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It is shown how, using action-angle variables in the scheme of quantization of reduced phase space, to construct a wave function for a Friedmann universe filled with harmonic excitations of photons and massive fermions, as well as to find physically observable quantities. Such an approach leads to an equation of the Schrödinger type, admits of a simple interpretation of the wave Junction, and enables one to trace the connection with classical evolution, which is fully reproduced in the proposed model. Within the framework of the reduced theory, massive fermions are described by action of the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio type with spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry. The proposed scheme leads to consequences that are consistent with the Mach principle and Dirac’s hypothesis of large numbers.  相似文献   

F-essence is a generalization of the usual Dirac model with the nonstandard kinetic term. In this paper, we introduce a new model of spinor cosmology containing both Ricci scalar and the non minimally coupled spinor fields in its action. We have investigated the cosmology with both isotropy and anisotropy, where the equations of motion of FRW and Bianchi type-I spacetimes have been derived and solved numerically. Finally the quantization of these models through Wheeler-De Witt (WD) wave function has been discussed.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest among cosmologists for theories with negative energy scalar fields and creation, in order to model a repulsive gravity. The classical steady state cosmology proposed by Bondi, Gold & Hoyle in 1948, was the first such theory which used a negative kinetic energy creation field to invoke creation of matter. We emphasize that creation plays a very crucial role in cosmology and provides a natural explanation to the various explosive phenomena occurring in local (z < 0.1) and extra galactic universe. We exemplify this point of view by considering the resurrected version of this theory — the quasi-steady state theory, which tries to relate creation events directly to the large scale dynamics of the universe and supplies more natural explanations of the observed phenomena. Although the theory predicts a decelerating universe at the present era, it explains successfully the recent SNe Ia observations (which require an accelerating universe in the standard cosmology), as we show in this paper by performing a Bayesian analysis of the data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have used a square root formulation of the Wheeler-De Witt equation to quantize a minisuperspace model consisting of the Bianchi-I type universe with a radiation field source. We have derived a wavefunction with a conserved current and a positive-definite probability density.

We have also explored the third quantization of the Bianchi type universe using a procedure usual in the quantum field theory of curved space-time. We have given the wave function that satisfies the Wheeler-De Witt equation. By regarding the wave function as the universe field operator in a minisuperspace, we have not only circumvented the difficulty of a probabilistic interpretation in quantum cosmology, we have also reached the conclusion that multiple universes would result. We have estimated the average number of universes produced from ‘nothing’, and have given their distribution, which turned out to be a Planck distribution.  相似文献   

Global rotation in the universe is investigated in the context of Einstein-Cartan cosmology. As a first example we compute the global limit to rotation on a flat affine connection teleparallelism, and obtain where ο is the rotation of the model and H0 is the Hubble constant. Another example is given where the global rotation in the case of a Friedmann universe with torsion. In this example we place limits to global rotation from spin-torsion fluctuations and obtain a lower bound for global rotation of . This value is obtained from a spin-torsion density lower bound of10-28g2cm-2s-2. Both limits are within current results obtained in the literature. Gravitational stability of Friedmann metric is also discussed. All these examples seems to indicate that torsion theories are well within present cosmological observations.  相似文献   

Investigations of string cosmology with a nonperturbative dilaton potential, begun in the first part of this work, are continued. The picture of cosmological evolution of an isotropic, gravi-dilaton model for different cases of the behavior of the potential in the region of strong coupling is analyzed by methods of the qualitative theory of dynamical systems. Features of models with potentials that take negative values in certain ranges of values of the dilaton field are discussed. A specific mechanism of generation of the nonperturbative potential, based on gaugino condensation in a hidden sector of the gauge group, is considered. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 517–534, October-December, 1997.  相似文献   

The possibility that the cosmological constant is decaying as the observable universe grows is explored, and we define a cosmological parameter, depending of the vacuum energy and the universe radius, which should be presently ca. 122 orders of magnitude smaller than at the Planck epoch. From it, a new version of the Friedmann equation for a flat universe is obtained, which allows the estimation of the Hubble parameter at any epoch and the reconstruction of the expansion history. The main result is a quasi-linear expansion dynamics in concurrence with a number of previous works. This behavior is compatible with the main features of observational cosmology and avoids the horizon, flatness, cosmological constant, coincidence and age problems without the need of neither inflation nor initial fine-tuning.  相似文献   

We investigate the cosmological dynamics of a four-dimensional Friedmann–Robertson–Walker homogenous and isotropic universe from Gauss–Bonnet higher-order curvature corrections, together with nonminimal coupling and with an infrared effective action of gravity based on a second-order gauge formulation for the Lorentz group. We study the evolution of the universe in such a model, identifying its key properties. Many new interesting features are revealed and discussed in some detail.  相似文献   

本文利用Hartle和Hawking的方法,讨论了具有旋量场的量子宇宙学,得到了相应的Wheeler-De Witt方程。求出了具有旋量场的宇宙波函数。从波函数可以看出,当标度因子α很小时,旋量场的影响很强,具体的形式与初始条件有关,而当标度因子α很大时,旋量场的行为和标量场一样。  相似文献   

Friedmann—Lemaître cosmology is briefly reviewed in terms of dynamical systems. It is demonstrated that in certain cases bulk viscosity dissipation structurally stabilizes Friedmann—Lemaître solutions. It turns out that, for A=0, there are structurally stable solutions if ξ~ε1/2, where ξ is the bulk viscosity coefficient. For A≠0 structurally stable solutions are essentially those with ξ=const. The role of structural stability in physics and cosmology is shortly discussed.  相似文献   

A model of the early universe in the Einstein theory of gravitation, supplemented by a conformalty invariant version of the Weinberg—Salam model, is considered. The conformai symmetry principle leads to the need to eliminate the Higgs potential from the expression for gravitational action, using the Lagrangian density of the model of Weinberg—Salam electroweak interactions as the material source, and to incorporate the conformally invariant Penrose—Chernikov—Tagirov term. In the limit of flat space, we arrive at the a version of the Weinberg—Salam model without Higgs particle-like excitations. In the conformalty invariant model under consideration, Higgs fields are absorbed by the spatial metric, so one can assume that the masses of elementary particles originate at the time when the evolution of the universe begins. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 459–471, July–September, 1998.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the combined influence of both cosmological and electromagnetic particle creation mechanisms upon massive particles with spin 1/2 on the basis of general covariant Dirac theory.Curved space-time, a radiation-dominated Friedmann universe, is treated as an unquantized gravitational field and the low-frequency part of the 2.7 K background radiation is approximated by homogeneous, constant, and parallel external electric and magnetic fields. We calculate the number density of spin 1/2 particles with massm which are created under the influence of both these external fields.We find that the electric field and the magnetic field both amplify the genuine, purely gravitational particle production. This influence of the magnetic field, which is in contrast to its reducing effect as far as the creation of spin-zero particles is concerned, can clearly be traced back to its coupling to the spin of the particles.Under certain conditions the electromagnetic fields in the early universe can influence the particle creation process even more than the gravitational field.  相似文献   

The Einstein static model of the universe as a whole is considered. The Hubble law is explained by the Doppler effect due to the downward inertial acceleration along a certain radius experienced by an observer in the center of the universe, with the total acceleration over all radii being equal zero. Evolution of the universe is introduced through the wave function of the universe dependent on time. This yields the energy density of the universe hence the temperature of the universe dependent on time. On the contrary, the energy, forth and intensity of radiation are fixed with time that allows to develop the Newtonian physics in the whole universe. The time-temperature relation of the universe in the model considered is the same as in the radiation dominated universe in the Friedmann model that allows to explain primordial nucleosynthesis as it is in the standard scenario. The modern parameters of the universe in the model considered are consistent with the observations.  相似文献   

We investigate a possibility of realizing the entropic force into the cosmology. A main issue is how the holographic screen is implemented in the Newtonian cosmology. Contrary to the relativistic realization of Friedmann equations, we do not clarify the connection between Newtonian cosmology and entropic force because there is no way of implementing the holographic screen in the Newtonian cosmology.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have investigated Bianchi type VI h , II and III cosmological model with wet dark fluid in scale invariant theory of gravity, where the matter field is in the form of perfect fluid and with a time dependent gauge function (Dirac gauge). A non-singular model for the universe filled with disorder radiation is constructed and some physical behaviors of the model are studied for the feasible VI h (h=1) space-time.  相似文献   

The energy composition of the Universe, as emerged from the Type Ia supernova observations and the WMAP data, looks preposterously complex, – but only at the first glance. In fact, its structure proves to be simple and regular. An analysis in terms of the Friedmann integral enables to recognize a remarkably simple time-independent covariant robust recipe of the cosmic mix: the numerical values of the Friedmann integral for vacuum, dark matter, baryons and radiation are approximately identical. The identity may be treated as a symmetry relation that unifies cosmic energies into a regular set, a quartet, with the Friedmann integral as its common genuine time-independent physical parameter. Such cosmic internal (non-geometrical) symmetry exists whenever cosmic energies themselves exist in nature. It is most natural for a finite Universe suggested by the WMAP data. A link to fundamental theory may be found under the assumption about a special significance of the electroweak energy scale in both particle physics and cosmology. A freeze-out model developed on this basis demonstrates that the physical nature of new symmetry might be due to the interplay between electroweak physics and gravity at the cosmic age of a few picoseconds. The big ‘hierarchy number’ of particle physics represents the interplay in the model. This number quantifies the Friedmann integral and gives also a measure to some other basic cosmological figures and phenomena associated with new symmetry. In this way, cosmic internal symmetry provides a common ground for better understanding of old and recent problems that otherwise seem unrelated; the coincidence of the observed cosmic densities, the flatness of the co-moving space, the initial perturbations and their amplitude, the cosmic entropy are among them.  相似文献   

The main goal of this work is investigation of NADE in the cyclic universe scenario. Since, cyclic universe is explained by a phantom phase (ω<−1), it is shown when there is no interaction between matter and dark energy, ADE and NADE do not produce a phantom phase, then can not describe cyclic universe. Therefore, we study interacting models of ADE and NADE in the modified Friedmann equation. We find out that, in the high energy regime, which it is a necessary part of cyclic universe evolution, only NADE can describe this phantom phase era for cyclic universe. Considering deceleration parameter tells us that the universe has a deceleration phase after an acceleration phase, and NADE is able to produce a cyclic universe. Also it is found valuable to study generalized second law of thermodynamics. Since the loop quantum correction is taken account in high energy regime, it may not be suitable to use standard treatment of thermodynamics, so we turn our attention to the result of Li et al. (Adv. High Energy Phys. 2009: 905705, 2009), which the authors have studied thermodynamics in loop quantum gravity, and we show that which condition can satisfy generalized second law of thermodynamics.  相似文献   

The present paper outlines a cosmological paradigm based upon Dirac’s large number hypothesis and continual creation of matter in a closed static (nonexpanding) universe. The cosmological redshift is caused by the tired-light phenomenon originally proposed by Zwicky. It is shown that the tired-light cosmology together with continual matter creation has a universal Hubble constant H 0=(512π 2/3)1/6(GC 0)1/3 fixed by the universal rate C 0 of matter creation, where G is Newton’s gravitational constant. It is also shown that a closed static universe has a finite age τ 0=(243π 5/8GC 0)1/3 also fixed by the universal rate of matter creation. The invariant relationship H 0 τ 0=3π 261/2 shows that a closed static universe is much older (≈one trillion years) than any expanding universe model based upon Big-Bang cosmology. It is this property of a static universe that resolves any cosmic age crisis provided that galaxy formation in the universe is a continual recurring process. Application of Dirac’s large number hypothesis gives a matter creation rate C 0=4.6×10?48 gm?cm?3?s?1 depending only on the fundamental constants of nature. Hence, the model shows that a closed static universe has a Hubble constant H 0=70 km?s?1?Mpc?1 in good agreement with recent astronomical determinations of H 0. By using the above numerical value for H 0 together with observational data for elongated cellular-wall structures containing superclusters of galaxies, it is shown that the elongated cellular-wall configurations observed in the real universe are at least one hundred billion years old. Application of the microscopic laws of physics to the large-scale macroscopic universe leads to a static eternal cosmos endowed with a matter-antimatter symmetry. It is proposed that the matter-antimatter asymmetry is continuously created by particle-antiparticle pair annihilation occurring in episodic cosmological gamma-ray bursts observed in the real universe.  相似文献   

This short paper gives a brief overview of the manifestly covariant canonical gauge gravity (CCGG) that is rooted in the De Donder-Weyl Hamiltonian formulation of relativistic field theories, and the proven methodology of the canonical transformation theory. That framework derives, from a few basic physical and mathematical assumptions, equations describing generic matter and gravity dynamics with the spin connection emerging as a Yang Mills-type gauge field. While the interaction of any matter field with spacetime is fixed just by the transformation property of that field, a concrete gravity ansatz is introduced by the choice of the free (kinetic) gravity Hamiltonian. The key elements of this approach are discussed and its implications for particle dynamics and cosmology are presented. New insights: Anomalous Pauli coupling of spinors to curvature and torsion of spacetime, spacetime with (A)dS ground state, inertia, torsion and geometrical vacuum energy, Zero-energy balance of the Universe leading to a vanishing cosmological constant and torsional dark energy.  相似文献   

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