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全球环境变化与综合灾害风险防范研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
实现可持续发展,需要加深理解全球环境变化对可更新资源保障能力和灾害发生频率、强度和时空格局的影响。近年来发生在世界各国的巨灾造成了严重的灾情,如2008年中国南方的冰冻雨雪灾害,2007年孟加拉国的台风灾害,2005年的美国卡特里娜飓风等。加强对全球环境变化背景下的综合灾害风险防范研究已成为一个迫切需要解决的可持续发展问题。为此,在CNC IHDP的领导下,CNC IHDP RG工作组向IHDP提出了开展全球环境变化与综合风险防范研究的建议。经过2年多的努力,作为IHDP新一轮国际性核心科学计划——综合风险防范(IHDP IRG)已经得到IHDP SC的认可,即将于2009年4月在德国波恩IHDP科学大会期间正式宣布启动。该核心计划为从事风险研究、管理和具体实践方面的全球顶级专家和组织搭建交流平台,并引导未来国际综合风险防范研究从综合灾害风险防范的科学、技术与管理问题入手,通过案例对比,从多学科角度,对综合灾害风险防范的理论和方法进行创新性研究,以推动全球综合减灾实践的深入发展。CNC IHDP RG作为这一核心科学计划的倡议、发起和主要组织者,通过该计划的成功实施,不但可以在国际上充分展现我国综合灾害风险研究领域的成果,更将有助于大幅度提升中国在全球环境变化研究中的国际地位。  相似文献   

A brief introduction to the Fifth Session of Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, which was held in Cancun, Mexico, organized by United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR) and hosted by the Government of Mexico from 22 May to 26 May 2017, was firstly provided. Combined with “Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030”, “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, and related work on natural disaster risk reduction at global, regional, country and local scales, some hot-topics and prospects of global platform for disaster risk reduction were put forward. Some findings were concluded, consisting of understanding disaster risk, disaster risk governance, building and enhancing resilience to disasters, coherence between the Sendai Framework, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA). Implementing the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) through cross-sectoral collaboration, removing barriers and promoting public-private cooperation in DRR and other types of partnership among multi-stakeholders will become the main force pattern of DRR in the near future. Large-scale disaster risk governance caused by multi-hazards (disaster cluster), disaster chain and disaster compound will be the main trend in scientific research of DRR. Building regional disaster risk reduction platform (e.g. the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road) and sharing the technologies and information of disaster risk reduction will be the main contents of DRR practices. Building and optimization of institutional mechanisms on DRR will be the trend of DRR idea. Improving and enhancing the support to communities, vulnerable groups and locals on DRR will be the main trend in DRR achievements’ application and demonstration in China.  相似文献   

开展农业干旱灾害风险评估,有利于定量认识农业旱灾和科学指导防旱抗旱工作。基于集对分析原理和模糊理论建立的模糊集对评价法,兼顾了信息的多尺度特征和评价等级的模糊性,概念清晰,计算简洁。构建了由旱灾危险性子系统、旱灾暴露性子系统、灾损敏感性子系统和抗旱能力子系统组成的干旱灾害风险评估体系和评价指标。将模糊集对评价法应用于2012年安徽省亳州市农业干旱灾害风险评估,研究结果表明,建议方法是可靠的,为农业干旱灾害风险评估提供了一种新途径。  相似文献   

赵星  李江海王运 《地质论评》2007,53(B08):165-170
本文以联合国教科文组织的相关材料和各国向世界遗产委员会提交的申遗文本为依据,在将地质方面的内容分为13类地质类型(构造、火山、山脉、地层、化石、河湖三角洲、喀斯特、海岸、礁-海岛、冰川、冰期、干旱半干旱沙漠、陨石冲击)的前提下,把其中的27项山脉世界遗产分为了生物多样性、地形地貌、地貌多样性、文化与自然、天然美景5类。在研究世界山脉遗产的基础上对中国的世界自然遗产和文化自然双遗产预备名录中有关山脉部分的遗产进行了价值分析。根据当前申请遗产的状况,对我国的遗产状况提出了一些建议:申报时应尽量填补某项空白,注意周边山脉的问题,慎重在申报独立的遗产或是作为扩展项目加入已有遗产之间选择。  相似文献   

基于雨洪预报信息的防洪决策风险分析方法研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
研究了基于洪水预报信息的防洪决策风险分析方法,对长江三峡至螺山河段的防洪系统是否启用分蓄洪区的各种防洪决策方案,给出了决策风险的定量描述。  相似文献   

周兰云  尚艳丽  马传顺 《地下水》2006,28(2):53-54,57
为合理开发利用地下水资源提供科学依据,确保地下水资源可持续利用,防止由于超采地下水而诱发环境危害,对泰安市世行贷款二期项目区地下水动态变化规律、水资源的分布特征进行了分析研究,提出了地下水合理开发利用的建议.  相似文献   

地球系统动力学模式和模拟研究的进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
概述地球系统动力学模式的由来及国内外目前的研究和模拟进展。地球系统动力学模式是描述全球气候以及生态和环境系统的整体耦合演变的数学表达。利用他作大规模数值模拟,以便认识和预测全球和区域的气候和生态环境变化,有效应对防灾减灾和规划可持续发展等。目前国内外尚未完全研制出可供实用的地球系统模式,还须二三年时间。  相似文献   

山东省矿山地面塌陷地质灾害现状、趋势分析及其防治   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
山东是我国矿业大省,采矿历史悠久,矿业在全省国民经济和社会发展中发挥着重要的基础性作用.随着矿业经济的发展,矿产资源开发规模和开发强度的增大,矿山地面塌(沉)陷问题越发突出,已成为主要的矿山地质灾害.本文中通过对煤、金、铁、石膏、滑石等矿山开采引发的地面塌(沉)陷地质灾害的现状分析,结合矿产开发规划对其发展趋势进行了分析,提出了充填、"自下往上"异向开采、帷幕注浆堵水和矿坑水预先疏干排供结合的防治措施.  相似文献   

Understanding the nature and impacts of tsunamis within the Aegean Sea region ofGreece is of importance to both the academic community and those organisationsconcerned with tsunami disaster management. In order to determine hazard and riskand consequently pre-plan mitigative strategies, it is necessary to analyse historical(documentary) and geological records of former tsunami events. Therefore, firstlythis paper provides a summary of the written sources of information on Aegeantsunamis paying particular attention to published catalogues. From the availabledata, it is noted that a large number of events have been reported during the last3500 years. Secondly, the paper provides a review of the published on-shore(terrestrial) geological records of tsunamis within the region. From this analysisit is seen that little geological evidence has been identified for the large numberof tsunamis reported in the catalogues. Thirdly, the paper considers the reliabilityof the written and geological records and how problems of accuracy, coverage,extent and reliability, may have potential implications for the estimation of hazardand risk. The paper concludes by making recommendations for disaster managers,geologists and historians to work closely together.  相似文献   

论气候变暖背景下干旱和干旱灾害风险特征与管理策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The drought is a most severe natural disaster worldwide, which leads to great risk in human being. The drought disaster and risk have more prominent because of obvious climatic warming in the last hundred years. At present, the understanding of the internal laws of the occurrence of drought and drought risk is not comprehensive, and the recognition of the characteristics of the drought and drought risk under climatic warming is obscure. In this paper, we summarized systematically the domestic and overseas research progress of the drought and drought disaster risk, introduced the principle of the drought disaster transfer process and the essential features of drought disaster, analyzed synthetically the main characteristics and interactions among the key factors of the drought disaster risk, discussed the effect of climatic warming on drought and drought disaster risk, and probed into the basic requirement of drought disaster risk management. Above all, we provide the main protective measurements of the drought disaster and the main strategy of drought disaster risk management.  相似文献   

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