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《Urban geography》2012,33(10):1467-1484

In this paper, we investigate people’s perception of datafication and surveillance in Amsterdam Smart City. Based on a series of focus groups, we show how people understand new forms of hypervisbility, what strategies they use to navigate these experiences, and what the limitations of these strategies are. We show how people tried to discern between public and private sector actors, to differentiate who they trusted by building on the existing social contract. People also trusted the objectivity of data in relation to prior experiences of social contexts and discrimination. Lastly, we show how the experiences of some of the inhabitants in our study who were most vulnerable to hypervisibility highlight the limits to strategies based on the neutrality of data. By asking about perceived surveillance rather than emphasising actual practices of surveilling, we show differentiated contexts and strategies, providing empirical grounds to question the dominant technical framing of smart cities.  相似文献   

以Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+/OLI 遥感影像和数字高程模型为数据源,在遥感和地理信息技术支持下,分析了阿尔金山地区1973、1999、2010、2015 四期冰川变化特征。研究表明:(1)1973-2015 年,冰川总面积共退缩了58.78 km2,年均退缩率为0.40%·a-1,东段退缩速率最快,其次是西段,中段最慢,且冰川退缩速率呈现出先变快后变慢的变化趋势。(2)各个坡向都出现不同程度的退缩,偏南坡比偏北坡冰川退缩严重。(3)冰川面积退缩速率与规模等级呈现反相关关系,小规模冰川退缩速率快。(4)冰川分布随海拔变化呈正态分布,海拔越低退缩速率越快。统计分析气象数据表明,气候变暖是冰川退缩的主要原因,同时地形与冰川规模也影响冰川变化。  相似文献   

利用面向对象分类方法,从Landsat影像中提取了1990年、2000年、2010年、2015年4期布喀达坂峰地区冰川空间分布数据,并利用GIS技术分析研究区最近25 a来冰川变化,探讨了冰川对气候变化的响应关系。结果表明:布喀达坂峰冰川总面积退缩了7.28 km2,退缩速率为0.29 km2·a-1,占1990年的1.78%,且1990-2000年、2000-2010年、2010-2015年各个时段内冰川退缩速率呈较快-快-慢的状态,不同朝向的冰川退缩速率略有差异,南坡山谷冰川退缩速率最快,北坡坡面冰川次之,中段平顶冰川退缩速率最慢;冰川表面运动速度沿中流线向冰川侧脊和冰川末端递减,符合冰川运动一般规律,而不同类型的冰川其表面运动速度的时空变化具有差异性。研究发现,夏季均温的显著升高和年降水量的缓慢增加的共同作用是引起布喀达坂峰冰川退缩的主要原因。此外,地势条件和冰川自身结构等因素对冰川变化的作用也不容忽视。  相似文献   

Two types of depositional sequences can be defined within the sequence stratigraphic framework: the parasequence and the high‐frequency sequence. Both sequences consist of stacked regressive and transgressive deposits. However, a parasequence forms under conditions of overall sea‐level rise, whereas a high‐frequency sequence forms as the sea level oscillates which results in typical forced regressive deposits during sea‐level fall. Both depositional sequences may develop over comparable temporal (10–100 kyr) and spatial (1–20 km wide and 1–40 m thick) scales. Numerical modelling is used to compare the architecture, preservation potential, internal volumes, bounding surfaces, condensed and expanded sections and facies assemblages of parasequences and high‐frequency sequences. Deposits originating from transgression are less pronounced than their regressive counterparts and consist of either preserved backbarrier deposits or shelf deposits. Shoreface deposits are not preserved during transgression. The second half of the paper evaluates in detail the preservation potential of backbarrier deposits and proposes a mechanism that explains the occurrence of both continuous and discontinuous barrier retreat in terms of varying rates of sea‐level rise and sediment supply. The key to this mechanism is the maximum washover capacity, which plays a part in both barrier shoreline retreat and backbarrier‐lagoonal shoreline retreat. If these two shorelines are not balanced, then the retreat of the coastal system as a whole is discontinuous and in time barrier overstep may take place.  相似文献   

The role of post-Little Ice Age (LIA) Neoglacial retreat on landslide activity is investigated in 19 alpine basins along the upper Lillooet River Valley, British Columbia. We examine how Neoglacial scouring and glacial recession have modified hillslope form and slope stability, and construct a decision-making flowchart to identify landslide hazards associated with glacial retreat. This work is based on field mapping, GIS analysis, statistical associations between landslides and terrain attributes, and a comparison between Neoglaciated and non-Neoglaciated terrain within each basin.The bedrock landslide response to glacial retreat varies appreciably according to lithology and the extent of glacial scour below the LIA trimline. Valleys carved in weak Quaternary volcanics show significant erosional oversteepening and contain deep-seated slope movement features, active rock fall, rock slides, and rock avalanches near glacial trimlines. Basins in stronger granitic rock rarely show increased bedrock instability resulting from post-LIA retreat, except for shallow-seated rock slides along some trimlines and failures on previously unstable slopes. In surficial materials, landslides associated with post-LIA retreat originate in till or colluvium, as debris slides or debris avalanches, and are concentrated along lateral moraines or glacial trimlines.Significant spatial association was also observed between recent catastrophic failures, gravitational slope deformation, and slopes that were oversteepened then debuttressed by glacial erosion. Eight out of nine catastrophic rock slope failures occurred just above glacial trimlines and all occurred in areas with a previous history of deep-seated gravitational slope movement, implying that this type of deformation is a precursor to catastrophic detachment.  相似文献   

Seacliff retreat has been variously characterized as the recession rate of the cliff top, of the cliff base, and as the bulk recession rate based on volumetric changes of the entire cliff face. Here, these measures of retreat are compared using nine semi-annual airborne LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) surveys of southern California seacliffs. Changes in the cliff base location (where the steeply sloping cliff face intersects the beach) include cliff retreat owing to basal erosion, but also reflect changes in beach sand level and basal talus deposits. Averaged over the 2.5 km alongshore study span, the cliff base actually prograded seaward about 12 cm during the 4-year study. Cliff top change was dominated by few, relatively large (several meters) localized retreats. Cliff face changes, that include failures and deposits anywhere on the cliff profile, had a relatively small mean magnitude compared to cliff top changes and were more widely distributed alongshore. However, the similar alongshore averaged, cumulative cliff top and net bulk cliff face end-point retreat (14 and 19 cm, respectively) suggest that mean cumulative cliff top retreat can potentially be a viable surrogate for mean net cumulative cliff-wide erosion (and vice versa) over relatively short time periods. Cliff face erosion occurred repeatedly at some locations, confirming the presence of seacliff erosion hot-spots during the study period.  相似文献   


“It is not our desire to change needle and thread in women's hands into astrolabes and globes; neither do we consider it necessary that a woman should retreat to a room papered with maps and ornamented with globes ‥. Their high moral standards allow them, in our view, to possess wide knowledge of geography, on condition that they do not attempt, through use of terms too coarse for a lady, to appear too eager a group of geographers. I am certainly willing to let them use such words as climate, zones, and so forth; but I do not want them to scare me stiff quoting longitude and latitude at me. Let them speak as much as they want about what they read in travelers'tales, and I will listen with pleasure ‥. But I certainly do not want to see the day when a woman's knowledge of the earth equals that of men!'”(1)  相似文献   

This paper investigates the recent climatic variability and changes in snow line and ice front position in Collins Glacier, King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctic Peninsula. This region has recorded one of the largest temperature increases in the past fifty years and has been demonstrated to be highly sensitive to climate changes. To monitor recent changes (1983–2006), we determined the fluctuations of the terminus and snow line of the glacier via remote sensing data and field observation in the summer of 2013. We conclude that the Collins Glacier has responded slowly to regional climate changes (decades or even centuries), as glacial responses to climatic events do not depend solely on one environmental variable. The glacier presented more retreat and elevation of the snow line in the north sector. The retreat data are correlated with the mean monthly temperature and annual number of days of melting‐degree variations.  相似文献   

“It is not our desire to change needle and thread in women's hands into astrolabes and globes; neither do we consider it necessary that a woman should retreat to a room papered with maps and ornamented with globes ‥. Their high moral standards allow them, in our view, to possess wide knowledge of geography, on condition that they do not attempt, through use of terms too coarse for a lady, to appear too eager a group of geographers. I am certainly willing to let them use such words as climate, zones, and so forth; but I do not want them to scare me stiff quoting longitude and latitude at me. Let them speak as much as they want about what they read in travelers'tales, and I will listen with pleasure ‥. But I certainly do not want to see the day when a woman's knowledge of the earth equals that of men!'”(1)  相似文献   

Rapid deforestation is a major problem throughout the tropical world. The conditions and the pace under which societies and economies of the Third World are currently evolving and growing, combined with the specificities of tropical forests, render the latter increasingly vulnerable. Among the major tropical areas of the world, Southeast Asia is perhaps the one where these conditions have had the most impact on the retreat of the forest cover over the last quarter of this century. This is illustrated through the presentation of two maps of the distribution of five basic forest formations in Southeast Asia circa 1970 and circa 1990. The maps are examined and compared, as well as confronted with statistical assessments of deforestation. Finally, the complex causes behind the retreat of the tropical forests as well as the implications of this retreat are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

重庆万州的长江岸坡发育剥蚀基岩平台与陡崖,我们采用三角坡面法估计了陡崖的后退速率。采用该方法的依据是,铺垭口的陡崖下存在形成时代不同的坡面,同时该地点的地层近水平,所以我们假定陡崖的后退过程类似干旱-半干旱环境中的平顶岩屑堆地貌的形成过程。通过对前一阶段残留坡面的函数拟合,可以估计陡崖的后退距离。如将残留坡面上T3阶地的年龄近似为崩坡积的形成年龄,则计算出的陡崖后退速率大约是0.51 m/ka。这个数据表明,该地区最高的450 m的剥蚀基岩平台大约在2.3 M a前左右被长江切穿,推测2.3 M a可能是三峡贯通年龄的上限。  相似文献   

利用Landsat影像,EDM影像等数据资料,使用遥感图像处理及目视解译方法提取了喜马拉雅山东段中国与不丹边境地区冰川从1990—2015年4期边界,研究其与气温降水变化关系,并选取特定冰川,对其表面流速进行估算。研究表明:1990—2015年,该地区冰川退缩速率达0.43%·a-1,并且冰川年退缩率逐渐增大,表明冰川消融速度逐渐加快。该时段内,气温呈现明显上升趋势,导致了冰川的快速消融。通过对冰川表面流速的估算,得出中国与不丹边境地区研究选取的冰前湖对冰川流速具有促进作用,加速冰川消融。  相似文献   

为开展新奥尔松地区苔原植物生长和植被演替对冰川退缩响应的研究,在Austre Lovénbreen冰川(简称A冰川)前沿不同年代冰缘线附近布设了植被样方,调查了样方内植物组成与群落结构。结果表明:(1)A冰川1990年冰缘线代表植被演替的初始阶段,样方内仅出现先锋植物挪威虎耳草(Saxifraga oppositifolia);(2)1936年冰缘线代表冰川退缩长达75年后植被发育的情况,样方内植物种类和个体数明显增多,植被群落以木本植物极柳(Salix polaris)和草本植物黄葶苈(Draba bellii)为主,地衣以寒生肉疣衣(Ochrolechia frigida)和鸡皮衣(Pertusaria sp.)等壳状地衣为主;(3)随着冰川迹地形成时间更长,植被趋向成熟阶段发展,样方内极柳占绝对优势,地衣的物种多样性和盖度显著增加,出现雪黄岛衣(Flavocetraria nivalis)和刺岛衣(Cetraria aculeata)等叶状地衣。初步结果表明冰川退缩迹地上的物种更替明显,群落结构发生着显著变化。  相似文献   

Mountain glaciers have an obvious location advantage and tourist market condition over polar and high latitude glaciers. Due to the enormous economic benefit and heritage value, some mountain glaciers will always receive higher attention from commercial media, government departments and mountain tourists in China and abroad. At present, more than 100 glaciers have been developed successfully as famous tourist destinations all over the world. However, global climate change seriously affects mountain glaciers and its surrounding environment. According to the current accelerated retreat trend, natural and cultural landscapes of some glaciers will be weakened, even disappear in the future. Climate change will also inevitably affect mountain ecosystems, and tourism routes under ice and glacier experience activities in these ecosystems. Simultaneously, the disappearance of mountain glaciers will also lead to a clear reduction of tourism and local economic benefits. Based on these reasons, this paper took Mt. Yulong Snow scenic area as an example and analyzed the retreat trend of a typical glacier. We then put forward some scientific and rational response mechanisms and adaptation models based on climate change in order to help future sustainable development of mountain glacier tourism.  相似文献   

《Basin Research》2018,30(Z1):89-100
The migration of the lithofacies boundaries preserved in the sedimentary record is key to interpreting changes in depositional environments. Grain size is one of the most recognizable physical characteristics of lithofacies. The advance and retreat of grain‐size breaks, as a proxy for lithofacies boundaries (e.g. gravel–sand transition), is commonly attributed to variations in external controls (e.g. climate, sea level and tectonic subsidence). While most models of fluviodeltaic systems focus on predicting the response of the shoreline to these forcings, none have thoroughly incorporated the migration of grain‐size transitions (GST) that coevolve with the shoreline. We present a numerical delta evolution model that treats both the shoreline and GST as moving boundaries to provide quantitative understanding of the dynamic interaction between the downstream boundary (shoreline) and the upstream lithofacies boundaries (GSTs) of the fluviodeltaic system under relative sea‐level rise. We tested a range of relative sea‐level rise rates in the model. The shoreline and GST gradually reduced their progradation rates and eventually retreated landward as the fluviodeltaic topset and foreset elongated. However, their timings of retreat were different, resulting in a counterintuitive case for a quicker retreat of GST while the shoreline still continued to advance. A series of scaled flume experiments with a sand and crushed walnut sediment mixture captured the same behaviours of these two moving boundaries. We found that GST experienced higher relative sea‐level rise (RSLR) rates than the shoreline. This additional RSLR rate scales with the downstream river slope and the shoreline progradation rate to cause earlier GST retreat in comparison to the shoreline. The fundamental understanding from this study of migration of both the GST and shoreline in fluviodeltaic systems will aid in accurately assessing the trajectories of GST in sedimentary strata as a proxy for environmental change.  相似文献   

冀琴  刘睿  杨太保 《地理研究》2020,39(10):2403-2414
基于Landsat系列遥感数据,运用比值阈值法(B3/B5)和目视解译,研究1990—2015年喜马拉雅山冰川面积的分布与变化特征。结果表明:25年间研究区冰川面积共减少2553.10 km2,年均退缩率为0.44%/a,研究时段冰川加速退缩。研究区冰川主要分布在西段地区,中段次之,东段最少,近25年来西段、东段和中段地区冰川均表现为退缩趋势,其中东段地区退缩最快,中段最慢。从地形分布和变化特征看,5°~25°范围内冰川的分布面积较多,近25年来各坡度等级冰川均在退缩,其中25°~30°之间冰川面积退缩较快,在极平缓/极陡峭地区退缩较慢。尽管8个坡向上冰川均表现为退缩趋势,但退缩幅度有所差异,北坡与西北坡冰川退缩较慢,其他坡向退缩较快。研究时段表碛物覆盖型与非表碛物覆盖型冰川均在退缩,但后者的退缩幅度较大,表明研究区表碛物在一定程度上抑制了冰川消融。  相似文献   

Utilizing a partially autobiographical format, this article considers the practice and study of race within geography. I argue that the overwhelmingly white composition of the discipline has very real implications for both individual experiences and our intellectual production and disciplinary culture. I explore these issues by drawing on my own experiences as a Chicana within geography, and by examining the extent to which one area of research, environmental justice, has engaged questions of race and the consequences of that engagement. I conclude with some general remarks on what it might take to significantly diversify geography.  相似文献   

This paper involves a collection and communication of important knowledge about and experiences with outdoor recreation monitoring in Nordic coastal and marine areas. This is a topic that so far has received little attention, especially among researchers and practitioners working with outdoor recreation monitoring in Nordic coastal and marine areas, who are in need of knowledge on the topic in order to advance monitoring activities and procedures. To remedy this situation, the purpose of this paper is to provide a knowledge base by listing and describing central literature contributions with important insight into outdoor recreation monitoring in Nordic coastal and marine areas. More specifically, this includes information about: (a) where important knowledge about outdoor recreation monitoring in Nordic coastal and marine areas can be found, (b) who the main contributors are and (c) what monitoring knowledge that has been reported so far. The paper also examines what tasks lie ahead for researchers and area managers in order to improve knowledge about outdoor recreation monitoring in Nordic coastal and marine areas. The paper is a central contribution and addition to manuals on outdoor recreation monitoring that are currently available in the Nordic countries.  相似文献   

Utilizing a partially autobiographical format, this article considers the practice and study of race within geography. I argue that the overwhelmingly white composition of the discipline has very real implications for both individual experiences and our intellectual production and disciplinary culture. I explore these issues by drawing on my own experiences as a Chicana within geography, and by examining the extent to which one area of research, environmental justice, has engaged questions of race and the consequences of that engagement. I conclude with some general remarks on what it might take to significantly diversify geography.  相似文献   

Lester King was one of the most influential geomorphologists of the twentieth century. He based his interpretations of landforms and landscapes firmly in the concept of parallel scarp retreat, for although he acknowledged the possibility of slope decline in certain lithological and vegetational environments, he used the mechanism little, if at all, in understanding landscape. Rather, pediments and inselbergs, for instance, as well as entire landscapes, were construed in terms of scarp recession.King appreciated and emphasised the evidence provided by plains for the interpretation of landscape. He considered pediplanation (scarp retreat and pedimentation) to be active in all regions where running water is responsible for shaping the land surface. King's studies in denudation chronology are consistent with his commitment to scarp retreat, implicit in which is the possibility of the survival of very old surfaces; though whether old enough to match the realities of landscape is doubtful.King challenged the Davisian scheme of landscape evolution and offered an alternative model that has proved viable in many parts of the world. Whether pedimentation and scarp retreat are necessarily related is however questionable. King devised original explanations for several well known landforms, and though many of his ideas and interpretations have fallen by the wayside he stimulated many of his contemporaries critically to review their assumptions and explanations.  相似文献   

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