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冰碛湖溃决灾害研究进展   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
王欣  刘时银 《冰川冻土》2007,29(4):626-635
近年来随着全球气候变暖和冰川退缩,冰碛湖溃决灾害受到了广泛的关注,对冰碛湖溃决洪水/泥石流灾害的研究也取得较大进展,经历了由野外观测到遥感手段与野外观测相结合、由定性半定量到定量、由经验估算到基于物理过程建模模拟的发展过程.从冰碛湖的识别与变化监测入手,综述了冰碛湖的溃决诱因与溃决机制、溃决风险评价指标体系、溃决洪水/泥石流的模拟以及溃决风险减缓措施等方面的研究进展与现状,展望了当前的研究工作的发展趋势,为进一步研究冰碛湖溃决洪水/泥石流灾害奠定基础.  相似文献   

末次冰期以来,气候变暖导致全球高山地区的冰川环境变化剧烈,冰碛湖稳定性降低导致溃决频率增加,成为中国、尼泊尔、俄罗斯、秘鲁等10多个国家和地区频繁发生的冰川灾害类型之一。冰碛湖溃决诱发形成的洪水和泥石流,由于规模巨大、成灾速度快和波及范围广等特点,造成下游地区的基础设施和生命财产遭受惨重损失。本文通过对国内外冰碛湖溃决事件、溃决诱因、溃决模式和溃决洪水特征4个方面研究现状和发展现状的梳理和分析,总结经验和思路,从而为冰碛湖溃决研究和评价提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

冰碛湖溃决泥石流流量计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党超  褚娜娜  张鹏 《冰川冻土》2019,41(1):165-174
冰碛湖溃决泥石流是高山高寒地区一种常见的灾害类型,虽爆发频率低,但造成的危害极大,该类型的泥石流防治是区域开发建设中必须要面对的问题,而流量计算又是其核心问题之一。以西藏地区近100 a以来的冰碛湖溃决实例为基础,探讨了溃口深度的计算方法;以逐渐溃决模型和配方法为基础,分析了冰碛湖溃决泥石流的容重峰值流量与洪峰演进计算方法的适用性与流程;通过案例的对比研究,探讨了计算模型参数率定与误差来源。结果表明:瞬间溃决模型高估了冰碛湖溃决泥石流的峰值流量,泥石流的预测值偏保守;而逐渐溃决模型更接近于冰碛湖溃决的物理机制,在冰川U型谷内,可不考虑泥石流的堵塞作用,泥石流的峰值流量预测值与实测值较吻合;在冰川U型谷外或近沟口段则需考虑泥石流的堵塞作用。文中提出的计算模型作为冰碛湖溃决泥石流防治工程参数设计的依据是可行的。  相似文献   

地质灾害的易发性评价是区域地质灾害预警的基础, 具有重要的指导意义。文章基于北京市平谷区1: 5万地质灾害详细调查, 对其地质灾害的发育特征、分布规律及影响因素进行了详细地分析。运用GIS空间分析功能, 对影响地质灾害演变的区域构造断裂、工程地质岩组、植被覆盖率、地形坡度和人类工程活动等因素进行了综合分析, 采用频率比模型完成了地质灾害易发评价区划。结果显示:平谷区地质灾害分布主要与地形地貌、构造断裂及人类工程活动相关, 这与实际情况较为一致。根据评价结果可将平谷区地质灾害易发性划分为4个等级。其中, 地质灾害高易发区面积125.6km2, 占11.7%, 中易发区面积273.02km2, 占25.4%, 低易发区总面积为326.89km2, 占30.4%, 不易发区面积349.49km2, 占32.5%。评价结果可为平谷区地质灾害防治规划提供依据。  相似文献   

基于层次分析法的绵阳市地质灾害易发性评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章阐述了层次分析法应用于地质灾害易发性评价过程及步骤,并运用该方法(AHP)建立地质灾害易发性综合评价的层次分析结构模型及判断矩阵,从而确定了影响地质灾害易发程度因子的权重,建立了地质灾害易发性单灾种评价及区域地质灾害易发性综合评价的数学模型.绵阳市地质灾害易发性评价应用证明,该方法比较合理、有效,具有较高的预测精度,评价结果与实际地质灾害发育区的拟合率大于90%.  相似文献   

以四川峨眉山市为研究区,选取坡度、坡高、坡向、岩土体类型、构造、河流侵蚀、地表覆被、降雨、工程切坡以及矿产开发10个影响因素作为评价因子,采用改进信息量法,在评价因子分级分析的基础上,利用GIS技术,对研究区地质灾害易发性进行了定量评价。结果表明:方法科学可靠,评价结果与实际基本相符;地质灾害在高陡斜坡区域、坚硬薄层-厚层状砂岩、粉砂岩夹白云岩、灰岩岩组、构造密集区最为发育,地形地貌、地质构造是地质灾害发育最主要的控制因素;地质灾害易发性划分为高易发、中易发、低易发、极低易发4个等级,分布面积分别为169.37km2、429.07km2、363.43km2和221.12km2。易发性评价精度74.80%。评价方法可为县域地质灾害易发性评价提供理论指导,评价结果可为该区域地质灾害防治工作提供科学依据。  相似文献   

根据近些年珠海市地质灾害发生概况,选取地质灾害主要致灾因子,并进行细化评分,以2 km×2 km面积为单元,将珠海市共划分出680个单元,采用地质灾害综合危险性指数法,分别予以赋值,运用MapGis软件获得各单元的地质灾害综合易发性指数,将珠海市地质灾害划分出高、中、低和不易发生4个等级,然后用ArcGis软件生成珠海市地质灾害易发分区图。划分结果为珠海城市建设防灾减灾、国土空间规划、地质灾害预警等提供科学依据。  相似文献   

本文基于四川华蓥市最新的地质灾害数据和野外地质数据,选取坡度、坡向、坡高、工程地质岩组、断层、河流影响距离、道路和采矿活动等8个影响因素,采用信息量模型,在进行评价因子分析的基础上,通过GIS空间分析平台,对华蓥市开展地质灾害易发性评价。评价结果显示,研究区可划分为高易发、中易发、低易发和极低易发四个区,分别占研究区面积的17.31%、27.63%、32.66%和22.40%。通过采用受试者工作特征曲线(ROC)的线下面积(AUC)进行检验,其值为72.50%,评价结果良好,能够为华蓥市地质灾害易发性评价提供理论指导和技术参考。  相似文献   

我国地形地质条件复杂, 地质灾害多发, 人类各类工程地质活动加剧了地质灾害的发生与发展. 地质灾害预防与管理工作是保障人民生命与财产安全的前提与基础. 地质灾害易发性评价是地质灾害危险性评价和风险评价的前提, 也是地质灾害区划和防治工作的基础. 本文基于国内外地质灾害易发性的相关研究, 对地质灾害易发性概念、评价指标体系、权重计算方法和易发性评价模型进行分析总结, 并指出了地质灾害易发性评价中亟待解决的主要问题.  相似文献   

西藏年楚河冰川终碛湖溃决条件及洪水估算   总被引:12,自引:8,他引:12  
陈储军  刘明 《冰川冻土》1996,18(4):347-352
利用遥感卫片和航片资料查清了西藏年楚河上游冰川终碛湖的数量、大小和分布,并对其中最大的3个冰湖进行了分析,确认其中的白湖为一典型危险冰湖,只要有合适的气候条件就可能发生溃决。通过冰湖实地考察,验证了室内分析成果,补充收集计算所需的资料,采用美国天气局的BREACH模型和计算机程序,估算了白湖的溃决洪水。  相似文献   

岩土体含水量对滑坡,尤其是土质滑坡的稳定性具有极大的影响。本文以三峡库区秭归段内土质滑坡作为研究对象,利用Sentinel-1雷达数据反演地表岩土体含水量来替代传统的湿度指数因子,在保持其他因子不变的情况下,构建二元逻辑回归模型进行滑坡易发性评价。结果表明,利用成功率曲线对结果进行分析,采用岩土体含水量因子时预测精度达到80.2%,高于采用地形湿度指数的77.2%。利用雷达数据反演得到的岩土体含水量代替地形湿度指数进行滑坡易发性评价精度较高、预测能力较强。  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple and fast method to calculate flow through a dike breach. The approach was based on two-dimensional numerical simulations of idealized dike breakages at straight river-sections. As a result, computation of discharge through a breach can be achieved by use of the new developed formula (denoted as dike break formula). Furthermore, a methodology that combines one-dimensional hydrodynamic modelling, the dike break formula and a simple GIS-based method to estimate inundation areas is described. This fast and easy-to-handle tool can be utilized for near real-time forecasting or evacuation decisions. Detailed predictions were made for a number of flood and dike break scenarios at the River Rhine to prove the accuracy of the new method compared with two-dimensional numerical models.  相似文献   

van Westen  C. J.  Rengers  N.  Soeters  R. 《Natural Hazards》2003,30(3):399-419
The objective of this paper is to evaluate the importance of geomorphological expert knowledge in the generation of landslide susceptibility maps, using GIS supported indirect bivariate statistical analysis. For a test area in the Alpago region in Italy a dataset was generated at scale 1:5,000. Detailed geomorphological maps were generated, with legends at different levels of complexity. Other factor maps, that were considered relevant for the assessment of landslide susceptibility, were also collected, such as lithology, structural geology, surficial materials, slope classes, land use, distance from streams, roads and houses. The weights of evidence method was used to generate statistically derived weights for all classes of the factor maps. On the basis of these weights, the most relevant maps were selected for the combination into landslide susceptibility maps. Six different combinations of factor maps were evaluated, with varying geomorphological input. Success rates were used to classify the weight maps into three qualitative landslide susceptibility classes. The resulting six maps were compared with a direct susceptibility map, which was made by direct assignment of susceptibility classes in the field. The analysis indicated that the use of detailed geomorphological information in the bivariate statistical analysis raised the overall accuracy of the final susceptibility map considerably. However, even with the use of a detailed geomorphological factor map, the difference with the separately prepared direct susceptibility map is still significant, due to the generalisations that are inherent to the bivariate statistical analysis technique.  相似文献   

Assessment of erosion status of a watershed is an essential prerequisite for integrated watershed management. It not only assists in chalking out suitable soil and water conservation measures to arrest erosion and conserve water but also helps in devising best management practices to enhance biomass production in watersheds. Keeping this in view, the present study has been undertaken by involving geospatial-statistical techniques to determine the critical and priority areas for soil and water conservation in Suketi watershed of the lower Himachal Himalayan region. A novel weighted sum analysis technique was used for ranking each of hydrological unit by obtaining the weightages from various morphometric parameters. This technique offers dynamic, effective and sustainable approach over traditional prioritization methods in which significance of each parameter were considered equally. Considering this approach, sub-watersheds were delineated into low, medium and high priority zones. The results illustrate that about 52 % of sub-watersheds of Suketi watershed are in moderate to high erosion and runoff susceptible zones. Therefore, these potential areas can be considered for preferential soil and water conservation planning. The results obtained from the study will be useful for various stakeholders such as agriculturists, water resource managers, conservation measures planners and decision policy makers for better management practices and decision making. The geospatial-statistical technique can be used for effective estimation of erosion status of watersheds leading to watershed prioritization for taking up soil and water conservation measures in watershed systems. Finally, this technique can be very useful in remote, rugged and inaccessible watersheds with absence of soil erosion and runoff monitoring.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Information on the composition and properties of water, primarily in natural water bodies, is necessary for making water management decisions; therefore, it must be...  相似文献   

Summary   Comminution (crushing and grinding) of rock materials is energy-intensive and expensive. Much effort has been directed to improve the efficiency of conventional milling practice, but relatively little attention has been given to the potential benefits of blast-induced (extrinsic) damage on comminution processes. The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of shock-induced “crack-like” damage on rock properties for three petrologically distinct rock materials under laboratory conditions. In order to evaluate the effect of shock-induced damage, a quantitative measure of rock damage is needed. Shock loading of rock material was accomplished with an explosively driven split Hopkinson pressure bar. Laboratory measurements show that the average uniaxial compressive strengths for damaged specimens are slightly lower than those for intact specimens. Based on damage mechanics, the scalar damage variable () was experimentally determined as the relative reduction in ultrasonic wave velocity of damaged versus intact rock. increases as the shock energy dissipated in rock material increases. A crack density was determined by confocal image analysis. Measurements following shock loading indicate that ultrasonic wave velocity in rock partially recovers with time. Ultrasonic wave velocity and confocal image analysis may be useful in quantitatively assessing the internal crack-like damage in rock materials.  相似文献   

区域土壤侵蚀定量研究的国内外进展   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
由于水土保持宏观决策的需要、土壤侵蚀学科自身的进步和全球变化研究的促进,过去的10多年来,国内外研究者对区域尺度土壤侵蚀研究给予了高度重视。已经开展的主要研究包括:全球和区域(包括国家尺度)土壤侵蚀调查、区域土壤侵蚀过程和尺度效应、区域土壤侵蚀因子和区域土壤侵蚀模型等。将区域土壤侵蚀作为现代陆地地表过程的一部分,充分考虑全球变化的影响,集成土壤侵蚀研究成果与遥感和GIS技术,开发分布式区域土壤侵蚀模型,成为区域土壤侵蚀定量评价研究的基本趋势。在对国内外区域土壤侵蚀定量评价研究评述的基础上,提出我国近期在区域土壤侵蚀方面研究的重点问题为:区域土壤侵蚀过程及其尺度效应的量化描述、区域土壤侵蚀模型开发、区域土壤侵蚀动态模拟与趋势预测、区域土壤侵蚀与全球变化关系研究和区域土壤侵蚀数据处理与管理方法。  相似文献   

Preliminary Quantitative Assessment of Earthquake Casualties and Damages   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Prognostic estimations of the expected number of killed or injured people and about the approximate cost associated with the damages caused by earthquakes are made following a suitable methodology of wide-ranging application. For the preliminary assessment of human life losses due to the occurrence of a relatively strong earthquake we use a quantitative model consisting of a correlation between the number of casualties and the earthquake magnitude as a function of population density. The macroseismic intensity field is determined in accordance with an updated anelastic attenuation law, and the number of casualties within areas of different intensity is computed using an application developed in a geographic information system (GIS) environment, taking advantage of the possibilities of such a system for the treatment of space-distributed data. The casualty rate, defined as the number of killed people divided by the number of inhabitants of the affected region, is also computed and we show its variation for some urban concentrations with different population density. For a rough preliminary evaluation of the direct economic cost derived from the damages, equally through a GIS-based tool, we take into account the local social wealth as a function of the gross domestic product of the country. This last step is performed on the basis of the relationship of the macroseismic intensity to the earthquake economic loss in percentage of the wealth. Such an approach to the human casualty and damage levels is carried out for sites near important cities located in a seismically active zone of Spain, thus contributing to an easier taking of decisions in emergency preparedness planning, contemporary earthquake engineering and seismic risk prevention.  相似文献   

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