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High abundances of mangrove pollen have been associated with transgressive cycles on tropical margins, but the detailed relations between systems tracts and the taphonomy of the pollen are unclear. We report here the occurrence and high abundance of Rhizophora pollen, in association with taraxerol, a Rhizophora-sourced biomarker, from a high-resolution Congo fan core covering the last deglaciation. An age model based on 14C dates enables the temporal changes in taraxerol content and the percentage frequencies and flux (pollen grains (pg) cm−2 (103 yr)−1) of mangrove pollen to be compared quantitatively with the lateral rate of transgression across the flooding surface (derived from glacio-hydro-isostatic model output and the bathymetry of the margin). Rhizophora pollen concentrations and taraxerol content of the sediment are very strongly positively correlated with the lateral rate of transgression and indicate, independently of any sequence stratigraphic context, that mangrove pollen spikes are associated with the transgressive systems tract rather than the highstand systems tract or maximum flooding surface. Lower-resolution longer-term records from this margin indicate an association between taraxerol concentrations and transgressive rather than regressive phases. The flux of these materials to the Congo fan is interpreted as a function of the erosion of flooded mangrove swamp on the shelf and, less importantly, changing extent of mangrove habitat, during sea-level rise. Congo River palaeoflood events also result in reworking of mangrove pollen and supply to the fan, but this mechanism is subdominant. Rhizophora pollen has been underestimated in many palynological studies undertaken on cores from the African margin because of inappropriate sieve mesh size used during laboratory preparation.  相似文献   

Angola Basin and Cape Basin (southeast Atlantic) surface sediments and sediment cores show that maxima in the abundance of taraxerol (relative to other land-derived lipids) covary with maxima in the relative abundance of pollen from the mangrove tree genus Rhizophora and that in the surface sediments offshore maxima in the relative abundance of taraxerol occur at latitudes with abundant coastal mangrove forests. Together with the observation that Rhizophora mangle and Rhizophora racemosa leaves are extraordinarily rich in taraxerol, this strongly indicates that taraxerol can be used as a lipid biomarker for mangrove input to the SE Atlantic. The proxy-environment relations for taraxerol and Rhizophora pollen down-core show that increased taraxerol and Rhizophora pollen abundances occur during transgressions and periods with a humid climate. These environmental changes modify the coastal erosion and sedimentation patterns, enhancing the extent of the mangrove ecosystem and/or the transport of mangrove organic matter offshore. Analyses of mid-Pleistocene sediments show that interruption of the pattern of taraxerol maxima during precession minima occurs almost only during periods of low obliquity. This demonstrates the complex environmental response of the interaction between precession-related humidity cycles and obliquity-related sea-level changes on mangrove input.  相似文献   

Ocean Drilling Program Leg 155 Site 942 on the Amazon Fan is an ideal location for monitoring palaeoclimatic changes within a significant proportion of the Amazon Basin. We present n‐alkane δ13C and taraxerol and laevoglucosan concentration records from this site covering the last 38 ka. The entire n‐alkane δ13C record is constrained between ?31‰ and ?34‰, which is well within the isotopic range occupied by C3 vegetation. The concentration and relative abundance of taraxerol, a mangrove indicator, varies by over an order of magnitude, but seems to have had no effect on the n‐alkane δ13C record. The laevoglucosan concentrations are extremely low during the last glacial period, suggesting a relatively low occurrence of forest fires. Laevoglucosan concentrations are highest between 13.5 and 12.5 ka, suggesting an increased incidence of Amazon forest fires at the very end of the Younger Dryas. These records, combined with previously published pollen records from Site 932, reveal no evidence for massive incursions of grasslands into Amazonia during the last glacial period, despite evidence of reduced outflow of the Amazon River indicating more arid conditions. We therefore suggest that savannah encroachment, as proposed by the Pleistocene refuge hypothesis, can be refuted as an explanation for high species endemism within the Amazon Basin, and alternative explanations are required. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examines a sediment core (SR-63) from a mangrove ecosystem along the Sibun River in Belize, which is subject to both changes in sea-level and in the characteristics of the river's drainage basin. Radiocarbon dates from the core show a decreased sedimentation rate from ~ 6 ka to 1 cal ka BP and a marked change in lithology from primarily mangrove peat to fluvial-derived material at ~ 2.5 cal ka BP. Changes in the sedimentation rates observed in mangrove ecosystems offshore have previously been attributed to changes in relative sea-level and the rate of sea-level rise. Pollen analyses show a decreased abundance of Rhizophora (red mangrove) pollen and an increased abundance of Avicennia (black mangrove) pollen and non-mangrove pollen coeval with the decreased sedimentation rates. Elemental ratios ([N:C]a) and stable isotope analyses (δ15N and δ13C) show that changes in the composition of the organic material are also coeval with the change in lithology. The decrease in sedimentation rate at the site of core SR-63 and at offshore sites supports the idea that regional changes in hydrology occurred during the Holocene in Belize, influencing both mainland and offshore mangrove ecosystems.  相似文献   

The high sea-level stand during the mid-Holocene is a benchmark in mangrove dynamics along the north-east/south-east coast of Brazil and provides a reference point for landward and seaward mangrove migrations corresponding to changes in relative sea level (RSL). However, evidence of the impacts associated with RSL fall on the northern Brazilian coast is scarce. Multi-proxy data from the highest tidal flats of the Bragança Peninsula in northern Brazil revealed modern herbaceous areas were occupied by mangroves Rhizophora and Avicennia from ~6250 to ~5850 cal a bp , and only Avicennia between ~5850 and ~5000 cal a bp . The same tidal flats were vegetation-free between ~5000 and ~4300 cal a bp . A combination of a high sea-level stand (0.6 ± 0.1 m) at ~5000 cal a bp and a dry early–middle Holocene in the Amazon probably caused an increase in porewater salinity of tidal flats, which resulted in a mangrove succession from Rhizophora to Avicennia dominance. RSL fall accentuated this process, contributing to mangrove degradation between ~5000 and ~4300 cal a bp . RSL fall, and a wetter period over the past ~4300 cal a bp caused a mangrove migration from highest to lowest flats, followed by expansion of herbaceous vegetation on the highest flats.  相似文献   

Understanding how Holocene sea levels influenced coastal wetland development in the Caribbean will aid wetland management in the context of predicted sea level rise. Nine radiocarbon dates from the Maracas and Nariva Swamps on wave-dominated coasts from Trinidad, show sea level was –9 m approximately 7000 yr BP, and rose gradually to –2 m by 2000 yr BP. Since then there may have been isostatic readjustment. Wetlands developed with a transgression of dry upland habitats by rising seas and the facultative halophyte Rhizophora colonized the new brackish water environment. A freshwater plant community gradually replaced the Rhizophora as the marine influence decreased. At Maracas, higher sea levels caused wetland retreat as beach and lagoon habitats migrated inland. Sand ridges in Nariva Swamp indicate that, as in Maracas Swamp, sea level rise created beaches and lagoons, but that these landforms prograded as additional nearshore sediments were deposited. Basins were also filled with sediment delivered by streams that drain the watershed, and by mangrove peat accumulation.  相似文献   

Pollen and dinoflagellate cysts from marine sediments in core A180-48 (15°19′N, 18°06′W; 2450 m water depth; 530 cm length) are used to reconstruct palaeoenvironmental conditions of nearshore tropical west Africa during the last deglaciation. High concentrations and influxes of pollen and dinoflagellate cysts between 11 000 and 10 000 yr BP are interpreted as reflecting an increase in continental trade-wind circulation and related coastal upwelling at 15°N latitude. The sea-surface temperature difference between glacial and interglacial times was not as strong as previously suggested. Together with local (fresh) ground-water input, this smaller temperature difference may explain the persistence of the Rhizophora mangrove and Guinean gallery forests near the shore until their massive extension during the early Holocene humid maximum around 9500 yr BP. Pollen data from the core are compared with data from Rosilda N110-Z, from the continental shelf at the same latitude.  相似文献   

Lithofacies analysis, pollen assemblages and radiocarbon age dates of 20 stratigraphic drill holes are used to develop an evolutionary history for late Quaternary sedimentation in two coastal embayments landward of the central Great Barrier Reef. Different physiographic settings of the embayments result in two contrasting styles of sedimentary sequence: (a) an exposed, moderate energy, beach barrier-lagoon system (Wyvuri Embayment) and (b) a protected, low energy, muddy inlet fill sequence (Mutchero Inlet). Despite sharp contrast in sequence style, similar depositional cycles occur in both embayments in response to late Quaternary sea level fluctuations including: (1) a last interglacial highstand (+2 m; c. 125 000 yr bp ) beach barrier (Wyvuri); (2) an early to mid-Holocene (8000–6100 yr bp ) transgressive beach barrier-lagoon (Wyvuri) and estuarine infill (Mutchero); and (3) mid-Holocene to present highstand beach barrier (Wyvuri) and estuarine (Mutchero) progradation. Preservation of such cycles in the stratigraphic record would produce a series of vertically stacked and offset linear barrier sands surrounded by lagoonal mud and fine grained shoreface sediment juxtaposed to muddy, estuarine infills. Sea level elevations are well recorded by the upward transition from Rhizophora-dominated intertidal mangrove mud to freshwater swamp (clearly identified by pollen analysis) and by the basal contacts of beach barrier sediments which sharply overlie the upper shoreface. Transgressive sedimentation is interrupted in both embayments by a constructional beach barrier (Wyvuri) and abbreviated progradation (Mutchero) corresponding to a — 5 m pause in relative sea level rise at c. 6800 yr bp . Sea level control of fine scale coastal sedimentation patterns is beginning to be widely recognized and provides an accurate analogue for stacked ancient sequences.  相似文献   

Pollen analysis of three core samples,YEV-I, GOHO.00 and DO.00, taken in the coastal area of Bénin shows the existence of mangrove during the Holocene. This mangrove underwent many physiognomic changes from the middle to the late Holocene. In the course of the middle Holocene (from 7500 to 2500 years before present (BP)), it stretched over a large area from the littoral inland. It was tightly closed and almost monospecific, dominated by Rhizophora. During the late Holocene, this mangrove started to regress around 3000 years BP and disappeared about 2500 years BP from the studied sites. It has been replaced by swamp meadows dominated by Paspalum vaginatum Sw. and a fresh water environment colonised by taxa such as Persicaria, Typha, Ludwigia, and Nymphaea.  相似文献   

Located at the interface of terrestrial and marine ecosystems, mangroves are particularly sensitive to environmental change. They provide a sedimentary sink for organic carbon, whereby cores can provide detailed records of mangrove species. We aimed to trace the history of mangrove development over the past 150 years in Yingluo Bay, SW China. Sedimentation rates (avg. 0.32 and 0.37 cm/year) were calculated on the basis of ln(210Pbex) vs. mass depth, and offset the rate of relative sea level rise (0.22–0.24 cm/year), leading to a seaward expansion of new mangrove habitats. Chemical tracers (δ13Corg and C:N) and an isotope mixing model were utilized to trace the contribution of mangrove-derived organic matter (MOM). Changes in the relative abundance of pollen from mangrove plants was used to compensate for diagenetic alteration of the stable isotope values and potential overlaps in isotope values for different sources of organic matter. The result of Pearson correlation analysis showed that the MOM was moderately positive correlated with total mangrove pollen, indicating that stable carbon isotopes and mangrove pollen provide similar information for tracing mangrove ecosystems. Based on results from this study, compositional changes in mangrove communities could be divided into two main stages: a degradation period (1870–1930 AD) and a flourishing period (1930–2011 AD), corresponding to colder temperature and warmer temperature, respectively. Owing to the location being far away from any industrial area and human activity, temperature may be a key factor for mangrove development.  相似文献   

Marine and continental deposits from the Tjörnes area in northern Iceland were studied to obtain their pollen/spore content. Six Pollen Zones (PZ) were defined in the Early Pliocene Tjörnes beds and the Early Pleistocene Breidavík Group. The pollen is most diverse during the deposition of the lowest Tapes Zone (PZ 1) and the lower part of the overlying Mactra Zone (PZ 2). Local pollen from marshland, levee and foothill forests was deposited on a large coastal plain. The pollen spectrum reflects transgression and deepening during the second part of the Mactra Zone (PZ 3) and the lower part of the Serripes Zone (PZ 4). Gymnosperm pollen derived from the higher inland plateau increases in PZ 3. This background pollen was of minor importance during periods with an extensive coastal plain (PZ 1, 2, 4, 6). PZ 5 did not yield sufficient pollen for analysis. The pollen analysis allowed refinement of the sea‐level variations based on sedimentology and molluscs. Pollen of warmth‐demanding plants is recorded throughout the Tjörnes beds and the Early Pleistocene interglacial deposits. Warmth‐loving species indicate summers 8°C warmer than today during deposition of the Tapes Zone, and at least 5°C warmer during the rest of the Tjörnes beds. The Pliocene vegetation of Iceland matches well that of the present‐day western European maritime temperate climate. The drastic cooling at the onset of the Quaternary led to a marked vegetation impoverishment, already noticeable in the Early Pleistocene Breidavík Group.  相似文献   

We investigated the potential of mangrove pollen from Mahé, Seychelles, to improve existing metre-scale Late Holocene sediment-based sea-level reconstructions. Mangrove species at two mangrove sites are broadly zoned according to elevation within the tidal frame. Modern pollen rain from traps deployed for 1 year generally have a poor relationship with modern vegetation, and relatively low pollen production rates. Pollen from mangrove species that live in narrow elevation zones (e.g. Avicennia marina) are poorly represented in modern pollen rain, while pollen from mangrove species that live across a larger elevational range (e.g. Rhizophora mucronata) are relatively well represented. Pollen was found in extremely low concentrations in mangrove surface and core sediments, which inhibited further study into pollen transport and preservation. The results from this modern study demonstrate that utilizing mangrove pollen would not decrease existing metre-scale vertical uncertainties in Late Holocene sea-level reconstructions in the Seychelles. We suggest that this approach may still be successful in other locations if mangrove vegetation is (i) zoned at a more extensive lateral scale and (ii) is closely associated with modern pollen rain and surface sediments, and (iii) sedimentological conditions promote the preservation of pollen in fossil sequences.  相似文献   

Two eustatic high sea stands during the last glacial period are recognised at Pantai Remis. These highstands, lower than present-day sea-level, are tropical manifestations of the ameliorating interstadial climate during the Weichselian/Devensian/Wisconsin glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere. The earlier highstand corresponds to a sea-level of 14.6 m below mean sea-level (MSL). It is interpreted as synchronous with Oyxgen Isotope Stage 5a and is correlated with other known sea-level curves in other parts of the world. The younger high sea stand, dated 55810 ± 1140 to 53870 ± 1400 yr BP, indicates sea-level of 4.3 m below MSL. It represents an interstadial equivalent that lasted for at least 2000 yr, whereas the earlier interstadial period indicates a minimum duration of twice this amount or very likely even longer, as reflected from the thickness of the accumulated deposits. The palynological records indicate that during interstadial times, climatic stability in the tropics is attained and was sufficiently long for vegetation to thrive and develop. The palynofloral constituents of the earlier interstadial phase at Pantai Remis showed the establishment of vegetation in a coastal setting, initiated by Pandanus swamp forests. Simultaneously, mangrove swamp flourished in the lower lying parts of the area, hence the presence of direct tidal influence is evident. Both the Pandanus and mangrove swamps were succeeded by mixed freshwater swamp forests of a Campnosperma–Calophyllum assemblage. Subsequently a slightly open and somewhat drier mixed swamp forest prevailed, marked by the increase in fern spore representation. The later interstadial phase showed shorter vegetation successions, which commenced on the landward edge of a mangrove swamp forest. The mangrove was successively replaced by strand forest, as indicated by domination of Casuarina equisetifolia. The palynological assemblages in both the interstadial periods indicate similarity to the present-day coastal vegetation. This implies that during the interstadials the climate in the lowlands of Peninsular Malaysia and presumably throughout the equatorial region, was as that prevailing today. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Boxcore 99LSSL‐001 (68.095° N, 114.186° W; 211 m water depth) from Coronation Gulf represents the first decadal‐scale marine palynology and late Holocene sediment record for the southwestern part of the Northwest Passage. The record was studied for organic‐walled microfossils (dinoflagellate cysts, non‐pollen palynomorphs), pollen, terrestrial spores, and sediment characteristics. 210Pb, 137Cs, and three accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dates constrain the chronology. Three prominent palaeoenvironmental zones were identified. During the interval AD 1470–1680 (Zone I), the climate was warmer and wetter than at present, and environmental conditions were more favourable to biological activity and northward boreal forest migration, with reduced sea‐ice and a longer open‐water (growing) season. The interval AD 1680–1940 (Zone II) records sea‐ice increase, and generally cool, polar conditions during the Little Ice Age. During AD 1940–2000 (Zone III), organic microfossils indicate an extended open‐water season and decreased sea‐ice, with suggested amelioration surpassing that of Zone I. Although more marine studies are needed to place this record into an appropriate context, the succession from ameliorated (Zone I) to cooler, sea‐ice influenced conditions (Zone II) and finally to 20th‐century warming (Zone III) corresponds well with several terrestrial climatic records from the neighbouring mainland and Victoria Island, and with lower‐resolution marine records to the west. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Marine erosion at Clettnadal, West Burra island off the west coast of Shetland, caused the drainage of a small water body at Clettnadal, exposing deposits of Late Devensian and Holocene age. Pollen, diatom and invertebrate analyses have provided variable records of environmental change during stratigraphical event GI‐1. Event GS‐1 is revealed by the non‐pollen evidence, especially by Coleoptera, by sediment stratigraphy, and by radiocarbon dating. In contrast, the pollen evidence indicates that an arctic tundra flora, in which dwarf shrubs were prominent, persisted throughout the Late‐glacial. The Holocene brought colonisation by tree birch, but by ca. 9000 14C yr BP the taxon had almost disappeared. This contrasts strongly with other Holocene pollen records for Shetland where both Betula and Corylus avellana‐type survived longer—at some sites, for example, until ca. 2900 yr BP. The extreme westerly and exposed coastal situation of Clettnadal appears to be responsible both for a muted Late‐glacial response in the pollen record of terrestrial vegetation and for the early replacement of woodland by a maritime grassland. The results provoke questions concerning biological stability at times of marked climatic change. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We analysed pollen from a sediment core from Fiddaun, a small Lateglacial lake basin in western Ireland. Results reflect the general Lateglacial vegetation development in Ireland, as reconstructed from other pollen records. The Fiddaun diagram shows a number of short‐lived regressive vegetation phases during the Interstadial. The close similarity between two pollen records from the same region (Fiddaun and Lurga) indicates that these fluctuations probably reflect regional rather than local changes. Comparison with a previously published climate reconstruction, based on a chironomid‐inferred mean July air temperature reconstruction, lithology, and oxygen and carbon isotopes of lake marl from the Fiddaun record, allowed us to establish the relationship between summer temperature and vegetation changes. Results reveal that two temporary regressive shifts in the pollen record correspond to cold oscillations, which have been correlated to Greenland Interstadial 1b and 1d. It seems that the first cold oscillation (GI‐1d) had the most distinct effect on vegetation in Ireland. In contrast, it appears that the transition from Juniperus shrubland and Empetrum heath to grassland, which is estimated at ~13.7 ka BP, was not caused by decreasing summer temperatures, as no substantial change is observed in the climate proxies. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the evolution of the Nile deep‐sea turbidite system during the last 200 kyr, over a series of glacial to interglacial cycles. Six individual deep‐sea fans were identified from an extensive field data set. Each fan comprises a canyon, channel system and terminal lobes. Two of these fan systems were possibly active at the same time, at least during some periods. Large‐scale slope failures destroyed channel segments and caused the formation of new submarine fan systems. These slope failures thus played an important role in the overall evolution of the turbidite system. During the last glacial maximum (ca 25 to 14·8 ka) the central and eastern parts of the Nile deep‐sea turbidite system were relatively inactive. This inactivity corresponds to a lowstand in sea‐level, and a period of arid climate and relatively low sediment discharge from the Nile fluvial system. Rapid accumulation of fluvial flood‐derived deposits occurred across the shallower part of the submarine delta during sea‐level rise between ca 14·8 and 5 ka. The most recent deep‐sea channel–lobe system was very active during this period of rising sea‐level, which is also associated with a wetter continental climate and increased sediment and water discharge from the Nile. Increased sediment deposition in shallower water areas led to occasional large‐scale slope failure. The Nile deep‐sea turbidite system was largely inactive after ca 5 ka. This widespread inactivity is due to retreat of the coastline away from the continental shelf break, and to a more arid continental climate and reduced discharge of sediment from the Nile. The Nile deep‐sea turbidite system may be more active during periods of rising and high sea‐level associated with wetter climates, than during lowstands, and may rapidly become largely inactive during highstands in sea‐level coupled with arid periods. These acute responses to climate change have produced sedimentary/stratigraphic features that diverge from traditional sequence models in their nature and timing. This large‐scale sedimentary system responded to monsoon‐driven climate change and sea‐level change in a system‐wide and contemporaneous manner.  相似文献   

Previously only three terrestrial interglacial periods were known from southern Scandinavia, all of which could be relatively easily correlated within the central European stratigraphical framework. Here, we present a new interglacial–interstadial pollen, plant macrofossil and charcoal record from Trelde Klint, Denmark, and analyse its biostratigraphy, correlation with other European records, vegetation development, fire dynamics and absolute dating. Except for a slight truncation of the early part of the record, the pollen stratigraphy exhibits a full interglacial succession, including temperate trees (Quercus, Ulmus and Tilia) during its mesocratic stage. Macrofossil analysis allowed identification to species level for Quercus robur, Picea abies and two mosses. Conifers (Pinus and Picea) dominate the pollen record of the interglacial sequence, and the occurrence of Larix pollen in the top part of the interglacial record as well as in the interstadial sediments is especially indicative of this interglacial. The overall diversity of tree genera is rather low. These biostratigraphical features suggest that Trelde Klint is unique among Danish records, but it is similar to records from northern Germany. Numerical analyses (REVEALS and DCA) indicate that forests during the temperate stage were dense and that vegetation openness increased only towards the end of the interglacial, accompanied by increased fire occurrence. A short interstadial sequence with a dominance of Pinus and Betula and the presence of Larix is present above the interglacial deposit. We argue that lack of attention to differences in fire regimes may hamper understanding of between‐site correlations of interglacial pollen records. OSL dating, using a novel feldspar technique, yields an average age of 350±20 ka for the sandy sediments above the interglacial layers at Trelde Klint, suggesting that the whole interglacial–interstadial succession belongs to Marine Isotope Stage 11.  相似文献   

Brachyuran crab community structure was compared between mangrove sites under different management systems from four locations along the Melaka Straits-Andaman Sea Coast. Klong Ngao, a mangrove estuary in Ranong Province of southern Thailand, lies within a Biosphere Reserve designated in 1997. Sites were positioned in plantations at a former charcoal concession forest, a disused tin mine, and an abandoned shrimp pond along this estuary. The Merbok estuary in Kedah, Malaysia, is partially managed: the mangroves are cut for charcoal and poles on a small scale and the forests are left to regenerate naturally. The Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve in Perak, Malaysia, is heavily exploited but well managed, forRhizophora wood to produce charcoal, and has been for 100 years. Sites were positioned in plantations of different ages. Kuala Selangor Nature Park, Selangor, Malaysia, was established as a nature reserve in 1987 and contains mature mangrove forest regenerating naturally from previous selective felling. At Klong Ngao and Matang, mature reserve forest sites were also studied for comparison with plantation sites. The sites included both upstream and downstream locations and were of similar area, minimizing effects from possible species-area relationships. Sites were chosen with similar environmental conditions and with a dominance ofRhizophora spp. At each site per location, the brachyuran crabs were sampled quantitatively in 100 m2 quadrats by three independent 15-min timed crab catches. The crab community recorded was analyzed by univariate and multivariate statistical techniques. Management history plays an important role in moderating the crab community structure. The crab community also changes with the age of the mangrove forest stand. Sesarmid crabs consistently dominated in mature forests, whereas young plantations were colonized mainly by ocypodid crabs. The findings show that heavily effected sites—e.g., disused tin mining areas, former concession forests, and abandoned shrimp ponds—can be rehabilitated by planting mangroves and that the crab community is a useful ecological indicator of habitat status.  相似文献   

A new geochemical record from the paaleolake Santiaguillo documents the hydrological variability of sub‐tropical northern Mexico over the last 14 cal. ka. Summer‐season runoff, lake water salinity and deposition of sediments by aeolian activity were reconstructed from concentrations of K, Ca and Zr/K in bulk sediments. More‐than‐average runoff during c. 12.39.3 cal. ka BP represented an interval of enhanced summer precipitation. Arid intervals of c. 1412.3 cal. ka BP and c. 6–4.3 cal. ka BP were characterized by average and more‐than‐average aeolian activity. Comparison with proxy records of summer as well as winter precipitation from tropical and sub‐tropical North America and sea surface temperatures from the Atlantic and Pacific provides insight into the source of moisture and possible forcing. The wet Pleistocene?Holocene transition and early Holocene was contemporary with warmer conditions in the Gulf of California. We suggest that the Atlantic had minimal influence on the summer precipitation of the western part of sub‐tropical northern Mexico and that the source of moisture was dominantly Pacific.  相似文献   

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