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Knudsen cell-quadrupole mass spectrometry has been used to quantitatively determine the composition of the vapor phase produced by heating samples of the Holbrook chondrite to 1300 °C. Maximum observed vapor pressures (atm) of metals are 10?5.3 ± 0.3 Na, 10?5.8 ± 0.3 K, 10?5.3 ± 0.3 Fe, and 10?6.6 ± 0.3 Ni at 1200 °C. S2 (with minor SO2), H2O, and CO2 were also observed in the high-temperature gas phase. Release of intrinsically derived volatiles produced abundant vesicles in the heated sample residues. Some possible implications for chondrite evolution are briefly discussed  相似文献   

Six fragments of the Barwise meteorite were analyzed for REE and eleven other elements (Al, Ca, Mg, Mn, Na, K, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni and Ba). In addition, two fragments were analyzed for Si and Mg. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of six fragments studied show interesting systematic variations. Three fragments with relatively high La abundances show a negative Ce anomaly. Since the meteorite in question is a find, it could be suspected that the observed REE fractionations are due to terrestrial contamination. To examine this point, a soil sample from the find site was also analyzed for REE and major chemical elements. It is considered that several facts, especially, the relationships between La and SiO2 and between SiO2 and MgO, suggest the pre-terrestrial fractionation rather than the terrestrial contamination. Unexpectedly, it is shown that the REE fractionation observed in the investigated fragments correlates with the metal-silicate and the Fe-Co-Ni fractionations. In this connection, large metal grains were investigated for Fe, Co and Ni contents. A suggestion is presented that this chondrite was formed through the melting of the surface of a planetesimal and the subsequent collision, although the possibility of terrestrial contamination might not be ruled out.  相似文献   

Eleven recent chondrite finds from the Texas Panhandle have been examined and classified according to mineralogical and petrological criteria: five H's, five L's, and one LL chondrite. Five are distinct from nearby finds, while three remain ambiguous and three are related to previously reported chondrites. In addition, data are provided to classify the Muleshoe, Silverton, and Vigo Park chondrites, all of which were previously undescribed in the literature.  相似文献   

Quantitative analytical data on 11 elements in chondrite Pampa del Infierno and achondrites Manegaon, Chassigny, Goalpara, Nakhla, Lakangaon and Shergotty are given. To our knowledge, Manegaon and Lakangaon have not been analysed before. Composition, assignment and origin of each meteorite are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The Benares meteorite is an LL4 chondrite, not LL6 as recorded in the literature. Some specimens labelled Benares are misidentified.  相似文献   

Nine twentieth-century ordinary chondrite falls from China are described and classified. They include: Nantong (H6), Zaoyang (H5), Zhaodong (L4), Qidong (L-LL5), Raoyang (L6), Sheyang (L6), Guangnan (L6), Suizhou (L6) and Nan Yang Pao (L6). Kamacite in Qidong is rare and contains much more Co (15 mg/g) than is characteristic of L-group chondrites; Qidong may be a member of a chondrite group intermediate in its properties between L and LL. Zhaodong, Qidong, Raoyang, Sheyang and Suizhou have several olivine and/or low-Ca pyroxene grains with aberrant Fel(Fe + Mg) ratios; it is probable that these five chondrites are fragmental breccias. The lack of correlation between shock facies and occurrence of aberrant silicate grains suggests that breccia lithification caused only minimal shock effects in many meteorites. Alternatively, postshock annealing may have resulted in the recrystallization of shock-indicating phases, leading to assignment of a shock facies that is lower than that present immediately after the shock event.  相似文献   

Toulon is an olivine-bronzite chondrite found near Toulon, Illinois in 1962. It contains abundant, well preserved chondrules, as well as glasses that are not well devitrified. Most of the metal has been weathered out. Olivine and pyroxene are well equilibrated. We have classified it as an H5 chondrite.  相似文献   

The Seoni (India) chondrite is an H6 group ordinary chondrite that contains olivine (Fa, 19.7 mole%), orthopyroxene (Fs, 15.9 mole%), clinopyroxene, plagioclase (An, 10.3; Or, 5.6 mole%), together with chromite, troilite, kamacite, taenite, chlorapatite, and whitlockite. Recrystallization has been quite extensive as indicated by the presence of few remnant chondrules, low abundance of clinopyroxene and relatively high abundance of well formed plagioclase. Treatment of Fe2+ and Mg partitioning between clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene and between olivine and chromite indicates equilibration temperatures of between 875–920 °C.  相似文献   

The Ashmore olivine-bronzite chondrite is a group H, type 5 stone which differs from other H5 chondrites mainly in its higher proportion of chromite (0.9 wt %) and in the relatively lower iron and higher magnesium content of the chromite. The modal proportions of opaque phases were obtained by point-counting in reflected light, and the modal proportions of nonopaque silicate phases in the matrix were estimated from traverses of a selected small area by electron microprobe. The consistency between the bulk chemical analysis and the chemical composition calculated from the modal mineral proportions implies that the bulk silicate composition of the chondrules is very similar to that of the silicate matrix and suggests a common source for both chondrules and matrix.  相似文献   

Yilmia, a new enstatite chondrite contains moderately well defined radiating and granular chondrules. The plagioclase to enstatite ratio is appreciably higher within than outside of the two granular chondrules in our microprobe sections. Osbornite was observed within the granular chondrules, but not in the rayed chondrules or surrounding matrix Major phases include enstatite, plagioclase (Ab80 An16 Or4), silica, silicon-rich kamacite and titanian troilite. Minor phases are many and varied: sinoite, silicon-rich taenite, schreibersite, graphite, osbornite, oldhamite, “normal” and zincian daubreelite, ferroan alabandite and a new FeZnMn monosulfide The new mineral (Fe.538 Zn.246 Mn.159 Mg.004 S) closely resembles albandite and could easily have been overlooked in other meteorites unless a microprobe was used. A new form of oldhamite was also found. Indarch oldhamite, analyzed for comparative purposes, consists of two similar but distinct species: Ca.96 Mn.005 Mg.04 Fe.01 S and Ca1.000 Mn.004 Mg.02 Fe.005 S. These have not been reported from other meteorites Based on its mineralogy and texture this is a type II (E6) enstatite chondrite that is transitional toward the intermediate type (E5). It is unique in its mineralogical complexity, abundance of taenite, diversity of zincian minerals and monosulfides, and restriction of osbornite to certain chondrules  相似文献   

In April 1969, the chondrite was accidentally found in the side wall of the vegetable storage excavated at Shibayama-machi, Sanbu-gun, Chiba-ken, Japan, by Mr. A. Ishii and his grandson, Mr. S. Ito. The chondrite named Shibayama has been weathered thoroughly for a long period of burial underground. The bulk chemical composition, especially total Fe (21.41%) and ratios of Fetotal/SiO2(0.557), SiO2/MgO (1.59) and molar composition of olivine (Fa23) and pyroxene (Fs22) as well as mineral composition, indicate that Shibayama is a typical olivine-hypersthene chondrite. If the oxidized Fe is assumed only from metallic Fe, the original metallic Fe (7.75%) and Femetal/Fetotal(0.361) also support the above conclusion. From the well-recrystallized texture, indistinct and obliterated chondrule-matrix boundary, homogeneous composition of olivine and pyroxene, absence of igneous glass, and interstitial and well-developed plagioclase, this chondrite could be classified in petrologic type 6. Mosaic texture, kink bands, undulatory extinction of silicate grains and maskelynitization of plagioclase indicate that Shibayama suffered from a heavy shock effect, as is seen in other L-6 group chondrites.  相似文献   

The use of thermoluminescence (TL) to determine the terrestrial age of meteorites is investigated. It is found that meteorites can be divided into two groups. One group, in which members lose their low temperature TL rather rapidly (the “low retentivity” group), may be dated up to about 100 years after fall, although with little accuracy. The other (the “high” group) is more retentive, and may still be dated several hundred years after fall. A meteorite of unknown date of fall may be assigned to the high or low group by laboratory determination of the rate of decay of the low temperature TL. Weathering coats the grains with limonite and lowers the intensity of the TL. The percentage reduction is constant for various intensities, but the peak height ratio is changed. Therefore, for weathered specimens, a method which examines the decrease in the intensity of a single peak is preferred to one which depends upon peak height ratios: this is made possible by artificially irradiating the meteorites. The following terrestrial ages for finds were obtained: Plainview 225–300 years; Dimmitt 280–330 years; Calliham 350–400 years. Bluff, Etter, Potter, Shields and Wellman (c) proved to be too old to be dated by our methods (≥ 500 years). None of the low group finds available to us proved to be young enough to be dated precisely. Terrestrial ages indicate an extremely low efficiency of recovery (≤ 1%) for meteorites that are not seen to fall. Artificially irradiating the meteorites also revealed the fact that 9 of our 19 meteorites were saturated with respect to thermoluminescence when they entered the atmosphere, and therefore that a technique based on this phenomenon would not be applicable to such specimens to obtain their cosmic ray exposure age.  相似文献   

Microscopic and electron microprobe studies indicate that the Garraf meteorite is a highly-recrystallized chondrite of petrologic type 6. Olivine (Fa24.7; PMD 1.1) and low-Ca pyroxene (Fs20.9; PMD 1.1) compositions indicate that it belongs to the L-group. Based on contents of noble gases, pervasive fracturing of silicates, common undulose extinction of olivine and plagioclase, and the lack of melt pockets and maskelynite, we place Garraf into shock facies b. We conclude that Garraf is a highly recrystallized L6b chondrite that, after recrystallization, was cataclased and comminuted by shock.  相似文献   

Among a collection of meteorites from the area of the Tenham shower (Queensland, Australia) was a 27 kg stone which proved to be different from the other Tenham stones. It is a bronzite, H4, chondrite, the principal minerals being olivine (average composition Fa 18.8), clinobronzite and bronzite (average composition Fs16.4), nickel-iron, and troilite; it is considerably weathered, much of the nickel-iron being converted to limonite. It has a highly chondritic structure, with devitrified glass within the chondrules, and without visible plagioclase. This meteorite was found about 1950 near the Hammond Downs station, hence the name; its coordinates are lat 25° 28′ S., long 142° 48′ E.  相似文献   

A meteorite, named for the location of its discovery near Lone Tree, Iowa, was found by Loren Westfall in May 1971. Electron microprobe and petrographic studies reveal its mineral composition to be olivine, low-calcium clinopyroxene, high-calcium clinopyroxene, troilite, kamacite, taenite and iron oxides. On the basis of texture, olivine composition (19% Fa), low-calcium clinopyroxene composition (17% Fs, 2% Wo) and metal (determined by modal analysis), this meteorite is classified as an H group bronzite chondrite. While it has characteristics of classes 3 and 4 (Van Schmus and Wood, 1967, Table 2) it fits class 4 better since low-calcium pyroxene has a MD of 5.6%, olivine has a MD of 3.2%, turbid glass is present in chondrules, feldspar is absent, and the matrix is opaque. The opacity of the matrix may be due to iron oxides in microfractures in a microcrystalline matrix.  相似文献   

The Kyle, Texas, U.S.A., chondrite was identified in 1965. Electron microprobe analyses and microscopic examination show the following mineralogy: olivine (Fa 26.2 mole %), orthopyroxene (Fs 21.0 mole %), clinopyroxene, plagioclase (An 10.3 mole %), chlorapatite, whitlockite, kamacite, taenite, troilite, chromite, and an iron-bearing terrestrial weathering product. Eutectic intergrowths of metaltroilite and a brecciated matrix indicate that the Kyle chondrite was shocked. Recrystallization and shock have obliterated chondrule-matrix boundaries. A chemical analysis of the meteorite shows the following results (in weight %): Fe 0.38, Ni 1.22, Co 0.05, FeS 5.98, SiO2 38.41, TiO2 0.11, Al2O3 2.13, Cr2O3 0.55, Fe2O3 8.02, FeO 14.83, MnO 0.31, MgO 23.10, CaO 1.60, Na2O 0.74, K2O 0.08, P2O5 0.19, H2O+ 1.73, H2O? 0.37, C 0.03, Sum 99.83. On the basis of bulk chemistry, composition of olivine and orthopyroxene, and the recrystallized matrix, the Kyle meteorite is classified as an L6 chondrite.  相似文献   

A brilliant smoking meteor appeared in a clear sky in bright sunlight at 11 a.m., July 24, 1922 near Wynyard, Saskatchewan, Canada. The sight and thunderous sounds were witnessed by many hundreds of people in the rural district but no craters or meteorites were found at that time. Investigation and interviews with surviving witnesses in 1981 indicated a defined area near Big Quill Lake in which a meteorite may have fallen. Field investigation led to the Wynyard meteorite which had been found by a farmer sometime in the late 1960's at 104° 11'W 51°33'N. The Wynyard meteorite is a chondrite weighing 3.5 kg. It is moderately weathered and it may or may not have been part of the 1922 fall.  相似文献   

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