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含水层非均质性空间分布特征的识别,是准确模拟地下水流和污染物运移的前提.基于室内非均质含水层砂箱实验,分别利用水力层析法和克立金插值法刻画了非均质含水层渗透系数场.研究结果表明:(1) 水力层析法与克立金法相比,不仅可以更好地刻画非均质含水层渗透系数场,还可以更高精度地预测地下水流过程;(2) 水力层析抽水实验中,通过增加抽水实验组数可以有效地提高水力层析参数反演的精度,但是抽水实验组数增加到一定程度以后,再增加抽水组数不会显著提升参数反演的效果.后续需要进一步研究水力层析抽水实验合适的组数,进一步对抽水井进行优化布设.   相似文献   

蒋立群  孙蓉琳  梁杏 《地球科学》2021,46(11):4150-4160
为探讨含水层非均质性不同刻画方法对地下水流和溶质运移预测的影响,基于非均质含水层砂箱实验,分别用传统等效均质模型、克立金插值和水力层析刻画含水层渗透系数场,并探讨了先验信息对水力层析结果的影响.将不同方法估算的渗透系数场用以预测地下水流和溶质运移过程,以此判断不同方法估算结果的优劣,分析含水层非均质性对地下水流和溶质运移的影响.结果表明:与克立金插值法相比,水力层析法可以更好地刻画含水层非均质性,较准确地预测地下水流和溶质运移过程;钻孔岩心渗透系数样本值作为先验信息可以提高水力层析法估算结果的精度;传统等效均质模型无法准确预测地下水流和溶质运移过程.含水层非均质性的增强将导致溶质污染羽分布形态和运移路径的空间变异性增强,并且优势通道直接决定溶质的分布及运移路径.   相似文献   

抽水含水层对非抽水含水层水位影响的效应分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用自动水位计记录的抽水试验过程中不同层位含水组之间的动态水位,分析了在抽水试验最初阶段时抽水含水组与非抽水含水组之间的水力联系。研究结果表明:(1)抽水含水层对非抽水含水层存在水位影响效应,在抽水初期,水位影响效应较大;当抽水含水层水位达到稳定或缓慢下降时,水位影响效应随之消失。(2)单位降深水位影响效应显示,上部含水层距离抽水含水层越远,水位影响效应越大;下部含水层距离抽水含水层越远,水位影响效应越小。(3)利用三维地下水流数值模拟方法和应力应变对含水层水位动态影响的原理对水位影响效应机理进行分析,发现水位影响效应与含水层的固体骨架压缩系数(α)、水体积压缩系数(β)、孔隙度(n)和边界控制系数(Cm)等参数有关。  相似文献   

Theis模型、Dupuit模型等经典井流模型分析非均质含水层井流试验数据有一定的局限性,获取的参数不适合表征非均质含水层特性。而GRF模型可以获取含水层流动特性的数据。相比于Theis模型、Dupuit模型,GRF模型更能表征非均质含水层特性。以黄石东湖新村棋盘洲长江大桥的抽水试验数据为例,采用Theis模型和GRF模型计算含水层渗透系数,结合实际水文地质条件,对比分析不同方法计算的水文地质参数,并计算含水层水流维数和表观压力传导系数(Kf /Ssf)。结果表明:研究区含水层为细砂夹条带状黏土透镜体的非均质含水层,采用GRF模型计算结果更符合实际情况,渗透系数为 4.09×10−3cm/s;含水层水流维数为1.61,地下水为双线性流动状态,含水层对抽水试验的响应主要受黏土条带控制;观测井和抽水主井的Kf /Ssf呈非线性相关,进一步验证了含水层的非均质性。在非均质孔隙含水层中,应用多孔联合非稳定GRF井流试验方法不仅能确定水文地质参数,并且能丰富对含水层特性的认知。  相似文献   

岩溶介质具有较强的非均质性,其地表及地下的岩溶结构形态多样。通过对钻孔结构描述、钻孔水物化性质分析,不仅能够掌握区域上岩溶含水层的结构特征,而且对于岩溶地下水演化过程的揭示亦有重要作用。文章以桂林岩溶水文地质试验场西南部峰丛山区与峰林平原交界处的钻孔为例,通过野外便携式多参数仪原位测试钻孔垂向水物化指标(pH值、水温T、电导率EC),探索浅部(地面以下约50 m内)地下岩溶较为发育条件下钻孔水物化指标的垂向变化特征,揭示岩溶介质非均质性对钻孔垂向水物化指标的影响。结果表明:岩溶地区小范围内不同钻孔间的水物化性质有所差异,且岩溶发育相似的钻孔(如ZK4/ZK5、ZK7/ZK8),其水物化指标垂向变化具有一定的相似性,但不同指标(T、pH、EC)的变化幅度存在差异;钻孔水物化性质受到试验场区岩溶介质结构非均质性的控制,即岩溶介质结构影响了地下水的赋存条件和水力联系而导致水物化性质的差异;在对岩溶地区地下水物化性质进行研究时应充分考虑岩溶介质的非均质性特征,根据实际的水文地质条件选取具有代表性的钻孔含水段进行取样和监测。   相似文献   

生物扰动可改变碳酸盐岩原始沉积组构,影响后期成岩作用,导致生物潜穴与基质间存在物性差异,进而增强碳酸盐岩储层的非均质性.在大量岩心、薄片观察和点渗透率等多种资料分析的基础上,对伊拉克艾哈代布油田上白垩统Khasib组Kh2段生物扰动遗迹组构类型及其对储层非均质性的影响开展研究.结果表明:①Kh2段发育海生迹(Thala...  相似文献   

为研究砂砾岩储层微观非均质性特征,了解微观非均质性与储层致密化的关系,建立储层致密化评价标准,定量评价储层致密化程度.通过铸体薄片、扫描电镜、矿物XRD分析、高压压汞等资料,结合前人研究成果,对盆内东道海子凹陷DN8井区上二叠统梧桐沟组储层进行研究.结果表明,储层微观非均质性包括岩石学非均质性、孔喉非均质性及裂缝非均质性.岩石学非均质性中,岩石结构成熟度差异导致的岩石结构非均质性制约储层的初始物性;砾石、同沉积填隙物中塑性岩屑、胶结物类型及其含量的差异影响储层压实及胶结后的致密程度.溶蚀作用后,成岩-孔隙演化过程差异导致的孔喉非均质性及裂缝发育密度决定的裂缝非均质性影响了储层现今的致密程度.提出以成岩综合指数与地层脆性指数综合表征储层致密化程度,并将致密化程度分为3级.Ⅰ级致密化程度成岩综合指数大于4.0、地层脆性指数大于0.8;Ⅱ级致密化程度成岩综合指数介于3.0~4.0、地层脆性指数介于0.3~0.8;Ⅲ级致密化程度成岩综合指数小于3.0、地层脆性指数小于0.3.Ⅰ级致密储层孔喉结构最好、物性最高、微观非均质性最弱,为研究区有利储层.   相似文献   

A Study of Spatial Variability on Aquifer Hydraulic Conductivity K   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A structural analysis of K of an aquifer system in the study area is presented, and the main direction and degree of the variability of K are found by using the unstationary regionalized variable theory of geostatistics. Optimal estimation of K has been made by universal kriging method (U K M ). Both spatial variability distribution map and division map of K are given.  相似文献   

We present a second-order analytic solution [in terms of a heterogeneous log-transmissivity Y(r) = ln T(r)] for the hydraulic head field in a finite 2D confined heterogeneous aquifer under steady radial flow conditions assuming fixed head boundary conditions at the well and at a circular exterior boundary. The solution may be used to obtain the gradient used in calculation of solute transport to a well in a heterogeneous transmissivity field. The solution, obtained using perturbation methods coupled with Green's function techniques, leads us to postulate a more general form of the head for arbitrarily large-variance fields and may be used to obtain moment relations between the log-transmissivity and head under convergent flow conditions when Y(r) is expressed as a random space function. We present expressions for the mean head field when the log-transmissivity is Gaussian and conditioned on the transmissivity value at the well for an arbitrary ln T covariance. Finally, we look at the effect of parameter variations on the mean head behavior and present numerical simulations verifying the second-order mean head expressions.  相似文献   

李霞  文章  梁杏  马腾  陈晨 《地球科学》2017,42(5):743-750
含水层的水文地质参数是进行地下水资源计算、地下水污染防控等所必需的基础数据,结合数值模拟技术进行含水层参数反演很有必要.按照1:5万水文地质调查规范在江汉平原仙桃市杨林尾镇复兴水厂不同含水层位开展抽水试验,包括深层含水层单孔抽水试验以及浅层含水层中群孔(2孔)抽水试验.对于单孔抽水试验,应用第1类越流系统井流理论进行参数反演;对于群孔抽水试验,推导了特定综合井函数,并利用特定标准曲线匹配法和直线图解法求解了含水层参数.随后利用FEFLOW软件建立了相应数值模型,拟合了含水层参数.结果表明:浅层含水层的渗透系数变化范围为21.66~54.00 m/d,贮水率变化范围为1.28×10-5~8.00×10-4 m-1;深层含水层渗透系数变化范围为1.27~7.00 m/d,贮水率变化范围为3.90×10-6~5.00×10-6 m-1.对于深层承压含水层而言,越流补给量较大.采用数值模拟方法结合抽水试验数据求参,综合考虑了含水层结构,拟合效果好,所得结果更加可靠.   相似文献   

A Bayesian inverse method is applied to two electromagnetic flowmeter tests conducted in fractured weathered shale at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Traditional deconvolution of flowmeter tests is also performed using a deterministic first-difference approach; furthermore, ordinary kriging was applied on the first-difference results to provide an additional method yielding the best estimate and confidence intervals. Depth-averaged bulk hydraulic conductivity information was available from previous testing. The three methods deconvolute the vertical profile of lateral hydraulic conductivity. A linear generalized covariance function combined with a zoning approach was used to describe structure. Nonnegativity was enforced by using a power transformation. Data screening prior to calculations was critical to obtaining reasonable results, and the quantified uncertainty estimates obtained by the inverse method led to the discovery of questionable data at the end of the process. The best estimates obtained using the inverse method and kriging compared favorably with first-difference confirmatory calculations, and all three methods were consistent with the geology at the site.  相似文献   

Regional scale models of groundwater flow and transport often employ domain discretizations with grid blocks larger than typical scales of field data. For heterogeneous formations, this difference in scales is often handled by using effective (upscaled) parameters. We investigate the problem of upscaling hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity from a small scale of measurement to a larger scale of grid blocks. Transmissivity statistics is expressed in terms of statistics of hydraulic conductivity, and expressions for the effective (upscaled) hydraulic conductivity K eff and transmissivity T eff for steady state flow in confined heterogeneous aquifers are derived by means of stochastic averaging and perturbation analysis. These expressions reveal that the commonly used relation T eff = BK eff, where B is the confined aquifer thickness, is not generally valid.  相似文献   

The contribution of geophysical techniques to groundwater characterization has largely evolved during the last two decades. As gravity is a geophysical technique sensitive to underground mass variations and due to the improved resolution of modern gravity meters, it can provide information on changes in the phreatic level caused by water being pumped from unconfined aquifers. Previous studies simulated the hydraulic head and the gravimetric anomaly using independent codes. The mass change associated to the pumping well-simulated drawdown had to be externally transferred to the gravity code used to simulate the gravimetrical anomaly, which has severe drawbacks. This article describes how to solve the forward coupled hydro-gravity problem using a unique finite-element code. To illustrate it, it is shown the case of a two-dimensional hydraulic model coupled to its three-dimensional gravity anomaly and also a more complex case where both related domains are three-dimensional. Both are compared against analytical solutions and discussed. The methodology is very flexible, general and amenable to extensions like including heterogeneous domains or coupling with the inverse problem in the same loop.  相似文献   

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