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De Geer moraines are very common in the Møre area, western Norway. These moraines occur below the marine limit and outside the Younger Dryas ice limit and occupy tributaries that connect the main fjords through the mountain passes. During deglaciation, ice in these tributaries flowed to the major ice streams. Sections across three De Geer moraines show that the ridges are composed of diamictons and fine-grained sediment, partly in stacked sequences. The diamicton units are interpreted as being composed of water-lain tills, lodgements tills and subaqueous flow deposits. The fine-grained sediment is though to have formed in a proglacial marine environment. Clast fabric of diamictons and deformation structures in underlying sands show that depositional directions for diamicton units and the direction of deformation for the sands is perpendicular to the ridge crests. Mainly based on this evidence, the ridges are thought to have formed by push at the glacier grounding line. The formation of transverse ridges (relative to ice flow) do occur in basal crevasses on modern glaciers, as do swarms of ridges along the front of retreating glaciers. The first mechanism of deposition does not seem to explain the ridges studied in the present paper and hence the importance of this process in the formation of De Geer moraines is questioned. The De Geer moraines were deposited by ice lobes advancing from one main fjord into another; therefore by studying the drainage pattern of the tributary lobes and their sequence of deglaciation, many features of the style of deglaciation of the ice sheet across the area can be determined. The northwestern part of the area was deglaciated earliest. After that, deglaciation proceeded to the southwest parallel to the coast. Subsequently the outer and the central part of Romsdalsfjorden were deglaciated causing ice to drain towards this fjord from both the north and south. The last fjord to be deglaciated was Storfjorden in the south.  相似文献   

The study of De Geer moraines in Raudvassdalen shows that most De Geer moraines are likely to have a common origin at the grounding line of glaciers despite variability in composition of the ridges. Pebble fabric, grain‐size analysis and structures within exposures of De Geer moraines in the Raudvassdalen area, with compositions ranging from mostly till to mostly sorted sediment, indicate that the ridges all formed at the grounding line of a tidewater glacier by common processes: deposition of sorted sediments beyond the grounding line followed by deformation of pre‐existing sediments and deposition of till as the glacier overrode the ridges. The compositional variation of the ridges is probably related to the position of the section studied relative to the location of the outlet of subglacial streams. Ridges composed entirely of till form at locations remote from the outlet of subglacial streams, and ridges with a component of sorted sediments form in closer proximity to these streams. This unifying theory of De Geer moraine formation, along with theoretical and geological evidence showing that there are limited physical conditions where basal crevasses can form, suggests that the number of De Geer moraines interpreted to have formed in basal crevasses is probably unrealistic. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The extent and behaviour of the southeast margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in Atlantic Canada is of significance in the study of Late Wisconsinan ice sheet-ocean interactions. Multibeam sonar imagery of subglacial, ice-marginal and glaciomarine landforms on German Bank, Scotian Shelf, provides evidence of the pattern of glacial-dynamic events in the eastern Gulf of Maine. Northwest-southeast trending drumlins and megaflutes dominate northern German Bank. On southern German Bank, megaflutes of thin glacial deposits create a distinct northwest-southeast grain. Lobate regional moraines (>10km long) are concave to the northwest, up-ice direction and strike southwest-northeast, normal to the direction of ice flow. Ubiquitous, overlying De Geer moraines (<10 km long) also strike southwest-northeast. The mapped pattern of moraines implies that, shortly after the last maximum glaciation, the tidewater ice sheet began to retreat north from German Bank, forming De Geer moraines at the grounding line with at least one glacial re-advance during the general retreat. The results indicate that the Laurentide Ice Sheet extended onto the continental shelf.  相似文献   

Late Weichselian glacial sediments were studied in three sections west of Lund, southwest Sweden. The lowermost sedimentary unit is a lodgement till containing rock fragments derived from the northeast-east. Fabric analyses indicate successive ice flow directions: from the northeast, east-northeast, south-southeast and then east. The last active ice movement in the area was from the east. Above the lodgement till are deglaciation sediments consisting of meltout till, flow till and glaciofluvial sand and gravel deposited in a subaerial stagnant-ice environment. The uppermost unit consists of glaciolacustrine clay and silt, containing abundant ice-rafted debris, deposited during a short-lived transgression phase when stagnant ice was still present in the area. At the westernmost site investigated, the petrographical composition of the deglaciation deposits displays a gradual change, with upwards increasing components of Cretaceous chalky limestone. The presence of this rock type requires a period of glacial transport from the south. This stratigraphy cannot be explained with traditional glaciodynamic models. A possible scenario can, however, be constructed using a previously published model (Lagerlund, 1987) where marginal ice domes in the southwestern Baltic area interact with the main Scandinavian Ice Sheet.  相似文献   

The Meikirch drilling site in the Swiss Midlands north of Bern is re‐interpreted using a combination of sedimentological logging, pollen analyses and luminescence dating. The sedimentary sequence comprises about 70 m of lacustrine deposits, overlain by about 39 m of coarse glacial outwash interpreted to represent at least two independent ice advances. Pollen analyses of the apparently complete limnic sequence reveal a basal late glacial period followed by three warm phases that are interrupted by two stadial periods (Meikirch complex). The warm periods were previously correlated with the Holsteinian and Eemian Interglacials. According to luminescence dating, and with consideration of evidence for Middle Pleistocene climate patterns at other central European sites, a correlation of the Meikirch complex with marine isotope stage (MIS) 7 is now proposed. If this correlation is correct, it implies the presence of three intervals with interglacial character during MIS 7. However, the late Middle Pleistocene vegetational features of the Meikirch complex show significant differences when compared with the pollen record from the Velay region, central France. Possible explanations for this discrepancy are distinct Middle Pleistocene patterns of atmospheric circulation over central Europe and a different distribution of vegetation refugia compared to the Eemian Interglacial and the Holocene. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present 10 in situ cosmogenic exposure ages from two moraines on the Isle of Skye. The Strollamus medial moraine was deposited during deglaciation of the Devensian ice sheet and yields a mean exposure age from five samples of 14.3 ± 0.9 ka. The moraine age indicates that a significant ice mass existed on Skye at the time of a regional readvance recorded in Wester Ross, northwest Scotland. Taken at face value the ages suggest that deglaciation did not occur until well into Greenland Interstade 1. The Slapin moraine represents the local limit of the Loch Lomond Readvance (LLR) and yields a mean exposure age from five samples of 11.5 ± 0.7 ka, which is consistent with deposition relating to the LLR. These ages suggest that the maximum extent may have been reached late in the stadial and that some glaciers may have remained active until after the climatic amelioration that marks its end. This scenario is considered unlikely given the nature of the climate during this period, which leads us to call for a locally calibrated production rate. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The beach‐bar reservoir play has become an important exploration target within the Bohai Bay Basin, especially in the Boxing Sag within the Dongying Depression, where a large‐scale lacustrine beach‐bar oil pool has been discovered recently. The sedimentary characteristics, distribution patterns and formation mechanisms of beach‐bar sand bodies in the upper fourth member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation (Es4s) in the Boxing Sag were studied in detail based on seismic, well log data and core data. The Es4s in the Boxing Sag is composed of a third‐order sequence consisting of three systems tracts, i.e. a lowstand systems tract, a transgressive systems tract and a highstand systems tract. Beach‐bar sand bodies were deposited widely in the basin during the lowstand systems tract period. The sandy beach‐bars are characterized by siltstones, fine‐grained silty sandstones interbedded with thin mudstone units. The presence of well‐developed sedimentary structures, such as swash bedding, parting lineation, parallel bedding, ellipsoidal mud clasts, ripples, terrestrial plant debris and vertical burrows, suggests that beach‐bars were deposited in a relatively shallow water environment under the influence of strong hydrodynamics. Laterally, the sandy beach facies occurred as a more continuous sheet‐like body around the sandy bar in most parts of the sag. Stratigraphically, beach‐bars were distributed mainly in the lowstand systems tract and they were less well‐developed in the transgressive systems tract and highstand systems tract. Several factors were probably responsible for the occurrence of the large‐scale beach‐bars during the lowstand systems tract period, including: (i) a gentle palaeoslope and relatively weak structural activities; (ii) a shallow‐water condition with a strong hydrodynamic environment; (iii) high‐frequency oscillations of the lake level; and (iv) an abundant terrigenous clastic feeding system with multiple‐point and linear sediment sources.  相似文献   

The discovery of eclogites is reported within the Great Himalayan Crystalline Complex in the Thongmön area, central Himalaya, and their metamorphic evolution is deciphered by petrographic studies, pseudosection modelling, and zircon dating. For the first time, omphacite has been found in the matrix of eclogites taken from a metamorphic mafic lens. Two groups of garnet have been identified in the Thongmön eclogites on the basis of major and rare earth elements and mineral inclusions. Core and intermediate sections of garnet represent Grt I, in which the major elements (Ca, Mg, and Fe) show a nearly homogenous distribution with little or weak zonation. This Grt I displays an almost flat chondrite‐normalized HREE pattern, and the main inclusions are amphibole, apatite, quartz, and abundant omphacite. Grt II, forms thin rims on large garnet grains, and is characterized by rim‐ward Ca decrease and Mg increase and MREE enrichment relative to HREE and LREE. No amphibole inclusions are found in Grt II, indicating the decomposition of amphibole contributed to its MREE enrichment. Two metamorphic stages, recorded by matrix minerals and inclusions in garnet and zircon, outline the burial of the Thongmön eclogites and progressive metamorphic processes to the pressure peak: (a) the assemblage of amphibole–garnet–omphacite–phengite–rutile–quartz, with the phengite interpreted as having been replaced by Bt+Pl symplectites, represents the prograde amphibole eclogite facies stage M1(1), (b) in the peak eclogite facies [stage M1(2)], amphibole was lost and melting started. Based on the compositions of garnet and omphacite inclusions, M1(1) is constrained to 19–20 kbar and 640–660°C and M1(2) occurred at >21 kbar, >750°C, with appearance of melt and its entrapment in metamorphic zircon. SHRIMP U–Pb dating of zircon from two eclogite samples yielded consistent metamorphic ages of 16.7 ± 0.6 Ma and 17.1 ± 0.4 Ma respectively. The metamorphic zircon grew concurrently with Grt II in the peak eclogite facies. Thongmön eclogites characterized by the prograde metamorphism from amphibolite facies to eclogite facies were formed by the continuing continental subduction of Indian plate beneath the Euro‐Asian continent in the Miocene.  相似文献   

The development of soft‐sediment deformation structures in clastic sediments is now reasonably well‐understood but their development in various deltaic subenvironments is not. A sedimentological analysis of a Pleistocene (ca 13·1 to 15 10Be ka) Gilbert‐type glaciolacustine delta with gravity‐induced slides and slumps in the Mosty‐Danowo tunnel valley (north‐western Poland) provides more insight, because the various soft‐sediment deformation structures in these deposits were considered in the context of their specific deltaic subenvironment. The sediments show three main groups of soft‐sediment deformation structures in layers between undeformed sediments. The first group consists of deformed cross‐bedding (inclined, overturned, recumbent, complex and sheath folds), large‐scale folds (recumbent and sheath folds) and pillows forming plastic deformations. The second group comprises pillar structures (isolated and stress), clastic dykes with sand volcanoes and clastic megadykes as examples of water‐escape structures. The third group consists of faults (normal and reverse) and extensional fissures (small fissures and neptunian dykes). Some of the deformations developed shortly after deposition of the deformed sediment, other structures developed later. This development must be ascribed to hydroplastic movement in a quasi‐solid state, and due to fluidization and liquefaction of the rapidly deposited, water‐saturated deltaic sediments. The various types of deformations were triggered by: (i) a high sedimentation rate; (ii) erosion (by wave action or meltwater currents); and (iii) ice‐sheet loading and seasonal changes in the ablation rate. Analysis of these triggers, in combination with the deformational mechanisms, have resulted – on the basis of the spatial distribution of the various types of soft‐sediment deformation structures in the delta under study – in a model for the development of soft‐sediment deformation structures in the topsets, foresets and bottomsets of deltas. This analysis not only increases the understanding of the deformation processes in both modern and ancient deltaic settings but also helps to distinguish between the various subenvironments in ancient deltaic deposits.  相似文献   

On the basis of reprocessing 34 new two-dimensional spliced long sections(20,191 km) in the Tarim Basin, the deep structure features of the Tarim Basin were analyzed through interpreting 30,451 km of two-dimensional seismic data and compiling basic maps. Seismic interpretation and geological analysis conclude that the Nanhua-Sinian strata are a set of rift-depression depositional systems according to their tectonic and depositional features. The rift valley formed in the Nanhua Period, and the transformation became weaker during the late Sinian Period, which eventually turned into depression. From bottom to top, the deposited strata include mafic igneous, tillite, mudstone, and dolomite. Three major depocenters developed inside this basin during the rift stage and are distributed in the eastern Tarim Basin, the Awati area, and the southwestern Tarim Basin. Among them, the rift in the eastern Tarim Basin strikes in the near east-west direction on the plane and coincides with the aeromagnetic anomaly belt. This represents a strong magnetic zone formed by upwelling basic volcanic rock along high, steep normal faults of the Nanhua Period. Controlled by the tectonic background, two types of sedimentary systems were developed in the rift stage and depression stage, showing two types of sequence features in the Sinian depositional stage. The Nanhua System appears as a wedge-shaped formation, with its bottom in unconformable contact with the base. The rifting event has a strong influence on the current tectonic units in the Tarim Basin, and affects the distribution of source rock in the Yuertus Formation and reservoir beds in the Xiaoerbulake Formation in Lower Cambrian, as well as the gypseous cap rock in Middle Cambrian. The distribution features of the rifts have important and realistic significance for determining the direction of oil and gas exploration in the deep strata of the Tarim Basin. Comprehensive analysis suggests that the Tazhong region is the most favorable zone, and the Kalpin-Bachu region is the optimal potential zone for exploring sub-salt oil and gas in deep Cambrian strata.  相似文献   

The Qinling‐Tongbai‐Dabie‐Sulu orogenic belt comprises a Palaeozoic accretion‐dominated system in the north and a Mesozoic collision‐dominated system in the south. A combined petrological and geochronological study of the medium‐to‐high grade metamorphic rocks from the diverse Palaeozoic tectonic units in the Tongbai orogen was undertaken to help elucidate the origins of Triassic ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphism and collision dynamics between the Sino‐Korean and Yangtze cratons. Peak metamorphic conditions are 570–610 °C and 9.3–11.2 kbar for the lower unit of the Kuanping Group, 630–650 °C and 6.6–8.9 kbar for the upper unit of the Kuanping Group, 550–600 °C and 6.3–7.7 kbar for the Erlangping Group, 770–830 °C and 6.9–8.5 kbar for the Qinling Group and 660–720 °C and 9.1–11.5 kbar for the Guishan complex. Reaction textures and garnet compositions indicate clockwise P–T paths for the amphibolite facies rocks of the Kuanping Group and Guishan complex, and an anticlockwise P–T path for the granulite facies rocks of the Qinling Group. Sensitive high‐resolution ion microprobe U–Pb zircon dating on metamorphic rocks and deformed granite/pegmatites revealed two major Palaeozoic tectonometamorphic events. (i) During the Silurian‐Devonian (c. 440–400 Ma), the Qinling continental arc and Erlangping intra‐oceanic arc collided with the Sino‐Korean craton. The emplacement of the Huanggang diorite complex resulted in an inverted thermal gradient in the underlying Kuanping Group and subsequent thermal relaxation during the exhumation. Meanwhile, the oceanic subduction beneath the Qinling continental arc produced magmatic underplating and intrusion, leading to granulite facies metamorphism followed by a near‐isobaric cooling path. (ii) During the Carboniferous (c. 340–310 Ma), the northward subduction of the Palaeo‐Tethyan ocean generated a medium P/T Guishan complex in the hangingwall and a high P/T Xiongdian eclogite belt in the footwall. The Guishan complex and Xiongdian eclogite belt are therefore considered to be paired metamorphic belts. Subsequent separation of the paired belts is inferred to be related to the juxtaposition of the Carboniferous eclogites with the Triassic HP metamorphic complex during continental subduction and exhumation.  相似文献   

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