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In previous seismotectonic studies,the emphasis was placed on the inherited active fault zones.In the recent tectonic stage that essentially keeps in step with the current regional geologic environment and the stress field,however,there are also some newly generated fault zones.By studying the seismicity in North and Southwest China,it has been known that the NE-trending Tangshan-Hejian-Cixian and NW-trending Tengchong-Gengma-Lancang seismic zones are just two newly generated fault zones.As distinguished from the inherited fault zones,they are called the newly generated seismotectonic zones.This paper deals with the existence of these two seismogenic zones from their seismicity and geological structures,gives a preliminary analysis of their characteristics,and shows their significance.  相似文献   

Introduction To correctly understand the tectonic deformation of continental lithosphere, its dynamical mechanics and seismic activity, we should firstly acquire the velocity field and strain field of lithospheric tectonic motion with fine resolution and consistent accuracy (Molnar and Lyon-Caen, 1989; Molnar, 1990). And the quality, distribution and density of observed data are the basis for studying crustal tectonic deformation. In the past, crustal deformation is usually determined indi-r…  相似文献   

Based on the horizontal movement velocities and their error estimations of 144GPS stations in North China de-duced from the results obtained from multiple GPS measurements carried out in the period of 1992-2001,the horizontal deformation in the area is stuklied.The movements,entire deformations,local deformations,activeity patterns and intensities along the boundary zones are derived.And then the risk of strong earthquake in the area is estimated.In the research,the horizontal displacement observations can be considered as the sum of three parts.The first part is the entire motion following Eurasian plate,which can be derived from NUVAL-IA model;the second part is the relative motions and deformations between the sub-tectonic blocks in the studied area,which can be derived from a set of displacement observations determined by the expanded QUAD method in the paper;the third part is the local deformations and errors in the sub-tectonic blocks,which can be described as the inhomoge-neous strains of the block.The method and results are introduced in detail in the paper.  相似文献   

IntroductionWith the most feasible and powerful technical support provided by the high-precision GPS measurement for the study on horizontal crustal deformation, the obtainment of various-scale horizontal movement data and its study over the whole world is now in the ascendant, and its applicable fields is now expanding successively. In China, besides the GPS monitoring networks for different applications arranged by many agencies and departments, the key scientific project Crustal Movement…  相似文献   

During the period from 1800 to 1989,the degree of fatalities(?from earthquakes in North China(Lat.34.0°-42.0°N,Long.107.5°-125.0°E)varied exponentially with the frequency of earthquake events(N),namely:N=37.71 exp(-0.72?(E-logD,D:deaths).For the periods from 1988 to 1998 and from 1999 to 2009,the probabilities for earthquakes to cause one thousand or more deaths in North China are estimated to be 0.37 and 0.50,respectively,by using the Gumbel's extreme value theory.  相似文献   

Introduction Analyzing tectonic stress field based on focal mechanism data is an important way to the study tectonic evolvement of lithosphere and associated dynamic process. Such studies growrapidly in China and abroad (Zoback, 1992; Plenefisch, Bonjer, 1997; XU, 1985; CUI, XIE, 1999). At present most of the studies focus on the inversion of focal mechanism data for the direction and relative magnitude of stress tensor, and few on absolute stress. Using focal mechanism and fault scratch,…  相似文献   

The Anninghe fault is one of the significant earthquake-generating fault zones in the Southwest China. Local his-torical record shows that a M≥7 strong earthquake occurred in the year of 1536. On the basis of the detailed air-photographic interpretation and field investigation, we have acquired the following knowledge: 1 The average sinistral strike-slip rate since the Late Pleistocene is about 3~7 mm/a; 2 There is important reverse faulting along the fault zone besides the main left-lateral strike-slip motion, and the shortening rate across the Anninghe fault zone due to the reverse faulting is about 1.7~4.0 mm/a. If the Xianshuihe fault zone is simply partitioned into the Anninghe and Daliangshan faults, we can also get a slip rate of 3~7 mm/a along the Daliangshan fault zone, which is the same as that on the Anninghe fault zone. Moreover, on the basis of our field investigation and the latest knowledge concerning the active tectonics of Tibetan crust, we create a dynamic model for the Anninghe fault zone.  相似文献   

Earthquake probability prediction is based on earthquakes occurred in a certain seismo-tectonic region to predict the probable times and probability of certain magnitude segment earthquake or the earthquake whose mag-nitude is larger than certain magnitude low limit in the coming certain period, this was extensively applied to earthquake risk analysis and earthquake forecast. The main characteristics of the method are that when earthquake statistical model was founded according to the occurred …  相似文献   

Introduction The degree of earth-resistivity anisotropy was described (MAO, et al, 1995, 1998) as follows: 31EWSN1011-==niinSrr n=6 (1) where rNS and rEW are monthly mean values of earth resistivity in the direction of NS and EW, respectively, S is the half-year value. Equation (1) shows that if rNS=rEW, then S =0 and the electrical property of medium is isotropic; if rNSrEW, then S0 and the electrical property of medium is anisotropic. When S increases, the anisotropy of electri…  相似文献   

Azimuthal anisotropy in lithosphere on the Chinese mainland from observations of SKS at CDSN(郑斯华)(高原)Azimuthalanisotropyinlit...  相似文献   

刘卫华  魏东平 《地震》2006,26(2):45-53
中国西部的青藏和新疆地区现代构造变形活动非常强烈, 业已证实该区可以进一步划分为塔里木、 阿拉善、 天山、 柴达木和西藏5个活动地块。 利用GPS观测资料得到的中国大陆地壳水平运动的速度场, 借鉴全球板块运动模型的建模方法, 将其视为刚性的地块系统, 反演得到各地块相对欧亚板块运动的欧拉矢量, 进而求得各地块两两之间相对运动的欧拉矢量, 并计算出沿地块边界的相对运动速率。 结果显示, 与地块边界上的地震滑移矢量, 由地质学资料得到的滑移速率, 以及GPS数据本身均有较好的一致性, 从而也说明了将该地区划分为若干活动地块并视为刚性地块的合理性。  相似文献   

The Chinese mainland is regarded as the best area for studying the continental crustal movement and dynamics. In the past, based on the ground surface observation, it was very difficult to study the movement of the intraplate blocks within a range of larger space and a time scale of several years quantitatively. In this paper, a method of calculating the Euler vectors of present-time motion among blocks by using Cardan angles has been given completely based on two periods of GPS repetition measurement data of the National Ascending Plan of China (NAPC) — the study and application of current crustal movement and geodynamics in 1994 and 1996. A present-time blocks movement model on the Chinese mainland (PBMC-1), which describes the motion of seven blocks—Tibet, Chuan-Dian, Gan-Qing, Xinjiang, South China, North China and Heilongjiang block, is established preliminarily. The velocity field of the relative motion among the intraplate blocks and boundary motion in the Chinese mainland are firstly given within several years time scale. It is shown by the results calculated with the model that the velocity-rate of each block is reduced gradually from the south to north and from the west to east, and the motion direction changes gradually from NNE to E, even SEE or SE. The collision of Indian plate plays a leading role in the movement of the intraplate blocks in the Chinese mainland, while the motion manner and velocity-rate of block boundary zone (fracture zone) depend on the motion of every block again. The present-time motion of a time scale of several years computed with the model is not only largely consistent with the average motion of a time scale of several million years derived from geology, but also very coincident with the results of geophysical and astronomic observation. It is shown preliminarily that the observed results of space geodesy techniques such as GPS etc. are capable of discovering the crustal movement at present. This study is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC), National Ascending Plan of China (NAPC) and Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation (CJSSF).  相似文献   

中国西部及邻区活动地块边界带现代构造应力场   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
利用哈佛全球矩心矩张量解数据和许忠淮认为1920mdash;1999年可靠的中国大陆震源机制解数据, 反演了中国西部及邻区活动地块边界带上现代构造应力场.通过对FMSI反演程序多次的输入和检验, 得到了边界带上的应力场.边界带上最大主压应力sigma;1轴绝大多数近水平. 在90deg;E以西的中国西部大陆及邻区, sigma;1轴水平方向基本上为近SN向;在青藏高原的东北部, sigma;1轴水平方向基本上为近NE向;在青藏高原的东南部, sigma;1轴水平方向绕喜马拉雅构造东端顺时针方向旋转.最小主压应力sigma;3轴倾角呈两极分布,西域地块区内活动地块边界带和青藏地块区内东北缘部分段sigma;3轴倾角较陡, 而青藏地块区内sigma;3轴倾角近水平, 所以西域地块区和青藏地块区内东北部相对于其它大部分青藏地块区, 有更多的逆冲地震.应力场在同一个边界带具有非均匀性. 北天山带、南天山带、西秦岭mdash;德令哈带、岷山mdash;龙门山带和安宁河mdash;小江带的非均匀性相对要小一些, 西昆仑带、海原mdash;祁连带、东昆仑带、玛尼mdash;玉树带、澜沧江带和滇西西边界带的非均匀性相对要大, 而喀喇昆仑mdash;嘉黎带和喜马拉雅带的非均匀性最显著.由于震源机制解数据的限制, 本文给出的是边界带上部分段的应力场.   相似文献   

Using high precision GPS data for the period of 1999–2007 from the China Crustal Movement Observation Network, we have constructed a plate kinematic model of crustal deformation of Fenwei basin, China. We have examined different kinematic models that can fit the horizontal crustal deformation of the Fenwei basin using three steps of testing. The first step is to carry out unbiasedness and efficiency tests of various models. The second step is to conduct significance tests of strain parameters of the models. The third step is to examine whether strain parameters can fully represent the deformation characteristics of the 11 tectonic blocks over the Fenwei basin. Our results show that the degree of rigidity at the Ordos, Hetao, Yinshan and South China blocks is significant at the 95% confidence level, indicating the crustal deformation of these blocks can be represented by a rigid block model without the need to consider differential deformation within blocks. We have demonstrated that homogeneous strain condition is suitable for the Yinchuan basin but not for other 6 blocks. Therefore, inhomogeneous strains within blocks should be considered when establishing the crustal deformation model for these blocks. We have also tested that not all of the quadratic terms of strain parameters are needed for the Yuncheng-Linfen block. Therefore, four kinds of elastic kinematic models that can best represent the detailed deformation characteristics of the 11 blocks of Fenwei basin are finally obtained. Based on the established model, we have shown that the current tectonic strain feature of the Fenwei basin is mainly characterized by tensile strain in the NW–SE direction, and the boundaries betweem the Ganqing and Ordos blocks and the Shanxi graben possess the maximum shear strain. A comparison between our results and past geological and geophysical investigations further confirms that the model established in this paper is reasonable.  相似文献   

The method of sliding direction fitting is used to determine stress districts, taking the shear stress directions and ratios of shear stress to stress on fault planes given by focal mechanism solutions as the criteria to select focal mechanism solutions of one region and sorting out the earthquakes controlled by different tectonic stress fields, and then determining the stress districts from epicenter distribution of earthquakes. We call this method as step by step convergence method. By inversion analyzing of 297 focal mechanism solutions, we consider that Southwest China and its adjacent area can be divided into 5 stress districts, and we worked out directions of the three principal stresses and values of shape factor φin 5 stress districts.  相似文献   

Active tectonic blocks and strong earthquakes in the continent of China   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The primary pattern of the late Cenozoic to the present tectonic deformation of China is characterized by relative movements and interactions of tectonic blocks. Active tectonic blocks are geological units that have been separated from each other by active tectonic zones. Boundaries between blocks are the highest gradient of differential movement. Most of tectonic activity occurs on boundaries of the blocks. Earthquakes are results of abrupt releases of accumulated strain energy that reaches the threshold of strength of the earth's crust. Boundaries of tectonic blocks are the locations of most discontinuous deformation and highest gradient of stress accumulation, thus are the most likely places for strain energy accumulation and releases, and in turn, devastating earthquakes. Almost all earthquakes of magnitude greater than 8 and 80%-90% of earthquakes of magnitude over 7 occur along boundaries of active tectonic blocks. This fact indicates that differential movements and interactions of active tectonic blocks are the primary mechanism for the occurrences of devastating earthquakes.  相似文献   

In this paper, the method which can combine different seismic data with the different precision and completeness, even the palaeo-earthquake data, has been applied to estimate the yearly seismic moment rate in the seismic region. Based on this, the predictable model of regional time-magnitude has been used in North China and Southwest China. The normal correlation between the time interval of the events and the magnitude of the last strong earthquake shows that the model is suitable. The value of the parameter c is less than the average value of 0.33 that is obtained from the events occurred in the plate boundary in the world. It is explained that the correlativity between the recurrence interval of the earthquake and the magnitude of the last strong event is not obvious. It is shown that the continental earthquakes in China are different from that occurred in the plate boundary and the recurrence model for the continental events are different from the one for the plate boundary events. Finally the seismic risk analysis based on this model for North China and Southwest China is given in this paper.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯块体周缘地区现今地壳水平运动与应变   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
位于青藏块体和华北块体之间的鄂尔多斯块体及其周缘地区是中国大陆构造活动最活跃的地区之一,从1300年至今,在块体周边断陷盆地和西南缘断裂带上发生了五次8级以上的地震.为了了解该地区现今地壳运动、应变状态以及断裂滑动分布,我们收集了中国大陆构造环境监测网络2009-2013年、国家GPS控制网、跨断陷盆地的8个GPS剖面等共527个流动站和32个连续站GPS观测数据,获得了高空间分辨率的地壳水平运动速度场,进一步用均匀弹性模型计算了应变率分布.结果表明,块体内部GPS站点向NEE方向运动,速度变化较小,应变率大多在(-1.0~1.0)×10-8/a之间;山西断陷带构造运动与变形最为强烈,盆地相对于鄂尔多斯块体为拉张变形,应变率为(1.0~3.0)×10-8/a,相对于东部山地则为挤压变形,应变率为(-2.0~-3.0)×10-8/a,盆地西侧断裂(如罗云山断裂、交城断裂)以拉张运动为主,拉张速率为2~3 mm·a-1,盆地东侧断裂主要以右旋缩短运动为主,速率为1~3 mm·a-1;河套断陷带西部的临河凹陷处于较强的张性应变状态,应变率为(2.0~3.0)×10-8/a;块体西南边缘处于压缩应变状态,应变率为(-1.0~-2.0)×10-8/a,六盘山断裂存在明显的地壳缩短运动,速率约为2.1 mm·a-1,速率在断裂附近逐渐减小,反映了断裂处于闭锁状态;相对于鄂尔多斯块体内部渭河断裂带为左旋运动,速率为1.0 mm·a-1,盆地处在弱拉张变形状态.  相似文献   

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