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机载GNSS反射信号海面测高模型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
相对于岸基GNSS-R技术,机载GNSS-R优势在于其空间分辨率高、监测范围广,可对特定区域范围进行高分辨率监测,兼具了灵活的高度和方位调节的同时保障了更高的数据质量。本文主要研究了机载GNSS-R测高模型,依据岸基GNSS-R码测高原理,针对大气延迟、天线距离等进行修正,优化机载测高模型,同时采用DTU10全球海面平均高度及潮汐模型验证机载GNSS-R测高模型的精度。通过分析2011年11月11日,CSIC-IEEC在芬兰波罗的海的GNSS-R机载数据,针对不同仰角下的实验数据进行反演,成功地实现了亚米级机载海面高度反演,得出仰角大小会对测高结果精度产生较大影响的结论,定性分析了仰角大小所引起的误差范围。本文的结果证明了机载GNSS-R的海面测高的可行性。  相似文献   

卫星测高正常点海面高度计算方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正常点海面高计算是卫星测高数据处理的基础.从测高卫星飞行轨道的规律出发,提出了采用“距离加权平均”计算正常点海面高的新方法,阐述了“距离加权平均”这一方法计算正常点海面高的原理.并分别利用传统方法和新方法所计算出的中国海域内正常点海面高数据,进行交叉点海面高不符值及其平差计算,对所得结果进行精度评定.实际计算结果比对证明了利用“距离加权平均”法计算正常点海面高的可行性和优越性.  相似文献   

GNSS-R海洋遥感监测技术综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了GNSS-R海洋遥感的发展过程、技术原理和理论模型,进一步研究了GNSS-R在海洋遥感各应用领域的主要研究内容,探讨了GNSS-R海洋测风、测高、海冰监测、溢油检测和移动目标探测的技术途径,概述了GNSS-R海洋遥感监测技术所涉及的反演理论和信息提取方法,并根据现有研究成果和海洋遥感的应用需要,提出今后需解决的关键技术和未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

GNSS-R观测下的海面飓风风速反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用全球导航卫星系统在地球表面的反射信号(GNSS-R)进行海面风速反演已经被广泛研究并作为一种重要的遥感手段。目前,该L波段微波信号的相关功率已可以在多普勒频率和时延码片空间进行多普勒时延图像的成像。由于该图像的图像特征与海面粗糙度有较高的相关性,因此能够用来进行海面风场反演。然而,对于该遥感手段而言,其双基雷达前向散射截面(BRCS)理论上与海面粗糙度有更高的相关性,如同目前合成孔径雷达使用后向雷达散射截面而非相关功率。所以,本文通过改进已有的GNSS-R的双基雷达散射截面方程,代替相关功率在多普勒时延空间进行成像,得出了与海面粗糙度相关的双基雷达散射截面图像(BRCS map)。基于该图像,本文提出了三种与其形状特征相关的观测量,通过2005年Dennis飓风GNSS-R机载数据生成的16000多幅图像进行地球物理模式函数建模并与经典的一维时延波形匹配方法得出结果进行对比分析,得出更为精确的风速反演结果。  相似文献   

利用Topex/Posedion卫星的SSHA数据对黄、东海1993-2001年期间的平均海面地形的空间形态特征、变化速率的空间分布特征及年内变化特征等3个方面进行了分析.研究结果表明,该海区9a平均海面地形的基本特征为:东南高、西北低,由东南向西北倾斜,最大高差超过90 cm;1993-2001年期间全海区均呈现海面上升趋势,上升速率值在5~8.6 mm/a之间,海面上升的空间分异表现为南快北慢,东快西慢.海面地形的年内变化在时间上呈正弦波动,空间上中、北部区域变化速度快,年较差大;南部区域变化速度慢,年较差小;变化空间特征复杂.  相似文献   

首先介绍了GNSS-R海洋遥感的发展过程,简要叙述了利用GNSS信号进行海洋动力学遥感测量的基本原理;然后分析了接收机天线的部分参数对GNSS信号可见数量的影响;最后详细阐述了GNSS海面散射信号的理论模型,该模型是利用几何光学限制的基尔霍夫近似建立起来的,并根据理论模型进行了数值仿真试验。结果证实了通过散射信号功率波形来反演海面风场理论上的可行性。  相似文献   

为得到中国近海及邻域精度较高的海面地形,同时尽可能减少滤波对海面地形精度的影响,提出了联合卫星测高潮汐分析与XGM2019e地球重力场模型确定海面地形的方法,首先通过T/P系列(包括Jason-1、Jason-2、Jason-3)卫星测高数据潮汐分析得到沿迹点平均海面高,从中扣除根据XGM2019e重力场模型计算相应沿迹点上的大地水准面高得到沿迹点海面地形,最后通过Kriging插值和Gauss滤波得到研究区域内30′×30′海面地形模型。与DTU22同区域海面地形对比整体差异为±4.49 cm,与沿岸长期验潮站实测海面地形对比整体精度为±4.56 cm,高精度的海面地形为研究海流的变化提供了现实依据。  相似文献   

在对T/P卫星4年1992年10月–1996年10月测高数据的编辑及预处理基础上,采用stacking处理技术构造出中国近海及邻域(0°–40°N,105°–135°E)相对于GRS80参考椭球的30'×30'年平均海平面,其总体精度达到±8.3cm(均方根)水平。验证了中国近海及邻域的平均海平面在总体上呈东南高、西北低的趋势。利用JGM-3和OSU91A混合模型的重力大地水准面,直接从平均海平面中扣除大地水准面起伏的影响,并采用“剪切”法得到中国近海及邻域完整到20阶次的海面地形模型的球谐函数表达式,验证了中国近海及邻域海面地形在总体上为正的格局,并对其构造特征作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

卫星测高在海洋测绘中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翟国君 《海洋测绘》2002,22(4):58-62
研究了卫星测高数据在海山探测以及无图海域水深预测方面的应用。介绍了匹配滤波法检测海山的理论与方法,并研究了反演海底地形时的重力导纳理论以及滤波窗口和滤波函数的选择。实践表明,利用卫星测高数据反演海底地形的精度可优于水深的10%。  相似文献   

根据重力异常与海底地形的相关性,利用日本西之岛附近海域内的重力异常和船测水深,分别采用SandwellSmith方法(SS,1994)和重力地质法(GGM)反演了该海域内1'×1'海底地形模型,并将反演的模型与格网化船测水深模型和ETOPO1模型进行了对比分析。在GGM中,使用了迭代法向下延拓确定密度差常数为5.7g/cm~3。与SS模型相比,GGM模型与格网化船测水深模型的差值的标准差达到了37.10m。  相似文献   

As a new remote sensing technology, the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) reflection signals can be used to collect the information of ocean surface wind, surface roughness and sea surface height. Ocean altimetry based on GNSS reflection technique is of low cost and it is easy to obtain large amounts of data thanks to the global navigation satellite constellation. We can estimate the sea surface height as well as the position of the specular reflection point. This paper focuses on the study of the algorithm to determine the specular reflection point and altimetry equations to estimate the sea surface height over the reflection region. We derive the error equation of sea surface height based on the error propagation theory. Effects of the Doppler shift and the size of the glistening zone on the altimetry are discussed and analyzed at the same time. Finally, we calculate the sea surface height based on the simulated GNSS data within the whole day and verify the sea surface height errors according to the satellite elevation angles. The results show that the sea surface height can reach the precision of 6 cm for elevation angles of 55° to 90°, and the theoretical error and the calculated error are in good agreement.  相似文献   

This study focuses on assessing the accuracy of 20-Hz waveform retracked Jason-2 (J-2) altimetry sea surface heights (SSHs) in the vicinity of Taiwan by comparisons with the TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) 10-Hz SSHs and sea level data from the Anping tide gauge. The study areas exhibit high, medium, and low amplitudes of ocean tides and contain diverse bathymetries with depths of 0–4000 m. The performance of Offset Center of Gravity (OCOG), threshold, modified threshold, and ice retrackers was examined by comparing the retracked SSHs with Earth Gravitational Model 2008 (EGM08) geoid via the use of the improvement percentages (IMPs). The results indicate that both altimetry measurements are significantly improved by waveform retracking techniques, with a maximum IMP of 46.6% for T/P and 82.0% for J-2, and the optimal achievement of retrackers is influenced by the characteristics of the study areas. In addition, valid retracked J-2 SSHs are much closer to shorelines than T/P. A comparison of retracked J-2 data with Anping tide gauge records reveals that applying the optimal retracking algorithms reduces the root mean squares of differences and increases the number of valid measurements.  相似文献   

A bottom pressure gauge (BPG) was installed in proximity (3.7 km at closest approach) of Jason-1 and formerly TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) ground track No. 238 at the Wusi site, located ∼ 10 km offshore off the west coast of Santo Island, Vanuatu, Southwest (SW) Pacific. Sea level variations are inferred from the bottom pressure, seawater temperature, and salinity, corrected for the measured surface atmospheric pressure. The expansion of the water column (steric increase in sea surface height, SSH) due to temperature and salinity changes is approximated by the equation of state. We compare time series of SSH derived from T/P Side B altimeter Geophysical Data Records (GDR) and Jason-1 Interim Geophysical Data Records (IGDR), with the gauge-inferred sea level variations. Since altimeter SSH is a geocentric measurement, whereas the gauge-inferred observation is a relative sea level measurement, SSH comparison is conducted with the means of both series removed in this study. In addition, high-rate (1-Hz) bottom pressure implied wave heights (H1/3) are compared with the significant wave height (SWH) measured by Jason-1. Noticeable discrepancy is found in this comparison for high waves, however the differences do not contribute significantly to the difference in sea level variations observed between the altimeter and the pressure gauge. In situ atmospheric pressure measurements are also used to verify the inverse barometer (IB) and the dry troposphere corrections (DTC) used in the Jason IGDR. We observe a bias between the IGDR corrections and those derived from the local sensors. Standard deviations of the sea level differences between T/P and BPG is 52 mm and is 48 mm between Jason and BPG, indicating that both altimeters have similar performance at the Wusi site and that it is feasible to conduct long-term monitoring of altimetry at such a site.  相似文献   

S. CALMANT  K. CHENG  G. JAN  C. KUO  C. SHUM  Y. YI 《Marine Geodesy》2013,36(3-4):597-613
A bottom pressure gauge (BPG) was installed in proximity (3.7 km at closest approach) of Jason-1 and formerly TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) ground track No. 238 at the Wusi site, located ~ 10 km offshore off the west coast of Santo Island, Vanuatu, Southwest (SW) Pacific. Sea level variations are inferred from the bottom pressure, seawater temperature, and salinity, corrected for the measured surface atmospheric pressure. The expansion of the water column (steric increase in sea surface height, SSH) due to temperature and salinity changes is approximated by the equation of state. We compare time series of SSH derived from T/P Side B altimeter Geophysical Data Records (GDR) and Jason-1 Interim Geophysical Data Records (IGDR), with the gauge-inferred sea level variations. Since altimeter SSH is a geocentric measurement, whereas the gauge-inferred observation is a relative sea level measurement, SSH comparison is conducted with the means of both series removed in this study. In addition, high-rate (1-Hz) bottom pressure implied wave heights (H 1/3 ) are compared with the significant wave height (SWH) measured by Jason-1. Noticeable discrepancy is found in this comparison for high waves, however the differences do not contribute significantly to the difference in sea level variations observed between the altimeter and the pressure gauge. In situ atmospheric pressure measurements are also used to verify the inverse barometer (IB) and the dry troposphere corrections (DTC) used in the Jason IGDR. We observe a bias between the IGDR corrections and those derived from the local sensors. Standard deviations of the sea level differences between T/P and BPG is 52 mm and is 48 mm between Jason and BPG, indicating that both altimeters have similar performance at the Wusi site and that it is feasible to conduct long-term monitoring of altimetry at such a site.  相似文献   

首先用卫星测高资料计算了1993~2009年6月的全球平均海平面变化。用GRACE(gravity recovery andclimate experiment)时变重力场系数反演了2003~2009年6月全球平均海水质量变化。联合GRACE和卫星测高资料计算了2003~2009年6月的热容海平面变化,该变化呈上升趋势。用日本气象局Ishii等提供的海温数据计算了1993~2006年的海水引起的平均热膨胀海平面变化,1993~2003年间,全球海洋热膨胀引起的热容海平面呈上升趋势,约占同期平均海平面变化的一半。利用ARGO温盐数据计算了2004~2009年6月平均热容海平面变化,也呈上升态势,只是变化速率有所减慢。  相似文献   

TOPEX and Jason were the first two dual-frequency altimeters in space, with both operating at Ku- and C-band. Thus, each gives two measurements of the normalized backscatter, σ0, (from which wind speed is calculated) and two estimates of wave height. Departures from a well-defined relationship between the Ku- and C-band σ0 values give an indication of rain. This study investigates differences between the two instruments using data from Jason's verification phase. Jason's Ku-band estimates of wave height are ∼1.8% less than TOPEX's, whereas its σ0 values are higher. When these effects have been removed the root mean square (rms) mismatch between TOPEX and Jason's Ku-band observations is close to that for TOPEX's observations at its two frequencies, and the changes in σ0 with varying wave height conditions are the same for the two altimeters. Rain flagging and quantitative estimates of rain rate are both based on the atmospheric attenuation derived from the σ0 measurements at the two frequencies. The attenuation estimates of TOPEX and Jason agree very well, and a threshold of-0.5 dB is effective at removing the majority of spurious data records from the Jason GDRs. In the high σ0 regime, anomalous data can be caused by processes other than rain. Consequently, for these low wind conditions, neither can reliable rain detection be based on altimetry alone, nor can a generic rain flag be expected to remove all suspect data.  相似文献   

Radar altimetry, when corrected for tides, atmospheric forcing of the sea surface, and the effects of density variations and mean and time-variable currents, provides an along-track realization of the marine geoid. In this study we investigate whether and how such an ‘altimetric-hydrodynamic’ geoid over the North Sea can serve for validating satellite-gravimetric geoids. Our results indicate that, using ERS-2 and ENVISAT along-track altimetry and water levels from the high-resolution operational circulation model BSHcmod, we do find distinct differences in RMS fits for various state-of-the art satellite-only models (beyond degree 145 for GRACE-only, and beyond degree 185 for GOCE models) and for combined geoid models, very similar as seen in GPS-levelling validations over land areas. We find that, at spectral resolution of up to about 200, an RMS fit as low as about 7 cm can be obtained for the most recent GOCE-derived models such as GOCO05S. This is slightly above what we expect from budgeting individual errors. Key to the validation is a proper treatment of the spectral mismatch between satellite-gravimetric and altimetric-hydrodynamic geoids. Comparison of data fits and error budget suggests that geoid truncation errors residual to EGM2008 (i.e. EGM2008 commission and omission error) may amount up to few cm.  相似文献   

Satellite altimetry data are facing big challenges near the coasts. These challenges arise due to the fundamental difficulties of correction and land contamination in the foot print, which result in rejection of these data near the coast. Several studies have been carried out to extend these data towards the coast. Over the Red Sea, altimetry data consist of gaps, which extend to about 30–50 km from the coast. Two methods are used for processing and extending Jason-2 satellite altimetry sea level anomalies (SLAs) towards the Red Sea coast; Fourier Series Model (FSM), and the polynomial sum of sine model (SSM). FSM model technique uses Fourier series and statistical analysis reflects strong relationship with both the observation and AVISO data, with strong and positive correlation. The second prediction technique, SSM model, depends on the polynomial sum of sine, and does not reflect any relationship with the observations and AVISO data close to the coast and the correlation coefficient (CC) is weak and negative. The FSM model output results in SLA data significantly better and more accurate than the SSM model output.  相似文献   

卫星测高技术在监测海啸现象中的研究及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用卫星测高技术,通过共线平差和沿轨、垂直轨迹测高大地水准面梯度的计算,得到了海啸发生2个小时后的海面波高和海面梯度异常现象,为利用卫星测高技术监测海啸、模拟海啸现象提供了依据。  相似文献   

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