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传统的渔业资源评估方法对数据有一定的要求,而现有的许多渔业缺乏相关数据,造成了渔业评估和管理上的障碍。特别是自然死亡率,由于观测和计算的困难,研究中一般通过经验公式等方法进行假话,而不同来源的数据和估算方法的结果存在较大差异,可能导致在渔业资源评估和管理中很大的不确定性。本研究以蓝点马鲛(Scomberomorus niphonius)为例,利用MSE比较了22种基于有限数据的渔业管理规程(MP),筛选出DCAC、SPMSY、curE75、minlenLopt1 4种对于M不确定性较为稳健的的管理方法,并针对不同年代的自然死亡率以及通过不同计算方法得出的自然死亡率对这4种MP进行了管理策略评价。结果表明:M自1980s至今的不同年代间有显著降低趋势,该变化对MP管理效果产生了较强影响。随着M降低,种群B>0.5BMSY的概率显著上升,而过度捕捞可能性在不同MP间有方向性的差异。M变化对对curE75、minlenLopt1的长期产量的影响较小,而对DCAC、SPMSY的AAVY<15%的可能性变化较大,即降低产量的波动。不同M估算方法的估计值相差不大,对MP管理影响不明显。综合结果来看,Cur75受自然死亡率不确定性影响较小,对于渔业资源的开发和保护两个方面有着最好的权衡,最适用于我国蓝点马鲛渔业的管理。  相似文献   

日本鲭(Scomber japonicus)是西北太平洋重要的鱼类资源之一,科学预测日本鲭的资源丰度有利于其资源的合理开发和利用。本研究依据日本渔业机构提供的1987–2012年日本鲭太平洋群体的资源量数据,结合产卵场和渔场的海洋环境数据以及气候因子,使用广义加性模型对影响日本鲭太平洋群体的海洋环境和气候因子进行分析,筛选出有显著影响的因子并建立该群体的资源量预测模型。结果表明,与该群体资源量有显著关系的影响因子有:北极涛动指数、太平洋年代际振荡指数、渔场海表面高度、渔场海表面盐度和渔场海表面温度。基于赤池信息准则筛选出的4个资源量预测模型分析表明,包含北极涛动指数、渔场海表面高度和渔场海表面温度的模型有较好的预测效果,该模型的验证结果也通过了t检验(P<0.05),可用于日本鲭太平洋群体资源量的预测。  相似文献   

This paper has analysed the relationship between the purchase of blue spotted Markerel and the environmental conditions during the spring fishing season in Shandung Province by the stage regression analysis method based on the traditional correlation method.  相似文献   

基于栖息地指数的西北太平洋日本鲭渔情预报模型构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2014−2017年5−11月西北太平洋公海灯光围网日本鲭(Scomber japonicus)生产数据,结合同期的环境遥感数据,分别基于捕捞量和作业次数,构建日本鲭栖息地适宜性指数(Habitat Suitability Index,HSI)模型。选取海表水温、海面高度异常和叶绿素a浓度,采用一元指数回归拟合,建立各个环境变量的适应性指数模型,并利用线性规划方法确定各环境因子的权重,从而提高日本鲭HSI模型对渔场的预报精度。利用2018年5−11月的实际捕捞数据对模型进行预报准确率验证,在基于渔获量和作业次数构建的HSI模型中,HSI大于0.7的海域,渔获量平均占比分别为77.29%、76.79%,这表明基于不同权重环境因子的HSI模型能够较好地预测西北太平洋公海日本鲭中心渔场。  相似文献   

Feeding activities provide necessary nutrition and energy to support the reproduction and development of fish populations. The feeding ecology and dietary plasticity of fish are important factors determining their recruitment and population dynamics. As a top predator, Japanese Spanish mackerel(Scomberomorus niphonius) supports one of the most valuable fisheries in China. In this study, the feeding ecology and diet composition of Japanese Spanish mackerel spawning groups were analysed based on samples collected from six spawning grounds along the eastern coastal waters of China during spring(March to May) in 2016 and 2017. Both stomach contents and stable isotope analysis were conducted. Stomach content analysis showed that spawning groups of Japanese Spanish mackerel mainly fed on fish, consuming more than 40 different prey species. Diets were significantly different among sampling locations. The most important prey species were Stolephorus in Fuzhou, Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus in Xiangshan, Euphausia pacifica in Lüsi, sand lance Ammodytes personatus in Qingdao and Weihai, and Leptochela gracilis in Laizhou Bay. Stable isotope analysis showed that the trophic level of Japanese Spanish mackerel was relatively high and generally increased with latitude from south to north. In the 1980 s, the diet of Japanese Spanish mackerel was dominated solely by Japanese anchovies in the eastern coastal waters of China. The results in the present study showed that the importance of Japanese anchovies declined considerably, and this fish was not the most dominant diet in most of the investigated waters. Both the spatial variations in diet composition and changes in the dominant diet over the long term indicated the high adaptability of Japanese Spanish mackerel to the environment. Combining the results of stomach analysis and stable isotope analysis from different tissues provided more comprehensive and accurate dietary information on Japanese Spanish mackerel. The study provides essential information about the feeding ecology of Japanese Spanish mackerel and will benefit the management of its populations in the future.  相似文献   

Based on the fishing net surveying data about anguillid elver of the Yangtze estuary collected in 2006 and historical data from previous research of the region, this study was focused on analyzing the fishing effort and catch variations of the elver, revealing the effects on fishery resources caused by elver fishing activities. It was found that the elver fishing activities took place in the tidal area of the Yangtze estuary from January to April. The yearly elver catch in 2000–2006 was 3 times greater than that in the 1970s–1980s. The catch per unit effort (CPUE) (ind./net/day) of the elver had some characteristics of temporal variation. It was higher in spring tide periods than that in neap tide periods, and the CPUE in February and March was 3–4 times greater than that in January. Twenty-eight fish species, 6 shrimp species, 2 crab species and 8 other invertebrates were found in the by-catch of the eel nets. Among the fishes, shrimps and crabs, the individual proportion of fishes is the highest, and they are mostly juveniles or small-size fishes, while the shrimps and crabs also make up a certain proportion. Most of the individuals in the by-catch were juveniles and were dead when they were harvested. It was proven that the activity of elver fishing has a great negative effect on regional fishery resources, though it has brought great commercial benefit. Relevant management and conversation should be reinforced.  相似文献   

南方蓝鳍金枪鱼渔业和生物学的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
南方蓝鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus maccoyii)是金枪鱼渔业的重要经济鱼种,历史上其全球年产量曾达到8万t水平[1]。由于长期的过度开发,近年来资源衰退严重,渔获量不断下降,各国已纷纷提出并实施一些养护措施[2~4]。目前中国正大力开发远洋金枪鱼渔业,而国内对南方蓝鳍金枪鱼的专项研究匮  相似文献   

浒苔营养物质全面且含量丰富,藻体适应性强、光合效率高、生长速度快,是一种非常理想的生物材料。本文对近些年来浒苔在食品、饲料、活性物质开发、生物质能源研究、生态修复等方面的应用进行综述,为浒苔资源的充分利用与进一步开发提供可借鉴的理论和实践方面的科学依据。  相似文献   

对赤点石斑鱼(Epinephelus akaara)精子的激活特点、超低温冷冻方案筛选、短期保存、受精实验等方面进行了研究。结果表明:水温25℃、比重为1.018的海水对赤点石斑精子具有最佳的激活效果,活力为(82.50±4.18)%;在进行超低温冷冻时,选择距离液氮面7 cm的高度进行降温,获得冻后活力为(65.83±3.76)%,显著高于1、3、15 cm 的处理组(P<0.0001),利用冻存液 B(含30 g/L 海藻糖、10%DMSO 的生理盐水)冻存赤点石斑精子,冻精活力为(67.92±3.96)%,显著高于另外两种冻存液(P<0.05);通过优化的方案(冻存液B,7 cm高度)冻存得到精子可获得较好的受精效果,受精率为(74.55±4.31)%,而相应的鲜精受精率可达(87.42±4.63)%,二者间的差异具有显著性(P=0.017);短期保存的结果表明,赤点石斑鱼精子在4℃环境中保存约两周后活力降低为0。  相似文献   

We describe industry funded contributions to the assessment of the SNA1 snapper (Pagrus auratus) fishery during the 1990s and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of industry funded research. We also provide background on the history of fisheries management in New Zealand, on the current assessment and management processes, and on the SNA1 snapper fishery. In the SNA1 fishery, the contributions of industry and the cooperation with Government scientists has resulted in high quality assessments. In our opinion, the advantages of industry funded research out weigh the disadvantages and suggest that industry funded assessments are highly desirable and should be an integral part of any management system.  相似文献   

莱州群体花鲈渔业生物学特征的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
笔者对莱州群体花鲈的调查资料为基础,较系统地报告了该群体的形态异质性、群体组成、年龄生长、性成熟与繁殖力、饵料食性以及洄游分布等生物学特征,从而不仅为中日花鲈的物种鉴定、种群划分提供基础资料,并为该鱼的人工增养殖及资源保护提供渔业生物学依据.  相似文献   

秋刀鱼(Cololabis saira)是中国在西北太平洋海域的重要的捕捞对象之一,单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE) 标准化是开展其资源评估研究的重要内容,许多统计模型被运用到CPUE标准化研究中。本文根据2003-2017年中国大陆在西北太平洋海域的秋刀鱼生产统计资料,结合卫星遥感获得的海洋环境数据如:海表面温度、海表面高度以及海温梯度等,基于广义线性模型(general linear model,GLM) 和广义加性模型(generalized additive model,GAM) 对中国大陆西北太平洋秋刀鱼渔业进行CPUE 标准化,并对两种模型的结果进行了对比分析研究。通过贝叶斯信息准则选择最佳GLM和GAM模型,使用解释偏差和5-fold交差验证来对比两个模型结果。GLM模型的最佳模型对CPUE偏差的解释率为21.57%,GAM的最佳模型对CPUE偏差的解释率为38.95%。通过5-fold交差验证分析发现,GAM模型标准化结果较优于GLM模型,因此,认为GAM模型更适合于西北太平洋秋刀鱼渔业CPUE标准化。  相似文献   

Pseudopleuronectes yokamae (Günther) is one of the most important economic fish species in the genus living specially in the northwest Pacific, and is distributed in the southern area of the far east sea of Russia, Japan, Korea, the Huanghai Sea, the Bohai Sea and the northern area of the East China Sea. Usually they live in nearshore waters of these areas as geographic subpopulations. P. yokamae in the Sheath Bay belongs to a local group of the Huanghai-Bohai Sea subpopulation and is distributed in the mouth and adjacent waters of the bay all the year round, and the catch of its spawning group has important economic value in the area. In this paper the fishery biology features of spawning group of P. yokamae in the Sheath Bay is systematically studied to give biology evidence for proper utilization and the multiplification of its resources.  相似文献   

智利外海竹筴鱼中心渔场时空变动的初步研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
牛明香  李显森  徐玉成 《海洋科学》2009,33(11):105-110
根据2005年3~12月14艘中国渔船在智利外海的竹筴鱼生产统计数据和卫星遥感反演的海表温度、叶绿素浓度,分析智利外海竹筴鱼中心渔场的时空变动以及渔场与环境因子的关系.结果表明,随着南半球秋季转入冬季,竹筴鱼中心渔场相应地由南向北、由东向西推移,10月份渔场达到最北端,春末夏初开始南撤;智利外海竹筴鱼渔场的表层水温大致为12~16℃,中心渔场为14~15℃,月间略有差异;渔场的叶绿素质量浓度大致为0.06~0.12 mg/m~3,当渔场的叶绿素质量浓度处于0.08~0.10 mg/m~3时,渔船作业频次和竹筴鱼产量最高.  相似文献   

Natural mortality rate(M) is one of the essential parameters in fishery stock assessment, however, the estimation of M is commonly rough and the changes of M due to natural and anthropogenic impacts have long been ignored.The simplification of M estimation and the influence of M variations on the assessment and management of fisheries stocks have been less well understood. This study evaluated the impacts of the changes in natural mortality of Spanish mackerel(Scomberomorus niphonius) on their management strategies with data-limited methods. We tested the performances of a variety of management procedures(MPs) with the variations of M in mackerel stock using diverse estimation methods. The results of management strategies evaluation showed that four management procedures DCAC, SPMSY, cur E75 and minlen Lopt1 were more robust to the changes of M than others; however, their performance were substantially influenced by the significant decrease of M from the 1970s to 2017. Relative population biomass(measure as the probability of B0.5 BMSY) increased significantly with the decrease of M, whereas the possibility of overfishing showed remarkable variations across MPs. The decrease of M had minor effects on the long-term yield of cur E75 and minlen Lopt1, and reduced the fluctuation of yield(measure as the probability of AAVY15%) for DCAC, SPMSY. In general, the different methods for M estimation showed minor effects on the performance of MPs, whereas the temporal changes of M showed substantial influences. Considering the fishery status of Spanish mackerel in China, we recommended that cur E75 has the best trade-off between fishery resources exploitation and conservation, and we also proposed the potentials and issues in their implementations.  相似文献   

鱼类的生长是影响群体资源量的要素,研究鱼类的生长规律是开展资源评估工作的基础。本研究依据2016年9–1 0月和2017年8–1 0月在黄渤海采集的当年生蓝点马鲛(Scomberomorus niphonius)幼鱼,通过耳石微结构分析,确定了蓝点马鲛孵化期,建立了生长模型并估算了生长率。结果显示,幼鱼日龄范围为64~151 d,孵化日期为5月3日至6月15日,高峰期集中在5月20日至6月3日。叉长和体质量的生长符合Logistic生长模型。叉长平均绝对生长率和特定生长率分别为2.45 mm/d和0.85%/d,生长率随着日龄增大而小幅度减小。体质量平均绝对生长率和特定生长率分别为5.33 g/d和2.68%/d,最大绝对生长率和最大特定生长率分别出现在111~120 d和91~100 d。本研究表明,蓝点马鲛幼鱼生长随日龄发生变化,早期生长较以往进一步加快。  相似文献   

It is important to find a reliable method to estimate maximum sustainable yield(MSY) or total allowable catch(TAC) for fishery management, especially when the data availability is limited which is a case in China. A recently developed method(CMSY) is a data-poor method, which requires only catch data, resilience and exploitation history at the first and final years of the catch data. CMSY was used in this study to estimate the biological reference points for Largehead hairtail(Trichiurus lepturus, Temminck and Schlegel) in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea, based on the fishery data from China Fishery Statistical Year Books during 1986 to 2012. Additionally,Bayesian state-space Schaefer surplus production model(BSM) and the classical surplus production models(Schaefer and Fox) performed by software CEDA and ASPIC, were also projected in this study to compare with the performance of CMSY. The estimated MSYs from all models are about 19.7×104–27.0×104 t, while CMSY and BSM yielded more reasonable population parameter estimates(the intrinsic population growth rate and the carrying capacity). The biological reference points of B/BMSY smaller than 1.0, while F/FMSY higher than 1.0 revealed an over-exploitation of the fishery, indicating that more conservative management strategies are required for Largehead hairtail fishery.  相似文献   

This study presents an example of horse mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) stock to demonstrate that marine environmental factors are important in stock assessment for the new Korean Total Allowable Catch (TAC)-based fisheries management system. The estimated survival rate (S) of horse mackerel ranged from 0.25 to 0.36. The instantaneous coefficient of natural mortality (M) was 0.48/year, and the age at first capture was 0.83 year. Annual biomass of horse mackerel in Korean waters was estimated by a biomass-based cohort analysis using annual catch in weight at age during 1965–1995. Yield-per-recruit and spawning biomass-per-recruit were estimated under various harvest strategies at Fmax, F0.1, F30% and F40%. A method for estimating acceptable biological catch (ABC) is proposed for dealing with the large differences in the quality and quantity of information and data available. Using recruitment of horse mackerel estimated from various spawner–recruitment relationship models combined with salinity, volume transport, and zooplankton biomass as environmental factors, the ABC under the best information available was estimated to range from 3100 to 3800 mt.  相似文献   

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