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The Ljusdal Batholith (LjB) is a major component of the central Svecofennian Domain in Sweden. It is separated from the Bothnian Basin to the north by the 1.82–1.80 Ga crustal-scale Hassela Shear Zone (HSZ). The LjB has emplacement ages of 1.86–1.84 Ga, is mainly alkali-calcic, metaluminous, has Nd values between − 0.3 and + 1.2 and was formed in a magmatic arc setting.

During the Svecokarelian orogeny the LjB was affected by at least three fold episodes. Large-scale folded screens of migmatised metasedimentary rocks occur in the eastern part of the batholith, and to the north of the HSZ, there is a 50 km wide diatexite belt. The Transition Belt (TrB), consisting of 1.88–1.85 Ga granitoids, is located at the northwestern extension of this belt. A calc-alkaline and peraluminous composition combined with negative Nd values (− 1.7 to − 0.8) indicates a large proportion of metasediments in the source for these granitoids.

U–Pb SIMS data on zircon rims from migmatites and leucogranites to the north and east of LjB yield ages of 1.87–1.86 Ga, i.e. coeval with the granitoids of the LjB and the TrB. There is thus a close relationship between the LjB, the TrB and the migmatites in both space and time. Syn-migmatitic shearing along the HSZ indicates that a proto-HSZ was initiated already at c. 1.86 Ga, and the location of the proto-HSZ is inferred to be controlled by two older nuclei present in the lower parts of the crust. As crustal-scale shear zone systems are known to act as ascent pathways for sheet-like flow in active orogenies the TrB may represents accumulations of melts that were attracted and extracted by the proto-HSZ and intruded in a block that was not pervasively affected by subsequent shear along the HSZ.

An active continental margin setting for the LjB implies subduction at c. 1.86 Ga, and provides a heat source for both the migmatites and the TrB.

A later migmatisation at 1.82 Ga has been recorded to the south of the HSZ. Within the LjB the 1.82 Ga stromatic migmatites are folded by F2 folds, and the fabric is truncated by 1.80 Ga pegmatites.  相似文献   

The paper presents results of petrochemical, geochemical, and isotope-geochemical study of the Patchemvarek and Severnyi gabbroanorthosite massifs of the Kola Peninsula. It was shown that the rocks of these massifs differ from the gabbroanorthosite massifs of the Neoarchean Keivy-Kolmozero Complex in the more calcic composition (70–85% An) of normative plagioclase, and low contents of TiO2, FeO, and Fe2O3. In terms of chemical composition, the gabbroanorthosites of the studied massifs are close to the rocks of the Fisken?sset Complex (Southwestern Greenland) and to the anorthosites of the Vermillion Lake Complex (Canada). U-Pb zircon dating established Mesoarchean ages of 2925 ± 7 and 2935 ± 8 Ma for the gabbroan-orthosites of the Patchemvarek and Severnyi massifs, respectively. It was shown that the gabbroanorthosites of the studied massifs have fairly low REE contents (Ce n = 2.2−4.2, Yb n = 1.6−2.6) and distinct positive Eu anomaly. Comagmatic ultrabasic differentiates have practically unfractionated REE pattern, low total REE contents (Ce n = 1.2, Yb n = 1.1, La/Yb n = 1.3), and no Eu anomaly. The studied samples of the Archean gabbroanorthosites are characterized by positive εNd = +2.68 for the gabbroanorthosites of the Severnyi Massif and from + 2.77 to + 1.66 for the Patchemvarek Massif. Initial strontium isotope ratios are 87Sr/86Sr i = 0.70204 ± 8 and 87Sr/86Sr i = 0.70258 ± 8 for the rocks of the Severnyi and Patchemvarek massifs, respectively. Our study showed that the obtained U-Pb zircon ages for the gabbroanorthosites of the Patchemvarek and Severnyi massifs represent the oldest date for the Kola peninsula, thus marking the oldest, Mesoarchean stage in the evolution of region. The differences in the initial 143Nd/144Nd ratios between the Neoarchean gabbroanorthosites of the Keivy-Kolmozero Complex and the Mesoarchean gabbroanorthosites of the studied massifs suggest the existence of two mantle sources. One of them produced intrusions with an age of 2.67–2.66 Ga, while other was responsible for the formation of massifs with an age of 2.93–2.92 Ga. The composition and temperature of “parental” melt of the gabbroanorthosites were simulated using COMAGMAT-3.5 program. According to the calculations, the parental melt represented aluminous basalt, whose differentiation at T = 1280°C and P = 7 kbar at the crust-mantle boundary was accompanied by plagioclase floatation and formation of “crystal mesh” that produced anorthosite complexes. The gabbroanorthosies of the Patchemvarek and Severnyi massifs were presumably derived from MORB-type basalts of oceanic settings, while the Tsaga, Achinskii, and other anorthosite massifs of the Neoarchean age were generated from subalkaline magma formed in within-plate anorogenic setting. Sm-Nd isotope data suggest the existence of several mantle sources in the Kola region, which produced melts for different-age gabbroanorthosite massifs since Mesoarchean to the middle Paleoproterozoic. The Archean-Early Proterozoic anorthosite magmatism of the Kola region records a complete cycle (∼ 800 Ma) of the formation and consolidation of continental block.  相似文献   

New geological, isotopic-geochronological, petrochemical, and isotopic geochemical data were obtained on the Porosozero and Kolmozero sanukitoid intrusions in the Kola region. The Porosozero differentiated intrusion was formed in four phases successively emplaced during approximately 60 Ma. Phase 1 consists of a gabbrodiorite-quartz monzodiorite-granodiorite-granite series. The zircon ages of granodiorite and quartz monzodiorite from the Porosozero are 2733 ± 6 and 2734 ± 4 Ma, respectively. Phase 2 of the intrusion comprises biotite leucogranites and aplite and leucoplagiogranite veins. The zircon age of the leucogranite is 2712 ± 6 Ma. Phase 3 consists of lamprophyre dikes of odinite-spessartite-vogesite composition. The emplacement age of the lamprophyres is constrained by the age of magmatic zircon from an odinite dike: 2680 ± 10 Ma. The age of the metasomatic zircon is 2629 ± 8 Ma. Phase 4 is composed of the youngest pegmatite veins. The Rb-Sr isochron age of the phase-1 rocks is 2724 ± 74 Ma. The zircon age of granitoids from the Kolmozero is 2736 ± 4 Ma. The rocks of the sanukitoid intrusions affiliate with the calc-alkaline series, have Mg# = 0.45?0.60, are enriched in Ba, Sr, K, P, and LREE, and contain elevated concentrations of Cr and Ni. Sm-Nd isotopic data on sanukitoids from both intrusions suggest that they were derived from a mantle source enriched in LILE and LREE and having ?Nd(2740) from +1.02 to +0.36. It was melted approximately 140 Ma after its origin [T(DM) = 2.9?2.8 Ga]. The rocks of the Porosozero and Kolmozero are proved to be similar to magmatic sanukitoid series of Archean and Phanerozoic age whose genesis was controlled by mantle-crustal interaction in suprasubduction environments at active continental margins. Elevated concentrations of Ag and Au in rocks from the Porosozero make it metallogenically promising in terms of precious metals.  相似文献   

Nikolaeva  S. B. 《Doklady Earth Sciences》2022,506(1):S108-S115
Doklady Earth Sciences - Soft-sediment deformation structures have been identified in glaciolacustrine deposits of the terrace complexes of Imandra Lake (Kola Region, northeastern part of the...  相似文献   

This paper considers the results of detailed paleoseismic and geological investigations in a key site in the wall of the Imandra Lake depression (Kola Peninsula Region, Northeast of the Fennoscandian Shield). Study of different groups of paleoseismic deformations developed in the fault zone and the application of new methods and techniques made it possible to identify a large seismotectonic zone characterized by great earthquakes at the end of the Late Glacial and in the Holocene. The investigation data are indicative of the necessity to estimate the seismic potential in the Kola Atomic plant area in a different way.  相似文献   

The Kola Alkaline Province in the northeastern Fennoscandian Shield comprises the world’s biggest agpaitic region consisting of the Khibina and Lovozero agpaitic complexes in addition to numerous carbonatite intrusions. Gravity data were used to create 3D models of the deep structure of these alkaline complexes down to the upper crustal level. Computer modelling was used for data analysis and presentation.The obtained data give strong evidence for the different internal structures of the Khibina and the Lovozero complexes. Both complexes at deeper levels are suggested to be composed not only of agpaitic nepheline syenites, but also of alkaline ultramafic rocks. The total volume of peridotite, foidite and melilitic rocks which form the lower zones of these two plutons range from 20 to 30% of their total volume. The Khibina and the Lovozero complexes have no common magma conduits within the uppermost crustal levels.Carbonatite intrusions of the Kola Peninsula form (i) subvertical lens-shaped igneous bodies, (ii) lopolith-like subsurface bodies with thin conduits, (iii) subvertical concentric bodies widening downwards which are suggested to represent the upper parts of large alkaline ultrabasic intrusions. The results support the idea of the uniform vertical zonality of carbonatite intrusions which may have had initially uniform magmatic reservoirs. Originally, the shape of the magma chambers for the carbonatite intrusions was close to a lens-like symmetric stock body 16–18 km in height with a vertical length/maximum diameter ratio close to 2:1. Differences in the on-surface structure of the carbonatite intrusions mostly depend on the level of erosion of the magma chambers. Comparative analysis of the morphology and internal structure of carbonatite intrusions have shown varying levels of erosion in different parts of the Kola Peninsula. This leads to the conclusion that the Precambrian crust, together with enclosed carbonatite intrusions, has undergone nonuniform erosion since the time of late Devonian alkaline magmatism. The southern part of the Kola basement appears to be the most eroded portion of northeastern Fennoscandia whereas the western and northwestern shield areas experienced less uplift since the time of the late Devonian alkaline magmatism.  相似文献   

Gold occurs in a number of different ore types in the Fennoscandian Shield ranging in age from Late Archean to Late Proterozoic. Until recently, the metal was exploited primarily as a byproduct in volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits but during the 1980s more gold mines have been opened than during any other episode in the mining history of northern Europe. The occurrence of gold in the Fennoscandian Shield is reviewed in the context of the major tectonostratigraphic units:
1.  In the Karelian Province, gold is hosted by greenstone belts of the Archean basement complex e.g. at Ilomantsi, eastern Finland. Greenstone belts of the Nordkalott Province, which are interpreted as part of an Early Proterozoic cover sequence, contain gold deposits associated with copper (Bidjovagge, Saattopora and Pahtohavare). Gold is also associated with cobalt in the metasomatically altered Early Proterozoic cover in north-eastern Finland (Meurastuksenaho and Juomasuo).
2.  In the Svecofennian Domain, the major gold deposits were generated during the emplacement of 1.92–1.87 Ga old accretional magmatism. These deposits occur in the northeastern part of the Svecofennian Domain, close to the Archean-Proterozoic boundary. They comprise two major types: (a) the porphyry-type and shear-zone gold hosted by tonalite at Tallberg, Laivakangas, Kopsa and Osikonmäki; (b) as a component of volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits (e.g. Holmtjärn, Boliden and Pyhäsalmi). Other types are: (c) gold-bearing quartz-alumina alteration zones formed during the 1.92–1.87 Ga magmatic period (Enåsen); (d) gold in massive sulphide and iron ore deposits in Bergslagen.
3.  Gold associated with 1.84–1.54 Ga granites has been reported from several sites in the Shield, including quartz veins and contact-metasomatic deposits. In addition, shear-zone-related gold deposits post-dating these granites have been identified in southeastern Sweden (Ädelfors).
4.  In the Sveconorwegian Domain, the gold deposits at Bleka, Eidsvoll, Glava and Hamas are associated with shear zones which developed penecontemporaneously with the intrusion of late (1.0–0.9 Ga) granites.
These metallogenic features, deposit modelling and economic properties of the known occurrences suggest that the potential for new gold discoveries is highest in Late Archean to Early Proterozoic greenstone belts and in Early Svecofennian tonalite plutons. The gold potential of the Sveconorwegian Domain is also worth further consideration.  相似文献   

Horizons with seismogenic sediments are revealed in the bottom sediments of the lake basins in the southwestern Kola Peninsula. In the borehole cores, they are represented by material that sharply differs from the overlying and underlying sediments: fragments of gyttia, siltstone, wood, sand, and peat that are embedded in the sapropelic matrix and look like breccia. These sediments reflect a strong catastrophic event from the Holocene that occurred 6000–5400 14C yr BP. The seismic events that happened in the middle Holocene in the northeastern Fennoscandian shield indicate a significant role of the tectonic component in the damping process of relaxation of the Earth’s crust in the unloading of the recent glacier cover.  相似文献   

O. Eklund  D. Konopelko  H. Rutanen  S. Fr  jd    A. D. Shebanov 《Lithos》1998,45(1-4):87-108
At least 14 small (1–11 km across) 1.8 Ga Svecofennian post-collisional bimodal intrusions occur in southern Finland and Russian Karelia in a 600-km-long belt from the Åland Islands to the NW Lake Ladoga region. The rocks range from ultramafic, calc-alkaline, apatite-rich potassium lamprophyres to peraluminous HiBaSr granites, and form a shoshonitic series with K2O+Na2O>5%, K2O/Na2O>0.5, Al2O3>9% over a wide spectrum of SiO2 (32–78%). Although strongly enriched in all rocks, the LILE Ba and Sr and the LREE generally define a decreasing trend with increasing SiO2. Depletion is noted for HFSE Ti, Nb and Ta. Available isotopic data show overlapping values for lamprophyres and granites within separate intrusions and a cogenetic origin is thus not precluded. Initial magmas (Mg#>65) in this shoshonitic association are considered to be generated in an enriched lithospheric mantle during post-collisional uplift some 30 Ma after the regional Svecofennian metamorphic peak. However, prior to the melting episode, the lithospheric mantle was affected by carbonatite metasomatism; more extensively in the east than in the west. The melts generated in the more carbonate-rich mantle are extremely enriched in P2O54%, F12,000 ppm, LILE: Ba9000 ppm, Sr7000 ppm, LREE: La600 ppm and Ce1000 ppm. The parental magma underwent 55–60% fractionation of biotite+clinopyroxene+apatite+magnetite+sphene whereupon intermediate varieties were produced. After further fractionation, 60–80%, of K-feldspar+amphibole+plagioclase±(minor magnetite, sphene and apatite), leucosyenites and quartz-monzonites were formed. In the west, where the source was less affected by carbonatite metasomatism, calc-alkaline lamprophyres (vogesites, minettes and spessartites) and equivalent plutonic rocks (monzonites) were formed. Removal of about 50% of biotite, amphibole, plagioclase, magnetite, apatite and sphene produced peraluminous HiBaSr granites. The impact of crustal assimilation is considered to be low. At about 1.8 Ga, the post-collisional shoshonitic magmatism brought juvenile material, particularly enriched in alkalis, LILE, LREE and F, into the crust. Although areally restricted, the regional distribution of the post-collisional intrusions may indicate that larger volumes of 1.8 Ga juvenile material resides in unexposed parts of the crust.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the occurrences of tholeiitic magmatism in the northeastern Fennoscandian shield. It was found that numerous dolerite dikes of the Pechenga, Barents Sea, and Eastern Kola swarms were formed 380–390 Ma ago, i.e., directly before the main stage of the Paleozoic alkaline magmatism of the Kola province. The isotope geochemical characteristics of the dolerites suggest that their primary melts were derived from the mantle under the conditions of the spinel lherzolite facies. The depleted mantle material from which the tholeiites were derived shows no evidence for metasomatism and enrichment in high fieldstrength and rare earth elements, whereas melanephelinite melts postdating the tholeiites were generated in an enriched source. It was shown that the relatively short stage of mantle metasomatism directly after the emplacement of tholeiitic magmas was accompanied by significant mantle fertilization. In contrast to other large igneous provinces, where pulsed intrusion of large volumes of tholeiitic magmas coinciding or alternating with phases of alkaline magmatism was documented, the Kola province is characterized by systematic evolution of the Paleozoic plume–lithosphere process with monotonous deepening of the level of magma generation, development of mantle metasomatism and accompanying fertilization of mantle materials, and systematic changes in the composition of melts reaching the surface.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》2001,105(2-4):269-287
The Kolvitsa Belt in the south-western Kola Peninsula formed coeval with the earliest Palaeoproterozoic rift-belts in the Fennoscandian Shield. The Palaeoproterozoic history of this belt comprises the deposition of the 2.47 Ga Kandalaksha amphibolite (metabasalt) sequence onto 2.7 Ga granitoid gneisses, the intrusion of the 2.45–2.46 Ga Kolvitsa Massif of gabbro-anorthosite and the subsequent multiple injection of mafic dykes and magmatic brecciation, followed by the intrusion of 2.44 Ga dioritic dykes, and extensive shearing at 2.43–2.42 Ga. The gabbro-anorthosite and dykes contain high-pressure garnet-bearing assemblages that have previously been considered as evidence for metamorphism in a compressional setting of the Kolvitsa Belt at 2.45–2.42 Ga, i.e. coeval with the formation of the Imandra–Varzuga rift-belt and layered mafic intrusions in an extensional setting. The Kochinny Cape study area on the White Sea coast presents an unique remnant of a 2.44 Ga mafic dyke swarm that endured ca. 1.9 Ga collision but preserved its primary structural pattern well. All these dykes were intruded along numerous NW-trending shear zones within the Kolvitsa Massif and contain angular xenoliths of sheared gabbro-anorthosite. Every new batch of mafic melt underwent shearing during or immediately after solidification, and later dykes intruded into already sheared dykes. Thus, rocks of the Kolvitsa Massif and its dyke complex were successively injected into a large-scale shear zone which was active from ca. 2.46 to 2.42 Ga. Multiple injection of mafic melts, the presence of mutually intruding, composite, sheared mafic dykes, of magmatic breccias with gabbroic groundmass, and of host rocks fragments (showing no evidence of tectonic stacking at the time of brecciation), all indicate an extensional setting. Shearing was also extensional as it occurred simultaneously with the multistage magmatism. The asymmetric morphology of deformed dykes, and asymmetric flexures within weakly deformed lenses show that all these extensional shear zones, apart from a few exceptions, are dextral, were formed in a transtensional setting and are attributed to general W–E to WSW–ENE extension. Structural data available for 2.4–2.5 Ga magmatic rocks elsewhere in the Kola region suggest that the same kinematics operated on a regional scale. The presence of the garnet-bearing assemblages in gabbro-anorthosite and dykes may be explained by crystallisation and shearing of the magmatic rocks at deep crustal levels. Alternatively, corona development might have occurred much later as a result of tectonic loading due to the juxtaposition and overthrusting of the Umba Granulite Terrane onto the Kolvitsa Belt at ca. 1.9 Ga. In view of the field evidence and published ages, an overall extensional setting rather than a combination of compressional and extensional zones is preferable for Palaeoproterozoic tectonics in the north-eastern Fennoscandian Shield at 2.5–2.4 Ga.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1988,3(2):185-203
Chemical and isotopic analyses of water from drill holes and mines throughout the Fennoscandian Shield show that distinct layers of groundwater are present. An upper layer of fresh groundwater is underlain by several sharply differentiated saline layers, which may differ in salinity, relative abundance of solutes, and O, H, Sr and S isotope signature. Saline groundwater can be classified into four major groups based on geochemistry and presumed origin. Brackish and saline waters from 50–200 m depth in coastal areas around the Baltic Sea exhibit distinct marine chemical and isotopic fingerprints, modified by reactions with host rocks. These waters represent relict Holocene seawater. Inland, three types of saline groundwater are observed: an uppermost layer of brackish and saline water from 300–900 m depth; saline water and brines from 1000–2000 m depth; and superdeep brines which have been observed to a depth of at least 11 km in the drill hole on the Kola Peninsula, U.S.S.R. Electrical and seismic studies in shield areas suggest that such brines are commonly present at even greater depths. The salinity of all inland groundwaters is attributed predominantly to water-rock interaction. The main solutes are Cl, Ca, Na and Mg in varying proportions, depending on the host rock lithology. The abundance of dissolved gases increases with depth but varies from site to site. The main gas components are N2, CH4 (up to 87 vol.%) and locally H2. The δ13C value for methane is highly variable (−25 to −46%), and it is suggested that hydrothermal or metamorphic gases trapped within the surrounding rocks are the most obvious source of CH4. The uppermost saline water has meteoric oxygen-hydrogen isotopic compositions, whereas values from deeper water plot above the meteoric water line, indicating considerably longer mean residence time and effective low temperature equilibration with host rocks. Geochemical and isotopic results from some localities demonstrate that the upper saline water cannot have been formed through simple mixing between fresh water and deep brines but rather is of independent origin. The source of water itself has not been satisfactorily verified although superdeep brines at least may contain a significant proportion of relict Precambrian hydrothermal or metamorphic fluids.  相似文献   

Paleoproterozoic mafic igneous rocks (2450–1970 Ma) are exposed in the form of layered intrusions, dykes, and volcanic rocks in the Karelian, Kola and Murmansk provinces and in the form of dykes and small intrusions in the Belomorian Province, Eastern Fennoscandian Shield. The age and sequence of mafic dyke emplacement during the Paleoproterozoic are very similar in these regions. Further comparisons of geochemical characteristics of mafic dyke swarms in the Belomorian Province and neighboring cratons show considerable similarities.  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic research of the Neoarchean polyphase Panozero sanukitoid massif of the Fennoscandian Shield was performed. Paleomagnetic studies of three rock associations of the massif was used to obtain the paleomagnetic pole Φ = −10.2°C Λ = 226.1°C, dp = 4.9°, dm = 3.5° ϕm = − 36.1°. Positive tests of the contact zone between rocks of the sanukitoid massif and the country Mesoarchean metavolcanics, as well as overlying Jatulian amygdaloid basalts and diabases of the Segozero structural feature testify to the primary origin of the high-temperature component of rock magnetization obtained. The paleomagnetic pole obtained indicates that during the period from 2.74 to 2.73 Ga the Karelian Craton was located in tropical moderate latitudes of the South Hemisphere and it possibly moved to the tropical latitudes during the Neoarchean.  相似文献   

New data on soft-sediment deformation in Late Pleistocene and Holocene deposits of the northwestern Kola Peninsula (Pechenga River valley) are reported and analyzed in terms of paleoseismicity implications. Soft-sediment deformation is assigned to paleoseismic triggers on the basis of special criteria. One sedimentary section in the Pechenga valley bears signature of several seismic events at the Late Pleistocene–Holocene boundary, constrained by radiocarbon dates. According to the morphology, sizes, and types of seismites, the earthquakes had an MSK-64 intensity at least VI–VII. The observed earthquake-induced deformation may be associated with tectonic subsidence of the Pechenga valley block.  相似文献   

Anorogenic magmatic complexes were formed during protoplatformal evolution of the Keivy structure. This evolution ended with development of aluminous schists, which were derived by deep disintegration and redeposition of the rocks from the lower parts of the sequence and surrounding of the structure. The anorogenic rocks of the region are represented by the following magmatic complexes: gabbro-labradorite-latite-monzonite-granites; ophitic gabbro and gabbrodiabases; quartz syenite-alkaline granites; alkaline and nepheline syenites. The magmatic activity of this period, starting from the emplacement of gabbrolabradorite massifs and ending with alkaline and nepheline syenite bodies, was caused by ascent of mantle asthenolith, which destructed the Earth’s crust basement in this area. The anorogenic magmatism of the Keivy structure lasted for no more than few or few tens of million years. The granitoid subcomplex of the gabbro-labradorite-latite-monzonite-granite complex is dated at 2674 ± 6 Ma, which is comparable with an age of alkaline granites of the Ponoy and Beliye Tundry massifs (2673 ± 6 Ma). The considered complexes are separated in time by intrusion of amphibole-biotite plagiomicrocline granites with an age of 2667 ± 8 Ma. Gabbrolabradorites of the Shchuch’e Ozero and Tsaga massifs have close ages (2663 ± 7 and 2668 ± 10 Ma, respectively, Bayanova, 2004), but were formed earlier than granitoids (Bayanova, 2004). Formation of alkaline syenites of the Sakharijok I Massif, which finalized the Neoarchean anorogenic magmatism of the region, falls in the same interval. During Paleoproterozoic transformations, the rocks of the Keivy structure were sheared and uranium was introduced in the contact zones of the alkaline granite massifs, which caused formation of palingenetic melts and subsequent formation of pegmatites in the outer contact zones of the granite bodies.  相似文献   

Summary Early Proterozoic layered intrusions, about 2440 Ma in age, are widespread over a large area of the northeastern Fennoscandian Shield in Finland, Sweden and the Soviet Union. Only one intrusion, the Kukkola intrusion, is encountered in Sweden whereas in Finland, their number exceeds twenty. These are concentrated principally in two areas, the dicontinuous Tornio-Närdnkävaara intrusion belt which crosses northern Finland and the Koitelainen intrusion with its satellites located in central Finnish Lapland. The intrusions in the Soviet Union are concentrated in three areas: (i) on the Kola Peninsula, (ii) in the Paanajärvi area close to the Finnish border and (iii) northeast of Lake Onega.Examples of all the ore types characteristic of layered intrusions have been found in these intrusions. Chromitite layers are encountered in the Kukkola/Tornio, Kemi, Penikat, Koitelainen and Burakovsky intrusions, but only one, the Kemi chromitite, has so far been mined. The Portimo, Koillismaa, Monchegorsk and Fedorova intrusions are characterized by PGE-bearing Cu-Ni-deposits in their marginal series. Mineralized zones enriched in PGE are also encountered in the layered series. Those in the Penikat intrusion and in the Portimo intrusions are the most remarkable and the best known to date. Vanadium-bearing Fe-Ti-oxide layers are encountered in several intrusions, but only one, the Mustavaara deposit, is presently being exploited.Two types of parental magma have tentatively been proposed for these intrusions. The first type is represented by a magma which was relatively rich in magnesium and chromium and was as a whole boninitic in composition, whereas the plagioclase-rich intrusions and megacyclic units are interpreted as having crystallized from a magma which was greatly depleted in these elements, especially Cr, and had melted crustal material incorporated in it.The emplacement of the early Proterozoic layered intrusions in Fennoscandia was part of the world-wide igneous activity indicated by other layered intrusions and mafic dyke swarms of similar age in other ancient cratons, i.e. the Jimberlana intrusion in Australia, the Great Dyke in Zimbabwe, the Scouric picrite suite in Scotland, the Hearst-Matachewan dyke swarm, Copper Cliff Formation and East Bull Lake intrusion in Ontario, Canada, and the Vestfold Hills and Napier Complex dyke swarms in Antarctica. This almost contemporaneous occurrence in different parts of the world would suggest a more intimate relationship between the Fennoscandian Shield, northwest Scotland, Canadian Shield, Yilgarn Block, Zimbabwe Craton and East Antarctic Shield at the beginning of the Proterozoic than at present.
Früh-Proterozoische geschichtete Intrusionen im nordöstlichen Teil des Fennoskandischen Schildes
Zusammenfassung Im Nordost-Teil des Fennoskandischen Schildes in Finnland, Schweden und der Sowjetunion kommen fast vierzig frühproterozoische geschichtete Intrusionen, die ungefähr 2440 Mio J. alt sind, vor. Nur eine davon, die Kukkola Intrusion, liegt in Schweden, während in Finnland mehr als zwanzig Intrusionen vorkommen. Diese sind hauptsächlich in zwei Gebieten konzentriert, nämlich in dem nicht-zusammenhängenden Tornio-Näränkävaara Gürtel, der das nördliche Finnland durchzieht, und die Koitelainen-Intrusion mit ihren Satelliten im zentralen Finnischen Lapland. Die Intrusionen in der Sowjetunion sind in drei Gebieten konzentriert: (i) auf der Kola Halbinsel (ii) im Paanajärvi Gebiet nahe der Finnischen Grenze und (iii) östlich vom Onega-See.Beispiele aller für geschichtete Intrusionen charakteristischen Erztypen kommen vor. Chromititlagen sind in den Intrusionen von Kukkola/Tornio, Kemi, Penikat, Koitelainen und Burakovsky zu finden, aber nur eine davon, der Kemi Chromitit, ist bisher in Abbau genommen worden.Die Portimo-, Koillismaa-, Monchegorsk- und Fedorova-Intrusionen werden durch PGE-führende Kupfer-Nickel-Lagerstätten in ihren randlichen Bereichen charakterisiert. Mineralisierte Zonen die an PGE angereichert sind kommen auch in den geschich teten Serien vor. Die bemerkenswertesten sind die PGE-Vererzungen der Penikat- und der Portimo-Intrusionen. Vanadium-führende Fe-Ti-Oxidlagen kommen in verschiedenen Intrusionen vor, aber nur eine davon, die Mustavaara-Lagerstätte, ist bisher abgebaut worden.Diese Intrusionen werden auf zwei verschiedene Magmentypen zurückgeführt. Ersteres ist ein Magma das relativ reich an Magnesium und Chrom war und eine boninitische Zusammensetzung hatte, während die Plagioklas-reichen Intrusionen, und die megazyklischen Einheiten auf ein Magma das an diesen Elementen (besonders Cr) verarmt war, und das Krustenmaterial aufgeschmolzen hat, zurückgehen.Die Platznahme der frühproterozoischen geschichteten Intrusionen in Fennoskandien stellt einen Teil weltweiter magmatischer Aktivität dar, die durch andere geschichtete Intrusionen und mafische Gänge von fast identischem Alter in anderen alten Kratonen repräsentiert wird. Hier ist die Jimberlana-Intrusion in Australien, der Great Dyke in Zimbabwe, die Pikrit-Suite von Scourie in Schottland, die Gänge von Hearst-Matachewan, die Copper Cliff Formation und die East Bull Lake Intrusion in Ontario, Kanada ebenso wie die Gangsysteme der Vesthold Hills und des Napier Komplexes in Antarctica zu nennen. Diese fast gleichaltrigen Vorkommen in verschiedenen Teilen der Welt weisen auf eine engere Beziehung zwischen dem Fennoskandischen Schild, Nordwest-Schottland, dem Kanadischen Schild, dem Yilgarn Block, dem Zimbabwe-Craton und dem Ostantarktischen Schild zum Beginn des Proterozoikums hin.

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