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Abstract– Larkman Nunatak (LAR) 06299 is a vesicular LL chondrite impact melt breccia that cooled rapidly (0.1–0.3 °C s?1) during crystallization. Ar‐Ar data from the literature indicate that the impact event that formed this rock occurred approximately 1 Ga ago. About 30 vol% of the meteorite consists of a melt matrix containing faceted and intergrown mafic silicate grains (mainly 4–11 μm size olivine phenocrysts) partially to completely surrounded by 2–20 μm size patches of plagioclase. Suspended in the melt are 30–370 μm size ellipsoidal to spheroidal metal‐sulfide nodules (several hundred per thin section), many connected to 8–600 μm size ellipsoidal to spheroidal vesicles. Most of the metal‐sulfide nodules contain a large oblate metallic Fe‐Ni bleb at one end of the nodule. For approximately 90% of the nodules, the metal blebs are aligned on the same side of the nodules; for approximately 80% of the nodules that are adjacent to vesicles, the vesicles are attached to the opposite end of the nodules from the oblate metal blebs. Most of the oblate metal blebs themselves are flattened in a direction perpendicular to the long axis of the nodule/vesicle. These features result from alignment in the gravitational field on the LL parent asteroid, making LAR 06299 the first known chondrite to indicate gravitational direction. Using reasonable estimates of the cooling rate, viscosity of the metal‐sulfide melt, and asteroid density, as well as the observed sizes of constituent phases in LAR 06299, we obtain a lower limit of approximately 1.5 km for the radius of the LAR 06299 parent body. The body was probably substantially larger.  相似文献   

Extraterrestrial chrome spinel and chromite extracted from the sedimentary rock record are relicts from coarse micrometeorites and rarely meteorites. They are studied to reconstruct the paleoflux of meteorites to the Earth and the collisional history of the asteroid belt. Minor element concentrations of Ti and V, and oxygen isotopic compositions of these relict minerals were used to classify the meteorite type they stem from, and thus to determine the relative meteorite group abundances through time. While coarse sediment-dispersed extraterrestrial chrome-spinel (SEC) grains from ordinary chondrites dominate through the studied time windows in the Phanerozoic, there are exceptions: We have shown that ~467 Ma ago, 1 Ma before the breakup of the L chondrite parent body (LCPB), more than half of the largest (>63 μm diameter) grains were achondritic and originated from differentiated asteroids in contrast to ordinary chondrites which dominated the meteorite flux throughout most of the past 500 Ma. Here, we present a new data set of oxygen isotopic compositions and elemental compositions of 136 grains of a smaller size fraction (32–63 μm) in ~467 Ma old pre-LCPB limestone from the Lynna River section in western Russia, that was previously studied by elemental analysis. Our study constitutes the most comprehensive oxygen isotopic data set of sediment-dispersed extraterrestrial chrome spinel to date. We also introduce a Raman spectroscopy-based method to identify SEC grains and distinguish them from terrestrial chrome spinel with ~97% reliability. We calibrated the Raman method with the established approach using titanium and vanadium concentrations and oxygen isotopic compositions. We find that ordinary chondrites are approximately three times more abundant in the 32–63 μm fraction than achondrites. While abundances of achondrites compared to ordinary chondrites are lower in the 32–63 μm size fraction than in the >63 μm one, achondrites are approximately three times more abundant in the 32–62 μm fraction than they are in the present flux. We find that the sources of SEC grains vary for different grain sizes, mainly as a result of parent body thermal metamorphism. We conclude that the meteorite flux composition ~467 Ma ago ~1 Ma before the breakup of the LCPB was fundamentally different from today and from other time windows studied in the Phanerozoic, but that in contrast to the large size fraction ordinary chondrites dominated the flux in the small size fraction. The high abundance of ordinary chondrites in the studied samples is consistent with the findings based on coarse extraterrestrial chrome-spinel from other time windows.  相似文献   

Abstract– We report on the microstructure, crystallography, chemistry, and isotopic compositions of seven SiC X grains and two mainstream grains from the Murchison meteorite. TEM crystallographic analysis revealed that the X grains (approximately 3 μm) are composed of many small crystals (24–457 nm), while the similarly sized mainstream grains are composed of only a few crystals (0.5–1.7 μm). The difference in crystal size likely results from differences in their formation environments: the X grain crystals evidently formed under conditions of greater supersaturation and rapid growth compared to their mainstream counterparts. However, the same polytypes are observed in both mainstream and X grains. Six X grains and both mainstream grains are entirely the 3C‐SiC polytype and one X grain is an intergrowth of the 3C‐SiC and 2H‐SiC polytypes. EDXS measurements indicate relatively high Mg content in the X grains (≲5 atomic%), while Mg was undetectable in the mainstream grains. The high Mg content is probably from the decay of 26Al into 26Mg. Estimates of the 26Al/27Al ratios, which range from 0.44–0.67, were made from elemental Mg/Al ratios. This range is consistent with the 26Al/27Al ratios inferred from previous isotopic measurements of X grains. We also report the first direct observations of subgrains in X grains, including the first silicides [(Fe,Ni)nSim]. Diffraction data do not match any previously observed presolar phases, but are a good fit to silicides, which are predicted stable SN condensates. Eight subgrains with highly variable Ni/Fe ratios (0.12–1.60) were observed in two X grains.  相似文献   

Abstract— Previous workers have shown that an impact ejecta layer at Massignano, Italy contains a positive Ir anomaly, flattened spheroids (pancake spherules), Ni‐rich spinel crystals, and shocked quartz with multiple sets of planar deformation features. Because of sample sizes and work by different investigators, it was not clear if the shocked quartz is associated with the Ir anomaly and pancake spherules or if it belongs to a separate impact event. To address this problem, we carried out a high‐resolution stratigraphic study of this ejecta layer. The ejecta layer was sampled continuously at 1 cm intervals in two adjacent columns. The carbonate was removed with dilute HCl, and the non‐carbonate fraction was gently sieved. Pancake spherules were recovered from the 250–500 μm size fraction and counted. At the peak abundance, the number of pancake spherules in the 250–500 μm size fraction is about 6–7/g of sample. The pancake spherules removed from the 250–500 μm size fraction are mostly translucent to opaque pale green, but some have a grey color or dark opaque patches due to a coating of Ni‐ and Cr‐rich spinel crystals. Energy‐dispersive X‐ray analysis and X‐ray diffraction data indicate that the green spherules are composed of iron‐rich smectite, probably nontronite. Black opaque spinel stringers (dark spinel‐rich pancake spherules), usually <200 μm across, can be seen in a polished section of a block that includes the ejecta layer. None of the dark spinel‐rich pancake spherules were recovered from the sieved non‐carbonate fraction due to their fragile nature, but we believe that they are from the same impact event as the green pancake spherules. The <250 μm size fractions from both columns were disaggregated using ultrasonics and re‐sieved. The 63–125 μm size fractions were then searched for shocked quartz using a petrographic microscope. At the peak‐abundance level, the number of shocked quartz grains in the 63–125 μm size fraction is about 7/g of sample. Some of the shocked quartz grains have a “toasted” appearance. These grains have a brownish color and contain a patchy distribution of faint, densely spaced planar deformation features (PDFs). Polymineralic fragments containing one or two shocked quartz grains with one or two sets of PDFs were observed. They appear to have an organic matrix and are probably fragments of agglutinated foraminiferal tests. We searched for, but did not find, coesite or shocked zircons. We found that the peak abundance of the shocked quartz is within a centimeter of the peak abundance of the green pancake spherules. We conclude that the pancake spherules are diagenetically altered clinopyroxene‐bearing spherules and that the shocked quartz, green (and presumably the dark spinel‐rich) pancake spherules, and Ir anomaly all belong to the same impact event. This conclusion is consistent with previous suggestions that the cpx spherule layer may be from the 100 km‐diameter Popigai impact crater in northern Siberia.  相似文献   

Abstract– The 0.35–2.5 μm reflectance spectra of iron meteorite powders and slabs have been studied as a function of composition, surface texture (for slabs), grain size (for powders), and viewing geometry (for powders). Powder spectra are invariably red‐sloped over this wavelength interval and have a narrow range of visible albedos (approximately 10–15% at 0.56 μm). Metal (Fe:Ni) compositional variations have no systematic effect on the powder spectra, increasing grain size results in more red‐sloped spectra, and changes in viewing geometry have variable effects on overall reflectance and spectral slope. Roughened metal slab spectra have a wider, and higher, range of visible albedos than powders (22–74% at 0.56 μm), and are also red‐sloped. Smoother slabs exhibit greater differences from iron meteorite powder spectra, exhibiting wider variations in overall reflectance, spectral slopes, and spectral shapes. No unique spectral parameters exist that allow for powder and slab spectra to be fully separated in all cases. Spectral differences between slabs and powders can be used to constrain possible surface properties, and causes of rotational spectral variations, of M‐asteroids. The magnitude of spectral variations between M‐asteroids and rotational and spectral variability does not necessarily imply a dramatic change in surface properties, as the differences in albedo and/or spectral slope can be accommodated by modest changes in grain size (for powders), small changes in surface roughness (for slabs), or variations in viewing geometry. Since metal powders exhibit much less spectral variability than slabs, M‐asteroid spectral variability requires larger changes in either powder properties or viewing geometry than for slabs for a given degree of spectral variation.  相似文献   

Abstract— Infrared spectra of mineral grains from primitive meteorites could be useful for comparison with astronomical infrared spectra since some of their grains might be similar to those formed in the planet‐forming disks around young stars or in the envelopes surrounding late‐type stars. To assess the usefulness of meteorite spectra, olivine grains separated from primitive meteorites have been analyzed using FTIR microscope techniques in the 2–16 μm wavelength range. The sub‐micron sizes of the grains made a complex preparation process necessary. Five characteristic bands were measured near 11.9, 11.2, 10.4, 10.1, and 10.0 μm. The results of 59 analyses allow the calculation of band positions for meteoritic olivines as a function of their iron and magnesium contents. Comparison of the meteoritic results with astronomical data for comets and dust around young and old stars, which exhibit bands similar to the strongest infrared bands observed in the grains (at 11.2 μm), show that the spectral resolution of the astronomical observations is too low to ascertain the exact iron and magnesium (Mg: Fe) ratio of the dust in the 8–13 μm wavelength range.  相似文献   

Abstract– We report Si concentrations in the metal phases of iron meteorites. Analyses were performed by secondary ion mass spectrometry using a CAMECA 1270 ion probe. The Si concentrations are low (0.09–0.46 μg g?1), with no apparent difference in concentration between magmatic and nonmagmatic iron meteorites. Coexisting kamacite and Ni‐rich metal phases have similar Si contents. Thermodynamic calculations show that Fe,Ni‐metal in equilibrium with silicate melts at temperatures where metal crystallizes should contain approximately 100 times more Si than found in iron meteorites in this work. The missing Si may either occur as tiny silicate inclusions in metal or it may have diffused as Si‐metal into surrounding silicates at low temperatures. In both cases, extensive low‐temperature diffusion of Si in metal is required. It is therefore concluded that low Si in iron meteorites is a result of subsolidus reactions during slow cooling.  相似文献   

Abstract— Metal nodules are one of the major textural components of Kaidun sample #01.3.06 EH3-4. In terms of structure, the nodules are of three types: (1) globular, (2) zoned with a massive core and globular mantle, and (3) nodules with no internal structure. The size and composition of the globules in the nodules and grains of metal of the matrix are almost identical: no greater than 20 μm and Ni, 5.95; Si, 3.33 wt%. The nodules contain small (usually <5 μm) inclusions of SiO2; albitic glass; enstatite; roedderite; and a mixture of SiO2 and Na2S2. This is the first reported occurrence of a simple sulfide of an alkaline metal in nature. The formation of the inclusions appears to be related to condensation of material onto the surfaces of metal grains. The nodules appear to have formed by aggregation of separate grains (globules) of metal, with conservation of condensates on the grain surfaces as inclusions. The inclusions probably condensed over a significant temperature range from 1400 to 600 K. The aggregation of metal grains and formation of the nodules probably occurred simultaneously with condensation.  相似文献   

Abstract– The 45 m in diameter Kamil impact crater was formed <5000 yr ago in the eastern Sahara, close to the southern border of modern Egypt. The original features of this structure, including thousands of fragments of the meteorite impactor, are extremely well preserved. With the exception of a single 83 kg regmaglypted individual, all specimens of Gebel Kamil (the iron meteorite that formed the Kamil crater) are explosion fragments weighing from <1 g to 34 kg. Gebel Kamil is an ungrouped Ni‐rich (about 20 wt% Ni) ataxite characterized by high Ge and Ga contents (approximately 120 μg g?1 and approximately 50 μg g?1, respectively) and by a very fine‐grained duplex plessite metal matrix. Accessory mineral phases in Gebel Kamil are schreibersite, troilite, daubréelite, and native copper. Meteorite fragments are cross‐cut by curvilinear shear bands formed during the explosive terrestrial impact. A systematic search around the crater revealed that meteorite fragments have a highly asymmetric distribution, with greater concentrations in the southeast sector and a broad maximum in meteorite concentration in the 125–160° N sector at about 200 m from the crater rim. The total mass of shrapnel specimens >10 g, inferred from the density map compiled in this study is 3400 kg. Field data indicate that the iron bolide approached the Earth’s crust from the northwest (305–340° N), travelling along a moderately oblique trajectory. Upon hypervelocity impact, the projectile was disrupted into thousands of fragments. Shattering was accompanied by some melting of the projectile and of the quartz‐arenite target rocks, which also suffered shock metamorphism.  相似文献   

Abstract— The 0.7 ton Esquel meteorite, found in Patagonia before 1951, is a typical main-group pallasite in most respects. We examined petrographically a slab ~1 m long having an area of 3000 cm2 that shows the typical pallasitic texture with fragmental olivine. Phase abundances (in vol%) are olivine (66%), metal (32%), schreibersite (0.76%), troilite (0.46%) and chromite (0.31%). Esquel can be divided into four lithologies: (1) “pallasitic” matrix consisting of olivine fragments embedded in metal (81%); (2) large (>5 cm) olivine nodules having low metal contents (18%); (3) massive metal (0.3%); and (4) zones dominated by FeS and fine olivine (0.7%). Main-group pallasites appear to have formed by the intrusion of a highly evolved (low Ir, high Ni, Au and S) metallic magma into fragmented olivine. This model implies that FeS should be abundant in main-group pallasites, and we had speculated that examination of an exceptionally large slab might reveal a high troilite content. We found instead an exceptionally low FeS content. New compositional data confirm that Esquel has a lower Au content than other main-group pallasites having similar Ir contents. Literature data (based, however, on relatively small sections) suggest that high-Au pallasites have higher S contents than Esquel but have lower S contents than expected from a trapped-melt model. We conclude that a relatively complex model is required to explain the origin of main-group pallasites. After intrusion, the degree of crystallization of the metallic magma varied from location to location but, in almost all cases, an FeS-rich liquid either escaped or formed FeS-rich pallasitic rocks that are underrepresented in the meteorite inventory.  相似文献   

Abstract— The original mass (15915 g) of the Twannberg IIG (low Ni‐, high P) iron was found in 1984. Five additional masses (12 to 2488 g) were recovered between 2000 and 2007 in the area. The different masses show identical mineralogy consisting of kamacite single crystals with inclusions of three types of schreibersite crystals: cm‐sized skeletal (10.5% Ni), lamellar (17.2% Ni), and 1–3 × 10 μm‐sized microprismatic (23.9% Ni). Masses I and II were compared in detail and have virtually identical microstructure, hardness, chemical composition, cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE) ages, and 10Be and 26Al activities. Bulk concentrations of 5.2% Ni and 2.0% P were calculated. The preatmospheric mass is estimated to have been at least 11,000 kg. The average CRE age for the different Twannberg samples is 230 ± 50 Ma. Detrital terrestrial mineral grains in the oxide rinds of the three larger masses indicate that they oxidized while they were incorporated in a glacial till deposited by the Rhône glacier during the last glaciation (Würm). The find location of mass I is located at the limit of glaciation where the meteorite may have deposited after transport by the glacier over considerable distance. All evidence indicates pairing of the six masses, which may be part of a larger shower as is indicated by the large inferred pre‐atmospheric mass.  相似文献   

Abstract— The mineral compositions of 250 micrometeorites have been studied and olivines and low-calcium pyroxenes with crystals larger than 5 μm have been analyzed. While magnesium-rich grains dominate, the Fa content of olivine may reach 50% and the Fs content of pyroxene may reach 26%. The Ca and Mn of the olivine show no consistent trends with increasing Fe, but Cr shows a negative correlation. For low-Ca pyroxene, Al and Cr contents are generally higher than in pyroxenes of equilibrated chondrites but similar to those of highly unequilibrated chondrites. Calcium-bearing pyroxene, feldspar and chromite are rare in the micrometeorites which were selected because of their high Mg, Si, Fe and their low Ca and Al content. All these minerals are found as coarse-grained particles often with adhering iron-rich scoria or as clasts in fine-grained or scoriaceous micrometeorites. Apart from a few particles which could be the debris of ordinary chondrites, most micrometeorites probably come from a common source similar, but not identical to carbonaceous chondrites, as shown by their lower Ni and S content and their different oxygen isotopic composition assuming two measurements performed on olivine grains prove to be typical.  相似文献   

Abstract— The CH carbonaceous chondrites contain a population of ferrous (Fe/(Fe + Mg) ? 0.1‐0.4) silicate spherules (chondrules), about 15–30 μm in apparent diameter, composed of cryptocrystalline olivinepyroxene normative material, ±SiO2‐rich glass, and rounded‐to‐euhedral Fe, Ni metal grains. The silicate portions of the spherules are highly depleted in refractory lithophile elements (CaO, Al2O3, and TiO2 <0.04 wt%) and enriched in FeO, MnO, Cr2O3, and Na2O relative to the dominant, volatile‐poor, magnesian chondrules from CH chondrites. The Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratio in the silicate portions of the spherules is positively correlated with Fe concentration in metal grains, which suggests that this correlation is not due to oxidation, reduction, or both of iron (FeOsil ? Femet) during melting of metal‐silicate solid precursors. Rather, we suggest that this is a condensation signature of the precursors formed under oxidizing conditions. Each metal grain is compositionally uniform, but there are significant intergrain compositional variations: about 8–18 wt% Ni, <0.09 wt% Cr, and a sub‐solar Co/Ni ratio. The precursor materials of these spherules were thus characterized by extreme elemental fractionations, which have not been observed in chondritic materials before. Particularly striking is the fractionation of Ni and Co in the rounded‐to‐euhedral metal grains, which has resulted in a Co/Ni ratio significantly below solar. The liquidus temperatures of the euhedral Fe, Ni metal grains are lower than those of the coexisting ferrous silicates, and we infer that the former crystallized in supercooled silicate melts. The metal grains are compositionally metastable; they are not decomposed into taenite and kamacite, which suggests fast postcrystallization cooling at temperatures below 970 K and lack of subsequent prolonged thermal metamorphism at temperatures above 400–500 K.  相似文献   

Abstract— A series of 59 impacts in the laboratory reduced a coherent 460 g piece of the L6 ordinary chondrite ALH 85017 to a coarse‐grained “regolith.” We then subjected the 125–250 μm fines from this sample to reverberation shock stresses of 14.5–67 GPa in order to delineate the melting behavior of porous, unconsolidated, chondritic asteroid surfaces during meteorite impact. The initial pore space (40–50%) was completely closed at 14.5 GPa and a dense aggregate of interlocking grains resulted. Grain‐boundary melting commenced at <27 GPa and ?50% of the total charge was molten at 67 GPa; this stress corresponds to typical asteroid impacts at ?5 km/sec. Melting of the entire sample most likely mandates >80 GPa, which is associated with impact velocities >8 km/sec. The Fe‐Ni and troilite clasts of the original meteorite melted with particular ease, forming immiscible melts that are finely disseminated throughout the silicate glass. These metal droplets are highly variable in size, extending to <100 nm and most likely to superparamagnetic domains; such opaques are also observed in the natural melt veins of ordinary chondrites. It follows that melting and dissemination of pre‐existing, Fe‐rich phases may substantially affect the optical properties of asteroidal surfaces. It seems unnecessary to invoke reduction of Fe2+ (or Fe3+) by sputtering or impact‐processes—in analogy to the lunar surface—to produce “space weathering” effects on S‐type asteroids. We note that HED meteorites contain ample FeO (comparable to that in lunar basalts) for reduction processes to take place, yet their probable parent object(s), Vesta and its collisional fragments, display substantially unweathered surfaces. Howardites, eucrites, and diogenites (HEDs), however, contain little native metal (typically <0.5%), in contrast to ordinary chondrites (commonly 10–15%) and their S‐type parent objects. These considerations suggest that the modal content of native metal and sulfides is more important for space weathering on asteroids than total FeO.  相似文献   

Abstract— Characterization of the microstructural features of the metal of the Santa Catharina meteorite was performed using a variety of electron optical techniques. Sample USNM#6293 is chemically homogeneous on the micron scale and has a Ni content of 28.2 wt.%. Its microstructure is similar to that of the Twin City ataxite and contains clear taenite II, i.e., fcc taenite with domains of tetrataenite, < 10 nm in size. Sample USNM#3043 is a more typical Santa Catharina specimen with dark and light regions as observed with the light optical microscope. The dark regions are inhomogeneous and contain 45–50 wt.% Ni and 7–12 wt.% O. The light regions are homogeneous and contain 35 wt.% Ni and no detectable oxygen. The microstructure is that of cloudy zone, i.e., islands of tetrataenite, ~20 nm in size, in a honeycomb matrix. The honeycomb phase contains Ni rich oxide in the dark regions and contains metal, fcc taenite, in the light regions. The original metal structure of USNM#3043 is cloudy zone which formed during cooling into the low temperature miscibility gap of the Fe-Ni phase diagram. The dark regions were developed from the metal by selective corrosion of the honeycomb structure, transforming it into Ni containing oxides, possibly non-stoichiometric Fe2NiO4 while retaining the tetrataenite islands. Using the results of this study, many of the existing discrepancies concerning the microstructure of Santa Catharina can be explained.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report the results of a study of TS2, an unusual compact Type A inclusion from Allende. A distinctive, major feature of this inclusion is that many of its melilite crystals have no dominant core-rim zoning but instead consist of 50–200 μm patches of Mg-rich melilite (Åk32–62, median Åk51) set in or partially enclosed by, and optically continuous with, relatively Al-rich melilite (Åk25–53, median Åk38). The Al-rich regions have jagged, dendritic shapes but occur within crystals having straight grain boundaries. Another unusual feature of this inclusion is the size and spatial distribution of spinel. In many places, especially in the interior of the inclusion, the aluminous melilite encloses numerous, fine (0.5–5 μm) inclusions of spinel and minor perovskite and fassaite. The latter phases also occur as isolated grains throughout the inclusion. Coarse-grained spinel, ~50–150 μm across, occurs in clumps and chains enclosed in relatively Mg-rich melilite, whereas none of the fine spinel grains are clumped together. The sample also contains a spinel-free palisade body, 1.7 × 0.85 mm, that consists almost entirely of Åk-rich (45–65 mol%) melilite. Within the palisade body are two grains of perovskite with extremely Nb-rich (~4–8 wt% Nb2O5) cores and rims of typical composition. All phases in this inclusion have chondrite-normalized REE patterns that are consistent with crystal/melt partitioning superimposed upon a bulk modified Group II pattern. We suggest that TS2 had an anomalous cooling history and favor the following model for the formation of TS2. Precursors having a bulk modified Group II pattern melted. Rapid growth of large, dendritic, nonstoichiometric melilite crystals occurred. The melilite trapped pockets of melt and incorporated excess spinel components and TiO2. Bubbles formed in the residual melt. As crystallization slowed, coarse spinel grew. Some spinel grains collected against bubbles, forming spherical shells, and others formed clumps and chains. Relatively Åk-rich melilite crystallized from the residual melt between dendritic melilite crystals and from melt trapped in pockets and between arms of dendrites, and incorporated the clumps and chains of coarse spinel. Bubbles broke and filled with late-stage melt, their shapes preserved by their spinel shells. Slow cooling, or perhaps an episode of reheating, allowed the early melilite to become stoichiometric by exsolving fine grains of spinel, perovskite and fassaite, and allowed the melilite to form smooth grain boundaries. Dendritic crystals are indicative of rapid growth and the melilite crystals in TS2 appear to be dendritic. Coarse, dendritic melilite crystals have been grown from Type B inclusion melts cooled at ~50–100 °C/h. If those results are applicable to Type A inclusions, we can make the first estimate of the cooling rate of a Type A inclusion, and it is outside the range (2–50 °C/h) generally inferred for Type B inclusions. The rapid cooling inferred here may be part of an anomalous thermal history for TS2, or it may be representative of part of a normal thermal history common to Types A and B that involved rapid cooling early (at high temperatures) as inferred for TS2, and slower cooling later (at lower temperatures), as inferred for Type B inclusions. We prefer the former explanation; otherwise, the unusual features of TS2 that are reported here would be common in Type A inclusions (which they are not).  相似文献   

Abstract— –The CH/CB‐like chondrite Isheyevo consists of metal‐rich (70–90 vol% Fe,Ni‐metal) and metal‐poor (7–20 vol% Fe,Ni‐metal) lithologies which differ in size and relative abundance of Fe,Ni‐metal and chondrules, as well as proportions of porphyritic versus non‐porphyritic chondrules. Here, we describe the mineralogy and petrography of Ca,Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs) and amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) in these lithologies. Based on mineralogy, refractory inclusions can be divided into hibonite‐rich (39%), grossite‐rich (16%), melilite‐rich (19%), spinel‐rich (14%), pyroxene‐anorthite‐rich (8%), fine‐grained spinel‐rich CAIs (1%), and AOAs (4%). There are no systematic differences in the inclusion types or their relative abundances between the lithologies. About 55% of the Isheyevo CAIs are very refractory (hibonite‐rich and grossite‐rich) objects, 20–240 μm in size, which appear to have crystallized from rapidly cooling melts. These inclusions are texturally and mineralogically similar to the majority of CAIs in CH and CB chondrites. They are distinctly different from CAIs in other carbonaceous chondrite groups dominated by the spinel‐pyroxene ± melilite CAIs and AOAs. The remaining 45% of inclusions are less refractory objects (melilite‐, spinel‐ and pyroxene‐rich CAIs and AOAs), 40–300 μm in size, which are texturally and mineralogically similar to those in other chondrite groups. Both types of CAIs are found as relict objects inside porphyritic chondrules indicating recycling during chondrule formation. We infer that there are at least two populations of CAIs in Isheyevo which appear to have experienced different thermal histories. All of the Isheyevo CAIs apparently formed at an early stage, prior to chondrule formation and prior to a hypothesized planetary impact that produced magnesian cryptocrystalline and skeletal chondrules and metal grains in CB, and possibly CH chondrites. However, some of the CAIs appear to have undergone melting during chondrule formation and possibly during a major impact event. We suggest that Isheyevo, as well as CH and CB chondrites, consist of variable proportions of materials produced by different processes in different settings: 1) by evaporation, condensation, and melting of dust in the protoplanetary disk (porphyritic chondrules and refractory inclusions), 2) by melting, evaporation and condensation in an impact generated plume (magnesian cryptocrystalline and skeletal chondrules and metal grains; some igneous CAIs could have been melted during this event), and 3) by aqueous alteration of pre‐existing planetesimals (heavily hydrated lithic clasts). The Isheyevo lithologies formed by size sorting of similar components during accretion in the Isheyevo parent body; they do not represent fragments of CH and CB chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Brunflo fossil meteorite was found in the 1950s in mid‐Ordovician marine limestone in the Gärde quarry in Jämtland. It originates from strata that are about 5 million years younger than similar limestone that more recently has yielded >50 fossil meteorites in the Thorsberg quarry at Kinnekulle, 600 km to the south. Based primarily on the low TiO2 content (about 1.8 wt%) of its relict chromite the Brunflo meteorite had been tentatively classified as an H chondrite. The meteorite hence appears to be an anomaly in relation to the Kinnekulle meteorites, in which chromite composition, chondrule mean diameter and oxygen isotopic composition all indicate an L‐chondritic origin, reflecting an enhanced flux of meteorites to Earth following the disruption of the L chondrite parent body 470 Ma. New chondrule‐size measurements for the Brunflo meteorite indicate that it too is an L chondrite, related to the same parent‐body breakup. Chromite maximum diameters and well‐defined chondrule structures further show that Brunflo belongs to the L4 or L5 type. Chromites in recently fallen L4 chondrites commonly have low TiO2 contents similar to the Brunflo chromites, adding support for Brunflo being an L4 chondrite. The limestone in the Gärde quarry is relatively rich (about 0.45 grain kg−1) in sediment‐dispersed extraterrestrial chromite grains (>63 μm) with chemical composition similar to those in L chondrites and the limestone (1–3 grains kg−1) at Kinnekulle, suggesting that the enhanced flux of L chondrites prevailed, although somewhat diminished, at the time when the Brunflo meteorite fell.  相似文献   

Abstract— Dhofar 287 (Dho 287) is a new lunar meteorite, found in Oman on January 14, 2001. The main portion of this meteorite (Dho 287A) consists of a mare basalt, while a smaller portion of breccia (Dho 287B) is attached on the side. Dho 287A is only the fourth crystalline mare basalt meteorite found on Earth to date and is the subject of the present study. The basalt consists mainly of phenocrysts of olivine and pyroxene set in a finer‐grained matrix, which is composed of elongated pyroxene and plagioclase crystals radiating from a common nucleii. The majority of olivine and pyroxene grains are zoned, from core to rim, in terms of Fe and Mg. Accessory minerals include ilmenite, chromite, ulvöspinel, troilite, and FeNi metal. Chromite is invariably mantled by ulvöspinel. This rock is unusually rich in late‐stage mesostasis, composed largely of fayalite, Si‐K‐Ba‐rich glass, fluorapatite, and whitlockite. In texture and mineralogy, Dho 287A is a low‐Ti mare basalt, with similarities to Apollo 12 (A‐12) and Apollo 15 (A‐15) basalts. However, all plagioclase is now present as maskelynite, and its composition is atypical for known low‐Ti mare basalts. The Fe to Mn ratios of olivine and pyroxene, the presence of FeNi metal, and the bulk‐rock oxygen isotopic ratios, along with several other petrological features, are evidence for the lunar origin for this meteorite. Whole‐rock composition further confirms the similarity of Dho 287A with A‐12 and A‐15 samples but requires possible KREEP assimilation to account for its rare‐earth‐element (REE) contents. Cooling‐rate estimates, based on Fo zonation in olivine, yield values of 0.2–0.8°C/hr for the lava, typical for the center of a 10–20 m thick flow. The recalculated major‐element concentrations, after removing 10–15% modal olivine, are comparable to typical A‐15 mare basalts. Crystallization modeling of the recalculated Dho 287A bulk‐composition yields a reasonable fit between predicted and observed mineral abundances and compositions.  相似文献   

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