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The present study investigates the interannual variation of June–November synoptic disturbance activity over the western North Pacific(WNP) and its relationship with large-scale circulation for the period 1958–2014. Two leading modes of eddy kinetic energy for the disturbance variability over the WNP are obtained by EOF analysis, characterized by anomalous eddy kinetic energy over the subtropical WNP and around the Philippines, respectively. These modes explain a large portion of the interannual variance of synoptic disturbance activity over the WNP. Both are associated with lower-level cyclonic anomalies, but with different locations: over the subtropical WNP for the first mode and over the South China Sea for the second mode. Considering the impact of ENSO on synoptic disturbance activity over the WNP, we repeat the analyses after removing the effect of ENSO, which is simply defined as the components linearly regressed onto the Ni o3.4 index, and find similar results, suggesting that the leading modes and their relationships with large-scale circulation exist without SST effects.Further analyses suggest that the meridional shear of zonal winds caused by cyclonic anomalies is crucial for maintaining the leading modes through barotropic conversion.  相似文献   

西北太平洋热带气旋频数的年际、年代际变化及预测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用1950-2009年60 a的热带气旋资料、NOAA海温、NCEP再分析资料及74项环流指数等资料,研究了西北太平洋热带气旋频数的年际、年代际变化特征,结果表明,西北太平洋热带气旋生成频数既有显著的年际变化,同时也存在明显的年代际变化。自1950年以来,西北太平洋热带气旋频数经历了一个先增加再减少的过程,其中转折点在20世纪70年代中后期,与之相对应,热带气旋路径频数也呈现明显年代际变化。在此基础上,通过分析前期春季海温场、大气环流异常及环流指数与夏季(6-10月)热带气旋生成频数的相关关系,选取了影响夏季西北太平洋热带气旋活动频数的预测因子,建立了一个夏季西北太平洋热带气旋生成频数的多元回归预测模型。检验结果表明,该模型能较好地拟合1951-2003年夏季西北太平洋热带气旋生成频数的年际变化,拟合率为0.6。对2004-2009年夏季热带气旋生成频数的独立样本预测试验表明,该模型对夏季西北太平洋热带气旋活动频数具有较好的预测能力,可以为热带气旋业务预报提供一定参考。  相似文献   

华北汛期降水量变化中年代际和年际尺度的分离   总被引:39,自引:12,他引:39       下载免费PDF全文
陆日宇 《大气科学》2002,26(5):611-624
华北地区汛期(7月和8月)降水量的变化中,不仅具有年际变化的特征,同时还具有明显的年代际变化特征.我们将这两种时间尺度进行分离,即将降水量的变化进行5年滑动平均,以滑动平均值代表年代际变化,并以每年的汛期降水量与滑动平均值的差代表去除了年代际变化后的年际变化.然后,利用NCAR/NCEP再分析资料对与这两种不同时间尺度相关联的大气环流异常进行了分析,发现两者具有不同的表现,说明影响这两种不同时间尺度的物理原因可能是不同的.与年代际变化相对应的大气环流异常主要表现为出现在我国东部地区的南北风异常以及欧亚大陆上空的位势高度异常.若对这两种时间尺度不进行分离,而直接按讨论年际变化的一般方法简单地分析与年际变化相关联的大气环流异常时,所得到的分析结果中既包含与华北降水年代际变化相关联的大气环流异常,又包含与去除年代际变化后的年际变化相关联的大气环流异常.而除去年代际变化后,与华北汛期降水年际变化相关联的大气环流异常主要表现为在东亚上空位势高度和纬向风的异常,意味着急流在涝年位置偏北.  相似文献   

In this paper, a statistical method called Generalized Equilibrium Feedback Analysis(GEFA) is used to investigate the responses of the North Pacific Storm Track(NPST) in the cold season to the multi-scale oceanic variations of the Kuroshio Extension(KE) system, including its large-scale variation, oceanic front meridional shift, and mesoscale eddy activity.Results show that in the cold season from the lower to the upper troposphere, the KE large-scale variation significantly weakens the storm tr...  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,运用31点带通数字滤波、线性相关和合成分析方法,研究了1961/1962—2010/2011年冬季北太平洋风暴轴西部、东部区域强度指数的年际演变特征,划分了风暴轴的典型型态,并进一步探讨了与同期北半球500 hPa位势高度场和SLP的关系。结果表明:风暴轴气候态的极大值区域位于中纬度北太平洋中西部,最大值点的频数集中区域和均方差分布的异常中心都有两个。风暴轴西部和东部区域强度指数(WI和EI)的年际演变具有独立性,典型型态可分为单、双中心型两类。WI(EI)指数与北半球500 hPa位势高度场的相关分布类似于WP(PNA)遥相关型;单中心型风暴轴偏强时,极涡南扩,平均槽加深;呈双中心型时,极涡明显偏西。WI(EI)指数与SLP的相关分布类似于NPO(NAO)遥相关型;单中心型风暴轴偏强(弱)时,SLP距平场呈AO遥相关型的正(负)异常位相。  相似文献   

中国冬季气温的年际变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄琦 《山东气象》2007,27(2):5-8
利用中国160站1951-2000年的冬季月平均气温资料,用EOF分析、小波分析和合成分析等方法对中国近50年来的冬季气温的年际变化和时空分布特征进行研究。结果表明:中国冬季气温50年来有显著的增暖趋势,在70年代后期增暖幅度开始加大,年际变化以6~9年周期为主。中国冬季气温的空间变化有很好的一致性,全国绝大部分区域呈整体变暖或变冷的趋势,并且气温变化南北有别,从南向北幅度逐渐变大。另一种模态是当东北、华北和西北地区冬季气温较高时,其它地区则偏冷;反之亦然。  相似文献   

This study investigates the tropical cyclone (TC) activity associated with the two leading modes of interannual variability in synoptic disturbances. Both leading modes are found to be related to a dipole pattern of TC occurrence between the subtropical western North Pacific and the South China Sea. Therefore, in this study we performed composite analyses on TC tracks and landfalls, based on the cases of combined modes, to highlight the differences. The composite results indicate that these cases are characterized by distinct features of TC tracks and landfalls: more TCs tend to take recurving tracks and attack eastern China, Korea and Japan, or more TCs exhibit straight-moving tracks and hit the Philippines, Vietnam and southern China. Further analyses suggest that these distinctions in the TC prevailing tracks and landfalls can be attributed to the differences in large-scale steering flow and TC genesis location.  相似文献   

南亚高压的年际和年代际变化   总被引:56,自引:10,他引:56  
利用1958~1998年NCEP/NCAR再分析月平均100 hPa高度场和风场资料, 依据大气环流观测事实及天气学原理,较客观地定义了描述南亚高压活动的特征参数, 然后对南亚高压的年际及年代际变化特征进行了系统的诊断分析。发现北半球中低纬 100 hPa环流异常具有空间整体性和时间持续性,即北半球中低纬100 hPa环流同时加 强或同时减弱,并且其整体异常具有明显的年代际变化。南亚高压面积和强度的变化 存在3.8年的振荡周期,与ENSO的循环周期一致。南亚高压的中心和脊线在夏季较为稳 定,较大的年际差异出现在春季。高压面积和强度的年际变化最明显,并且面积大、 强度强的年份往往与El Niao年相对应。南亚高压的位置和强度还存 在明显的年代际变化,自1978年以后,冬半年南亚高压脊线南移,中心东移,面积增大, 强度增强,夏半年南亚高压的位置变化不很明显,但是面积和强度也增大增强。这种年代 际异常与低层大气系统及赤道太平洋海温的年代际异常一致。南亚高压强度距平与热带 海洋SSTA密切相关,与印度洋海区的同期相关最好。南亚高压强度异常对印度洋SSTA的 响应时间为0~5个月,对赤道中东太平洋SSTA的响应时间为4~6个月。南亚高压明显的 年际和年代际变化特征表明,可将南亚高压看作气候系统中大气子系统异常的强信号, 通过分析南亚高压的年际及年代际异常可以更直接地研究和预测区域气候异常。  相似文献   

China has been experiencing widespread air pollution due to rapid industrialization and urbanization in recent decades.The two major concerns of ambient air quality in China are particulate matter(PM) and tropospheric ozone(O_3). With the implementation of air pollution prevention and control actions in the last five years, the PM pollution in China has been substantially reduced. In contrast, under the conditions of the urban air pollution complex, the elevated O_3 levels in city clusters of eastern China, especially in warm seasons, have drawn increasing attention. Emissions of air pollutants and their precursors not only contribute to regional air quality, but also alter climate. Climate change in turn can change chemical processes, long-range transport, and local meteorology that influence air pollution. Compared to PM, less is known about O_3 pollution and its climate effects over China. Here, we present a review of the main findings from the literature over the period 2011–18 with regard to the characteristics of O_3 concentrations in China and the mechanisms that drive its interannual to decadal variations, aiming to identify robust conclusions that may guide decision-making for emissions control and to highlight critical knowledge gaps. We also review regional and global modeling studies that have investigated the impacts of tropospheric O_3 on climate, as well as the projections of future tropospheric O_3 owing to climate and/or emission changes.  相似文献   

北太平洋东部风暴轴的时空演变特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
本文利用欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)逐日再分析资料(ERA-40),以500 hPa位势高度滤波方差为代表,对1957年12月~2001年11月期间44年528个月北太平洋区域(30°N~60°N,120°E~120°W)月平均风暴轴的多中心数目和最强中心位置进行了客观统计,在此基础上,对北太平洋区域进行了分区,通过对比各区域风暴轴的时间演变和结构变化,重点揭示了北太平洋东部地区风暴轴的时空演变特征.主要结论如下:(1)逐月来看,北太平洋风暴轴“多中心”现象普遍存在,概率高达94.7%,最典型的分布呈2~3个中心分布;从季节上来看,春季是“多中心”现象最容易出现的季节,秋季和冬季相对较少,而4个及以上的“多中心”现象则更容易出现在夏季.(2)若把最强中心出现在160°W以东地区的北太平洋风暴轴定义为东部型风暴轴,那么从月份上来看,7月相对最容易出现东部型风暴轴,1月和2月最难;从季节上来看,夏季相对最容易出现东部型风暴轴,冬季最难;总的来看,出现东部型风暴轴的频数大约占总频数的三分之一.(3)从垂直结构上看,在北太平洋160°W以东地区,风暴轴的强度可以最强,但与斜压性密切联系的涡动向极和向上热量通量的最大值却并不是最强.(4)经验正交函数分解(EOF)分析的结果表明,在不同季节、不同区域以及是否单独考虑东部型风暴轴的情况下,风暴轴的变化虽然表现出了一定的差异,但都反映出在北太平洋东部区域风暴轴的变化特征有其独特特点,如在该区域风暴轴的主要变化模态并不一定时时与其他区域的主要变化模态一一对应.北太平洋东部区域风暴轴变化的原因和机制值得进一步深入探讨.  相似文献   

The interannual variability of occurrence of multiple tropical cyclone(MTC) events during June-October in the western North Pacific(WNP) was examined for the period 1979-2006.The number of the MTC events ranged from 2 to 9 per year,exhibiting a remarkable year-to-year variation.Seven active and seven inactive MTC years were identified.Compared to the inactive years,tropical cyclone genesis locations extended farther to the east and in the meridional direction during the active MTC years.A composite analysis shows that inactive MTC years were often associated with the El Nin o decaying phase,as warm SST anomalies in the equatorial eastern-central Pacific in the preceding winter transitioned into cold sea surface temperature(SST) anomalies in the concurrent summer.Associated with the SST evolution were suppressed low-level cyclonic vorticity and weakened convection in the WNP monsoon region.In addition to the mean flow difference,significant differences between active and inactive MTC years were also found in the strength of the atmospheric intraseasonal oscillation(ISO).Compared with inactive MTC years,ISO activity was much stronger along the equator and in the WNP region during active MTC years.Both westward-and northward-propagating ISO spectrums strengthened during active MTC years compared to inactive years.The combined mean state and ISO activity changes may set up a favorable environment for the generation of MTC events.  相似文献   

The differences in the influences of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) on the air–sea CO_2 fluxes (f CO_2) in the North Atlantic (NA) between different seasons and between different regions are rarely fully investigated. We used observation-based data of f CO_2, surface-ocean CO_2partial pressure (p CO_(2sea)), wind speed and sea surface temperature(SST) to analyze the relationship between the NAO and f CO_2 of the subtropical and subpolar NA in winter and summer on the interannual time scale. Based on power spectrum estimation, there are significant interannual signs with a 2–6 year cycle in the NAO indexes and area-averaged f CO_2 anomalies in winter and summer from 1980 to 2015. Regression analysis with the 2–6 year filtered data shows that on the interannual scale the response of the f CO_2 anomalies to the NAO has an obvious meridional wave-train-like pattern in winter, but a zonal distribution in summer. This seasonal difference is because in winter the f CO_2anomalies are mainly controlled by the NAO-driven wind speed anomalies, which have a meridional distribution pattern, while in summer they are dominated by the NAO-driven SST anomalies, which show distinct zonal difference in the subtropical NA. In addition, in the same season, there are different factors controlling the variation of p CO_(2sea)in different regions. In summer, SST is important to the interannual variation of p CO_(2sea)in the subtropical NA, while some biogeochemical variables probably control the p CO_(2sea) variation in the subpolar NA.  相似文献   

Using rainfall data from the Global Precipitation Climatology Project(GPCP),NOAA extended reconstruction sea surface temperature(ERSST),and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis,this study investigates the interannual variation of summer rainfall southwest of the Indian Peninsula and the northeastern Bay of Bengal associated with ENSO.The composite study indicates a decreased summer rainfall southwest of the Indian Peninsula and an increase in the northeastern Bay of Bengal during the developing phase,but vice versa during the decay phase of El Ni o.Further regression analysis demonstrates that abnormal rainfall in the above two regions is controlled by different mechanisms.Southwest of the Indian Peninsula,the precipitation anomaly is related to local convection and water vapor flux in the decay phase of El Ni o.The anomalous cyclone circulation at the lower troposphere helps strengthen rainfall.In the northeastern Bay of Bengal,the anomalous rainfall depends on the strength of the Indian southwest summer monsoon(ISSM).A strong/weak ISSM in the developing/decay phase of El Ni o can bring more/less water vapor to strengthen/weaken the local summer precipitation.  相似文献   

西北太平洋纬向扰动海温经验正交函数(EOF)分解第一和第三模态、第二和第四模态分别代表同期黑潮延伸体和亲潮强弱的配置关系,将两者的典型位相合成,可以分别得到延伸体收缩和扩张状态时的典型模态海温,本文以此及气候态海温作为初始海温强迫场,利用CESM1.2.0模式,讨论了延伸体的系统变异对北太平洋风暴轴的影响及其在不同能量转换过程的主要影响机制,结果表明,延伸体收缩状态下,北太平洋风暴轴强度整体加强,而扩张模态下强度减弱。空间分布上,收缩模态下,风暴轴主要体现为经向方向的变化,中心及其以北强度加强,中心以南减弱;扩张状态下,则主要表现为纬向方向的差异,中心及以西强度减弱明显,中心以东有所增强。对能量转换的诊断分析表明,正压能量转换过程对涡动动能的变化贡献很小,且在风暴轴中心附近,其作用主要为消耗涡动动能,延伸体收缩状态下其消耗作用增强,而扩张状态下消耗作用减弱,这一差异主要是由于不同海温异常强迫下瞬变涡旋的形变不同造成;斜压有效位能释放比正压能量转换大一个量级以上,该过程几乎全部通过基流的经向温度梯度和经向涡动热量输送的相互作用完成,在这一过程中大气斜压性(经向温度梯度)起了关键性作用,大气斜压性异常、基流经向温度梯度异常、斜压有效位能释放异常与风暴轴异常的空间分布均具有较好的对应关系,该过程可能也是延伸体海温异常影响北太平洋风暴轴的主要物理过程;涡动有效位能需要进一步转换为涡动动能才能产生瞬变涡旋运动,涡动有效位能释放的量级与斜压有效位能的释放相当,但数值要小,这一过程通过冷暖空气的上升下沉运动完成,延伸体异常模态下,扰动垂直速度和扰动温度的负相关性的变化与涡动有效位能向涡动动能转换的变化也有较好的对应关系。  相似文献   

北太平洋海气界面湍流热通量的年际变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
郑建秋  任保华  李根 《大气科学》2009,33(5):1111-1121
本文采用美国伍兹霍尔海洋研究所客观分析海气通量项目提供的1958~2006年月平均的湍流热通量及相关气象场数据, 利用EOF分析、小扰动方法、线性回归、相关分析等方法研究了北太平洋海气界面湍流热通量年际变化的时空特征、 影响因子及其与大气环流的关系。结果表明, 北太平洋湍流热通量的年际变化在冬季最为显著。我国东部海域及其向中东太平洋的延伸部分为冬季潜热通量和感热通量年际变化的关键区。冬季潜热通量的年际变化在副热带太平洋和菲律宾海域主要受风速变化影响, 在北太平洋的高纬和低纬海域尤其是赤道中太平洋主要受比湿差变化影响, 而冬季感热通量的年际变化在整个北太平洋都主要受海气温差变化影响。受大尺度环流影响, 异常低压中心的东 (西) 侧海气比湿差和海气温度差偏小 (偏大), 所以异常低压中心的东 (西) 侧潜热输送和感热输送偏弱 (偏强)。  相似文献   

北太平洋涛动的季节演变及其与我国冬春气候异常的联系   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
王林  陈文  冯瑞权 《大气科学》2011,35(3):393-402
本文利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和我国160站的观测资料,首先定义了季节平均的北太平洋涛动(NPO)指数,在此基础上分析了不同季节中NPO的时空变化特征,特别对冬季和春季NPO与我国气温、降水异常的关系作了研究.结果表明,作为北太平洋地区海平面气压(SLP)年际变化的第二模态,NPO具有相当正压的结构,在地面表现为...  相似文献   

The mid-Atlantic trough (MAT) is one of the most prominent circulation systems over the subtropical North Atlantic during the boreal summer, and it can be viewed as a bridge linking the climate in the American-Atlantic-Eurasian region. The upper-tropospheric MAT attains its maximum intensity of 200–150?hPa in June and July. An index measuring the variability of MAT intensity is defined, which reveals significant interannual and interdecadal variations of the trough.

On interannual time scales, the variation of MAT is significantly associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation, a southeastward propagating stationary wave that possibly originates from the northeastern Pacific, and the Atlantic Meridional Mode. A stronger trough is associated with warmer surface temperatures and higher pressure over central-northern North America and the extratropical North Atlantic and with colder surface temperatures and lower pressure over the Arctic, the subtropical North Atlantic, and the northeastern Pacific. In the meantime, significant negative precipitation anomalies occur over the north of the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea, as well as the northeastern Atlantic because of the anomalous low-level northeasterly winds over these areas. On an interdecadal time scale, the variation of MAT seems to be related to the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation. Warmer surface temperatures appear over almost the entire North Atlantic, southern Europe, East Asia, and the North Pacific during the weak phase of the trough. A weak trough is also associated with the dipole pattern of anomalous precipitation over the extratropical North Atlantic, Greenland, and northeastern North America, corresponding to a dipole of low-level atmospheric circulation over these regions.  相似文献   

利用1979~2013年NCEP再分析数据,通过经验正交分解对比了前冬时期北大西洋风暴轴的高低空分布,并用涡动动能(Eddy Kinetic Energy,EKE)方程对风暴轴高低空分布型差异进行了诊断。研究结果表明:上层和下层第一空间分布型差异巨大,对流层下层风暴轴中心偏北,靠近极地,而上层风暴轴中心偏西南,靠近北美沿岸。EKE方程诊断结果表明:正压转换项在高低空符号相反,导致了EKE在上、下层分布出现显著差异,即上层正压转换项为负,在扰动发展中起能量耗散作用,而下层正压转换项为正,且极大值区域对应下层EKE极大值区域,为风暴轴下层向极区域增强的主要原因。而斜压转换和非地转位势通量散度在上层均为正,且远大于下层,为风暴轴上层涡动能量维持的原因,也从涡动能量收支上解释了风暴轴的主体出现在上层。  相似文献   

基于1961-2020年夏季(6-8月)NCAR/NCEP再分析资料和塔里木河流域(简称“塔河”)38个气象站降水资料,使用5年滑动平均分离出塔河夏季降水年代际和年际变化,选出了典型的年际变化的干年和湿年与年代际变化的干期(1963-1986年)和湿期(1989-2018年),分析了与这两种时间尺度变化相关联的大气环流异常。结果表明,两者的变化不同,影响两者变化的大气环流不同。影响年代际变化的大气环流异常主要表现在欧亚大陆对流层从西北至东南交替出现正负位势高度异常中心,在湿期塔河东部和西部分别出现明显的东风和西南风异常,水汽主要由西北太平洋和印度洋输送至塔河,在干期则与之相反;影响年际变化的大气环流异常主要表现为在塔河东部和西部对流层分别为反气旋异常和气旋异常,在多雨年从南北方向向塔河输送的水汽增多,北风水汽通量异常向流域输送较多,南风水汽通量异常向流域输送较小且主要集中在流域西部,水汽主要由北冰洋洋和印度洋输送至塔河。在干年则与之相反。  相似文献   

In situ buoy observation data spanning four years(2008-2011) were used to demonstrate the year-to-year variations of the monsoon onset processes in the Bay of Bengal(BoB).A significant early(late) monsoon onset event in 2009(2010) was analyzed in detail.It is found that the year-to-year variations of monsoon onset can be attributed to either the interannual variability in the BoB SST or the irregular activities of the intra-seasonal oscillation(ISO).This finding raises concern over the potential difficulties in simulating or predicting the monsoon onset in the BoB region.This uncertainty largely comes from the unsatisfactory model behavior at the intra-seasonal time scale.  相似文献   

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