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本文对花卉塑料大棚夏季降温试验进行了分析,结果表明:采用直接阻挡太阳辐射的降温方法、棚膜外或棚膜内地面喷水的降温方法,其降温效果均好。这为成都地区花卉塑料大棚周年生产的科学管理提供了依据。  相似文献   

对成都市蔬菜生产春淡的气候原因及塑料大棚内小气候特征进行分析,选取六种补淡蔬菜,利用平行比较法和模糊聚类法,讨论了棚内栽培季节,为缓解成都蔬菜生产春淡的可行性作科学论证提供了依据。  相似文献   

介绍以MCS-8051单片机为核心,与其它相关部件组成的一智能化供暖系统。用于冬季塑料大棚蔬菜育苗和栽种,实现温度的自动测量和自动控制,可将塑料大棚内的温度始终控制在适合蔬菜生长的温度范围内。  相似文献   

本文应用统计方法,根据蛋鸡对气侯环境的要求,分析了棚内小气候温度空间分布特征及夏季降温效果。结果表明,在成都地区气候条件下,GP622C型塑料大棚应用于蛋鸡舍,只要注意夏季降温管理,对于集约化饲养蛋鸡有广阔的前途。  相似文献   

4月14日,汝州市国土资源局组织执法人员将夏店乡八里王村东侧一处在建的养鸡场强行拆除。至此,这个没有办理任何用地手续,以建塑料大棚为名行建养鸡场之实,又多次对执法人员的劝阻置之不理的违法用地“钉子户”,被一举拔掉。  相似文献   

自温岭市区驱车向东,一段长约3公里的公路两侧,一座座塑料大棚在田里整齐地排列着.路的最东头,一块红色大理石的石碑上写着醒目的四行大字:浙江省东部土地整理箬横项目区,箬横万亩现代化农业综合园区,国家级千亩节水增效示范园区,浙江省优质高效农业示范基地.  相似文献   

盛夏时节,笔者驱车来到濮阳县柳屯土地开发整理项目区。站在柳屯镇土岭头村,眼前美丽的田园风光让人耳目一新:油绿的红薯苗长势喜人,茁壮的杨树生机盎然,一个个塑料大棚种满蔬菜瓜果,平整的道路纵横相连,新打的机井遍布田间——谁会想到,过去这里曾是坑洼不平的废弃砖瓦窑厂和盐碱地,涝时白茫茫,旱时杂草、芦苇丛生。  相似文献   

盛夏时节,笔者驱车来到濮阳县柳屯土地开发整理项目区.站在柳屯镇士岭头村,眼前美丽的田园风光让人耳目一新:油绿的红薯苗长势喜人,茁壮的杨树牛机盎然,一个个塑料大棚种满蔬菜瓜果,平整的道路纵横相连,新打的机井遍布田间--谁会想到,过去这里曾是坑洼不平的废弃砖瓦窑厂和盐碱地,涝时白茫茫,旱时杂草、芦苇丛生.  相似文献   

2008年岁末的一天,在槐树国土资源所所长赵国政的带领下,沿着蜿蜒崎岖的小路,呼吸着岭区清新的空气,我们来到了孟州市西部岭区杨洼村西南的一处沟底。转过一个弯后,眼前豁然开朗:南边,工人们正紧张忙碌地平整土地;中间,一拉溜5个塑料大棚梯次排开,在阳光下折射着耀眼的白光;北边,一座小型水库碧波潋滟。这里俨然一处世外桃源。  相似文献   

正宁陵县程楼乡瓦屋刘村北头新建一座朝北的蔬菜大棚,跟地里一排排塑料大棚相互守望。在灿烂的阳光照射下,乳白的塑料熠熠生辉,使整个田野变成波浪起伏的银色海洋。那座新大棚,是外号叫"刘老乐"的村民两年前筹建的,从那时候开始,大棚中经常传出朗朗的笑声。"老刘,你瞅瞅这一根根黄瓜刚到三月,就长得弯弯的,上面扎着小刺儿,绿得滴翠,一斤能卖三块多钱,看着真喜人!"程楼国土资源所所长  相似文献   

基于沂源鲁村煤矿围岩稳定性差,塑性变形量大的实际情况,采用弹塑性力学分析的方法,分析了鲁村煤矿千米混合立井岩石开挖后围岩应力重新分布情况和塑性变形,进而确定是否采用临时支护措施,以确保施工安全。研究表明鲁村煤矿混合井围岩掘进深度大于780 m时,围岩变得不稳定,需要施加锚喷临时支护,同时增加井筒掘进荒断面,预留围岩变形空间。  相似文献   

A soil temperature control system was designed for sapling study in alpine region and tested in summer, 2009. The system consisted of a power switch, voltage regulator, microcomputer timer, safety relays, temperature control device, temperature sensors, heating cables, fireproofing plastic pipes (PVC), 108 heavy-duty plastic containers and seedlings. The heating cables were held in six 2-layer PVC frames with 25 cm wide, 320 cm long and 25 cm high and three 1-layer frames with 25 cm wide and 320 cm long for 15°C soil temperature treatment, half of the 2-layer frames were used for 20°C and 25°C soil temperature treatments, respectively. Each of the frames was installed at each of ditches with 30 cm wide, 330 cm long and 30 cm deep in size. 12 seedling containers with 20 cm top diameter, 18cm bottom diameter and 25 cm high were homogenously placed at each of the ditches, and spaces between the containers were filled with natural soil. The system was economic, and could increase soil temperatures obviously and uniformly, the maximal and minimal standard errors of soil temperatures were ±0.28 and ±0.05°C at 10cm depth in the containers within each of all the ditches. In the system, aboveground environment was natural, diurnal and monthly soil temperatures varied with changing air temperature, the research results may be better to know the eco-physiological and growth responses of alpine saplings/seedlings to soil warming than that in greenhouse, laboratory, infrared heat lamp and open top chamber.  相似文献   

通过对某一级公路路基填土的天然含水量、液限、塑限、颗粒组成、矿物成分、自由膨胀率、胀缩总率等试验研究,运用塑性图,并综合各项指标对路基填土的膨胀性做了评价。结果认为,此路基填土为高液限和塑限的淤泥质软土,天然状态下具有弱膨胀性。通过对路基填土的击实试验和承载比试验表明,填土压实之后具有一定的膨胀性,在含水量变化差异性影响下的胀缩变形可能导致路基开裂。  相似文献   

9号含金石英脉是金硐岔金矿区内最大的金矿脉,分布在老鸦岔背斜轴部附近.金矿石以热液充填-交代组构为主.金呈显微金、超显微金状态赋存,显微金多呈.粒间金、裂隙金、包金.黄铁矿是最主要的载金矿物.  相似文献   

本文在测量的基础上,对热量平衡各分量在大棚内、外的差异,进行了比较与分析,对大棚生产管理有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

附壳造型珍珠培育技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较了不同材料模核、模核规格和植核季节对三角帆蚌和褶纹冠蚌育珠效果的影响。结果表明:贝壳、金属铝、硬塑料和软硅胶模核对三角帆蚌和褶纹冠蚌的成活率和优质珠率存在显著性影响(P<0.05),硬塑料模核的优质珠率最高;不同规格模核对三角帆蚌和褶纹冠蚌的成活率和优质珠率均存在显著性影响(P<0.05),利用复合模核的育珠效果较好,育珠蚌成活率最高可达88%以上,优质珠率最高可达33%;不同季节插核对三角帆蚌和褶纹冠蚌的成活率和优质珠率均存在显著性影响(P<0.05),在春季或秋季进行手术植核,取得的育珠效果较好。  相似文献   

To study the tensile mechanical properties of constant resistance bolts, the RFPA(Rock Failure Process Analysis) statics software is used to perform a uniaxial tensile test on a constant resistance bolt. The numerical test results show that the plastic strain value is 12 times the magnitude of the elastic strain. During plastic deformation, the fluctuation in the stress magnitude is relatively stable, indicating that the bolt has good constant resistance characteristics. The numerical test results are in good agreement with the laboratory test results of M.C. He, and the accuracy and reliability of the numerical test method are verified. Therefore, the RFPA software with coupled static-dynamic loading is further adopted to study the supporting effects of traditional bolts and constant resistance bolts under coupled staticdynamic loading. The numerical comparison of the test results show that the constant resistance bolts can effectively control the deformation amount and rate of the laneway surrounding rock, reduce the total and rate of increase in the accumulated acoustic emissions,decrease the stress on the units in the model and protect the stability of the laneway. This paper verifies that a constant resistance bolt has better impact resistance mechanical properties than those of a traditional bolt and provides an effective way to control rock burst and soft rock that is prone to large deformation damage.  相似文献   

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