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根据现代冰川前大量湖沼沉积的孢粉分析及~(14)C年代测定,对天山山区全新世冰川变化及气候演变进行了研究。新的结果表明,在距今9—3ka间,北天山地区的气候环境对冰川的发育相当不适。当时可能发生了完全的冰川退化并全部消失。所获资料排除了天山山区晚更新世冰川作用阶段性有节奏的缩减模式,现代冰川是新冰期重新形成的,它具有独立性及年轻性。  相似文献   

The transition from arid glacial to moist early Holocene conditions represented a profound change in northern lowland Neotropical climate. Here we report a detailed record of changes in moisture availability during the latter part of this transition (~11 250 to 7500 cal. yr BP) inferred from sediment cores retrieved in Lake Petén Itzá, northern Guatemala. Pollen assemblages demonstrate that a mesic forest had been largely established by ~11 250 cal. yr BP, but sediment properties indicate that lake level was more than 35 m below modern stage. From 11 250 to 10 350 cal. yr BP, during the Preboreal period, lithologic changes in sediments from deep‐water cores (>50 m below modern water level) indicate several wet–dry cycles that suggest distinct changes in effective moisture. Four dry events (designated PBE1‐4) occurred centred at 11 200, 10 900, 10 700 and 10 400 cal. yr BP and correlate with similar variability observed in the Cariaco Basin titanium record and glacial meltwater pulses into the Gulf of Mexico. After 10 350 cal. yr BP, multiple sediment proxies suggest a shift to a more persistently moist early Holocene climate. Comparison of results from Lake Petén Itzá with other records from the circum‐Caribbean demonstrates a coherent climate response during the entire span of our record. Furthermore, lowland Neotropical climate during the late deglacial and early Holocene period appears to be tightly linked to climate change in the high‐latitude North Atlantic. We speculate that the observed changes in lowland Neotropical precipitation were related to the intensity of the annual cycle and associated displacements in the mean latitudinal position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and Azores–Bermuda high‐pressure system. This mechanism operated on millennial‐to‐submillennial timescales and may have responded to changes in solar radiation, glacial meltwater, North Atlantic sea ice, and the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (MOC). Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A hitherto unknown terrane and its bounding sutures have been revealed by a combined study of normal-incidence and wide-angle seismic data along the BABEL profile in the Baltic Sea. This Intermediate Terrane is situated between a Northern Terrane of Svecofennian age and a Southwestern Terrane of Gothian age. It is delimited upwards by two low-angle and oppositely dipping sutures and occupies mainly middle and lower crustal levels with a width of 300 km at Moho level. The 1.86 Ga suture against the Northern Terrane is imaged by a prominent almost continuous NE-dipping crustal reflection from 3.5 to 14 s twt over 175 km. Where it downlaps on the Moho, sub-Moho velocities change from 8.2 to 7.8 km/s (±0.2) over less than 25 km. A relatively strong, NE-dipping normal-incidence and wide-angle reflection at 19–23 s twt indicates that the suture extends into the upper mantle. The pervasive NE-dipping reflection fabric of the Intermediate Terrane is interpreted as shear zones that developed during collision and possibly were reactivated by later events. High Poisson's ratios suggest a mafic composition or high fluid content. The 1.86 Ga collision was probably succeeded by continental break-up and removal of an unknown continent, except for the Intermediate Terrane. Subsequent formation of an east-dipping subduction zone further to the west led to the emplacement of 1.81-1.77-Ga-old granitoids in the southern part of the Transscandinavian Igneous Belt. The 1.65-1.60 Ga suture against the Southwestern Terrane is defined by a semi-continuous band of strong SW-dipping reflections between 3 and 8 s twt over 65 km, which are interpreted as a low-angle thrust zone along which Gothian crust overrode the Intermediate Terrane. The identification of three individual seismic terranes in the southeastern part of the Baltic Shield provides new evidence for Palaeoproterozoic plate tectonic processes.  相似文献   

This paper provides insight into the fate of Late Weichselian and Early Holocene sediments accumulated in the German sector of the southern North Sea. A combination of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating and radiocarbon dating was applied to set up the chronology. Seven cores were studied to obtain ten quartz OSL samples and ten radiocarbon samples. The core locations were chosen along a southeast to northwest transect along the western side of the Elbe palaeovalley, giving a good coverage of the entire German North Sea area. All samples for OSL dating showed a significant scatter in the equivalent dose (De) distribution of quartz due to heterogeneous bleaching. The Minimum Age Model (MAM-3) was found to be the most suitable to extract true burial ages. It was inferred from the study that sedimentation did still occur during the late deglaciation period in many areas. These are mainly Late Weichselian glaciofluvial or glaciolacustrine sediments directly overlain by early Holocene fluvial and/or transgressive deposits and followed by modern marine sands. However, considerable late Weichselian erosion or a possible period of non-deposition was observed in the highland area to the northeast of the Dogger Bank and a small discontinuity in the near-shore region was noticed, probably due to early Holocene fluvial erosion. Relicts of a palaeo-river bank or terrace were identified in core 14VC to the east of the Dogger Bank. A possible interpretation of the Pleistocene-Holocene interface along the core transect is provided based on lithology and measured OSL and radiocarbon ages.  相似文献   

High resolution sampling of sediment cores covering approximately the last 4000 yr from Lochan Uaine, a small corrie loch in the Scottish Cairngorm Mountains, show quasi‐periodic cycles in organic matter (measured as percentage loss on ignition). Analysis of these cycles show correspondences between loss on ignition, δ13C values and chironomid head capsule abundance. We interpret the changes as reflecting changes in lake productivity and hypothesise that they are driven by climate variability. However, it is not yet clear whether the periods of relatively high organic matter production and preservation are associated with colder or with warmer conditions. Nevertheless the results indicate the value of using sediments from remote, undisturbed mountain lakes as recorders of Holocene climate variability. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

声波探测具有很高的分辨率和信号发射频度,可以获得高品质浅地层剖面,显示出沉积地层的结构与构造细节、斜层理等三角洲沉积标志特征。展示了渤海湾西部浅地层声纳探测原始记录。探测发现,在大沽口以东27km处存在一个以前不为人知的埋藏槽谷,涉及地层的时代为晚更新世末期与全新世中期。宽达几百米到1km,深约30m,走向北北西,形成时代距今约5000~6000a,可能代表了某种重大地质事件,其成因有溺谷充填和构造断陷2种可能。  相似文献   

The major climatic variations that have affected the summit slopes of the higher Apennine massifs in the last 6000 yr are shown in alternating layers of organic matter-rich soils and alluvial, glacial and periglacial sediments. The burial of the soils, triggered by environmental-climatic variations, took place in several phases. For the last 3000 yr chronological correlations can be drawn between phases of glacial advance, scree and alluvial sedimentation and development of periglacial features. During some periods, the slopes were covered by vegetation up to 2700 m and beyond, while in other phases the same slopes were subject to glacial advances and periglacial processes, and alluvial sediments were deposited on the high plateaus. Around 5740-5590, 1560-1370 and 1300-970 cal yr B.P., organic matter-rich soils formed on slopes currently subject to periglacial and glacial processes; the mean annual temperature must therefore have been higher than at present. Furthermore, on the basis of the variations in the elevation of the lower limit reached by gelifraction, it can be concluded that the oscillations in the minimum winter temperatures could have ranged between 3.0°C lower (ca. 790-150 cal yr B.P.) and 1.2°C higher (ca. 5740-5590 cal yr B.P.) than present minimum winter temperatures. During the last 3000 yr the cold phases recorded by the Calderone Glacier advance in the Apennines essentially match basically the phases of glacial advance in the Alps.  相似文献   

Planktonic foraminiferal evidence suggests that the ocean front systems between Polar and Atlantic surface waters in the Norwegian Sea generally were located closer to Greenland during Oxygen Isotope Substage 5e than in the Holocene. During both these periods oscillations have occurred in the position of the fronts. In the western Norwegian Sea region, the substage 5e influence of warm Atlantic waters was interrupted by a return to polar conditions. These findings support both ice-core data and evidence from Europe that the last interglacial was a period of rapid climatic shifts.  相似文献   

Lago Puyehue is a glacigenic lake in the Chilean Lake District (40°S) with a complex deglaciation history. A detailed seismic–stratigraphic study of its sedimentary infill indicates a much earlier retreat of the glacier from the Lago Puyehue basin than the neighbouring glacier from the Lago Rupanco basin. Because of their close proximity, Rupanco meltwater streams played an important part in the depositional processes of Lago Puyehue. A timing discrepancy between the in‐lake ages of a sediment core and the outer‐lake ages of moraine deposits (re)opens the discussion on the timing of deglaciation in the Southern Hemisphere. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Palynological studies document forest disappearance during the late Holocene in the tropical Maya lowlands of northern Guatemala. The question remains as to whether this vegetation change was driven exclusively by anthropogenic deforestation, as previously suggested, or whether it was partly attributable to climate changes. We report multiple palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironment proxies (pollen, geochemical, sedimentological) from sediment cores collected in Lake Petén Itzá, northern Guatemala. Our data indicate that the earliest phase of late Holocene tropical forest reduction in this area started at ∼ 4500 cal yr BP, simultaneous with the onset of a circum-Caribbean drying trend that lasted for ∼ 1500 yr. This forest decline preceded the appearance of anthropogenically associated Zea mays pollen. We conclude that vegetation changes in Petén during the period from ∼ 4500 to ∼ 3000 cal yr BP were largely a consequence of dry climate conditions. Furthermore, palaeoclimate data from low latitudes in North Africa point to teleconnective linkages of this drying trend on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

The Holocene environmental history of South Georgia is important because of the island's location in the Southern Westerlies in an oceanic zone of the world devoid of high resolution terrestrial records. This is the first attempt to interpret a palaeoenvironmental record from lake sediments in South Georgia. It is based on a wide variety of analyses undertaken on cores from two lakes. Both are in the same, unglaciated, drainage basin, but one is at 80 m above sea-level and near the altitudinal limit for vegetation growth, whereas the other is at 25 m and within the zone of continuous vegetation cover. Results from both lakes indicate shifts of vegetation boundaries, which, together with evidence for changing biotic productivity within the lakes themselves, are interpreted as indicating climatic changes. Radiocarbon dates on the main changes identify a climatic optimum, beginning before 5620 ± 290 14C yr BP, and ending at around 4815 ± 330 14C yr BP, when conditions in the upper part of the catchment were more conducive to plant growth than they are today. The record obtained from the lower lake was shorter, but indicates two periods of harsher climate relative to the present since 4000 yr BP. This interpretation of the lake evidence agrees with other dated evidence of environmental change from peat sections, glacial stratigraphy and geomorphology in South Georgia. Together the work allows an overall reconstruction of environmental change in the Holocene.  相似文献   

A sediment core from Chuna Lake (Kola Peninsula, northwest Russia) was studied for pollen, diatoms and sediment chemistry in order to infer post‐glacial environmental changes and to investigate responses of the lake ecosystem to these changes. The past pH and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) of the lake were inferred using diatom‐based transfer functions. Between 9000 and 4200 cal. yr BP, slow natural acidification and major changes in the diatom flora occurred in Chuna Lake. These correlated with changes in regional pollen, the arrival of trees in the catchment, changes in erosion, sediment organic content and DOC. During the past 4200 yr diatom‐based proxies showed no clear response to changes in vegetation and erosion, as autochthonous ecological processes became more important than external climate influences during the late Holocene. The pollen stratigraphy reflects the major climate patterns of the central Kola Peninsula during the Holocene, i.e. a climate optimum between 9000 and 5400/5000 cal. yr BP when climate was warm and dry, and gradual climate cooling and an increase in moisture during the past 5400/5000 yr. This agrees with the occurrence of the north–south humidity gradient in Fennoscandia during the Holocene. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A sedimentological and stratigraphic study of Low Isles Reef off northern Queensland, Australia was carried out to improve understanding of factors that have governed Late Holocene carbonate deposition and reef development on the inner to middle shelf of the northern Great Barrier Reef. Low Isles Reef is one of 46 low wooded island-reefs unique to the northern Great Barrier Reef, which are situated in areas that lie in reach of river flood plumes and where inter-reef sediments are dominated by terrigenous mud. Radiocarbon ages from surface and subsurface sediment samples indicate that Low Isles Reef began to form at ca 3000 y BP, several thousand years after the Holocene sea-level stillstand, and reached sea-level soon after (within ~500 years). Maximum reef productivity, marked by the development of mature reef flats that contributed sediment to a central lagoon, was restricted to a narrow window of time, between 3000 and 2000 y BP. This interval corresponds to: (i) a fall in relative sea-level, from ~1 m above present at ca 5500 y BP to the current datum between 3000 and 2000 y BP; and (ii) a regional climate transition from pluvial (wetter) to the more arid conditions of today. The most recent stage of development (ca 2000–0 y BP) is characterised by extremely low rates of carbonate production and a dominance of destructive reef processes, namely storm-driven remobilisation of reef-top sediments and transport of broken coral debris from the reef front and margins to the reef top. Results of the present study enhance existing models of reef development for the Great Barrier Reef that are based on regional variations in reef-surface morphology and highlight the role of climate in controlling the timing and regional distribution of carbonate production in this classic mixed carbonate–siliciclastic environment.  相似文献   

古洪水沉积物是研究地史时期极端降水事件和古环境演化的重要载体。基于地质记录开展古洪水重建研究,可以为揭示区域洪水历史过程及机制提供依据,对水资源利用和工程建设等具有重要的现实意义。本文以漕河古河道北岸出露较好的李迪城村剖面为研究对象,综合地层序列、野外沉积特征、沉积构造及沉积物粒度分析,对白洋淀地区漕河古河道沉积记录的古洪水事件进行了识别,发现该剖面具有以下主要特征:古洪水沉积层与下伏地层存在明显的冲刷侵蚀面,沉积体形态呈透镜状,由泥砾、炭屑、双壳类及灰黑色粉细砂混杂组成,发育中小型交错层理;洪水沉积物粒度指标(中值粒径、砂含量、黏土/粉砂值及Q90)表现为高值,以细砂为优势组分,含混杂的粉砂及少量黏土,分选较差;古洪水沉积层中古树与双壳类集中埋藏,呈定向排列,其指示的方向与遥感影像揭示的古河道方向一致。通过该剖面沉积特征及地层AMS 14C年代分析,确定漕河在全新世早期约10.8~9.6 ka BP发生了4期古洪水事件,这4期古洪水事件可以与该时期华北地区其它古洪水事件进行对比。当时正值全新世早期,东亚夏季风增强,为气温和降水频繁波动上升时期,据此推断白洋淀地区全新世早期的古洪水事件是当时气候背景下的产物。  相似文献   

A laminated sequence (core BAP96-CP 24°38.12′N, 110°33.24′W; 390 m depth) from the Alfonso Basin in Bay of La Paz, southern Gulf of California, contains a record of paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic changes of the past 7900 yr. Radiolarian assemblages and magnetic susceptibility are used as proxies of oceanographic and climatic variability. The records provide a regional scenario of the middle and late Holocene, suggesting two major climatic regimes and several millennial-scale events. Conditions relatively warmer and drier than today occurred from 7700 to 2500 cal yr BP, promoting the intensification of evaporation processes and the prevalence of the Gulf of California water in the Basin. These conditions correlate with strong droughts in the middle Holocene of North America and with minimal incursion of tropical waters into the Gulf of California. Proxies indicate a warm scenario and the dominance of the Equatorial Surface Water in the Alfonso Basin from 2400 to 700 cal yr BP, suggesting the intensification of ENSO cycles. A climatic signal between 1038 and 963 cal yr BP may be correlated with global signal of the “Medieval Warm Period.” Several cooling events are recognized at 5730, 3360, 2700, 1280 and 820 cal yr BP and are associated with intensification of northwest winds leading to upwellings and enhanced productivity in the Basin.  相似文献   

The sedimentary succession of Gallocanta lake, a closed saline lake located in the Iberian Range (NE Spain), documents two successive lacustrine stages: (1) brackish lake stage and (2) shallow saline lake stage. The saline stage corresponds to the present-day situation in which the lake water properties are mainly controlled by a strongly negative annual water balance. The carbonates of the brackish lake stage have relatively constant δ18O values, however, they are rather high (δ18ODo = 2.4‰ and δ18OCc = 4.5‰ mean values) suggesting a hydrologically closed lake with a long residence time of the waters. δ18O values of carbonates from the saline stage vary greatly, and are lighter than in the previous stage (δ18ODo = 0.5‰, δ18OCc = −0.7‰, δ18OMgs = −2.3‰ mean values). These carbonates also precipitated in a hydrologically closed lake, but in equilibrium with a lake water of more variable isotopic composition. The δ13C values for carbonates of both stages reflect a mixing of different pools of carbon, but during saline stage δ13C values have been more controlled by the equilibrium of the lake waters with atmospheric CO2. During the current stage, calcite and dolomite precipitate in Gallocanta lake mainly during spring and summer, although dolomite precipitation is more favoured towards the summer. Magnesite precipitates at the beginning of autumn, when the first rainfall re-dissolves the saline surface crust, producing saline waters with a high Mg2+ content. The isotopic composition of lake waters sampled in 2005 are far higher than those calculated from the carbonates. It is considered that this could be due to two factors: either because there have not been many extremely dry years (like the year 2005) during the development of the lake, or because the physical and chemical characteristics of the lake waters in such conditions are not appropriate for the development of these minerals.  相似文献   

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