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The Main-Sequence positions as well as the evolutionary behavior of Population III stars up to an evolution age of 2×1010 yr, taking this time as the age of the Universe, have been investigated in the mass range 0.2 and 0.8M . While Population III stars with masses greater than 0.3M develop a radiative core during the approach to the Main Sequence, stars with masses smaller than 0.3M reach the Main Sequence as a wholly convective stars. Population III stars with masses greater than 0.5M show a brightening of at most 2.2 in bolometric magnitude when the evolution is terminated as compared to the value which corresponds to zero-age Main Sequence. The positions of stars with masses smaller than 0.5M remain almost the same in the H-R diagram.If Population III stars have formed over a range of redshifts, 6相似文献   

The radii of several Ap and Am stars have been compared with those of the normal A stars of the Main Sequence. Though the brighter Ap stars have a little larger radii than the Main-Sequence stars, they may not be much different from those of the slightly evolved normal A stars. The Am stars have radii with which they appear to be merging with those of the cooler A stars of the Main Sequence. The Ap stars have radii predominantly in the range of 1.8 to 3.4R , while the Am stars are mainly concentrated between 1.8 and 2.2R .  相似文献   

New photoelectric UBVRI data for stars in the young open cluster Tr 14 in the Great Carina Nebula (NGC 3372) are presented. The two-color diagram separates clearly the member from the nonmember stars. Thus, the membership of about 39 stars is suggested. Those located in the compact core of the cluster, have smaller reddening dispersion than those around it. No star appears above the Main Sequence at the faint end of the color-magnitude diagram. A distance modulus ofV 0?Mv=12.20±0.2 is obtained, which gives an age of about 5×106 yr. From only the photometry it is concluded to be slightly older than the nearby cluster Tr16.  相似文献   

We have investigated the evolutionary behaviour of intermediate mass (2, 3, 4, 5, and 7M ) Population I stars, assuming two different rates of rotation at the threshold of stability.In the first part of the study, stars are assumed to start with a critical rotation (fast rotation model) and to progress to the point of rotational instability. The stars evolve by losing mass and become rotationally unstable before they reach the zero-age Main Sequence. It is argued that multiple star systems might be formed through the evolution of rapidly rotating stars. An expression for the rotational mass loss rate is derived as a function of the physical parameters of stars.In the second part of the study, stars are assumed to rotate at a rate below the critical value (slow rotation model). The evolution of slowly rotating stars is followed as far as zero-age Main Sequence on the theoretical Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and compared with that of normal stars. The evolutionary paths are found to be more or less similar to those of normal stars; but their positions on the Main Sequence are characterized by effective temperatures and luminosities lower than those of normal stars. The zero-age Main-Sequence times of these stars are longer than those of normal stars. The rotational rates obtained for the zero-age Main Sequence are in good agreement with observed values.  相似文献   

Assuming the Big-Bang nucleosynthesis was responsible for the formation of helium, the evolution of first-generation intermediate-mass stars of 5, 7, and 9M with no metals have been studied from the threshold of stability through the stage of helium exhaustion in the cores of the stars. Hydrogen Main-Sequence positions are marked at effective temperatures higher than those of normal stars. The evolutionary tracks during the hydrogen burning phase start to be similar to those of normal stars when the CN-cycle reactions, which are controlled by the triple-alpha reactions, become operative for hydrogen depletion. Helium Main Sequence of Population III stars of intermediate mass occurs at the high effective temperature region of the H-R diagram and stars stay as blue stars until the end of the core helium exhaustion phase. The total time elapsed is in the range of 3×107 and 108yr. The stars with the initial masses of 5, 7, and 9M developed a moderately electron degenerate complete hydrogen-exhausted region with masses of 0.77, 1.06, and 1.42M , respectively, in which the most abundant element is carbon.  相似文献   

Zero-age main-sequence models for stars of 20, 10, 5 and 2M with no heavy elements are constructed for three different possible primordial helium abundances:Y=0.00,Y=0.23, andY=0.30. The latter two values ofY bracket the range of primordial helium abundances cited by Wagoner. With the exceptions of the two 20M models that contain helium, these models are found to be self-consistent in the sense that the formation of carbon through the triple-alpha process during pre-main sequence contraction is not sufficient to bring the CN cycle into competition with the proton-proton chain on the ZAMS. The zero-metal models of the present study have higher surface and central temperatures, higher central densities, smaller radii, and smaller convective cores than do the population I models with the same masses. If galaxies containing the zero-metal stars were formed as recently as one third the Hubble time, they would likely appear very blue today — perhaps bluer even that most known quasars — and their redshifted effective temperatures could range as high as 3×104 K to 4×104 K.  相似文献   

The influence of initial helium content on the evolutionary characteristics of super-metalrich stars (Z=0.10) has been investigated. The evolution of models in the range –0.05L/L <1.0 has been followed up to the relative luminosity maximum in the subgiant branch, and under the assumptionY=0.20 orY=0.40.Comparison with previous results suggests the existence of theoretical constraints that could be adopted as metal indicators for the observed H–R diagrams of old open clusters.  相似文献   

We have calculated the expected equivalent widths of the individual rotational lines of the Lyman band of H2 and (A-X) band of CO and SiO for Main Sequence stars. The results indicate that the lines of H2 should be observable in absorption up toT e9000 K. The lines of CO are found to be much weaker than those of H2 lines. A discussion of these results is presented.  相似文献   

Expected characteristics of RR Lyrae stars as a function of the evolutive parameters are reported. Results from both evolutionary and pulsational investigations are collected in a suitable form, to show the general constraints to any interpretative analysis of the observations. It is shown that the spread in luminosity among the RR Lyrae stars results a function of the original chemical composition. On this basis a set of independent indications is found, suggesting that the globular cluster ω Cen is more He-rich than M 3; agreement with the whole observational frame is attained ifY ωCen~0.35,Z ωCen~5×10?4 andY M3~0.25,Z M3~10?3. No mass loss is needed to account for the RR Lyrae stars observed in ω Cen. The results are discussed, and it is shown that M 13-type clusters can be just characterized by a larger value ofZ in comparison with ω Cen. It is suggested that variations in the original helium content of the order of ΔY~0.1 and a correlationZ=Z(t) can account for some well-observed galactic globular clusters, without allowing for mass loss in the redder HB stars belonging to each cluster.  相似文献   

Interstellar reddening, the ratio [Fe/H], effective temperatures, surface gravities, and masses for twelve clump stars at the blue end of the giant branch and for seven non-clump red giant members in NGC 7789 have been determined from existingUBV andDDO photoelectric data. For the metal abundance and helium content of the clump stars we foundZ0.01 andY0.38, respectively. The masses of the red giants are found to be higher than those of the clump stars. On average, the masses of the clump stars are about half of the turnoff point mass. We conclude that the clump stars could have undergone mass loss before reaching their helium core burning phase of evolution. This conclusion arises from an analysis of the several sources entering our mass determination.  相似文献   

The evolutionary behaviour of rotating low-mass stars in the mass range 0.2 and 0.9M has been investigated during the pre-Main-Sequence phase. The angular momentum is conserved locally in radiative regions and totally in convective regions, according to a predetermined angular velocity distribution depending on the structure of the star. As the stars contract toward the zero-age Main Sequence, they spin up under the assumption that the angular momentum is conserved during the evolution of the stars. When the stars have differential rotations, their inner regions rotate faster than the outer regions. The effective temperatures and luminosities of rotating low-mass stars are obtained lower than those of non-rotating stars. They have lower central temperature and density values compared to those of non-rotating stars.  相似文献   

IntegratedUBV colours have been computed for synthetic clusters older than one billion years and for two chemical composition: (a)Y=0.30;Z=10–4 and (b)Y=0.30;Z=10–2, taking into account the contribution to the integrated light of Main Sequence, subgiant, red giant and horizontal branch stars. It has been found that integrated colours depend onZ and allow an estimate of the metal content, however not generally. Horizontal branch stars contribute to the integrated colours of clusters not significantly and the contribution of stars in more advanced phases (e.g., asymptotic branch stars) is almost negligible.Old clusters in LMC and SMC have been studied in terms of colour calibrations and this analysis has been supplemented, when possible, by photometric and spectroscopic data of individual stars. It was found that in the LMC clusters withZ=10–2 andt>5×109 yr are lacking, clusters with relatively blue colours are similar, both in age and chemical composition, to the halo galactic globular clusters. Moreover, there is a group of clusters with 1×109t5×109. In the SMC clusters withZ=10–2 andt>5×109 yr are lacking and clusters with 1×109t5×109 are rare. Clusters with relatively blue colours are interpreted with the following parameters:t=5×109 yr, 10–4Z10–3 andY=0.20.The implication of these results on the chemical history of the two galaxies is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper deals with two main effects: First the empirical metal abundance distribution in Main Sequence disk dwarfs of the solar neighbourhood, and second, the theoretical possibility of (i) an increased helium content as the Galaxy evolves, and (ii) the presence of evolutionary effects in disk dwarfs (i.e., the age of some or all stars considered up to the subgiant phase is not necessarily longer than the age of the galactic disk). We take into account a linear increase of helium content with metal content, and we impose some constraints relative to initial, solar and present-day observed values ofY andZ, and to observed relative helium to heavy element enrichment, Y/Z. In this way, little influence is found on the empirical metal abundance distribution in the range 0Y/Z3, while larger values of Y/Z would lead to a more significant influence. Evolved and unevolved theoretical metal abundance distributions are derived by accounting for a two-phase model of chemical evolution of galaxies and for a linear mass dependence of star lifetimes in the spectral range G2V–G8V, and are compared with the empirical distribution. All are in satisfactory agreement due to systematic shift data by different observations; several values o collapse timeT c and age of the GalaxyT are also considered. Finally, models of chemical evolution invoking homogeneous collapse without infall and inhomogeneous collapse with infall, are briefly discussed relative to the empirical metal abundance distribution in Main Sequence disk dwarfs of the solar neighbourhood.  相似文献   

The relationships among the various physical parameters-namely, the effective temperatures, radii and bolometric magnitudes, determined on the basis of the energy distribution curves of 25 Am stars — have been studied. Their effective temperatures are in the range of 7200 K to 9700 K; the radii, 1.5R to 2.5R ; the bolometric magnitudes, 0.75 mag. to 2.25 mag.; and the masses, 1.5M to 2.25M . The Am stars in general, appear redder than their normal counterparts, the blanketing in the blue andUV regions being the major cause. For the relatively cooler stars, the (B-V) colours are found to be less affected by blanketing. They are located in the neighbourhood of the upper edge of the zero-age Main Sequence band and show a fairly wide range in the evolutionary status among themselves. The bolometric corrections which are independent of the uncertainties in the parallax measurements, follow the same trend as that of the Ap stars, with reference to the temperature.  相似文献   

In this paper we briefly discuss the effect of complete homogenization in the intermediate unstable layers of massive stars on the effective temperature of the core He-burning models. To this end, a 20M star of Population I chemical composition (X=0.700,Z=0.020) has been allowed to evolve from the Main Sequence into the core He-exhaustion stage without taking into account semiconvective mixing. The results show that the models are systematically bluer than those computed with the same physical parameters but with the inclusion of semiconvection.  相似文献   

Estimates are given for the amplitudes of stochastically excited oscillations in Main Sequence stars and cool giants; these were obtained using the equipartition between convective and pulsational energy which was originally proposed by Goldreich and Keeley. The amplitudes of both velocity and luminosity perturbation generally increase with increasing mass along the Main Sequence as long as convection transports a major fraction of the total flux, and the amplitudes also increase with the age of the model. The 1.5 M ZAMS model, of spectral type F0, has velocity amplitudes ten times larger than those found in the Sun. For very luminous red supergiants luminosity amplitudes of up to about 0 m .1 are predicted, in rough agreement with observations presented by Maeder.  相似文献   

Photometric and spectrographic observations of the system WY Cnc are presented and analysed. It is concluded that the system consists of two Main Sequence stars: a G5 primary and a low mass secondary star with a mass of about 0.4M , corresponding to a spectral type of around M2. The possibility of deriving absolute information on this low mass Main Sequence object lends significance to this study.Also there is evidence concerning the role of scattering by the atmosphere of the cool comparison.  相似文献   

This is the first paper of the series dedicated to the analysis of the magnetism of chemically peculiar (CP) stars of the upper Main Sequence. We use our own measurements and published data to compile a catalog of magnetic CP stars containing a total of 326 objects with confidently detected magnetic fields and 29 stars which are very likely to possess magnetic field. We obtained the data on the magnetism of the overwhelming majority of the stars solely based on the analysis of longitudinal field component B e . The surface magnetic field, B s , has been measured for 49 objects. Our analysis shows that the number of magnetic CP stars decreases with increasing field strength in accordance with exponential law, and stars with B e exceeding 5kG occur rarely (about 3% objects of our list).  相似文献   

A fully relativistic evolution of 103 M is described for initial composition ofY=Z=0. Our results show that (a) a great part of the star is in radiative equilibrium, (b) the maximal red-shift for main-sequence 103 M stars is significantly less than for isentropic models, and (c) a very low amount of CNO elements (<10–8 by mass) is formed at any stage before hydrogen is completely consumed and hence such stars cannot be the progenitors of Population II stars.  相似文献   

We investigate the possibility that gravity modes can be stochastically excited by turbulent convection in massive main-sequence (MS) stars. We build stellar models of MS stars with masses M=10?M ,15?M , and 20?M . For each model, we then compute the power supplied to the modes by turbulent eddies in the convective core (CC) and the outer convective zones (OCZ). We found that, for asymptotic gravity modes, the major part of the driving occurs within the outer iron convective zone, while the excitation of low n order modes mainly occurs within the CC. We compute the mode lifetimes and deduce the expected mode amplitudes. We finally discuss the possibility of detecting such stochastically-excited gravity modes with the CoRoT space-based mission.  相似文献   

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