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S.K. Atreya  T.M. Donahue 《Icarus》1975,25(2):335-338
The role of hydrocarbons as a possible sink for H+ and H3+ ions in the lower ionosphere of the outer planets is examined. Calculations indicate that H+ and H3+ are efficiently converted to hydrocarbon ions on reaction with methane. The terminal ions, CH5+ and C2H5+ are rapidly neutralized in dissociative recombination with electrons. Extreme ultraviolet photolysis of hydrocarbons as a potential additional source of lower elevation ions in investigated.  相似文献   

The hypersonic analog for the interaction of the solar wind with Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto is used to provide estimates of shock shapes and locations as well as average magnetosheath and/or ionosheath properties for these planets. Several representative spacecraft flyby trajectories (designed for outer-planet Grand Tour simulations) are superimposed upon a series of figures in order to provide estimates of potential plasma and field parameters which may be encountered. Consideration is given first to the possibility that several of these planets have intrinsic magnetic fields and, secondly, to the interaction of the solar wind directly on the ionosphere should there actually be no intrinsic field. Saturn and Pluto are chosen as examples of this latter case.  相似文献   

Sean N. Raymond  Thomas Quinn 《Icarus》2005,177(1):256-263
‘Hot jupiters,’ giant planets with orbits very close to their parent stars, are thought to form farther away and migrate inward via interactions with a massive gas disk. If a giant planet forms and migrates quickly, the planetesimal population has time to re-generate in the lifetime of the disk and terrestrial planets may form [P.J. Armitage, A reduced efficiency of terrestrial planet formation following giant planet migration, Astrophys. J. 582 (2003) L47-L50]. We present results of simulations of terrestrial planet formation in the presence of hot/warm jupiters, broadly defined as having orbital radii ?0.5 AU. We show that terrestrial planets similar to those in the Solar System can form around stars with hot/warm jupiters, and can have water contents equal to or higher than the Earth's. For small orbital radii of hot jupiters (e.g., 0.15, 0.25 AU) potentially habitable planets can form, but for semi-major axes of 0.5 AU or greater their formation is suppressed. We show that the presence of an outer giant planet such as Jupiter does not enhance the water content of the terrestrial planets, but rather decreases their formation and water delivery timescales. We speculate that asteroid belts may exist interior to the terrestrial planets in systems with close-in giant planets.  相似文献   

A morphological study of the physical and dynamical processes of planet formation is presented, with emphasis on the intermediary role of comet nuclei. Although guided by a particular model of the evolution of the pre-planetary solar nebula, implying the freezing-out of hydrogen in the region of the giant planets, the derivations and conclusions are of wider import, applicable to other cosmogonic models as well as to certain phases of star formation. The items evaluated physically, dynamically, or statistically comprise: (1) the total number mass of comets in Oort's cloud; (2) a re-evaluation of the diameters and masses of cometary nuclei; (3) the processes of nucleation from gravitational and Boltzmann instabilities of gaseous media to agglomerations of particulate matter as conditioned by inbuilt angular momentum; (4) the statistical-dynamical conditions and time scales of orbital interaction of comets with the planets and the consequences of disintegration.A consistent model proposes the formation of comets and planets in pre-planetary rings of the residual solar nebula, with subsequent ejection, chiefly by Jupiter, of the comets to Oort's sphere. Screening by absorbing matter is not only probable, but necessary to protect the comets from dis-integration during the process of ejection.Paper dedicated to Prof. H. C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April, 1973.This work has been currently supported by grants from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland.  相似文献   

Planetary masses are determined from an extensive analysis of observations of the five outer planets and of seven selected minor planets.  相似文献   

A systematic bias in right ascensions in the DE200 ephemeris for the outer planets is confirmed.  相似文献   

The Atmospheres Node of the International Outer Planets Watch (IOPW, formerly known as International Jupiter Watch; Russell et al., 1990) intends to encourage and coordinate the imaging observations and study of the atmospheres of the Giant Planets. The main activity of the atmospheres node is to provide an interaction between the professional and amateur astronomical communities maintaining a large database of images of the giant planets (primarily Jupiter and Saturn but with increasing contributions of Uranus and Neptune too). The observational datasets of Jupiter and Saturn correspond to images obtained in the visible range (300 nm-1 μm), during the last decade, most of them performed by amateur observers. We here describe the organization and structure of the database as posted on the Internet and in particular the PVOL software (Planetary Virtual Observatory Laboratory) designed to manage the site in the spirit of the Virtual Observatory projects. We also describe with examples the important role of the amateur-professional collaboration in the study of the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn in an epoch of large telescopes and spacecraft observations of both planets.  相似文献   

It is generally supposed that the atmospheres of the terrestrial planets were formed by secondary degassing processes. We propose, instead, that they are of primary origin, forming as an immediate and necessary consequence of the final stages of planetary accretion. Once the planetary embryo reached a critical size, the impacting material began to vaporize. The atmosphere, so created, then decelerated other impacting material, thus limiting the rate of atmospheric growth. We show that, given reasonable assumptions concerning the chemical composition of the impacting material, an acceptable model for the early atmosphere of the Earth, and the present atmospheres of Venus and Mars results.A discussion of the noble gas data for the terrestrial atmosphere indicates that these can be readily reconciled with an impact origin.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of planet growth in the outer solar system shows thatgrwoth of Uranus and Neptune occurs in reasonably short time, well below the actual age of the system, without the need for ad hoc assumptions about excess mass or artificially low relative velocities among the icy planetesimals. Low velocities, which speed accretion, are a natural consequence of the non-power-law size distribution of planetesimals, just as in our earlier simulations of terrestial planet growth. Initial planetesimals of size ~ 100 km, predicted by formal expressions for gravitational instability in a thin disk of solid material, failed to produce sufficient debris in the size range 1 to 10 km to account for population of the Oort cloud with comet-sized bodies. However, our model of nonhomologous settling of grains to the midplane of the solar system shows that gravitational clumping did not wait until all solid material had settled to the midplane, as had been assumed in earlier models. Rather, the clumping occurred in successive portions of the material that reached the midplane, producing “initial” planetesimals probably of comet-like sizes. Models of subsequent collisional evolution show that such an initial size distribution, similar to known comets, would have been required in order to have an adequate comet-like size distribution available to feed the Oort cloud as the other planets reach full size. Comets are probably unaltered remnants of the initial population of planetesimals in the outer solar system, not fragments of larger bodies.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new approach to planetary mission design is described which automates the search for gravity-assist trajectories. This method finds all conic solutions given a range of launch dates, a range of launch energies and a set of target planets. The new design tool is applied to the problems of finding multiple encounter trajectories to the outer planets and Venus gravity-assist trajectories to Mars. The last four-planet grand tour opportunity (until the year 2153) is identified. It requires an Earth launch in 1996 and encounters Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Venus gravity-assist trajectories to Mars for the 30 year period 1995–2024 are examined. It is shown that in many cases these trajectories require less launch energy to reach Mars than direct ballistic trajectories.Assistant Professor, School of Aeronautics and AstronauticsGraduate Student, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics  相似文献   

G.S. Golitsyn 《Icarus》1979,38(3):333-341
A short review of the atmospheric dynamics for the outer planets and some of their satellites with atmospheres is presented. Their physical properties are discussed. A survey of observational data for atmospheric motions on the large planets is presented and similarity parameters are given for all objects. General problems of the vertical structure of atmospheres are then considered with some detailed discussion for rarefied atmospheres on Io and Ganymede. The low densities of these atmospheres make their dynamics similar to those of the thermospheres of the terrestrial planets but with a specific boundary layer. The atmospheric temperature regime must be strongly coupled to that of their surface, and so winds should be of the order of the velocity of sound. Similarities and differences are noted between the dynamics of Titan and possibly of Pluto and the circulation on Venus. For large and rapidly rotating planets, some analogies with the oceans are pointed out. The “soliton” hypothesis is discussed in some detail for circulation perturbations observed on Jupiter's disk. Finally, it is noted that the bimodal rotation period found for Neptune [D.P. Cruikshank, Astrophys. J. 220, 157–159 (1978)] may be interpreted as an indication of an equatorial jet on the planet with a relative velocity of about 140 m sec?1.  相似文献   

The expressions given by Clemence were checked by the comparison of numerical values of their second differentials with the numerical values of the perturbing forces. Agreement was good in most cases, save that the use of the second differentials unduly magnified some terms rightly neglected by Clemence. In the appendix the work of Clemence is compared with that of Carpenter and the differences are found to be all smaller than the contributions from the secular variation of the eccentricity, which are so small that they were neglected by Clemence. The differences can be removed by considering the secular variation of the eccentricity and by making a small adjustment in the integration constants.  相似文献   

Organic photochemical syntheses in the Jovian atmosphere were simulated by irradiating, at 147 nm, gaseous mixtures of methane and ammonia with varying quantities of hydrogen. An excess of H2 did not eliminate organic synthesis but did affect the yields quantitatively and qualitatively.  相似文献   

Calculations of the daily solar radiation incident at the top of the atmospheres of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, with and without the effect of the oblateness, are presented in a series of figures illustrating the seasonal and latitudinal variation of the ratio of both insolations. It is shown that for parts of the summer, the daily insolation of an oblate planet is increased, the zone of enhanced solar radiation being strongly dependent upon the obliquity, whereas the rate of increase is fixed by both the flattening and the obliquity. In winter, the oblateness effect results in a more extensive polar region, the daily solar radiation of an oblate planet always being reduced when compared to a spherical planet. In addition, we also numerically studied the mean daily solar radiation. As previously stated by A.W. Brinkman and J. McGregor (1979, Icarus, 38, 479–482), it is found that in summer the horizon plane is tilted toward the Sun for latitudes less than the subsolar point, but is titled away from the Sun beyond this latitude. It follows that the mean summer daily insolation is increased between the equator and the subsolar point, but decreased poleward of the above-mentioned limit. In winter, however, the horizon plane is always tilted away from the Sun, causing the mean winter daily insolation to be reduced. The partial gain of the mean summertime insolation being much smaller than the loss during winter season evidently yields a mean annual daily insolation which is decreased at all latitudes.  相似文献   

In response to the observations of the ultravioler deficiencies shown by all of the outer planets and Titan, models have been proposed to explain the low albedos by absorption by particles in the upper atmospheres of these objects. These particles are generally believed to be photochemically formed from gases in the upper atmospheres, primarily methane and hydrogen. Such processes may also be operative on Titan. The results of some laboratory experiments of the proton irradiation of mixtures of gases including CH4 H2, NH3, etc., have shown that liquid and solid materials are produced that are strong ultraviolet absorbers. However, the material produced from the CH4 + H2 mixture was colorless, indicating that species containing elements other than carbon and hydrogen are necessary for the production of color. Two such elements are nitrogen (as NH3 or N2) and sulfur (as H2S) and colored materials have been produced from such mixtures. None of these materials has spectral properties identical to those shown by the planets. Therefore it is necessary that mixtures (and/or cloud layers) of the photochemical materials be present.  相似文献   

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