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In this study we show the application of a long-range Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) to a detailed rockfall study in a test zone at Vall de Núria, located in the Eastern Pyrenees. Data acquisition was carried out using TLS-Ilris3D, the new generation of reflector-less laser scanners with a high range, accuracy and velocity of measurements. Eight scans were performed at 3 stations to acquire coordinates of almost 4 million points. The results from the acquired data are a high accuracy Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and the reconstruction of the joint geometry. The former is used for inventory of rockfalls and for more accurate rockfall simulation (trajectories and velocities). The latter allows us to model the geometry and volume of the source area in recent rockfalls. Our findings suggest that TLS technology could be a tool of reference in rockfall studies in the near future.  相似文献   


The local site experience is a valuable component for the success of rock mass classification systems as tunnel design methods. The Ituango hydroelectric project is a very important source of information in order to evaluate the usefulness of the main rock mass classification systems. The objective of this research is to improve understanding of some important features of excavated rock mass, such as discontinuities, block size, shear strength and joint alteration, by analyzing some hundreds of data obtained during excavation cycle.

The field study included a survey of exposures after drilling and blasting rounds. Rock mass classification and support measures for each type of terrain along 1400 m tunnel were performed. The rock mass classes could be better explained if shear strength, alteration or block size is calculated. The assessment of these data allows evaluating the block fall risk, improving support and liner. A local correlation between the RMR and Q system was also obtained.  相似文献   

We are presenting an attempt to evaluate the spatial variability of geotechnical parameters in the upper Pleistocene–Holocene alluvial deposits of Roma (Italy) by means of multivariate geostatistics.The upper Pleistocene–Holocene alluvial deposits of Roma are sensitive to high levels of geohazard. They occupy a sizable and significant part of the city, being the foundation for many monuments, historical neighborhoods, and archaeological areas, and the main host of the present and future subway lines. We have stored information from more than 2000 geotechnical boreholes crossing the alluvial deposits into a relational database. For the present study, only the boreholes with lithologic/textural interpretation and geotechnical information were selected. The set includes 283 boreholes and 719 samples, which have a set of geotechnical information comprising physical properties and mechanical parameters.Techniques of multivariate statistics and geostatistics were combined and compared to evaluate the estimation methods of the mechanical parameters, with special reference to the drained friction angle from direct shear test (φ′). Principal Component Analysis was applied to the dataset to highlight the relationships between the geotechnical parameters. Through cross-validation analysis, multiple linear regression, kriging, and cokriging were tested as estimators of φ′. Cross-validation demonstrates that the cokriging with granulometries as auxiliary variables is the most suitable method to estimate φ′. In addition to proving that cokriging is a good estimator of φ′, cross-validation demonstrates that input data are coherent and this allows us to use them for estimation of geotechnical parameters, although they come from different laboratories and different vintages.Nevertheless, to get the same good results of cross-validation in estimation, it is necessary for granulometries to be available at grid points. Since this information being not available at all grid points, it is expected that, in the future, textural information can be derived in an indirect way, i.e., from lithologic/textural spatial reconstructions.  相似文献   

The Ca’ Lita landslide is a large and deep-seated mass movement located in the northern Apennines, about 70 km west of Bologna (Northern Italy). It consists of a composite landslide that affects Cretaceous to Eocene flysch rock masses and chaotic complexes. Many of the sectors making up the landslide have resumed activity between 2002 and 2006, threatening some villages and an important road connecting several key industrial facilities located in the upper watershed. This paper presents the management of the emergency, dealing with the investigation campaigns (geological, geomorphological and LiDAR surveys, borehole drillings, seismic surveys), with the monitoring (in situ instrumentation) and with the design and construction of mitigation measures. The whole process, from landslide reactivation to date, has been modelled on a numerical basis with the finite difference code FLAC 2D, to assess the efficiency of the mitigation system and to propose further countermeasure works in different scenarios.  相似文献   

This paper presents forward simulation with MassMov2D code and sensitivity analysis of run out resulting from different scenarios of potential failure of a 40 million m3 active rockslide hanging above the village of Trafoi, in South Tyrol (Italy). Five scenarios of potential failure zones were identified, with the larger one being the failure of the entire rock slide. Forward simulations showed that the consequences for the Trafoi village would be potentially destructive. A parametric sensitivity analysis was carried out in order to increase the significance of risk assessment. Results obtained by varying friction and turbulent coefficients showed quite unequivocally that although the variability of the run out might be quite large it does not change risk scenarios significantly except in the smaller case of failure. This confirms the usefulness of forward simulations even if they might be affected by uncertainties related to the impossibility to retrieve optimised parameters.  相似文献   

The Calomini hermitage is located on a steep slope, below an 80- to 130-m-high hanging rock wall. The hermitage, a significant example of religious architecture, has been a pilgrimage place since the Middle Ages. The monastery, completed by the tenth century, is built into the rock mass for more than half of its length. The stability and safety of the complex are threatened by stability problems in the rock slope. Structural and geotechnical investigations were carried out, showing the potential for rock blocks slides, particularly under dynamic conditions, with the fall of middle size blocks. Recently, some remedial works have been carried out, and wire meshes have been hung on the rock wall. Nevertheless, a significant portion of the Calomini hermitage area may be still dangerous and exposed to severe landslide hazard. Therefore, further research and countermeasures are necessary to protect a very important item of Italian cultural and architectural heritage.  相似文献   

The Upper Permian Gröden Formation of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria) is composed of alluvial fan and playa lake sediments that were deposited in intramontane basins. A conspicuous feature of these redbeds is the abundance of magnesite in the form of nodules and discrete layers in mudstones as well as intergranular cement in sandstones. Sedimentological observations indicate that the bulk of these carbonates formed during early diagenesis and were probably syndepositional. Petrographically, most magnesites consist of micrite or, less commonly, microspar. An early non-ferroan magnesite is post-dated by later stage ferroan magnesites. Nodules consisting of recrystallized, sparry magnesite were observed only at one location. The general absence of relics of a non-magnesite precursor mineral and the occurrence of shrinkage features suggest that the fine grained magnesites formed by transformation of a hydrated magnesium carbonate mineral, e.g. hydromagnesite. Carbon, oxygen, sulphur and strontium isotope ratios in conjunction with sedimentological criteria support a model of (hydro)magnesite precipitation in an inland playa lake system, which was fed by run-off from the surrounding hinterland. The scarcity of evaporites and the dominance of magnesite over calcite and dolomite suggest that the playa lake brines were low in sulphate and had high Mg/Ca ratios. The source for the high magnesium concentrations is thought to be the weathering of Devonian dolostones and associated massive magnesite deposits in the catchment area.  相似文献   

This case study paper is about a large rotational rock and earth slide—earth flow located in the Secchia River Valley, in the Northern Apennines of Italy, that has displayed multiple reactivation phases between 2002 and 2004. The main geological constraints of the mass movement are related to the overlap of flysch rock masses over clayey complexes that allows rock slides to take place in the source area. The disarrangement and weathering of rock masses following slope movements causes large amount of fine-grained debris to be accumulated on the slope and mobilised by earth sliding and flowing. Analysis of rainfall data at the onset of reactivation events has proved that they occurred after periods with cumulated values higher than the averages of the last 30 years. The quantification of the morphological modifications induced by these reactivations has been made possible by comparing pre- and post-event digital elevation models. Depletion and accumulation has been in the range of 30 m in different parts of the slope. In particular, an advancement of the landslide toe of more than 400 m, which caused a 30-m thick landslide tip to deposit, has been clearly seen. Monitoring data regarding subsurface movements and surface tension crack widening (tension cracks so large as to be properly described at trenches) has shown that sliding surfaces as deep as 43 m exist in the upper part of the landslide, while the accumulation lobe has moved by sliding and flowing over surfaces as deep as some 10 m. Velocities of cm/day have been recorded in the deep surfaces and in widening trenches of the source area, while the advancement of the accumulation lobe has been estimated as having velocities of up to 10 m/day. Groundwater in the landslide body has been observed at depths of 5–15 m in the upper areas, while it is estimated as being at the ground level in the toe. On this basis, it is concluded that the landslide still has a high potential for further development, both in the upper landslide zone and in the toe area.  相似文献   

The geometric and kinematic characterization of landslides affecting urban areas is a challenging goal that is routinely pursued via geological/geomorphological method and monitoring of ground displacements achieved by geotechnical and, more recently, advanced differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (A-DInSAR) data. Although the integration of all the above-mentioned methods should be planned a priori to be more effective, datasets resulting from the independent use of these different methods are commonly available, thus making crucial the need for their standardized a posteriori integration. In this regard, the present paper aims to provide a contribution by introducing a procedure that, taking into account the specific limits of geological/geomorphological analyses and deep/surface ground displacement monitoring via geotechnical and A-DInSAR data, allows the a posteriori integration of the results by exploiting their complementarity for landslide characterization. The approach was tested in the urban area of Lungro village (Calabria region, southern Italy), which is characterized by complex geological/geomorphological settings, widespread landslides and peculiar urban fabric. In spite of the different level of information preliminarily available for each landslide as result of the independent use of the three methods, the implementation of the proposed procedure allowed a better understanding and typifying of the geometry and kinematics of 50 landslides. This provided part of the essential background for geotechnical landslide models to be used for slope stability analysis within landslide risk mitigation strategies.  相似文献   

This study shows a rockfall susceptibility assessment at local scale in north Beijing of China, including the identification of rockfall sources onsite by terrain and rock discontinuities analysis and run-out distance prediction by Rocfall? simulation. Two types of rockfall were defined including one type on the cliffs with long inclined slopes and another type on the road slopes with low height. Two historical rockfall events were used to back-calibrating the parameters used for run-out distance simulation. Based on the work, rockfall susceptibility map at local scale was created in GIS, which was compared with the map obtained at regional scale (entire Huairou district scale). Due to the difference of approaches applied, procedure of assessment and types of source data acquired, the two resulting rockfall susceptibility maps are proved to be different. Still, both of them are useful and could be used at different level’s decision for rockfall prevention and mitigation. Different types of uncertainties exist in the study of rockfall susceptibility assessment. To reduce the uncertainties, studies on both approaches and techniques are suggested.  相似文献   

丁奕  张立军 《古地理学报》2023,25(2):405-418
地质历史时期的重大生物—环境事件往往伴随着古海洋海水氧化还原条件的改变,而遗迹化石作为原位保存的生物成因沉积构造,对于解读古海洋氧化还原条件具有显著的优势。通过对前人常用的遗迹学参数进行分析总结,发现遗迹化石多样性、生物扰动强度、潜穴直径、特征遗迹化石组合这4项定量参数可以表征古海洋氧化还原条件的变化。文中以华南二叠系乐平统遗迹化石及生物扰动构造作为研究对象,系统分析了二叠纪末生物大灭绝事件前后遗迹化石参数表征的古海洋氧化还原条件变化特征:自吴家坪期晚期华南古海洋开始出现缺氧,然而该缺氧状态在长兴期不具有持续性,而是呈现出周期性缺氧/贫氧→富氧/有氧的波动特征;在二叠纪末生物大灭绝之前,煤山剖面高精度的定量遗迹学参数指示长兴组24e层顶部存在缺氧事件,并与大灭绝事件有着良好的对应关系。这一实例具体展示了遗迹学参数在古海洋水体氧化还原条件重建中应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

The development and behavior of million year-scaled depositional sequences recorded within Palaeozoic carbonate platform has remained poorly examined. Therefore, the understanding of palaeoenvironmental changes that occur in geological past is still limited. We herein undertake a multi-disciplinary approach (sedimentology, conodont biostratigraphy, magnetic susceptibility (MS), and geochemistry) of a long-term succession in the Carnic Alps, which offers new insights into the peculiar evolution of one of the best example of Palaeozoic carbonate platform in Europe. The Freikofel section, located in the central part of the Carnic Alps, represents an outstanding succession in a fore-reef setting, extending from the Latest Givetian (indet. falsiovalis conodont zones) to the Early Famennian (Lower crepida conodont zone). Sedimentological analysis allowed to propose a sedimentary model dominated by distal slope and fore-reef-slope deposits. The most distal setting is characterized by an autochthonous pelagic sedimentation showing local occurrence of thin-bedded turbiditic deposits. In the fore-reef slope, in a more proximal setting, there is an accumulation of various autochthonous and allochthonous fine- to coarse-grained sediments originated from the interplay of gravity-flow currents derived from the shallow-water and deepwater area. The temporal evolution of microfacies in the Freikofel section evolves in two main steps corresponding to the Freikofel (Unit 1) and the Pal (Unit 2) limestones. Distal slope to fore-reef lithologies and associate changes are from base to top of the section: (U1) thick bedded litho- and bioclastic breccia beds with local fining upward sequence and fine-grained mudstone intercalations corresponding, in the fore-reef setting, to the dismantlement of the Eifelian–Frasnian carbonate platform during the Early to Late Frasnian time (falsiovalis to rhenana superzones) with one of the causes being the Late Givetian major rift pulse; (U2) occurrence of thin-bedded red nodular and cephalopod-bearing limestones with local lithoclastic grainstone intercalations corresponding to a significant deepening of the area and the progressive withdrawal of sedimentary influxes toward the basin, in relation with Late Frasnian sea-level rise. MS and geochemical analyses were also performed along the Freikofel section and demonstrate the inherent parallel link existing between variation in MS values and proxy for terrestrial input. Interpretation of MS in terms of palaeoenvironmental processes reflects that even though distality remains the major parameter influencing MS values, carbonate production and water agitation also play an important role.  相似文献   

Geochemical maps can provide us with much information on geology, earth surface processes and anthropogenic pressure and are valuable tools for ore prospecting and land management. Stream sediments represent an integral of the various possible sources of sediments upstream from the sampling point therefore there can be multiple signal sources but generally the prevailing signal source is the one related to bedrock geology. Stream sediments collected from active second-order channels including singular geological units, were selected in order to determine the geochemical characteristics of each unit. The aim of this study was to analyze their potential for using them to integrate geological interpretation and produce a geologically-oriented geochemical map. From the 770 samples collected for a regional geochemical mapping program, we selected 149 samples whose catchment basin included only one of the members recognized within the Marnoso-arenacea formation. This middle–upper Miocene (Langhian–Tortonian) turbiditic unit forms the backbone of the Romagna Apennines and has been subdivided into 14 members according to age and lithostratigraphic criteria. The results indicate that there are marked differences in the composition of the members of the Marnoso arenecea formation which indicate the provenance of the sediment and the palaeogeographic evolution of the units. By means of univariate and multivariate statistical analyses (Factor analyzes) two main types of sediment compositions are identified: Tortonian members are characterized by sialic coarse grain-sediments while the Langhian–Serravallian members are richer in carbonate fraction, slightly enriched in a mafic contribution. This study elaborated the geochemical data from a geological point of view by integrating the information available in literature to spatially extend the interpretation based on limited site observation as for petrographic studies. In general, the geochemical map based on a geological unit could be a useful tool for carrying out the geological reconstruction of a complex area.  相似文献   

The detection of detached nearshore wedges formed in response to relative sea-level drops is considered one of the hottest topics in sequence stratigraphic analysis due to their importance as reservoir analogues. In fact, they usually constitute sandy and porous bodies generally encased in impermeable clay, thus presenting a good potential as traps for fluids. This paper focuses on the sequence stratigraphic analysis of the Pliocene deposits cropping out in the central-southern sector of the Siena Basin (Tuscany, Italy), a post-collisional basin of the Northern Apennines. The exposed sedimentary succession was investigated through a detailed sedimentological and stratigraphic approach, integrated by biostratigraphic analyses, aimed at a better characterization of the infilling history of this sector of the basin. Specifically, this study revealed the occurrence of repeated facies shifts that allowed the identification of two depositional sequences. In detail, a thick sand-rich body far from the basin margins, and previously considered as a turbiditic lobe, has been reinterpreted as formed in a nearshore setting during a fall in relative sea level. This body is totally encased in offshore clay, and due to the lack of physical connection with the related HST deposits, it has to be considered as a detached forced-regressive wedge. The present work led to the recognition of some sedimentological and stratigraphic features typical of falling stage systems tract deposits (e.g. presence of intrabasinal recycled materials, sedimentological evidence of a pre-existing fluvial network subsequently eroded) that can provide useful clues for the identification of detached forced-regressive nearshore wedges in core studies and poorly exposed settings.  相似文献   

The magnetic fabrics of a large suite of sites along three profiles in the Judicarian system have been studied to obtain further information over the nature of the Judicarian Line and to establish the sense of movements along the Line. A method of analysis of magnetic fabric data is presented which can be used to determine the sense of movements along a shear-line. Two profiles lying sub-parallel to the Line indicate that the Judicarian Line is a very strong compressional shear-zone where overall sinistral movements could have taken place. The third profile in the Bozen volcanic series shows primary Lava-flow fabric, slightly overprinted by the later Alpidic compressions.
Zusammenfassung Im Judikarien-System wurde entlang von drei Profilen die magnetische Struktur (magnetic fabric) einer großen Anzahl von Aufschlüssen untersucht, um weitere Informationen über Art und Bewegung entlang der Linie zu finden. Dazu wird eine Methode der Analyse von magnetischen Strukturdaten vorgestellt, die zur Feststellung des Bewegungssinnes entlang einer Störungszone benützt werden kann. Zwei Profile, die sub-parallel zur Judikarien-Line verliefen, zeigen die Linie als sehr stark kompressionelle Scher-Zone, mit einem generellen sinistralen Bewegungssinn. Das dritte Profil in der Bozener Vulkanitserie zeigt primär eine Lavaflußstruktur, die durch eine Alpidische Kompression schwach überprägt wurde.

Résumé Les textures magnétiques relevées dans un grand nombre d'affleurements le long de trois profils dans le système judicarien ont été analysées pour obtenir une plus grande information au sujet de la nature de la ligne judicariennne, et pour établir le sens du mouvement le long de cette ligne. Une méthode d'analyse des données de la texture magnétique est présentée, qui peut Être utilisée pour déterminer le sens du mouvement le long d'une zone de dislocations. Deux profils qui sont presque parallèles à la ligne judicarienne, indiquent que celle-ci est une zone de cisaillement très comprimée, à mouvement général sénestre. Le troisième profil, dans la série volcanique de Bozen, indique la présence première d'une structure d'écoulement de laves, qui a été faiblement marquée par la compression alpine ultérieure.

Judikarien, , . , . , , , , , . , .

The on-site observations, monitoring data, and results of back analyses of failures showed that large-scale failures occurred along both the interconnected sliding surfaces, consisting of (a) discontinuities in the dacites and the contact zone and (b) the circular surfaces through the weathered soil-like dacites at the Cakmakkaya and Damar open pit mines. Surface water infiltration through the weathered soil-like material after a short duration of rainfall contributed to the circular-shaped failures. After a heavy rainy period, an increase in the groundwater table above the contact zone played a major role in the initiation of bi-planar wedge failures. In addition, the stability of the slopes is likely to have been controlled by the orientation of this zone. The results of back analyses indicated that the shear strengths of the soil-like materials in the weathered dacites and the contact zone had reduced to their residual values at the time of initial sliding. The flattening of the slope angles with an effective surface drainage and long-term monitoring of the groundwater level is proposed as the most suitable remedial measure.  相似文献   

谢宗奎 《地学前缘》2010,17(4):174-184
层序分级不一致和井震层序不统一都会导致沉积充填演化特征反映的不准确,将制约储盖组合与油气分布的预测。文中应用沉积层序的概念,利用岩心、岩性、测井与地震资料,以层序界面与内部构成特征相结合的原则,从坡下到坡上,对东斜坡古近系进行了层序划分。一级层序相当于系地层单元,与构造运动相对应,层序界面为区域性角度不整合;二级层序相当于统或组地层单元,与构造运动幕相对应,层序界面为局部不整合;三级层序相当于段或亚段地层单元,与构造幕内的次级构造作用相对应,层序界面为超覆不整合面、沉积体系转换面及重力流下切面;四级层序即体系域,相当于油组与砂组,与三级层序基准面旋回的阶段性变化相对应,层序界面为初始洪泛面、最大洪泛面,共识别出SQ1、SQ2、SQ3、SQ4、SQ5和SQ6等6个三级层序及15个体系域。井震统一的层序格架结合了钻井资料纵向高分辨率与地震资料横向好连续性的优点,从而高精度、高分辨率地揭示了层序格架充填演化特征,体现出层序旋回性与体系域及平面沉积相分布的差异性。古近纪埕岛凸起夷平,斜坡及凹陷补齐,发育超覆、披覆沉积;古地形由南低北高向南高北低转换;本地物源、邻近物源、区域物源阶段性变迁;多物源的沉积体系交叉、叠置,沉积相发生了扇三角洲-浊积扇-半深湖-滑塌浊积扇-辫状河三角洲-曲流河泛滥平原演变。埕岛低凸起斜坡带层序及沉积充填演化特征具有陆相断陷盆地的代表性,因而,此项研究对于解决层序地层学面临的工业化应用研究不足的问题以及油气储盖组合预测方面的难点可提供有益参考。  相似文献   

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