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The distributional patterns of Barents Sea harp seals (Phoca groenlandica) throughout the year are presented based on existing literature and recent Norwegian and Russian field observations. The harp seals breed in February-March in the White Sea. Moulting occurs during April to June in the White Sea and southern Barents Sea. Feeding.behaviour is closely related to the configuration and localisation of the drifting sea-ice during summer and autumn (June-October) when the seals follow the receding ice edge, retiring gradually northwards and northeastwards in the Barents Sea. The southward movement of the population in autumn probably takes place in November prior to the advance of the ice edge, and is likely related to food-search. Apparently, most Barents Sea harp seals seems to concentrate at the southern end of their range in winter and spring.  相似文献   

A pockmark field has been encountered in the northwestern Barents Sea, SO km southeast of Hopen island. High resolution seismic records and side scan sonographs show that the features are small (10–20 m diameter), shallow (<1 m deep) structures that may cover up to 25% of the sea floor in local areas. Pockmark existence seem to be dependent on the presence of soft, Holocene mud. In more firm sea-floor they seem to concentrate in the partly infilled troughs of iceberg plough marks. The pockmark distribution, characteristics of the underlying sedimentary bedrock and thin cover of glacigenic sediments in the area, indicate they are formed by ascending gas from a deeper, probably petrogenic source. It is inferred that pockmarks may be found in larger parts of the Barents Sea.  相似文献   

The maximum dense shelf water salinity formed during winter in the Svalbard Bank area of the north-western Barents Sea is reconstructed for the period 1952–2000 by analysing the transformation of summer remnants. The variability of 34.7 - 35.4, waters being at the freezing point, is mainly generated by interannual variations in the near surface salinity. On interannual time scales the latter is strongly linked to the sea ice import. In contrast, no correlation of the salinity of the Atlantic Water (AW) throughflow to the Arctic Ocean with the ice import is found. Salinities of both the dense shelf water site in the north-west Barents Sea and the north-eastward AW throughflow show a long term decrease, which can partly be explained by a less saline inflow of AW from the Norwegian Sea. The unusually low dense water salinities in the north-west Barents Sea during the 1990s appear to have a different origin, consistent with a response to oceanic heat advection and decreasing sea ice extent.  相似文献   

In this paper the effect of a delayed onset of glaciation in the Barents Sea on glacial isostatic adjustment is investigated. The model calculations solve the sea-level equation governing the total mass redistributions associated with the last glaciation cycle on a spherically symmetric, linear, Maxwell viscoelastic earth for two different scenarios for the growth phase of the Barents Sea ice sheet. In the first ice model a linear growing history is used for the Barents Sea ice sheet, which closely relates its development to the build-up of other major Late Pleistocene ice sheets. In the second ice model the accumulation of the Barents Sea ice sheet is restricted to the last 6 ka prior to the last glacial maximum.
The calculations predict relative sea levels, present-day radial velocities, and gravity anomalies for the area formerly covered by the Weichselian ice sheet. The results show that observed relative sea levels in the Barents Sea are appropriate for distinguishing between the different glaciation histories. In particular, present-day observables such as the free-air gravity anomaly over the Barents Sea, and the present-day radial velocities are sensitive to changes in the glaciation history on this scale.
A palaeobathymetry derived from relative sea-level predictions before the last glacial maximum based on the second ice model essentially agrees with a palaeobathymetry derived by Lambeck (1995). The additional emerged areas provide centres for the build-up of an ice sheet and thus support the theory of Hald, Danielsen & Lorentzen (1990) and Mangerud et al. (1992) that the Barents Sea was an essentially marine environment shortly before the last glacial maximum.  相似文献   

We study the tectonic setting and lithospheric structure of the greater Barents Sea region by investigating its isostatic state and its gravity field. 3-D forward density modelling utilizing available information from seismic data and boreholes shows an apparent shift between the level of observed and modelled gravity anomalies. This difference cannot be solely explained by changes in crustal density. Furthermore, isostatic calculations show that the present crustal thickness of 35–37 km in the Eastern Barents Sea is greater than required to isostatically balance the deep basins of the area (>19 km). To isostatically compensate the missing masses from the thick crust and deep basins and to adequately explain the gravity field, high-density material (3300–3350 kg m−3) in the lithospheric mantle below the Eastern Barents Sea is needed. The distribution of mantle densities shows a regional division between the Western and Eastern Barents and Kara Seas. In addition, a band of high-densities is observed in the lower crust along the transition zone from the Eastern to Western Barents Sea. The distribution of high-density material in the crust and mantle suggests a connection to the Neoproterozoic Timanide orogen and argues against the presence of a Caledonian suture in the Eastern Barents Sea. Furthermore, the results indicate that the basins of the Western Barents Sea are mainly affected by rifting, while the Eastern Barents Sea basins are located on a stable continental platform.  相似文献   

Aerial strip surveys of polar bears in the Barents Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aerial strip surveys of polar bears in the Barents Sea were performed by helicopter in winter 1987. The number of bears within 100 m on each side of the helicopter was counted. A total of 263.6 km2 was surveyed and 21 bears were counted. Most of the bears were found in the southern part of the area, which indicates that the southwestern ice edge area in the Barents Sea is a very important winter habitat for polar bears.  相似文献   

Glacial striae and other ice movement indicators such as roche moutonées, glacial erratics, till fabric and glaciotectonic deformation have been used to reconstruct the Late Weichselian ice movements in the region of eastern Svalbard and the northern Barents Sea. The ice movement pattern may be divided into three main phases: (1) a maximum phase when ice flowed out of a centre east or southeast of Kong Karls Land. At this time the southern part of Spitsbergen was overrun by glacial ice from the Barents Sea; (2) the phase of deglaciation of the Barents Sea Ice Sheet, when an ice cap was centred between Kong Karls Land and Nordaustlandet. At the same time ice flowed southwards along Storfjorden; and (3) the last phase of the Late Weichselian glaciation in eastern Svalbard is represented by local ice caps on Spitsbergen, Nordaustlandet, Barentsoya and Edgeøya.
The reconstructed ice flow pattern during maximum glaciation is compatible with a centre of uplift in the northern Barents Sea as shown by isobase reconstructions and suggested by isostatic modelling.  相似文献   

Temperature conditions in the Barents Sea are determined by the quality and quantity of the inflowing Atlantic water from the west and by processes taking part in the Barents Sea itself, in particular as a consequence of winter cooling and ice formation. The field of inflow to the Barents Sea during the period 1977-1987 has been studied. The surface winter temperatures within the Barents Sea vary in parallel with variations in the deeper layers of the inflowing water masses, whereas the surface temperatures in summer have a different variation pattern which is most likely dependent on the summer heating process.  相似文献   

Summary. NORSAR recordings of Rayleigh waves generated by presumed nuclear explosions on central and southern Novaya Zemlya and in northwestern Siberia have been studied. Using a frequency time analysing technique and correcting for presumed known dispersion effects across the Baltic Shield, dispersion curves for two different paths across the southern part of the Barents Sea were obtained. The curves are very unusual in that they give extremely low velocities even for periods up to 20 s. For the path to the middle part of the island, the inversion of the data gives a model with sediments and consolidated sediments down to 25 km, followed by a 15-km thick basaltic layer and an upper mantle with a P velocity as low as 7.9 km/s. For the path to the southern part of Novaya Zemlya the data inversion gives a somewhat different model with sediments and consolidated sediments down to 8 km, followed by a 17-km thick zone with velocities close to granitic and a 15-km thick layer with basaltic velocities. Again the upper-mantle P velocity is only 7.9 km/s. Other indications of lateral inhomogeneities in the Barents Sea are obtained by utilizing the array's capability to determine the angle of approach of seismic waves. It is demonstrated that reflections both from inhomogeneities in the Barents Sea and the continental margin off Norway can be detected. For waves from the southern end of the island, a reflection from a strong discontinuity close to the direct path to the middle part of the island is found, whereas signals from this area include a reflected wave possibly coming from the edge of the Svalbard platform.  相似文献   

This study investigates the Arctic Ocean warming episodes in the 20th century using both a high-resolution coupled global climate model and historical observations .The model,with no flux adjustment,reproduces well the Atlantic Water core temperature(AWCT) in the Arctic Ocean and shows that four largest decadal-scale warming episodes occurred in the 1930s,70s,80s,and 90s,in agreement with the hydrographic observational data.The difference is that there was no pre-warming prior to the 1930s episode,while there were two pre-warming episodes in the 1970s and 80s prior to the 1990s,leading the 1990s into the largest and prolonged warming in the 20th century.Over the last century,the simulated heat transport via Fram Strait and the Barents Sea was estimated to be,on average,31.32 TW and 14.82 TW,respectively,while the Bering Strait also provides 15.94 TW heat into the western Arctic Ocean.Heat transport into the Arctic Ocean by the Atlantic Water via Fram Strait and the Barents Sea correlates significantly with AWCT(C=0.75 ) at 0- lag.The modeled North Atlantic Oscillation(NAO) index has a significant correlation with the heat transport(C=0.37).The observed AWCT has a significant correlation with both the modeled AWCT(C=0.49) and the heat transport(C=0.41). However,the modeled NAO index does not significantly correlate with either the observed AWCT(C=0.03) or modeled AWCT(C=0.16) at a zero-lag,indicating that the Arctic climate system is far more complex than expected.  相似文献   

A study of the climatic system in the Barents Sea   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The climatic conditions in the Barents Sea are mainly determined by the influx of Atlantic Water. A homogeneous wind-driven numerical current model was used to calculate the fluctuations in the volume flux of Atlantic Water to the Barents Sea which are caused by local wind forcing. The study period is from 1970 to 86. When compared with observed variations in temperature, ice coverage, and air pressure, the results show remarkably good agreement between all three parameters. The climate system of the Barents Sea is discussed with emphasis on the interrelations and feedback mechanisms between air, sea, and ice.  相似文献   

2014年夏季北极东北航道冰情分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
使用2003—2014年6—9月份的AMSR-E和AMSR-2海冰密集度数据计算了北极海冰范围, 并获得海冰空间分布图。通过分析得出, 2014年北极夏季海冰范围在数值上与2003—2013年的多年平均值很接近, 在空间分布上与多年中值范围相比主要表现为两个方面的不同:(1)2014年夏季拉普捷夫海及其以北海域海冰明显少于多年中值范围, 9月份冰区最北边界超过了85°N;(2)巴伦支海北部斯瓦尔巴群岛至法兰士约瑟夫地群岛区域海冰范围明显多于多年中值范围, 而且海冰范围在8月份不减反增, 冰区边界较7月份往南扩张了约0.8个纬度。2014年夏季在拉普捷夫海以南风为主, 而在巴伦支海以北风为主。南风将俄罗斯大陆上温暖的空气吹向高纬地区, 造成高纬地区温度偏高, 促进拉普捷夫海海冰融化, 并使海冰往北退缩。北风将北冰洋上的冷空气吹向低纬地区, 造成巴伦支海的气温偏低, 不利于海冰的融化, 同时北风使海冰往南漂移扩散, 造成巴伦支海北部海冰范围在2014年偏多。2014年北地群岛航线开通时间范围大约在8月上旬到10月上旬, 时长约两个月。新西伯利亚群岛及附近海域的开通时间稍早于北地群岛, 但关闭时间比北地群岛晚, 所以 2014年东北航道全线开通的时间主要受制于北地群岛附近海冰变化。  相似文献   

In Paper I (Breuer & Wolf 1995), a preliminary interpretation of the postglacial land emergence observed at a restricted set of six locations in the Svalbard Archipelago was given. The study was based on a simple model of the Barents Sea ice sheet and suggested increases in lithosphere thickness and asthenosphere viscosity with increasing distance from the continental margin.
In the present paper, the newly developed high-resolution load model. BARENTS-2, and land-uplift observations from an extended set of 25 locations are used to study further the possibility of resolving lateral heterogeneity in the upper mantle below the northern Barents Sea. A comparison of the calculated and observed uplift values shows that the lithosphere thickness is not well resolved by the observations, although values above 110 km are most common for this parameter. In contrast to this, there are indications of a lateral variation of asthenosphere viscosity. Whereas values in the range 1018-1020Pas are inferred for locations close to the continental margin, 1020-1021 Pa s are suggested further away from the margin.
A study of the sensitivity of the values found for lithosphere thickness and asthenosphere viscosity to modifications of load model BARENTS-2 shows that such modifications can be largely accommodated by appropriate changes in lithosphere thickness, whereas the suggested lateral variation of asthenosphere viscosity is essentially unaffected. An estimate of the influence of the Fennoscandian. ice sheet leads to the conclusion that its neglect results in an underestimation of the thickness of the Barents Sea ice sheet by about 10 per cent.  相似文献   

Observation data of temperature, precipitation and snow depth have been compiled and generalized climatologically for a network of 38 stations in and around the Barents and Kara seas, for the period 1951–1992. The monthly precipitation totals were corrected for measuring errors, and the correction method is described in detail. The corrected precipitation values show that the annual precipitation in the region ranges from more than 500 mm along the coast of the Kola Peninsula to less than 200 mm in parts of the north-eastern Kara Sea. The solid fraction of the annual precipitation ranges from 70% in northern parts to 35% in southern parts. For the period 1951–1992 the analysis indicates decreasing trends in annual values of temperature, precipitation and snow depths in the north-eastern parts of the region.  相似文献   

An analysis is made of the photosynthesis-irradiance relationships in natural phytoplankton populations in the Barents Sea. The data set comprises 232 experiments carried out during a 10-year period, both in open and ice-covered waters. The variability on the P-I parameters is discussed and examined in relation to the variation in a variety of environmental conditions. The results suggest that in the Barents Sea, as in other Arctic areas, phytoplankton photosynthesis is mainly controlled by physical variables. However, control of the phytoplankton stock, i.e. by zooplankton grazing, seems also to have a considerable indirect influence on P-I parameters, especially after the spring bloom and the depletion of winter nutrients.  相似文献   

Foraminifera were examined in recent (<100 years) fine-grained glaciomarine muds from surface sediments and cores from Nordensheld Bay, Novaja Zemlja, and Hornsund and Bellsund, Spitsbergen. This study presents the first data on modern foraminifera distribution for fjord environments in Novaja Zemlja, Russia. The data are interpreted with reference to the distribution of foraminiferal near Svalbard and the Barents Sea. In Nordensheld Bay, live and dead Nonionellina labradorica and Islandiella norcrossi are most abundant in the outer fjord. Cassidulina reniforme and Allogromiina spp. dominate in the middle and inner fjord. The dominant species are dissimilar to species occurring in other areas of the Barents Sea region, with the exception of Svalbard fjords. The number of live foraminifera (24 to 122 tests/10 cm1) in outer and middle Nordensheld Bay corresponds with values known from the open Barents Sea. However, the biomass (0.03 mg/10 cm3) is two orders of magnitude less due to smaller foraminiferal test size, which in glaciomarine sediments reflects the absence of larger species, paucity of large specimens, and high occurrence of juvenile foraminifera. The smaller size indicates an opportunistic response to environmental stress due to glacier proximity. The presence of Quinqueloculina stalkeri is diagnostic of glaciomarine environments in fjords of Novaja Zemlja and Svalbard.  相似文献   

Extralimital observations of walruses are known to be quite common in Norway. The present review covers observations of walruses along the Norwegian coast between 1967 and 1992. A total of 34 different walruses have been recorded observed since 1967. These observations indicate a significant increase in the number of walrus observations in recent years, most likely due to an increase in the walrus population in the Barents Sea area. Most of the walruses observed are assumed to be subadult males.  相似文献   

Imbricate reflections commonly occur in the glacigenic section of seismic profiles from the Bjørnøya Trough. This was the main drainage pathway for fast‐flowing ice‐streams from the former Barents Sea and Scandinavian ice sheets. Industry three‐dimensional (3D) seismic data from the southern flank of the Bjørnøya Trough are used here to investigate these imbricate reflections. Integration of vertical seismic sections with 3D plan view images and attribute maps reveal that imbricate reflections at the SW Barents Sea Margin are mega‐scale sediment blocks with a glacigenic origin. Imbricate reflections in two regions to the east of the survey appear on plan‐view as well‐developed lineations of U‐shaped crescents; however, following detailed analysis of their location, geometry and relation to sailing direction during data acquisition, we can demonstrate that these are seismic artefacts. These artefacts are related to the straight parts of east–west‐trending plough marks on the sea floor, having a dip direction that is directly related to the sailing direction of the ship during seismic acquisition. By analysing both real glacigenic imbrications and false imbrications or artefacts, we are able to demonstrate the critical distinguishing criterion.  相似文献   

Features of the physical oceanographic conditions of the Barents Sea   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  

Primary production of the northern Barents Sea   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The majority of the arctic waters are only seasonally ice covered; the northern Barents Sea, where freezing starts at 80 to 81°N in September, is one such area. In March, the ice cover reaches its greatest extension (74-75°N). Melting is particularly rapid in June and July, and by August the Barents Sea may be ice free. The pelagic productive season is rather short, 3 to 3.5 months in the northern part of the Barents Sea (north of the Polar Front, 75°N), and is able to sustain an open water production during only half of this time when a substantial part of the area is free of ice. Ice algal production starts in March and terminates during the rapid melting season in June and July, thus equalling the pelagic production season in duration.
This paper presents the first in situ measurements of both pelagic and ice-related production in the northern Barents Sea: pelagic production in summer after melting has started and more open water has become accessible, and ice production in spring before the ice cover melts. Judged by the developmental stage of the plankton populations, the northern Barents Sea consists of several sub-areas with different phytoplankton situations. Estimates of both daily and annual carbon production have been based on in situ measurements. Although there are few sampling stations (6 phytoplankton stations and 8 ice-algae stations), the measurements represent both pelagic bloom and non-bloom conditions and ice algal day and night production. The annual production in ice was estimated to 5.3 g Cm-2, compared to the pelagic production of 25 to 30 g Cm-2 south of Kvitøya and 12 to 15 g Cm-2 further north. According to these estimates ice production thus constitutes 16% to 22% of the total primary production of the northern Barents Sea, depending on the extent of ice-free areas.  相似文献   

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