital hydrological maps for present and near future flood hazards in Makkah. The attained results show that the mean runoff depth and the total flood volume are significantly increased from 2010 to 2030. Additionally, it has been found that a great part of the road network in Makkah City is subjected to high dangerous flood impacts. The overall length of flood danger-factor roads is increased from 481 km (with almost 37 %) to 1,398 km (with 74 % approximately) between 2010 and 2030. Thus, it is concluded that urbanization has a direct strong relationship with flood hazards. Consequently, it is recommended that the attained results should be taken into account by decision makers in implementing new development planning of the Makkah metropolitan area.  相似文献   

徐倩  李阳兵  黄娟 《中国岩溶》2018,37(4):545-554
选取贵州省清镇市近郊村域王家寨地区为研究对象,在GIS支持下,利用该区域1963年、1982年、2005年、2010年和2015年5期土地利用图形数据叠加分析,提取出研究区50余年来的土地利用/覆盖信息,并结合相应的社会经济统计数据,分析了其驱动力因子,其结果表明:(1)1963—2015年间,土地覆盖类型的总体变化为高被草地和平坝旱耕地明显减少,低被草地、农村居民点、工矿用地、公路用地面积大幅增加,其中,平坝旱耕地有向经济效益更高的土地利用方式转变的趋势;(2)景观格局演变的总体趋势是:自1963年起,斑块数量、斑块密度持续增加,到2015年呈下降趋势,而最大斑块指数逐年减小,形状趋于不规则,同时,近50年景观的多样性指数持续增加;(3)区内土地利用/覆盖和景观格局呈阶段性变化,从1963年到2005年,坡地土地利用活动较强,2005年后,平地土地利用强度增加、农业逐渐转型、聚落持续扩展;(4)区内土地利用及景观格局的变化主要受经济、人口和政策因素的影响。   相似文献   

铜绿山铜铁金矿床是长江中下游铜铁多金属成矿带最重要的矽卡岩型矿床之一,矿床的形成与铜绿山石英闪长岩株体密切相关,矿体主要沿北北东向断裂产于石英闪长岩与大理岩/白云质大理岩的接触带,形成钙-镁复合型矽卡岩铜多金属矿化。围岩蚀变由致矿岩体到接触-蚀变矿化中心为:绢云母-绿泥石-钾化带、高岭石-绿泥石-弱矽卡岩化带、皂石-绿泥石-强矽卡岩化带。蚀变矿化期次可分为岩浆-热液期和表生期,其中,岩浆-热液期可分为矽卡岩阶段、退化蚀变阶段、氧化物阶段、硫化物阶段和碳酸盐阶段。绿泥石是钻孔岩芯中出现最多且分布最为广泛的蚀变矿物之一。经短波红外光谱(SWIR)研究发现,从蚀变矿化中心到外围,绿泥石出现由铁绿泥石/铁镁绿泥石逐渐转变为镁绿泥石,且绿泥石Fe-OH特征吸收峰位值(Pos2250)显示出从高值变为低值的趋势。结合其他蚀变矿物的空间分布特征,文章提出绿泥石的高Fe-OH特征吸收峰位值(Pos22502253 nm)与金云母、蛇纹石、绿帘石、皂石和高岭石的大量出现,对指示铜绿山矽卡岩型矿床的矿化中心具有一定的作用。  相似文献   

姜光辉  张强 《中国岩溶》2011,30(4):397-402
以桂林丫吉试验场为例,检验植被恢复对岩溶碳汇的影响作用。上世纪80年代,丫吉试验场峰丛洼地的植被受砍伐干扰,地表以草地居多,此后施行自然封山育林,植被经二十多年的封育后,现在变成为灌木林,土壤中植物根系呼吸和微生物异养呼吸增强,土壤空气中CO2含量上升,岩溶作用增强,泉水输出的无机碳通量增加。通过建立系统的水化学混合模型,将泉水的无机碳通量分解为原水输出和降雨补给引起的新水输出。在一次典型的强降雨过程,S31岩溶泉原水输出量占总量的65%~83%,而降雨补给引起的新水无机碳输出通量较少,且不能反映生态环境的变化,因此应以原水中溶解无机碳的浓度衡量整个生态环境对岩溶作用的影响。长期的观测表明由于植被的改变导致原水输出的无机碳含量提高了27%,而原水在岩溶泉的年流量中所占的比例高达72%~84%,其中由植被演化造成岩溶碳汇增加的幅度为19%~23%。   相似文献   

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